How to make dry phyto-shampoo with your own hands. Dry shampoo for hair - a recipe for how to make it yourself at home How to make dry shampoo at home

Dry shampoo is experiencing a real boom. For many people, it has already become a daily used cosmetic product.

Who has time to wash their hair every day (or even every other day)? Dry shampoo provides an excellent opportunity just in stressful situations, while traveling or when you just need to refresh your hair. The next hair wash can be postponed by 1-2 days, therefore, some time is freed up. In addition, this will protect your hair from stress due to frequent washing. But what if you don't have dry shampoo on hand or want to stay away from dry shampoo altogether?

Reasons to change your dry shampoo

There are several reasons that speak against the use of commercial dry shampoo. Increasingly, you can hear about the appearance of dandruff or even hair loss, which is caused by irritation of the scalp due to the frequent use of this powder. Many women cannot even stand the smell of the product; sometimes it causes a cough reflex. Constant use of dry shampoo is not for everyone.

However, you shouldn’t completely abandon this practical assistant, and it’s not always at hand. However, there are home remedies as an alternative to dry shampoo.

Powdered products that replace dry shampoo

Many products in your household can serve as substitutes for dry shampoo. After all, almost all powdered substances are capable of absorbing oil from the hair and scalp. Any of these products should be sprinkled on the hair, massaged, wait a little and then either combed out or rubbed with a towel.

  • 1. Flour. As a rule, there is flour in every home. It's especially good for blonde hair, coarse flour is even better as a dry shampoo replacement, it's not so glaringly white.

  • 2. Clay. Clay is a true all-encompassing remedy. It helps with skin conditions such as eczema or acne, as well as oily hair. Its light brown shade is ideal for brown and red hair (blonds should avoid this product). In addition, healing clay soothes the scalp and is 100% natural.

  • 3. Food starch. Starch is commonly used as a thickening agent, such as in sauces, in cooking. It looks like flour, a small amount of starch can very quietly spread into the hair and absorb oil from the scalp. It is best to use cornstarch.

  • 4. Cocoa powder. On dark hair, light powdered products would leave an ugly gray haze. This does not mean a sweet drink for children, but bitter cocoa powder used for baking. It has a distinct scent and is especially good for brown hair.

Baby powder instead of dry shampoo

Baby powder acts on the skin not only as an anti-inflammatory agent, but also helps with problems with oily hair. Plus, it smells very nice.

For grandma's old secret trick against oily hair, all you need is a teaspoon of baby powder, sprinkled onto your scalp and massaged gently. Baby powder will absorb oil, moisture and styling residues that are deposited on your hair, thereby making your hair look flat.

What is dry hair shampoo? This is an alternative to cleansing compositions with harmful components. Ready-made cosmetic products or mixtures of natural ingredients will quickly and carefully remove accumulated fat from the skin and strands.

Dry shampoo does not harm the hair, is easy to apply, and perfectly refreshes the curls. Do you want to make an effective, inexpensive remedy yourself? Write down recipes!

general information

From the name of the product it is clear that this is some kind of powder with cleansing properties. Really, This miracle shampoo will get rid of oily strands without a drop of water.

How does an unusual cosmetic product work? Everything ingenious is simple.

Dry shampoo is no exception:

  • the powder is applied to dry, stale strands;
  • after a light massage, excess sebum is absorbed and combined with the mixture;
  • the final stage is combing out the “crumbs” from the hair;
  • After the procedure, the hair becomes drier, the unpleasant greasy shine disappears, and the stale smell goes away.

Note! Many companies produce a cosmetic product in the form of a spray. The cleanser is easy to prepare yourself from available ingredients. Using ready-made and homemade formulations gives the same result.

Nuances and indications for use

An absorbent spray or natural powder is recommended for any type of hair, except for very dry, thin, brittle strands.

For normal and dry hair, use powder shampoo less often, do not overexpose the absorbent composition to the strands. Violating the rules will lead to loss of natural shine, dandruff, and dry ends.


  • straight, medium-thick hair is easiest to treat with spray or powder;
  • The fastest way to remove cleanser is from short strands;
  • prepare the composition taking into account the color of the curls. For dark hair, add cocoa and cinnamon to the main ingredients; refresh light hair with oatmeal, flour, baby powder, starch;
  • long curls, natural curls are more difficult to clean. Applying the powder is easier than removing it, keep this point in mind;
  • allocate more time to processing curls below the shoulder blades or elastic curls;
  • After using the cleanser, wear a blouse or sweater that matches the color of the powder components: possible remnants of the miracle shampoo will be barely noticeable against a similar background.

Important! Treat dirty strands in advance, not immediately before going outside. If you don’t have much time to get ready in the morning, first cleanse your hair and skin with powder shampoo, then do the rest. This way, the smallest particles will fall off the hair as much as possible.

Benefits of the original shampoo

The first to evaluate the effect of using the miracle shampoo were the owners of oily strands. With increased greasiness of hair, daily washing of curls becomes tiring; alkalis wash away the protective lubricant from the skin and hair shafts. The result is a violation of the water-fat balance.

In the morning, it’s sometimes difficult to find half an hour to get ready, and then you still have to wash your hair! In such a difficult situation, a useful powder or spray comes to the rescue. With the help of dry shampoo, greasy strands easily turn into fairly clean ones and stop being shiny.

The original product for washing strands without water has other advantages:

  • gives the hair additional volume, thickens the hairs;
  • helps out on a hike, a business trip, or while traveling if it is impossible to wash your hair or there is no hot water;
  • you can buy a ready-made cosmetic product or make a miracle product with your own hands;
  • homemade powder is not afraid of two to three days of storage. Prepare a cleansing composition in advance: in the morning all you have to do is apply it to your hair;
  • the procedure takes no more than 15 minutes;
  • Washing your hair with regular shampoos is reduced to 2-3 times a week. This point is important if you are still using formulations with aggressive sodium lauryl sulfate, which dries out the epidermis.

Note! Many girls with oily strands, after “getting acquainted” with an unusual shampoo, began to alternate between a liquid cleanser and a dry one. Determine the frequency of use of both varieties yourself, depending on the characteristics of your hair: there is no universal recipe.

Disadvantages of homemade powder

Please note that a spray or homemade powder gets rid of the greasiness of the strands, while epidermal flakes, dirt, dust, and styling product residues remain on the hairs. The accumulation of an unnecessary layer worsens the health of the skin and hair shafts, and gives the hair an untidy appearance.

Remember! Only regular shampoo and warm water can remove most stains. Powder shampoo is an unequal replacement for a regular product. Alternate the use of products.

Use a homemade cleanser no more than twice in a row, otherwise problems will arise:

  • peeling;
  • dandruff;
  • weakening of hair follicles;
  • skin irritation;
  • loss of natural shine.

Secrets and rules of use

Remember the rules for applying and removing cleaning compounds. You can keep your hair clean without harming your hair.

How to use dry shampoo? Step-by-step instruction:

  • prepare the dry mixture, mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • find an old blush brush, pour the powder into a convenient container;
  • cover your shoulders with an unnecessary sheet or an old towel;
  • carry out the procedure in the bathroom so as not to stain the floor with residues of starch, flour, cocoa;
  • Before processing, the strands must be dry;
  • Dip the brush into the powder and apply to the parting. Step back 5 cm from the roots;
  • take a little product, especially during the first procedure;
  • separate the next parting - treat with powder again;
  • After applying the mixture to your entire hair, lightly massage the skin for 3 minutes (do not rub the product): the fat will be absorbed more quickly;
  • lower your head over the bath, comb the powder out of your strands with a fine comb;
  • check to see if there are any greasy areas left. If any are found, treat the necessary areas, then remove particles of unusual shampoo;
  • for a delicate shine, aroma comb with argan oil (do not touch the areas at the roots);
  • if there is no oil, it doesn’t matter, the result will still be good.

Important! Don't sprinkle too much powder on your head. The fat will not disappear faster; excess mixture is difficult to remove from the hair. Process your hair gradually, it’s better to add more powder later. After two or three times you will know the approximate volume of the mixture for one procedure.

The best and effective recipes

Dry cleanser is easy to prepare from readily available ingredients. Take a look in the kitchen, you’ll probably find the following in one of the jars:

  • corn, oatmeal:
  • cocoa powder (dark-haired);
  • ground cinnamon;
  • baby powder;
  • oatmeal (grind to powder in a coffee grinder);
  • baking soda;
  • potato, corn starch.

Another drying component is cosmetic clay. The natural mineral actively absorbs fat, gives volume to the hair, and saturates the epidermis with useful substances. The clay mixture deprives the strands of shine, however, like other mixtures. Remember this.

Note! Not everyone can buy a high-quality sulfate-free product. In such a situation, mixtures of natural ingredients will come in handy. Dry shampoo is the ideal combination of minimal price and active effect on strands.

Try all the recipes, check which mixture cleanses your hair more actively. If you are determined to regularly use powder shampoo, prepare two or three servings of a homemade mixture

Be sure to consider the color of the curls. Blondes are not suitable for compositions with a coloring effect based on cocoa and cinnamon.

Cocoa product

You will need:

  • corn starch - 1 tsp;
  • baking soda – ½ tsp;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and process your hair in the standard way. Mixture for dark hair.

Active mixture with talc


  • corn flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • talc or baby powder – 1 tsp.

The active mixture is indispensable for excessive oily hair. Do not treat dry strands with baking soda.

Recipe for oily hair


  • ground cinnamon or cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • corn or potato starch - a quarter cup.

The product absorbs fat well and is suitable for dark strands. If desired, add 4 drops of lemon ether.

Important! Correct use will allow you to use regular shampoos less often, which often worsen the condition of your hair.

Mixture based on cosmetic clay


  • starch – 1 tsp;
  • white, blue, pink clay - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • regular soda - a teaspoon.

A mixture based on pink or white clay is suitable for fair-haired girls, a blue variety of mineral powder is recommended for dark strands. Do not experiment: after treating light brown hair with blue clay, a grayish coating will remain on the hairs.

Gentle cleansing composition

Composition of the cleaning mixture:

  • ground Hercules flakes or oatmeal - ¼ cup;
  • talc (powder) – 1 dec. l.

The simplest and most effective recipe

The simplest, but quite effective way. If you find nothing at home except flour, use this remedy. The lighter the hair, the less noticeable are the remaining natural absorbents on the strands.

Pour 2-3 tbsp into a bowl. l. flour, apply with a brush to dirty hair along the partings. After 3-4 minutes, tilt your head, shake off the strands with your fingers, and comb out the flour with a fine-toothed comb.

Advice! For a pleasant aroma, add 3-4 drops of orange or lemon ether to the cleansing mixture. Ground dry herbs will help flavor the composition: rosemary, mint, sage. For dry hair, use chamomile.

Choose a suitable recipe, use it, don’t worry about stale strands. Dry shampoo will solve the problem in a matter of minutes and transform greasy locks into lush, voluminous hair. Add a few drops of essential oil and your hair will emit a delicate aroma.

Another recipe for homemade dry shampoo in the following video:

If your hair gets oily quickly, dry shampoo is an excellent solution to the problem. When using it, there is no need to wash your hair frequently. With this product you will not be afraid of long trips, sudden changes of plans, or lack of hot water. A powder made from natural ingredients will be at hand and will always help you look your best. In order not to harm your hair, consider a number of recommendations for preparing and using the product.

Powder for cleansing the scalp is often used on hikes and trips. The product is useful for hair prone to oiliness. By using natural powder, you can put off washing your hair for a while. Remember that frequent use of traditional shampoo and hair washing provokes hair loss and depletion. By using a cleansing powder, you will avoid these problems. In general, the advantages of using loose shampoo are:

  • prepared from available products;
  • preserves the original color of dyed hair;
  • adds volume to hair;
  • indispensable on a hike or business trip, when there is no hot water or suitable conditions for washing your hair;
  • stored for a long time (the period depends on the storage period of individual products: flour, starch are stored from 2 to 10 years, spices - about 6 months, dry herbs - 1-2 years);
  • The head cleansing procedure takes about 10 minutes;
  • You can wash your hair in the standard way 1-2 times a week: if you use industrial products, their harmful effects on the scalp will be reduced (remember that formulations with aggressive sodium lauryl sulfate dry out the epidermis).

Please note that using powder does not replace traditional hair washing. Shampoo powder will get rid of greasiness, but epidermal flakes and dust will remain in the hair. If there is excessive accumulation of dirt, the hairstyle will be sloppy, and the condition of the scalp and hair shafts will worsen. It is recommended to use dry shampoo no more than 2 times in a row. Otherwise the following problems will appear:

  • dryness, flaking, irritation of the scalp;
  • weakened and brittle hair;
  • lack of natural shine of the strands.

Check out the ingredients for making a healthy and safe dry shampoo

Select ingredients taking into account the characteristics of your body. Some components may cause allergic reactions. The table shows ingredients that are beneficial for strands and scalp:

Main components (50-100%)
  • Starch(corn or potato) - nourishes, does not comb out, mixes with fat and becomes transparent.
  • Flour different types - use coarse flour to remove dirt.
  • Talc, baby powder– contains silicon, magnesium, dries the skin, absorbs moisture and fat. Excessive use causes flaking and hair becomes brittle.
  • Cosmetic clay– eliminates dandruff, oiliness, strengthens roots.
Additional components (5-50%)
  • Cocoa powder– absorbs fat, gives the mixture a pleasant aroma, nourishes the skin and hair.
  • Coffee– stimulates hair growth, adds aroma.
  • Chicory– smells pleasant, absorbs impurities, strengthens hair follicles and hair shafts, dries the skin a little.
  • Dried plants will help you create a dry herbal shampoo. Add calamus root, amla, tea, mustard, clear henna, orris root powder or dried orris root.
Useful supplements (5-10%)
  • Dry extracts– use extracts from nettle, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, burdock, amla, wheat, and crassula.
  • Salicylic acid– use in minimal quantities to eliminate skin irritation and reduce oil secretion.
  • Rice and wheat proteins- used to protect and strengthen strands.
  • Amino acids of silk, keratin– make strands soft, manageable, eliminate skin irritation.
  • Raspberry Ketone(2% alcohol solution) – stimulates growth.
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose– used to remove excess fat.
  • Mineral powders– protect from the harmful effects of sunlight, remove fat.
Flavoring components (1-3%)
  • Spices– ginger, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, anise.
  • Essential oils– lemon, bergamot, lavender, cypress, mint, rosemary, juniper, nutmeg, yarrow, thyme, incense, cedar.

Recipes from available natural ingredients will help you make high-quality dry shampoo

Practical ladies prepare a universal composition, which can subsequently be used as a dry deodorant for the body, feet, soft exfoliating scrub, face mask, and hair. Pour the finished mixture into a jar of loose powder. Besides, A pepper shaker or spice bottle with a perforated lid will help you distribute the powder conveniently.

Potato starch dry shampoo

If you are interested in the question of how to prepare dry shampoo at home for blonde hair, then pay attention to this recipe. You can distribute the powder throughout the strands without fear that the product will be visible. To eliminate oily scalp, mix the following ingredients:

  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • essential oil – 3-5 drops.

Experiment with cosmetic clay. White and pink are suitable for making dry shampoo for blonde hair, blue clay is ideal for dark curls.

  • starch – 1 tsp;
  • The shampoo is prepared from the following ingredients:
  • white, blue or pink clay - 2 tbsp. l.;

soda – 1 tsp.

Cocoa dry shampoo

  • To make dry shampoo for dark hair, use this recipe. After application, the composition is practically invisible on the strands. Excess powder can be easily combed out. To prepare dry shampoo, mix the following ingredients:
  • potato or corn starch - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • essential oil – 3-5 drops.

cocoa powder – 1 tsp;

  • Dry shampoo made from flour
  • oatmeal (ground rolled oats) – ¼ tbsp.;
  • baby powder or talc – 2 tsp;

ground chamomile flowers – 1 tsp.

  • For brown-haired and red-haired women, a recipe with mustard powder is suitable. To prepare dry shampoo for oily hair, mix the following products:
  • oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bran – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard powder – 0.5 tsp;

cinnamon – 2 tsp.

Dry shampoo made from soda

  • For effective and gentle cleansing, a product with oatmeal, cosmetic clay and soda is suitable. The components are mixed in the following proportions:
  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • white, blue or pink clay - 2 tbsp. l.;

cosmetic clay (white, pink - for light strands, blue - for dark hair) - 2 tbsp. l.;

Universal dry shampoo

  • Chicory will help make a fragrant and nutritious mixture. The proportions of components for the powder are as follows:
  • rye flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potato or corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chicory -1 tsp;
  • ginkgo biloba extract – 0.25 tsp;

lemon essential oil – 2 drops.

Rules of application

  1. Distribute the powder over the partings with a powder or blush brush, powder puff or cotton sponge.: the principle of distribution of the product is similar to the application of henna.
  2. After applying the powder, massage your scalp. This will improve the absorption of sebum.
  3. Comb thoroughly to remove powder.
  4. Take a close look at the roots. If there are greasy areas, treat them with powder.
  5. To add shine and moisture to your strands, use argan oil (don't apply it to your roots).

If today the essential cosmetics for most women are a powder compact, mascara and lipstick, then it is possible that soon dry shampoo will be equated with it - an irreplaceable thing when there is no opportunity or time to wash your hair in the traditional way. According to its properties, it is an excellent absorbent and solves the problems of sebaceous strands in a matter of minutes.

When dry shampoo is the best hairdresser

Any night spent away from home can cause problems for both long-haired women and those with short haircuts. Waking up at dawn on a train, in a tent camp far outside the city, or in your own apartment after a water supply failure will make it easier to appreciate the benefits of cleaning your hair without using water. Dry shampoo, whether created by a cosmetic company or prepared at home, will replace both washing and styling. To do this, you just need to distribute it evenly along the entire length of the hair, and when it absorbs fat and dirt, comb it out. Even the most unruly curls will be easier to style after such a procedure.

Cleaning is different

There is nothing complicated about dry “washing” your hair, but it would still be better to do it more carefully. You should carefully distribute the powder (unless, of course, it is a factory spray) in the partings between the curls, rub it into the skin, and then lean forward and lower your head down, beating your hair with your hands so that the composition evenly covers its entire length. If you have a short haircut, it is enough to tousle the strands thoroughly after applying dry shampoo. After 15 - 20 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination, the amount of powder and the thickness of the hair), it is necessary, using a thick brush (preferably with natural bristles), to comb out the dusty flakes as thoroughly as possible.

Magic powder

The result of using dry shampoo. Appearance of hair before and after use.

Every woman can prepare dry shampoo at home – you don’t need to have a chemist’s degree to do this. This unique cosmetic product is based on ground grains or starch. With the development and improvement of technology, the availability of more exotic ingredients (almond powder, essential oils, blue and green clay), diluting with them the mixture of rye flour and soda, known since ancient times, which was used by our grandmothers to “wash” hair, it is possible to create a powder with amazing properties. There are countless recipes for making dry shampoos, and they are all made from natural ingredients. There are products for brunettes and blondes with different lengths of dry or oily hair. Natural ingredients are gentle on the scalp, do not irritate or cause allergic reactions.

Cheap and not at all cheerful

Women and girls who do not have financial problems have long been familiar with sprays and powder mixtures for hair from the line of dry shampoos. But, since this pleasure is not cheap, and in the fashion of recent decades there has been a more intensive use of natural cosmetics, old recipes have become a perfect find for beautiful ladies. Making dry shampoo with your own hands means not only saving money for the family budget, but also always looking great.

In almost every home there is starch, soda, talc, flour, cosmetic clay, and aromatic oils. By mixing some of these ingredients in the right proportion, you can get an excellent dry shampoo in just a few minutes and completely free, since it is prepared from improvised materials. If you study just a few of the recipes below, you can be convinced of this.

Improving grandma's recipes

For light brown hair, a mixture of 2 tbsp oatmeal is suitable. l., dry mustard 1 tbsp. l., a few drops of any essential oil - of course, they often add their favorite, since that’s what they usually buy. Mix everything thoroughly and use if necessary.

For blondes, the following homemade shampoo recipe is suitable: in a mixture of 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour, potato starch and soda one at a time, add 2 - 3 drops of pine or citrus oil, whisk everything - and the magic product for “washing” your hair is ready!

As for the brown-haired women, to prepare their cleansing powder they will need:

  • oatmeal – 2 - 3 tablespoons;
  • calendula oil – 2 drops;
  • essential oil – 3 drops.

Brunettes can use insoluble cocoa powder as improvised means for preparing shampoo at home. Mix 3 tablespoons of it well with the same essential oil - and you can safely start cleaning your hair.

Longer lasting agents

There are dry shampoos that can be left on your hair overnight.

First recipe:

  • corn flour - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • violet root – 1 teaspoon;
  • almond powder – 1 teaspoon.

Second recipe:

  • crushed dried nettle - 2 teaspoons;
  • ground dry birch buds - 2 teaspoons;
  • rye flour – 10 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped burdock root – 2 teaspoons;
  • dry mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground dried hop cones – 2 teaspoons;
  • chopped ginger – 1 tbsp. l.

Third recipe:

  • clay (white, green, blue) – 3 tablespoons;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;

In the evening, shampoos prepared at home should be applied to the entire length of the hair, and in the morning, it should be cleaned. The remainder of the mixture, if found, can be stored in a dry, tightly sealed jar and used at the right time.

It should be remembered that you should not abuse the use of shampoos, thanks to which you can “wash” your hair without water - this can contribute to the appearance of dandruff.

The ideal option is to alternate dry shampoos with traditional ones that are on the shelf in every bathroom.

Dry shampoos appeared relatively recently, but they have already managed to win the trust of the fair sex. And there is nothing surprising about this - the products help to get your head in order within a few minutes without the use of water, foam and towels.

Recipes for making dry shampoo at home

Dry shampoos can be made at home. Moreover, they turn out no worse than those that can be found for sale in specialized stores. And it takes very little time to prepare them.

How to make dry shampoo from flour and salt at home?

  • Ingredients:
  • flour – 0.5 cups;

fine salt – 1 tsp.

Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients and apply to the hair roots and leave for a few minutes. Remaining powder should be thoroughly combed out using a brush, comb or comb. This product is ideal for light brown and brown hair.

How to make dry shampoo from flour and salt at home?

  • Homemade dry shampoo recipe for blondes
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • – a quarter glass;

essential oils (at your discretion) – 3-5 drops.

Preparation and use are similar to the previous recipe.

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