DIY Christmas tree craft from a variety of materials
A modern person’s New Year’s mood is created not with the approach of a holiday on the calendar, but from the moment when in stores...
At what week of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?
Every woman knows that during pregnancy her body will change significantly. The breasts will grow, the belly will become larger and rounder, the line will smooth out...
Knitted dragon-parsley
The heroes of the Russian puppet theater are known to children from a very early age. One of these is Parsley - a peculiar and characteristic joke...
Should you worry about herpes on your lip in the first trimester of pregnancy?
Herpes on the lip during pregnancy is an unpleasant phenomenon that many women experience. Often due to such a small illness...
How to check the amount of pension payments?
For many older people, the main source of income is a pension, so its accurate calculation is an important component of life support for people...
How to get rid of nasal congestion during pregnancy, how to treat it?
There is probably no cell in a woman’s body that would not react to a pregnancy. All systems and organs are adjusted...
A basket of newspaper tubes for beginners step by step
Do you have a stack of old newspapers and magazines lying around? Don't rush to throw it away! Today we will tell you how to weave a basket for your home in just 30...
Didactic material on mathematics
The number 7 is very unusual in the history of Russian culture. Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, poems and riddles were written about her. Modern authors...
Why does the child have no friends?
Every friendship begins with some sign that two people want to become friends. So, to find a friend, you need to show someone else...
Oatmeal for the face - proven recipes for the most effective masks Oatmeal face mask for dry skin
Probably, there is no need to talk about the beneficial nutritional properties of oatmeal, since every woman knows for sure that the secret to a slim body and...
Rating of the best women's fragrances of all time
Claiming that some women's perfumes are better than others is a hopeless endeavor. This is exactly the case when there are as many comrades “to taste and color” as...