How to do wedding makeup.

Today we will talk about what wedding makeup should be like for a bride, what kind of wedding makeup should be done so that the image is expressive and does not create an unnatural effect, how a bride’s wedding makeup should be combined with other elements of the wedding image.

And if you suddenly decide to do your wedding makeup yourself, our tips will undoubtedly come in handy.

The bride's wedding image includes a lot of all kinds of little things and details that you just can't do without.

What you definitely can’t do without is wedding makeup for the bride.

Although on this day the girl’s face glows with happiness, and in principle she cannot help but be attractive, beautiful wedding makeup will still be very appropriate, given that the bride should look like a royal at the wedding celebration.

It is best when the bride’s wedding makeup is done by a professional, because wedding makeup must be very stable and last the whole day, despite certain circumstances of the wedding events, temperature changes, etc.

If the makeup is wedding and not ordinary, it is done using professional cosmetics. The bride will immediately feel such cosmetics on her face, because it has a weighting effect compared to conventional makeup products.

Wedding makeup for brides is done not only to make the girl beautiful, but also to create the perfect wedding look during video filming and photo sessions.
Be sure to try several wedding makeup options to find the best one for you.

Remember, wedding makeup will be absorbed after some time, and its brightness will become much lower. Take this into account to avoid looking too pale or too bright.

Wedding makeup 2017 - 2018 is associated with tenderness, sensuality and naturalness. However, if a girl does not suit delicate wedding makeup, it is quite appropriate to experiment with more saturated shades of cosmetics.

If wedding makeup is done correctly, the complexion is even, and the image is fresh and radiant.

It is very important that the bride’s wedding makeup is combined with other elements of the image.

For wedding makeup to look harmonious, it must match the bride’s tan. An even tan of the neck, face, arms, décolleté and even the back, that is, all areas that are open. Make sure your tan is as even as possible.

When doing wedding makeup, a professional will definitely treat the décolleté area.

The bride's wedding makeup should be combined with her wedding dress, hairstyle and other accessories.

Once your wedding makeup test is done, take a few photos to see how your facial skin looks in the photo.

Before planning your wedding makeup, prepare your face by doing facial massage, nourishing masks and other beneficial treatments. Go to the salon and treat yourself to pleasant cosmetic sessions.

Each season dictates its own trends in wedding fashion, however, there are things that are a priori relevant, fashionable, and beautiful.

Wedding makeup for the bride 2017 – 2018 is characterized by naturalness, simplicity, neutrality, expressiveness, non-boringness, and softness.

These characteristics are relevant not only for wedding makeup 2017 – 2018, but also relevant for choosing a wedding hairstyle.

Wedding fashion dictates its own rules. And this year, the main focus of the wedding look was the wedding dress. Wedding makeup welcomes golden and silver shades on the eyes. You can also highlight beautiful eyes with eyeliner and false eyelashes.

A bright shimmer of the look is ensured with the help of bronzer, highlighter, and strobing.

The trend is wedding lip makeup in pink or nude shades of gloss or makeup created using matte lipsticks in calm colors.
Classic wedding makeup for the bride takes a leading position among other options. Shadows of delicate shades, light foundation, a little blush on the cheekbones, and bright lipstick will make any girl a queen.

Romantic wedding makeup for the bride provides a small amount of cosmetics with an emphasis on the eyes. A light foundation and light shades of lipstick will create a super romantic look for 2017-2018.

Extravagant makeup for a wedding can also look very beautiful if it suits your personality and inner temperament. The brightness and saturation of this option is attractive. But don’t overdo it and try to maintain a single color scheme.

Glamorous bridal makeup can be compared to the classics. Expressed eyes with black or brown arrows with dark shadows create a charming look. The lips are not bright, but in pastel colors. And of course, how would it be without blush? Without them, there is no way to look glamorous.

The listed wedding makeup options are not an axiom. Experiments are always interesting. Experimental wedding makeup for the bride can turn out even better than the one done according to the canons of makeup. So don't be afraid to mix styles and create your own exclusive look.

Beautiful wedding makeup: photos 2017-2018

Looking for wedding makeup for the bride? Do you want to choose the most beautiful makeup for your wedding? Don't know what wedding makeup will suit you on this special day?

The wedding makeup, a photo of which we posted in our post, will undoubtedly give you ideas for beautiful wedding makeup for the bride, telling you how to put on makeup to be charming and irresistible.

We hope you were able to choose your most beautiful wedding makeup for the bride, and our wedding makeup tips were useful to you on your happiest and most festive day. Happiness and love to you.

In the life of modern girls, make-up occupies an important place, because with its help you can achieve many goals: correct facial features and hide skin imperfections, stand out from other representatives of the fair sex and create a spectacular image. What can we say about wedding makeup?

Future brides take it as seriously as possible and spend a lot of money and time. Many people turn to a professional makeup artist for help, but even a specialist cannot decide for you what image you want to create. Therefore, this article provides tips on creating delicate and light makeup for a wedding, which will definitely appeal to every girl.

Preparing to create a wedding make-up

To truly shine at such a special event, you need to prepare your skin.

Cosmetic cleansing and massage should be done a couple of weeks before the wedding. Experts also advise sticking to proper nutrition, daily routine, walking more often and drinking more water to make your skin feel healthier. Following all these rules will reduce the likelihood that the morning before your wedding you will wake up with dark circles under your eyes, blackheads on your nose and redness all over your face.

In addition, makeup artists advise plucking your eyebrows a couple of days before applying holiday makeup.

It is better to leave radical experiments with appearance for the honeymoon. Who knows how a new hair dye will perform or how your skin will change after Botox injections a couple of weeks before the wedding?

Basic nuances of wedding makeup

Almost everyone understands that makeup for a wedding will combine daytime and evening makeup. Its goal is to emphasize the natural beauty of the girl, adding brightness to the image and sparkle to the bride’s eyes shining with happiness. We should not forget that a lot of photographs will be taken on the special day, which means that you need to take care of durability and sufficient brightness, as well as that the complexion is ideal, because the fashion for pale-faced young ladies came to an end a century ago. Therefore, you need to think about how to maintain an elegant image in different lighting throughout the holiday.

Pay attention to where the celebration will be held. If this is a restaurant or other enclosed space, you need to opt for a brighter one, but if you are going to celebrate a joyful event in an open space, it is better to choose a more delicate and lighter version of the make-up. If you have chosen a wedding ceremony, use pure pastel shades, without special adjustments to the face. For an official ceremony, you can choose richer colors.

Also try not to chase the flighty moods of fashion: what is at the top of popularity today may become a model of bad taste tomorrow.

For example, Christina Aguilera liked the combination of orange foundation and purple eyeshadow in the early 2000s.

Therefore, choose a makeup that suits you and is appropriate for such a celebration. And it’s better to leave a trip to the solarium until better times: against the background of a traditional white dress, tanned skin does not always look advantageous.

Makeup trends change faster than the leaves on a calendar. Therefore, you should not get carried away with shocking decorative techniques such as rhinestones, sparkles, and huge eyelash extensions. You can't predict how makeup trends will change in ten years. But you can imagine how your photographs will look in these same ten years. So stick to the rule of the golden mean and it’s better to give up questionable jewelry somewhere and don’t worry about whether you’ve gone too far with this or that detail of your image. After all, on such a special day you should be irresistible and enjoy the admiring glances of the groom and guests.

Don't forget about the eternal rule: focus on only one or two facial areas.

For example, you choose a rich smokey eye and fill your eyebrows. Then you don’t need to apply bright red lipstick and clearly outline your cheekbones. And vice versa - it is better to combine scarlet lips with a minimal amount of contouring and light shades of shadow.

Selecting makeup for a dress

The classic white color of an outfit has long ceased to be an axiom for a wedding. Modern brides will surprise few people with the bright shade of their dress.

Today, girls choose from soft pink and beige tones to rich red, blue and even black colors.

  • Brown, cream and pinkish colors go well with pastel shades of the outfit.
  • Gold, chestnut and beige shades go well with marine tones.
  • A light range of pink and nude will help complement the image of a bride with a silver or gray dress.
  • And dark shades of graphite will suit owners of a wine or chestnut outfit.
  • Peach and cocoa colors will make a bride with a pink dress especially attractive.

How to do wedding makeup yourself

Usually girls entrust their application to professional makeup artists for such a special event. However, if you are sure that leading beauty bloggers will envy your ability to create, you can try to prove it.

First, make sure that you have all the necessary tools: brushes with which you will apply and shade elements, as well as high-quality cosmetics: foundations, shadows, powder, primers, etc.

Be sure to conduct a makeup rehearsal so as not to rush around looking for shadows of a different shade an hour before the start of the event.

Below is an approximate procedure for creating wedding makeup at home:

Cleansing and moisturizing the skin is the “foundation”. You should prepare your face for applying makeup, so a cleansing foam and moisturizer are your best friends the morning before your wedding. Even those with combination and oily skin should not neglect the cream. Wedding makeup is not the easiest test for your face, so careful moisturizing will help it last longer and look better.

Make sure that the cream is well absorbed and remove excess 20 minutes after application. Then take a drop of base and cover your face with it - this way the cosmetics will lie more evenly.

Then use a brush to pick up a little of the tone you want. Gently cover your face with a thin layer from the center. Don't forget about the ears, their redness will be obvious in photographs. But don’t overdo it: it should look as natural as possible, and not as if you accidentally fell face first into the plaster.

Use a moisture-resistant corrector to disguise circles under the eyes, as well as all redness and imperfections of the skin, be it pimples or translucent capillaries. Please note that the corrector is not smeared with your fingers, but only carefully covered in individual areas. The edges are stewed.

Apply light powder using patting movements of a sponge or beauty blender - it will collect sebum and sweat, hide oily shine and remove minor imperfections. Many brides take matting wipes with them instead of powder. They can quickly and without harm eliminate skin problems not only for yourself, but also for the groom. No one wants to look like a buttery pancake on such a special day.

Light and unobtrusive contouring or strobing of the face is possible. But don’t forget that naturalness is in fashion now, so Kim Kardashian’s style is not entirely suitable for a wedding. Some girls add a little blush to their cheeks.

Here, as in many aspects, it is important not to overdo it: you want to be a princess, and not a fairground doll? So only apply blush in daylight and a small amount. Then your face will acquire freshness and radiance, and not a painful pink color.

It is important to choose the right shade of blush: brides with peach skin can safely try all the tones, pale girls can use terracotta color, and those with snow-white skin can use pink shades.

After such a thorough study of the skin, let's move on to the eyes. When creating makeup, many makeup artists focus on the eyes of beautiful brides. We have already mentioned numerous shade combinations for different eye colors when we wrote about smokey eye makeup.

  • So, for green-eyed beauties, you can try to create arrows by applying brown or black shadows with a damp brush and complement them with golden, nude, green or coffee shadows.
  • With blue or gray eyes, makeup artists focus on graphite, peach and silver shades.
  • Owners of brown eyes are also advised to use the technique of applying black shadows with a wet brush, instead of eyeliner, and also finish the ensemble with plum, chestnut or lavender shades. Regardless of your eye color, carefully paint the area between the eyelashes - this will make your look more expressive.

You can experiment with types of shadows: they can be crumbly, creamy, or in pencil form. But experts advise taking a closer look at mineral shadows, because thanks to their natural composition they compare favorably with their chemical counterparts:

  • They do not roll into the crease of the eyelid and hold up perfectly for a long time, which is incredibly important for such an event as a wedding. There is no need to worry that cosmetics remain on the skin for so long - mineral shadows do not harm the eyelids, cosmetologists assure that this can sometimes even be useful due to the peculiarities of the natural composition of cosmetics.
  • There are no contraindications for allergy sufferers. Agree, it’s nice to know that no ingredients in cosmetics will make your eyes turn red from an annoying allergy, rather than tears of happiness on such a significant day.
  • Mineral shadows offer a wide range of shades and textures: you can definitely choose the right color and format for even the most extravagant wedding dress.
  • Mineral cosmetics are almost not felt by the skin. Many girls who use natural cosmetics notice that they seem “weightless” compared to ordinary decorative ones.
  • Natural cosmetics made from minerals do not clog pores and do not harm even sensitive skin.

There are tricks in the eye makeup technique: close-set eyes are corrected by shading the shadows above the outer corners, wide-set eyes are corrected by applying pigment only to the inner corner of the upper eyelid. Deep-set eyes are “corrected” by distributing cosmetics closer to the temples. Small eyes are often visually enlarged by pearlescent shadows, but there is a high risk of becoming the object of close attention from agents Scully and Mulder from the X-Files, because in photographs shadows with mother-of-pearl often glow strangely.

An important element of wedding makeup are eyebrows. They can either complement the bride’s image favorably or turn it into a farce. Finding a middle ground is not so difficult: it is better to show the broad Russian soul during a feast for wedding guests, and when applying eye shadow or pencil to your eyebrows, you should show restraint. There is no need to go beyond the boundaries and choose the shadows a little darker than your hair color.

Blondes usually take light brown tones, brown-haired women – gray-brown, and those with copper hair – chestnut. Brunettes naturally use charcoal. You can also set the direction with a special eyebrow brush, but this is more of a cherry on the cake. The main thing is competent correction, correct color selection and careful application of shadows.

Long thick eyelashes will decorate any wedding makeup. Apply no more than two layers of black mascara and your eyes will become incredibly expressive! Eyelash extensions can also complement it favorably, but only if they look as natural as possible and in no way resemble peacock feathers.

Lips should be given close attention. Give them a little massage with a toothbrush or apply a special scrub to exfoliate dead skin. Apply lipstick or balm to moisturize the delicate skin of your lips and give it time to absorb. Then lightly powder your lips and you can apply lipstick or gloss. Makeup artists advise choosing delicate pastel shades of coverage: soft pink and peach. But some girls manage to create an elegant and non-vulgar look with bright shades of lipstick.

Modern trends in wedding makeup

As in everyday make-up, in wedding make-up today the so-called “natural make-up” rules the roost. Of course, all representatives of the fair sex understand that to look natural you will have to sweat in front of the mirror for two hours, but it’s worth it. And many men note that this style seems the most attractive to them.

So nude makeup, the main features of which is the tenderness and naturalness of the image, is perfect for brides who want to emphasize their natural beauty. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is quite difficult to do it on your own. After all, you need to create the effect of almost complete absence of cosmetics on perfectly smooth and clean skin. This kind of makeup is the highest aerobatics for many makeup artists, since the competent selection of shadows, concealers, powder and blush is a delicate, almost jewelry-like job.

The famous smokey eye technique also does not lose its army of fans, which allows you to create an unforgettable and enchanting look for absolutely any girl. “Smoky” is so popular partly because of its special balance of effectiveness and mystery, while not the most complex technique, partly because of the rich color palette that can be used when performing makeup in this technique and, as a result, versatility for any event.

The main highlight of the smokey eye is the careful shading and smooth transition of shades. The softness of the lines suits wedding makeup perfectly, and the fact that you can highlight the outer corners of the eyes not only with black, but also with gray, brown, blue and golden tones of shadows makes smokey eye a very attractive technique for many modern brides.

Thematic make-ups are quite popular. So, if you are planning a wedding in a retro or vintage style, you will naturally need the appropriate makeup. For example, if you want to create the image of a vamp of the 20s, you will need a perfectly white skin color, scarlet glossy lips and a fatal look created using dark tones of shadows.

If you want to try on the look of a representative of the golden youth of the sixties of the last century, you can’t do without eyeliner, rich tones of eye shadow and bright lipstick.

As with any other type, with a thematic one you need to practice in advance and do a rehearsal along with the outfit and hairstyle.


So, your makeup can be in any style: romantic and delicate or brighter and more spectacular, in an oriental or European style, but the main thing is: it should suit you, and not the model from Instagram. The selection of makeup is purely individual, but no one forbade emulating certain images.

Choose high-quality cosmetics and brushes, use the services of professional makeup artists, do not mindlessly chase fashion trends, follow the tips presented in our article and then you will definitely be irresistible on your wedding day!

Every girl dreams of a wedding since childhood. Having achieved her goal, the bride begins to carefully prepare for this fateful day: she selects wedding makeup, racks her brains over her hairstyle, the choice of dress, shoes and other accessories. After all, on this day everything should be perfect: from the laces on the groom’s shoes to the bride’s makeup. For a bride, makeup is a guarantee of confidence on the most important day.

How not to make a mistake in choosing? How to solve a difficult dilemma: to put on makeup yourself or turn to a professional makeup artist?

Ideal wedding makeup: what is it like?

When choosing ideas for wedding makeup, girls often don’t think about how it will harmonize with her overall look. This is a big mistake, because the makeup should “sound in unison” with the dress, hairstyle and veil.

The whole image should be in harmony with the surrounding surroundings

Despite the fact that makeup is selected individually for each specific look, there are still a number of characteristics that should be inherent in each of them:

Do not forget that the bride is the embodiment of touching, tenderness and femininity, so in her makeup you should give preference to light colors. These shades can highlight the natural beauty of young skin.

Be your own makeup artist or trust the hands of professionals?

On the eve of the wedding, many girls think: do their wedding makeup themselves or trust the hands of a professional makeup artist. Opinions are always divided on this issue. On the one hand, the makeup artist knows all the features of wedding makeup and has already become skilled in this matter.

On the other hand, who else but you knows what will suit your face best. And in terms of price, wedding makeup is considered one of the most expensive.

If you live by the principle “everyone should mind their own business” and know for sure that you are not able to master the intricacies of wedding makeup, in this case you should trust the hands of a professional. Moreover, for this you do not have to go to the salon, since many makeup artists do wedding makeup at home, and this is very convenient.

Wedding makiya is one of the most expensive

Be sure to go to the salon for a trial make-up, try different options for wedding make-up and, together with a make-up artist, determine the optimal one. You can also take a make-up course, where they will tell you how to put on makeup for a wedding. By the way, the acquired knowledge will not be superfluous in everyday life.

If your credo in life is “if you want to do something well, do it yourself,” then “brushes are in your hands.”

But if you are planning to do beautiful wedding makeup with your own hands, then be prepared to spend time and effort on it.

How to do your own wedding makeup?

There are a lot of ideas and options for making makeup. The main thing is to do wedding makeup step by step and carefully, then it will be no worse than in the salon. Makeup should be selected depending on the color of the eyes, hair, face shape, etc. But there is universal wedding makeup for any type of appearance: from green-eyed brunette to blue-eyed blonde. Technically this makeup is very simple, but it looks simply amazing.

Eye makeup for a wedding is very easy to do, the main thing is to do everything very carefully:

  1. First, shape your eyebrows. Comb them with a brush. Then take a taupe pencil and fill in the gaps with it. Fix the result with clear brow mascara. Tip: If you don't have a special eyebrow mascara, just spray a clean old mascara brush with hairspray and set your eyebrows with it. Remember that darkly painted eyebrows make the face look very rough, but the bride should have light wedding makeup.
  2. Be sure to apply a base under the shadows: this will make your makeup look much brighter and last longer.
  3. Initially, apply a light beige shade of eyeshadow to the upper and lower eyelids.
  4. Apply light brown eyeshadow to the crease of the eyelid and blend with a brush. This will visually enlarge the eyes and make them almond-shaped.
  5. Darken the corner of your eye using a dark brown or chocolate color from your eyeshadow palette. Blend, drawing the color towards your temple.
  6. Draw arrows. Start drawing each one from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. It is not advisable to draw arrows on the lower eyelid, as the eyes will appear narrower.
  7. Apply waterproof mascara to your eyelashes and, if desired, add curls for a more expressive look.
  8. Finally, apply peach or any nude color lipstick. And if you add a drop of transparent gloss to the center of your lips, it will make them much more voluminous. To learn how to do makeup for brown eyes, watch this video:

Here's how to do your own wedding makeup without much effort.

The main thing is practice.

Practice doing this makeup, see how it looks in the photo, work on your mistakes, and in the end you will get a great result.

Wedding makeup 2017: fashion trends

Makeup for a wedding should be current. Even if you are conservative, you should not miss this factor, because the image of the bride should be modern.

Fashion trends do not burden any particular style.

Light lip makeup and bright eyes or, conversely, delicate eye makeup and bright scarlet lips - all this can be seen today in the wedding beauty industry.

Wedding strobing

Strobing is a modern trend in wedding makeup. The basis of this makeup is radiant skin that seems to glow from within. It is absolutely opposite to matte makeup, which eliminates any shine on the face. With the help of strobing it is easy to create natural makeup for the bride, making her look light and airy.

Create a radiant, airy look

The main components of strobing are prepared skin and highlighter. This type of makeup does not tolerate clear lines; the face should look as natural and gentle as possible, which is very typical for a bride.

Nude trends in wedding makeup

Nude motifs in wedding makeup have been popular for several years now, and this is not surprising, because they make the bride’s image sophisticated and romantic. But to achieve the desired effect you need to work hard.

Ideal facial skin condition is the basis of nude wedding makeup.

To create a perfectly even complexion, you should use a makeup base and choose a foundation that is light in structure. This will create the most natural effect. An important role in nude makeup is played by beautifully designed eyebrows and long eyelashes, which make the bride’s look bright and expressive. A gentle accent on the lips and a light blush will add romance to the image. To learn how to do it correctly, watch this useful video:

Delicate wedding makeup in nude style is the ideal choice for a young bride who wants to look natural on such an important day.

Smokey eyes are a classic that never goes out of style.

If you like bright makeup, smokey eyes are ideal in this case. This type of makeup, which has been very popular for many years.

It is important to note that smokey for the bride differs from the usual version of this type of makeup. He should be less aggressive.

To create a “smoky” look, use dark brown eyeshadow instead of black. And the main trump card of a smoky make-up will be fluffy eyelashes. This makeup will look very impressive.

Emphasis on lips and perfect arrows

Arrows are an excellent method in makeup that allows you to add drama and expressiveness to your look. But the main highlight of this look will be the rich lips. They make the bride's look fresh and flirty.

An example of emphasis on the eyes and lips

The choice between a glossy and matte finish on your lips is yours. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in the created image.

Happy eyes - the best wedding makeup

The presented examples of wedding makeup will allow each bride to make her choice and choose the look in which she will feel like a queen. Of course, the image of the bride directly depends on how she made up. But the main beauty of any bride is a happy smile and eyes filled with love.

Do you work in the beauty industry?.

Wedding makeup for brown eyes (photo)

Wedding makeup for green eyes

Eyeliner can be green, brown or black. Shadows are chosen in beige, green, brown or light pink tones. See other makeup options for green eyes.

Wedding makeup for blue eyes

Gray and brown eyeliner is in trend. When choosing shadows, pay attention to silver, peach, gold and sand tones. Makeup for blue eyes is discussed in detail.

The color scheme of cosmetics is the same as for blue eyes. Makeup for gray eyes is best done in pastel colors.

This make-up is appropriate to combine with bright-colored lipstick. Some people think that wedding makeup with red lipstick is out of date, but many brides use this option. Read more about makeup with arrows on our website.

When choosing a lipstick tone, it is important to remember that dark shades visually make lips smaller, while light colors make lips fuller.

Blush allows you to correct the oval of your face to ideal parameters. Depending on the shape of the face, different methods of applying cosmetics are chosen.

Oval face. Blush is carefully applied under the cheekbones, moving towards the corners of the lips.

Square face. Cosmetics are applied to the upper part of the cheekbones, blending towards the temporal part.

Triangular face. Blush is applied from the middle of the cheekbone and continues towards the temple.

Round face. Blush is carefully applied in the direction of hair growth, slightly shading the jawline.

Rectangular face. With this face shape, blush should be applied over the entire surface of the cheeks.

How to apply eyeshadow for wedding makeup?

You can use different forms of cosmetics. Shadows come in creamy, compact (dry) or pencil form. Using pencil shadows, carefully emphasize the outer line of the eyelid. To apply creamy and dry eyeshadow, you need to use a special brush. It is important to know that when applying cosmetics, follow the following sequence: apply the first layer of eyeliner, then carefully apply shadows, carefully shading the edges, then apply the second layer of eyeliner.

Small eyes. The shadows are distributed evenly throughout the entire eyelid.

Round eyes. The shadows are applied slightly extending beyond the outer corners.

Deep-set eyes. Shadows are applied towards the temporal part.

Protruding eyes. Shadows are applied closer to the eyebrow line.

Close-set eyes. Shadows are distributed above the outer corner of the eyes.

Far-set eyes. Shade the inner area of ​​the upper eyelid.

When doing wedding makeup, it is better not to paint your eyebrows too intensely. It is enough to just lightly highlight them with a pencil, the shade of which is slightly darker than the natural hair color. Eyelashes are painted in a maximum of two layers.

Wedding makeup step by step

Step 1. Apply primer to the entire surface of the upper eyelid. This simple method will even out the surface of the eyelids, and the shadows will last a long time without creasing.

Step 2. Apply matte shadows (in the example, cream color) to the upper eyelid. At this stage, use shadows of a medium shade among the selected colors.

Step 3. Apply a dark shade of eyeshadow to the outer corner of the eyelid. Blend towards the middle of the eyelid.

Step 4. Similarly shade the inner corner of the eye, moving towards the middle.

Step 5. Apply dark eye shadow to the crease area, forming a neat corner.

Step 6. Emphasize your eyebrows with beige or sand shadows, highlighting the sub-brow area.

Step 7. Use a dark pencil (or eyeliner) to highlight the upper contour of the eye.

Step 8. Apply mascara to your eyelashes. Draw the outline of the lower eyelid.

Step 9. Using a light pencil, draw the inner area of ​​the lower eyelid. This will make your look more open and clear.

Step 10. Apply peach blush to your cheekbones. The lipstick chosen is a soft pink shade.

I would like to note that these are just the simplest tips that will help brides look harmonious and elegant. In fact, you need to approach the choice of makeup more responsibly, taking into account your own type and type of outfit.

This image is chosen by the majority of brides who want to look modest, gentle and elegant. The color of the wedding dress is white, cream or beige, with hair tied at the back of the head. The eyes are slightly emphasized with shadows of brown and pastel colors, and white shadows are applied to the inner corners. The lipstick color is chosen as natural as possible: pink, creamy pink.

Creative wedding makeup or disco style makeup

Here the imagination is limitless. More and more often you can see girls in bright dresses of an unusual style with fluffy hairstyles a la the 60s. Of course, makeup should be done in accordance with the chosen image. False eyelashes, as well as a combination of brown and blue pearlescent shadows, would be appropriate here. Even the lip contour can be a shade darker than the lipstick.

Bright wedding makeup or retro style makeup

A fashionable and current option for girls who choose chic vintage wedding dresses, richly decorated with embroidery and beads. It is important to pay special attention to applying makeup here. The complexion should be natural (tanned skin is inappropriate). Light, even white shadows are applied to the moving eyelid, the fixed eyelid is decorated with dark brown shadows, the eyes are emphasized with eyeliner and beautiful thick arrows. Bright lipstick on the lips will successfully complete the look.

Wedding makeup in the style of "Avant-garde"

This option is suitable for girls who do not want to change their usual look at their own wedding. The eyelids can be decorated with light or dark shadows, and a tanned complexion can be emphasized with a matching powder. Hairstyles with bangs, flowing curls or a lush bouffant are appropriate here. The eyes are emphasized with a dark pencil, the lips can be slightly touched with gloss.

Choosing the right makeup based on your appearance type

On the eve of the wedding, many important issues must be resolved, but one of the most important is the choice of wedding dress, hairstyle and makeup. It seems that it is easy to get confused in the variety of options presented, but makeup artists offer a simple solution: determining your own color type (winter, summer, spring or autumn).

Winter type

It includes women with dark hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, dark or white skin. At the same time, the hair may be light, but the skin is dark. Eye color can be black, brown, dark blue, violet, as well as blue and green. It is important that the shade of the iris is cold and the white of the eye is bright.

Makeup artists advise applying an olive or snow-white foundation, depending on the natural color of the skin. Wedding makeup for brunettes is performed in different colors, taking into account the color of the iris and skin tone.

Brown-eyed brunettes will suit shades of brown, golden and even grassy shades. Eyeliner can be black or dark walnut. Dark pink lipstick will highlight the lips well, and blush should be chosen to match the lipstick.

For blue-eyed brunettes, a range of pearl, pale pink, beige and lilac shades of shadows is suitable. You can use a combination of shades of blue, azure and silver, cobalt and turquoise-gray shades. Blush is preferable to a pale pink color. Instead of lipstick, it is recommended to use lip gloss in a cool pink shade.

Green-eyed brunettes can use shades of cool shades of dark brown, green or pink. You can pay attention to the shades of emerald, fern or asparagus, as well as to the shades of golden and silver shades. Blush can be peach or soft pink. Lipstick in coral or ruby ​​shades.

Brunettes with fair skin should pay attention to shades of beige, gray and blue. A natural pink blush is ideal. The lipstick is matte, neutral shade.

Brunettes with dark skin and dark eyes can safely use shadows of bright and saturated colors in their makeup. Blush is chosen from the brown range. The color of the lipstick should be bright, but in a natural shade.

Cool blondes with dark skin and dark eyes can color their eyes using brown, blue, purple and gray eye shadow. Blush is chosen in yellow-pink or light brown shades. Pearlescent lipstick in pink, coral or carrot shades will look great on the lips.

Summer type

Most often, girls of the summer type include brown-haired and blondes with dark blond or ash-colored hair, with green-blue or gray-blue eyes. Wedding makeup for blondes is usually done using brown tones. But don't stop there. Blondes can highlight their eyes with soft pink, gray, silver and green shadows. Eyeliner can be blue, green or dark gray.

Blush is chosen in a muted pink shade. Lipstick colors can range from light pink to sheer purple or from a shade of coral to a deep lilac.

Spring type

Hair color varies from light brown to brown, eyes are gray or brown-green, and there are freckles on the face. Wedding makeup for such girls is done using eyeshadow in apricot, peach and greenish shades. Choose eyeliner of blue, green or brown color, eyebrows are outlined with a brown pencil.

Tan-colored blush and beige, bronze, terracotta or peach lipstick will harmonize with the overall delicate look.

Autumn type

Girls with red hair and brown-haired women with eyes ranging from blue to brown are classified as this type. Wedding makeup is performed using terracotta shadows, bronze or brown eye contour (or eyeliner), as well as colorful mascara in purple, blue or green colors.

In this case, you don’t have to be afraid to highlight both your eyes and lips. Blush is pink-brown, chocolate or honey. Lipstick shades come in cherry, brick, peach and dark red.

It is generally accepted that the bride’s makeup must be done in pastel, delicate colors in order to emphasize the tenderness and romance of the girl. But some girls will suit dark makeup, which will effectively highlight their eyes.

1. Dark eye makeup creates a sharp contrast with the skin of the face, which should be perfectly smooth, without blemishes and pimples. Cleanse your skin with a light scrub and apply liquid foundation.

2. Treat dark circles under the eyes with concealer, which will help to perfectly hide imperfections.

3. Powder your skin. The base has been applied, which means you can proceed directly to applying cosmetics to your eyelids.

4. Using a thick eye makeup sponge, apply dark shadows to the upper and lower eyelids. To prevent your makeup from smearing, start working along the lash line and gradually widen.

5. Using a brush, carefully blend the shadows, without making them too blurry, so that the makeup does not lose its clarity.

6. Gently apply light pink or beige eyeshadow to the area under the arch of the eyebrow.

7. The outline can be slightly touched with a black pencil. This will highlight the outline.

8. Apply voluminous mascara to your eyelashes, which will make your look more expressive.

9. Lipstick should be as natural a color as possible.

Wedding makeup in smokey-eyes style

One of the most fashionable and current options. Many people think that smokey-eye makeup will be too aggressive for brides. Firstly, smokey eyes are not suitable for all girls. But in any case, this makeup for brides has several nuances:

1. The lines in smokey-eyes wedding makeup will not be so blurry. They don’t have to be done in black; smokey eyes in brown and beige tones are also very trendy and suitable for brides.

2. The darker the shade of the bride’s skin and hair, the more saturated the shades of the shadows.

3. Smokey eye makeup can advantageously highlight the details of the bride’s outfit or accessories if you choose the right color scheme.

If you want to know how to do your own wedding makeup in an interesting style, check out the step-by-step example of smokey eye for gray-green eyes. And once again make sure how delicate the wedding makeup is.

Step 1. Prepare your eyelids for applying makeup. Use a primer to correct imperfections, carefully draw and comb your eyebrows.

Step 2. Apply dark gray matte eyeshadow to the upper eyelid with a hard brush or sponge (photo 1) and blend with a soft brush (photo 2).

Step 3. Emphasize the lower eyelid with a dark gray pencil and blend the resulting line with a brush (photo 3, 4).

Step 4. Highlight the inner corner of the eye with golden shadows (photo 5).

Step 5. Apply mascara to your eyelashes (photo 6).

Step 6. Use a pale pink blush to highlight the contours of your face. For lips, use light shades of lipstick, which will visually enlarge your lips.

A purple eyeshadow palette will perfectly highlight gray and brown eyes. You can use a combination of several shades or choose one that is applied to the surface of the upper eyelid. It is also important to use eyeliner in black, dark gray or purple colors. Lipstick is chosen in light shades of berry flowers.

Creating an unusual look is possible using rhinestones in eye makeup. But you need to be very careful not to have too many decorations. Makeup artists advise brides to limit themselves to attaching 5-6 stones in the corner of the eye. An abundance of stones in the bride's makeup is unacceptable, otherwise there will be too much glitter in the wedding photos.

1. The skin is thoroughly cleansed with tonic, moisturized with cream and foundation is applied.

2. Apply makeup, focusing on the eyes.

3. Use a cosmetic pencil to mark the place where the rhinestones will be attached. By the way, before attaching jewelry, you can simply place a pebble on your face and see if the jewelry will look harmonious.

4. Apply special glue to attach the pebble and apply the decoration, fixing it for 10-20 seconds.

5. Lipstick should be in calm colors. Too bright lipstick will look too bright and flashy, since the main focus is on decorating the eyes.

Rhinestones in makeup may not hold tightly, so to maintain a complete look, you should take extra jewelry and some glue with you.

Wedding makeup technique “Cat eyes”

This kind of makeup will be appropriate to maintain a bright and extravagant image of the bride. But you need to focus only on the eyes.

1. The eyelid is completely covered with foundation and white matte shadows are applied.

3. Using eyeliner, carefully draw the arrows of the upper and lower eyelids, connecting them into one curved line. Just start drawing the arrow of the lower eyelid from the middle.

4. Treat eyelashes with curling mascara.

5. For lips, you can use transparent gloss. Choose blush in peach or transparent pink shades.

Light wedding makeup in nude style

The most natural make-up, which also does not lose its relevance.

1. Moisturize the face with cream and lightly powder. No foundation is needed here.

2. Use matte shadows in 2 shades: a light shade is applied to the entire eyelid, a dark shade is highlighted in the outer corner and shaded towards the middle.

3. Draw a contour along the growth of the eyelashes with a light brown pencil.

4. Eyelashes are emphasized with brown or gray mascara.

5. Apply blush in a soft pink or peach color.

6. Lips are emphasized with cream lipstick.

Wedding makeup for the impending century

The goal is to highlight the middle part of the upper eyelid, give volume to the eyes and hide slight swelling of the eyelids.

1. Ideally even out the complexion by pre-cleaning and applying foundation.

2. Apply shadows of a medium shade (for example, apricot) a little above the crease of the upper eyelid and gently blend.

3. Apply light peach shadows under the arch of the eyebrows.

4. Draw an artificial crease with dark purple shadows and shade it towards the crease.

5. The lower eyelid is lined with a purple pencil.

6. Golden shadows are applied to a third of the lower eyelid.

7. Apply lengthening mascara to the eyelashes.

8. Use peach blush to highlight the cheekbone line. Lipstick is chosen in the most natural shade possible. Other options

Yana Volkova August 28, 2018, 10:37

The bride's image: light and airy. On this day she is a princess, a girl from a fairy tale. In creating such an image, the leading role is given not only to the dress, but also to makeup. No matter how elegant the outfit, inappropriate makeup can ruin everything - the style of a vamp, pin-up woman, rock or pop star is completely unsuitable for a wedding look. Sometimes it turns out that the event budget is bursting and you have to save. For example, at a makeup artist. Or the bride is a creative person with impeccable innate taste and wants to carry out this stage of preparation for the wedding with her own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help you look great and do your own makeup for the bride.

Photo of classic wedding makeup, made with your own hands at home

What cosmetics are needed to create wedding makeup? Focus on quality

A wide range of modern cosmetics will allow you to realize your plans without much difficulty. After all, a bride’s make-up is a calm, traditional option that does not require mastery of complex techniques. Plus, the girl knows better the features of her face and skin, which will help to perfectly highlight her advantages and hide her flaws. And also the opportunity to rehearse makeup as many times as necessary.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of cosmetics. It is better to choose a professional line so that your face looks fresh throughout the celebration.

So what do you need for wedding makeup? Everyone, without exception, needs to stock up on the following products:

  • lotion or tonic;
  • Foundation;
  • loose or compact powder;
  • concealer (corrector);
  • base for shadows;
  • shadows;
  • Mascara;
  • white eyeliner (or beige);
  • dark eyeliner;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • gel for eyebrows;
  • blush;
  • pomade;
  • lip gloss.

The color scheme corresponds to the color type. Blondes should use watercolor tones, redheads should use terracotta tones, and hot brunettes should use brighter tones. Don't lose sight of the shade of the dress.

How to do wedding makeup with your own hands? Brushes, paints and pencils

Doing makeup for a wedding to look younger is a pressing question for brides who have decided to formally register their relationship, being already experienced and mature. Doing this wedding makeup yourself is not at all difficult if you follow the instructions below. Learn the technique of doing wedding makeup step by step, try it and make sure that doing wedding makeup yourself is no more difficult than everyday makeup. How to put on makeup for a wedding yourself at home and appear before the chosen one of your heart and guests in all its splendor?

Step One: Cleanse and Moisturize

A week before the event, do a gentle exfoliation. To begin, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in a lotion or toner that suits your skin type. Apply day cream. Wait 15–20 minutes for the cream to absorb. Remove excess with a napkin using blotting movements so that the makeup remains long-lasting.

Cleansing and moisturizing the skin

Step two: toning

The basis of wedding makeup is smooth matte skin. It is better to use a water-based foundation with a translucent texture. Its color should match the color of your skin. If there are problem areas, concealer will help deal with them. The foundation should be applied using light tapping movements with your fingertips or a moistened sponge. Carefully blend the border between the face and neck. This is especially important if the outfit has open shoulders and a deep neckline. Set everything with loose or compact (for oily skin) powder, applying it with a wide round brush. It is necessary to go over the ears with powder.

Skin toning as a basis for wedding makeup

Step three: eyes

The rule of wedding makeup is to focus on the eyes. And the continuation of this rule is the rejection of clear lines and dark shadows (we’ll leave this for a theme party), a confident “no” to a black pencil. The recommended range of shadows is smoky, soft lilac, honey, beige, olive, pink. Before applying eyeshadow to your eyelids, apply a base underneath the shadows: it will allow them not to crease and give the bride a fresh look until the end of the day.

Shadows in wedding makeup

Shadows are applied in duet. Light ones - on the inner corner of the eyelid and darker ones - on the outer corner.

To achieve an expressive look, a white (sometimes beige) pencil is actively used. It is optimal to use waterproof mascara, since you will have to defend yourself not only from possible rain and wind, but also from the happy tears of the bride. The main thing is not to overdo it with mascara, apply no more than two layers so that the eyelashes do not stick together and lumps do not form.

Step Four: Eyebrows

It is not even discussed that the form must be impeccable. It is better to do the correction several days in advance to avoid redness. Tint with a pencil using short, jerky lines to imitate hairs. The color of the pencil should match the color of your hair. Then comb the eyebrows and secure them with a special gel.

Designing the bride's perfect eyebrows

Step five: blush

They should be matte, otherwise the cheeks will have an oily sheen. Apply with a brush high on the cheekbones. The color is pink or peach, depending on the color type.

Applying blush in wedding makeup

Step six: lips

We remember that in wedding makeup the emphasis is on the eyes. Accordingly, we paint our lips with soft lipstick or gloss in berry shades. The lipstick should match the bride's bouquet. It is better if the lipstick is matte and long-lasting, but it has one big drawback - it dries out the lips. Therefore, it is worth combining it with glitter. This is a very simple makeup to do, but very effective.

When applying cosmetics yourself, lighting should only be natural.

The technique of performing wedding makeup, studied in detail, will help not only create an unsurpassed make-up, but also maintain it for the whole day. It is important that it looks good and photogenic not only live, but also in photographs and video.

Lipstick for the bride

Tips and tutorials for wedding makeup. There is no limit to perfection

The image of the bride should not just be watercolor, it should be holistic. To understand “what and how”, if you want to do wedding makeup yourself, before the wedding you can attend bridal makeup courses. Experienced teachers will not only tell you, but also show you what colorimetry is in makeup, stylistics based on color types and the selection of accessories. Modeling eyebrows and lips, facial correction and eye shaping will no longer be a secret. At such courses there will be an opportunity not only to watch and listen, but also to practice the acquired knowledge on models. After such courses you will easily be able to choose and apply the perfect makeup. And not just on the wedding day.

If the topic of makeup for you is not the dark forest beyond the seven seas, you understand “what’s what and why,” then an excellent option would be to attend a master class on creating wedding makeup. The master will share his experience, reveal the secrets of the ideal wedding look and methods for its implementation.

Wedding day is not the right time for experiments

You already know what to do to be an irresistible bride. And now about common mistakes, or what not to do so as not to spoil the magical image.

  • Too much tan. Against the background of a light dress, it will appear even darker and look unnatural. An insidious thing - traces from a swimsuit. They can ruin everything.
  • Too thick layer of foundation will visually add age to the bride.
  • Dark eye makeup. Not only do dark shadows not suit everyone, they also don’t go well with a delicate wedding dress. In photographs, such makeup often looks like bruises.
  • Shimmer, highlighter and shimmer shadows will make your skin look oily.
  • Don't try your makeup. Confidence in your strengths and talents, relying that everything will work out perfectly the first time is good, but not in this case.
  • Avoid products with SPF. They glare when shooting.
  • Follow trends. What is currently at the peak of fashion does not always look good in a photo. Will it look good in photographs 10–20 years from now? Now is the time to remember wedding photographs from the 80s and honestly answer this question: are trending trends necessary? Preference should be given to evergreen classics and elegance.

Master class on creating wedding makeup

Wedding makeup done yourself - the final element of the bride's image - will give you the opportunity to remain the queen of the ball and express your individuality in the most favorable light. In fact, an image is created not for one day, but for a lifetime. This is how your husband and guests will remember you as a gentle beauty. Such a happy, smiling girl will look at you from photographs for many years and carry you along with her into a whirlpool of pleasant memories.

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