How to do hair bronzing. Hair bronding is a coloring that makes any curls shine

A fashionable trend in coloring technology - bronding - is specially created for owners of long or medium hair, straight or slightly curly. It does not matter whether you are a blonde or a brunette, because after dyeing, a combination of light and dark shades will turn you into a beauty with iridescent strands. The only exception can be black hair, which before bronding must be subjected to a washing procedure and a change in shade, which will not benefit the hair. Bronzing comes from the American terms “brown” (brown) and “blond”; the words combined into one became the shade “brond”.

Staining is quite labor-intensive and requires preparation and the availability of all the necessary tools and preparations. Please note that bronzing is not suitable for short, very curly or damaged hair. Before coloring at home, visit your hairdresser to trim the ends. Then the appearance will be well-groomed and attractive.

Preparing for bronde staining

We select dyes that do not contain ammonia and must be from the same manufacturer. The main color should be close to natural, additional 1 or 2 shades should be a tone lighter or darker.

Bronzing of light hair is performed in this way: dyeing is done in a base shade, slightly darker than the natural color, then “blond” shades are applied using a special technology. Bronzing of dark hair involves some lightening of the strands followed by the application of dark shades.

When dyeing “brond”, the paint is applied, retreating from the roots by at least 3 centimeters.

For work you will need: dyes (a base shade and 1-2 additional ones), plastic or glass containers for paint, pieces of thick rectangular hairdressing foil, a synthetic brush for dyeing, gloves and a cape, a comb with a long thin handle for separating strands, hairdressing clips.

Step-by-step technology for booking at home

If this is your first time deciding to dye your hair “brond”, then it will be much better to visit a stylist and perform the procedure at least once in the salon. Then you will receive a full range of tips on choosing shades, learn the nuances of the technology and easily repeat it all yourself. It is possible that the procedure will require the help of your friend or relative, because it is very difficult to paint the back of the head with your own hands.

So, having decided on the shades and having prepared everything you need, we sit down in front of a large mirror and get started.

Even if the result is not very satisfactory, you can correct it after a few days.

Video – “brond” staining, technology and description

Bronzing is a painting method that achieves a smooth transition from dark shades of paint to lighter ones. Often, bronding means stretching a brown color to a blonde color. Hence the name: brown + blond = brond.

The wave of popularity of bronding occurred in the 2014-2015 season, although this coloring is not new in hairdressing. Many famous ladies often appear in public with armored hair.

Booking is a popular service in beauty salons, the cost of which may not be affordable for everyone. The masters assure that the procedure should only be carried out by a professional who knows how to competently mix and apply dyes to the hair. How to do booking yourself at home? In fact, it’s not difficult at all, just learn all the necessary rules for this coloring technique. If you are interested in booking at home, first look for reviews. Fashionable coloring is often discussed on various women's forums dedicated to beauty and fashion.

Making reservations: preparatory stage

First you need to understand that the result of the coloring done should be a natural transition from one chosen shade to another. Next you need to analyze your own hair. If they look unhealthy, then it is better to postpone the painting procedure for a while. Give your hair a break from the curling iron and hair dryer, apply a series of restorative masks, and get rid of split ends. If you dye on weakened, damaged hair, you will completely “finish off” it with dyes. In addition, bronding looks natural and attractive only on beautiful and well-groomed hair. Without a doubt, natural, deep shades on healthy curls are a beautiful sight.

Before choosing a dye, determine the exact shade of your hair. The ideal basis for bronding is a medium brown tone. If the original color is too dark or, conversely, very light, it is recommended to lighten/darken the hair to the desired shade in advance. If you do bronzing of light hair at home, you will have to first dye your hair 2-3 shades darker. This way you should get the perfect base color. If you intend to bronze dark (brown) hair at home, you can dye it one tone lighter. It is best to choose paint from a range of light brown, golden, and chocolate shades.

Once the base color is ready, you can begin selecting the paint for the armoring. The main rule: the chosen shade should not differ from the “base” by more than 3 tones. Dye for high-quality hair bronding at home should be without ammonia.

Let's start the process

Bronzing your hair at home is not at all difficult to do yourself. We divide all the hair into 6 parts: two lateral, bangs, parietal and two occipital. For convenience, secure them with clamps. Coloring is done at a distance of approximately 3 centimeters from the roots. We start the process from the back of the head. Select a strand, place it on foil and apply the darkest shade almost to the very tip. Now you need light paint. We apply it to the third part of the entire strand - the tip. This will create a color shimmering effect. Try to make everything on your hair look very natural in the end - as if the hair has been “golden” under the influence of the sun’s rays. Following the above scheme, continue to apply paint to all areas, leaving some strands unpainted. Next, color the strands not touched by paint in a chaotic manner, making sharp strokes of dark and light paint along each of the curls.

Bronzing hair at home, step-by-step instructional photo:

Benefits of booking

If you managed to create the perfect bronding on your hair or you decided to trust a professional, then you will probably be delighted with your new look. Bronding gives hair a natural, stylish, luxurious look. This coloring has many advantages:

  • Bronding visually increases hair volume due to the “play” of shades;
  • bleached hair ends give the image freshness and youth;
  • there is no need to completely dye your hair if the original color is suitable as a base;
  • there is no need to frequently tint the hair roots;
  • The bronding technique helps girls return to their own hair color after previous experiments with dyeing.

On how to make high-quality booking yourself at home, watch the video tips from a professional:

New hair coloring techniques appear along with newly created modern dyes, which are distinguished by their gentle effect, variety of pigments, and inexhaustible combination possibilities. And at the moment when it seems that it will no longer be possible to invent something new, it appears and conquers the planet.

Bronzing hair appeared as a response to the highlighting technique for blondes. It is known that classic highlighting of strands looks harmonious only on girls with naturally fair hair. Brunettes and brown-haired women who had undergone highlighting looked far from natural in comparison with blondes, and therefore unprofitable.

Wanting to be on par with their rivals, they had at their disposal a special technique that combines the equal use of darker and very light tones when painting. Bronding - from the English “brown” - brown, and “blond” - light, turned dark-haired beauties into a real weapon of magnificent mass destruction.

What is the difference from other highlighting techniques?

Bronding refers to a multi-stage dyeing technique that has become widespread in the last decade. It means applying dye to the hair several times: first one tone, then another, then the next, and so on up to five or more different shades. Thanks to this hairdressing trick, the color looks very natural. Moreover, bronding immediately solves problems that conventional hair dye cannot:

  • The hairstyle looks natural. The created effect of burnt curls refreshes the face and is often perceived as natural. What media figures have been successfully using for a long time: actresses, singers, popular TV presenters, show divas from glossy covers.
  • With correctly placed dark and light accents, the master is able to correct the client’s imperfect face, drawing attention to the advantages of appearance: highlighting eyes of an unusual color, sharpening facial features, or vice versa, giving them softness.
  • There is no need to constantly touch up regrown roots. With the right color tone, the roots will harmoniously fit into the whole picture, adding spice to the hairstyle.
  • Color transitions last a long time.
  • Visual volume is formed for thin and weak hair. At the same time, staining does not damage their structure.
  • It is permissible to use ammonia-free formulations that are gentle even on porous and fragile hair shafts.

All of the above points constitute the undeniable advantages of armoring over some other techniques.


However, it is not uncommon for there to be stylish confusion in the minds of clients. When visiting a hairdresser, they demand that the hairdressers give them a bronzing treatment, presenting as a sample a photo of beauties with Californian highlights, or a package of paint intended for ombre.

Bronding differs from highlighting in that there is no clear distinction between the bleached strands and all the others. From the shatush technique - in that it not only “bleaches” the ends of the hair, but also stretches the color along its entire length, to the very roots.

The difference with balayage is that only strands are dyed, and not all the hair, and bronding differs from ombre by blurring the horizontal border, which the “dégrade” technique always has, clearly visible to the eye.

The fashionable technique of bronding is available to every woman, now - regardless of the color of her strands. But you need to understand that some will get results immediately, while others will have to spend several hours more in the chair to get closer to their dream. The fact is that this coloring requires significant effort from the master - both physical, which consists of preparing the necessary mixtures, mixing ingredients in the correct proportions, carefully applying the product, and creative. The client’s hair in front of him is like a clean canvas under the creator’s brush. The appearance of a woman’s head will depend on the artistic taste and professionalism of the hairdresser. In addition to these circumstances, the success of changing your appearance will depend on:

- original color. Bronding is easiest to do on curls from dark blond to chestnut color.

- length. This technique is not performed on short and ultra-short hair. Its meaning is in the shimmer of color, which is simply lost in the missing length.

- quality of strands. Straight and wavy hair is beautifully highlighted by bronzing. On curly hair, this effect disappears.

Coloring technique

There are three main types of armoring. All methods have only one thing in common - the difference between adjacent shades should not be more than three tones. It is this transition that guarantees a completely natural result. The number of such shades, however, is limited only by the skill of the hairdresser and the amount of his free time that he can spend on you.

  1. Classic booking. Produced over several days. First, regular highlighting is used, and then the strands are painted over with a brush over and over again, choosing light colors.
  2. Zonal. As the name suggests, a certain area of ​​the hair is dyed: the upper one is light, the lower one is dark, thick, chocolate shades. Sometimes the artist makes a so-called deepening of color near the very roots, darkening them and trying to match the tone of the lower zone.
  3. With ombre effect. With this type, the ends of the strands throughout the entire volume of the head are highlighted, and then the color is stretched along the length of the hair. At the same time, they seem to be covered with a light mother-of-pearl haze, which causes an indescribable play of highlights on the curls. An especially good option is when, closer to the ends, gradual lightening is applied to the curls, to the lightest possible gradient. This hairstyle gains pomp and volume and attracts attention.

Bronzing for different hair colors

The technique was invented for dark-haired young ladies, but blondes very quickly tried to turn this gift of stylists against their rivals, and, I must say, they succeeded. Following the blondes, fair-haired and red-haired adherents of experiments flocked to the chairs of the masters. As a result, bronding has ceased to be the prerogative of only one, narrow group of natural brunettes.

Bronzing for dark and black hair

In order to carry out this procedure efficiently on black hair, the hairdresser has to work hard. The fact is that bronde still implies brown shades, and not the colors of a raven wing. Therefore, simply applying a light tone to natural black strands does not mean real bronzing.

The best solution is to use shades of dark chocolate, black coffee, dark chestnut, brown, and nut shades on dark hair.

Bronzing brown hair

Oddly enough, this type of coloring is most flattering for those with light brown hair. The master should select shades based on the client’s color type: from cool pearl and coffee with milk to warm wheat, amber, cappuccino.

Bronzing for blonde hair

Not everyone can understand blondes who want to turn into a bronde. However, this modification gives an excellent result - naturally light hair is not rich in shades, and the use of partial darkening gives it depth and volume. They flow, sway, look very alive and attractive. In this case, nature will also tell you the right direction in color temperature, which tones to choose - cold or warm.

Coloring for red hair

Often, interference with the natural color of a red-haired beauty’s hairstyle is opposed by the special shade of her facial skin. For most, it is light, delicate, and often has pigmentation. It can be very difficult to choose a color that would not add even more redness to the face or highlight the bright spots of freckles. Bronzing allows you to soften the harshness of changes, soft highlights on the hair will highlight the color of the iris, outline the eyebrows, and turn flaws into advantages. Beige light brown, walnut, chestnut colors - this is the range on which you need to play the magical music of transformation.

Bronzing and hair length: beauty to the maximum

Long hair

Of course, this is the most desirable springboard for all sorts of experiments in the field of armoring. Long hair allows you to place color accents and get a completely different result in each new case. You can play with the depth of color, get the effect of highlights or a smooth wave of fluid color. Create an accent on the face by highlighting the strands, or volume on the head by darkening the roots and ends.

Average length

This length of hair is optimal for zonal booking. All other types of it are also easily achievable if the tips go down at least to the shoulders. A cascading haircut and the absence of torn strands will be an additional advantage for medium-length hair.

Bronzing for short hair

There are masters with special golden hands who manage to perform such a complex technique on a short Pixie or Gavroche length without losing its essence - highlights and color transitions. However, there are only a few such masters, and not everyone can afford the cost of original work. However, if the length of the strands reaches 10 cm, you can try. The most recommended technique is zonal armoring. The most suitable hairstyle would be a bob or bob.

Structure and color

Many girls with straight hair have wanted to have curls since childhood. It is for them that curlers, curling irons, and stylers were invented. And it is for them that bronding was invented, and this is the case when curliness is not a plus, but a minus.

The great advantage of straight strands is their flexibility and variability. They look equally beautiful both in a loose state and in a fancy hairstyle. Both short and long haircuts on them always give room for creativity and variation. Bronding amazingly revitalizes straight hair and presents it very advantageously.

Wavy hair

Owners of wavy curls - long and medium - can resort to this coloring technique, since the highlights are easier to place on them, and a professional can even make them work in the right direction: to provide lightness to the hairstyle or to add volume.

Curly hair, especially with a steep curl, most often has a porous structure and is difficult to dye with smooth color transitions. The result is unpredictable and 90% depends on the qualifications of the master.

How to deal with bangs when dyeing

Stylists do not recommend touching your bangs with a paint brush unless absolutely necessary. If the technique is performed on very dark hair, and undyed bangs create a noticeable dissonance with other strands in the hairstyle, light, literally hair-breadth, highlighting is allowed.

Is it worth doing booking at home?

It is difficult to blame women for preferring home coloring rather than salon coloring when they have such a weighty argument at hand as the considerable price of the service. Indeed, booking is not a cheap pleasure. It requires a lot of effort from both the master and the client and can take several hours, or even days. The advantages of a salon procedure, in this case, include the acquisition of a harmonious and very stable color that can be worn on your hair for more than one month.

Home coloring may not bring the same satisfaction with the results. To minimize the effect of suddenness of the final color and lack of skills, we will give some tips:

  • Try to use professional makeup products. They cost more, but regular supermarket hair dye is not designed to mix and create undertones.
  • Buy quality brushes and sponges.
  • Master the technique of color stretching by watching videos on the Internet. Practice on dry strands.
  • Ask a friend for help so that the back of your head does not become your weakest area.

Remember: booking may remain an unattainable dream. But who knows what other new technique you'll invent while trying to achieve it?!

Photo of bronding staining. Before and after

To maintain the effect of the play of light and tints for a long time, you need to take care of your hair. Regular hair washing, even with the use of balms and conditioners, is no longer sufficient. Moreover, the shampoo should be intended specifically for colored hair - such products have additives that glue the hair scales, which prevents the pigment from being washed out.

The use of nourishing masks is not prohibited. Moreover, they should be applied before washing, and not after, when the hair is “closed” for the penetration of beneficial substances.

Science has not yet come up with a better way to add shine to hair than a regular solution of citric or acetic acid in mineral water. For a liter of water - a few granules of acid (until you get a pleasant sour taste) or a tablespoon of vinegar. Rinse, slowly pouring the solution over wet strands, do not rinse. Dry with a towel. Let it dry a little naturally, then you can start styling or blow-drying.

Jennifer Lopez is a classic example of classic bronzing on long hair. As soon as the singer and actress switched to the light side, adding lively strands to her dark hair, she instantly shed several years and began to look younger than in the photographs of 10-12 years ago.

The “Pretty Woman” of all times has been in each of the camps: she was a redhead, a platinum blonde, a brunette, and at her current elegant age, she has firmly settled into the image of an armored lady, and feels very comfortable in these muted beige-caramel tones. It is impossible to guess her true age, just as it is impossible to take your admiring eyes off her.

Those who call Sarah a Manhattan blonde are very mistaken. This coloring technique has a different name. And here’s another example of how persistent stereotypes are: a few blond strands in her hair are not a sign that it’s time for you to lighten your hair in order to get the same luxurious head of hair as Sarah Jessica’s.

Bronding is a very interesting term. It comes from the merger of two English words: “blond” and “brown”, which translates as “blond” and “brown”, respectively. Bronzing is a unique combination of dark and light shades when dyeing hair.

In contact with

Externally, armored hair looks like bleached hair, but only beautiful and shiny. The procedure initially gained popularity only in Brazil. More precisely, on the sunny Copacabana coast in Rio De Janeiro. In this place, under the influence of the sun, the hair is filled with a golden glow and luxury.

Benefits of booking:

  • beautifully highlights skin tone and refreshes complexion;
  • visually increases hair volume;
  • effectively hides gray hair;
  • suitable for those who are growing their hair and want to return its natural color;
  • does not require frequent staining;
  • the woman’s appearance becomes fresher and younger.

Externally, bronding resembles highlighting, but very soft. With the help of dye of the desired shade, the transition from natural hair to colored strands is imperceptible, veiled, barely perceptible.

Bronzing dark hair is by no means dyeing one color, but a combination of a base and additional shades. For example, the base color can be dark brown, and the second color can be caramel.

The coloring technique allows for some experimentation. For example, you can take a red shade as a base and complement it with red or honey.

Selection of shades for booking

In order to perfectly choose the color for bronding, take a close look at your skin. If it gives off a warm light, gold and all warm shades will suit you. If your skin tone is cool, choose muted and cool colors.

If you choose shades that are very close to each other, the hairstyle will turn out full and thick. This is especially recommended for fine hair.

If you give preference to shades that are noticeably different in color, the effect of visual volume will be much less.

There are a huge variety of shades for painting:

  1. Golden.
  2. Brown.
  3. Coffee.
  4. Chocolate.
  5. Amber.
  6. Ginger.
  7. Honey.
  8. Caramel.
  9. Nut and others.

Bronding does not allow pretentiousness or extravagance. Hair color should look natural and “expensive.” Stylists even recommend doing biolamination a few days after dyeing. This gives the hairstyle shine and completeness, and also enhances the effect of “expensive” hair.

Bronzing technique

Bronzing dark hair is interesting because you can use two types of shades at the same time: those that are lighter than the natural hair color, and those that are darker. In this case, the hair color will not change dramatically. But it will look deep and attractive due to its volume. Dark hair is ideal for bronzing. The procedure can also be performed on dark brown hair.

The main task facing the master is to stretch the color, using three basic tones that are in harmony with each other. One color should flow very smoothly into another. Contrast between shades is not allowed.

Bronzing is not suitable for those with black hair. First, you need to lighten your hair or expose it to a remover to return the original color. You may not even notice that such a procedure has a detrimental effect on hair health. If you do decide to do it, you should prepare your hair gradually.

Painting- one of the most famous techniques. Its name comes from the English “painting”, which means “to draw”. The armoring technique allows you to create randomness in the strands and create different distances between them. Dyed hair will look more natural.

How to do booking at home?

Bronzing at home is a very labor-intensive procedure. Watch in the video, what booking looks like and is done:

First, prepare the following supplies:

  • Hair dye and oxide.
  • Container for dilution.
  • High quality thick foil.
  • Rubber or polyethylene gloves.
  • Brush.
  • Comb.
  • A special cape or clothing that you don’t mind getting ruined.

Step-by-step booking

  1. Apply the main shade of dye to the roots of your hair (on some strands).
  2. Divide the hair on your head into 5 zones: two temporal zones, bangs, crown and back of the head.
  3. Next, do the usual highlighting on the foil, but only with two colors.
  4. Start from the occipital area. Dye the strands, departing 4 cm from the roots. The ends of the hair are intended for the lightest tone.
  5. Work through all areas in turn.
  6. Use the second shade to color the ends of your hair or untreated strands. This stage is called “open highlighting”. Proceed with it when you are done with classic highlighting.
  7. The final stage of dyeing is random strands. They will add additional volume and liveliness to your hairstyle.
  8. Color your bangs last.
  9. If you want to highlight your face, highlight the strands that frame it.

Combining open and classic highlighting is one of the most uncomplicated methods of bronding. If you doubt your abilities, the best solution is to turn to a professional.

As a rule, hairdressers approach coloring with imagination, simultaneously combining a variety of techniques.

The general result of bronding on dark hair should be as follows: the roots are the darkest, the ends are the lightest. And the gap from ear to chin is lighter than the roots.

After the procedure, experts advise being more attentive to hair care. Not recommended:

  • wash your hair with alkaline shampoo,
  • use styling products containing alcohol,
  • Perform heat styling without appropriate thermal protection.

After bronzing, your hair needs restoration: you should make masks from natural products and oils as often as possible. You can also use purchased masks, but without silicones in the composition.

Bronzing is a multi-coloring process, so it is important to carry it out according to all the rules. Manual dexterity and creative vision play an important role. It is also important to choose high-quality shades that will create a voluminous hairstyle and iridescent color.

Bronzing is the creation of a unique hair color, which gives the hair visual volume, fullness, unique color and shine. This technique was first used by American craftsmen.

Trusting professionals, you will be irresistible

The name “brond” comes from the merger of two English words “blond” and “brown”. Thus, bronding is a free combination of colors: light and brown. Moreover, there may be not two, but even three colors, but they combine with each other and the curls look natural.

Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, and Gisele Bundchen have become prominent bearers of bronding.

How to do the procedure

Bronzing is the creation of a monocolor; this is achieved in several steps. They use highlighting and coloring techniques.

However, the difference between brond is that the transitions must be very soft. It is worth doing the bronzing, stepping back one centimeter from the roots of the hair. This technology creates the appearance of hair volume.

There should be no shocking appearance, only naturalness. However, if a woman:

  • curls are brittle and split;
  • hair with tight curls;
  • short haircut

It's worth considering a different coloring. Otherwise, during bronding, the desired transfusion may not be achieved, and the hair will simply be dyed one tone.

Some difficulties may arise in the process of dyeing brunettes: they will have to lighten their hair a little, and then apply the background. At the same time, smooth color transitions will not be easy to achieve. In this case, it is best to contact an experienced technician.

Bronding has the following advantages:

  1. Gray hair will be completely covered, your face will look younger and fresher.
  2. The repeated procedure does not need to be done as often as coloring. This saves a lot of time and money.
  3. For those who have thin hair, bronzing will visually add additional volume. The result will be even better if you use light chemicals.
  4. The event can also be turned into a therapeutic one if done with medicinal paint.

Choosing paint for the best shade

The choice of color for bronde is very important: you need a precise sense of the combination of tones and transitions. Otherwise, the booking will turn into .

There is only one general advice - the difference between shades should be two or three tones.

The highlight effect is produced by painting the upper and lower ends of the strands in contrasting or similar shades. At the same time, the hair shines.

It is possible to create three accents: dark at the root, medium as a base and light at the ends of the strands. The result is hair with burnt ends.

The easiest way to choose shades is on light hair. If the main color is light brown, then a shade two shades darker will suit it. If the main color is chestnut, then you can complement it with a light shade.

Bronding looks great with a red base and a honey tint.

Types of bronding for dark and light hair

There are several options for the brond technique. Which one to choose depends not only on desire and taste, but on the type of face, quality and color of hair.

Before visiting a salon or doing coloring yourself, you should read reviews about the procedure in order to make the right choice. The following main types of booking can be distinguished.

  • Classic. Any dark color is taken as a basis, highlighting is planned with lighter shades. Light strands are not too large, the transitions of tones are almost imperceptible. This technique is characterized by dark roots and lighter ends. At the end, the strands are colored with light strokes.
  • Shatush. Simulates burnt curls. The root zone is dark. Then, through smooth, imperceptible transitions, they descend to the light ends. The technique is not easy. When coloring, the hair is divided into strands, each lightly combed, which allows you to make it look natural. The middle of the curl is painted dark, and the ends - light.

  • Ombre. Gives the impression of regrown roots. It is easy to do, so the technique can be used in home booking. This is a universal type of bronde, used for brunettes, fair and red-haired women. Performed on dark and light roots. Accordingly, the rest of the curl is made light and dark. The boundaries of shades can be pronounced or shaded.
  • Zonal. Some zone stands out, most often the crown. This is usually done to add volume. The roots are darkened, the crown is painted in a light tone, and the ends of the strands are masked with a dark color. Sometimes the curls near the face are highlighted in a light tone: this refreshes and rejuvenates.
  • Copacabana. It looks like the same sun-bleached hair. The ends and lengths of the hair are highlighted with a lighter color, so the roots do not look overgrown. This technique is performed on small strands, resulting in an imitation of shimmer. Typically, shades of wheat, honey and golden colors are used for lightening. Such warm tones create shiny natural hair.

Is it possible to book independently?

If you choose a simple technique, then doing booking at home is quite feasible. It is worth visiting the salon first and taking a closer look at how the master does it and getting a brief consultation, if possible.

First you need to decide on a base and additional color. Then buy paint. It is better that these are Estel, Goldwell, CHI brand dyes.

It is important that the paints are ammonia-free. You must work with the paint strictly according to the instructions, without overexposure, otherwise the curls will lighten more than necessary.

Use paints from trusted manufacturers

It makes sense to adhere to the following brief instructions for booking:

  • The hair needs to be washed and slightly dried. Some dyes are applied to dry hair. Here it is worth focusing on the type of dye.
  • You can use foil, then each curl is dyed and wrapped. It is more convenient to take a swimming cap and make holes in it. The curls are pulled out and colored.
  • Dyeing with a darker color is done by stepping back 2-4 cm from the roots and not reaching the tip by 5-7 cm. The ends of the strands are painted in a light tone, or you don’t have to touch them. Strands around the face can be dyed in a light tone.
  • The paint lasts as long as indicated in the recommendations for it. Then wash off with balm.
  • Finally, you can make a mask.

Step by step video


You just have to remember that it is hardly possible to achieve spectacular reflections of the sun’s rays at home. This requires many years of experience and knowledge.

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