How to use the “Hand Wash” mode in a washing machine. How should you wash your bedding: pillowcases? How to wash clothes by hand

Despite the fact that there are washing machines in almost every apartment and they successfully cope with their duties, sometimes they break down, and then you have to wash things by hand. Therefore, everyone should know how to hand wash correctly, otherwise the product will not wash, will remain dirty or even deteriorate.

Before you start washing, soiled laundry must be sorted: separate light and dark items, put items with stubborn stains aside (they will have to be dealt with separately), separate dirty laundry from cleaner ones.

To correctly determine which mode to wash in, you need to look at the label: the washing temperature is usually indicated there. If it is not there, you must take into account that things are usually washed at forty degrees: high temperatures will damage not only the material, but also the skin of your hands. Some fabrics can be boiled, this primarily applies to white cotton and linen items. But at the same time, you must keep in mind that the products will shrink very much, and colored items may lose color.


Many housewives wash without rubber protective gloves, which is very harmful: washing powders contain many chemical components that negatively affect skin cells.

When starting to wash, you need to pour warm water into a basin, measure out the required amount of powder for hand washing and completely dissolve it, otherwise the granules may clog between the seams and leave white stains. If the product is very dirty, you need to add a stain remover or bleach.

After this, soak the items for an hour or two (the dirtier the laundry, the longer the period), after which you can start washing, paying special attention to the dirtiest places. If you have a washboard, you can use it: it will make the work much easier. Place washed items in a separate basin: they will need to be rinsed.

When washing, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material from which the product is made: the correct choice of powder, temperature conditions and washing method largely depend on this.


Before washing jeans by hand, soak them for half an hour in warm water; it is not recommended to keep them for more than two hours: prolonged exposure to powder and water destroys the material. Before lowering the jeans into the soapy solution, fasten the zipper and turn the jeans inside out.

Although jeans are made from cotton fabric, the temperature of the water for soaking should not be more than sixty degrees, and for washing - forty degrees, otherwise they will shrink a lot. It is advisable to wash jeans with washing soap: it does not discolor the material as much, and the rivets fade less than when washed with powder.

Before washing, lay the jeans on a flat surface (the bottom of the bathtub) and wash them using a hard-bristled brush, having first lathered it. You should not press the fabric too hard, except in areas of particular contamination.

How to wash a shirt

Shirts are usually made from cotton, linen, silk, and synthetic materials. The choice of washing method and washing powder largely depends on what fabric it was made from.

Before soaking your shirt in warm soapy water for twenty minutes, you need to check your pockets: a forgotten receipt after washing can be permanently imprinted on a white shirt. It is not recommended to wrinkle the shirt during washing, especially the collar and cuffs, the shape of which may deteriorate. To clean these parts of the product, use a soft bristle brush.

When rinsing a shirt, it is advisable to add vinegar to the water: the color of the product will become brighter, and it will add shine to the silk shirt. After washing, it is better to hang the shirt by its hangers: this way it will not lose its shape.

Washing a sweater

Wool sweaters require a special approach: they should absolutely not be soaked. Before washing, the product should be turned inside out, the loops of the sweater should be basted, then they will not stretch.

The sweater should be washed and rinsed at a temperature not exceeding thirty degrees (it is not recommended to wash it in cold water, as well as in hot water).

Before putting the sweater in water, you need to dissolve a special liquid powder for wool in it (if you don’t have it, you can use laundry soap, or even better, shampoo, whipping up a lush foam).

You need to dry the sweater horizontally, first placing a terry towel under it, which will absorb water (change it when it gets wet). You cannot dry a wool sweater vertically: it will lose its shape.

How to wash a bra

Washing your bra by hand allows you to maintain the shape of the product for as long as possible. To do this, you need to soak the bra in a soapy solution for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly under running water (it is advisable not to rub the product with your hands, as this will ruin the shape). If your bra needs to be bleached, use only products without chlorine, which can destroy the fibers of the material.

It is necessary to rinse your bra thoroughly: the soap solution tends to linger in the cups and, when dried, cause irritation on the skin. Wring out the product carefully: the wires of the bra bend easily, and if this happens, they will not be able to return to their previous shape. After washing, the cups need to be straightened, otherwise they will shrink a little. It is not advisable to dry a bra on clothespins: it is better to lay it horizontally, having first given the product a shape.


After washing all the items, prepare water for rinsing in a basin or bathtub (you will have to change it often). You need to rinse washed items at least three times, and this can also be done under running water.

When the item taken out of the water begins to squeak between your fingers, it is considered rinsed, and you can hang it up to dry by wiping the wire or rope with a damp cloth (if they are dirty, the dirt will end up on the washed clothes).

Before doing this, each product must be shaken vigorously: this will straighten the items and make ironing easier.

How to wash sneakers

Sometimes not only underwear needs washing, but also shoes, for example, sneakers (suede shoes cannot be wetted). It is recommended to clean the product with a brush designed for cleaning the material from which the sneakers were made.

Before washing, remove the laces and remove the insoles from the sneakers. Under running water, use an old toothbrush to completely clean the soles of stones and dirt, then soak the sneakers in a soap solution for a while (it is better to use laundry soap; washing powders are not recommended). If the soaking water is dirty, replace it, dissolve the soap and soak the sneakers again.

You can start cleaning when the water in which the sneakers will be soaked stops becoming dirty. After this, clean the product with a brush outside and inside, with a sponge soaked in clean water, remove foam from the sneakers (rinse until the water stops foaming).

It is not recommended to dry the product on heating devices: instead, put crumpled newspapers inside, which will absorb moisture and prevent the sneakers from losing their shape (the paper must be changed to dry when it gets wet).

A modern washing machine can handle any kind of dirt without any problems. But I, like every housewife, periodically have the need to do my own laundry. So today I want to tell you how to properly wash things by hand.

General rules for washing clothes by hand

If you often have to wash by hand, I recommend remembering simple washing rules that will help you avoid many unpleasant surprises.

Rule 1. Water temperature

Water temperature for hand washing depends entirely on the product you are going to wash. The most reliable way to find out the right temperature is to look at the label. If it was cut, you will have to focus on the type of fabric.

  • Natural fabrics, which include cotton and linen, can be washed at any temperature comfortable to you. Products made from these fabrics tolerate washing well and do not deform. It is better to soak bed linen made from natural fabrics in hot water.
  • Natural wool and silk should be washed at 30-40°C. In this case, things cannot be squeezed out - you need to let them drain.

  • Viscose products It is better to wash in cool water - no higher than 30 °C.
  • Synthetics It can easily tolerate water temperatures of 40-50 °C.
  • Combined materials(natural fabric with the addition of synthetics) is best washed at 40-50 °C.

Rule 2. Detergents

Depending on the type of fabric and level of contamination, the following products can be used for hand washing:

Image Detergent
Washing powder– universal detergent for different types of fabric. When purchasing, pay attention to the “For hand wash” label.

This powder is less aggressive to the skin of the hands. Before use, completely dissolve the powder in water, otherwise the granules may leave a colored mark on clothing.

Washing gel- an excellent modern tool. Easily dissolves even in cold water, copes well with heavy stains.

The only drawback- high price.

Laundry soap– a product that has been tested over the years, perfectly removes any dirt and is safe for the skin of your hands.

Washing with laundry soap is an ideal solution for people suffering from allergies to household chemicals.

Oxygen bleach indispensable when dealing with serious stains. This product removes stains while preserving the color of the fabric.

There are bleaches for white and black fabrics. Read the label carefully.

Chlorine bleach Can only be used on natural white fabrics. It removes stains well and removes grayness from laundry.

Chlorine bleach is quite aggressive and harmful, so it is best to use it in the most extreme cases.

Air conditioner for washing it will give the laundry softness and a wonderful aroma.

Remember: lavsan, acrylic and lycra cannot be washed in alkaline detergents, including laundry soap. And for natural fabrics of animal origin - silk, wool - you cannot use products with enzymes. Read the composition of washing powders carefully!

Rule 3. Additional attributes for washing

In addition to detergent, you may need the following items to wash by hand:

Image Description
Brushes with soft and hard bristles may be needed when washing heavily soiled areas of clothing.

Basin For washing, it is better to choose one that is not too tall and wide. It is better to stock up on several containers at once.

Clothespins will be needed when hanging laundry to dry.

Washing sequence

Rule 4. Hand washing steps

Any hand wash, regardless of the number of items and characteristics of the fabrics being washed, consists of several stages.

Instructions will help you provide for all the nuances and simplify the task:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Decide on where to wash. The best places for this are rooms with access to water - a bathroom or kitchen. If you are going to wash clothes at your dacha, a bathhouse will do. Direct access to water will save time and effort.

Step 2

Sort your things. Place bedding and underwear, children's and adult clothes, light and dark things in different directions.

If you are going to wash wool items, turn them inside out. Also don't forget to check your pockets!

Step 3

Prepare containers for washing. It is best to get at least two basins - one for soaking and washing, the second for rinsing. A sink with a stopper or a bathtub will also work.

Step 4

Prepare laundry detergents depending on the type of fabric and the purpose of washing.

Step 5

Dilute the chosen product in water according to the dosage indicated on the package. Before washing items by hand, allow the powder to completely dissolve in water.

Step 6

Be mindful of the water temperature. Cotton and linen should be soaked in hot water, wool and silk - in cold water, colored items - in warm water.

Step 7

Place items in a basin with water and detergent. Lightly rub the material together.

Step 8

Leave the soaked items for a while. Heavily soiled items can be soaked for 2 hours, bed linen - overnight.

Do not let soaked items smell bad, otherwise you will have to start washing again.

Step 9

Heavy soiling It must be washed before soaking. Especially the collars and cuffs of shirts, the bottom of trousers, etc. Rub the items together again and place them in a bowl of clean water.

Step 10

Rinse the laundry after washing, constantly renewing the water until it becomes completely clear.

If desired, add fabric softener to the water at the dosage specified by the manufacturer.

Step 11

Gently squeeze out excess water and put things in an empty basin. Now they are ready to dry.

Step 12

All you have to do is hang the laundry until it dries completely.. It is better to dry things in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

Rule 5. Delicate hand wash

Washing delicate fabrics requires special attention.

Fragile and delicate materials can only be washed in cold or lukewarm water with the addition of a small amount of detergent. For example, 1 tablespoon of powder per 5 liters of water.


  • silk and lace fabrics It is better to wash in liquid detergents for delicate washing;
  • batik and embroidery with wool threads can only be washed in cold water;
  • if you use bleach or stain remover for washing– add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the water, if you wash a product with embroidery – a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

Delicate items should not be actively rubbed or rinsed.. Therefore, I recommend following this washing sequence:

  1. Dissolve the powder in water.
  2. Place dirty items in the basin and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Carefully, without twisting or shaking, rearrange things into a bowl of clean water.

  1. Leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Place items in clean water and rinse gently.
  3. Lay out a terry towel and place the washed items on it, so that the water is absorbed.

  1. If the fabric is subject to deformation(may stretch) - leave the item in a horizontal position, if necessary, replacing the wet towel with a dry one. If there is no such threat, hang things up and dry them at room temperature.


Wash by hand or machine - only you can decide. But now you know, hand washing is not such a difficult task, especially if you have all the necessary attributes. And if you are still in doubt, watch the video in this article, it will help clarify some points. Any questions? Leave them in the comments, I will be happy to answer.

SanPiNs for children's and medical institutions recommend changing bed linen as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. You can adhere to the same frequency at home - within a week the laundry loses its freshness, but does not yet have time to become greasy, and as a result it is easily washed.

In winter, when a person sweats less and sleeps in pajamas and warm nightgowns, bed linen can be changed once every two weeks. By the way, in many European countries it is customary to change linen every 10-14 days, but there the beds are firstly ventilated, and secondly, the air temperature in the bedroom is often lower than what Russians are used to.

Pillowcases that come into contact not only with the skin, but also with the hair (especially if the hair is oily) usually get dirty faster - especially since in this case the remains of night creams, decorative cosmetics, etc. can accumulate on the fabric. At the same time, the fabric is in contact with the skin of the face all night. Therefore, it is better to change pillowcases more often - once every 2-3 days.

It is best to wash the bed of feverish patients after one day of use. If this is not possible, you must at least put a clean pillowcase on your pillow every day.

Preparing laundry for washing

  • by fabric type(the washing mode for different sets may be different);

  • according to the degree of fabric dyeing(it is better to wash white and light colors separately from colored ones, even if they are items from the same set);

  • by degree of pollution(sheets that are only lightly soaked with sweat do not need to be washed intensively, as this will lead to premature wear of the fabric).

Duvet covers, pillowcases or mattress covers are usually turned inside out before washing - this will get rid of dirt that accumulates in the corners.

If there are stains (for example, blood) on sheets made of colored delicate fabrics, they must be treated with a stain remover before washing. Contaminated cotton or linen sheets do not require such treatment - it will be enough to adjust the washing regime.

How to calculate the weight of bed linen for washing

The washing machine has loading restrictions - they are calculated based on the weight of dry laundry. At the same time, if we are talking about washing sheets and duvet covers, we must keep in mind that these are quite voluminous products. And in order for them to stretch well, it is better not to fully load the machine: the weight of dry laundry should be about one and a half times less than the maximum load.

Approximate weight of bed linen:

  • double duvet cover – 500-700 grams,

  • pillowcase – 200 grams,

  • sheet – 350-500 grams.

How and at what temperature do you wash bed linen?

Before automatic washing machines became widespread, clothes were typically washed in very hot water and often boiled to bleach and further disinfect. Now there is no need for such “harsh” washing - modern technology in combination with modern detergents allows you to wash clothes at lower temperatures, which ensures better preservation of the fabric.

The optimal temperature for washing light linen bed linen and linen made from thick cotton fabrics can be considered 60 degrees - this temperature is sufficient for disinfection, and the washing efficiency is quite high. If desired, you can wash such fabrics at higher temperatures - the laundry will be disinfected better this way, but the laundry will also wear out faster. To wash such items, you can use white laundry powder or universal powder. To wash heavily soiled laundry (including stained sheets), you can use powder bleaches or laundry detergent enhancers, as well as liquid bleaches for washing machines.

Colored bed linen and linen made from delicate fabrics are washed at 30-50 degrees. For colored laundry, products for colored fabrics are used (marked Color on the packaging). You can use liquid shampoos for washing - they are designed for use at low temperatures and wash things quite well. Heavily soiled laundry is pre-soaked or a pre-wash cycle is used. It is advisable to iron linen that is washed at low temperatures before use, even if you are not a fan of ironing bed linen.

To wash children's bedding, use detergents for washing children's clothes. Typically, children's underwear is made from natural fabrics, which allows them to be washed at fairly high temperatures.

Exact recommendations for washing bed linen are contained on product labels or kit packaging - it indicates the recommended washing temperature, drying mode, the possibility or impossibility of using bleaches, and so on. If we are talking about an expensive set made of delicate fabrics or colored underwear with voluminous patterns, it is better to read the recommendations and follow them.

How to wash bed linen in a washing machine: modes for different types of fabric

Most modern washing machines allow you to install additional functions, adjust the spin level, etc., which allows you to select the optimal mode for washing bed linen depending on the characteristics of the fabric.

  • Linen– 60-95oC, soaking or pre-wash possible, strong spin;

  • Light calico, percale, ranfors– 60-95oC, soaking or pre-wash possible, any mode;

  • Satin,– 40-60°C, soaking or pre-washing possible, any mode;

  • Colored chintz– 40°C, without using bleach, medium-intensity spin;

  • Batiste, bamboo– 30-40°C, delicate mode without spin or with low spin;

  • Polyester or cotton with added polyester– 40°C, delicate mode or synthetic mode, soaking possible, double rinsing;

  • Silk– 30°C, delicate washing mode (silk mode), special mild detergents and conditioner, low spin or no spin. Attention! Be sure to read the label: some silk products require dry cleaning only.

Do I need to wash new bedding?

Newly purchased bedding must be washed before use. Firstly, during the production of bed linen, dust and dirt invariably accumulate on the fabric; secondly, new bedding is sometimes impregnated with a composition that helps the fabric keep its shape.

It is best to wash new bedding separately from other items and at the maximum temperature allowed by the manufacturer. This will not only disinfect the linen, but also (if the fabric is not dyed very well) will allow excess paint to come off.

During the first wash, bed linen may shrink slightly - this is normal and, as a rule, is provided for by the manufacturer when cutting.

Pillows, blankets and mattresses get dirty quite quickly, and since they are difficult to clean, it is logical to use bed linen. If it gets dirty, it can be easily removed and replaced with another one. In order to do this process in a timely manner, you need to know how often it is recommended to change your bed linen.


Sleeping on clean bedding is much more comfortable. It’s more pleasant to lie on it, you fall asleep faster, and you breathe easier. This is the truth, not self-hypnosis. It is indeed difficult to fully rest on dirty laundry. In addition, it can be hazardous to health.

Dust accumulated on bedding may contain viruses, spores, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. With their constant inhalation, there is a risk of developing allergic reactions, difficulty breathing, irritation of the mucous membranes, and suppression of the immune system. In addition, there are microscopic mites in the laundry, which are impossible to see without special equipment. They are not carriers of diseases and do not even bite, but they can cause allergies, which are quite difficult to get rid of.

The cause of microorganisms is man himself. They feed on dead skin particles falling off the human body. Their spread may also be associated with pets that like to lie on their owners’ beds. These factors are sufficient for the rapid reproduction of mites in the bed.

Periodic change of bed linen allows you to avoid unpleasant consequences. The best option is once a week. This is especially true during the warm season. In winter, it is permissible to change linen once every 2 weeks.

In addition to the time of year, personal hygiene also affects the condition of the bed. If a person washes frequently, then the laundry will remain fresh longer. In any case, if you have your own schedule for changing it, it is not necessary to deviate from this routine, but only on the condition that this happens at least once every 2 weeks.

Particular attention should be paid to pillowcases. They need to be changed more often, especially if your hair tends to get dirty quickly. During an infectious disease or at elevated temperatures, more frequent use is also necessary. Sometimes it makes sense to change the bed every day. After recovery, you should put on fresh linen.

Protection from various contaminants is provided not only by timely bed changes. The washing and ironing process plays an important role in this. It is recommended to wash bed linen in water at a temperature of at least 50 degrees. Hot water kills mites and bacteria. Bleach destroys bacteria well, even in relatively cool water. Therefore, if the fabric allows, it is recommended to use it during washing.

Related article

Whatever the linen is, underwear or bed, it is in long-term and close contact with human skin. Even if someone follows all the rules of hygiene and has been accustomed to taking a shower every day since childhood, this does not save the laundry from getting dirty.


The frequency of replacing bed linen depends on several factors. In the warm season, this should be done more often, as sweating increases. Typically, in the summer, pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers are replaced once a week, and in winter this period can be increased to 2 weeks. In any case, the bed cannot be used for longer than two weeks.

The first reason to keep your bed clean is because bed mites can breed in unwashed linens. They feed on dead human skin cells and, given enough food, significantly increase their population. Microscopic insects can cause respiratory diseases and even asthma.

Various fungi and bacteria also cause great harm to the human body, which can only be eliminated by regular washing of bed linen, using sufficiently hot water and strong detergents. Additional use of bleach enhances the effect of combating microorganisms, and careful ironing with a hot iron ensures complete safety for the health of family members.

It is recommended to change underwear or underwear once a day. The exception is if the weather is too hot: you often have to take a shower more than once a day, and, accordingly, put on clean clothes. If you follow all the rules of intimate hygiene or if women use it every day, you can change your underwear somewhat less frequently, it depends on your habits and upbringing. The position of some men is known not to burden themselves with frequent changes of underwear. They would like to remind them that the health of their life partner largely depends on the man’s compliance with intimate hygiene.

On average, people spend 50 to 60 hours a week sleeping. Bedding has enough skin contact time to absorb sweat, dirt, oil and makeup residue. Small pets also do not add cleanliness to bedding; they manage to leave their mark not only in our hearts, but also on the bedspread.

Stale bedding can cause skin problems and, in some cases, spread fungal infections. This is why keeping your bedding set clean is so important.

Many housewives take the time to do laundry only when they have it. However, if you adhere to the golden rule - wash your bed linen once a week, many problems can be avoided. Reasonable frugality and the desire to protect sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers from wear and tear is quite understandable. Fabric wear is inevitable with frequent washing, but the presence of a gentle cycle in modern washing machines reduces this process to a minimum.

Following a simple rule will not only help minimize contact with allergens, infections and dust mites, but also promote sound, long-lasting sleep.

The main “dirt collectors” in a bedding set are pillowcases and sheets. Wash them first. The duvet cover and bedspread can be thrown in the wash less often, about once every 2 weeks, depending on how dirty they are.

Pillows and duvets only need to be washed once a season, using a delicate cycle and an additional rinse cycle to ensure that soap residue is thoroughly removed.

It is important that if you are sick with a cold or flu, large-scale laundry should be started immediately after recovery.

Do you want your clothes to not stretch when washed? Then it is recommended to set the washing machine to the “Hand Wash” mode.

Let's figure out what advantages this program gives us, how effective and easy it is to use.

What does the “Hand Wash” program mean? Installed in an automatic washing machine, it helps to wash things delicately and accurately due to the low water temperature (30-40°).

If you are interested in how to wash in a washing machine without spinning, opt for the manual mode. In this case, spinning is not carried out, and the drum rotates slowly.

Thanks to a smaller load of laundry (half the maximum capacity), things do not wrinkle and rub against each other as much. Therefore, they wear out less, and rinsing is done efficiently.


How to choose the right hand wash mode in a washing machine? Different brands of washing machines have their own designations. Some display an icon of a hand with a basin of water. Some people simply sign each program. Let's figure it out:

In some models you can select a delicate program. What is the difference between hand washing and delicate washing? Only because for different brands it is carried out either with or without spinning.

Correct Application

Not every item can be washed using the manual program. Overly soiled laundry cannot be washed; it is better to pre-soak it for 20-30 minutes.

Use the hand wash program in an automatic machine for:

  • delicate materials with lace, frill, pleating, decor;
  • natural fabrics (wool, silk);
  • things made of membrane;
  • bright linen;
  • outerwear: jacket, down jacket, coat.

If you find it difficult to determine the type of fabric, look at the label on the garment. Usually the required temperature is indicated there.

A table with symbols will help you:

How long does it take to hand wash in a washing machine? Approximately 1 hour and 2 minutes. Depending on what model you have, times may vary slightly.

Let's find out what program can be installed to gently clean things in addition to hand washing.

Alternative choice

We have already told you how to set the manual mode yourself. Now let’s talk about how else you can carefully care for things. For a specific brand, you can choose either "Delicate" or "Gentle Wash". Also the washing mode for specific fabrics, for example wool or silk.

The advent of high-tech washing machines has made washing even delicate clothes much easier. What if the machine breaks down and then what? The basics of hand washing are simply necessary for all housewives to know. Let's look at some tricks for washing clothes by hand.

Decide on a place for washing - this can, of course, be a bathroom, kitchen or any other room with access to water. A country or village option is a bathhouse, a pond, a river, if such places exist, well, as a last resort, a part of the garden away from vegetable crops.

Stock up in advance with a basin, washing powder for hand washing, laundry soap, and, if necessary, bleach and fabric softener. It’s good if there are two containers for washing, and several detergents - for white, colored linen, and for delicate fabrics.

According to the dosage, dilute the powder, soap or washing gel in water, the temperature of which should correspond to the type of fabric. Wash cotton and linen fabrics in hot water, wool and silk fabrics at low temperatures, colored fabrics in warm water.

Place things in a basin and completely submerge them in water with a diluted product - for convenience, use some suitable object so as not to burn your hands, or do it with gloves. When the water has cooled slightly, rub the contents of the basin against each other, and if the water is warm, then do this action directly during soaking.

Leave the soaked laundry for a while, depending on the degree of contamination. Try not to soak motley and multi-colored clothes at all, so that they do not fade. In special cases, add a small amount of vinegar or table salt to the basin where you will wash something bright.

Pre-wash heavily greasy areas of clothing (collars, bottoms of trousers, cuffs, etc.) with laundry soap; also wash single spots on clothing.

Do not let soaked items develop a characteristic unpleasant odor so that you do not have to start washing again. The water has acquired a dark tint, the dirt has disappeared - it’s time to start rinsing. Rinse all the laundry one by one in a large amount of warm water, which will have to be renewed until transparent - at least 3 times. Add fabric softener to the rinse, if necessary, according to the instructions for use.

People prone to allergies to chemical components should limit hand washing with powders to a minimum or carry out this procedure in a well-ventilated area and outdoors.