How to make ghosts. How to Make a High-Tech Ghost Illusion for a Halloween Party

Halloween is the day when you can not be afraid of anything, surround yourself with unusual, frightening objects, put on funny makeup and put on an extravagant costume. Many children and teenagers are afraid of ghosts; in horror films they are portrayed as bloodthirsty and insatiable. But in reality, of course, they do not exist, and this is only a figment of human imagination.

For example, you can read a funny book about a brownie or a drummer and make an interesting craft - a corner bookmark in the shape of a ghost. And such creativity can be timed to coincide with the day of evil spirits. There are no ghosts, but we can come up with a funny character and even make one out of paper.

This tutorial shows you how to make a white ghost out of paper. The product can later be used as a corner bookmark; it will be convenient to mark the pages of a book. The figure is made using the origami technique.

In fact, this technique is suitable for modeling a butterfly. But we'll use plain white paper, add some details, and draw a few things with a pen to...

Bookmark – DIY origami ghost

To make a paper ghost, prepare:

  • White list;
  • ruler and scissors;
  • black pen;
  • glue.

Cut out a rectangle from a white sheet of paper (ordinary office paper works well). The size is approximately 12 cm by 6 cm. This will be a blank from which we will fold the body of a butterfly using the origami technique, which will also become the shapeless body of a ghost.

Fold the rectangle twice along the middle lines to obtain a new four-layer rectangle four times smaller in size.

Unbend the workpiece once. In the middle you will see a vertical bend line. Bend the two upper corners so as to close them along this line; this initial procedure is reminiscent of the process of modeling a boat or airplane.

Now place your finger on the side and push the sheets of paper apart, smoothing out the triangle so that it becomes straight. Thus, you seem to move the top layer from right to left.

Turn the workpiece over with the back side facing you and do the same procedure on the other side, showing a right triangle. Just move the top layer from left to right.

A gap will appear at the bottom. Take the two bottom corners, focusing on this gap, and lift them up, aligning the bottom side with the wide side of the triangle.

Use your fingers to bend the small, prominent triangles inward, pushing the layers of paper apart. All bends have already been set; there is no need to create new ones.

Lift the top layer of paper (on both sides) up and iron it to form wings. Now a white butterfly appeared in front of us. But it is not she who will flutter on the pages of the book, but a ghost - kind and frivolous.

Cut out a head and tail from the remaining paper. Glue to the butterfly craft. Now the wings will become the shapeless arms of a disembodied creature. On the head, draw eyes and a mouth with a black pen.

The result is an interesting craft for children of any age. Try it on with the book you read to make sure that using such a bookmark is very convenient.

Use these old plastic soda bottles for a unique Halloween decoration. We all love reusing old things, and this floating ghost is so adorable, you'll want to make one out of every bottle you have on hand. You just need a few extra parts and it's so easy that kids can do it, with adult supervision of course.

Read on for how to make a ghost, take old bottles and create this cute little guy to decorate your room, porch or living room!

Step 1: Things you will need to make the ghost:

Fabric stiffening spray
Small container
Matching mat
Black material for eyes and mouth
Small terracotta pot, or you can use a regular bottle
Styrofoam (1 to insert inside the pot, 1 large for the head and 2 small for the hands)
Wooden sticks.

Step 2: Ok, let's get started.........

1. Make the form for your ghost that we offer you. You can also use your own ideas on how to make a ghost. Insert a large foam ball into the pot. Insert the stick into the styrofoam and place the head on top.

2. Insert the hand sticks into the foam. Wrap plastic or polyethylene wrap around the Styrofoam so that the cheesecloth does not stick. If you can't find Styrofoam, you can use bottles and other things that fit the size and shape of your ghost.

3. Cut a piece of cheesecloth, making sure it is large enough to drape the pan.

4. Place the potty on a mat in a place where you can leave it overnight.

5. Soak gauze with starch composition and drape according to your shape. Crimp, shape and shape the ghost just the way you like it. Let dry.

6. Once dry, take out the mold and cut out round eyes and mouth. Stick them on your ghost.

Now everything is ready, and you can place the made ghost on the table or wherever you want........

Step 3: Finally.........

Happy Halloween.........

Don't forget to tell your friends how to make a ghost, try it yourself and post your version of the project in the comment box below.

Based on materials from

In Western countries, Halloween is traditionally celebrated on the night of October 31st to November 1st. Those who enjoy a crazy holiday of horror stories will definitely love this idea. A similar master class is already available on the website (). I liked this master class because it describes a very easy way to make big ghost For apartment decor for Halloween. It's also fast and effective.

You will need: a fairly large piece of gauze, auxiliary equipment for the frame, starch or PVA glue.

How to do:

1. From scrap materials we make a frame for the ghost. You will need a plastic bottle, a ball to shape the head (you can inflate a balloon to the desired size and secure it with tape), wire for the “hands”, if, of course, you can call them hands. It is recommended to place a towel under the structure to absorb excess liquid.

2. Place gauze on the resulting structure. Dissolve starch in water. The author wets the gauze using a spray bottle. I think instead of starch you can use PVA glue, it also fixes the shape well, but then you first need to soak the fabric in the solution, squeeze it out, and only then give the ghost its outline using a frame.

3. Leave the ghost to dry (you can use a hairdryer to speed up the process). The author is lucky, he dries it in the sun...

We take out the frame, now our ghost can do without it. Sew, glue or draw eyes. Looks impressive, doesn't it?

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Don't know what craft to make for Halloween? Make a paper ghost using the pattern below. It's incredibly easy and fast, especially for those who know how to make cone bags.

What will you need for work?

  • White paper;
  • Optionally, some black and orange paper for ghost accessories;
  • Moving eyes;
  • Glue, a simple pencil, scissors.

How to make a ghost out of paper?

Make a little bag out of white paper. Absolutely simple, not very wide. Glue the edges.

Trim the bottom to straighten the cone. At the same time, decide on the height of the ghost.

Fold the white paper in half and draw clothes for the ghost. It's simple: a cap on top slightly to one side, two raised arms and a wide bottom. But before you draw the clothes, measure them to the cone. You also need to take into account the places where the paper is glued. It’s better to be a little wider than narrow, because the cone may not fit.

Cut out your design. Since the paper was folded in half, you should end up with two paper pieces.

Apply glue to the edges of one of the drawings and glue the parts together. Please note that you only need to glue the edges, and not the middle, otherwise there will be no room left for the bag.

Once the glue has dried, place the cone into the clothing you created for it. If necessary, glue the edges further.

You can make several of these Halloween crafts, in different sizes and with different decorations. For example, a butterfly, a bow, buttons. The result will be a wonderful composition of ghosts, original and humorous.

Ghosts with his girlfriend - .

Admit it, each of us loves scary stories in our hearts, and we like both to scare others and to be scared ourselves. In this tutorial we'll show you how to use Photoshop to create a mystical ghost photo.

First, we need a suitable frame in which the ghost will “dwell”.

And a photograph with a man whose face we will make the face of a ghost.

Let's crop the photousing the keyC , so that only the area with the girl remains, whom we will turn into a ghost. We separate this girl from the rest, as shown above.

Create above the layerBbackgroundLayer new layer in the layers panel.

Now we need a brush, so press the key B . By clicking the right mouse button, you can adjust the softness of the brush. In areas with a clear outline, a setting of 100% will work, but for areas such as hair, it is better to choose a softer brush.

Paint everything black, leaving only what will show through in the ghost photo. The brightest areas are especially important to us. But accuracy is not particularly important, so some negligence is quite acceptable.

Having painted over everything you think is necessary, go to the channels panel. If you can't find it, go to Window > Channels.

While holding down the key Ctrl , click on the channel name RGB, After which all three channels will be displayed simultaneously.

You should end up with something like this.

Then press the keys Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new layer.

Open Edit > Fill and select Use: White, as shown in the picture. Then open Select > Deselect , to deselect. Now you have formed a new layer in which the bright areas of the girl’s figure have become white. Next, we find a photo that will become the background - we are ready to start working with it.

Pressing a key V , select a tool M ove, then drag your white ghost onto the photo with the background.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl +T activates the function Free Transform, which will allow you to change the size of the ghost. Look how expressive the transparent shadows turned out!

Pressing keys Ctrl +G , you can group the layers (optional), after which we create a layer mask. Click on the layer mask as shown above left, then open Edit > Fill and celebrate Use: Black, as shown above on the right.

If the ghost disappears, don't be surprised! The layer mask is still active, open Filter > Render > Clouds.

The ghost will take on a haze-like texture, as if appearing or, conversely, disappearing. You can paint over the excess again with the same black brush.

Create an adjustment layer Solid Color.

Choose a color that suits the ghost. This shade is straight out of « Ghostbusters", let's take it.

This layer should be located above the original, directly above the ghost layer. Be sure to select it in the layers panel.

Open Layers > Create Clipping Mask. Mask ClippingMask Allows you to paint the ghost in any color.

By adjusting the transparency settings and continuing to paint on the ghost layer mask, you can change the photo even more, making it noticeably cooler.

This is what we ended up with when we slightly increased the transparency. What do you think?

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