How to remove paint stains on clothes. How to remove paint from clothes at home? How to properly remove paint from clothes at home

Sooner or later, every housewife is puzzled by how to remove paint from clothes. Stains may appear after sitting on a freshly painted bench, visiting an apartment or cottage during renovation. Mothers of small children even more often think about how to remove bright marks from new jeans or a light T-shirt after riding on a painted swing. It's not just oil paint that poses a danger. Even ordinary gouache or watercolor, which is used on young creativity circles, can ruin the item forever.

Before you remove paint from clothes, you need to determine how fresh the stain is. The second stage is figuring out what kind of paint you need to get rid of. The easiest way to wash off is water-based paint or gouache. Dealing with oil-based paint is much more difficult, especially if the stain has long dried.

Basic Rules

There is no such contaminant that cannot be cleaned. However, the result of this procedure depends on many factors: the freshness of the stain, the type of paint, the density and color of the clothing. Before washing, you need to remember 4 laws:

  • The sooner you discover the stain, the easier it is to remove the dye from your clothing. If, while walking in the park, you immediately notice that you touched a painted bench or pole, go home. Immediate measures are needed to help save the item.
  • The smaller the area of ​​contamination, the easier it will be to clean it.
  • The most insidious enemy of clothing is oil-based substances. It is easier to deal with childhood stains from gouache or watercolors and water-based rather than oil-based paints.
  • The coarser and denser the matter, the greater the chances of its salvation. It's easier to remove a stain from denim shorts than from a satin dress.

Fresh spots

To remove fresh marks from regular oil paint, use any vegetable oil. Using a moistened cotton pad, treat the stain from the contours to the center to prevent further spread. .

Another way is to use a solvent. Gasoline or acetone (nail polish remover) will do. Use a cotton pad soaked in solvent to treat the stain. Follow the rule: all movements should be directed from the edges to the center. Before using gasoline or acetone, make sure that the fabric is natural and not synthetic. Otherwise, you risk rubbing a hole in your favorite item.

The easiest way to get rid of harmless watercolors and gouache. Simply run the cloth under cold running water. Then soap the stains with laundry soap. After 15 minutes, throw the item into the washing machine. For white things it is better to use Antipyatin. Laundry soap is “first aid” for stains from water-based emulsion and acrylic paint.

Old stains

Cleaning fresh paint blots won’t be difficult. But if the stain is completely dry, then you will have to work hard so that not a trace remains on the thing. Before scrubbing dye off your clothes, check the labels. Choose the most suitable and safe stain remover.

You need to remove dried paint in two stages:

  • Tear off the “crust”. Use a non-sharp flat object to remove the top layer of dried material. This must be done with extreme caution so as not to damage the fabric. Do not use a knife, scissors or blade.
  • Soften the substance remaining in the fabric fibers for further removal.

To soften paints and varnishes use:

  • solvent;
  • powder and butter;
  • alcohol;
  • glycerol;
  • vinegar and ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • salt and alcohol.


Gasoline, kerosene, white spirit, acetone and turpentine can be used as solvents. They will help remove traces of oil paint. Instead of acetone, use acetone-based nail polish remover. Before using any of the suggested liquids, perform a test test on a small, inconspicuous piece of the product.

The use of gasoline and other solvents on synthetic fabrics is strictly prohibited (they corrode rayon and other acetate fabrics).

Drop the solvent onto the contaminated area and leave the item for 15 minutes. After the stain becomes faint, lather it with laundry or laundry soap and put it in the wash.

An additional measure can be an oxygen-containing stain remover. It can only be used for white items (cotton T-shirt, for example).

To save white things, use acetone. Dampen a piece of cotton wool and work the mark from the edges to the middle. If acetone fails, mix grated white chalk with gasoline.

Rub the resulting paste into the stain and leave for half an hour. Then wash the product in a machine or by hand.

Turpentine perfectly removes old stains on white things. After using it, a greasy stain remains. It should be washed with dishwashing detergent.

Powder and butter

Cut a piece of butter and leave it on the counter until softened. Mix the oil with a tablespoon of washing powder (you can add a stain remover). Rub the “cream” into the contaminated area of ​​the fabric and leave for 15 minutes. Wash the item by hand or in the washing machine. This is a safe product that helps remove dye from delicate and acetate fabrics.


Alcohol helps remove water-based paint from fabric. To do this, wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol. The colorful mark should dissolve before your eyes. If this method does not help, pour a teaspoon of salt onto the stain and pour alcohol on top. After an hour, put the item in the washing machine.


A bottle of glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy. It will help remove stains from oil paint or drying oil-based substances. The product is safe and can be used to clean colored and delicate fabrics. The contaminated area should be filled with glycerin for half an hour. After this, put the clothes in the wash.

Vinegar and ammonia

A mixture of vinegar and ammonia can remove acrylic paint. An auxiliary component of the solution is table salt. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar and ammonia with one tablespoon of salt. A liquid paste should come out. Apply it to the paint mark. Take an old toothbrush or any soft brush and scrub the fabric. The pollution should disappear before your eyes. The final stage is normal washing.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hair dye is very dangerous if it stains your clothes. You can remove it from jeans, plain T-shirts and pants using hydrogen peroxide. You need to pour the substance onto the paint mark and leave for 5 minutes. Fresh stains are easy to remove, but old paint is very difficult to remove.

Soap solution

A strong soap solution will help remove gouache and watercolor paints. The water should be cold. Hot water can “fix” the gouache in the fibers of the fabric. Half an hour soaking before washing guarantees almost 100% results.

Washing at home is a process that requires some prior knowledge. A washing machine is an indispensable assistant in everyday life, but more complex stains will have to be removed yourself.

We remove paint stains from clothes: oil, water-based, acrylic, watercolor and others.

Can you imagine anything worse than staining your favorite things with paint? Of course, before we pick up paint, we change into work clothes or cover the necessary areas with sleeves, aprons, etc. But protecting yourself from other people’s creativity is much more difficult. In this article we will tell you how to save paint-stained items and return them to their original appearance.

I stained my jeans and clothes with paint: what should I do?

First of all, don’t get upset, but remove the stain while it’s fresh. Note that the stain remains fresh throughout the day, so you should not give up all urgent matters and look for the necessary medications. So let's get started.

How to remove water-based, construction paint from clothes and jeans?

Removing water-based, construction paint from jeans:

  • We wash the stain and the area near the stain with warm water and rub the paint with our fingertips. If it is fresh and not very “tenacious”, there is a chance to completely wash it off at this stage. Now you shouldn’t use brushes or washcloths, so as not to create abrasions, unless of course the jeans are torn. If you are wearing clothes and cannot remove them, wet a cloth with hot water, wring it lightly and apply it to the stain;
  • Now take a tablespoon of stain remover, dilute it in washing gel and apply to the area for 5-10 minutes. Please note that at this stage you should not stay in the same jeans so that your body does not come into contact with the cleaning products;
  • Now we begin to clean the stain. We take a regular dishwashing sponge and with the hard side, with a slight movement of the hand from the edge of the stain to the middle, remove the cleaning agent along with the paint. Do not rub from the middle to the edge so as not to spread the surface of the stain. If necessary, rinse the washcloth with running water and return to cleaning the stain;
  • Now, if there is any paint left on the denim, it is only between the fibers and it is already susceptible to removal. Soak a cotton pad in rubbing alcohol and wipe the surface thoroughly. Now go over the stain with an old toothbrush, if necessary, pry up small fibers of paint with a needle, but so as not to damage the integrity of the fabric. For convenience, you can turn it over and work with the eye of the needle, and not the sharp side. Repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • Wash your jeans in the washing machine on a normal cycle.

How and with what to remove oil paint from clothes and jeans?

Removing oil paint from jeans:

  • If the paint has not yet dried, remove as much paint as possible from the stain with wet wipes. If the stain has already dried, scrape off the top layer with a knife. You can also go over the top with sandpaper, but so as not to catch the fabric;
  • Now it's time for paint thinner - you can buy it at your nearest hardware store. Please note that the most inexpensive and at the same time effective remedy is oil solvent, and besides, you can find it in any specialized store;
  • Place a plastic or wooden board into the leg so that the fabric lies flat and the surface to be treated does not come into contact with the other side of the pants;
  • Apply the solvent to the stain, let it sit, if necessary, apply the solvent again so that the stain oxidizes, so to speak;
  • Again, an old toothbrush comes to the rescue. Dip it in solvent and carefully go over the stain. Please note that the Internet often recommends faster and more aggressive methods for dissolving oil paint stains, but these often eat away not only the stain, but also the fabric itself. If you really want to try it, test it in advance on an inconspicuous part of the jeans (in the pocket, for example, the same jeans are used, but it is covered with the outer part of the product;
  • If the solvent leaves stains on the fabric that have been absorbed into the fabric, treat the stain and the edges around the stain with glycerin and leave for 12-16 hours. After this, clean with a cloth and wash in the washing machine with stain remover.

Important: if the jeans are designer or you value them very much, you should not experiment on your own - take the item to the dry cleaner.

How and with what to remove, clean, remove stains from fresh and old paint from clothes, jeans, paint from a spray can, printer, hair, from synthetic, membrane fabric, suede, at home?

In addition to water-based and oil-based paint, we can get dirty with dozens of other types of paint, which we will talk about in this section. We will provide a short guide on how to remove this or that paint; the basics of removing paint from fabric are described in the section earlier.

How to remove paint from fabric:

  • It is best to remove paint from a spray can or, as it is correctly called, using professional means - Graffiti-Entferner. If the stain is fresh and you immediately noticed it, medical alcohol and a cotton swab will easily do the job. Also, in most cases, a spray paint stain on clothing can be easily washed out with a good stain remover, powder, hot water and a little manual labor;
  • Every office worker can detect ink from a printer on clothing. Often this causes a lot of negativity from a damaged item, but a teaspoon of alcohol mixed with 2 teaspoons of soda and applied to the stain in the form of a paste will clean the item within 30 minutes. If necessary, additionally wash the item in stain remover;
  • Of course, every woman knows that when dyeing her hair, she needs to carefully protect her clothes. But can a hairdresser completely protect himself? But don’t be discouraged - it’s difficult to remove hair dye from clothes, but it’s quite possible if you want. The most important rule is to treat the stain as quickly as possible. Immediately after discovering a stain on the fabric, rinse it with plenty of cold running water. Apply stain remover to the fabric and leave for an hour, then rinse additionally under running water and wash as usual. Some fabrics are immediately combined with paint and stain removal is completely possible only in dry cleaning, but preliminary procedures are the key to success.

Also, stains are removed differently depending on the type of fabric:

  • Synthetic fabrics react very differently to aggressive paint solvents and most often deteriorate irrevocably. The best way to remove paint from synthetics: oil for oil paints and ammonia for all others. If necessary, turn to modern stain removers for clothes - they are excellent when working with synthetics;
  • The question also arises of what to do with the membrane, especially on children's clothing after the playground. It's quite simple - apply oil and rub lightly as if washing by hand. And you can easily get rid of oil paint stains. For other types of paints, nail polish remover without acetone most often helps;
  • Natural suede is expensive and very finicky to care for. Naturally, a spot of paint shocks and puts you into a stupor. As soon as possible (preferably within the first few hours), treat the stain with warm water, and then go through with a suede cleaner purchased in advance from a specialized shoe store. Under no circumstances should suede be treated with oils, alcohol or acetone. It is better to pay an additional amount for dry cleaning than to completely ruin the item.

How and with what to remove paint from clothes, jeans, benches?

The benches are painted with oil paints. Accordingly, you need to use the instructions above for removing oil paint from jeans.

How to get rid of paint on clothes without dry cleaning using a stain remover?

As soon as the slightest stain of paint appears on clothes, dozens of folk remedies for getting rid of stains pop up in my head. But successful stain removal requires analysis and well-thought-out actions.

We analyze the type of fabric and paint. Oil paint must be removed with a special solvent. And in other cases, most often it helps to quickly use a gel or dry stain remover from a well-established manufacturer. But if it no longer helps to cope with the problem, then you can switch to folk remedies.

Video: Can dry cleaning remove paint from clothes, folk remedies?

How and with what to remove paint from clothes and jeans using folk remedies?

If there is a child in the house, then it is not surprising to stain clothes with gouache or watercolor. In order to remove a stain from fresh gouache or watercolor, just rinse thoroughly under running warm water and use regular washing powder.

If the stain is old, after it comes off under the stream and some of the paint is washed off, you need to apply a teaspoon of soda to the stain and pour a teaspoon of vinegar on top. After the reaction is complete, rinse the stain and wash as usual.

This procedure may not work on cotton, since it quickly comes into contact with dyes and often cannot be completely removed even by professional dry cleaning.

How and with what to remove and wash stained glass, watercolor and acrylic paints from clothes and jeans quickly?

To remove stained glass paint, you will need rubber gloves and 70% acetic acid. You must work carefully, as the acid can cause burns on the skin and respiratory tract if you work in a poorly ventilated area.

Wet the stains with acid and wait a few minutes, then wipe with a brush and wash under running water. Wash as usual.

Watercolor paints can be washed well with regular soap with a stain remover effect and warm water.

But with acrylic paint it takes some effort to dress up. It is recommended to start as early as possible:

  • Using a dull knife, scrape off as much paint as possible, being careful not to damage the fabric; if the paint is fresh, blot it with paper napkins. If the fabric of the clothing is mesh, a soft, dry toothbrush can clean the clothing well;
  • Now it's time for isopropyl alcohol. Pour over the stain and scrub from the edges of the stain into the middle to remove paint rather than rubbing the stain further;
  • Now, using a dry toothbrush, fingernail or other convenient method, scrape off the paint so that it is cleaned between the fibers. All that's left to do is wash!

Facade paint on clothes, jeans: how and with what to quickly remove?

If you accidentally get stained with façade paint, apply white alcohol to a cotton swab and scrub thoroughly. Rinse with water and, if necessary, apply white alcohol to the brush a second time and wipe between the fibers of the fabric. Wash with washing powder as usual.

How and how quickly can you remove enamel paint from clothes and jeans?

As with façade paint, the best way to deal with alkyd enamel is white alcohol. If the paint is dry, you should first scrape it off with a dull knife, and then moisten the brush with alcohol and scrape off the paint with sharp movements. If necessary, pour alcohol onto the stain and wait until it softens before brushing off the paint.

What and how to quickly remove and wash hair dye from clothes and jeans?

Hair dye is a very specific product, and if you can’t wash it under running water with ordinary detergents, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this one.

What is a paint stain remover for clothes?

It is not always possible to remove dye using folk remedies, because they were invented decades ago, when the composition of fabrics was completely different, fabric dyes were used from a different generation and, accordingly, folk remedies may not be suitable in today’s realities. Universal remedies for any stains that work perfectly with paint on clothes will come to the rescue.

  • Frau Schmidt(Austria) - removes all types of stains from white and colored laundry. An ideal all-rounder;
  • Vanish— it is so popular that it speaks for itself;
  • Ecover(Belgium) - an eco-friendly product that removes stains from a wide variety of clothing and textiles without harming nature;
  • Amway Pre Wash- just spray the aerosol on the stain and it will immediately come off the fabric. Copes with various types of stains, suitable for all types of textiles;
  • Sarma Active— a budget product that is not inferior in quality to more expensive products;
  • Just a minute— perfectly cleans not only clothes, but also car seats and interiors from paints and stains;
  • Pencil Edelstar- copes even with types of stains that dry cleaning refuses.

This is just a small list of products that can be used to remove paint stains from clothes.

How to remove paint on clothes and jeans with Amway stain remover?

Amway Pre Wash stain remover is an ideal product for those who dream of quickly and perfectly removing stains and not just paint, but any kind.
In order to use this product, just level the product, spray the aerosol on both sides of the stain, wait a few minutes until the paint dissolves and wash it with a regular detergent, but preferably with a product from the same manufacturer!
It will not lighten the area where the stain was on the jeans. It washes perfectly.
Tell me so simply? Exactly!

Can dry cleaning remove dye from clothes?

Have you put a stain of paint on something and don’t risk removing it yourself? Take the item to the dry cleaner, be sure to tell the receiver where and when the item was stained (after all, it is very important to know the type of paint and how old the stain is). Just a few days and you will have a flawless item again!

Video: How to remove paint stains? How to remove paint stains from clothes?

If paint gets on clothes, many are ready to say goodbye to the damaged item, believing that it will no longer be possible to return the original appearance of the fabric.

In this article we will tell you how you can deal with the problem without consequences.

There are several simple methods, many of which are based on the use of improvised means, with the help of which removing stains will be a completely inexpensive and not troublesome process.

  1. Rules for removing paint from clothes
  2. It is necessary to determine whether the stain is fresh or old.

Determine the type of paint that got on your clothes. These two points are the most important rules in removing paint from clothes.

Firstly, if the stain is fresh, there is no need to put the item in a distant drawer or throw it away; most fresh stains can be removed immediately.

  1. Secondly, when determining the type of paint, the method of removing it from the fabric is determined.
  2. Determine the type of fabric. The method of cleaning the paint also depends on the type of fabric.
  3. First, the edge of the stain is processed, and then the center.

By following these rules, you can easily get rid of the stained area on your clothes without ruining them.

Precautionary measures

It is important to take precautions when removing the stain to avoid damaging the fabric or harming yourself.

  • The operation with the stain must be carried out using rubber gloves.
  • Removing paint should only be done with the window open, in a ventilated area.
  • If cleansing is done with chemicals (solvent, white spirit), it is advisable to wear a medical mask on your face.
  • In some cases, the selected dye remover may not be suitable for the type of fabric, so it is necessary to test it first on a small area of ​​​​the clothing, where a trace of the solvent will not be visible if a trace remains.
  • When removing a stain (as you know, the procedure must be carried out from the inside out), a thick piece of fabric is placed on the front side.

Stories from our readers!
“My sister gave me this cleaning product when she found out that I was going to clean the barbecue and wrought-iron gazebo at the dacha. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product even allows you to get rid of wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

How can you remove different dyes from clothes?

Water-soluble paints

These include gouache and watercolor. This paint is very easy to remove under running cold water. By holding the fabric under water, the stain will disappear, after which the item can be washed with powder.

As a result, the item will look the same as before - the stain will be completely removed.

Aniline dye

This paint was used in printing. Lately it has been rarely used. The difficulty with this paint is that it is not susceptible to water.

When removing such a color, a complex effect of solvents is used:

  • Denatured alcohol;
  • Potassium permanganate solution;
  • Oxalic acid.

For proper cleaning, you must follow this procedure:

  • Soak a piece of cotton wool or cloth in denatured alcohol.
  • Treatment with cotton wool or cloth should be carried out in the direction from the edges of the stain to its center.
  • After alcohol treatment, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. The solution should be applied to the stain for a short time, also using cotton wool.
  • Oxalic acid (2% solution) is used at the final stage of processing.

As a result of such machinations, the stain is removed, but the smell from the solvents and, sometimes, stains remain. To eliminate these consequences, you need to wash the item in warm water.

How to remove acrylic paint?

  • First of all, rinse the stain under a tap with cold water;
  • Next, you need to take a brush with soft bristles (you can use an old toothbrush), moisten it in detergent and gently rub the stain. Soap and regular powder are suitable as a detergent;
  • Finally, you need to wash your clothes by hand using powder or soap, but always in hot water, so it will be easier to use a washing machine.

If the stain is not completely removed after the first wash, you can repeat the second and third operations.

Alkyd enamel

If the fabric is contaminated with such paint, you can use regular white spirit.

Processing is traditionally carried out from the inside out. After treatment with a solvent, you must wash the item with laundry soap.

Oil paint

Oil paint is removed from fabric with a soap solution. However, the property of such paint after its removal is a residual greasy stain.

There are several ways to eliminate the consequences:

  • Place 2 sheets of white paper on the back and front sides of the fabric and iron. The greasy stain will move from the fabric to the paper. Oh, you can find out here.
  • Rinse the greasy stain using powder, which should be dissolved in warm water at the rate of one teaspoon of powder per glass of water.

Oil paint can be removed from plain fabrics using the following means:

  • Kerosene;
  • Alcohol;
  • Acetone;
  • Ammonia;
  • Refined gasoline.

All these products are easy to obtain and use; difficulties may arise with purified gasoline. You can use gasoline intended for refilling lighters.

It is important to know that acetone leaves patterns on colored fabrics, and acetone can simply dissolve thin and natural fabrics, such as silk, leaving a hole in the place of the colored stain.

If a woolen or cashmere item is stained with paint, the use of aggressive chemicals is strictly prohibited - you need to take a piece of cloth or cotton wool, soak it in vegetable oil and gently rub the stain with light movements.

How to remove water-based paint from clothes?

To remove this type of paint, you can stretch the stained area of ​​fabric and treat it with alcohol.

After treatment, wipe the stain with an unnecessary clean rag.

If the stain does not disappear, you can try regular washing with powder or laundry soap. This happens because now there are many types of water-based paint, so if the classical methods are not suitable, you can use any other.

The main rule is to first wash in cold water and if this does not help, use hot water.

Hair dye

Products containing an acidic environment will help remove hair dye from clothes. For example, vinegar.

Since it is very difficult to remove hair dye from clothes, it is recommended to use additional means of protecting things when dyeing.

If contamination does occur and the fabric is white, it is recommended to soak the stain in hydrogen peroxide or bleach, following the instructions included with it.

If the fabric is colored, immediately after contamination, treat the stain with hairspray. If these methods do not help, you can use aggressive chemicals. Stains on clothes come from different origins, including marker stains. , covered in detail here.

Features of cleaning different types of fabrics

  • Cotton
  1. Mix white clay with gasoline, rub the stain and leave for several hours. After about 4 hours, the clay will begin to push paint molecules out of the fabric layers.
  2. Boil 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. soda and 1 bar of soap, grated. In this mixture, boil the area of ​​the fabric with the stain for 10 minutes.
  • Natural silk

The dye is removed from silk in stages:

  1. Rub the stained stain with laundry soap;
  2. Soak a piece of cotton wool in heated denatured alcohol and rub the soap stain until a visible result appears. The alcohol can be heated in a water bath.
  3. After treatment with alcohol, wet the treatment area with a hot wet cloth, blot with a dry cloth, and treat with talcum powder.
  • Wool. To clean the dyed area on wool fabric, you need to rub it laundry soap and place in boiling water for a few seconds. This must be done several times in a row, then the paint will disappear from the fabric. After the procedure, the item must be washed in warm water.

  • Synthetics. It is strictly not recommended to use chemical solvents on synthetic fabrics, otherwise the fabric will completely deteriorate and the item will have to be thrown away.

To remove a stain you need to take ammonia and rub it on the stain. After this, soak the affected area of ​​​​the tissue in a saline solution.

  • Leather. It is recommended to treat leather products stained with paint with almost any vegetable oil. It is best to use vegetable sunflower oil, this is the most budget option. Olive oil or, for example, castor oil is also suitable. If, on the contrary, the stain is oily, then you can find out the recommendations here.
  • Jeans. To clean denim products, the use of aggressive solvents is allowed - gasoline, kerosene. These liquids will not spoil the fabric, but will perfectly remove any paint from clothing. An unpleasant downside may be an unpleasant odor that will not dissipate for a long time.
  • Capron. Warm water will help remove paint from nylon or nylon products. ammonia, just moisten a piece of cotton wool, cloth or sponge in this substance and wipe the stain off the clothes, then you need to wash the item in warm salty water.

How to remove a dried paint stain?

In order to get rid of old stained areas on fabric, it is important to follow these instructions:

  • The top layer of old paint must be removed using a knife, blade or rough brush.
  • Choose a product depending on the type of fabric.
  • Prepare many pieces of cotton wool.
  • Now the cleaning procedure itself: moisten cotton wool in a suitable product and wipe it off the affected area.

It is very important to observe the cotton wool; if it is stained with paint, it must be thrown away and take a clean piece. This is important to do so that the paint does not absorb back into the fabric.

After cleaning the fabric, it is important to follow several rules in order to return the item to its original appearance:

  • Cleaning clothes from paint is carried out depending on the type of paint itself and fabric;
  • There is a greater chance of returning the item to its original condition if you begin cleaning the paint as soon as possible after contamination;
  • If it is difficult to determine the type of paint, you can use a universal remedy - laundry soap;
  • If, after treating the stain with various aggressive agents or solvents, a pungent odor remains, the item should be rinsed in warm water and laundry soap and hung to dry in fresh air, for example on a balcony. The item should hang in the air for as long as possible, at least two days.
  • After exposure to cleaning agents, the item must be washed strictly separately from the rest of the clothing, otherwise the smell of the paint will be absorbed into the items with which it was washed;
  • To remove an unpleasant odor after exposure to solvent, gasoline or other chemicals, it is strictly not recommended to use eau de toilette or cologne - this will further aggravate the situation, the odors will mix and the item will have to be thrown away due to the strong stench;
  • If the stain still cannot be removed, you can try sewing embroidery, applique or, for example, a pocket onto the affected area.

Paint marks on clothes are considered one of the most difficult stains, especially if it is a thin, delicate fabric. If you get such a stain, don’t get upset, run to the dry cleaner or throw away your favorite item, try removing paint from clothes with home remedies.

Rules for removing stains

To ensure that dye removal is successful and the item does not deteriorate, you need to remember a few general rules. They are based on the experience of several generations of housewives:

  1. Paint stains on clothes are easier to remove if they are fresh.
  2. It is necessary to accurately determine the nature of the contamination. Dyes are made on different bases, therefore their dissolving agents differ.
  3. To avoid completely ruining the item, test the product you need on an inconspicuous area.
  4. It is better to work with acetone, gasoline, solvent or turpentine in a well-ventilated area, and ideally outside. If this is not possible, an open window will do.
  5. The stain should be cleaned with a cotton pad or a clean white cloth. These materials do not fade when in contact with solvents, so they will not stain the item again.
  6. The working surface must be covered with plastic film to protect the manipulation area from the action of solvents.
  7. Try to remove the stain from the wrong side of the product, after covering the other side with a thick napkin. It will absorb excess solvents or mixtures you have prepared.
  8. Remove the stain using a blotting motion from the edge to the center. Do not rub it under any circumstances, as this will help the paint penetrate deeper into the fabric.

Removing paint from clothes

The easiest way to remove stains from watercolors and gouache from clothes. These are water-soluble dyes that can be removed with a stream of cool water. If it is heavily soiled, apply a stain remover to the affected area, then wash the entire item with soap or powder. It is more difficult to remove stains from hair dye, oil, acrylic, water-based and old stains.

Hair dye

After each hair coloring procedure, always carefully inspect your clothing. If you notice a stain, begin removing immediately. If the paint does not contain ammonia, then it will be easier to deal with contamination. Here are some effective ways:

  • Rub the affected area with laundry soap, wash the fabric so that the soap penetrates the fibers, then rinse with water. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat the procedure again, but this time use hot water.
  • Spray the stain with hairspray. It contains weak solvents that will help remove minor stains.
  • If your white clothes are stained, soak them in chlorine bleach for an hour. Then wash with powder and rinse thoroughly.
  • When wool or synthetics are contaminated, the following mixture will help: 0.4 liters of water, 1 tbsp. a spoon of 9% vinegar and the same amount of liquid soap. Apply the mixture to the fabric, let it sit until the paint dissolves, then rinse.
  • Mix hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and water in equal proportions. Apply the product to the stain using a cotton pad and scrub with a brush. After an hour, rinse the solution with plain water and wash.


Acrylic paints are made from polymers that are dissolved in a water base. You can clean such a stain in the following way:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia and 9% table vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 350 ml of water.
  • Pour over the damaged area and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse the item under running water and wash it in a washing machine with powder and conditioner.
  • If after all the manipulations traces of contamination remain, then the entire procedure is repeated from the beginning.


This type of paint is the most difficult to remove. Oil dyes contain drying oil. When hardened, it turns into a three-dimensional polymer protective coating, which ensures high paint resistance from abrasion. To remove oil paint stains, use one of five methods:

  • To remove fresh stains, try Antipyatin soap: carefully remove the top part of the paint with a blade, rub the remaining stain with Antipyatin, leave for 20 minutes, then wash the item with warm water.
  • Alternatingly rubbing kerosene and baking soda into the stain helps. Rub the products in a circular motion from the edge to the center of the stain, wash in water and laundry soap.
  • This method is good for cleaning raincoat fabric or jackets: rub the affected area with a cotton pad or a white cloth soaked in a solvent (White spirit, acetone, nail polish remover), wipe until the rag stops getting dirty, and wash.
  • Stains on nylon and nylon can be washed with ammonia. Wipe the fabric from the reverse side with a cotton pad, then wash with regular powder.
  • If all else fails, try mixing refined gasoline, turpentine and alcohol in equal proportions. Dampen the stain with the mixture and leave for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, scrape off the remaining paint with a knife and wash it off.


These paints are water-based, so fresh stains can be washed off with warm water and soap. If this doesn't help, try one of the following:

  • If you have recently gotten dirty, apply a stain remover, such as Vanish, to the dirty area, leave for half an hour, and wash the item with warm water.
  • Remove excess paint from the dried stain with the blunt side of a knife, and rub the remaining stain with kerosene. Rub the stain in a circular motion, change the rag or cotton pad as it becomes dirty. When the dirt is removed, wash the damaged area with laundry soap or washing powder.

Many women, seeing that the fabric is stained with dye, immediately begin to panic. However, the item does not have to be immediately sent to the garbage disposal. There are many ways to remove paint from clothes, depending on the composition of the substance. You can try to remove any stain yourself if you know some of the secrets of the procedure.

How to remove paint from fabric

First of all, you need to determine the type of contamination. All dyes are conventionally divided into groups:

  • water-soluble (watercolor, water-based solutions, gouache, tempera);
  • other dyes that dissolve in various substances (oil, acrylic, latex, enamel).

Fresh watercolor stains on children's clothes can be washed off with cold water. It is recommended to pre-soak old traces of dyes for 15-30 minutes. Gouache contains an adhesive and oil base, so it takes longer to wash off than watercolor. How to remove paint from clothes made of thick fabric? This is not difficult, and the means at hand can be found in every home. For example:

  1. you can prepare a solution of oxalic acid and ammonia;
  2. no less effective is a mixture of glycerin, technical alcohol and ammonia.

Tempera in composition refers to intermediate compositions between water and oil dyes. In this regard, removal should be carried out in the same way as getting rid of grease stains. Water-based mortars can be easily removed from work pants with soapy water. How to remove paint from clothes made of delicate fabric: it is better to use special stain removers, such as Bos or Vanish.

Acrylic or latex dyes are water-soluble, but over time the stain will be impossible to remove after one wash. Fresh dirt should be carefully blotted with absorbent material to prevent the composition from being absorbed into the fabric. How to remove acrylic paint from clothes? It is recommended to rub the old stain under running water and load the item into the machine. Wash at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees.

Oil and enamel dyes are the most difficult stains for fabric. Before deciding how to remove paint from clothes, you need to make sure that the material will not be damaged. Serious solvents can damage fabric, so test before use. How to remove oil paint from clothes? Use solvents (eg 646 or 647). If the case is very complex and advanced, try acetone. To reduce gasoline pollution, get the formula from the hardware store, not the one you use to fill your car.

Several ways to remove paint from clothes:

  1. Dishwashing detergents will help you if you've just stained your clothes. The stain just needs to be rubbed with a sponge and washed off with water.
  2. Cleaning powder with butter also helps solve problems with such stains. Mix the substances in a 1/1 ratio, rub the stain for some time, rinse with water. After this, wash the item.
  3. Vegetable oil is suitable for cleaning items made of synthetics, cashmere or leather. Apply it to a cotton pad and rub the stained area until the paint disappears. When the procedure is over, you will need to remove the oil stain (to do this, pour salt on it and rinse it).
  4. White spirit is suitable for combating different types of stains, but it is better to choose it for removing enamel. You need to wet the tampon with this substance and rub the fabric.
  5. Gasoline is used in extreme cases. They are filled with pollution for a while. The disadvantage of this method is that traces of gasoline may remain on the fabric.

How to remove paint from clothes with solvents

If you get dirty, don’t rush to throw away your clothes. Try to remove the dirt. Acetone, which is part of many solvents, does an excellent job of removing traces of dyes. To remove, you need to drop a little product onto the stain and rinse after 10 minutes. Before using this method, remember that acetone can leave traces on colored material, and this aggressive substance will dissolve silk fibers.

How to remove paint from clothes with alcohol

In the construction industry, water-based solutions or latex paint are increasingly used. If, while painting the ceiling, you stain your trousers, jacket, jeans or scarf, then try to wash the stain with alcohol. To do this, stretch the fabric a little, moisten it with this substance, and wipe it with a cloth. Some housewives get rid of stains by rubbing the fabric with soap and moistening it with alcohol. After 10 minutes, you need to wash everything using the traditional method. This method also helps to get rid of stamp-type pigment.

How to remove paint from clothes with vinegar and ammonia

Acrylic or latex dyes can be easily cleaned with ammonia and vinegar. This method will help save your new jeans from unwanted contamination:

  1. Mix ammonia and vinegar with salt (2 tablespoons each).
  2. Apply the mixture to the stained area of ​​your jeans.
  3. When the mixture is absorbed, wipe it off with a toothbrush.

How to remove paint from thick fabric clothes

How to wash things if the fabric is very thick:

  1. Stains from gouache or watercolor, even if they have dried, come off well after washing.
  2. Try removing the oil stain with acetone. Soak a cotton swab in the substance and wipe away the stain.
  3. Refined gasoline also removes old stains well, but it eats heavily into fabric fibers. This causes the material to lose color.

How to remove paint from light fabric clothes

It is difficult to remove stains from delicate fabrics. It is recommended to use dry cleaning services. Before trying folk remedies, make sure you don’t ruin your item. What you can use:

  1. A cotton swab soaked in alcohol is a good way to remove fresh and old stains from thin material. Rub the dirt from the edges to the center.
  2. Try washing off very fresh stains with laundry soap.
  3. You can try to wash nylon or nylon with alcohol and salt. The dirt is cleaned with alcohol, then washed off with saline solution.
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