How to spend your honeymoon at home. Where should the newlyweds spend their honeymoon after marriage? Vacation ideas

The happy day has arrived when two loving people united and became a family. Great mood, new feelings and anticipation of something special - a fairy tale that lasts a whole month - a honeymoon. But where to spend this most wonderful month in the life of newlyweds, how to make it unforgettable?

Honeymoon - where to go, how to spend it?

The honeymoon has arrived, where to spend it? It would seem that if you had the money and the desire, you could go. But now there are so many interesting places where you can spend the “sweet month of newlyweds” that it is very difficult to choose something.

We will try to describe to you the most interesting, most popular places to spend 4 happy weeks. Having learned about them, it will be easier for you to decide what is most interesting to you.

So, where should newlyweds spend their first month?

  • Abroad. To visit places that were previously only a dream - images on video and photos - is exactly what can become unforgettable.
  • At home. Why not? You are young lovers and completely happy people, isn’t the warmth of your “cozy nest” enough? Home is not a death sentence; in your city/village, there are probably places where visiting can make you happy and amused?
  • On wheels. Active recreation on wheels is an option for the curious. Such a trip will appeal to active people who prefer adventures and unexpected surprises.
  • Winter month in Russia– an excellent option, since in this great country there are many places where you can have a great time on frosty days.

Let's take a closer look at your honeymoon options.

Maybe abroad?

Honeymoon abroad can make the most vivid impression on newlyweds, especially if you choose the right place.

1. Tours in Europe: change of cities, a lot of interesting things, many excursions and several thousand photographs - isn’t this a dream? What can replace a wonderful trip to the sights of Rome, Venice or Florence?

2. Romantic trip:

- to the city of love - France: the Champs Elysees, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre and much more that amazes the imagination, makes you open your mouth in surprise and delight;

— to Prague: narrow cobbled streets, which are a pleasure to walk along hugging; favorable atmosphere and distinctive architecture of buildings with red roofs.

3. Holidays at sea– multiple choice:

- V Turkey, be sure to go to one of the all-inclusive hotels, so as not to worry about everyday life, but to enjoy the sun, sea and the surrounding exoticism;

Maldives– a dream island where you can feel like the kings of a small universe;

Dubai- a place where you can relax, feeling all the secrets of the exotic east: deserts, sheikhs, unusual customs and customs - all this is fascinating, and what can we say about shopping, with its unusual luxury goods;

Seychelles And Hawaii– no less interesting places where you can have a great vacation for newlyweds;

- and the favorite of our list, a trip to Thailand- stunning nature, clear sea near the islands, snow-white sand, Bounty-style photos are guaranteed, and with them great memories of your holiday in this paradise country. Budget-friendly, beautiful, memorable.

There are many other interesting cities and countries where you can spend honeymoon abroad, you just have to study them - and make a choice.

Or maybe at home?

Honeymoon at home You can also spend it unforgettably like this:

  • you will save a lot of money, which you can spend on improving your family “nest”,
  • you will be able to get enough sleep by getting up when you need, and not at the time required by the hotel regime;
  • you will plan various events and how you can spend time together, taking into account the wishes of each newly-made family man: today the choice is the wife’s, tomorrow – the husband’s.

To live this month at home in a more romantic way, you can diversify it with such pleasant moments as: breakfasts/lunches/dinners in bed, making love with foreplay (striptease, theatrical performance, massage...), holding themed parties with friends, singing karaoke, extreme sports (if you're into it and aren't scared).

Honeymoon at home can become the way you want - go for it!

Or on wheels?

Honeymoon on wheels – the choice of the brave. You can choose a route by marking all the stopping points where you want to have a snack, spend the night, or take photos. Or you can not plan anything - just buy a guidebook and a navigator, always have a charged phone with you (in case you get a little lost) - and go on to adventure!

You can choose to travel on wheels within one city/country or even several countries - it all depends on your capabilities and wishes.

Or winter in Russia?

Can be carried out winter honeymoon in Russia, if your wedding took place at this time of year. White snow, winter, mountains - beauty, especially with your loved one. You can have a wonderful winter holiday in one of the following cities in the Russian Federation:

  • Sochi,
  • Kazan,
  • Kislovodsk,
  • Kaliningrad,
  • Altai,
  • Baikal.
  • Other.

Russia is a great country where you can always relax, plunging into the summer heat or winter snowdrift.

Whatever option you choose for spending time on your legal honeymoon, we wish you to spend it 100%: may a lot of positive emotions, a sea of ​​joy and a volcano of passions not leave you, neither in these 30 days, nor in the rest of your life - endless happiness to you , love and mutual understanding!!!

Honeymoon by the sea

How to make your honeymoon unforgettable

Many men and women think that after marriage they will live happily ever after and it simply cannot be any other way. But there are so many things that can go wrong, and a happy marriage will end in a terrible divorce. And you might not want to hear it, but everything can go downhill, starting with the honeymoon.

Don't underestimate the honeymoon

Of course, the honeymoon is always filled with passion and your head is filled with champagne bubbles, but a lot of your marriage depends on how successful your honeymoon is. And it is very important to make it as pleasant and memorable as possible, because you both want it so much.

We've tried to compile all the dos and don'ts into 10 practical tips to help you have an enjoyable honeymoon.

Of course, unless you decide to get married the next day, you will be planning your wedding in detail. You should take the same approach to your honeymoon. The best guarantee that it will go smoothly is to sit down and plan it together, even the smallest details.

2. Don't tempt fate

A honeymoon shouldn't be your first trip together. You need to travel at least a little together before the wedding, even to a neighboring city. This way you can find out what your future husband likes and what he hates. This will make your life a little easier on your honeymoon.

No one said that looking at the sunset or the stars together is no longer romantic. If you're not in bed, take some time to just admire the beauty with your husband.

4. Take a lot of photos

Usually women like this activity more, but many men also like to look through photographs afterwards. Film everything, everywhere, within reason, of course. And think about how fun it is to look back at these pictures and remember how good you had it on your honeymoon.

5. Do something you both enjoy

Whatever you do on your honeymoon, it should work for two. If he is afraid of heights, don't make him skydive or zipline off a bridge.

6. Make the most of your room

Naturally, this goes without saying. But don't forget that the main place a couple spends time on their honeymoon is the bed. It is best to set aside one day to lie in bed all day and not leave your room.

7. Talk to him

In bed you can make more than just love. Use the moments when you are just lying together to get to know him better. This is the right time to open up to each other.

8. Beware of germs

It often happens that one of you may catch a cold, virus or suffer from allergy attacks during your honeymoon. And the problem is that the patient will always be in a bad mood, and this will ruin the rest of both of you. The best preventative method is to get vaccinated. And in any case, do not forget to take a first aid kit with everything you need.

Honeymoon by the ocean

9. Connect with local people

If you are traveling to some exotic place, getting to know the local culture is just what you need. Not only is it exciting and educational, but it's also a lot of fun, especially for a young couple like you.

10. Remember to relax

Relaxation is like an oasis in the middle of nowhere on your honeymoon. Don't exhaust yourself. Just make sure you have enough time to just lie back, relax, and enjoy yourself together.

One of the most beloved post-wedding traditions is the honeymoon, during which the newlyweds can finally relax after the pre-wedding troubles, be alone, and enjoy each other’s company. A honeymoon means a certain period of time, of any duration, from a couple of days to several months, when it is desirable that no one interferes with taking the first steps in the formation of a young family, so that the young can get to know each other better, understand the habits of their other half, and enjoy everything complete happiness next to your loved one.

There are couples who already lived together before the wedding, even ran a common household, maybe even for more than one year, but even in this case, this wonderful custom should not be ignored. After all, how great it is that a completely new stage in life begins - a family one, that now two people form an official family, with their own responsibilities and routines. their way of life and their foundations. How can you not be happy about this! Therefore, after the wedding, it is necessary to extend the atmosphere of the holiday, to live together in love and harmony, starting your married life with pleasant impressions. Most often, these joyful sensations remain for life, are remembered as the happiest.

Why do you need a honeymoon?

It is not so important where exactly you decide to spend your

It could be a chalet in the mountains, far from people, or it could be a small country house near a forest with a river, exotic islands or a trip to a large city, even a tourist tent on the shore of a reservoir can become a piece of paradise if you feel good in it together, close by together. Do not give up this wonderful tradition, try to plan in advance where and how you will spend this time, find the best option that will suit both halves, not forgetting about the possibilities of the now family budget.

Planning a honeymoon, searching for suitable options, developing a route and your program for this period will help you unite, because a common cause always brings people together. When choosing a honeymoon, you cannot ignore someone’s wishes and preferences; it is worth looking for a compromise solution, taking into account the interests of both husband and wife.

How to spend a honeymoon - this question arises for all young couples about to get married. Even if marriage was preceded by more than one year of living together, all the same, the soul demands and asks for something special, romance, or, at worst, a good quality vacation. The main thing is to spend this vacation as useful as possible for the relationship, and not turn it into a testing ground for finding out who is in charge in your family and other burning issues. And you definitely shouldn’t do repairs and similar household chores, otherwise you risk ruining your relationship.


For a long time, it was considered good form to take a sea cruise on your honeymoon. There is no doubt that the option for the first joint holiday is ideal - no everyday problems and questions - they will all fall on the shoulders of the service staff, a proven and well-established route, new pleasant impressions. Minus one. The price of all this pleasure sometimes exceeds reasonable limits. However, there are ways to bring this price to a more or less adequate appearance. How to do it.

  • Firstly, you need to start thinking about where to go already when preparations for the wedding begin. Or better yet, even earlier. Decide on the type of vacation that you prefer - active, with intense routes and excursions, or as calm as possible, along the route - room - hotel veranda - restaurant - room. In the second case, it is not necessary to go during the busiest season, which is also the most expensive. During the off-season, which in tropical countries is accompanied by worsening weather, prices for everything drop significantly. Of course, there is no point in going during the rainy season, but in the interval...
  • Secondly, everything needs to be booked in advance - then the difference in price will be quite noticeable than when booking a week before departure. Hotels, tickets, tours - all this can and should be booked in advance.
  • Thirdly, when booking a hotel, you should definitely ask what pleasant little things are provided to newlyweds, and be sure to indicate that you are one of them.

In addition, we can advise you to plan your budget in advance, at least roughly limiting and determining the amounts that you can afford to spend on souvenirs, new things and entertainment. The main thing is not to overdo it and not slip into outright hoarding - if there is no opportunity to pamper yourself with overseas exotics, isn’t it better to consider other vacation options?

Vacation without a trip

There are many arguments in favor of traveling on a honeymoon, but there are no fewer arguments that say that you can have a good honeymoon without leaving far away. For example, you won’t have to acclimatize, get expensive and unsafe vaccinations against various exotic diseases, painfully get used to the time difference, and then get used to it again. And this does not include the risks of flying, as well as the standard risks of bumping into a criminal or getting into trouble in another country. Plus ignorance of the local language and school English, which is unlikely to help if you have to explain yourself not to the receptionist or sellers, but, for example, to the local police... In a word, this is a terrible, terrible thing - a trip to an exotic country. So what should we do? What ideas do you have for spending a honeymoon in your small homeland?

First of all, make sure you know your hometown really well. There are a lot of interest groups and clubs on the Internet, and by joining you can learn a lot about a seemingly familiar place. Don't miss the opportunity - find out about those places that offer stunning views of the city, or sunset, or sunrise, or a paint factory - it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you will look for these places together, and visit them together too. Secluded parks, squares, streets of your hometown - everywhere, if you wish, you can find beauty and romance. The main thing is to set a goal.

The second tip for spending a honeymoon in your hometown would be the seemingly irrational decision to rent a hotel, at least for a week or so. In modern realities, not all newlyweds have the opportunity to live separately from their relatives. In this case, renting a hotel is an ideal option. Firstly, the newlyweds will have time and space to really devote time to each other, without embarrassing anyone or embarrassing themselves. Secondly, everyday issues like cleaning and cooking will disappear by themselves. This option is very refreshing even for familiar and established relationships.

The third tip is to find a joint hobby. Over the years, this can become a very significant and strong link holding your marriage together. It doesn’t matter what it will be - from wood burning or paintball to shooting a video for Instagram, the main thing is that the process captivates both.

Vacation without vacation

Unfortunately, the modern realities of large, and not only cities, are such that there is either no time to live, or there is nothing to live on. And, alas, it also happens that the entire wedding vacation is three days, according to social guarantees. But this does not mean that you necessarily need to give in to routine. Small surprises can make this time more pleasant, and then even become a good tradition. Cute notes in your pocket or purse, delivery of a small bouquet to the office, weekends spent doing unusual but pleasant things - all this will save you from boredom and mutual disappointment.

Anna Lyubimova June 2, 2018, 10:57 pm

After the emotional and physical stress of pre-wedding preparation and the celebration itself, the newlyweds want to relax as much as possible in each other’s company and feel like they are married. What is a honeymoon? This is the first month after the wedding - period of sweet pleasure a new status, when you don’t want to think about the upcoming everyday issues of everyday life, but simply indulge in the romance of living together, tenderness and love. During this period, the spouses should be inseparable and, of course, try not to overshadow this romantic period with petty quarrels and disagreements.

Why is a honeymoon called a honeymoon?

Traditionally, the emphasis on the first married month came from old Russian customs. The couple drank mead at the wedding, and after the celebration they had to empty the keg of honey. This sweet and healthy product not only served as a source of pleasure, but also helped strengthen the health of spouses for conceiving healthy children.

A barrel of honey for newlyweds

How to spend a honeymoon for newlyweds?

You need to plan this period, of course, even before the wedding. Its meaning is to allow spouses to have privacy and a change of scenery. Therefore, the honeymoon is often closely associated with the honeymoon.

A joint marital trip in itself will bring a fresh note to the relationship, and if it is done for the first time, it is doubly romantic and unforgettable

The route should be discussed in advance and an option acceptable to both spouses should be chosen. This could be a trip to other countries or a holiday at a resort, or it could be a quiet, secluded place in a country house, where young people are completely left to their own devices and no one interferes with enjoying each other’s company. Don’t put off planning your honeymoon until after the wedding – the anticipation of a subsequent trip together, which has already been decided, will add a special touch of romance and tenderness to the atmosphere of your main celebration.

Country house for honeymoon celebration

Extreme lovers and young adventurous newlyweds often go on hikes, preferring more creative and romantic spend time in a tent outdoors, cooking over a fire and washing with spring water than in comfortable conditions. If you are one of them, this type of honeymoon will leave a lot of positive emotions and impressions, which you will remember more than once as the most wonderful period of spiritual harmony of two loving hearts. Surely you will want to experience the vivid sensations again. But you can always organize a second honeymoon for yourself.

The stereotype that a honeymoon vacation should be calm and contemplative is broken by extreme sports enthusiasts. If the spouses, among other things, connects and common hobby, you can go to ski resorts, go diving, pitch a tent on the sea coast, or even sail to a secluded island.

Honeymoon on the island

A good option for a honeymoon trip can be organized by car. So you can visit many interesting places, making stops on the banks of rivers, in remote forests, renting houses in remote villages with picturesque nature, which will allow you to completely escape from the usual bustle and get as close as possible to each other.

Quite often there are situations when newlyweds cannot leave for their first wedding honeymoon. There may be several reasons - the inability to take a vacation or financial difficulties. But you can organize a celebration of two loving hearts in an ordinary setting, showing imagination, and most importantly, sincere feelings. Even if you have to go to work, the evenings and nights are at your complete disposal. Try to forget about the problems and ups and downs of the day and just relax mentally and emotionally in each other’s company. Organize yourself dinners by candlelight, go to restaurants, arrange dates and walks under the moon, fun weekend picnics, buy passes for unusual experiences - hot air balloon flights, horseback riding, visiting a sauna or massage parlors together. Believe me, you can diversify the post-wedding period in different ways, and not depress yourself with an unfulfilled post-wedding mission.

Hot air balloon flight on honeymoon

After all, you can celebrate your honeymoon at any other time when the opportunity arises. Maybe it will be even more romantic.

How long does the honeymoon last?

The very concept defined as a month is very subjective. Its definition is determined not so much by time frames as by sensations. Of course, at first you are attracted by the absolute newness of the relationship, spouses find in each other new manifestations of character, hidden talents, they are interesting to each other. But real couples who are united by sincere love can remain in a honeymoon state for many years. In other cases, routine and misunderstandings destroy the charm of romance much faster.

The honeymoon can be defined formally as a period when spouses organize a holiday for each other, show increased attention, tenderness and romance.

Sometimes spouses wonder: “What do they do on their honeymoon?” There are no traditions in this regard. During this period, they simply love each other, get to know and enjoy the company of their loved one. You can also pamper your spouse with some original jewelry, for example, a watch, rings or earrings.

Gold earrings with morganites and cubic zirconias, SL(price on the link)

Men's watch, SL (price on the link)

Second honeymoon

Loving spouses who want to refresh their relationship and diversify everyday life with bright colors often organize periodic vacations together, which they spend like a honeymoon. This is not a family vacation with children or in the company of friends, but a secluded one for two. Often, couples whose relationships were in a critical state regained harmony by simply renouncing worldly problems and spending, for example, vacation in a secluded area in nature.

Honeymoon in nature

Often couples take another honeymoon before giving birth. This is not a bad idea, which is even more strengthens the union of future parents, which has a beneficial effect not only on future relationships and the upbringing of the child, but also has a positive effect on the baby.

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