How to make jeans shorts with holes. How to sew denim shorts

Denim shorts are an almost indispensable component of both women's and men's wardrobes. They do not go out of fashion - only the possible options for their execution change.

The right choice of model allows you to combine shorts with almost your entire wardrobe. And at the same time, both men's and women's shorts can very easily be made independently, from old jeans.


As the famous proverb says, "Seven times measure cut once". This is especially true when it comes to making shorts, so the preparatory stage is quite important for the future item. It is from the correct selection of jeans model and correct cutting that will depend on how the final model will look.

Before you start, you need to clearly understand the expected result. For this, the most useful moment will be making a sketch - already from it the desired length, color, and the opportunity to experiment with decor will be visible. It is very convenient to use various computer programs for this, like Photoshop. Important: The model created from the sketch and the model obtained during manufacturing may differ.

Choice of jeans

The first and most important step is choosing cut-off jeans.

When making men's shorts, just like women's, you need to give preference to the model that sits well on the hips.

  • Loose shorts can be created by cutting off wide jeans.
  • Skinny model - when cutting off skinny jeans.
  • Stretch cutoff jeans are not a good idea. When trimming, plastic stretch threads and elastic bands will be noticeable, which can spoil the appearance of the final product.
  • Khaki jeans are great for cropping, but should not be decorated with lace, sequins or embroidery. In itself, such a color is quite bright and it will be quite enough to simply highlight it with the help of a single-color decor - leather, metal inserts.
  • If you are overweight and have pronounced cellulite, it is better to refrain from creating short, tight shorts. This model can highlight figure flaws. In this situation, it is better to give preference to high-waisted jeans - by cutting them yourself, you can get fashionable women's shorts in the pin-up style. A high waist will visually lengthen your legs and make them slimmer.


The next step in how to make fashionable shorts from old jeans with your own hands is choosing the cutting location.

Women's shorts can be cut along the following lines:

  • Capris are cut at the calf muscle.
  • Breeches are cut at knee level.
  • Bermuda shorts are cut above the knee.
  • Classic shorts are cut 10-12 cm above the knees.
  • Mini shorts are cut to a comfortable length for a short skirt.

Men's shorts have slightly fewer options for cutting:

  • mid-calf;
  • knee level;
  • above the knee;
  • mid thigh.

After clearly defining the intended cutting line, you need to find out which bottom will be the most desirable. If there is fringe along the bottom edge, it is necessary to trim 2-3 cm below the expected length. For men's shorts, a rolled design is more preferable - it allows you to get a more neat effect and makes it possible to combine shorts with both T-shirts and shirts. To create a tackle, you need to leave at least 7 cm of length below the expected length.


Before applying markings, especially if the jeans have not been worn for a long time, you need to wash them.

When washed, the fibers can shrink, and therefore fashionable shorts from old jeans can turn out much shorter than the intended length.

After washing you need to apply markings. To do this most correctly and accurately, you need to put on jeans and mark the desired length - with pins or chalk. A piece of old soap is also great for making marks. To get the most accurate result, the soap should be sharp.

After applying the markings, the jeans are removed and the correctness of the lines is checked. Here is one of the very important stages of making a product with your own hands: when creating short shorts, you must take into account all the features of the anatomy and make the back part a little longer than the front.

Ignoring this rule will result in shorts that are shorter at the back and may not fit properly.


Denim has a high density. Therefore, you need to choose very sharp and, if possible, long scissors. It is easier to make an uneven edge with short scissors, but with blunt scissors it will be difficult to cut evenly. When pruning, do not cut both sides at once, front and back. It is better to cut the pants in a circle or one at a time.

With this DIY cutting, fashionable denim shorts will be straighter. The presence of a small error is not at all scary - it can be hidden with a collar or fringe. But major flaws can no longer be hidden this way.

Pruning is the most important step. It is on its correct implementation that will depend on how well it will be possible to make new fashionable shorts from old jeans. Do not rush to trim - this can lead to errors. Having multiple fittings is ideal, especially for inexperienced seamstresses. By trying on old jeans after each cut, you can make the most even and beautiful cut line.

Edge processing

So, the trimming is completed and now it’s time to bring the product into its final form. The first thing you need to do for this is to process the edges of the product. Many people here make one of the main mistakes and try to recreate the denim overlock stitch.

This stitching is done using special equipment and its creation at home can bring far from the most aesthetic results. Therefore, in this situation, it is better to refrain from this type of processing and give preference to other methods.


The most popular and easiest option. Perfect for female models. It is less common on men's shorts. You can find advice that says that to create fringe it is enough to simply wash the resulting product in the washing machine.

This statement has some truth, but also a number of shortcomings:

  • threads will get into the machine drain, tank, and may even get into important elements, which will lead to breakdown;
  • the threads are washed out unevenly, and therefore after washing such fringe will have to be adjusted.

The most convenient way to make fringe is to use a small brush. With its help you can “comb out” excess threads. In order for the fringe to have a neat appearance, it is better to stitch it along the border with the fabric - this will help prevent further unraveling of the product and make it more durable.


The most accurate option for edge processing. To do this, you must first "rehearse" bending the edge to the desired length. A triple twist is optimal - it does not tend to unfold spontaneously. The edge of the shorts must be stitched so that they do not unravel - this will give the product an unaesthetic appearance.

They have been on trend for several seasons now. This little thing is quite versatile and can be combined with any style, which is why fashionistas are so eager to get it into their wardrobe. But you don’t even need to go to the store for this. It is enough to take a closer look at old and already worn out jeans. Learn how to make your own denim shorts.

Choosing the right model

Today, both ultra-short shorts and quite long ones, reaching almost to the knees, are popular. Of course, when choosing a suitable style, you need to start from the characteristics of your own figure.

Short and tight denim shorts made from old jeans can only be worn by long-legged beauties with ideal parameters. For girls with appetizing shapes, we recommend choosing elongated, straight-cut models. If you have extra centimeters on your waist or tummy, we recommend taking high-waisted items as a basis.

Before you make your own jeans shorts, clearly determine their length. First cut the trousers to the knee, and then bend them, determining the ideal option for you. Also keep in mind that several centimeters of length will be spent on processing the edge.

You can simply make a cut edge, a cuff, hem the edge with a double seam, or create a fashionable fringe. We'll talk more about all the options below.

How to make shorts from jeans with your own hands

1. Determine the exact length and try to duplicate it for the second leg. For convenience, you can draw a line with chalk or a pencil, taking into account the allowance (2-3 centimeters). If you plan to add fringe along the edge, the cut may be uneven.

2. Using sharp scissors, cut the jeans along the marked line.

3. At this stage, the creation of the shorts can be completed. But if you want to get a fashionable and original item, then we offer several decor options.

How to process the edge?

They are very easy to create with your own hands. But perhaps the most labor-intensive stage of this process is edge processing. Making a fashionable fringe is the most convenient option. You just need to fluff the edge with your hands and get rid of the horizontal threads.

If you prefer a more restrained style, you will have to remember the labor lessons and the basics of working with a sewing machine. If your machine can make an overlock stitch, then it is better to process the edge with it. Otherwise, simply fold the fabric along the previously determined line. Using pins, pin the material in several places and sew by hand for convenience. Next, you need to make a double stitch using dense threads on a machine.

If you want to get a stylish cuff at the bottom, then simply fold the trouser leg several times, only in this case it must be cut off with a large margin. This option is not suitable for tapered trousers. In such a situation, you will have to cut out the cuffs separately from the cut off legs. Sew them wrong side up and attach to the shorts.

How to make your own denim shorts bright and stylish

Today, shorts are considered incredibly fashionable not in the standard blue color, but in rich colors. You can buy them at a sewing store. They dissolve in water and are very easy to apply with a brush.

How to alter jeans? Probably, every man has more than one pair of jeans in his wardrobe. There are a couple for going out on a visit, for going bowling with friends, for a summer house or for car repairs. And the most beloved, carefully preserved for several years. All full of holes, splashes of paint, worn out... But this is the one that will never be thrown away. It is impossible to wear, and the slightest attempt to free up space in the closet causes a storm of emotions. In such a situation, there is only one way out - to modify this thing! How to make it out of jeans It’s simple, the main thing is to warn your husband so as not to cause him

So, how to make men's shorts from jeans?

In order to turn this pitiful semblance of a wardrobe item into a thing that can be worn for some time, you will need patience, scissors, thread, and then - depending on the circumstances... First, try to wash off as much as possible all dirt, grease stains, traces from fuel oil and paint. If you manage to get your husband to put on jeans and measure the future length of the shorts on him, great. However, there is very little hope that the average man will twirl in front of the mirror. In this case, in order not to make a mistake and not to hear reproaches instead of gratitude, you should take shorts from his wardrobe and cut off the legs based on the sample. Don't forget to leave a small margin, literally four to five centimeters. This will allow you not only to hem, but also to adjust the length of the finished product.

How to make men's shorts from jeans: holes

After the trouser legs have been cut off, the next stage begins. This is no less important moment. How to eliminate the numerous holes and tears created in the fabric? If the holes are small and there are only a couple of them, then you can close them with some neutral appliqué with the image of a brand or, for example, a ball. If your husband is against labels and decorations, just leave a hole, after giving it a stylized look. In this case, the paint stains will also look more organic. As a last resort, you can put on a patch from the same fabric, leaving its edges shaggy or carefully tucking it in and stitching it diagonally several times. You almost managed to make men's shorts from jeans. Next comes the last stage of work.

How to make men's shorts from jeans: edge processing

Some men prefer shorts with carefully finished hems. Others, on the contrary, recognize only a carelessly cut bottom, from which light warp threads peek through. The edge should be hemmed very carefully, having previously processed it using an overlocker.

Once the jeans are hemmed, you can sew a stitch over the fold line. It all depends on preferences and clothing style. In this case, it is useless to try to convince or dissuade the man. It’s better to immediately agree and do as he wants. If he is satisfied, perhaps he will allow him to modernize some more old things, thus freeing up space on the closet shelf.

Good day, dear seamstresses! I have written more than once on my blog about how to remake an item and give an old item a new life. And in continuation of this topic, today we will remake old jeans, but not necessarily “old” ones, we can also have new and beautiful ones, but tired ones. Today's post will be about how make your own jeans shorts at home.

First of all, you need to decide what result you want to get? After all, jeans can be cut to fit capris, breeches and shorts. The difference between these concepts is the length.

Second point, will you decorate them with something? This can be done with guipure and metal fittings, you can sew large beads tightly - in general, the field of activity for imagination is limitless.

What is the whole process of turning jeans into shorts?

So, measure the jeans on yourself in front of the mirror, mark with soap or chalk, or a pin the level that you would like to get as a result.

Now you need to consider the following points:

  • if you plan to fold the cut edge and stitch it on a machine, then you need to add another 3 cm to the desired length for double hem allowances
  • if the bottom cut of the shorts remains unprocessed, then there is no need to make additional additions to the length

After trying on, we cut the jeans to the level of the shorts.

If you have an ideal figure, you can afford to make shorts with maximum cutouts, as in the photo below. We also cut out the pocket areas. We make a series of horizontal cuts and unravel the edges of the cuts, making a “fringe”.

Another option for interesting ways to cut jeans is to make an uneven hem line at an angle. This model of shorts will look even more flirtatious:

Shorts that are cut along the bottom may not have a straight line at all; if you cut them initially “torn”, you can unravel some parts to fringe, and leave some, this model will be very unusual:

It will look very beautiful and interesting if you cut out the middle part on the back of the shorts under the belt.

And, of course, the flight of imagination will be limitless if you start decorating your shorts with guipure:

  • You can decorate only one of the front parts of the shorts - right or left
  • you can make an asymmetrical bottom line with guipure
  • you can decorate pockets with guipure
  • or make a triangular insert in the side seam of the shorts

If you process the bottom edge of the shorts with a double hem on the front side, and sew guipure braid along the bottom edge, as well as braid on the top of the pocket, you will get this beauty:

How to make breeches from jeans with your own hands?

If you like a more closed model of shorts, then it’s no less easy to make breeches out of jeans. The difference between breeches and shorts is only in length. Therefore, we measure the length of future breeches to the knee, or a little higher, and cut off the jeans.

Again, taking into account whether you will process the bottom cut of the product.

On the model (pictured below), the lower edge is folded twice to the front side, and there are fastenings on the sides of the trouser leg so that this whole structure does not fall apart:

And in this photo, the lower section was first “torn off” to the fringe, maybe not in all places, for asymmetry, and then folded to the front side, also making fastenings on the sides of the trouser leg:

I give this photo below as an example, because this version of the bottom of the jeans looks very interesting, it’s just that the photo shows the jeans at their full length, and if you do the same for the length of the capri pants (this is 7/8 the length of the jeans), it will turn out very unusual :

How to cut children's jeans to fit shorts?

The topic of children's clothing is especially relevant for mothers who are seamstresses, so everything related to hemming, altering, finishing, decorating is done quickly and with great imagination.

The process of turning kids' jeans into shorts with hems takes only 10 minutes! This is the fastest time to get a new item in your wardrobe.

We take jeans from which we will make shorts:

We measure them on the child and cut them to the desired length. Add 3 cm to allowances.

It is better to sew with a needle for jeans (this is usually a 100 needle), and so that the allowances do not “jump”, we first turn 1.5 cm of allowances onto the wrong side and secure them with machine stitching.

You can not only buy fashionable short denim shorts, but also make them yourself. How to do it yourself so that they look as fashionable and stylish as possible? Read the answers in today's article.

Denim is a strong and wear-resistant material that can last for quite a long time. Originally intended for sewing work clothes. Traders liked this fabric so much that after some time they began to use it for sewing skirts and jackets. The older generation associates jeans with eternal shortages, “farmers,” and difficult Soviet times. The first denim pants were altered several times and worn until holes formed. Perhaps this is where the trend of using old and worn-out trousers to make shorts comes from.

The density of denim fabric may vary. Thicker ones are used for sewing jackets and pants, and light denim with elastane is used for sewing shorts, trousers and skirts. This material feels more elastic to the touch. Denim clothing withstands the test of dirt, repeated washing and even re-dying. Therefore, old and worn out jeans can be turned into modern and stylish shorts. The design and appearance of new shorts depends solely on your imagination.

Ombre denim shorts: fashionable, affordable new items

Ombre is by far the hottest trend of the season. This trend has been continuing for several years now. Moreover, it applies to literally all fashion.

So, what do you need to turn old jeans into exclusive ombre shorts:

  • old jeans of any color, the main thing is the right size;
  • coarse brush (plastic);
  • acrylic paints for dyeing fabrics;
  • painting brush (wide but hard);
  • a piece of cardboard and old coarse fabric (for lining);
  • whiteness (bleaching agent);
  • wide basin for rinsing.

First you need to decide on the length of future shorts. To make it easier to decide on the length, first cut it a little longer than you plan, try it on, circle with chalk or soap the places that need to be adjusted. After the fitting is finished and you have decided on the length, cut the pants 5 cm more than the expected length. This gap will be needed to create the edging. You can cut it evenly or a little obliquely - it depends on your desire.

Color design can be selected in several options:

  • color transition from dark top to light bottom;
  • multi-colored shades with a horizontal smooth transition;
  • frame vertically.

Next, you need to dilute the paints in water according to the instructions. Cut a piece of cardboard so that it can be placed inside the shorts. Wrap the cardboard with thick cloth and place it inside. Painting should be done on both sides. Apply paint with a brush to the desired part of the shorts. Leave for the time specified by the manufacturer. The edges can be painted unevenly and unevenly, but this will all be corrected later.

If you decide to choose the option “from dark top to white bottom,” then you need to do the coloring at least 4 times. Each time, for a uniform and smooth transition, use half as much paint for the same amount of water. This way the transition between shades will be more uniform. Shorts can be roughly divided into 5 zones: at the top there are dark, saturated tones, at the bottom there are light, almost white, shades.

After the first painted stripe, apply new, lighter paint overlapping a few centimeters from the first layer. Before the second and subsequent applications, the previous layer of paint must be washed off. Apply color to slightly dried shorts. The dyeing process will take quite a long time, but the result is worth it. The last two lightest layers can be applied to damp shorts. After they have been rinsed from the remnants of the last layer of paint, you can begin the final stage.

The edges of the shorts must be treated with “whiteness” or any other bleach. Carry out the treatment in a ventilated area or outdoors; bleach vapors are very caustic. Keep the mixture on until the edge of the shorts is completely discolored (10-15 minutes). Then rinse and wash. Then dilute the white in a 1:2 ratio with water and use a stiff brush to make a transition at the junction of the last layers. It is necessary to rub with a stiff brush until a uniform, smooth transition is formed. Rinse everything again. At this point, the staining stage is considered complete.

The edging of the shorts can be varied:

  • torn edges with protruding threads;
  • white edging (ruffles);
  • beads;
  • ribbon in the form of crocheted braid;
  • neatly stitched edges.

So, to make fashionable ombre shorts from jeans, you just need to follow the dyeing sequence. Any shortcomings can be easily eliminated and corrected.

Feminine and romantic shorts with ruffles

A romantic, even slightly naive image is another trend this season. If you want to add new denim shorts to your wardrobe without spending extra money, we will use the following algorithm.

We cut old ripped jeans to the desired length. There are several options for ruffled shorts in completely different styles:

  • short shorts with superficial patches;
  • side inserts made of openwork fabric;
  • openwork pockets protruding from the bottom.

Any option will help not only complement your usual look, but also change your style with notes of romance and femininity.

Long shorts with lace side panels are very popular right now. If you have the time and desire to experiment, here's what you need to do:

  • cut the jeans with a margin of 5 cm to the planned length;
  • it is necessary to cut the side corners in such a way that instead of denim, fill them with openwork inserts;
  • It is better to choose an openwork with a ready-made edging. In this case, you can simply sew the patch over the cut edge.

Now you can decorate the side openwork edgings. A glue gun for fabric and rhinestones or beads will come to the rescue. Once you've completed the process, you'll be amazed at how much your once unsightly jeans have changed.

Do you like rhinestones, sparkles and beads? Then you'll love the idea of ​​creating your own "brilliant masterpiece." In order to upgrade old jeans into new and trendy shorts, you will need:

  • rhinestones, beads and beads;
  • fabric glue gun;
  • thread and needle;
  • scissors;

This option is ideal for slender girls. The shorts are ultra-short, actually beach shorts. You need to cut the jeans so that a third of the front pockets peek out from under the leg. Trim any protruding threads and sew fabric (lining) of any color to the protruding pocket. Rhinestones and beads will be glued and sewn onto it. For an ideal appearance, you should choose large stones for the central design and small rhinestones for the edges. You can glue them in any order, giving free rein to your imagination. Both bright beads and golden rhinestones will look organic here.

After the gluing stage is completed, we proceed to the design of the edging. If you like ragged edges, you need to stitch the edges 2 cm from the bottom of the leg. Then use a needle to fray all the horizontal threads. The length of the vertical threads is also adjusted. You can decorate the upper pockets by gluing the same rhinestones or beads. The bulk of the shiny decor should fall on the part of the pockets protruding from under the remains of the trousers. Otherwise, the shorts will look provocative and tasteless.

DIY classic denim shorts

Your imagination and desire to look exclusive will help you create a masterpiece. But, if you just need to ensure practicality, you can make classic mid-length shorts. All you need for this is old boring jeans, scissors, chalk and thread.

You need to cut the pant leg slightly at an angle. If you cut it evenly, then when you walk, the pant legs will “gather” between your legs. If pockets are visible after cutting, they need to be trimmed and sewn up. Classic is not always boring. You can always decorate shorts with a classic cut with an unusual and eye-catching detail. For example, you can sew a red flower or a bright bead near the top pocket. You can process the edges as in the options proposed above.

Fashionable denim shorts are an expensive item of clothing only for those who do not know how to make such a thing out of boring pants. Short branded shorts cost a lot of money. However, you can create an exclusive item with your own hands at almost no cost. For an exclusive design of your new shorts, you can use rhinestones, fabric ribbons, soft delicate satin or romantic ruffles. It all depends solely on your imagination and ingenuity. The only rule in this process is a sense of proportion and accuracy.

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