Brittle hair: how to restore it with medicinal cosmetics and home remedies. Why do split ends

Each nation has its own ideals of beauty - but, regardless of ethnicity, thick, shiny and bouncy curls are considered the adornment of any woman. Unfortunately, nature has decreed that European women are genetically predisposed to thinning hair. Strands are difficult to style, quickly lose volume and become tangled when combed. Careful and regular care of thin hair can affect the problem. Its basics are a well-designed diet, the use of suitable cosmetics and intensive recovery.

Thin hair is especially prone to brittleness, dryness and split ends, so care for it must be comprehensive. A woman’s appearance reflects the internal state of the body - only good nutrition with sufficient consumption of protein, vitamins and microelements will give beauty to the strands.

  • Fatty fish. Salmon and mackerel contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, known for their benefits for hair, nails and skin. Their deficiency leads to dry hair and flaking on the face. Doctors advise people living in areas where there is a shortage of sea fish to take a course of fish oil twice a year.
  • Whole grains. Whole grain cereals and bran bread are the main sources of B vitamins, including biotin and panthenol. A good way to enrich your diet with useful elements is to add bran to fermented milk drinks.
  • Nuts. Hazelnuts, cashews and almonds are natural sources of zinc and selenium, important trace elements for strengthening and shining curls. Omega-3 and Omega-6 will give strands elasticity and smoothness.
  • Eggs. The easily digestible protein and biotin they contain are essential for strengthening hair follicles.
  • Dairy products. Calcium and protein, contained in large quantities in yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese, prevent hair loss and thinning. Adding bran or nuts to them will bring additional benefits to the body.

Following low-calorie diets for a long time does not benefit the hair and stomach. A lack of vitamins and micronutrients not only impairs the functioning of hair follicles, but also weakens the body as a whole. Thin, porous hair can be dealt with, but only through careful analysis and subsequent adjustments to your diet.

Selection of cosmetics

Daily care for thin hair includes gentle cleansing and moisturizing. Curls of this type quickly become dirty, losing volume, so you should take the purchase of cleansing and care products seriously.

The best choice would be an organic shampoo without silicone, which weighs down the strands, providing a straightening and smoothing effect. The product should be based on herbal ingredients that do not damage the hair structure during washing. It is important to choose a shampoo that does not dry out the scalp - this will cause itching and dandruff. Caring for oily and thin hair does not imply the use of “2 in 1” products - products of this type will not cope with thorough cleansing.

Major cosmetic manufacturers offer dry shampoo as an express product for cleansing curls. The advice of professionals regarding their use is clear - you should not resort to the help of such funds too often, but irregular use will not cause harm. When buying dry shampoo, you need to pay attention to the composition - oatmeal, rice starch or corn extract should act as an absorbent.

Volumizing conditioners will add lightness to your curls, but using them frequently can have the opposite effect. It is better to alternate the use of moisturizing rinses and volumizing products.

Home care

When caring for very thin and fragile hair, you should adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Cleansing hair with soft water. Filtered, bottled or mineral liquid is suitable for these purposes. Salts and heavy metals in hard water coat the hair with a thin coating, causing additional damage. It is unacceptable to use too hot or cold water; you should choose a medium temperature setting.
  • Carrying out a light massage of the root zone while washing. Stimulation of hair follicles helps saturate them with oxygen and nutrients, preventing hair loss. Massage movements can be combined with scalp peeling - the procedure will perfectly complement the care of oily, thin hair and give a long-lasting feeling of freshness.
  • Distribute the conditioner from the middle of the length. You should not apply the product to the roots - this will additionally weigh down the curls, giving an unkempt appearance.
  • Rinse with broth or mineral water. A useful procedure for thinning strands would be rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, nettle or linden. If you are concerned about the increased fat content of the roots, you can use an infusion of oak bark or a solution of apple cider vinegar.
  • Combing dry hair. Wet strands are easy to injure; to avoid this, you should wait until they are completely dry. You should not use combs with plastic or metal teeth - they cling to the hair scales, disrupting the uniformity of their structure.
  • Wash your hair as needed. The myth about the harmful effects of frequent hair washing has spread since the times when gentle and effective shampoos simply did not exist. Trichologists say that polluted, greasy curls bring much more harm to health than washing them daily.

Styling fine hair

Even thick curls that hold volume well are harmed by frequent heat styling. Thin and sparse hair needs to be treated even more carefully, since its protective layer is naturally fragile and brittle. The main goal when styling curls is to create additional volume at the roots, without unnecessary traumatization by hot temperatures.

An alternative to using a hair dryer and straighteners is to use soft foam rollers. As a result of curling, the hair will look lush and voluminous, and the traumatic effects will be minimized. You should not purchase curlers with Velcro or a plastic case for these purposes - the tools tear out the strands at the roots.

When choosing styling products, you should pay attention to light foams and mousses. They will lift the strands at the roots without weighing them down. Professional hairspray with a soft hold will give your hairstyle a long-lasting effect, visually thickening the structure of the curl. Gels and oils are incompatible with thin, porous hair - such textures will stick together the strands, making them visually dirty.

Using masks

You can supplement the care of sparse curls with homemade masks. Their use is aimed at giving thickness to hairs and eliminating excessive sebum production. The most common types of masks are:

  • Clay. Thin hair is often accompanied by problematic scalp. Clay has a high absorbent and disinfectant effect, eliminating fat and inflammation. For the recipe you will need to mix 2 tbsp. l. blue clay with half a glass of kefir, distribute the mixture over your hair, leave for half an hour to work. Wash your hair well with shampoo and rinse with cool water.
  • Gelatinous. Numerous reviews about the magical power of the gelatin mask confirm its results. A single use of gelatin gives the hair a mirror shine and smoothness, and systematic use thickens the hair structure, gluing split ends. To make a mask you will need 2 tbsp. l. Dilute edible gelatin with a small amount of water and heat in a water bath until the mixture is homogeneous and smooth. Apply to pre-washed curls, insulating them with film. After an hour, rinse with water.
  • Oily. A classic mask based on oil and a spoon of cognac nourishes the strands, preventing them from thinning due to improper care or heat styling. The basic recipe consists of 3 tbsp. l. olive, almond or castor oil mixed with 1 tbsp. l. cognac. The mixture is distributed along the length and left for at least an hour. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.
  • Henna. Colorless henna is an ancient and effective remedy for adding fullness to hair. Its use is not difficult - for the procedure you need to pour boiling water over a bag of henna and leave for half an hour to brew. Distribute the thickened paste along the length, rubbing the mask into the roots with light massage movements. Insulate the curls with film and a cap, leave to act for an hour. Rinse your hair with warm water. Henna not only normalizes the increased fat content of the roots, but also nourishes the length.

Salon treatments and haircuts

Professional methods diversify the care of oily and thin hair, allowing you to act in several directions:

  • elimination of excess oily scalp;
  • adding volume;
  • getting rid of fragility;
  • return of shine;
  • hair thickening.

Procedures are prescribed by an experienced hairdresser, depending on the initial condition of the strands and skin. Lamination or cauterization is most often used - as a result, the hair shaft becomes stronger and the hairstyle looks thicker. The disadvantage of the methods is the short-term effect - on average, the effect lasts no more than 3 months.

A specialist can prescribe a course of professional masks that can be used at home. In almost every salon cosmetics there is specialized care for thin hair, the choice of which should be entrusted to an experienced hairdresser.

To visually correct the volume of thin hair, preference should be given to shoulder-length hairstyles. Long thinning strands hanging sadly down the back will not add beauty to their owner. Multi-level hairstyles with torn edges will look impressive; this shape will visually add thickness to the hair. In addition, it is easy to install at home.

Bronzing strands in light shades is an effective technique for fine hair. This method will work unnoticed by others, giving the hairstyle visual volume. Bronzing is a complex type of coloring; it should be entrusted to a professional master in a beauty salon.

In order for thin hair to always have an attractive appearance, you should constantly take care of it - eat right, use suitable cosmetics, and do not overuse heat styling. Love yourself and your curls, giving beauty to the world!

If you are the owner of long hair, you are probably familiar with this problem. Who regularly cuts their hair split ends of hair are less common.

The longer the hair, the thinner its protective layer. The cuticle is destroyed, causing the structure (fiber) of the inner layer of hair to delaminate.

Most often this occurs at the ends of the hair, but the entire length of the hair can be damaged.

Take a closer look at your hair: are they lighter at the ends than the rest? It's time for you to go to the hairdresser. As a rule, 2-3 cm need to be cut off.

If your hair has severe split ends, pay more attention to protecting it. After all, split ends are the result of either physical or chemical stress to the hair - careless combing, styling, coloring, etc. There can be only one treatment here - scissors...

How can you overcome the problem of split ends?

1. If you cannot do without a hairdryer, be sure to use a cool setting. Cold air flows soften and moisturize dry hair.

2. Drink more fluids. Water keeps our body and hair toned and moisturizes it from the inside.

3. Wet hair is very vulnerable, so you should not comb it or style it wet, because... you can stretch them and loosen them. Try to use the comb less often - no more than 2 times a day.

4. If your hair is tangled, it is better to break it into small strands and try to gently untangle it with your fingers, starting from the ends, gradually moving up to the roots.

Avoid brushes with metal teeth. A comb or comb with wide teeth is less traumatic for the hair. You can also use a wooden brush.

5. Pay attention to the quality of the hairpins you use. They should not have any flaws or uneven ends.

6. Keep your hair out of the sun. UV rays dry out and discolor hair.

7. In the cold season and in windy weather, long hair should be collected and pinned. Frost and wind do not have the best effect on hair.

If you wear woolen clothes or items made from artificial fiber, avoid letting your hair come into contact with them. This will protect your hair from excessive electrification.

8. Cut your hair with sharp scissors. Dull scissors will damage the hair structure. You need to trim your hair regularly, at least once every two months.

9. Consult with specialists more often which hair care products are best for you, and select them for your hair type.

10. Try to dye your hair less. Any dye, regardless of quality, dries out the hair, making it more brittle. Maybe we should remember our grandmother's recipes? After all, it is possible to give a shiny shade to your hair using natural dyes such as chamomile, henna, walnut shells, etc.

11. Your hair needs hydration! Try to moisturize them more and more often. Hair delamination begins due to the fact that it lacks moisture and loses natural fats.

Split ends are so called because the ends are split. They break easily, get tangled and look dull. Long hair is especially affected by this - hair longer than 30 cm begins to split at the ends, unable to withstand the effects of numerous external factors. At this length, the protective layer of split ends, the cuticle, is destroyed, as a result of which the structure of the inner layer of the hair, the cortical layer and the medulla, delaminate, the horny scales become “tattered” and are not pressed against the hair shaft, as they should be for shine. Most often this affects the ends of the hair, however, the hair can split along its entire length. As a rule, the damaged ends of split ends reach 2-3 cm, in addition, they are lighter than the rest of the hair.

Split ends appear after frequent perm and coloring, use of alkaline soap and a hot hair dryer, constant contact with a sharp comb and severe burnout in the sun and sea wind - all these factors lead to dry hair, loss of natural lubrication and moisture. Long-term wearing of one type of hairstyle, ponytail or backcomb, and parting also provokes hair fragility and contributes to the formation of split ends.

Split ends can be helped if you wish. To begin with, instead of the usual ones, use medicinal restorative shampoos with lecithin, vitamin B5, chamomile extract, linden blossom, mint, wheat germ, and buy wooden or plastic brushes with large, sparse teeth. And the ends of the hair will be protected by a special cream or balm for split ends, which is rubbed into the ends after the hair is wrinkled and not washed off. The cream or liquid covers the hairs as if with a protective film and at the same time restores them from the inside. The gentle plant proteins contained in these products fill gaps at the ends of split ends, while beer, keratins and henna strengthen the hair without making it heavy. Split ends can also be protected by weekly hair masks made from almond or olive oil, applied 30 minutes before washing, with which you can also perform a light scalp massage. But split ends sometimes need to be trimmed (about every 6-8 weeks, and if the hair is long - at least once a month), and it is best to do this in a hairdresser with hot scissors, which “seal” the ends of the split ends.

Traditional medicine advises treating split ends with warm compresses twice a month before washing your hair. Burdock or any vegetable, slightly warmed oil is rubbed into the scalp. Wrap your head in cellophane and then with a warm terry towel. After an hour, the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed with water slightly acidified with lemon juice. To rinse split ends, you can also use infusions of linden, peppermint, chamomile and birch leaves. The following recipe is also suitable for compresses: thoroughly mix 1 yolk with sunflower (olive) oil, honey, henna powder, cognac - all components are taken in 1 teaspoon. You can rub warm yogurt into your scalp and then put on a cap. After half an hour, rub in the yogurt again and wash your hair with mild shampoo. When further caring for split ends, you need to use only a hairdryer with a cool action and forget about various curling irons and hot rollers. Do not comb wet or damp hair to avoid stretching it. The comb should be wooden, with rare teeth. Jagged clips can also cause hair damage.

Split ends need enhanced protection from the sun and wind, cold and rain. Setting varnishes and mousses will also not help damaged hair recover, as they contain drying alcohol. If you can’t give up coloring your hair, choose coloring products with a healing effect that well moisturize and nourish your hair, making it beautiful and shiny. But split ends from perm obviously need to rest for some time. Since dry hair can also be caused by a lack of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, it is worth paying attention to this. Split ends will be helped by active movement, sound and long sleep, the absence of sweets and fatty foods in the diet, and the presence of vegetables and fruits, nuts and herbs in it. Clean water in sufficient quantities is simply necessary to maintain the water balance of the body in general and hair in particular. The reward for all your hard work and restrictions is a head of soft and shiny hair all year round.

Adalind Koss

Every girl wants to have healthy and attractive curls. But the majority are confident that this requires too much effort and time, so they do not worry about care and maintenance. Then they inevitably appear. Shiny curls and neat styling are an integral part of a woman’s beauty. Hair attracts the eye and is admired. But modern life does not provide enough time for normal hair care.

What to do if your hair splits? One way out is to cut them from time to time. But getting rid of the effect will not eliminate the cause. You can straighten your hair every month, lose precious centimeters, but the strands will break and split again. Don't panic in advance. We will try to find reasons and a way out of the situation.

Manifestations of split ends

The manifestation of split ends is that in this case the ends take on the appearance of “panicles”. Since the length of the strands is not the same, the split ends are clearly visible against the general background, and the haircut looks sloppy. Split hairs differ from the total mass.

When trying to comb such curls easily break and get tangled. Often, with a pronounced section, the combing process causes pain, which causes injury and hair loss. When collecting a strand into a flagellum, split ends are especially noticeable, while healthy ends form a uniform flagellum.

All those who suffer from this problem should undergo examinations, because constant haircuts will only help temporarily if the true cause is not identified. Typically, the examination reveals chronic diseases. Microscopy of follicles will make it possible to evaluate the structure of curls and eliminate pathologies.

Why do split ends

So, let's look at the reasons why hair ends split:

Insufficient amount of vitamins.

This problem can be corrected in several ways. First: change your diet, introduce more foods containing fiber, seafood, vegetable oils and other foods containing Omega-3 into the menu. Another way is simpler: choose a ready-made vitamin complex.

Lack of water in the body.

Hair is moisturized from the inside. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. In dry rooms, install a humidifier or use a sprayer.

Bad habits, poor diet.

Constantly eating fried, fatty and salty foods and desserts negatively affects the appearance of hair. Excess alcohol causes the destruction of vitamin A and group B. And just one spoon of sugar causes premature aging and hair loss. In addition, it will cause calcium leaching. Limit your consumption of sweets, and cottage cheese or sour cream in the evening will help eliminate calcium deficiency.

Caffeine causes minerals and vitamins to be washed out of the body. And nicotine is the enemy of selenium and many vitamins.

Various diseases.

Another cause of split ends is chronic infectious diseases of internal organs. Usually these are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They impair the absorption and absorption of minerals and vitamins.


Constant stress, taking aggressive medications, poor environmental conditions - all this negatively affects the microflora. As a result, the absorption of nutrients and calcium decreases, and the synthesis of vitamins decreases. To get rid of this reason, you should consume bio-yogurt, kefir, and bio-ice cream. Another way is to take probiotics.


Genes are responsible not only for the shade and density of curls. From mom and dad you can inherit early, predisposition to fragility, etc. You can't argue with genetics. All that is available here is improved diet and proper care.

Incorrect care.

It is worth paying attention to how you wash your curls, what exactly you use, how you comb and dry them. There are some rules here:

shampoo must be selected only according to hair type, and the type is changed no more often than once every 6 months;
carefully rinse your curls from conditioners and balms;
Do not rub your curls with a towel. It is enough to wrap them and wait until the water is absorbed;
Only dried curls need to be untangled with a comb.

The secrets are simple but effective.

Refusal of hats.

In winter you cannot walk without a hat, and if your hair is longer than average, then you need to hide it under clothes. Otherwise, you will not only have a section, but also a disruption of the blood supply to the roots, which causes premature appearance of baldness. The aggressive sun also causes harm. UV rays remove the protective layer, which causes dehydration. Remember to wear a Panama hat in hot weather. Use UV protected shampoos and moisturizers. Salty sea water causes dry hair, and together with the sun's rays, the negative effect intensifies.

Hairstyles and styling.

These include constant color changes, curling, the use of curling irons and straighteners and excessive use of varnishes and mousses. For impeccable styling you will have to pay for the health of your curls.

On hair that is too long, it is impossible to avoid split ends. For such a length there is not enough natural lubricant produced by the glands of the scalp. Requires the use of special oil for the ends and systematic haircutting.

Now that you know the reasons that negatively affect curls and their health, you need to gradually eliminate them. Fight the consequences by using protective and supportive products for the ends.

Split ends. Treatment

But what treatment is there for split ends? And does it happen? In reality, there is nothing difficult in eliminating split ends. First, you need to switch to medicinal and regenerating shampoos with vitamins, herbal ingredients and lecithin. Buy brushes made of wood or plastic with large, sparse teeth.

The tips are protected by a special balm or cream that needs to be lubricated after washing, but not washed off. These products cover the hair with a protective film and restore it from the inside. The soft natural proteins contained in these products will fill hair reserves.

Protection is also created by applying masks made of olive oil. They need to be applied half an hour before washing, or massage the head with their use. In any case, split ends will have to be trimmed from time to time (an interval of about 6-8 weeks, and if the curls are too long, then once every 4 weeks). And it’s better to do this with special hot scissors in the salon. They will “solder” the ends.

Masks for dry ends

If you have identified the main causes of brittle and split hair, you have eliminated them, but the ends have not improved, what should you do? - the best solution to the issue. They will help you achieve natural beauty and shine.

To prepare a mask against hair fragility and to combat split ends based on yeast, you will need 2 tsp. of this product and 50 grams of kefir:

both ingredients need to be mixed and left warm for a quarter of an hour;
apply to dry ends or the entire length of the curls;
the hair must be wrapped in film and insulated (a shower cap, a bag and a towel will do);
Rinse the strands after half an hour with slightly warmed water.

To create an egg mask from the cut ends you will need 1 yolk and 1 spoon of castor oil:

these ingredients are mixed;
the roots are lubricated with the composition;
For the mask to work, leave it on for 3 hours;
rinse with your usual shampoo;
Use water enriched with lemon juice as a rinse aid.

To get rid of brittle hair and split ends, henna is suitable. If you do not want to change your hair color, then the colorless version is suitable. It has the same benefits: nourishes the skin, increases blood flow, cares for weak and lackluster curls, evens them out and gives strength, smoothes out scales. Remember that henna can dry out your hair. If you have dry hair, then enrich the mask. For the recipe you will need 1 packet of henna per 30 cm of hair:

henna is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:3 and mixed;
let the composition stand for a quarter of an hour;
apply the composition warmly over all hair, massaging the scalp;
wash off after 30 minutes with warm water.

A mask for fighting split ends based on honey and eggs will require 1 tsp. honey, 1 yolk and 2 tablespoons of olive oil:

Grind the yolk with honey, pour in olive oil;
lubricate the scalp and entire strands;
massage the roots for 3-5 minutes;
cover your hair with plastic and insulate it with a towel;
remove from hair after half an hour with slightly warmed water.

Ordinary oils are an excellent substitute for expensive oils that fight split ends of hair, which are offered by branded salons. They can be bought at any pharmacy. Various types of vegetable oils provide excellent results. You can choose the right one by trial. For an accurate result, they need to be changed and the masks enriched.

To prepare an oil compress to get rid of split ends:

First, wash your hair with your usual product and let it dry a little. Steam the oil. Rub it into the scalp, and then throughout the entire length of your hair, especially applying it to the ends. Now you need to cover your hair with polyethylene and insulate it. Rinse off with slightly warm water and lemon juice after 60 minutes.

Split ends care

When caring for split ends, you are allowed to use a hairdryer only with a minimum air flow temperature. Forget about drying at high temperatures, curling irons, hot rollers, and ironing. You should not detangle damp or, worse, wet curls. This causes hair to stretch.

The brush should have wide teeth and be made of wood. And jagged hair accessories cause hair damage. In addition, split ends require increased protection from frost, cold, heat and sun. Various hairstyle fixatives are also not conducive to health; they contain alcohol, which dries out hair.

If you are unable to avoid hair coloring, then opt for products with a supporting effect that can saturate and moisturize your curls and beauty. The use of perm is not advisable during the recovery period.

Since the cause of such problems is an unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle, pay attention to changing this point. Healthy sleep, an active lifestyle, avoidance of unhealthy foods in your diet and a large amount of greens and nuts help solve the problem of split hair. Clean water will be needed to maintain the water balance of the whole body, and curls in particular.

We hope that you have received an answer to the question of why hair becomes brittle and split. And the tips given will teach you how to achieve the required results. Just remember that any care, including masks, can only help if used regularly. Use oils and fresh masks at least 2-3 times every 7 days for treatment and once every 7 days for prevention.

A good mood, lack of stress and a little effort will bring positive results.

8 April 2014, 18:18

Hello our dear readers!
Beauty and well-groomed appearance are the main trump card of every woman. The main criterion for what our eyes initially fall on is our hair. Often they do not look well-groomed and healthy; split ends are one of these moments.

A huge number of girls suffer from this problem. But why does hair split, what ways can you get rid of such unpleasant moments.

Most often this problem occurs:

Dyed hair;

Curls constantly subjected to heat styling

(hair dryer, curling iron, straightener);

Long exposure to the scorching sun also provokes the appearance of split ends;

Unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition.
Therefore, it is necessary to exclude these factors whenever possible.

How to care for split ends

To begin with, let's understand that the beauty of hair lies in constant care for it. Let's look at some tips on how to take care of split ends.

1. Regularly (presumably once every 1.5-2 months)

it is necessary to cut off the ends by at least 1 cm. It has been proven that long hair thins much faster and loses its healthy appearance, which is why it needs to be cut more often than short hair. It is better to carry out this procedure in a hairdressing salon or a hairdresser’s salon, rather than on your own at home. A specialist can more reliably determine the condition of the hair and scalp.

2. For the necessary daily care, you need to choose the right products. It often happens that the hair is oily from the roots and the ends are dry, so special attention should be paid to this. Ideally, combine home care and beauty salon care. In a home atmosphere, of course, it is more difficult to find time and allow yourself to relax with a mask on your head, but do not forget beauty and health require constant care and attention.

3. When caring for split ends, using oils will very quickly give an incredible effect.


The heated oil must be rubbed into the scalp.

Then create a greenhouse effect (put a cellophane cap or scarf on your head, wrap it on top with a towel or something warm, warming).

Then, after the allotted time, rinse off in the usual way, first with just water and then with shampoo.
Oils have an amazing effect: they heal your hair, accelerate its growth, make it thicker and, of course, reduce the risk of split ends.
Burdock oil is most often used, along with linseed and almond oils. It will be very useful after washing your hair to rinse it with infusions of chamomile, linden, nettle, tea and others.

4. Whenever possible, try to let your hair dry naturally, without using a hair dryer. Under no circumstances should you comb wet hair. This impact destroys the top layer and prevents the scales from closing.

5. Human nutrition has a great influence on the condition of the scalp. You should exclude fast foods from your diet, do not abuse fatty, fried, too salty and sweet foods, as well as other unhealthy foods. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

you will be able to see the dazzling effect.

In conclusion, here are some interesting recipes for hair masks against split ends.

1. Everyone has long known that chicken yolk is the most effective and nutritious remedy for strengthening hair follicles. Masks using it are suitable for all hair types.

So, we need:

Vegetable oil 10-15ml (all ingredients are taken depending on the length).

Chicken yolk 1 pc.

Honey 20-30 gr.

Cognac 10-15ml.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied evenly over the entire length for 1 hour. Then we wash our hair and let it dry on its own.

2. Mask using beer. The action of brewer's yeast has also proven itself excellent in hair care.

It is better to take dark varieties of beer 0.5 liters. One precaution: masks with dark beer tend to slightly color your hair.

Ripe banana 1 pc.

Chicken yolk 1 pc.

Grind a banana, mix all ingredients, apply evenly over the entire length. Leave for an hour. Then wash off the mask and dry your hair without using a hairdryer.

3. Composition of kefir and carrot juice.

In equal portions we take kefir and fresh squeezed carrot juice (it all depends on the length of the hair, let’s say for short hair you need 2 tbsp).
Mix the ingredients, apply the product and leave for 20 minutes. Then we wash off the hair.

4. Mask using colorless henna.

Pour the henna into a bowl, dilute it with hot boiled water, stir until a homogeneous consistency is formed (note: for dry hair, you need to add one teaspoon to the paste, preferably olive oil, but you can also use vegetable oil). Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, then apply to the hair, distributing evenly. After half an hour, rinse your hair with warm water.
Be always beautiful, well-groomed and desirable! Good luck to you!

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