Check your husband likes or. “Another person’s soul is darkness,” or how to find out if your husband loves you? There is sympathy, affection, passion, perhaps love, but this is not enough to marry a man

Family life consists not only of bright moments, sometimes a married couple has disagreements and... But everything can be overcome if the husband and wife love each other. However, over time, feelings may weaken, which, in turn, can cause an affair and then divorce. Therefore, every woman will find extremely useful advice on how to understand whether her husband loves you. There are several signs by which you can clearly determine how your significant other feels about you.

How to understand that a husband loves his wife?

Often, even the most obvious evidence of a man’s love can go unnoticed simply because a married woman takes it for granted. Therefore, you need to become a little more attentive and observe your spouse a little in different situations. And for those who don’t know how to understand whether a husband loves his wife, the following factors can serve as clues:

  • your spouse tries to please you with gifts for no reason;
  • tries not to stay late at work;
  • tries to spend as much time with you as possible;
  • does not shirk from jointly performing joint family affairs;
  • arranges romantic evenings and weekends on his own initiative;
  • jealous if other men pay attention to you, but at the same time he is proud of you and brags about you to his friends.

Also, many women are interested in the answer to the question of how to understand that a husband does not love. This can also be determined by several signs:

How to understand that your ex-husband still loves you?

It also happens that spouses separate, but there is still something between them. There are some tips on how to tell if your now ex-husband loves you. He is definitely still not indifferent if he often calls and asks for advice, offers to help with some household chores, money, still speaks well of you in a conversation with friends, sometimes “accidentally” meets you on the street; does not forget to congratulate you on your birthday and New Year, tries to at least somehow remind you of yourself and participate in your life.

Almost anyone can have doubts about the feelings of their other half. This is due to the fact that everyone shows their love and devotion in their own way. There are people who are cold by nature. For them, caresses, tenderness and funny nicknames that lovers usually call each other are completely unacceptable. Such people express their good attitude through noble actions. But this is so little for women.

Ways to help you understand your spouse's feelings

It is very important for girls to have a gentle attitude on a daily basis. For this reason, with such representatives of the stronger sex, women have a question: how to find out if your husband loves you? There are many ways to find the answer.

1. Observation of the situation. Start taking a closer look at your spouse. Concentrate on any little things: looks, reactions, facial expressions. The main thing is not to miss anything.

2. Objective assessment. Try to treat everything you discover as impartially as possible. Don't give in to negative feelings.

3. Balance. If your relationship with your spouse is tense, then you should not become depressed - this will only aggravate the situation in the family.

4. Advice from a friend. The situation is very piquant, so you need to choose a friend who can keep someone else’s secret. Instead of a direct question: “How do I know if my husband loves me?” - you should enter the conversation from afar and, as if by chance, touch on the problem.

5. Keep a special diary. Note in it how your husband behaves, what has changed in him, what seemed curious or incomprehensible. By keeping a diary, it is possible to track the dynamics of relationships.

6. Look at your spouse’s reactions. How do you know if your husband loves you? Please note if situations like this happen:

  • the spouse asks questions on everyday topics, but does not listen to the answers;
  • you try to start a conversation with your husband, but he constantly finds a reason to evade the question and stop the dialogue;
  • you are doing something wrong, causing sudden dissatisfaction with your spouse, although before that he was much more tolerant;
  • when you touch your husband, you accidentally offend him, he remains indifferent or even gets angry;
  • seeing you in a different image, your lover does not make compliments about your appearance, taste, but asks only about the cost and is dissatisfied with the costs;
  • your requests provoke discontent;
  • your comments and recommendations are either ignored or criticized.

All these cases force women to test their husbands for love.

7. Romantic relationships. Invite your lover to while away the weekend together, have a candlelit dinner. By his reaction you can evaluate the feelings he experiences.

8. Spouse's behavior. Note the characteristic features in your lover's behavior. In order to check whether your husband loves you and answer in the negative, the following is enough:

  • the spouse is delayed in the service, but this does not upset him;
  • the husband began to rarely talk about his wife, relationships and love in general;
  • he doesn’t give compliments for quite a long time;
  • It’s been a long time since we’ve had a holiday together;
  • the husband has no desire to go with his wife to the cinema, drama theater, or even watch TV separately.

9. Be patient and reasonable. Concentrate your attention not only on negative circumstances, but also on positive ones. There may be many situations in which it seems that your spouse does not feel love for you. It happens that people have different characters, and constant strife is the norm for them. Often, husband and wife assess certain situations in their own way.

Important Details

In some cases, wanting to know if their husband loves them, girls ask him this question directly. But do not forget about a number of details. First, the correct form of the question.

Use this method if you are convinced that you can ask your question correctly. There should be no hints or ambiguity in it. Don't show your negative attitude in the question. Secondly, positive wording. Put a positive meaning into the wording of the question. For example: “Dear, everything is fine with us?” Thirdly, the timing is right. Of course, for such a conversation it is necessary to choose the right moment. If the husband is in a great mood, he is not in a hurry and is ready to talk, then you can ask questions.


Take a short, easy test on the topic: “How do you know if your husband loves you?” You just need to answer a few questions.

  1. Do you think your spouse is happy that he chose you as his life partner?
  2. Does your spouse discuss his affairs with you? Talking about difficulties? What do you know about your husband’s life outside the walls of the apartment?
  3. Have you ever thought about divorce?
  4. How often do family disputes occur? Do you use offensive language?
  5. Do you make comments to your spouse? How often?
  6. Have you seen changes in your spouse's behavior lately? In what direction has your husband changed?

Interpreting the test

Consider your answers. If you assume that your spouse is unhappy with his choice of companion, then most likely he is. If your husband does not discuss his affairs with you, does not talk about difficulties, this is a very bad sign.

One of the indicators of real love is trust and respect. If you are not aware of your husband’s life outside the apartment, it means that he is hiding something or does not find a loved one in you. In this case, the question of whether my husband loves me must be answered in the negative.

Rules of conduct for a loving spouse

How to check if your husband loves you? We should not forget that everyone’s life situations are different. But there are also rules for the behavior of a loving husband (regardless of his character and level of earnings):

  1. He responds to requests for help instantly. If something interferes, he does not look for excuses, but tries to help.
  2. For him, your health is most important. He will go to the pharmacy himself, cook dinner, give an injection if he can. He will constantly be interested in your well-being. He won't be embarrassed by your sick appearance.
  3. Will help in difficult times. Thanks to this, you can definitely find out whether your husband loves you. If yes, then he will be near you at any moment. Even if it is the loss of a loved one, difficulties at work or loss of money.
  4. He is generous, noble. Seeing that you have a difficult financial situation, your husband will gently help. And if you are stubborn, then persist. And it will never remind you of the money spent on you and your needs.
  5. From one's own to the general. In other words, his comrades will be yours and vice versa. You will have everything together - friends, celebrations, excitement, memories. If the spouse loves, then he will spend a lot of time nearby.
  6. Intimate The husband shows sexual attraction to his wife even after many years of marriage. And such a manifestation is considered the main indicator of a spouse’s love.
  7. He praises you. A loving husband will always be proud of his wife. He will praise her in front of his comrades. A husband who loves his wife will regularly repeat words of love. And every time he will say them from the bottom of his heart, looking into your eyes. And he will kiss you.

Does your ex love you?

How to find out if he loves you Most likely, this is so if:

  • he seeks to renew connection and communication with you;
  • of your own free will, free yourself from habits that you did not like;
  • he treats you much more kindly and touchingly than before;
  • regularly misses old times;
  • he asks about changes in your life;
  • offers help if you have any problems;
  • he is jealous when he sees you with another man;
  • suddenly became the life of the party, although previously he sat at home all the time;
  • he regularly tells your mutual friends about himself so that they tell you everything;
  • he started drinking.

It must be remembered that the above signs cannot accurately indicate love, perhaps. Therefore, try to analyze these factors in more detail.

Does your wife love you?

Men also have doubts about their spouse. How to find out if a wife loves her husband? Firstly, if she agreed to marry you, then the answer to the question is definitely positive.

After a while, you can watch your beloved. A woman's love manifests itself in caring for her husband. If the wife tries to prepare food for her husband, creates comfort in the house and devotes basically all her attention to him, then love is undoubtedly present. You can test your wife's love by saying that you were kicked out of work. If a wife loves, she will not turn away from her husband and will be by his side in the difficult days of his life. Listen to your heart - it does not deceive.

The optimal solution to the situation would be to have a sincere dialogue with your husband in order to clarify all the omissions. After all, a woman is losing her invaluable time, but could spend it with another person for whom she will be the beloved and only one.

And in general, a happy woman is unlikely to think about the fact that her husband has lost his feelings. She lives in peace, free from doubt or suspicion. And rare conflicts are sometimes useful.

A little conclusion

Now it’s clear, This is just a small part of the advice. In fact, there are significantly more of them. But this information is enough to find the answer to an exciting question.

Someone else's soul is darkness. And even in the most harmonious relationships, many women often doubt the love of their chosen ones. Yes, men are great masters at hiding their feelings, using disarming arguments from beautiful words, flowers and gifts. How to find out true intentions, and how to understand that a man loves you - let's try to figure it out in this article.

What is the behavior of a loving man?

How does a loving person behave:

  • Listens and keeps his word
  • Wants to meet friends
  • Cares and is afraid of offending
  • Doesn't look at others
  • I don’t feel sorry for anything and won’t ask for anything
  • Glad to be around
  • His body will react to you

A person interested in you asks a lot of questions and listens carefully to your answers. This is the main sign that you are him needed. In addition, he always keeps his promises, is never late, and strictly complies with agreements.

  1. From the first days of dating, a man will take active steps to get to know your friends, family and loved ones.
  2. He will do everything to take his rightful place in your immediate environment. However, do not rush to introduce him to your parents - this initiative should come from opposite sex.
  3. A man who is serious about you makes sure that to you it was convenient, cozy and comfortable with him.
  4. He is very careful in his words and actions, afraid of offending you by inadvertently touching your weak spot. A person is attentive to your health and will not look calmly if you do not take care of it yourself.
  5. He probably won't let you smoke, even if he does it himself. And if you suddenly get sick, he will take the most active moral and material part in the process of your treatment and recovery.

In your presence, a man who respects you does not pay attention to other women, but looks only at you. He does not allow himself to compare you with anyone - neither with his exes, nor with show stars.

Next to you, the lover does not look at his watch and is in no hurry. He spares neither time nor money for you. And for his part, he doesn’t demand anything that is a burden to you or that you don’t know how to do.

A man with serious intentions will never give orders and make claims for unprepared dinner. You have become an integral and wonderful part of your boyfriend’s life if he introduces you to his friends at every opportunity and never tires of demonstrating to everyone that he has you, that he is very happy about it and is proud of you.

Chemistry of love

What substances affect feelings?

  • Dopamine is pleasure.
  • Serotonin - mood.
  • Vasopressin - fidelity.
  • Androsterone is a male hormone.
  • Phenylethylamine - love.

It is these substances that are responsible in our body for feelings of love and affection for the opposite sex.

How do men fall in love?

Below is a step-by-step description of what happens in a man’s body at the moment of falling in love:

  1. Brain activity leads to the release of phenylethylamine - romantic feelings arise.
  2. The person becomes less critical of other people.
  3. The feeling of fear and anxiety is dulled, trust increases.
  4. The result is a feeling of unity with your soulmate.

Why the stronger sex afraid to admit that he is in love?

  1. Fear of showing your weakness and dependence
  2. Fear of admitting to yourself
  3. Keeps the mark
  4. A man is afraid of making a mistake

A man is used to being expected to obey to him. He is afraid of appearing weak and dependent on his feelings. And women don’t love weak people, as they think, so they hide their love from us.

Many young people cannot admit to themselves that they are in love, and confessing to a girl for them is tantamount to being fired from a prestigious job. Also for some it is the loss of their own I. This fear most often appears due to unsuccessful relationships.

Sometimes a man, due to his status, may not confess his love, for example, because his lifestyle does not allow him to be nagging; he needs to be restrained and strong-willed. Instead of words, expect real actions here, because they speak much more than eloquent words.

And lastly, the young man is afraid to say about his love for you, because he not ready for a serious relationship yet. And this is not necessarily due to the fact that the man is irresponsible. Perhaps he has not yet moved on from his past relationship and is warning himself that a relationship with you will be the same mistake. Here it depends more on the woman, so how you show yourself, what feelings you can evoke in a man, that’s what you hope for.

What awaits you in marriage with him?

We women want to find someone with whom we will be secure, like behind a stone wall in marriage. A husband who can protect, satisfy, make you happy, provide, and give his love immeasurably and endlessly.

Let's consider several types of men:

  • Conqueror. It’s already clear from the name that this man’s main goal is to achieve you. A male conqueror has a striking distinctive feature - in conversation he very often uses the pronoun “I”. Representatives of this type are very well-read, erudite, and have good connections in society. Such a man is a good option for marriage, but you will have to constantly let yourself be conquered so that the spark of feelings does not fade away.
  • Keeper of traditions. This type of man is stable in everything. He will constantly teach you how and what to do. As an example, he will usually use his mother, who knew how to cook delicious food and clean quickly and cleanly. Such a man is only seriously interested in women who are excellent housewives. For such a man, a woman should be an economist, a cook, a maid, a teacher, a good lover, and all rolled into one. If you do not learn to combine all this within yourself, then things may end up in divorce.
  • Companion. Men of this type are real workaholics. For them, work comes first, and they have it everywhere: at home, at work and even at a party. A colleague is looking for a wife - an assistant who can understand his working nature and help in his professional activities. If you want to maintain good relationships in the family, then you will have to give up your own hobbies and devote yourself to the business that your husband is so passionate about. Your marriage will prosper and no adversity can break it if you meet the requirements of your man, for whom a woman is important as an assistant in his own affairs.

How can you understand that a man loves you?

A loving person will always find time to be with you. He will take care of you, protect and appreciate you. You will immediately understand whether a man loves you or not. His behavior and actions will speak for themselves.

People around you will immediately notice your partner's love for you, you will blossom, a sparkle will appear in your eyes, something will change in your appearance and, maybe even, in your behavior. The main thing is to know how to understand that a man loves you and not miss your happiness through your own carelessness.

Be loved!

Video: signs of a man in love with you

When things in life don’t work out the way we want, we return to our family and know: they always love and wait for us there. But what if it suddenly turns out that family has ceased to be that familiar safe haven where we came to lick our wounds? When, instead of support, understanding and care, we encounter coldness and indifference there? And physical intimacy is no longer so close...

If such recessions are rare and not particularly deep, they can be attributed to personal ailments, bad weather, financial difficulties and other temporary difficulties. This can be endured and forgotten. However, if such incomprehensibility occurs more often and more intensely, it is worth thinking more specifically about whether things are so quiet in the Danish kingdom.

No matter how sad it is, marriages break up, and the statistics are not on the side of the romantics: 6 out of 10 cannot withstand the harsh everyday life. It would be good to believe that your family will definitely bypass the reefs and statistics and destructive troubles. But suddenly everything is different. How to understand whether your wife loves you, to put an end to this issue for a while, and either calm down that everything is in order, or begin to take urgent measures to alleviate the situation in one direction or another.

You can check whether your spouse still loves you or whether things have declined by looking at some signs. To do this, it is enough to be observant and cold-blooded, not to try to see what is not there, or to justify what has appeared. So, 10 symptoms that at least a crack has appeared in your life and relationships.

  • All secrets are in the past. Too much humanity has suddenly appeared in everyday life: physiological intimate details are now known to you almost as well as to your wife’s doctors or her cosmetologists. Legs are shaved only in the summer or when going out, the door to the toilet no longer closes, the vocabulary is no longer gentle and soothing to the ear, the robe is no longer a peignoir... The list goes on, and not the most pleasant one. Once the chosen one was embarrassed by the manifestations of such personal nuances, but now it has become indifferent, as well as your reaction to it. Disadvantages did not become advantages, but they stopped hiding. If you notice this, you can say that now is the beginning of the end.
  • Chastity belt. Where it came from and what prompted this appearance - you won’t necessarily know. Just one day, or vice versa, you will realize that there is a sword between you again in bed, and this is not at all romantic. Your spouse has become an impregnable fortress, and you don’t really want to storm it, although it’s unclear what’s happening. And since sex is still an irreplaceable part of married life, it will appear again, but no longer between you. First, someone third, either hers or yours. Next - see point one.

  • Credit of trust. You suddenly have too many sins, and as a result, guilt. Or trying to call her. Whether you are actually guilty or not is not so important; the absence of sins sometimes causes anger no less furious than their presence. Whether my wife loves me has now often become an open question. After all, now you are even suspected of having become too successful in hiding your sins, since they are impossible to find. That they exist is beyond doubt. But just recently, her husband was an example and ideal for her, and his character was simply golden. But when emotions become thinner and end, even initially sweet jealousy turns into an elementary, rough feeling of ownership, causing only inconvenience.
  • Complete indifference. Recently you were returning from work, and a beautiful friend greeted you at the door with a dazzling smile and kind words. A kiss regardless of your mood and a question about your day - you’re even used to these small signs of attention. Especially now that they are gone. Today whether you came or not will suddenly go completely unnoticed, and it hurts.
  • There is no fear of losing. When your life together was just beginning, everything between you was built carefully and caringly, often someone made a compromise, doing it easily and naturally, simply out of concern for their neighbor and the only one. Now neither emotions nor actions are smoothed out, sometimes rudeness and selfishness creep into words or manners. Attempts to smooth out rough edges and requests for basic correctness are met with aggression or indifference. She no longer cared whether you were nearby or not, whether you were in her life at all.
  • Rose-colored glasses are broken. Once upon a time, shortcomings were seen as features of actions or character; there was something sweet and touching in them. And suddenly the same thing began to irritate, cause aggression and attempts to correct or fence off these habits and their consequences. Now the socks scattered around the apartment have become garbage, and not a sign of the fatigue of the unfortunate husband or the spontaneity of his character. Scandals based on these habits are becoming more frequent and worse. Of course, over the course of your life together, you could get rid of them, but who cares about that now...
  • No - self-sacrifice! Waiting after work instead of hanging out with girlfriends, ironing a shirt instead of watching the chosen TV series, and other daily sacrifices have faded into oblivion. Now personal interests are in the foreground, and heating up lunch or preparing dinner after a working day is no longer her concern. She suddenly has interests, and you are not one of them.
  • “You again...” How to understand whether your wife loves you if in your presence her mood suddenly deteriorates. Routine quickly absorbs positive emotions. However, it is much easier to fight it if you do it together with an important person, but what to do when he, too, has become this routine...

  • Who is the head in this house? Your word once upon a time was decisive in various issues, from the most complex and critical to small daily ones. Does anyone else need it today? Big question. Sometimes it turns out that it was decided for you without you, you even find out about it completely by accident.
  • My wife doesn't need it. What once arose between you can be revived if there is a mutual desire for this. Now you are together out of necessity - children, shared housing, unpaid loan... But not love. She lives on by pure inertia, and you are together until she decides to leave.

Respect is very valuable in family life for a man, and if he does not receive it from the person he loves most, no one else can fill this gap fully. The lack of respect is immediately noticeable - in addressing him, in actions aimed at him, in the increased frequency of reproaches and discussion of shortcomings. That's all. what is truly valuable about you as an individual is completely ignored or devalued. How can you tell if your wife loves you? Respects - then of course yes, no - accordingly.

A woman does not deny her husband sex if she values ​​him.

Otherwise, either she gets sex on the side, or is ready to refuse it, just not to be with you.

In parallel with the refusal, the spouse sometimes looks at other men, moreover, flirts with them, ignoring your presence.

If at the same time she also avoids communicating with you, tries to be more alone or with her friends than with you, the conclusion is not comforting.

She began to behave silently or excessively and unreasonably aggressive. A woman, for no apparent reason, attacks her partner, who now does not correspond to her ideas about her husband, or goes into complete loneliness, withdraws into her emotions and does not show any emotions towards her husband at all.

There is a surplus of her friends in your house, they come quickly and slowly leave.

What exists between you is meaningless if there is no more love. Is it worth continuing and restoring something that no longer contains life? Wouldn't breaking up be the only solution to a tiresome relationship? It’s worth imagining what will happen if this relationship ends - and you can understand what decision you want to make.

Is it worth fighting?

How to check whether it makes sense to fight for a relationship or whether the final collapse of family life has come? So that marriage does not become a heavy duty, an indistinct burden for both partners, and at the same time, so as not to miss the opportunity that still exists.

So, when else can you get your loved one back?

  • The changed behavior is not permanent, it only “rolls up” periodically. In this case, it can really be attributed to a physical condition or to temporary darkenings of passion;
  • this is only a reaction to some misdeed by a man, but the feeling itself is alive, just slightly scratched;
  • The partner’s actions also sometimes become a response to similar actions of the spouse, a kind of mirror that shows how unacceptable what he did is.

These cases show. What else can be done to save a feeling that has not completely died out?

If the question of how to find out if my spouse loves me is already quite clear to you, now all that remains is to work on what else can be saved. Or have the courage to admit to yourself that nothing can be saved and you just need to part ways, calmly and in a timely manner. The manifestation of one of the total number of signs described is not yet a reason to give up. Every couple has moments of decline and rise; you are not always at the peak of positive emotions. Sometimes someone wonders whether the right choice was made at the time. But if you want to solve problems together, support each other, share any doubts that arise immediately and openly, you can still save the connection. This period will be a time for your joint testing - of each other, of the strength of the connection between you.

However, if the symptoms described above are too much in your life together, you need to think hard and once again go through the pros and cons. Divorce is too drastic a decision, and not yet the most necessary one. The main thing is, don’t wait for your spouse to start changing. Start changing on your part, and if she hasn't completely cooled off on you yet, she will start to change too. Try to win her again, just like you already did before. But now she’s a different person, and that’s the one you need to conquer and charm. Let this become a game that you must win if you want to. You can even try to make your only one jealous.

If you remember that a woman is a reflection of her man, you will be able to look differently at her manners and actions aimed at you. Was it not you who once provoked her detachment? Is it not you that she now fears or does not recognize? And how you behaved before you noticed changes in her image. Perform feats for your woman - and she will not pass by this and will appreciate you.

There are happy women who absolutely know that their significant other has sincere, deep feelings for them. But there are those who have to figure out what is hidden behind the beautiful words of their young man: love, lust, lies, emptiness.

How do you know if a man loves you or if a relationship with you is just a game for him? Ask directly? But it’s so easy to lie.

It is better to look not at words, but at actions. And also look for the right signs that will definitely indicate the strength and genuineness of feelings.

How do you know if a man loves you by his behavior, look and other signs?

To find out exactly what your man feels, you just need to take a closer look at him. Move aside for a while your own feelings that blur your view and analyze his actions, words, gestures, etc.

You will easily understand whether he loves you or not if you do not deceive yourself.

1) 10 phrases that men say when they love

  1. "I love you".

  2. “Let me introduce you to my friends/colleagues/family...”

  3. “You are the most beautiful and smartest, I am so lucky to meet you.”

  4. “How many children would you like to have?”

  5. “In the future, I plan...” (you are also in these plans).

  6. “I want you to know more about me.”

  7. "I'm afraid to disappoint you."

  8. “I miss you so much, even though we haven’t seen each other for only two days.”

  9. “I'm worried/worried about you.”

  10. “Dress warmly, it’s cold outside. Please have lunch, don't go hungry all day. I bought fruit and medicine at the pharmacy and am already on my way to you.”

Of course, phrases can be formed in other ways. But I think you understand the general meaning.

A man who loves will not:

2) Actions of a man that will indicate that he loves you

If you come across a silent or stern man who says little but does a lot, do not rush to blame him for not loving you. Just analyze the young man’s actions, not his words.

Actions of a man who truly loves his woman:

3) 10 more additional signs that will indicate that a man loves you

  1. Looks full of love and a desire to admire you when he thinks that you don’t see it.

  2. The desire to share both sorrows and joys with you.

  3. An adequate response to your mood: the desire to console when you feel bad, maintaining cheerfulness when you feel good.

  4. Constant presence and desire to help when you are stressed, in a bad mood, depressed, during PMS, etc.

  5. The pride a man feels for your victories and achievements.

  6. Lack of selfishness in terms of sex and the desire to please the woman you love, and not just take care of your own satisfaction.

  7. Knowledge and understanding of your tastes, hobbies, likes, dislikes, allergies, etc.

  8. The value of your opinion for him is undeniable.

  9. A loving man will not take out his bad mood on you and pour out his problems on his head in order to throw out his anger, and not to get help or practical advice.

  10. The desire to please your friends and parents, to gain a foothold in your life and become an important part of it.

How to find out that a man does not love you, so as not to waste time on him?

We, women, are creatures of a different make-up than men, so we cannot always understand them.

In my female opinion, the easiest way to understand whether a man loves you or not is to simply feel it. If something confuses you in a relationship, if you don’t fully believe him, and even if you often ask yourself the question: “Does he love you or not?”, most likely there is no true love.

There is sympathy, affection, passion, perhaps love, but this is not enough to marry a man. Where is the guarantee that when you are already married, he will not meet someone he will love with all his soul?

But this is my, female view of the problem. And I would like to know what men think about this.

A male friend of mine, a psychologist by profession, told me several signs that will definitely indicate that a man does not love you:

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