Combination of brown color in clothes. Methods for selecting a palette

Brown color is not achromatic, and it is also difficult to call it neutral, but still in our minds it is positioned as a base color. Solid brown items of simple textures and styles very often represent the bottom layer of the wardrobe, on which various other colors are superimposed and on which some looks are based.

Sometimes brown is an alternative to or, and with its help, business looks are created for the office or business meetings. But sometimes brown shows itself from a completely different side, and the combination of colors in clothes with brown becomes an exciting game with different styles and shades, which results in completely different looks, but always equally bright and effective.

That is, brown is a very multifaceted color, this is also manifested in the richness of its shades, including sand, chocolate, copper and many other shades that often appear on fashion catwalks in almost every season. Therefore, combining brown in clothes is not such a difficult task.

Brown often has a calming effect because it is a very cozy, warm and soft color. It often adds solidity and elegance to outfits. It all depends on what style you choose and how you present it. But we still have to answer the question of what colors brown goes with in clothes.

Brown color and light shades

In combination with brown, it can manifest itself in two forms: business style and country style. In the first case, you will achieve the desired effect by combining brown trousers with arrows (an interesting alternative to black) and a snow-white shirt of a simple cut.

The result will be a not entirely strict office option.

If you rearrange the accents a little and combine dark blue jeans, the same shirt and a brown long blazer, you will get a more relaxed casual look.

And to plunge into the atmosphere of the Wild West, you just need to add a wide brown belt and cowboy boots to a simple chiffon or linen dress.

The combination of brown and beige in clothes is very traditional, and you can’t argue with this tradition - the combination is stylish, calm, solid.

The perfect complement to this pair will be blue jeans, and this is also a nod to casual style. For a slightly bohemian touch, add a leopard print scarf. Spicy, but thanks to the flowers it is still restrained.

Brown and pastel shades

You need to be very careful when combining pastels with brown. With warm shades, everything is more or less clear - they are at least from one opera.

For example, both light and dark brown will look great with peach and pale pink colors.

You can also experiment with soft blue, just be careful, since these colors are completely different.

But dark brown in company with a delicate lavender shade is a magical sight, and mint color can refresh and decorate a dirty medium-light brown.

Brown and other colors

The combination of brown with other colors in clothes is both simple (after all, brown is the base color) and complex (shades that are minimally different from each other look completely different with the same color).

First, let's find out what color goes well with brown in clothes without question, and what you can always have as a backup option. And this color is orange.

Usually they pass by this color, it’s too bright and demanding, but, firstly, brightness from the outside will not hurt brown, and, secondly, orange also has calm shades. An alliance of brown and orange (especially pumpkin, amber, rusty shades) is ideal.

By choosing the lightest shades of both, you will create an image suitable for summer, and by choosing deep, rich tones, you will get excellent images for chilly autumn and frosty winter.

Emerald, black, and colors can be added to this combination in small quantities. The dominant print is check, especially for autumn outfits.

Green shades, and , and dark burgundy go perfectly with brown. It is better to avoid combinations with colors; there is a very low chance of getting something worthwhile and fashionable.

Brown and black

The combination of dark colors in clothes with brown is a purely autumn-winter thing. For summer, the black-brown duo is too rough, gloomy and inexpressive, but in winter it is a good option for outerwear, sweaters and other things.

For autumn, in order to dilute the gray-rusty colors around, you can add bright green or red (yes, it’s acceptable here) accents in the form of a scarf, gloves, bag or just jewelry to this pair.

Brown and gray

The combination is not so much gloomy as dull and colorless. Even when creating images for work, it is better to use these colors separately. Such a tandem is boring, monotonous and gives the impression of a dirty contrast.

There is a huge range of shades of 3 primary colors in the world. One of them is brown. It is this color that is very often relegated to the background by women. However, its combinations with other colors can create a truly charming wardrobe.

Psychology of image. Who prefers and who suits noble brown

Confidence and stability - this is exactly the urge that the color brown carries. Upon closer examination, even psychologists note that people are drawn to those who wear similar shades.

That's why Confident people very often add the attractive brown color to their clothes, trying to inspire confidence in the interlocutor.

When brown completely dominates a person’s appearance, he is subconsciously considered a responsible employee, a good friend and a loyal family man.

People who prefer clothes of such tones have a harmonious inner world. They live with peace and security in their future, so they do not accept meaningless impulses.

Myself brown color represents natural nature, therefore, the goddess of spring and youth is considered his patroness - Flora.

Many young girls add cream, caramel or sand colors to their attire because, according to legend, this can help attract a worthy life partner. At this age, there is no need to create flashy outfits - they should be as natural and light as possible.

A man's wardrobe should be more practical and give preference to dark shades, especially in terms of office suits. For everyday meetings, you can also choose clothes in lighter colors, such as tan or light colors.

In a men's wardrobe they will look great with black and dark green.

For interviews, in order to win over the future employer, it is recommended to wear formal dark brown suits.

According to psychologists, people who dress in such colors are considered more serious and hardworking. The color brown has an absolutely enormous range of influence on the emotions of those around us.

If you choose the right color for brown, you can create yourself into a romantic young lady or a creative person. When you add a dark color to your look, you can instantly look like a sharp professional., often conservative, but very experienced.

Shades of brown are inherently natural, so a man or woman in this color appears to the outside world as a very material being. It stands firmly with its feet on the ground, without indulging in meaningless dreams.

Often such people are considered conservatives, since they do not even take risks in their clothes, preferring earthy tones.

It is impossible to talk about this exactly, because brown color is divided into its own rather wide range, which is divided into dark and light, as well as dark and cold shades.

This is why brown color is convenient; you can choose the right shade for absolutely any color type and age.

Taupe and coffee can be worn at absolutely any age, and red-brown will emphasize all the experience and beauty of a middle-aged woman.

By correctly determining which color goes with brown in clothes, you can create both a romantic and a strict look.

Brown color is neutral, so to create a truly stylish look you will need to experiment with colors to find out which ones go best with brown.

This rule applies even to men’s wardrobe, and is absolutely mandatory for women’s.

Basic popular shades of brown

Basically, all brown shades are conventionally divided into dark and light. These include various color combinations.

Dark brown

Dark brown has always been the color of aristocracy. We see this shade in freshly brewed coffee and real dark chocolate. That is why this color is chosen by those who want to give their appearance nobility, immediately raising its visual status several notches.

The dark brown color in clothes gives the image nobility.

Like black, dark brown color has the ability to slim, making the silhouette taller and therefore elongated. Most often it is used to create the most luxurious dresses, jackets and trousers, adding genuine leather accessories and gold jewelry to them.


Red-brown is also considered a shade that emphasizes respectability. Even a cheap dress of this shade will look more expensive. To create it, a little reddish undertone is added to the brown color, which many people associate with natural mahogany, a luxurious and expensive material.

That is why this color is used in noble natural fabrics, like leather, silk and fur. This warm shade should not be worn by those with a summer color type.


Yellow-brown uses yellow dye as its undertone. In common parlance, this color is often called red. Its color is a little reminiscent of orange, but at the same time it is softer and does not hurt the eyes as much.

The use of this shade in its basic form is very rare, usually yellow-brown is used to create an interesting accent. Red-colored accessories will immediately add playfulness and cheerfulness to your look.

Taupe - gray-brown color

Taupe, or taupe, is a fairly inconspicuous color. A gray undertone in a brown coat is common in many animals as it helps them camouflage perfectly in the wild.

The shades of brown in clothing are very diverse.

Exactly this shade will be an excellent base tone when creating a wardrobe in brown tones. It is most relevant for men, since in general the images are quite severe.

Light brown

Light brown gives comfort. It is considered the lightest shade in the entire family, therefore it deliberately leads to the fact that the person wearing it seems very calm in character.

Wherein it goes well with a huge variety of other colors, so with its help you can create as many sets of clothes as you like.

You should wear such clothes if you want to talk to a very unfriendly interlocutor and at the same time get him to have a stable conversation.

A huge number of shades of brown can force even the most notorious fashionista to choose between them.

But it is its combination with other colors that makes such clothes almost universal for any occasion. Therefore, you should move on to find out which color goes with brown.

Rules for combining brown with other colors

With the right combination of different colors, the interaction of brown with the appearance will become even brighter, emphasizing all the advantages.

White and brown

White and brown are one of the most harmonious combinations. White color is versatile, therefore, any combination of these two colors should dominate in the direction of white, which will slightly set off the gloom of brown with its light.

White color is considered universal, so it goes well with all shades of brown in clothes.

This combination looks quite simple, even boring, but if you correctly place brown accents in your outfit and add another one to it that will tie the look together, your appearance will immediately sparkle with new colors. The third color can be orange or gold.

Red and brown

Red and brown will create an imbalance in your appearance. Red color of passion, it is very bright and sharp, it requires a constant release of energy, and brown, in turn, attracts calm.

To prevent the combination of red and brown colors from creating an imbalance in the image, you should add any cool shade to your clothes.

To correctly combine these two colors in your appearance, you should add to them the coldness of white or blue, which will create something in between and harmonizing.

Black and brown

Black color is quite universal, however if you create an ensemble of brown and black, you can get almost a mourning outfit. The whole appearance will be gloomy and inexpressive, even mournful. Therefore, for such a combination it is better to choose only a light brown shade, which can still create the appearance of contrast.

The combination of dark brown and black gives the image a mournful look. Light shades of brown go well with black.

This way, the whole look will become lighter and less overloaded. You can use rich colors like red or red-brown in combination with black to add expressiveness to your appearance.

Brown and green

Just think about it, brown and green. Summer trees with leaves immediately appear. These two colors are originally natural, so their combination must be successful. Even the slightest addition of green to the style will be that highlight that brings coolness and freshness.

The combination of brown and light green is suitable for your daily wardrobe. To create an elegant look, choose a dark green shade.

You just need to carefully select the shades of these two colors so that they match each other perfectly. To create a spectacular and elegant combination, use dark green color, and natural light green shades are more suitable for everyday wear.

Brown and beige

If we talk about what color goes with brown, then feel free to take beige. Beige itself can be considered a brown color, that is, its weak and soft variety, but this already suggests that they have a related base.

Brown and beige have the same base, so their combination is considered ideal.

The combination of these two colors is very successful, as they give the appearance even more stability and comfort. You shouldn’t even add any other accents to this combination, because an outfit created based on these colors covers all the flaws. This allows you to focus on a more important point - the play of textures.

Brown and blue

The combination of brown and blue suits creative people who are not afraid of experiments. You just have to remember the main rule, you should combine light with dark, that is, play with opposites.

The combination of blue and brown in clothing is considered eccentric, so it is suitable for creative individuals.

Chocolate and turquoise are one of the most successful combinations, since the coldness of blue slightly conceals the neutral brown. The blue-brown combination looks very practical on any woman.

Brown and orange

Those who are hesitant to try the combination of brown and red in their clothes should pay attention to orange. It is a harbinger of optimism, no less energetic than red, but not so overwhelming.

For perfect harmony of orange and brown colors in clothes, you should give preference to dark shades of brown.

To combine with orange, you should choose dark shades of brown., this is how the play of contrast is most visible. White would be a great third color here, as it can highlight both colors to their advantage.

Brown and yellow

Yellow and brown are a combination that brings joy and sunshine to the lives of those around you. You just shouldn’t combine too bright shades of yellow, which don’t go well with brown.

The combination of yellow and brown colors in clothes gives the image femininity and lightness.

Light shades will give the image softness and femininity, so they will be an excellent option for accessories, such as a bag or shoes.

Brown with gold

Gold always emphasizes status and wealth, this also applies to brown color. The whole look will become much more sophisticated, so we can safely say that this color goes well with brown. You should choose very dark shades of brown.

By complementing brown clothing with gold elements, you can create an elegant evening look.

This color is perfect for creating an evening look. In daytime appearance, gold should be left only as accessories.

Brown accessories

When talking about brown accessories, the first thing that comes to mind is shoes. They are a good addition that will allow you to easily build a business image. In addition, they can be perfectly combined with various dresses, both bright and pastel shades. This will help make the outfit more original.

Brown accessories go perfectly with any look.

Boots of this color also provide great versatility. Their look in itself is more impressive than black shoes, so the look will be more elegant, especially if you add brown jewelry.

Another convenient accessory will be bags. There is no look that can be ruined by a brown bag, you just need to choose the right shade.

An original belt that harmoniously accents the chosen outfit can complement the look. Brown is a truly versatile color for accessories, as a variety of leather products are available in this color.

What does brown not go with?

Brown is considered a very boring color, so it doesn't really go well with the very dark shades of most colors. Indigo, violet, dark green and gray should be avoided.

If you combine brown with another color correctly, it will reveal a truly multifaceted side.

This color is great for experimentation because it goes well with most other colors, but a bad combination can ruin a lot.

We hope the information in the article was useful to you! Experiment and be beautiful!

Interesting videos about what color goes with brown in your wardrobe

In this video you will learn how to create a wardrobe in brown shades and what color goes with brown:

What variations can be made with brown in clothes? Watch the video:

Chocolate and caramel: brown in your wardrobe:

The attitude towards the color brown is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is a natural shade, the color of the earth, the bark of trees. On the other hand, many people find this color a bit boring. However, most women have at least a couple of items in some shade of brown in their wardrobe.

Since brown is the color of the soil, people subconsciously associate it with reliability and stability. After all, there is nothing more reliable than the earth’s firmament.

Clothing in brown shades is chosen by active people with a strong character and strong life principles. This color promotes emotional stability and psychological comfort.

Psychologists assure that women who love brown things are excellent housewives and true keepers of the home.

Those who consider brown a boring color simply have not yet had time to appreciate the beauty of its shades. They say that love for brown tones comes with age. Therefore, this color is almost always present in the wardrobe of ladies of an elegant age, but young girls rarely choose it.

Color in fashion history

Attitudes towards brown have changed dramatically over the centuries. So, in ancient Egypt it was the color of clothing of the nobility and priests. But in the Renaissance, on the contrary, commoners dressed in brown clothes.

It was only towards the end of the 17th century that various shades of brown began to be actively used in clothing. Moreover, the color was used in both expensive and ordinary everyday clothing.

Nowadays, brown cannot be called an undisputed favorite in fashion, however, its position is stable. In everyday looks, soft versions of this color are often used; for evening looks, more complex shades are chosen. Many people prefer to wear brown clothes in the autumn-winter season, however, there are also summer models of this color, especially in safari-style models.


The color brown comes in many different shades. Conventionally, they can be divided into light and dark.

Light shades include light and yellow-brown shades:

  • ocher;
  • rust color;
  • camel hair color;
  • golden;
  • caramel.

Dark colors include various shades of gray and red-brown, as well as pure brown.

Who does it suit?

There are many shades of brown, so this color suits different types of appearance. All shades of color are suitable for brown-haired women and brunettes with brown and green eyes. Blue-eyed blondes prefer light shades of brown.

We combine

You can combine shades of brown with a variety of tones. Let's look at the most successful combinations:

  • With all shades of white. This is a very successful combination, since white is very refreshing, so the gloominess of brown ceases to be noticeable. In strict looks, brown can act as a base color. To create elegant ensembles, you should use white as the dominant color.
  • With beige. Beige and brown are two related colors, so they combine well with each other. A set made up of these two colors is completely self-sufficient, and to make it more interesting, you can use fabrics of different textures.

  • With red. Calm brown seems to mute the energy and passion of red. Therefore, this combination looks quite harmonious.
  • With orange. This combination looks cheerful. Moreover, the darker the shade of brown, the more interesting the combination will look.

  • With yellow. Yellow is not far from brown on the color wheel, meaning the tones are related. To create a memorable image, use light shades of yellow as a base, and use brown as an addition.
  • With green. This is a natural combination of colors, because the leaves of the tree are green and its bark is brown. Light shades of green combined with brown look restrained, while dark shades look impressive.

  • With blue. The combination is ambiguous, but very interesting. To avoid mistakes, you should combine light tones of blue with dark tones of brown and vice versa. The shade of dark chocolate looks interesting in combination with the color of turquoise.
  • With black. Despite the versatility of black, its combination with brown looks gloomy. Therefore, when pairing with black, you should choose only the lightest or most saturated shades of brown. You can liven up the combination with white.

  • With gold. The combination of brown and gold looks luxurious and sophisticated. This combination is appropriate for evening dresses.

Fashionable looks

Brown clothes can look formal or sophisticated, everything will depend on the chosen styles and color combinations.

Business images

Brown is perfect for creating strict but elegant business looks. Every business lady should have classic trousers or a brown skirt in her wardrobe. A fitted white shirt is perfect for this item of clothing, but it’s better to choose ivory or ecru colored items rather than a snow-white blouse. The set should be paired with shoes that match the shirt. The ensemble will be complemented by a brown jacket, different in shade from the trousers (skirt).

The classic combination for a business look is brown plus blue. For example, we’ll combine a fitted dress with checkered prints in blue tones with a fitted mocha-colored jacket. Let's complement the ensemble with a small blue handbag and high brown stiletto boots.

In business attire, it is acceptable to combine brown and black. The camel-colored suit with a black blouse looks interesting. You can complement the ensemble with white accessories.

Everyday looks

Practical brown color is simply created for creating everyday fashionable looks. The basic element can be brown trousers or a skirt of a suitable style. Thus, tight-fitting trousers in the shade of dark chocolate will form a harmonious ensemble with an ocher sweater with a white and black pattern. Complete the look with a small black bag, brown ankle boots, and a large wristwatch on a leather strap. If you want to add a bright detail to your look, you can use a neckerchief with an orange-yellow pattern.

For the cold season, you can buy a brown coat. Military-style outerwear looks great in dark brown, but to create romantic looks, fitted coats in light shades of brown are better suited.

Evening looks

A rich palette of brown shades allows you to choose options that are suitable for creating luxurious looks. Evening dresses made of golden brown silk look chic; they can have a fitted or loose fit.

For a champagne-colored corset dress, you can choose an openwork walnut-colored bolero. Shoes to match the bolero will complete the ensemble.

Brown evening dresses can be combined with bright red accessories - shoes, handbag. An interesting looking turquoise dress complete with a wide brown belt and a short coffee-colored velvet jacket.

For evening dresses, you can use glossy fabrics in brown shades with a metallic sheen. And also fabrics with “animal” print. For example, the Dasha Gauser collection features a long evening dress made of fabric with a metallic sheen and a print imitating snake skin. The dress is seamed at the waist, has long flared sleeves and a boat neckline. Black shoes complete the look.

Only brown

Using different shades of brown, you can create interesting and harmonious ensembles. For example, a set of a bright brown ankle-length pleated skirt and a simple camel-colored top does not look boring at all. Especially if you complement it with sand-colored shoes and a café-au-lait handbag.

When creating monochrome ensembles in brown, you need to think through the details well so that the image does not turn out too gloomy.

Makeup and jewelry

Makeup in warm colors - apricot, red and yellow-brown - goes well with clothes in brown shades.

Jewelry for evening dresses in brown shades should be chosen from gold. Jewelry made of wood or ceramics is perfect for everyday looks.

Choice of stars

Luxurious shades of mahogany and golden brown are perfect for dresses for the most special occasions. Therefore, they are often chosen by famous personalities. For example, actress Tracee Ellis Ross chose a golden-brown velvet dress for the 2016 Oscars.

This color is one of the most popular in clothing, because it is universal and can be easily combined with other colors.

The color brown gets its name from the word “bark”, that is, oak bark. He is the personification of nature itself, the color of the earth. It represents calm, peace and harmony.

It is believed that brown and its shades are preferred by people who love order and stability.

Shades of brown

The color is obtained by mixing red, yellow and blue in various proportions. White is added if it is necessary to obtain lighter shades.

Dark brown (dark chocolate) - sophisticated and conservative. Perfect for an evening dress, because jewelry goes with it just perfectly. Dark brown will also be a good option for everyday outfits, so feel free to include trousers, a dress or a jacket of this shade in your wardrobe. These things will be appropriate in any situation and will suit girls and women with any type of appearance.

Red-brown - contains a little more red, and if we add even more red, we get a shade of brown like


This is a fairly rich color, it will also suit girls with any type of appearance, in contrast to bright terracotta, which will suit girls of autumn, spring and winter color types.

Yellow-brown - shade with more yellow added. If we add even more yellow, we get a shade


These warm shades are suitable for girls of spring color type. An excellent choice for business style. They look good in ethnic or oriental style sets. It is better to combine with softer shades, such as blue, light green or white.

Taupe - is quite self-sufficient, but it will best serve as a background for other brighter colors. In summer it is better to combine it with cream, raspberry, mint or milky shades, and in winter - with burgundy, emerald, mustard, and dark blue. The shade is universal and will suit a girl with any type of appearance.

Light brown - unique and multifaceted. It has notes of both yellow and orange. This is a universal and quite democratic color and at the same time incredibly sophisticated. This shade of brown looks especially good on soft materials, such as sweaters or blouses. Flying and flowing light brown fabrics also look good. Harmonizes with all shades except gray. Best suited for girls with a spring color type of appearance. Gold or leather accessories will be a good addition to your outfit. Shade options

coffee with milk (latte)


Brown in clothes - combination and photo

It goes well with many colors, we can say that it is universal. Brown shades can often be found in basic wardrobes, where the main quality is versatility and good compatibility with various colors and styles.

Of course, when choosing a pair for something in brown, you should take into account what shade you have, because with different shades additional colors will look different.

The combination of brown with other colors in clothing can be built according to the principle of selecting color pairs with:

  • ↔ White
  • ↔ Black
  • ↔ Gray
  • ↔ Blue
  • ↔ Blue (Turquoise)
  • ↔ Green
  • ↔ Yellow
  • ↔ Red (Orange)
  • ↔ Violet (Lilac)
  • ↔ Brown (Beige)

+ White

Any color looks impressive with white and this combination is classic for anyone. If you combine dark brown with white, you get an expressive contrast option, if light brown - delicate, soft and feminine.

The combination is universal and will be appropriate both at a formal event and in everyday wear.

+ Black

It is believed that the combination of brown in clothes looks too strict, boring and produces a depressing and depressive effect. This is true if you combine black and dark brown without any bright accents or additional pieces in brighter shades.

It is best to wear lighter tones of brown with black, such as café au lait, tan, ocher, taupe. This neighborhood looks elegant and interesting. If you add white to such a pair, the set will become more elegant.

The best combination:

Brown (medium or light shades) + Black + White

+ Black and White

The combination of black and white with any color is considered universal and basic. You can put together a set of monochromatic items or experiment with various black and white patterns, designs or prints on clothes. One of the most stylish options is “polka dot” or “check”.

In general, the field for experimentation here is quite large, and the limit of three colors will only serve to your advantage.

+ Gray

The main thing here is to choose the right shades of brown, otherwise your set will look boring and dull. Warmer and richer shades of brown go well together - yellow, red, light brown.

White color in your taupe outfit will help break up the monotony, refresh and add brightness.

+ Blue

What other color goes well with brown in clothes? Blue! The color of the sky and the color of the earth together form a harmonious combination. Just so that it doesn’t look boring, combine colors of different tones, for example, dark blue+ light brown or bright rich blue + soft light brown. In general, the warmest shades of brown (red and yellow-brown) will look best in a pair.

The third in this pair will look most impressive White or Blue.

With dark blue it is best to combine more muted shades of brown, for example, taupe. This combination will look more noble, complex and elegant. If it seems too dark to you, then simply add a white item, which will help dilute the overall color and make the color scheme more “lively and fresh.”

+ Blue (Turquoise)

A calm and harmonious combination for every day. More delicate pastel shades of blue, or better combined with a light brown shade. This will allow the colors to merge into a harmonious color melody and create a unique and very feminine flavor.

Light blue jeans and a brown turtleneck or a brown jacket with a white T-shirt (shirt) is a universal set.

Refined option: Tan + Turquoise.

Additional colors in this combination can include: White, Beige, Pale Yellow.

More saturated shades of turquoise - dark turquoise will well support darker and richer shades of brown.

+ Green

+ Violet (Lilac)

A dim and discreet combination can become the height of sophistication and elegance if you choose the right shades. As for, they should be restrained and subdued.

However, if you use bright and saturated purple, it will interrupt our color and disrupt the overall color harmony.

The combination is quite suitable for the office. dark, medium brown and...

Light brown + lilac will create a romantic image for a date.

Taupe + purple + red (or orange)- a bright, spectacular and dynamic solution for bold fashionistas.

+ Brown (Beige)

Shades of brown combine well with each other, and you can get very interesting, elegant options. Main rules:

  • Lighter shades should be combined with darker ones;
  • Combine bright, rich shades with muted and dark ones.

You can experiment by combining not only two shades, but also three and four.

Brown color in your wardrobe will be a win-win solution for any situation. It goes well with almost all colors and suits all girls and women. Brown shades will be an excellent base for creating different looks and experimenting with different styles.


Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Many girls who prefer an elegant classic style are concerned with the question of what to combine brown with in their clothes. After all, its presence adds nobility and sophistication to any bow.

In clothes of this color, people feel more protected. According to experts, brown shades have a beneficial effect on leveling a person’s emotional background.

It is also important to note that items in brown shades can be a great help for creating a very cool look. That’s why you should pay attention to them when choosing a capsule wardrobe.

And if you want to look in accordance with the fashion trends of this season, and not like “our mymra” in an office suit from the film by Eldar Ryazanov, then listen to the recommendations of the designers.

Still from the film by Eldar Ryazanov

Current shades of brown

Before deciding what brown color goes with in clothes, you should understand all its undertones. This is necessary in order to choose a thing that ideally suits your color type.

There are simply many shades of this color in nature, but we suggest you consider only the most fashionable this season and among them:

  • Dark brown or dark chocolate is the color of sophistication and restraint. This shade is simply ideal for an evening outfit, as almost all jewelry is combined with it. In addition, this brown will look good in everyday life. If you “meet” dark brown trousers, a skirt or a jacket in a store, then feel free to try them on.

  • The bright terracotta color will allow you to stand out from the general background. The peculiarity of this shade is that it is perfect for all girls, regardless of their color type and appearance.

Cheerful terracotta

  • Warm ocher is a shade that can highlight a special spring color type. It is perfect for creating a business image. It also looks good in oriental or ethnic style sets.

  • The gray-brown shade is very self-sufficient. Many stylists recommend using it as a background for brighter colors. For example, in the summer it will be ideally combined with mint, milky and raspberry shades, and in the winter with turquoise, dark blue and mustard.

  • Light brown is a universal color that suits all girls without exception. And all due to the fact that it contains notes of both orange and yellow. This shade looks interesting on jackets and sweaters. Combines with almost all colors and shades.

What color of brown should you choose to suit your appearance color type?

Some girls frankly do not understand why it is important to choose clothes based on the color type of their appearance.

A color type is a peculiar coloring of appearance. It must be taken into account when choosing clothes and makeup, as this will help highlight your advantages as much as possible. This also applies to buying things in brown colors.

Color type “Winter”

The basis of the beauty of such girls is contrasts. There are no undertones of brown for them. The “Winter” color type needs specific frames: dark brown, ocher, terracotta.

Color type "Spring"

  • Mustard brown.
  • Creamy caramel.
  • Buckwheat honey color.

Color type “Summer”

All cool colors suit a light and bright summer. But this rule does not apply to brown. All the playfulness of summer can only be emphasized by the warm shades of this color.

Note!Warm brown can remove pallor from the faces of girls with the “Summer” color type.

Color type "Autumn"

Brown shades are truly autumn colors, and therefore everything suits this color type. If brown will predominate in the outfit, then you should choose the following tones:

  • With red, red or yellow undertones.
  • Bright ocher.
  • Light brown.

What to combine brown with?

In 2019, this color was found in many shows of world designers. They created interesting Total Looks and added bright accessories. But there is a risk of creating a boring and old-fashioned look; if you want to avoid a similar fate, we recommend combining brown with other brighter colors.

Brown + yellow

These colors are “friendly” with each other and create a stylish tandem. If you need to create a business look, it is best to choose muted yellow or lemon shades. And for active and young girls, the egg yolk color is suitable, which will help create a more playful and light image.

This season's trend is mustard yellow. The combination of brown and mustard yellow in jackets, coats, and cardigans looks especially advantageous.

Brown + green

Perhaps the most logical combination of all that this season's fashion trends offer. After all, what could be more harmonious than the color of earth and grass? In such a duet it is better to mix warm shades with cold ones, dark ones with light ones.

If you want a beautiful, elegant look, like in the photo, then you should choose dark shades of green. And if, on the contrary, it is light and airy, then take a closer look at light green.

This combination is suitable for creating an ethnic or oriental style bow. You can also add white, orange and red colors to this blowing.

Brown + beige

An ideal couple that is simply made for each other, since beige is a derivative of one of the shades of brown. This is a self-sufficient composition, and therefore there is no need to add other colors here.

If you want to create a more interesting outfit, then designers advise using different fabric textures in the outfit.

Brown + gold

Shades that coexist perfectly in one image. It doesn’t matter at all whether you choose a dark chocolate-colored dress and gold jewelry or a red-brown jumpsuit and golden pumps. In any case, you are doomed to become the center of attention in any situation. Believe me, those around you will remember your sophisticated and truly chic look for a long time.

Brown + red

These two colors are located next to each other on the color wheel, so they go well together. In this duet, the leading color is red, and brown supports it and “calms” the image.

Outfits in these colors are suitable for walks and informal meetings, but would be inappropriate for a strictly office dress code.

Brown + white

Brown + blue

When combining such colors, you need to adhere to the main rule: dark blue shades go well with light brown and vice versa.

Blue denim and brown jackets and sweaters are the perfect pair.

Brown + black

The most unusual combination. It would seem that two such dark colors in one outfit would be too much, but it’s not so. To ensure that the image does not seem too gloomy, you need to choose lighter shades of brown. Rich shades such as terracotta, ocher, and red will look no less interesting.

In the photos presented in the article, you can see what brown color goes with in clothes and choose several interesting options for yourself. When choosing such an elegant color, you need to remember a few important tips from stylists, which we cited above. Be beautiful and loved!

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