Tajik Development Gateway in Russian. Central Asia: Victory Day with a different name, but “in tune” with Russia (video) Video: flash mob in Tashkent

Despite the debate over the name of the day May 9, in all CIS countries this day is a public holiday and a day off. Only it has different names.

In Azerbaijan it is the Day of Victory over Fascism, in Armenia it is the Victory and Peace Holiday, in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia it is Victory Day, in Moldova it is Victory Day and the memory of the heroes who died for the independence of the Motherland, in Tajikistan it is Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. The scope of celebrations is different in each country.


Minsk photo: REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko

This year, on Victory Day in Belarus, instead of the traditional military parade in Minsk, the “Belarus Remembers” event, similar to the Russian “Immortal Regiment,” was held, which ended with the ceremonial laying of flowers at the Victory Monument.

In the evening, at 21.30, a festive concert will begin here. For the first time, the program includes a 3D show accompanied by the presidential orchestra. Footage of war chronicles will be shown on the so-called architectural screen. They will be the buildings behind the obelisk. The culmination of the celebrations is at 23 o'clock. Festive fireworks will be displayed from five points in the city. The sky over Minsk will be lit up with 30 victorious salvoes. During the day, traffic in the city center is limited.


Kazakhstan photo: REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov

On May 9, the annual ceremony of laying the “garlands of Glory” at the “Otan Korgaushylar” (“Defenders of the Fatherland”) monument took place in Astana. In addition, according to tradition, a town was set up in the Student Park, where 11 army tents were erected and a festive table was set for war veterans and home front workers. Concert programs featuring songs from the war years were held on the City Square and in the Student Park.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War living in Astana received 500 thousand tenge ($1.5 thousand) in honor of Victory Day.

From May 6 to 9, the annual patriotic event “Victory Ribbon” took place in Astana, but without the traditional St. George ribbon. The organizers of the action distributed a ribbon to the townspeople in the colors of the country’s national flag, this is the Kazakh version of the symbol of the Victory Day celebration. And in the city of Shymkent from the Obelisk of Glory, located in the Park named after. Abai, they removed the St. George ribbon, replacing it with national colors.


The Uzbek authorities canceled the “Immortal Regiment” march on May 9, 2017 due to “the difficult political situation that has developed throughout the world.” Instead, a permanent exhibition dedicated to veterans was held.


In this country, local authorities also canceled the rally in Dushanbe. But in the joint military parade, which took place in the capital of Tajikistan on May 9, Russian Su-25 attack aircraft took part for the first time.

Activists of the Internet community “We are Tajiks” organized a festive dinner for veterans.
The Baltic countries have abandoned May 9 and celebrate European Remembrance Day on May 8.

In the world

European countries predominantly celebrate VE, or Victory in Europe Day. Italy, Denmark, Holland celebrate their days of liberation.

In the United States, the day of German surrender is celebrated on May 8, but the main holiday is considered to be September 2, when Japan surrendered. Everything happens quite quietly and calmly. The ceremonial events are not organized by the government, but by an association of World War II veterans.


Great Britain does not officially celebrate the end of the war, but ceremonies are held annually on May 8th.


In the Federal Republic of Germany, unlike other European countries, May 8 is celebrated as National Socialism Day, but it is a working day.


France May 8th photo: REUTERS/Stephane De Sakutin

Victory Day in France is not celebrated as widely as in other countries, but May 8 is considered an officially recognized holiday. The main ceremony to honor the memory of those who fell in the war against Nazism takes place on May 8 - wreaths are laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

The Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland celebrate Victory in Europe Day, but these are not days off.

IN Tajikistan On May 9, a military parade will be held to mark the 67th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. As Asia Plus reports, about one and a half thousand military personnel from units of the Dushanbe garrison, the National Guard, as well as students from military educational institutions of Tajikistan and border guards will take part in it.

Veterans from Uzbekistan at the celebration of Victory Day in Moscow. Photo 1945-2010.info

The military parade will take place in the Victory Memorial Park in Dushanbe. Veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, as well as members of their families, are invited to attend.

In addition, at 10 o’clock in the morning in Dushanbe, mass celebrations of residents and guests of the capital will begin; festive concerts of art masters of the republic will be held in the parks of culture and recreation named after S. Aini, “Friendship of Peoples”, in the park area of ​​Lake Youth and on the square of the 800th anniversary of Moscow , as well as a fair and sale of culinary products.

In honor of the holiday, participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War are given financial assistance by order of the President of Tajikistan. The amount varies: for example, residents of Dushanbe will receive 500 somoni ($105), and, for example, in the Sughd region they will distribute 250 somoni ($52).

IN Kyrgyzstan There will be no military parade this year. It is planned to distribute gifts to all participants of the Great Patriotic War. In Bishkek alone, 6,000 people will receive them. More than $350 thousand will be spent from the budget.

The capital of Kyrgyzstan is already hosting festive events dedicated to the upcoming Victory Day. As Stan-TV reports, on May 3, the “St. George’s Ribbon” event was held in Bishkek, during which schoolchildren, officials and representatives of the Russian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan congratulated veterans on the May 9 holiday.

The Eurasians - New Wave Foundation, with the support of Moscow State University, held a requiem meeting on Victory Square with the laying of flowers, which was attended by members of political parties, public associations, schoolchildren and the mayor of Bishkek, Isa Omurkulov. A similar rally will be held in the same park on May 9, veterans of the Great Patriotic War are invited to it. And on the eve of the holiday, a monument to the Leningrad siege survivors will be solemnly unveiled in Bishkek, and a large delegation from Russia is expected to arrive.

As 24.kg reports, on May 9 at 18:00 a grandiose charity concert “We Remember, We Are Proud, We Grieve” will begin on the central Ala-Too square. Admission will be free; everyone will be able to help veterans by putting money in special urns. All proceeds from the concert will go to help veterans, as well as to restore plaques in memory of WWII participants.

IN Turkmenistan, as Interfax reports, on May 9, flower-laying ceremonies will be held in all cities and villages of the country at the memorials of fallen soldiers, solemn honoring of veterans, widows of fallen soldiers, exhibitions will be launched in museums, concerts and other events will be held at concert venues. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as widows of soldiers killed in the war, will be given 200 manats (about $70) and valuable gifts on behalf of the president of the republic.

Will be celebrated on May 9th and Kazakhstan. Festive celebrations will take place across the country. Celebratory events will begin on the city square of Astana at 11:00: dance and theatrical performances, refreshments for veterans, a wartime song contest, a flash mob, and sports competitions, Gazeta.Kz reports.

In Almaty on May 9, fireworks will go off; the official celebration of the 67th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War will take place from 10 a.m. in the Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen. Flowers will be laid at the Eternal Flame, festive tables will be set for veterans, and a concert will be held with the participation of the State Brass Band of Kazakhstan under the direction of A. Belyakov. And in the evening, from 20:00, a grandiose festive concert will begin on Astana Square.

Kazakh veterans of the Great Patriotic War will also receive cash rewards - from 3 to 100 thousand tenge (from $20 to $675). The largest amounts will be paid to residents of Atyrau and Mangistau regions, the smallest - in Kostanay. In Astana, the amount of payments will be 10 thousand tenge ($67), in Almaty - 55 thousand ($371). In total, over 2.8 billion tenge ($19 million) are provided for additional support for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

IN Uzbekistan May 9 is the Day of Remembrance and Honor. Veterans of World War II (this is how the war of 1941-1945 is officially called here) will receive 400 thousand soums ($142 at the real rate or $216 at the official rate). The program of events dedicated to May 9 has not yet been announced. On May 3, the Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan organized the distribution of St. George ribbons, and educational institutions are holding meetings with war veterans.

International News Agency "Fergana"

Victory Day is the most uniting date for the CIS countries. How it is celebrated is told by MIR 24 TV channel correspondent Alexey Dashenko.

In all countries of the Commonwealth, May 9 is a public holiday and a day off. The only difference is in its name.

In Uzbekistan this is a day of Memory and Honor. This year it is celebrated especially widely and brightly. A parade of the Armed Forces took place in Tashkent, installations dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War and even flash mobs with music and songs of those years were staged. At the ceremonial reception, the President of Uzbekistan congratulated the veterans.

“Your exploits on the battlefields, your selfless work in the rear during the years of the last war, your whole life as a whole is for us, for the younger generation of the country, the clearest example of courage,” he noted.

In Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Kazakhstan, May 9 is Victory Day. These countries paid tribute to the victims.

During the war, 360 thousand people left Kyrgyzstan for the front. A torchlight procession took place in honor of the heroes. The column walked through the city streets, after which the protesters lit the eternal flame.

Hundreds of residents of the southern capital of Kazakhstan came to the “Defenders of the Fatherland” monument. They paid tribute to the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War. 1 million 800 thousand Kazakhs fought on the battlefields. Only half of them returned home. 500 people were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

“In every family, in every person, there still remains a bloody trace of that war. Therefore, we celebrate this day so that the heroism and dedication of our ancestors will be preserved in the memory of descendants,” said President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Festive events also took place in Tajikistan. In Dushanbe, the head of the republic, Emomali Rahmon, laid wreaths in Victory Park and wished health and prosperity to all participants in the war. Today there are 345 of them left in Tajikistan. Those gathered honored the memory of those killed with a minute of silence.

23:11 — REGNUM

When will the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War stop? Maybe when the last veteran is gone? There are only 345 of them left in Tajikistan. And, apparently, the country is already gradually preparing to abandon the celebration of this memorable date.

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

Today, President Emomali Rahmon congratulated his compatriots on the “Day of Victory over Fascism.” This is exactly what this holiday was called in his congratulatory speech.

“The people of Tajikistan annually celebrate Victory Day over fascism as one of the tragic pages of human history of the last century and in the name of honoring the heroism and feat of the glorious sons of the Motherland. Today we bow our heads in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the purpose of the triumph of kindness over evil and ensuring a happy, peaceful life for humanity.

This victory is the result of friendship and the joint struggle of peoples against a terrible threat - Hitler's fascism, as well as the highest manifestation of courage and bravery of representatives of various nations for the sake of achieving freedom and peace.

The sons of the Tajik people fought courageously and with honor on all fronts of this terrible war, which is one of the greatest tragedies in the history of mankind. Therefore, the feat and perseverance of the courageous envoys of Tajikistan are for the current generation the highest example of loyalty and service to the Motherland,” says the congratulatory speech published on the official website of the President of Tajikistan.

There is not a single mention of the USSR in the text, there is no word “Soviet” and derivatives of the same root, the main thing is that there is no wording “Great Patriotic War”. The head of Tajikistan cannot but know that in the conditions of widespread de-Sovietization of the former Soviet republics, such a departure from historically established terms may be perceived by the population as an attempt to rewrite history, erasing from it the Soviet period of the country’s life.

Next, the president moves on to modern times, speaking of his confidence that the courage of his ancestors sets a worthy example for young defenders of the Motherland, and “the study of the rich life experience, the history of the military path and the subsequent activities of war and labor veterans for the current and future generations of our beloved people The Fatherland is a living example, an instruction, a life lesson in protecting independence, developing the sovereign country of Tajiks, protecting its borders, national and state interests.” Thus, the theme of protecting Tajikistan becomes central in the second part of the congratulatory text, most of it:

“While getting acquainted with military units, you can be convinced that soldiers and officers of the armed forces (of Tajikistan, of course - author) are ready to defend the sovereignty of the Motherland, every inch of their native land, the honor of Tajikistan, and strengthen the security of society and the state.

I express confidence that proud, brave soldiers and officers, strong-willed defenders of the Motherland, relying on the lessons of courage and perseverance of the older generation, thanks to strong military discipline, will continue to show readiness to protect the greatest good of the country’s inhabitants - independence, strengthening the foundations of national statehood and greater enhancement of the image and authority of sovereign Tajikistan.”

As one smart person used to tell me, “if something can be explained by ordinary incompetence or negligence, then you can be sure that in 90 percent of cases this is exactly what it is.” One can, of course, assume that this is the same incompetence of the speechwriters of the head of the Tajik state. It can be allowed, but it cannot be allowed. Highland Tajikistan is painfully familiar with the causes and consequences of avalanches. There is a similar situation here: such an attitude of “Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation” will inevitably lead to erasing the historical memory of the younger generation of Tajiks, who today will absorb these attitudes and tomorrow will ensure a new present.

During the Great Patriotic War, about 300 thousand people from Tajikistan went to the front, with a population of only 1.25 million. About a third of them died in battle. 55 thousand soldiers were awarded medals and orders, 64 soldiers received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Today, as I mentioned above, there are 345 veterans of that terrible war left in Tajikistan. Last year there were almost a hundred more people - 443. By order of the president, each veteran of the Great Patriotic War will be awarded 1,500 somoni (10 thousand 480 rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

However, in the meantime, the day before Great Victory Day, the fate of the “Immortal Regiment” action in Tajikistan is still unknown. Veterans of war and labor appealed to the authorities for permission to hold it, but there was no response.

By the way, last year the Tajik authorities completely refused to hold a march, because “the war in the border zones of Tajikistan and Afghanistan does not allow additional actions, and in addition, Islamic traditions prohibit going out into the streets with portraits of the dead.” By the way, this did not stop those citizens who still remember the history of their Motherland from marching through the streets of their cities. No offenses or disturbances were recorded.

I would like, contrary to the emerging picture, to think that the Tajik leadership decided to honor historical memory not in word, but in deed. However, at the moment there is little basis for such conclusions.

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