Blonde at home. How to get the desired shades of blonde and get rid of yellowness

A new hairstyle can not only refresh your face, but also create a radically different image. What is better for such purposes than changing your hair color? In this article we will talk about dark-haired young ladies who decided to acquire white curls. Unlike other types of coloring, lightening requires a particularly competent approach. In order for the transformation from brunette to blonde to be successful, it is necessary to observe a lot of important nuances.

Features of lightening dark strands

The first thing that all future blondies should know: natural dark pigment is very difficult to remove, so it is unlikely that you can achieve the desired result in one procedure. The more saturated the color of the curls, the less susceptible it will be to lightening. On average, to obtain a golden hue, 3-4 procedures lasting at least half an hour each are required.

Before you decide to dye your hair from brunette to blonde, you should realize the fact that your regrown roots will have to be lightened regularly. As a rule, the hairstyle needs adjustment within 3 weeks after visiting the hairdresser.

Blonding can be done both at home and in a beauty salon, with the help of a specialist. However, in this case, this is a double-edged sword: performing the procedure yourself does not guarantee the quality of the result, although it significantly saves money. In addition, in the absence of professional knowledge and skills, you can simply ruin your hair. But a trip to the salon will allow you to get a wonderful light shade of curls, but it will cost you a pretty penny.

What problems may arise during the procedure?

If your hair has previously been exposed to chemical dyes, then the transition from brunette to blonde may not go as smoothly as you would like. Artificial piment accumulates at the ends of the strands, while it is absent at the roots. This is due to hair growth, which, moreover, is not always uniform. When applying a blonding agent, you can get different results in different areas of your curls. For example, at the roots the hair will become light, and at the ends it will become fiery red. Young ladies who very often experiment with the shade of their hairstyle fall into a special risk group. With regular dyeing, several layers of artificial pigment remain in the hair. Each of them may react differently to the lightening agent, leaving behind a “leopard effect.” Therefore, turning from a dyed brunette to a blonde should be done with extreme caution.

It would seem, then why should owners of natural hair color be afraid? In fact, problems may arise for them too. The fact is that, thanks to the heat generated by the scalp, the lightening process at the roots of the hair occurs faster than at the ends. Therefore, if you neglect this nuance, you can get an uneven color. To avoid this, the root zone is treated with a bleaching agent at the very end. Wearing a plastic cap is not recommended - this can damage your hair.

A little about the disadvantages of lightening

The bitter fate of dyed blond beauties is that they receive an attractive appearance in exchange for the health of their hair. Having turned from a brunette to a blonde, you can forget about manageable hair. Lightened curls begin to be much more difficult to style. In addition, they become more rigid, so there is a need for constant use of various balms and masks. This also leads to tangling of the strands. Hair that has been bleached is less combable, especially at the ends.

But the main drawback of bleaching is that this procedure makes the hair weak. Strong and healthy curls are a thing of the past. Hair may begin to fall out more than usual and may become brittle and dry.

Side effects of lightening dark strands lead to the need for more careful hair care. To keep blonde curls in an attractive condition, you will have to put in a lot of effort by performing a number of daily procedures.

Preparing for coloring

Before transforming from a brunette to a blonde, you should definitely do an allergic reaction test. The chemical components in bleach can cause a burning sensation on the scalp, leading to inflammation. In addition, if you have a severe allergy, you risk simply losing your hair. The test is performed on a small area of ​​skin behind the ear or on the wrist. A small amount of blonding agent is applied to the selected area. After about half an hour, the composition can be washed off. If the skin does not turn red within 24 hours, and no signs of burning or itching appear, then you can safely begin the coloring procedure. Otherwise, bleaching is strictly contraindicated for you.

It is not recommended to perform a coloring session on freshly washed hair. It is better to perform water procedures about 2-3 days before the moment when you plan to transform from a dark-haired beauty into a blond diva, or vice versa, from a blonde to a brunette. Dye is a chemical reagent that negatively affects the condition of hair and skin. And the fat secreted by the epidermis acts as a protective mechanism that reduces this harmful effect. When washing your hair, shampoo removes all remaining sebum, thereby disarming the hair. In this case, you risk burning your hair or even getting a chemical burn. Therefore, it is better to wash your hair after the procedure.

Choosing a blonde product

There are paints for household and professional use. First blonders are widely available in most supermarkets and cosmetics stores. They, as a rule, are not very expensive, which attracts potential consumers. It is worth noting that this is not the best option for ladies planning to transform from brunette to blonde. Reviews from hairdressers in this case are categorical: they strongly recommend purchasing professional products. There are two reasons for this opinion: firstly, household paints do not guarantee the desired shade, as well as its durability. Well, secondly, professional blonders have a less aggressive effect on the hair than mass-market products. Thus, in household products there is an increased oxygen content (6-9%). This substance practically burns your hair from the inside, so with one application of this dye you can say goodbye to soft shiny curls. Professional blonde products usually come with a separate packet of oxygen, the concentration of which does not exceed 3%. In addition, the paint itself is packaged in convenient tubes with marks that make it easier to work with the composition. Based on the scale, you can easily dilute the product with the activator, observing the required proportions.

If you still decide to turn from a brunette to a blonde using household paint, then it would be advisable to give preference to a product with a 6% oxygen content. When purchasing a product in a professional store, you should select the components of the lightening composition separately. For home coloring you need Supra, as well as liquid oxygen. The first product is a blue lightening powder. As for liquid oxygen, it is sold in 1.5 liter bottles or on tap. The amount of product purchased must be adjusted depending on how long you plan to remain blonde. If lightening is only a temporary experiment, then a whole bottle of oxygen is simply not needed in this case.

Blonde can be different

It is equally important to decide on a shade that will help you change your color from brunette to blonde. Photo catalogs with color palettes are usually available from every hair dye manufacturer. All shades are divided into warm and cold. The first include colors with soft golden tints. Cool shades are represented by ashy and pinkish tones. Depending on the color of your eyes, you should choose the tone of your future blonde. However, it is necessary to take into account that cold colors require regular use of toning shampoos that neutralize yellowness.

Becoming blonde at home: primary lightening

Of course, not only professionals can do coloring. You can lighten your hair at home, however, this requires patience and a certain set of knowledge. To achieve golden curls on your own, you need to have basic information on how to dye your hair from brunette to blonde, and also be prepared for possible mistakes.

So, after all the products have been purchased, they need to be mixed. The composition is prepared as follows: 1 part supra to 2 parts liquid oxygen. The components must be mixed in a plastic container immediately before starting the procedure. Hands should be protected with plastic gloves, and shoulders with a peignoir.

Next, the hair is divided into four zones. To begin with, a central vertical parting is made, and then another one is made from ear to ear through the crown. The hair in each zone is fixed with clips. You can start coloring from the occipital or parietal region, depending on which is more convenient for you. Using a plastic or wooden comb, it is necessary to separate a thin strand of hair and generously lubricate it with a lightening composition, retreating 2-3 cm from the root zone. The rest of the hair is processed in the same way, as a result of which the transformation from brunette to blonde occurs. Before and after applying the composition, hair should be combed well.

It is important to ensure that the movements are very fast and precise. This is necessary for uniform coloring. During primary lightening, the composition is not applied to the hair roots, since in this area the chemical reaction occurs faster due to the heat of the scalp. The blonder should be left on the hair for 30 minutes, after which it can be washed off. The duration of the session should be counted from the moment the composition is applied to all curls.


1-2 weeks after the first procedure, you can lighten your hair again. The steps must be repeated with the only difference: after all the strands have been processed, the composition is applied to the root zone. This time the hair should already lighten, and if everything is done correctly, the shade will become uniform. Dark-haired ladies interested in how to transition from brunette to blonde should take into account that too rich natural pigment requires longer exposure to the composition. This means that half an hour may not be enough to lighten coarse black locks. In this case, the blonding composition is left on the hair for up to 60 minutes.

After washing off the brightening agent, you can evaluate the result. If the shade turns out to be darker than desired, then after a while a third procedure is carried out. For very dark natural hair, up to 5-6 sessions may be needed.

Complete lightening: white curls in one procedure

If the desire to achieve golden hair haunts you, and you don’t want to wait a few weeks, you can perform a complete lightening. However, it is worth clarifying that such an experiment at home will not bear good fruit. Yellowish, overdried and completely unnatural curls - this is what such a transformation from brunette to blonde will lead to. Photos with the results of such procedures prove that it is better to wait a little than to lose beautiful hair.

The best solution for impatient young ladies is to go to a professional hairdresser. The specialist uses several formulations that differ in concentration to treat the entire length of the curls. As a result, you will get the desired light shade. The only drawback of this option is that completely lightening your hair in a salon will cost you quite a large sum.

Step-by-step lightening: a gentle method

Transforming into a blond beauty in just a few procedures allows for minimal damage to your hair. For those who are interested in whether it is possible to dye your hair from brunette to blonde while maintaining the beautiful appearance of your hair, this is the best option. A composition of reduced concentration is applied to the strands, as a result of which the pigment is lightened by only a few tones.

After the first dyeing, the curls will receive a not very pleasant copper tint, perhaps slightly yellowish. Then the specialist tints the hair to make the color more even. In addition, yellowness is neutralized in this way. The following procedure can be performed no earlier than a week later. At the same time, it is worth observing how the hair behaves. If they begin to fall out a lot, then it is better to wait a while with repeated lightening. Dyeing the curls to the desired blonde will occur approximately in the third or fourth procedure.

Highlighting: a great alternative to conventional lightening

Not all young ladies are cut out to be platinum blondes. Often this coloring looks unnatural and even slightly vulgar. The ideal way to lighten your hair and maintain a natural look is to transform from a brunette to a blonde with highlights. Recently, this technique has become very popular among beauties of all ages. Highlighting has several advantages:

    The procedure practically does not damage the hair.

    The hairstyle looks natural due to the presence of dark strands.

    Coloring does not require frequent adjustments, since the regrown roots are almost invisible. In addition, professional stylists recommend not touching the roots when performing highlighting - this is very modern.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the cost of the procedure. Compared to conventional lightening, highlighting is pleasantly cheap for salon clients.

How to remove yellowness?

If everything is more or less simple with warm blondes, then owners of cool shades have to regularly fight to maintain the desired result. The yellowness that appears from time to time is simply a disaster for white curls with an ashy tint. Therefore, it is worth getting a toning product immediately after switching from brunette to blonde. Photos in various magazines are filled with divas with beautiful platinum locks, but is it possible to maintain this shade forever? This is quite possible if you use tinting paint several times a month. It is necessary to purchase a product of a purple hue - this color perfectly covers the yellowness. To avoid dark spots on your hair, the tinting dye must be diluted with water, and after the procedure, the curls must be rinsed thoroughly.

There are also products that promise to permanently rid hair of unwanted yellowness. However, the effectiveness of such products has not been proven.

Mass market lovers have long been actively advertising shampoos designed specifically for blondes. Under no circumstances should such products be used to remove yellowness. And in general, only “warm” blondes can use them. Shampoos from similar series give the hair a slightly golden tint.

From all of the above, we can conclude that tinting paints are the best way to neutralize yellowness for ladies who have turned from brunette to blonde. Reviews about it are positive, and the effect is obvious.

As they say, beauty requires sacrifice. And new blondes are no exception in this case - they have to pay with the health of their hair for their new image. However, sacrifices in the name of beauty can be minimized if you properly care for colored locks. To maintain an attractive and healthy appearance of bleached hair, hairdressers recommend taking note of several rules:

    Use hair care products designed specifically for colored hair.

    Regularly nourish and moisturize your hair with masks and natural oils.

    Styling with a hairdryer and straightening should only be done using heat protectants.

    During the warm season, apply cosmetic products with UV filters to your hair.

    Use chamomile decoction to rinse your hair.

These tips are simply irreplaceable for those who want to know how to properly dye their hair from brunette to blonde. After all, being a blond beauty is not just pleasure, but also a lot of work on your hair. Otherwise, you can burn your healthy and shiny hair, damaging its structure, which will then be very difficult to restore.


Blonding is the etching of pigment from the hair with chemicals, so in any case it is a shock to the hair. If you want to achieve a beautiful and uniform shade, then do not rush, approach this issue with patience and prudence. You will have to spend a lot of money and time, but the result will be above all praise.

If you are looking for a change in your appearance, then you can safely consider changing your hair color from brunette to blonde. Photos of many famous women prove that even the darkest-haired young ladies have light curls. The right shade and skillfully performed blonde can give you the hairstyle you may have always dreamed of.

Many men are simply crazy about blondes. Women with beautiful blond hair always attract attention, since their hair has a rare and bright color. It is absolutely not worth being surprised that a woman who wants change wants to become a blonde. A beautiful blonde hair color will help reveal your femininity and demonstrate your attractiveness to others. The main thing is to choose the right shade from the presented palette of coloring pigments.

Color Features

Blonde color is loved by many beauties. It allows the curls to open up during the sun's play, making the owner's image bright and stylish.

Advantages of dyeing in light colors:

  • you become 5–10 years younger, since the blonde attracts attention, distracting from wrinkles and sagging facial skin;
  • you can vary your image using different shades: “cold” blonde will make you confident, “warm” undertones will reveal your femininity, and peach, lilac or caramel notes will emphasize the extravagance of your image;
  • each manufacturer offers a wide palette of blonde shades, so you can easily find your option;
  • Bronding perfectly masks gray hair that is just beginning to emerge;
  • Thanks to the stretching of the color, an increase in volume is created, and your hairstyle looks much fuller.

Among the disadvantages of dyeing blonde, one can highlight the aggressive effect of oxidizing agents on the structure of curls. Oxides remove their own pigment, making hair lifeless and devoid of moisture. If you do not carry out rehabilitation, then soon the curls will become lifeless and split like straw.

Who is it suitable for?

Each shade of blonde is advisable to use for girls of different color types. For example, for Summer and Autumn women who have peach, olive or tanned skin and bright, expressive blue, brown or green eyes, the following options are suitable:

  • mocha;

Blonde beauties with green or blue eyes and porcelain skin Hairdressing experts recommend giving preference to the following tones:

  • creamy;
  • cold beige;
  • pastel strawberry.

Be careful when choosing a shade, as a poorly chosen option can make your look faded, unattractive, or create an imbalance in your everyday look.

There are also universal colors that suit all color types. For example, golden blonde in the world of beauty is recognized as an expensive and luxurious shade that can decorate the face of any beauty.

Important point! If you dye your curls in cool shades of blonde yourself, then be sure to use a purple toner, the purpose of which is to remove yellowness. A 30-40 level toner is suitable for you. The product is washed off with plain water acidified with vinegar.

Women who prefer cool beige colors (ash, pearl) note that it is not possible to predict how the pigment will fall on their curls. In this matter, everything depends on the chosen dye, the original hair color, hormonal levels and the general health of the hair. That is why It is recommended to dye one strand to test the selected dye.

Popular shades

There are different variations of blonde color. Some shades, reminiscent of Barbie doll curls, are outdated. Others, on the contrary, are welcome in the modern world of beauty. It is important to choose a tone that is in maximum harmony with the color of your skin and eyes.

Cold blonde

Nordic blonde is the trend of this season. Famous models and celebrities dye their hair this color. But it is not suitable for everyone. For example, if a woman has dark skin, freckles, dark eye color and decides to dye her hair ash or pearl color, she risks losing her attractiveness.

Cool blonde is suitable for girls with light eyes and pale porcelain or pinkish skin. But brown-eyed beauties do not need to immediately discard this painting option. If they have a muted dark brown iris without golden splashes, then you can completely experiment.

Dark blonde

Blends perfectly with gray eyes and olive skin. Recommended for use by brown-haired women and brunettes who want to transform into a blonde. A truly noble color that adds bright shimmer to your hair. Dark blonde is obtained by mixing light with light brown or light brown.

Warm blonde

Warm blonde is represented by caramel, honey, mustard and golden shades. This pigment option Suitable for those with peach, olive or dark skin. It is desirable that the girl’s natural hair color gives a red or golden glow in the sun, and her eyes are pronounced blue, green or amber.

A prominent representative of the “warm” blonde is the popular Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston. Her emerald eyes and tanned skin harmonize perfectly with her golden blonde. The actress hasn’t changed her hair color like this for ten years. This is not surprising, because the coloring creates the impression that a sunbeam has penetrated her curls, illuminating her hair with a beautiful warm color.


We would recommend this color option to girls who plan to gradually transition from a darker color to blonde. He Suitable for those with dark skin, green, brown or gray eyes. Who knows, maybe after dyeing you will absolutely not want to become a blondie, giving preference to “sweet caramel” for your next dyeing.


The color harmonizes well with fair skin and bright eyes of any color. It is desirable that the eyebrows of girls who want to wear this particular tone be wide and with a clear line. Women of the Winter and Summer color types are not recommended to use wheat color, because they risk looking faded and unattractive.


It is a symbiosis of blonde with a delicate reddish haze. He will help girls discover the real coquette in themselves. Muted strawberry blonde most Suitable for those with pink skin. Experimenting with this color will make your look stylish and extravagant.


This is a rather warm, very light color that does not have pronounced golden, sandy or other impurities. Looks most beautiful on girls with green or blue eyes.


Sandy blonde is formed on the basis of two shades: cold and golden. Stylists advise painting in warm undertones in the winter, and creating “cold” looks in the summer, attracting the attention of others to your appearance in the hot season.

For those with dark eyes, it is advisable to choose darker shades, for example, wet sand, but for blue-eyed and green-eyed beauties, we would recommend experimenting with golden notes.


A pure beige tone in the palette of coloring pigment manufacturers is very rare, because even in nature it is difficult to meet a girl with natural beige curls. As a rule, this tone is complemented by sandy notes.

This option fits perfectly on dark brown and reddish hair. Women who choose light beige often face the problem of a yellow tint. The way out of the situation is to use a toner or add a little pearlescent color corrector during coloring.


It is a symbiosis of light with gray, brown or other dark shades. Suitable for bright women whose skin will emit a slight shimmer when exposed to the sun. Do not use this option under any circumstances if you belong to the Winter or Spring color type.


Mocha is considered a stylish coffee shade that looks like a little milk has been poured into it. After dyeing, your curls will have a soft color without a hint of red or hibiscus. Suitable for both fair-haired and dark-haired beauties. You can choose between dark or light mocha. Various color variations suit everyone, whether you have delicate porcelain or dark tanned skin.


Suitable for girls with Summer or Autumn color type. It will perfectly complement a tanned face, adding a touch of extravagance to the image. This color is chosen mainly by young girls who are inclined to experiment with their hair.


A luxurious tone that suits many. Even true blondes can experiment a little with their usual color, creating a hairstyle using the technique of balayage, majimesh, Californian or Venetian highlights with golden notes. Dynamism and volume due to such painting are ensured.


It is a shade of cool color. The hair acquires a light pearlescent tint with blue, somewhat reminiscent of luxurious gray hair. Today, the color is at the peak of popularity. Not only older women, but also young beauties who want to stand out against the background of a “tired” creamy blonde dye their curls in it.


Arctic blonde suits fragile and sophisticated natures. It comes in ash or platinum shades. To make it as comfortable as possible to wear cool-colored hair, Light skin and the same eyes are required. Pale white color will make you a snow queen, but with an ardent and warm heart.


It is a universal color because Suitable for both cold and warm color types. Any iris of the eye: brown, green, blue, amber and any skin color can harmonize well with this shade.


One of the most popular shades of the outgoing season. Muted vanilla requires regular touch-ups, so if you choose this color, you will have to visit the hairdresser almost every month.

If you don't know whether to choose a warm or cool shade, do a quick test. Stand near a mirror in a lit room and highlight a section of hair. If it reflects gold, red, red or brown, warm colors will suit you. And, conversely, silver, ash, gray and other notes indicate that it is more advisable to color your curls in a cold range.

Coloring at home

Recently, coloring has become popular when the hair roots are several shades darker than the base color distributed along the length of the curls. This coloring option will make your bow more natural and slightly careless. It will suit both feminine ladies and girls who profess kitsch style.

Besides, The best option during dyeing is considered to be color stretching, when each curl smoothly flows from a darker tone to a lighter one. It can be performed using various patented techniques, which are known to us under various names: balayage, ombre, shatush, Venetian highlighting. But this does not change the essence.

Technique for dyeing blonde “color stretching”:

  1. Choose several paint options. In this case, the tones should not move away from each other by 2 positions. It is best to purchase a lightener and color corrector.
  2. Prepare the dye according to the instructions.
  3. Comb your curls thoroughly and divide your hair into zones. You should always start from the back of the head, since this is where the pigment on the curls takes the longest to activate.
  4. It is advisable to comb each selected strand. The lightest color is applied to the bottom, starting approximately from the line of the shoulders or ears, depending on the length of the hair. If desired, you can wrap this area in foil, which will allow the color to appear more vibrantly.
  5. A darker tone is applied just above the painted area, shading it from top to bottom (from the roots to the other colored area). If your natural color is quite light, do not come close to the scalp, but rather step back a few centimeters.
  6. In a similar way, I comb and dye the rest of my hair, completing the procedure at the temples.
  7. Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  8. The dye is washed off and restorative therapy occurs - conditioner, hair mask, vitamin cocktails.
  9. If necessary, to get rid of yellowness, use a tinting agent with anti-yellow pigment. It is advisable for them to wash their hair the next day after dyeing.

Expert advice. If you want to do a complete coloring from roots to ends, simply apply most of the prepared dye to the roots, and then comb the curls to distribute the pigment along the entire length. They always start from the back of the head, moving towards the temples.

Now let's look at the cosmetics manufacturers that our women love. You can easily find many of the colors at your local cosmetics store.

Ready-made solutions for booking:

  1. Estelle paint. A budget option of domestic production, which offers a varied palette of colors from platinum to violet-ash blonde. Tube capacity - 60 ml. There is a nuance effect of 4 tones immediately. The pigment is mixed with ESSEX oxygen (3–12%) in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. SPACOLOR. This cream paint has a low ammonia content. The creamy texture completely covers the curl, lightening it by 3 tones. To paint with lightening, determine the oxidizing agent you need and mix the paint with it in a 2:1 ratio (that is, take 2 times more oxidizing agent). Among the rich palette you can choose creamy, golden, caramel, ash and platinum shades. For dark-haired beauties there is an option - dark blond.
  3. Eugene Perma. French-made dye makes it possible to lighten curls by 3-4 tones. The blonde color here is represented by golden, ash, platinum and creamy undertones. Ideal for any chosen coloring technique.
  4. Herbatint. An ammonia-free dye, which, according to women’s reviews, is above all praise. Of course, you have to pay for such pleasure. The cost of natural dye is $17. There are various blonde options available, but to maintain the structure of your locks, we would recommend choosing natural or golden.
  5. Matrix. Offers women to dye their hair in mocha, natural, golden blonde, ash-pearl blonde, ultra blonde and light color with reflective particles (ha-lift). Among the new shades of Matrix, a noble pearly blonde has appeared.
  6. Wella Color. All colors marked above 25" are blonde. You will find bright, intense, light and even dark blonde. For girls who prefer natural shades, we would recommend purchasing the Touch Sunlights series dye, which will give your curls an unsurpassed sunshine.
  7. London A well-known manufacturer offers various color options to create “blonde” hair. In the color scheme you will find pure white, natural or golden blonde, pearl ash and many other shades.
  8. LK ANTI AGE. The coloring composition is most comfortable for weakened hair lacking keratin. There are ash, natural, golden, beige blond, as well as shades of sesame and light purple. The pigment you choose should be combined with the oxygen agent in a 1:1 ratio.
  9. Revlon ColorISilk. The product will delight you with good application and many variations of blonde color. In addition to standard shades, you will find dark blond, champagne blond, ultra-light blond and even strawberry. Provitamin B5, which is part of the pigment, helps restore curls exposed to chemicals.
  10. Kapous Professiona l. After dyeing with a similar composition, a lamination effect is achieved by feeding the curls with a whole complex of vitamins. For blondes, the eminent manufacturer has released a whole line of “Special Blonde” with a pearlescent tint.
  11. Palette Intensive Color. Among the standard coloring options, she suggests choosing a powdery blonde, which will give your hair a pleasant warm shade. Although it is quite difficult to find this paint color in cosmetics stores, you should definitely try this new product. Among the disadvantages of the Palet pigment, one can highlight the aggressive composition of the dye. In addition, the result obtained does not always correspond to what is stated on the packaging.
  12. L'Oreal. Cosmetics are quite in demand because they are a budget option for permanent dye. Among the palette for blondes you will find pearlescent blonde, mystical blonde with a slight hint of pearls, ultra blonde with ash streaks and golden shades.
  13. Garnier paint. A requested product because it practically does not injure the curls and does not require additional restoration after coloring. The cosmetics are enriched with natural oils, which already take care of the curls during the coloring process. Among the interesting options are creamy light brown and just creamy, pearl gold, golden topaz, sandy beach and pure diamond ultrablond.

When choosing a color, follow the “4 tones” rule. It says: if you have dark hair, you can lighten it by a maximum of 4 shades. For example, owners of brown hair are advised to pay attention to the color caramel, nut or honey. Fair-haired girls can experiment with mocha and beige.

Coloring in the salon

Bronding is a very popular service, because many women want to look stylish, feminine and charming. The cost of regular blonde dyeing costs about 2–2.5 thousand rubles. If you want to resort to modern coloring techniques (shatush, ombre, balayage, mazhimesh, majicontrast, etc.), you will have to shell out about 4-5 thousand rubles, because creating a stylish hairstyle is quite painstaking work that takes the master several hours .

The cost of the service is affected by:

  • prestige of the salon;
  • the length of your curls;
  • the need for restorative therapy;
  • chosen dyeing technique;
  • used correctors and oxidizers;
  • the need to wash off the previous color.

Cold and attractive blonde Kim Kardashian

When dyeing blonde in some colors, for example, strawberry, peach, caramel and others, over time the main color is washed out, and an unpleasant yellowness remains on the curls. Salons offer a tinting procedure once a month to maintain the beauty of the color. Express toning involves applying special products with the desired shade to the curls for only 5–7 minutes. Such rehabilitation, unlike the bronding itself, is practically harmless.

Caring for bleached hair

Of course, in most cases, women have to significantly lighten their curls in order to achieve the long-awaited white color. Of course, when exposed to lighteners, as well as permanent dyes, curls are subject to significant shaking.

Important point! If you do not properly restore them in time, then in a few weeks you can turn from a luxurious blonde into a woman with sticking out, split and burnt hair.

Care Tips:

  • buy a special shampoo from the series “For highlighted hair”, “For bleached hair” or “For colored hair”;
  • After washing your hair, be sure to moisturize your curls with a rinse balm (apply not to wet, but slightly moistened curls);
  • once a week, nourish your scalp and curls with vitamins A, C, E, purchased in ampoules at the pharmacy;
  • regularly (1 or 2 times a week) make homemade restorative masks based on honey, olive oil, coconut, egg yolk, herbal decoctions and other healing gifts of nature;
  • dry your hair naturally, and if you can’t do without a hairdryer, use cold air directed from top to bottom;
  • do not forget to wear hats when in the sun;
  • It is forbidden to wash your curls every day, otherwise you will very quickly wash off the coloring pigment;
  • eat right, because hair health comes from within;
  • To maintain color and eliminate yellow pigment, use a tinting agent every third wash to eliminate yellow pigment or maintain warm shades - honey, caramel, mocha.

Changing your hair blonde won't be difficult. Choose different color variations based on your color type, style and mood, and then you will be happy with your hairstyle. Remember, it is blondes who attract the attention of others. So, quickly win the hearts of men!

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How to dye your hair platinum blonde.

Dyeing hair blonde without yellowness.

Often, when trying to lighten their hair, women are faced with such an unpleasant effect as yellowing of the strands. And, being tempted by the attractive packaging of paint, sometimes as a result you end up with an unsightly straw-colored mop on your head. To avoid this trouble, in this article we will give an overview of blonde hair dyes that do not give a yellowish effect. We’ll also read the reviews of women who were able to become blondes without acquiring a straw-colored hair.

Why does yellowness appear?

The unpleasant yellow tint that appears after bleaching hair is nothing more than the natural pigment of the hair, which was not able to completely discolor.

To some extent, it has lost its former brightness and dark tone, but not completely.

It is the residual phenomenon of dark natural pigment that is that very characteristic yellowness.

The following factors most strongly influence the appearance of a yellow tint:

  • The amount of natural dark pigments that is initially present in the hair.
  • The shade of dye that the hair was dyed in before the current bleaching.
  • The general condition of the hair, its health.

How to keep your hair tone clear

Of course, after proper dyeing, the color of the strands will shine with purity, freshness and newness.

In addition, there will be no yellow tint in it.

But after some time, many girls notice that the former purity and tenderness of color disappears: a slight yellowness emerges, which spoils the overall impression.
We will tell you below what you need to do to avoid such an unpleasant effect.

When washing your hair, run the shower water for at least five minutes. If you start washing your hair immediately after turning on the water, rust particles may settle on your hair, which will subsequently make your hair less light.

Choose the right skincare products. Try to wash your hair with transparent and colorless shampoos, avoid warm-colored products - yellow, orange, red, brown.

The same applies to styling products. For pronounced blondes with a cool tone, it is better not to use colored varnishes, products with glitter, or highly pigmented products.

Such products can negatively affect the shade of the hair, making it unpleasantly yellowish.

Review of good products

Let's find out what products you can use to dye your hair without the annoying yellow effect.


Budget semi-professional paint.

The brand offers a special series Estelle High Blond DE LUXE, with which you can lighten your hair by 4 tones at once.

The products of this brand contain natural proteins and other beneficial substances. As you know, protein can make hair smooth, give it shine and silky texture.
The Revlonissimo Super Blond series is designed specifically for blondes.

The line includes both warm and cool tones. Among the most interesting are sunny blonde, champagne, strawberry.

Matrix (ammonia-free)
The dye contains keratin, which helps strengthen the hair at the time of dyeing.

offers 33 blonde shades in its range, and the line is constantly expanding. Here you can choose tones such as mocha blonde, very light blonde, dark blonde and others.

Warm and cold tones are about half.

Find out how you can create a bleached effect on dark hair.


This world-famous brand produces many wonderful dyes that give hair a blonde tint, for example. But the Casting Crème Gloss line and the Excellence line are especially noteworthy: the colors of these series can give your hair a real beautiful blonde shade of a pure tone without an annoying yellow tint.

You can purchase paint for a price starting from 500 rubles.

Casting Crème Gloss contains vitamin E, as well as special UV filters that protect hair from fading. Today, the series line includes 15 blonde shades, including 7 warm and 5 cool. consists of 5 lines, each woman will be able to choose the shade she needs.

Among others, pearl shade, warm beige, and shining mother-of-pearl are very popular.


This is a semi-professional series of paints, which is also used in beauty salons.
The composition contains vitamins and special substances that resist possible allergic reactions.

The Syoss Oleo Intense series offers 8 blonde shades, with warm and cool tones equally distributed.

You can buy paint for 350 rubles.

Find out more about lightening hair dyes without yellowing.

Palette Schwarzkopf

This well-known German manufacturer produces high-quality products that have a long-term effect on hair. We especially recommend Natural&Easy and Brilliance: the blonde of these series can turn you into a fair-haired beauty without giving your hair a yellow tint.

The composition of the phytolinia dye contains aloe vera extract, thanks to which the product does not dry out the hair, but carefully takes care of it.

Includes 4 blonde shades, all of them cool: Scandinavian, Nordic blonde, cool and ash.


Probably the most popular hair dye today. To turn into a blonde without a yellow tint, you need to find the Color Naturals series in (Garnier), it contains wonderful light shades that do not give a yellowish tone.

The paint contains ammonia in small quantities, which makes the product safe for hair.

The blonde collection includes 8 shades, 2 of which are cool and 6 are warm. We especially note the shades of creamy pearlescent and pearly blonde.


The paint is semi-professional and suitable for home use.

The great advantage of this brand is that the dyeing result completely matches the shade on the packaging.

The collection includes 8 beautiful shades of blonde, with a division of warm and cold tones exactly in half.

The dye contains microparticles that penetrate the hair and retain the coloring pigments in it for a long time.


High-quality paint of domestic production for professional use. includes 10 shades for blondes in a special edition.

When purchasing paint, carefully examine the packaging. The products you need are labeled “without yellowing.” Most often, ash and platinum cold tones boast such markings. Wheat, honey and other warm shades always “yellow” a little. It is clear that they can be beautiful, however, achieving the desired shade in this case is more difficult: the hand of an experienced craftsman is required.

Additionally, you can mention. Good quality paint and a wide range are liked by many girls and women.

Professional bleaching

Only those ladies who have naturally light or light brown hair can immediately use lightening dye.

Beauties with brown hair, redheads, brown-haired women and, especially, brunettes, need to first bleach their strands, otherwise a yellow tint cannot be avoided no matter how hard you try.

The bleaching procedure leads to the lightening of the natural coloring pigment, as a result of which it loses its brightness and intensity. After bleaching, the strands can be given the desired shade of blonde without much effort - and there will be no yellow tint.

It is best to carry out bleaching in a salon under the supervision of an experienced professional: this way the procedure will be carried out in the most gentle way and will not have a harmful effect on the hair. But you can dye your hair the desired shade of blonde at home yourself.

On video: hairdresser's tips for coloring

The most desirable image of any woman is a long-haired blond beauty. Burning brunettes, bright brown-haired women and incomparable redheads want to be a blonde at least once in their life. However, everything is not as simple as it seems: achieving a perfectly even color is difficult even with a suitable light base, let alone hair containing persistent pigments. We will tell you how to dye your hair blonde without yellowness at home. You must understand that the process of dyeing blonde can only be done on the correct light base. Therefore, before lightening, weigh all the pros and cons of turning into a blond fairy.

Coloring agents

The modern professional cosmetics market, along with the mass market, offers huge selection lighteners and hair dyes. We recommend choosing professional medications, especially since the price difference is not great. When using professional paints, you you can be sure: the hair will not lose its vital shine and will not take on the appearance of straw even after several dyes.

  • Clarifiers
    Brighteners are considered first-level colorants. They allow you to rid your hair of natural pigment by acting on the roots of each hair. You can get the perfect blonde using a lightening composition with an initial light base.
  • Permanent cream paints
    When purchasing a permanent blonde dye, you need to understand: you won’t be able to dye dark hair. Paint makes it possible to give light meringue the desired shade. If you want a color without yellowness, purchase paints with a purple pigment, such as ash or Scandinavian blonde.
  • Tinted shampoos
    Shampoos are suitable for those who have achieved the desired shade of cool blonde, but are faced with the problem of yellow strands. The process of manifestation of yellowness is associated with an incorrectly chosen base for lightening or with the use of a high percentage of oxidizing agent when dyeing hair.
  • Coloring foams
    Foams do not damage the hair structure, however, they are effective in lightening by no more than one tone.
  • Coloring gels
    Gels allow you to get a rich shade that differs from the main tone by up to one level. The effect of the gels is long-term: you can not be afraid of the appearance of yellowness for another 2–2.5 months.

The nuances of dyeing blonde

Getting the perfect snow-white color the first time is a difficult, if not impossible, task. Often in pursuit of a woman's beauty neglect the rules of coloring and the condition of the hair, getting unimaginable results. Pay attention to the steps that need to be taken before your hand reaches for the lightener standing on the shelf in the store:

  • If you have dry and brittle hair - cure them. There is no point in dyeing lifeless straw: you will aggravate the condition of your hair and will not get the desired shade without yellowness. The dye will lie unevenly on the strands - this will create an untidy dyed hairstyle.
  • If you are brown-haired, red-haired or brunette, make a preliminary wash. Don't expect to achieve blonde locks in one session. A correct base will require several procedures. In between, strange and unnatural hair color is possible.
  • Another option that replaces color washes is in highlighting or coloring hair. The transformation with lightening of individual strands lasts longer, however, the result is better: the hair does not lose its vital shine, does not split and looks healthy.
  • Cool tones will help warm blondes move away from yellowness. Purple pigment perfectly suppresses sunny notes in blondes' hairstyles, turning them into cold queens.

To ensure that coloring from dark to light tones is not in vain, check our compatibility of blonde color and your color type.

How to dye your hair to avoid yellowness

The most pressing issue for blondes is choosing the right and gentle means to obtain a beautiful shade without yellowness. We have compiled rating lightening powders and dyes that can be purchased on the mass retail market. Remember: not a single rating is a guaranteed remedy for getting rid of yellowness, because its appearance depends on the individual characteristics of the hair and the correct application of the composition.

As mentioned above, we recommend using professional dyes for blonde dyeing. They are presented in a wide range in specialized hair cosmetics stores. The leaders in the professional industry are Londa manufacturers, however, you can choose any other products after reading reviews on the Internet and consulting with a sales consultant.

Let's take a closer look at household brighteners and paints: due to their price, they are affordable for the majority of the female population, which is why it is so important to choose great options.


The best blonde dyes are those from the following manufacturers:

  1. L'Oreal Preference Recital
    In 95% of cases, the tone specified by the manufacturer matches the final result. The dye gives an even and uniform coloring and is gentle on the hair. It is ideal for getting rid of yellowness.
  2. Wellaton Wella
    The dye adheres perfectly to the hair and lightens it to the stated shade, however, the error in tones is much greater than that of Loreal. In addition, Wella pigment is quickly washed out, which requires constant updating or tinting.
  3. Garnier Olia
    Garnier Olia gives excellent bright color, however, it applies unevenly.


Other contenders for a place in the ranking of the best household paints showed good durability. This:

  1. Garnier Color Naturals
    Paint from Garnier is considered the most durable color option without yellowing. Despite its good durability, it has unpleasant disadvantages: uneven coverage and rapid fading. The pigment is resistant only to numerous water treatments for the head.
  2. Palette mousse
    The paint fades after 2–3 weeks, but the main cold color without yellowness can remain for at least another month.

Be sure to do an allergy test to be sure that the coloring will take place without surprises.

The nuances of coloring at home

To make your hair whiter and eliminate the hated yellow tint, carefully read the instructions for bleaching and dyeing. Way Application of the composition in both cases is approximately the same - the holding time and preparation of the mixture differ. You will learn how to properly prepare the coloring composition for your head from the insert included with the pigment. Further use recommendations:

  • Start applying paint from the back of the head: the coloring pigment in this area is absorbed the worst, so it needs more time to create the desired shade.
  • Paint the roots, then distribute the composition along the length. Lather the dye, then comb your hair - this will allow you to get a perfect smooth mixture distribution.
  • Keep the composition on your hair exactly as long as indicated in the instructions: even after keeping the dye on your head a lot of time you will not achieve a color brighter than that suggested by the manufacturer.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly. Apply shampoo after the water flowing into the hair changes color from dirty gray to transparent.

Dry your hair to understand where the dye has applied unevenly and what adjustments the result requires. If you see yellowness, then the hair needs to be re-dyed or tinted with a tinted shampoo with purple pigment.

Important! Do not dye the desired shade of blonde immediately after bleaching: the paint will lie unevenly and bald spots will form. If possible, take a week-long course to restore damaged hair structure, and then apply the desired tone.

When not to paint

No matter how you rush to create a great color or get rid of suddenly appearing yellowness, remember: in some cases it is better to wear yellow strands than to harm your health. Avoid dyeing in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Hormonal imbalances (including menstruation)
  • Head wounds

A beautiful blonde without yellowness is the dream of every owner of blond hair. Unfortunately, no dye can guarantee that the cool shade of blonde will last long on your hair. However, by choosing the right paint and taking into account the nuances of coloring, you will get as close as possible to the ideal result. We hope that you found this article useful: how to dye your hair blonde without yellowness at home.

Thanks to hair coloring, any girl begins to feel much sexier and more confident. It is the paint of a new shade that can refresh the appearance, while favorably emphasizing the contours of the face and eye color. But sometimes it happens that the result does not bring positive emotions. So how to turn into a blonde without unwanted yellowness and other unpleasant consequences?

Selection of means

Modern girls, as a rule, manage to cope with hair coloring on their own. This became possible thanks to the various products that appeared on the cosmetic market:

  1. tinted shampoos;
  2. persistent cream paints;
  3. coloring gels;
  4. tinting foams.

Each of these compositions has its own advantages and subtleties of application. They should definitely be taken into account so that the result is the perfect shade of blonde.

  • Dyes with a lasting effect make it possible to obtain more saturated shades that will stay on the hair for a long time. When choosing a paint for lightening without a yellowish effect, you should pay special attention to ashen and cold shades. Only their use will give the desired result.
  • Tinted shampoos are the ideal solution for natural blondes. They can also be used by fair-haired young ladies who have had to deal with the appearance of a “straw” color. After just a few uses, your hair will regain its noble shade.

Most women who have already turned blonde prefer to use only professional-grade products. You can usually find them in special stores intended for hairdressers. When used, such compositions will need to be combined with a special activator.

The most popular professional-grade products today are produced by such well-known brands as Londa, Revlon, Estel, Wella, etc.

However, a good blonde dye, which does not give a yellowish effect after use, is a completely affordable product not only for frequent guests of professional salons, but also for ordinary girls.

Many manufacturers have taken into account the needs of all modern blondes, releasing unique formulations. These include brands such as Syoss (a line of various brighteners), Garnier (Color Naturals line paints), L`Oreal (Casting Crème Gloss series products), Schwarzkopf (products from the Brilliance and Natural&Easy series).

When choosing the optimal product for dyeing a blonde shade, you should pay attention to the presence of the “no yellowness” marking on it. As a rule, this applies to ashen and cold tones.

Important! When choosing a paint of a warm sunny, wheat or honey shade, you won’t be able to get a blonde color without yellowness on your own!

Discoloration of strands

  • Even the most expensive paint cannot provide a 100% guarantee of an excellent result. If we are talking about natural brunettes or owners of fiery red hair, then it would be much more correct not to dye their hair, but to bleach it. And such a procedure should be performed in a salon.
  • Today there are special kits on sale that allow you to do the bleaching yourself. The kit includes detailed instructions that describe all the intricacies of mixing, application rules, precautions and the amount of time required to obtain the result.
  • After receiving a “clean” result, you can move on to the next stage - choosing a blond paint that will not give yellowness. This can be either a persistent product or a more gentle tint composition.

How to maintain a clear tone for a long time?

To get a beautiful light shade of hair, you will need to learn not only about all the tricks and features of coloring, but also the proper further care of the new color.

After all, the appearance of an unpleasant shade can very often occur as a result of the following factors:

  1. the presence of rusty particles in the water;
  2. incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  3. constant use of various styling products.

Important! To prevent yellowness in your hair, you should give preference only to those styling products that have a colorless consistency.

That is why, after dyeing your hair blonde, you should adhere to the following care:

  • It is best not to use running water when washing your hair. The most ideal solution would be rinsing using boiled water, and the rinsing procedure using mineral water.
  • It is worth giving up products (conditioners, masks, shampoos) that are based on herbal decoctions and complexes. Dandelion and chamomile pose a particular threat to white flowers.
  • Blonde paint alone without a yellow effect will not be enough. You can get a really beautiful shade thanks to unique professional shampoos.

Attention! You can’t use such expensive shampoos all the time, but only once a week. This type of prevention will preserve both the purity of the color and the budget!

Only by following all the listed rules and recommendations will it be possible to obtain an amazingly beautiful and noble shade of blond that will not have even a hint of yellowness!

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