I kiss her on the neck. What do kisses mean in different places, parts of the body: psychology and the meaning of a man’s kiss

Probably none of us will deny: there is nothing more beautiful than a sensual kiss from a loved one. A gentle touch with your lips causes a storm of pleasant sensations.

The story of a kiss

Historians believe that this form of tactile contact, like a kiss, is more than 5000 years old! In Ancient Rome, for example, not only relatives and friends, but even random passers-by were kissed as a sign of greeting.

In the Middle Ages, the greeting kiss depended not only on the relationship between people, but also on class affiliation. Thus, equals in social status were kissed on the lips and cheeks, people of higher rank were kissed on the back of the hand, husbands and ladies of a higher class were kissed on the knee. Well, government officials and the clergy were kissed on the feet or even the ground near them.

In Italy, a man who kissed a girl on the cheek was obliged to marry her, otherwise shame on the girl and her family could not be avoided.

Today, morals, fortunately, are no longer so strict. But nevertheless, the kiss has not lost its significance and relevance even today.

A pleasant touch with lips is considered an integral part of intimate relationships between a man and a woman. A kiss on the neck is especially beautiful for representatives of both sexes. But many young people do not know how to properly kiss their other half on the neck. Today we will look into this issue and give advice to both boys and girls.

How to kiss your loved one's neck?

Touching your neck with your lips is, of course, a deeply intimate process, a kind of barometer of personal relationships. He can say much more than, for example, a kind “smack” on the cheek or even on the lips. It greatly excites not only the fair sex, but also even the most stern and unemotional men.

This gesture says a lot:

  • passions;
  • love or deep sympathy;
  • attachments;
  • tenderness;
  • sexual desire.

But in order for everything to be pleasant for both partners, you should take into account some rules of personal relationships.

  1. Fresh breath. First of all, take care of the freshness of your breath. After all, even the most passionate and tender relationships can be ruined by bad breath. The advertising that we see every day against our will on TV screens recommends using chewing gum for this purpose. In fact, although chewing gum repels unwanted aromas, it still has a characteristic rich smell of menthol or fruit, which not every person likes, especially if he does not consume such products;

To freshen your breath, brush your teeth with a neutral-scented toothpaste and/or eat some fruit, such as an apple or orange. Well, if the smell cannot be removed even in this way, consult a dentist or gastroenterologist - it is quite possible that the reason lies in some disease.

  1. Take care of your lips. The touch of dry, rough skin on the lips, you must agree, cannot bring either a guy or a girl into a state of delight. The softer and silkier the lips are, the more pleasant the touch will be;

For this purpose, you can use special lip softening products, of which, fortunately, there are a great many on sale today. You can also use folk remedies: lubricate your sponges several times daily with honey, butter or Vaseline. But before the process itself, of course, your lips should be cleaned of any lubricants and lipstick.

  1. Take things gradually. You shouldn’t suddenly attack your significant other with such tenderness; it’s better to prepare her for the process. Neither a man nor a woman should be kissed on the neck suddenly, especially if the person is busy with important matters, as this can frighten him or even make him angry!

It is more correct to act this way: approach your loved one from behind, hug, kiss him on the lips or the top of the head, make sure that he is ready for caresses.

Gently run your palms over your back, shoulders, chest, but do not pinch, press your whole body and cheek to cheek, bury your face in your hair. For greater effect, direct kisses from the lips to the neck area.

In women, the most sensitive place is considered to be the “cat’s spot” - the back of the neck, but not every girl likes kissing the front part (where the thyroid gland is located). As for guys, they usually like the touch of their beloved’s lips on any part of the neck.

  1. Use your imagination! This is especially true for those couples who have been together for a long time and have already become accustomed to the caresses of their other half. A man, for example, can lift a girl's hair and run his tongue over her skin or cover her with many kisses. If your partner likes it, you can give her kisses with your mouth open - this intimate gesture rightfully belongs to love foreplay and has a stimulating effect;
  1. Consider the circumstances. If, for example, your beloved is busy in the kitchen, and in the next
    There are kids frolicking in the room waiting for dinner, kissing a woman on the neck for a long time and passionately with an open mouth is not entirely correct, because this can lead to the fact that both of you are seriously aroused, and the continuation of lovemaking for obvious reasons will be impossible. In this situation, laconic, but multi-talking caresses are suitable - the other half will once again be convinced of how dear she is to you;

  1. Do not overdo it. Often we get so carried away that we lose control of the power of our passion. The fact is that the skin in this area is very delicate and has practically no subcutaneous fat, which is why a passionate kiss on the neck leads to a rather unpleasant consequence, namely a hickey (an ugly bruise). And although this, to some extent, flatters the partner and in the eyes of those around him is an indicator of an established intimate life, in a certain environment it can lead to embarrassment. For example, you should not “tag” a public person in this way - a school teacher or the head of a company. Certainly, "traces of a crime" subsequently, you can skillfully disguise it with decorative cosmetics, a scarf, or reduce it using folk remedies (garlic and onion juice), but it’s still not worth the risk;

When kissing a girl or guy on the neck, many of us like to touch such an erogenous zone as the ear with our lips and tongue. This is certainly correct. But in order to give your partner real pleasure, do not deafen his ear with a ringing loud “smack” - this is not only unpleasant, but can also lead to temporary hearing loss.

During the process, watch your partner’s reaction - if he tries to pull away, turns his head away, most likely he doesn’t like your actions, or he’s simply not in the mood for affection right now. And if he tries to cling closer to you and responds with reciprocal caresses, feel free to continue - this is the first sign that you are on the right track!

  1. Do not be silent. This point should be especially taken into account by our dear men, because women, as you know, love first of all with their ears. Say nice words, compliments, convince your other half of how dear she is to you and how much you love her. It would be useful to show your emotions by lightly moaning or even growling - such sounds can seriously excite your partner.

What can say more about our feelings than a kiss? He encourages us when we are sad. He calms us down when we are worried. He is able to awaken a volcano of passion when we do not even expect it. A kiss can be light and gentle, or it can be hot and sizzling. in the cheeks and eyes - this is a manifestation of the most tender feelings, a declaration of love without words. But the chest or stomach are designed to kindle passion and desire. They increase sensuality and remove all psychological barriers. The right kiss can turn off consciousness and transport your partner into an unforgettable atmosphere of euphoria and pleasure. How to learn this difficult science? If you want, everything is possible.

How to kiss a guy on the neck

Kissing a guy's neck can turn him on in a matter of seconds. It has been proven that guys prefer gentle and slow caresses. Therefore, a girl should not rush and take the kiss lightly.

To sharpen the sensations, you can run the tip of your tongue along the guy’s neck, then lightly press your lips in several places.

Make your partner feel your hot breath, it's incredibly exciting. Slowly explore every centimeter of your loved one's neck with your lips and tongue.

And only when you feel that he has begun to breathe rapidly and show signs of strong arousal, move on to more

How to kiss a girl on the neck

Girls, although considered the weaker half, prefer assertiveness and even aggression when kissing. Most girls are crazy about kissing with light biting and sucking. A man should move his tongue more actively, which will make a woman’s heart beat faster. Kisses on the neck can drive a girl crazy and give unforgettable emotions and sensations. The most sensitive areas are under the chin, near and on the dimple near the back of the head. Once you place your lips in these places, you will immediately feel how your partner likes it. Start kissing her barely noticeably, every second adding confidence and assertiveness to the movements of your tongue and your lips. Gently pinch the skin with your teeth and play with it. Using such techniques, you are guaranteed to bring your beloved to a “kissing” orgasm. Women often describe their feelings as a shock running through their entire body.

Often people who have been married for a long period of time do not pay much attention to kissing. It's in vain! Kissing the neck can bring back those feelings that were there when a married couple was just starting their relationship. Recall those moments of carefree and all-consuming sex that brought only joy and pleasure. Sometimes spontaneous, sometimes clearly planned. Perhaps if they hit your neck, you will feel young, energetic and passionate again. Give yourself over to your feelings again and finally forget about all your everyday problems.

Kissing on the neck is a surefire way to bliss, intimacy and trusting relationships between a man and a woman. Improve yours, listen to your partner’s wishes and enjoy each other.

How to kiss the neck correctly? What does it mean if a guy, a man kisses you on the neck? The meaning of a kiss.

Kiss- This is a kind of barometer of relationships. This is what psychologists call it, expressing its meaning. There are more than fifty types of kisses. The most “burning” of them is a kiss on the neck.

Kiss on the neck women like it more than even kisses on the lips. It has been proven that such kisses have a very large effect on temperature sensitivity.

Kissing female friends on the neck area is not recommended, as men risk, once and for all, “breaking the thread of friendship.” I wonder: does true friendship still exist between a man and a woman?

What does a kiss mean, kisses on the neck? Kissing the neck is so intimate that a sixty-year-old US citizen was given a life sentence for it. He couldn’t resist kissing the neck of the woman he really liked. And such a kiss was equated to sexual harassment in the first degree.

What does it mean to kiss this part of the body? For women, this is a “step towards the abyss of madness”: it greatly excites almost all women on the planet (namely, according to statistics, ninety-seven percent of the female population). Women, in turn, must understand that a man, kissing them on the neck, “says” with such a kiss: “I want to possess you all.”

Men love being kissed on the neck more than being kissed on the neck. Need statistics? Only ten percent of men prefer neck kisses. But they give them to women with great pleasure. By “covering” a woman’s neck with kisses, men want to show that they need their reciprocity and that they really want to give them unforgettable pleasure.

How to kiss the neck correctly? How to make a kiss on the neck stunningly pleasant? A man must first kiss the woman on the lips. Afterwards, let the man slowly go down a little lower and very gently kiss the woman on the neck. To make the kiss more “bright,” the man should quietly return to the woman’s lips and, after some time, kiss her again on the neck, capturing the chin area. Now you need to carefully observe the woman’s reaction: if, after such a kiss, she looks at him with a sad and indifferent look, it’s time to “replace” the kiss with another. As a rule, this type of kiss cannot leave a sensual and romantic woman indifferent. But every rule has an exception.

Women literally " shaking"from a kiss on the neck. They often compare such a kiss to a very strong electric current. And this is no coincidence, since the neck is one of the erogenous female zones. Moreover, the “points” of the location of these zones on the neck are completely different for everyone. For some they are on the side, for others at the back, for others very close to the head. There are women whose erogenous zone is the entire neck.

If it's a guy, the man kisses you on the neck. Especially pleasant for women is a kiss on the neck with the “feeling” of the breath of a loved one. Then a pleasant shiver runs through your entire body and it begins to seem as if the earth is moving away from under your feet.

Undoubtedly, « cat place"is also an erogenous zone. The “cat spot” is located just below the neck (on the back, right between the shoulder blades). Strange name, isn't it? And this place is called so because all “male cats” (meaning lynxes, cats, tigers and lions), when performing sexual intercourse, hold their beloved female with their teeth precisely at this place.

A gentle kiss. If a man “introduces” his teeth into the kiss of the neck, this will give the kiss some specialness. Although, even light biting of the cervical area is considered a sign that sexual arousal is “increasing.” If the excitement becomes strong, “a kiss combined with a bite” leaves a mark on the neck, in the form of a red or slightly bluish spot.

That rare percentage of women who are “among” those for whom a kiss on the neck is extremely unpleasant are “distinguished” by lack of self-confidence, timidity, and complexes.

Let's go back to the men. Did you know, dear women, what is of great importance is how a man behaves “before” or “after” a kiss? Read below:

  1. If your chosen one spends a lot of time brushing his teeth (after each “cycle” of kisses), the man loves himself too much.
  2. If a man talks a lot in the intervals between kisses, there is a strong “struggle” between emotions and feelings in him.
  3. If, when kissing, your loved one hugs you very tightly, he is one of the jealous owners.
  4. If the man of your dreams loves to kiss you in public places, “in full view” of the “sea” of people, he is thus trying to compensate for those difficult times when he was shy and timid.
  5. Does your loved one kiss with his eyes closed? He is a true incorrigible romantic. He completely “dissolves” in feelings, “breathes” love and glows with passion.
  6. If you notice that your man does not close his eyes when kissing, he is realistic by nature. He takes life and what happens around him very seriously. He tries in every possible way to “extinguish” his feelings in order to show them only to a minimum. His “trump card” is that it is almost impossible to deceive him: he sees “through” you. Be careful!
  7. If your lover kisses you much less often than you kiss him, one thing can be said about him: he is a self-centered person. He thinks exclusively about himself and about what concerns only him.

When reading these seven points, do not rush to immediately “try them on” for your beloved man. Everyone and everything in this world has the potential for error or “wrongness.” Don’t think: “Oh, that’s who he is! That's it, I'm disappointed in him. I'll break up with him today. I don’t need such a man.” Just take note of this information. Perhaps someday it will be useful to you.

And better– think about how beautiful and pleasant the kiss of a loved one is, which cannot be compared with any other. Thought? Now - wait for it to happen again. Although…. Every kiss from a loved one is unique. Therefore, enjoy each of them, perceiving and feeling in your own way.

It is better to remove jewelry from the neck: they will interfere with romantic kisses. However, this does not mean that you should not wear them at all. Only take them off when you feel the “craving” for your favorite kisses.

In order to give a girl an unforgettable feeling from a kiss or even excite a girl, you need to be able to kiss her neck correctly.


First of all, a man needs to know that a woman’s neck is a very erogenous zone, kissing which can not only bring pleasure to a girl, but also bring her to excitement. Therefore, it is not recommended to kiss a girl on the neck if you do not have a close relationship with her.


Start kissing the girl on the neck with the lightest kiss, in which you just touch her neck with your lips and make a light smack. Don't kiss the same place on a girl's neck.

With each kiss, you should kiss a new place on the neck.

You can return to the previous place of the kiss, but first, make three or four kisses in other places on the neck.


This is perhaps the most passionate and sweet kiss on the neck for a girl, because it contains the element of biting a woman’s neck with your teeth. The duration of the kiss can be exactly as long as the partners want. Use your teeth when kissing a woman's neck with great care, because even a little pain can remove arousal completely and awaken her to your passionate kiss.

When kissing a woman's neck, you can use your tongue, which you will use to lick the skin on her neck, this also gives great pleasure to the girl.


Never rush or rush, because only a leisurely, neat kiss on a woman’s neck will give your friend sweet and passionate sensations.

When kissing a woman’s neck, you need to remember one very important nuance, and your own is that kissing the neck with the use of teeth or strong suction leads to the formation of bruises on the neck, which are called “Hickey”. To create a hickey, different intensities of sucking and biting are necessary, so for some it is enough to make a little effort, and the hickey appears, and for some, you can bite and suck, but the hickey never appears. Therefore, keep in mind that even light kisses on a girl’s neck can cause her trouble in the form of hickeys.

You should kiss the neck only of those for whom you feel love and true passion. This kind of kiss is considered by many to be very intimate, so do not give it to those whom you consider just friends. An exception may be cases when you seek to transform the relationship with such a friend or girlfriend into a love plane. Purely theoretically, kissing the neck is possible in the presence of strangers. But in order not to be considered ill-mannered and sexually preoccupied, it is better to resort to such caresses when you are alone with the object of your passion.

You should kiss your beloved on the neck more often. This kind of affection is very important for women. It serves as a kind of identifier of a man’s love and passion. It’s worth starting such a kiss with a short introduction. For example, first kiss your beloved’s lips, and then go down a little lower, to the neck area. However, this is not necessarily the beginning. Before kissing her neck, try to bring your lips closer to this part of the girl’s body and simply shower her with your warm breath. For many ladies, this technique works better than some more frank caresses. If the girl doesn't mind, move on.

Do not try to kiss the neck quickly and abruptly, this will ruin all the pleasure and even disrupt the languid mood. Move from one area of ​​the neck skin to another: from the area behind the ear down towards the collarbone, slowly, as if savoring them. Stay especially long where large vessels pass close to the surface (for example, the carotid artery). Such areas are especially sensitive to caresses. You shouldn't kiss the neck with just your lips. To add spice and piquancy to such a kiss, use your tongue in it. You can also lightly bite the skin of your neck with your teeth.

It is advisable to kiss the neck with lips well moistened with saliva. Many women find such wet kisses especially passionate. Do not move your lips and tongue in only one direction, periodically return to the lips, then again to the area near the ears, etc. Kissing a man on the neck does not have to be too often. A significant part of the stronger sex is indifferent to such caresses. However, if you decide to please your loved one with this kind of kiss, choose for him the side areas of the neck, from the ears down to the shoulders. Kiss and lightly pinch the man's skin with your lips.

It is difficult to name anything more beautiful in our life than the relationship between a man and a woman. An important role in their development is played by the kiss, which can both speed up the development of love events and slow it down, or even stop it soon. During a kiss, we determine how pleasant this person is to us and whether we will follow the path of further rapprochement with him. However, there are several tricks that can artificially win over your partner. It is possible to avoid becoming a victim of tricks only by carefully studying them. Such a powerful factor for literally everyone is a kiss on the neck, to which researchers of human relationships have paid undeservedly little attention. So, how to show your feelings beautifully and effectively?

A kiss on the neck is not called the notorious “hickey”, but a gentle touch to the neck with relaxed lips. On the part of the girl, such a kiss serves as an expression of complete trust in you and a sign of readiness to continue and develop intimate relationships. Outwardly, your friend may hide her desires, but a kiss on the neck will clearly tell you that subconsciously she is ready to become completely yours.

If a partner kisses the chosen one on the neck, then this can serve as a sign of complete trust in her. And if a kiss consists of many gentle touches, then this means one thing - a passionate desire for intimacy between you. And kisses with gentle biting are a signal of love for a guy who is afraid to admit it.

A kiss on the neck may have another, at first glance, strange and implausible reason - the desire to warm up a partner. The slight excitement that arises from this kiss helps the body cope with the cold.

Neck kissing technique

How to express feelings beautifully and effectively? Kiss the right way and where you need to! Men and women like different things. Strange as it may seem at first glance, women prefer kissing with biting, and even done in a somewhat rude manner. They like strong tongue pressure and intense lip pressure. On the contrary, men prefer a gentle kiss with soft lips, occasionally using the tongue. And bites turn them on only during a stormy intimate process, and during calm sex, biting can lead to a decrease in arousal.

Knowing how much a kiss on the neck affects a woman, a partner can use it to get the desired result. If a girl is not sure of the feelings of her chosen one, then she should be on her guard during such caresses and, if necessary, fight back.

Sensitive areas of the neck

How to express feelings beautifully and effectively: which area of ​​the neck to choose? It is better to kiss the area on the larynx, located under the chin, gently, like kissing, for example, on the cheek.

Kissing and biting at the site of the carotid artery often cause discomfort, so you should not use them. And they would be appropriate on the side under the jaw line and above the collarbone. Here you can completely surrender to your passion.

Kissing the back of the neck is extremely exciting. Women like it when their partner, who is behind them, frees their neck from hair and kisses the hollow located below the back of the head. You can kiss slightly from the side, which will resemble the behavior of a vampire and add spice to love games.

Try kissing the “neck” area, also called the cat area. It is by the scruff of the neck that a cat carries kittens, and predatory felines use this place to hold the female during mating.

If your partner throws his head back, you can very carefully bite the skin with your teeth, running your tongue over it, either loosening the compression or strengthening it.

Remember the magical power of a kiss on the neck and use it only for good purposes, bringing untold pleasure to both yourself and your partner!

Doesn't know any other place for kissing! I hate it when people kiss my neck. It feels like there are midges running around on your neck - flies!

  • Irina:

I read that this (this kiss) means a feeling of guilt, or some degree of shyness. I don’t know what’s more, but I’ve never been kissed on the neck. And he doesn’t want to try. That is, there are many other kisses, as well as places for them.

  • Olga:

Ordinary sympathy, and nothing more. By the way, you can kiss your neck in a friendly way. I remember how I did it completely by accident. I came to see my boyfriend and wanted to kiss (greet) his sister on the cheek. And she somehow bent down and the kiss “reached” her neck.

  • Irishka:

And it seems to me like this... A kiss on the neck is an intimate kiss. And he will not “fly” a person to this place, unless sympathy is present. And remember about love?! She is the reason for this kiss. It's just that kissing the neck lacks courage.

  • Inga:

A man, kissing a woman on the neck, wants to “prove” that patriarchy will always rule on earth! But you can’t help but allow yourself to be kissed on the neck. For example, I really like kisses on the neck. Tenderness! Here's what's in them...

It's men who don't like neck kisses! They kiss themselves, but do not like to receive “neck” kisses. They most likely have no erogenous zones there. If a man likes to give a kiss on the neck, he feels that the woman treats him with great reciprocity.

  • Mañana:

Wants! Yes, he’s “started up” and is waiting for the girl to get excited. For many girls, the erogenous zones lie dormant on the neck.

  • Elena:

If your loved one kisses you on the neck, he silently says that you are the best, that there are no such people anywhere else, and there never will be.

  • Anechka:

It depends on what meaning we are talking about here... I dreamed three times that the one I liked kissed me tenderly on the neck. And I felt the kiss! And three months later we suddenly started dating. Are you jealous already?

  • Alexa:

If your boyfriend kisses you on the neck, then we can say that a kiss on the neck from a guy is cool. And why think about the meaning of “kissing”. When the soul and body just feel good.

  • Alesya:

And here, isn’t it about the interpretation of dreams? That's exactly what I would think. Well, if not, then I confess: I have never been kissed on the neck. It's like they avoid places like this!

  • Ksyunya:

Coffee for me, coffee! These are hidden curse words! I don’t know how to express my emotions yet. What nonsense are girls worried about? They are looking for what a kiss on the neck means! We found something to think about! Personally, I am more concerned about environmental issues.

  • Irina:

He is afraid of the reaction to another kiss if he often kisses the neck. Kidding! A kiss like that is a reward. Only those who receive such a reward do not appreciate it. But this is the rule. And they forgot about exceptions! And I love them more than anything else in our world.

  • Lucia:

I only know the “dream book” of what will happen if a guy kisses her (in a dream, not during it). In short... The guy is afraid of something. These words are enough, right? I like kisses on the neck. But my husband rarely kisses me on the neck... Either rarely, or while under alcohol.

  • Milenka:

I don’t want to offend anyone present here, but it’s somehow a shame not to know! Kisses on the neck are intimate kisses. And I didn’t come up with this. More precisely, it’s like this: it wasn’t me who came up with it. Who? Americans, probably...

  • Stasya:

He wants to leave a “hickey” on his neck. Instead of a chastity belt! Here! This is my opinion. I won't say anything else.

  • Rita:

If he kisses your neck and hugs you tenderly, he loves you! Loves very much! And the word “very” can be taken up to a thousand “catch up”.

  • Svetka:

What exactly is being discussed here: who kisses the neck, or why he kisses? I don't understand…. Some kind of “mixing” has occurred. I read it and got confused. I love structure even in things like this. Forgive me for calling the article a thing. I'm not out of malice.

  • Irishka:

“Hickey” is terrible! It looks like a bruise! I would be offended if someone gave me a “hickey”. Humiliation!


  • Oksana:

I don’t want to seem like a bore, but we somehow got off topic. Need to come back! Do you mind if I do this? No, I hope so. A kiss on the neck means that a man (guy) has fallen deeply in love with a girl.

  • Nadyushka:

Thank you, Oksana! I already adore my beloved! It was a mystery to me what he was doing. She asked, and he, with a smile, only said “I love you.” That's all I heard from him.

  • Tanka:

If they kiss you on the neck, you’re afraid to confess your love! This is my experience and that of my girlfriends.

If it’s in the morning, he wants to get married. If during the day, he hides something, feeling sympathy. In the evening - looking for romance in relationships.

  • Anechka:

And what’s above are signs? Or did you, girl, come up with this yourself? I want to believe, even if it’s fictional. Thank you!

  • Nastyukha:

I personally think that this kiss is just a kiss. The guy does not forget that the girl has this place on her body. Made me laugh, didn't I?

  • Natasha:

I am here for this purpose... I wanted to find the meaning of the dream. But I found something else. Thankful for this find too. I read the comments and forgot about the dream! I never thought about kisses like that. Kissed and kissed... Nice! And here is the whole story.

  • Galinka:

Kisses on the neck - loves. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't kiss you at all. There are also guys like this! And they will never transfer.

  • Yulechka:

I raised my boyfriend so that he would kiss me on the neck. I love this... And he, as I see, was “educated” well. For me this means something more than the strongest feelings. It's a pity that men don't like neck kisses.

  • Natasha:

If a guy kisses your neck, he just likes it. But not like us! We love them more because we have erogenous zones there. For men, all these (zones) are located in other places. A kiss on the neck - warmth, sincerity, respect, true love...

  • Warbler:

A kiss on the neck received from a man means many things. All this “much” is positive, not negative. Let me boast: I conducted a special survey. I'm a psychologist! Don't believe me? Come, please, I’ll show you my diploma. Somewhere on the Internet, my research (my survey) is hanging. The point is this: it all comes down to this: men don’t kiss the neck of someone they treat too “coldly.” They won’t even kiss someone they don’t plan anything with. Girls love you if they kiss you on the neck! Love won here too.

Find out what you don't know about yet.

Probably everyone knows that kisses are not accidental, they express feelings and emotions experienced towards a person. The World Wide Web is teeming with sites telling about the meaning of kisses. Some of the most intimate and exciting are kisses on the neck and lips. At this moment, the woman forgets about everything and enjoys the sensual manifestation of sympathy. But these kisses have a certain meaning. So what did the man want to convey to you with this kiss? Today we’ll talk about kissing a man on the neck.

What does a kiss on the neck mean?

This is one of the most intimate kisses. As it turned out, women like a kiss on the neck even more than on the lips. The neck is a very sensitive erogenous zone. By kissing a woman on the neck, a man risks losing his friendship with her forever. Such a kiss can sexually excite a girl and even raise her body temperature. If a man kisses your neck, he is actually saying in plain text: “I want you. I want to give you unforgettable pleasure and expect reciprocity.” A kiss on the neck expresses a man’s desire to possess you physically, a thirst for intimacy. A girl literally loses her head from such a kiss and is ready for anything, unless, of course, her partner is close and attractive to her.

Have you thought about the feelings of a man whose neck a girl kisses? Men are even more delicate and easily excitable creatures. Therefore, a kiss on the neck should be done gently, barely touching the skin with your lips, and preferably in combination with other caresses. Start by kissing the face, lips, then smoothly move to the neck area. Take short breaks in the process; this will make men even more eager. If a woman in this matter, in most cases, needs passion and pressure, then men want tenderness and affection. Kisses can move to the shoulders or behind the ear. Guys literally begin to shake from tender kisses combined with hot breath behind the ear. Breathing into the ear is another technique for awakening desire in a partner, which smoothly develops into wild passion. Use this simple set of caresses and... That's it! Your man is ready to explode and longs for continuation...

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