What to give a school graduate as a souvenir. Choosing a graduation gift for teachers

There is one educational institution that cannot mean little to us. Of course, this is a school. We spend a whole chunk of our life at school; 10 years is a significant part of it. The anniversary of your home school is one of the most wonderful holidays, which, of course, you don’t want to miss. What to give to a school for its anniversary is a question that is equally of interest to both the teachers of this educational institution and its students. Gratitude and good memories of the best years of childhood and youth will not allow you to be indifferent and not celebrate with some interesting and memorable gift. Everyone wants to prepare something memorable and symbolic as a gift for an anniversary, something that will not only be appreciated, but also remembered for a long time.

Of course, the first thing you want to focus on for those who are looking for the perfect gift for school is gift awards. An award item on the occasion of an anniversary should be special. This could be an order, medal, award statuette, or cup. The most successful thing, in our opinion, in this festive situation is the festive cup. You can choose a model from those presented on our website, or order a personal engraving that will best suit the date being celebrated. Your order will be placed as quickly as possible. Thus, you will present not just a memorable, but a unique and incomparable gift that will forever remain within the school walls, as a clear confirmation that the students have not forgotten anything, remember and love the educational institution, which was once their second home.

When thinking about what to give your school for its anniversary, take a closer look at one more interesting gift. We are talking about a Retro music center, which can become a unique decoration for the teacher’s room or the director’s office. But not only. It can also be used at school parties and discos, because, despite its ancient design, the sound quality and functionality meet the most modern requirements, criteria and standards. To make the present even more memorable, order a metal nameplate with a unique inscription attached to the music center. In this way, your presentation will become even more valuable and desirable to the school leadership. And even after several years, the engraving will not let you forget about you or the wonderful occasion that led to the presentation of such an original gift. You can easily find the words you want to see on a metal nameplate. The main thing is that they must come from the heart, and then the music center will be received, as they say, with a bang.

School years are the most unforgettable! School gives us knowledge, teaches us to communicate with people around us, at school we make our first friends, sometimes they remain our friends for life. In a word, school gives a person a start in life.

What can a student give to the school? There are many different reasons to make a gift to the school. School anniversary, graduation, first of September, teacher's day...

The best gift is a gift made with your own hands. But you need to give such gifts that you won’t be ashamed to give them. We offer you several DIY school gift ideas.

What do we have left when we graduate from school? That's right - good memories. So why not give the school, its students and teachers memories.

The most important thing is the correct presentation of the material, so you need to choose memories wisely. It is important to choose interesting moments from school life.

Give your school a homemade photo album for its anniversary.

Every day something interesting happens at school, and over time, many bright and memorable moments accumulate that I would like to preserve not only in memory, but also in documentation. You can make an album for school with your own hands with memorable inscriptions.

A more painstaking gift would be a video.

If you choose the right video excerpts and edit them, you can get a very good mini video about spending time at school.

And if you post the video on social networks, users will be able to appreciate how interesting and useful life is at your school.

Art as a gift

If you have any skill, you can try to make something beautiful and worthy of the attention of a large audience.

If you decide to make such a gift with your own hands, try to allocate enough time for this, because there is no need to rush in this matter. Everything must be done very carefully and efficiently.

School interior decoration. There are many ideas on what kind of decoration to make for school walls.

This could be a beautiful panel made of natural materials, a painting using the quilling technique, a funny figurine made of polymer clay, or a huge red heart made of wire that demonstrates your love for school.

You can make interesting decorations for flower pots using the decoupage technique for recreation. Such a handmade gift can be presented to the school principal on Teacher's Day or graduation.

Painting. If you have artistic talent, give the school a handmade painting of your own as a gift. If you don’t have such talents, you can make an interesting photo collage.

DIY school crafts

To decorate the school, you can make beautiful crafts for the school with your own hands. High school students can make panels of pencils or felt-tip pens. This panel corresponds to the school theme and is not difficult to make!

A memorable souvenir for the school or for September 1 will be a decorative tree made from small photographs of students in your class, teachers and school management.

They say that a school is a person’s second home, so we can assume that it will become a kind of family tree. This is a beautiful, original and memorable gift for the school, made with your own hands.

This handmade decorative vase is a wonderful gift to school for any occasion.
They will decorate any office at school, adding beauty and comfort. And most importantly, it will remain a pleasant memory of you!

A topiary will be a wonderful memorable gift for Teacher's Day or the First of September.

This craft always looks unusual in the interior, and school is no exception. You can make such a gift to the school yourself from paper, branches, satin ribbons, beads or coffee beans. Effort and work, and the end result will be real beauty!

But this is not the entire list of gifts that can be given to the school.

With their own hands, high school students can make an original gift to the school by carrying out minor repairs to certain school premises. This is a wonderful gift, because sometimes the school is simply not able to carry out widespread repairs.

Impressions as a gift to the school

Or maybe you have acting, vocal or choreographic talent? If such nuggets exist in your class, why not give the school some interesting activity for the holiday?

Naturally, this is not a material gift, but it will bring no less impressions. Enlist the support of the class teacher and at least the head teacher of the school and go ahead.

For Teacher's Day or at school, you can organize a concert or theatrical performance with the help of your class, and if there are those willing among the parents, then with their help too.

Such an impromptu event will be remembered for a long time, and students will gain invaluable experience in organizing such holidays.

Gifts for teacher

But gifts can be given not only to the school, but also to individuals who work in this institution.

In honor of her graduation, you can present your favorite teacher with a photo album in scrapbook style of impressive size, which is filled with the best photographs of her students.

And you can call it “Album of Memories from A to Z.”

In such an album, it is advisable to place photographs from the first to the eleventh grades, while creating sections, recording memorable dates, wishes to your beloved teacher from grateful students.

Such a gift will give the teacher a lot of positive emotions and will remain in her memory for many years!

A wonderful gift for a teacher is a cup with personal engraving. This is perhaps the most worthy reward for that great work, which is simply impossible to overestimate!

If you wish, you can make a beautiful cup with your own hands; you just need a little imagination and effort.

As a lasting memory, you can give your class teacher a magnificent photo frame containing a photo of the class. You can make such a photo frame yourself.

If you really want to give a good gift, spend your precious time, make an effort and be sure to work with your soul.

Then your gift will become truly unique and unique!

Gifts for students

But how to reciprocate the teacher’s feelings is true, give gifts in return.

The teacher cannot buy a large number of gifts in the store. But this is not a reason to refuse the opportunity to do something nice for the children.

For elementary school students: First-graders and fourth-graders can be given beautiful medals made with their own hands from cardboard and satin ribbon.

A photo folder can be a memorable gift for a high school student. You can make this thing yourself from decorative cardboard and colored paper. Don't forget to include an interesting school photo!

For students of any age, a photo cube will be a universal memorable gift.

Making such a gift is very simple. All you have to do is set aside a free evening for this, print out the necessary photographs on a printer, make the required number of cubes from thick cardboard and paste them with photographs. Without a doubt, it will turn out very original!

You can give high school students original covers for the main document in every person’s life - a passport.

The kids grow up, and receiving a passport is evidence of this fact. For them this is a new step in life.

Give them joy by making unusual gifts for them with your own hands in the form of passport covers. Each student can receive a unique and inimitable gift in the form of a cover with an individual design.

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The time is coming for school graduation ceremonies and, according to a long-established tradition, as a sign of special respect and gratitude, teachers are given memorable gifts. Children and parents are faced with the pressing question of how to congratulate their beloved teacher in an original, fresh and original way.

During their studies, schoolchildren and their parents several times face questions about organizing graduation parties.

  • In 4th grade, after finishing primary school;
  • at the end of 9th grade;
  • and at the end of 11th grade.

A gift to a teacher is a unique expression of the good attitude of students and parents, a tribute to the teacher for many years of work. Naturally, I want to approach the issue of choosing gifts in an unconventional and creative way.

In order to decide on a present, you should listen to the opinions of both parents and students. On special occasions, you can give 2 gifts at once. One gift will be creative and created by the students, the second gift, more practical, will be appropriate from the parents of the children.

If it is well known about any hobby or hobby of the teacher, it makes sense to choose something taking into account the teacher’s passions. Of course, the material side of the issue is also important. A small budget often does not allow you to buy what you want. This can greatly limit your options for choosing a good gift. In this case, it is advisable to show ingenuity and do something extraordinary with your own hands. After all, an expensive gift is not always synonymous with the best.

Gifts for teachers by subject

What can you give your teacher for graduation?

For teachers teaching classes in certain subjects, gifts come in two options: with a hint of the subject they taught children and general ones, without reference to the teacher’s specialization.

Choosing the same gifts for subject teachers has its advantages - there is no need to painfully search for options for different gifts and teachers will not compare the souvenirs given, so all sorts of grievances will not arise.

You can buy different gifts, but decorate them in the same style or buy the same items:

  • watch,
  • vases,
  • writing sets,
  • or boxes.

By ordering a personalized engraving on them indicating the year the class was issued and good wishes.

In order not only to gift the teacher, but also to focus attention on the subject he taught, you will have to use your imagination:

  • remembering that a teacher of literature and the Russian language will always have a dictionary or a volume of his favorite poet,
  • mathematics will be surprised by an unusual calculator or magnets in the form of numbers,
  • A geographer will certainly be delighted by a sweet globe made of candies,
  • and not a single physical education teacher will refuse a good leather ball.

A unique gift could be an order of personalized diaries or flash cards with images of typical teaching equipment (atlas, chemical flask, stack of dictionaries) of a subject teacher.

Gift for the class teacher

Close contact with children and their parents also means a more significant gift to the teacher who has taken on the concerns of the classroom management. It is best if the parents of the graduates prepare a present separately from the children, entrusting them with preparing their own creative surprise for the teacher.

If funds allow, you can give the class teacher a rather significant and substantial gift.

For example:

  • Household appliances, sets of luxury cosmetics, a subscription to a massage room or spa.
  • These pieces of equipment are ideal for a teacher fisherman, a tourist or an avid hunter. This could be a tent, spinning rod or tourist backpack, as well as a gift certificate for their purchase.
  • Vouchers to a sanatorium for several days, a boat trip, or theater tickets to a famous performance are always appropriate.
  • A win-win option is to choose gift certificates to a jewelry and perfume store, as well as to a fur boutique or beauty salon.

From expensive gifts you can choose:

  • Wristwatch in an expensive classic frame.
  • A high-quality cell phone, tablet or iPhone.
  • Jewelry in the form of cufflinks and tie clips for a male teacher, and a brooch, chain or bracelet for a female teacher.

Tasteful gift for class teacher

A marker of the good taste of parents will also be an exclusive organizer or desk set for writing made of valuable wood, semi-precious stones and genuine leather.

The significance of a gift for a teacher lies not only in its material value, but also in the degree of respect and love demonstrated by the graduates. That is why the most expensive and unforgettable gift can be children’s amateur creativity.

Let it be a specially learned dance, an original flash mob, poetry, wall newspapers, a video about your favorite class teacher, or a collectively created craft. Any creative idea will find a sincere response in the heart of the teacher.

Gift ideas from primary school graduates

Gift from primary school graduates

A gift for a teacher in honor of graduating from primary school is traditionally bought by parents. Together with the children they also come up with and create souvenirs with their own hands.

To the teacher, you can present as a souvenir:

  • A self-made tree with student photographs instead of leaves and flowers.
  • An album with each child's handprints and touching captions.
  • Wall newspaper collage, in the creation of which all students took an active part.

The first teacher, who has been caring for her students for several years, can be touched by a bouquet of soft animal toys (according to the number of children in the class) in personalized shirts, hats or aprons.

And poetic congratulations, self-composed songs and skits will decorate any graduation party.

What to give teachers for graduation? 9th grade

Gift from 9th grade graduates

Graduates of the ninth grade already have their own opinions and are able to make serious decisions.

Teenagers can come up with, learn and show a modern dance or flash mob themselves. Organize incendiary musical battles or stand-up shows that teachers will remember for many years.

  • You can also sculpt the teacher and all your classmates using the “salt dough” technique, creating an interesting custom panel.
  • Order an unusual cake with the names of graduates.
  • Or make albums with photo collages of students and wishes from each.

In addition, such a classic gift as a beautiful designer bouquet still holds its ground and continues to be an ideal addition to the main gift.

What to give teachers for graduation? Grade 11

Gift from 11th grade graduates

11th grade is the time to leave school. An exciting and important stage in the life of any person. The years spent together, all the successes and sorrows of school life experienced, were shared by the student and the teacher. The gift in this case is a symbol of gratitude for the work and care of the teacher.

What can you give to your favorite teacher at your eleventh grade graduation party? Of course, as before, handmade souvenirs are relevant. Self-sewn pillows, cut-out wall compositions or cross-stitched paintings, all of this is carefully kept by teachers for years, reminding them of their beloved students.

  • A specially ordered box of chocolate with images of graduates will not leave any teacher indifferent. And an exclusive watch with the earliest photographs of students can remind you of the time spent together.
  • The original photo album of all students can be presented to the class teacher. Moreover, the background of the album can depict the dreams and plans of each graduate.
  • As a souvenir to any of the teachers, the children can also give decorative plates with the image of the teacher and a themed border.

Do not skimp on sincere and warm words addressed to the teachers and be sure to come up with something unique, bright and creative, something that will show the genuine sincerity and concern of the graduating class students.

Black list of gifts

What not to give to a teacher

And now it’s worth remembering about gifts, which are considered a sign of bad taste.

Also, presenting an envelope with money is only permissible if the teacher himself has hinted about such a reward.

You definitely need to think through the process of giving gifts. Otherwise, negligence during presentation or sloppy, wrinkled packaging can irrevocably ruin the impression of the gift.

But sincerely spoken words, a kind song and a sincere attitude will certainly penetrate and remain in the teacher’s heart for many years.

Touching farewell to the class teacher

Alisa Terentyeva 20 November 2018, 14:55

Conventionally, gifts that can be given for a school’s anniversary from graduates are divided into two categories: practical and memorable. The first category includes everything that the school uses to function, from books and textbooks to classroom repairs. The second category is all kinds of memorable gifts from students: crafts, wall newspapers, posters.

We all know that public school funding often leaves a lot to be desired, so if you want to make a practical presentation, you can ask the principal what the school needs

Practical gifts

  1. Planting tree seedlings. The class can contribute to the transformation of the area and plant tree seedlings. You can organize a celebratory event in honor of the end of school by gathering with the whole class to plant trees.

Planting tree seedlings in the school yard

  1. Classroom renovation. Many educational institutions do not always find the funds to repair classrooms on time. Renovating a classroom is both a gift to the class teacher, who will be pleased to be in the renovated classroom, and a gift to the educational institution. Parents and graduates can do the repairs on their own, or they can invite professionals.
  2. Installation of plastic windows. If the windows in the classroom have not been changed for a long time, then installing plastic windows is an appropriate gift.
  3. Blackboard. A board will always be a necessary and functional gift. It can be a metal board with a varnish coating, or a modern interactive one, which will allow the next student to use the latest technical advances in the educational process.
  4. Computer. It is simply impossible to imagine the learning process without computers today. Unfortunately, not all schools have the opportunity to open a computer class. By donating a computer, you will help the educational institution in this matter.
  5. Books and methodological literature. School libraries are always in need of replenishment and updating. Both collections of classical literature and new textbooks, dictionaries and methodological literature will be a good present.

Books for the school library

  1. Sport equipment. A useful and practical gift for school is equipment for the gym: wall bars, balls, horizontal bars, gymnastic mats.

Memorable gifts

You can give the school memorable gifts, because memories of school years are all that remains with us from school. You can leave pleasant memories of the class at school. This can be any homemade memorable gift for the school’s anniversary: ​​usually wall newspapers, posters, postcards, volumes with memorable inscriptions, and videos are made. Present ideas:

  1. Poster or wall newspaper. This could be a themed poster for a school anniversary from the class, for example, “One day in the life of 10A,” or it could be a commemorative poster with photographs of classmates.

Wall newspaper from school graduates

  1. Album with photos. A similar gift is an album with photographs. You can find many master classes on creating photo albums: these can be albums with poems and photographs, voluminous albums with various decorative elements.
  2. Medals, cups and certificates. You can make a souvenir with your own hands for the school’s anniversary, for example, a cup with a congratulatory inscription, or a large medal in which photographs of school teachers will be placed. The medal can be made from polystyrene foam covered with gold paper.

Anniversary gift for kindergarten

Kindergarten is a very important place for children, to which they become very attached. Therefore, children will be very happy to make gifts for kindergarten with their own hands for an anniversary or graduation.

Gifts for kindergarten can also be creative: for example, a children's concert or production

Present ideas:

  1. Congratulatory wall newspaper. A DIY wall newspaper for the anniversary of the kindergarten is a good gift from children to the kindergarten. First, think about the content of the newspaper. To decorate the wall newspaper, they use photographs of children with a number, for example, 50, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the kindergarten. This could also be a wall newspaper with drawings and congratulatory inscriptions.
  2. Birthday cake. Each group usually donates something of its own to the kindergarten. One of the groups can bake a congratulatory cake - after all, what is a holiday without a cake?

Birthday cake in kindergarten

  1. Anniversary-themed wall panel. This can be a panel in the form of a congratulatory inscription or picture.
  2. Crafts. There are many ideas for crafts: crafts in the form of a paper cake, a basket of flowers, a painting, a bouquet of paper flowers, crafts from plasticine.

Gifts for school anniversary

The school's anniversary is a holiday both for the children who study there and for the teachers. You can make an anniversary gift with your own hands, for example, topiary, a panel, or you can give something useful to an educational institution. Present ideas:

  1. Music center with karaoke. School assembly halls always host events and concerts, so the music center will be an excellent anniversary gift.
  2. TV for the teacher's room. For example, this could be a plasma TV that will allow teachers to take a little rest in the teachers' room during breaks.
  3. Cosmetic repair of the facade. The school's anniversary is the best time to redecorate the facade. For example, paint the school.
  4. Plant in the hall. To make the school hall a more comfortable place, large plants are placed there. Give a flowering plant to decorate the school interior in honor of the anniversary.

Plants for school from graduates

Giving gifts for a school anniversary is a beautiful tradition. After all, school is not just a place where children study: there they find real friends, where they spend their childhood. A gift to school is a sign of attention and respect for the educational institution with which so many memories are associated.

We will try to cover this entire exciting and joyful topic - graduation gifts. If you don't know what to give to your favorite teacher, friend, son, daughter, or what memorable gift to give to school, then our gift guide is waiting for you!

Graduation is, first of all, a holiday for such already matured children, so first of all, let’s turn all our attention only to them!

So, what can you do to please your friend, girlfriend, daughter, son, brother or sister if they have successfully completed the next class or are saying goodbye to school altogether:

  • personalized mug “Bye, school!”;
  • graduate's personalized diary;
  • “Tasty help” for a schoolchild;
  • personal apron “Certificate of Maturity”;
  • commemorative photo magnet;
  • thermal mug with custom inscription;
  • school fortune cookies;
  • personalized “flash drive”;
  • custom designer keychain;
  • photo plate with school photos;
  • wall clock with photos from school years.

  • Event-appropriate custom phone bumper;
  • gift certificate for tailoring a suit for graduation;
  • order, diploma or medal, custom-engraved for the “Best Graduate”;
  • photo frame-clock;
  • “Oscar” for the graduate – a custom replica statuette;
  • a set of personal fountain pens with custom engraving;
  • a book by your favorite author with a personalized cover (you can easily make it yourself in Photoshop and wrap it in any selected publication);
  • personalized Hollywood star in a case;
  • external battery.

  • multifunctional USB splitter;
  • portrait based on a school photo to order;
  • photo mosaic of school photographs;
  • 3D light from school photos;
  • multifunctional stand for school supplies;
  • personalized set of sweets or other favorite sweets;
  • photo book/photo album with a set of school photos.
  • for boys: bow tie and cufflinks;
  • for girls: necklace for prom dress.

We have looked at the most common universal options. And now - specifics.

Graduate of 3-4 grades

Farewell to elementary school - overcoming the first serious stage of adult life, a slightly sad holiday. Encourage your student with a pleasant and cute gift.

What to give for graduation in 4th grade:

  • School supplies for the next school year - find out his favorite characters and choose gifts of this theme - he will definitely be pleased!
  • Educational board game, construction set, set of encyclopedias.
  • Favorite delicacies and sweets.
  • Personalized souvenirs useful in children's games.
  • A gift for a child’s room – a horizontal bar, an exercise machine, a new study table, a lamp, a table lamp.
  • Sports gift - from a bicycle to a soccer ball.

Ninth grader

Some of the kids stay at school, while others already go to college or technical school. In any case, the ninth grader will have to make, perhaps, the first serious choice in his life.

The gift should therefore be practical, durable, but at the same time original and youthful:

  • PC components: wireless mouse and keyboard, original design headphones or speakers, necessary hardware.
  • Accessories: wristwatch, belt, briefcase, genuine leather bag, stylish umbrella.
  • Certificate to your favorite shoe or clothing store– a girl or a young man can already choose comfortable clothes for the next school year.

Eleventh grader

How to please a “capital” graduate? Let's look further:

  • Jewelry: rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings for girls, chains and men's bracelets for boys.
  • From parents– “serious” electronics: smartphone, laptop, tablet, e-reader, smart watch.
  • Tourist trip– the last school holidays need to be enjoyed!

Gift for a friend

The cash balance of a schoolchild or student is sometimes very limited, but you really don’t want to leave your girlfriend or boyfriend without a gift on such a significant day!

What you can choose:

  • An original pen, notebook, pencil case or any other fun stationery.
  • The flash drive has a “cool” design – it will clearly come in handy in further studies.
  • A personalized mug/pillow/T-shirt with a design appropriate for the occasion.
  • A poster, statue, pendant, CD or other memento somehow related to his or her idols.
  • A set of your favorite “snacks”.
  • You can please a girl with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
  • Cute USB gadgets: fan, mini-fridge for drinks, vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard, warmer for a mug or hands.

Advice! A good option would be to give a homemade gift. Its price is your attention and creativity. Or you can make a touching card or packaging with your own hands for a gift purchase.

Gift for teacher: serious, playful, practical

It is wrong to get by with a banal gift “for show” on this day for the class teacher. A person who has gone through thick and thin deserves an appropriate, useful and impressive present. So, what can you focus on when choosing a gift for your curator for graduation:

  • A picture of a class. It can be painting, graphics, embroidery or photo collage.
  • If you have an unofficial photograph of a teacher, you can make a custom portrait based on it. Or a figurine. If the teacher is aged, then she will certainly be warmly surprised by a drawing depicting her in her youth! An excellent option would be a photo mosaic - a portrait of a teacher, laid out from small photographs of grateful students.
  • A themed wall clock with your school photos. You can order such a miracle in almost every city.
  • A certificate of appreciation or medal for your teacher. Again, this personalized gift is made to order - so you need to find a suitable craftsman long before the celebration in order to avoid incidents.
  • Congratulations video. For a winning effect, it is broadcast in the celebration hall to suitable music using a projector. And the teacher is then given a “flash drive” with this video file. This could be clips of congratulations from each student, a video series of school photos, or even a staged scene.

Did you find out about the teacher's hobbies and preferences? Perfect!

We rely on them - what you can give to your class teacher for graduation:

  • Owners of personal plots will appreciate a certificate to the appropriate store, or seeds/seedlings of plants of rare varieties.
  • The best hobby is school. Does your teacher consider his work the main task of his life? Then he will be delighted with voluminous flash drives, sets of high-quality fountain pens, a leather-covered diary, a desk set, or even a new comfortable teacher’s chair. Don’t forget about his subject - a gift for a history teacher at graduation will be different from a gift for a physicist. Perhaps the teacher needs additional materials, CDs, subscriptions to professional magazines.
  • For a lover of goodies, present a large cake with congratulations, lined with cream or mastic. Why not give a sweet bouquet of sweets, chocolate or a wonderful basket of exotic fruits? This will be your graduation gift to your teacher!
  • If the teacher is a romantic person, then you cannot do without an impressive bouquet of flowers. Nowadays, by the way, it is fashionable to give fresh flowers in cute pots. A song or dance in his honor will definitely bring tears of tenderness to such a teacher - as in the video in this article.
  • For those who like to travel - a trip! The best thing is a certificate to a travel agency - this way the teacher can choose the time and direction of travel that is convenient for himself, and you don’t have to give him a ticket to a local holiday home if the teacher’s soul aspires, for example, to London.

Advice! If 4th graders cannot quite understand the character and preferences of their teacher and parents have to choose a gift based more on tradition and their idea of ​​the teacher, then older students can already conduct serious “reconnaissance” and find out what they need most “second mom” (or “dad”) and choose a gift for your teacher for graduation that will pleasantly surprise him.

Gift to school: memorable, useful, durable

Often, graduates themselves or their parents decide to give their home school something that leaves a good memory of them and is useful for other younger generations. We propose to express this kind gesture this way - take a look at the table where we discussed what a gift to the school from graduates could be.

Tree and shrub seedlings The kindest tradition that exists. Talk to the caretaker about where and what trees are best to plant. Gather together the day before prom and the whole class will start a new shady alley. Don’t forget to visit your charges at first, water them, fertilize them, and cultivate them. Every time you pass by the school, you will now remember your graduation, and maybe someday your children will rush past these plants to class.
Projector with screen A gift to the school at a reunion evening from graduates may well be a modern projector with a screen. A very necessary thing for the class - the teacher can introduce the children to a presentation on the lesson, an educational film. More than once in his work he will remember his beloved graduating class with a kind word for this gift.
Music system School is not only about lessons, but also about student activities. A high-quality music system will not be superfluous in any school - it will make holidays and events richer and more interesting.
Educational media library So that the future generation does not pore over textbooks, but acquires knowledge in step with the times, choose educational licensed discs as a gift. However, in this case, first of all you need to consult with subject teachers.
Renovating your classroom It all depends on your budget - if the graduates are quite adults (9th, 11th grade), then you can completely entrust the repairs to them themselves. As an alternative, a graduation gift to the school could be as follows: order work from a professional team that will do the job “from start to finish” - from purchasing everything necessary for repairs to hanging curtains.
Blackboard Again, the decisive point will be the amount collected for the gift. You can opt for a classic wooden, metal or magnetic board, or you can give the school a modern interactive board - a large touch screen. The last option can be presented from the entire line of graduating classes - so as not to completely empty the wallets of parents.

Computer, laptop, netbook for a teacher or computer science classroom The gift is expensive, but also very useful. Do not forget to attach to it a package of necessary documentation, which should contain instructions with a warranty card.
Books The best gift is, as you know, books. Talk to your school librarian and students about what printed materials your school urgently needs.
Gift for the school museum What should graduates give to the school in this case? Leave a memorable artifact of your class in the school museum - for example, a class album with your photos, so that all generations coming after you can admire the handsome and serious graduates.
Classroom lighting Not all schools are equipped with modern energy-saving lighting, which also emits a comfortable color and non-irritating glow - this may be the most valuable gift for your former classroom.
Sports equipment From basketballs to wall bars, talk to your PE teacher about what equipment your gym needs most.
Decor, flowers It's nice to come to school, where it feels almost like home. Again, contact the caretaker to see if you need additional green spaces in the corridors, artistic or informational posters, paintings, or maybe any decorations specifically for the holidays.

Advice! When choosing a gift, take a look at your school from the outside - as a rule, educational institutions in big cities are already equipped with all modern equipment and are regularly renovated - a more symbolic, memorable gift would be appropriate here. But for a number of rural schools that do not have generous patronage, the best gift would be the purchase of some equipment or renovation of a classroom.

That's our entire selection for today. We hope that it will help you decide what to give your class teacher for graduation, how to make your child, boyfriend or girlfriend happy, and also what kind of good memory to leave about yourself at school. Have a nice journey in life!

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