Day of love and lovers. Kazakh Valentine's Day Kazakh Valentine's Day

Since 2011, Kazakhstan has been celebrating its national Valentine's Day - “Ulttyk hashyktar kunine orai”. As an alternative to the international February holiday, the organizers proposed their own date - April 15, dedicated to Kozy Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu. These are the heroes of the Kazakh epic poem of the 13th-14th centuries, which tells about the tragic, beautiful love and death of a young man and a girl in love.

Although Valentine's Day has taken root everywhere, especially among young people, many continue to be skeptical about it. Therefore, the Kazakhs offered their youth a holiday with national flavor.

In January 2011, the city department of culture for youth policy and the press service of the Almaty akimat approved a plan of events for the year, which included a new holiday. The department also sent letters to the management of schools in the capital of Kazakhstan, in which they recommended postponing the celebration of Valentine's Day to April 15.

And members of the youth wing of the Bolashak movement organized a protest against the celebration of Valentine’s Day. They sent letters to one hundred schools supporting a ban on holding any holiday events in schools on February 14, and also staged a demonstrative destruction of the symbols of this holiday - “Valentines” (cards in the shape of hearts). It is worth noting that the management of most schools turned out to be in solidarity with the education department and the organizers of the action.

The organizers of the holiday claim that the new Valentine's Day is not just a transfer of the event from one date to another. The holiday itself should be different. It is associated with the folk epic and is intended to show the purity and beauty of love. This is the promotion of chastity, images of Kazakhstani women and national heroes. In addition, such a holiday will take place not in winter, but in spring - at the most romantic time of the year.

They try to make National Valentine's Day as eventful as possible in Kazakhstan. There is a competition for young couples who compete in reading love poems, and a dance tournament. Schools hold themed classes, competitions for the best wall newspaper “Happy Valentine’s Day of Kazakhstan!”, and for the best poem of one’s own composition. In addition, on this day the most charming couple is chosen.

A group of students held a unique event on Valentine’s Day. They suggested launching paper lanterns into the night sky of Almaty. More than 3 thousand people responded to this initiative. This event became the largest flash mob in Kazakhstan.

Today is May 12

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Today, April 15, is Valentine's Day in Kazakhstan. On this day, couples in love give their loved ones flowers, sweets, toys, balloons, and declare their love.
Since 2011, Kazakhstan, as an alternative to the international February holiday, has been celebrating its national Valentine’s Day - “Ulttyk hashyktar kunine orai” - dedicated to Kozy Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu. These are the heroes of the lyrical-epic poem of the Kazakh epic of the 13th-14th centuries, recorded in the mid-19th century, which tells about the tragic, beautiful love and death of a young man and a girl in love.

An old legend about the tragic love of Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu says: certain childhood friends Sarybay and Karabay vowed to marry their children, whom they had betrothed before they were born. Without waiting for the birth of his son, Sarybai dies while hunting. The growing Kozy and Bayan, who had not yet seen each other, but were bound by a marriage contract, finally fell in love with each other. Time passes and the treacherous Karabay changes his life plans. He promises to give his daughter to the local paluan Kodar, who once saved his flocks from jute. Kodar becomes a barrier between lovers. In this eternal triangle of love, the wild head of the Goat was the first to fold. The saddened Bayan resorts to cunning to take revenge on the killer. She promises to marry Kodar if he digs a well with spring water for her. Kodar gets to work, going deeper and deeper, holding on to Bayan’s long braids. The girl unexpectedly cuts off her braids: Kodar, left in the well, dies. Thus, Kozy is avenged. At his grave, the heroine of the legend stabs herself with a dagger... The old people say that the burial was sprouted by a marvelous rosehip bush, on which scarlet and white roses once bloomed... The flowers, however, did not please the traveler’s eye for long. They drooped, turned black, and withered... But the beauty and strength of the lovers’ feelings overcame the darkness of death. The names of the horseman Kozy-Korpesh and the beautiful Bayan have been inseparable for many centuries! The light of love left by two hearts inspired akyns, playwrights, ethnographers and historians of all times and many peoples.

The poem was known in oral versions performed by akyns Sybanbai, Bekbau, Zhanak, Shozhe. Of the about 20 variants, the most famous is the Zhanak variant. In the written version, the most common versions were recorded by folklore collectors Sablukov (1831), G. Derbisalin (1834), A. Frolov (1841), Ch. Valikhanov (1856). In Russian, the poem was published by M. Putintsev in 1865, then it was included in the third volume of V. Radlov’s collection “Samples of Folk Literature of Turkic Tribes” in 1870.

By the way, the poem “Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu” interested A.S. Pushkin himself during his visit to Orenburg in order to collect information about the peasant uprising under the leadership of E.I. Pugachev for “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion” and the story “The Captain's Daughter”. Subsequently, a poem was discovered in his archives; its text was published in 1837 in the “Bulletin of the Pushkin Commission”. The entry on five sheets of paper was made by an unknown person. Pushkin's account differs slightly from the generally accepted version. Local historian from Uralsk Nikolai Chesnokov claims that the poem was written down by a Yaik Cossack who spoke the Kazakh language. However, it is most likely that the Kazakh poem was written down for the great Russian poet by people from the Bokeevsky headquarters of the Khan of the Younger Zhuz, who were fluent in Russian. There is an assumption that based on “Koza Korpesh - Bayan Sulu” Pushkin intended to write his own poem, but his early death prevented him.

The poem was highly appreciated by S. A. Castanier, N. A. Abramov and other scientists. The poem was published in prose in Russian by folklorists N. N. Pantusov, R. Sh. Abdurakhmanov, E. Z. Baranov. Its first translation into Russian, which was published in 1928, 1941 and 1949, was carried out by the Russian poet G. N. Tveritin. During the Soviet period, M. O. Auezov published a version of Zhanak, first in 1925 in Moscow, then in 1936 in Alma-Ata. The historical significance of the poem was studied by M. Gabdullin, I. Duisenbaev, A. Konyratbaev. According to their opinion, the specific names of the area and rivers (Ayaguz, Urzhar, Lepsy, Kalba) indicate the real historical conditions of the formation of the epic.

Mazar Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu
In the East Kazakhstan region in the Ayaguz region near the village of Tansyk there is a monument called the grave of Goat and Bayan. One of the most interesting historical monuments, located on the banks of the Ayaguz River, is the Mazar of Kozy-Korpesha and Bayan-Sulu. (X–XI centuries), a symbol of eternal love between a boy and a girl, Kazakh Romeo and Juliet. According to the legend of Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu, Sarybai-Tailakbiy’s younger brother Tobol sent 40 thousand workers to build the mausoleum; equestrian competitions were organized on the banks of the Tobol River. The images of two lovers were carved on the sturdy tombstone. The beauty of Bayan is especially clearly shown. According to the chanting of akyn Zhanak, Aibas with 50 thousand people built a stone dome. According to popular legend, stones were brought from nearby mountains to build the dome. Between the mountain and Ayaguz people were lined up and they passed stones from hand to hand. In 1856, the mausoleum and the sculptures next to it were sketched by Chokan Valikhanov. In 1858, the mausoleum was examined by Nikolai Abramov, in 1898 - by Nikolai Pantusov. In 1952, the monument was explored by an archaeological expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR under the leadership of Alkey Margulan. In 1982, the Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu mazar was included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of the Kazakh SSR of republican significance and taken under state protection.

There are about 20 versions of this poem. In the folklore of some Turkic-speaking peoples, there are other versions of the poem. For example, among the Bashkirs it is called “Kuzy Kurpesh menen Mayan hylu”, among the Baraba Tatars it is called “Kozy Korpesh”, among the Altaians it is called “Kozy Erkesh”.

Based on the poem, the play “Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu” by G. M. Musrepov and the film “Poem of Love” were created in 1954 according to Musrepov’s script. In 1992, the famous Kazakh director and actor Asanali Ashimov made the film “Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu”.

Although Valentine's Day has taken root everywhere, especially among young people, many continue to be skeptical about it. Therefore, the Kazakhs offered their youth a holiday with national flavor. In January 2011, the city department of culture for youth policy and the press service of the Almaty akimat approved an event plan for the year, which included a new holiday. The department also sent letters to the management of schools in the capital of Kazakhstan, in which they recommended postponing the celebration of Valentine's Day to April 15.

And members of the youth wing of the Bolashak movement organized a protest against the celebration of Valentine’s Day. They sent letters to one hundred schools supporting a ban on holding any holiday events in schools on February 14, and also staged a demonstrative destruction of the symbols of this holiday - “Valentines” (cards in the shape of hearts). It is worth noting that the management of most schools turned out to be in solidarity with the education department and the organizers of the action.

The organizers of the holiday claim that the new Valentine's Day is not just a transfer of the event from one date to another. The holiday itself should be different. It is associated with the folk epic and is intended to show the purity and beauty of love. This is the promotion of chastity, images of Kazakhstani women and national heroes. In addition, such a holiday will take place not in winter, but in spring - at the most romantic time of the year. They try to make National Valentine's Day as eventful as possible in Kazakhstan. There is a competition for young couples who compete in reading love poems, and a dance tournament.

Schools hold themed classes, competitions for the best wall newspaper “Happy Valentine’s Day of Kazakhstan!”, and for the best poem of one’s own composition. In addition, on this day the most charming couple is chosen.

A group of students held a unique event on Valentine’s Day. They suggested launching paper lanterns into the night sky of Almaty. More than 3 thousand people responded to this initiative. This event became the largest flash mob in Kazakhstan.

By the way, there is even something to give for this holiday - sweets from the Kostanay candy factory "Bayan Sulu" (I, however, don’t know what they taste like, so I can’t recommend them).

However, not only in Kazakhstan today they celebrate Valentine's Day... in Georgia, for example, it is Love Day. This is a secular holiday that is celebrated in the Republic of Georgia annually on April 15. “Love Day” is not a non-working day unless, depending on the year, it falls on a weekend. The initiative to hold this holiday in Georgia belongs to one of the figures in the national show business, Besik Chubinidze. On the “Day of Love” in Georgia, lovers, traditionally, give each other gifts, bouquets of flowers, sweets, perfumes, give each other all sorts of pleasant surprises and, often, open their feelings to each other or make proposals to start a family. To the delight of flower growers and traders, on April 15, significantly more flowers and souvenirs are sold in Georgia than on ordinary, non-amorous days. In addition to the “Day of Love” dedicated to love as a bright feeling between a man and a woman, Orthodox Christians in Georgia, on the initiative of the Georgian Orthodox Church, celebrate Gergetoba on July 16 - “Day of Spiritual Love”. This ancient Christian holiday was revived by the Georgian Patriarch His Holiness Ilia II.

Since 2011, Kazakhstan has been celebrating its national Valentine's Day - “Ulttyk hashyktar kunine orai”. As an alternative to the international February holiday, the organizers proposed their own date - April 15, dedicated to Kozy Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu. These are the heroes of the Kazakh epic poem of the 13th-14th centuries, which tells about the tragic, beautiful love and death of a young man and a girl in love.

The main theme of the poem is the cruelty of the old custom, which dooms lovers to death.

The outline of events is as follows: there lived two rich ancestors - Sarybai, famous for his generosity, and Karabai, a miser. Having met one day while hunting, they come to an agreement and take an oath to marry their future children if one has a son and the other a daughter. According to the old custom, one of the means of a prosperous peaceful life of childbirth was considered to be good family ties, according to which children were proclaimed bride and groom while still in the womb. Sarybai suddenly dies while hunting; before his death he turns to Karabai:

Will you remember our vow forever, Will you fulfill my farewell covenant? And if you have a daughter, will you give it to me for my son or not?

Karabay says:

For an enemy I am a dried-up irrigation ditch, But for a friend I am a weaving spring! Don’t worry, I won’t break my oath. Why should I defile my tongue with lies?

However, Karabai breaks his oath - “I will not give my daughter away as an orphan, what benefit, what honor” - and migrates far away.

Thus, Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu, named bride and groom at birth, are separated in childhood by the evil will of Bayan’s father. However, they hear a rumor of an engagement. Having heard about each other and everything that happened, they are inflamed with ardent love for each other. But Karabay had already promised to give Bayan to the strongman Kodar, who saved his herds.

Having become an adult, Kozy-Korpesh goes in search of a bride. After a long and dangerous journey, he finds Bayan, but he has to hide, taking on the guise of a shepherd. Their love is sublime and romantic. The evil rival Kodar finds out about this and manages to kill Kozy-Korpesh, who is sleeping in the field. Bayan-Sulu takes revenge for her lover. She asks Kodar to go down into the well for water, holding her braid. Having cut off the scythe, she throws stones at the well.

Having killed the insidious villain Kodar, Bayan-Sulu falls on a dagger at the grave of Kozy-Korpesh and dies. The epilogue says that on the grave of lovers there are two fragrant flowers, and between them there is a thorny plant.

Organizers of the modern holiday claim that the new Valentine's Day to replace the borrowed Valentine's Day is not just a transfer of the event from one date to another. The holiday itself should be different. It is associated with the folk epic and is intended to show the purity and beauty of love. This is the promotion of chastity, images of Kazakhstani women and national heroes. In addition, such a holiday will take place not in winter, but in spring - at the most romantic time of the year. They try to make National Valentine's Day as eventful as possible in Kazakhstan. There is a competition for young couples who compete in reading love poems, and a dance tournament. Schools hold themed classes, competitions for the best wall newspaper “Happy Valentine’s Day of Kazakhstan!”, and for the best poem of one’s own composition. In addition, on this day the most charming couple is chosen. A group of students held a unique event on Valentine’s Day. They suggested launching paper lanterns into the night sky of Almaty. More than 3 thousand people responded to this initiative. This event became the largest flash mob in Kazakhstan.

In modern pop culture, Valentine's Day is considered a great occasion to confess your feelings or propose marriage. What does Valentine's Day look like from a financial point of view? conducted a survey among 5600 respondents from 32 countries(from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North and South America) to find out their attitude towards this holiday. The survey did not take part in those countries in which the celebration of Valentine's Day is not welcomed or is completely prohibited - Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

While in the West, Valentine's Day has long been one of the most commercial holidays of the year, in Kazakhstan the tradition of celebrating February 14 has only just gained popularity.

According to the results of the study, 59% of Kazakhstanis celebrate Valentine's Day. This seems like great news for owners of restaurants, movie theaters, and electronics stores, and it's not surprising. Every fifth resident of Kazakhstan, celebrating Valentine's Day, plans to invite her other half for a romantic dinner, then like every second man prefers to look for gifts among electronic gadgets.

What gifts do Kazakhstanis hope to receive? It turned out that among the most desired gifts, representatives of the fair sex singled out jewelry (31% of respondents), romantic dinner (27%), travel or trip out of town (24%), perfumes (20%) and flowers (18%). As for men, then 30% of respondents They believe that a gift is not as important as the attention itself, and therefore they will not be offended at all if they do not receive anything from their other half. Almost the same number of men surveyed (29%) turned out to be much more practical - for them money would be the best gift.

The worst gifts for Valentine's Day, according to women, are plush and erotic toys - 29% And 18% respectively, as well as valentines (20%). No matter how funny it may sound, for men money has become not only one of the most desired, but at the same time one of the worst gifts for Valentine's Day. This idea is shared 36% of Kazakhstanis surveyed.

As it turned out from the survey, as a rule, it is people who are not in a relationship who are skeptical about Valentine's Day. Nevertheless 44% of residents and 39% of surveyed residents of Kazakhstan, those who have a significant other do not celebrate Valentine's Day. Besides, every second Kazakhstani And every fifth Kazakh woman admitted that they had never received gifts on February 14th.

What is the attitude of the residents of Kazakhstan directly to the holiday itself and its traditions? In this regard, an additional question was asked: should the celebration of Valentine's Day be prohibited? The votes were divided as follows: the majority - and this 81,36% — answered negatively, the remaining 18,64% support the idea of ​​“eliminating” Valentine’s Day in Kazakhstan.

According to experts, people all over the world send over a billion valentines, which is not much less than the number of cards sent during the Christmas and New Year holidays. The beginning of February is one of the most profitable periods for store owners. According to Picodi's internal data on online shopping transactions, last year in the lead-up to Valentine's Day by 37% interest in products from the “jewelry” category has increased, by 38% to cosmetics and perfumery and as much as 45% to products for adults.

The question arises: how much money are lovers willing to spend on a gift for their other half? The results of the study show that on average, Kazakhstanis plan to spend on a gift 16,400 tenge ($50). At the same time, men, as a rule, do not save on their desire to please their significant other and spend as much as 153% more, than women (23,500 tenge and 9,300 tenge respectively).

When it comes to data around the world, Hong Kong residents were the most generous ($185), China ($155) and USA ($147), whereas in the plans of the residents of Hungary ($33), Philippines ($31) and Nigeria ($29) large expenses are not included. Interestingly, in almost every country (except Turkey, Vietnam and Nigeria), it is men who give more expensive gifts to their significant other.

According to the British publication Independent, flowers as a gift do not delight a significant part of women. However, research has shown that across the world, a bouquet of flowers is fifth most popular a gift for Valentine's Day.

Despite the fact that chocolate, perfume or going to the cinema are not the most successful ways to please your soulmate, it is the owners of restaurants, cinemas, as well as chocolate and perfume manufacturers who will benefit the most from this holiday.


Participated in the survey more than 5,600 respondents from Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa, Australia and Oceania. The study took into account results from 32 countries, in which, to one degree or another, there is a tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day. The report also used internal statistics on transactions in online stores with which the company cooperates. The average exchange rate for January 2018 was used for conversion.

ASTANA, April 15 - Sputnik. On Saturday, Kazakhstani lovers will celebrate the Day of Goat-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu for the sixth time. This is the Kazakh equivalent of Valentine's Day.

An alternative holiday to European Valentine's Day appeared in Kazakhstan in 2011. When its own variation of Valentine's Day was proposed, Kazakh society perceived it somewhat ambiguously, as, indeed, any innovation.

However, practice has shown that for our youth it does not matter when and how many times a year to say words of love. She took up the idea of ​​a holiday in the Kazakh style with great pleasure and organized a grandiose flash mob in Almaty in the first year of the celebration.

The legend itself about the great love of two young people Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-sulu has come to our days from the depths of centuries and is filled with tragic events. From mouth to mouth, ancestors passed on this incredible love story of a young man and a girl who were not destined to be together.

It should be noted that in Kazakh literature the poem “Kozy-Korpesh - Bayan-Sulu” is considered one of the most ancient and widespread among the people.

The main essence of the poem lies in the cruelty of the old custom, which dooms lovers to death. The legend says: once upon a time, childhood friends Sarybay and Karabay vowed to marry their children and, even before they were born, they were engaged, according to the prevailing tradition.

“Will you remember our vow forever, will you fulfill my farewell covenant? And if you have a daughter, will you marry my son or not?” Sarybai’s words are quoted in the epic.

But fate turned out differently: Sarybai dies during a hunt, without waiting for the birth of his son, Koza. Already grown up, Kozy-Korpesh and Karabai’s daughter Bayan-sulu fell in love with each other.

But Karabay changes his life plans. He promises to give his daughter to the local warrior Kodar, who once saved his flock from jute. Kodar becomes a barrier between lovers. Kozy is the first to die in the love triangle.

Saddened by the death of her beloved, Bayan resorts to cunning to take revenge on the killer. She promises to marry Kodar if he digs a well with spring water for her. Kodar gets to work, going deeper and deeper, holding on to Bayan’s long braids. The girl suddenly cuts off her braids: Kodar, left in the well, dies. Having killed the insidious villain Kodar, Bayan-Sulu stabs himself with a dagger at the grave of Kozy-Korpesh.

This lyrical poem of the Kazakh people has been of interest to playwrights, ethnographers and historians of many nations for many years. One of the first recordings of the legend in Russian was made for Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and was preserved in his archive.

The grave of Goat Korpesh-Bayan Sulu is located near the village of Tansyk, Ayaguz district, East Kazakhstan region. Mazar is one of the oldest monuments in Kazakhstan that has survived to our time.

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