How to stop being afraid to meet a girl. Getting rid of the fear of dating on your own

Paralyzing fear, coming from somewhere inside and always manifesting itself at the wrong time, breaks the plans created. It would seem that you have found the one you were looking for, here she is standing right in front of you, but uncertainty in words and timidity in the body ruin any chance of achieving female attention.

Fear of meeting a girl is a common disease, characteristic of any age category, and what is most dangerous is that if the main cause of its occurrence is not identified, then there is a very high probability that it will persist for life.

We will analyze the main reasons for the emergence and manifestation of “fear of approach” in order to save you from this illness and give you free communication in any situation!

What is “Fear of Approach?”

"Fear of Approach"– a complex and individual feature that causes fear of communication with the opposite sex. There is only one way to get rid of it once and for all, one, but guaranteed effective method.

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Any fear, not just the fear of girls, is the result of negative experiences in the past. The same experience that brought physical or mental discomfort.

When, showing initiative and courage in anything, you came across “sharp rocks”, an unpleasant imprint remained in your memory, which is then imposed on all subsequent attempts to change the situation.

The reason for its occurrence could be not so much you yourself as the environment, namely: An unpleasant interlocutor who greatly insulted or offended you, a pretty girl who rudely told you off, or a friend who laughed at your idea, which you have since been afraid to implement.

If we strain our memory, then each of us will find in the secluded corners of our consciousness those very “dark” days through the prism of which we perceive the present and even future life.

But how can this be, if everyone has such memories, but the fear of acquaintance, although many, but not everyone? This is an individual matter, depending on willpower, character traits and temperament. You can even strengthen this disease by saying that it is initially inherent in everyone, and overcoming it is your personal duty! But let’s not exaggerate the already dark colors, this is not true, but everything is exactly like that in relation to you!

How so? It's simple! A woman is mysterious and unclear, and the unknown always causes fear, that’s why there is a mystery, so that it can be solved!

Hearing the burning “No” once again means adding plus one memory to the piggy bank that you really want to get rid of. Vicious circle? Before trying to open it, you need to get rid of existing complexes and prevent the emergence of new ones. It's like trying to solve a math problem without going through the topic, and convincing yourself of your stupidity every time you get the wrong answer! It’s funny and naive, but this is exactly how it happens when communicating with girls.

Fear is not a physical phenomenon, but a defense mechanism of the body that makes itself felt every time you strive to conquer the unknown! In our case, the identification of universal mystery is a beautiful girl!

A guy who is ashamed of himself asks the question, how to meet a girl? - instead of asking - What do you need to get rid of the garbage in your head?

How to overcome the fear of dating?

The actual treatment process follows a very simple, but time-consuming formula: To get rid of bad experiences in the past, you need a positive result, at least once, this will be more than enough!

But how can you achieve success in something where you have been plagued by failure for many years? The next time the opportunity presents itself, when the beautiful lady you already have your eye on appears again, you need to “turn off your brain”! It sounds crazy, but now you will understand everything!

When the same or similar situation is repeated, the event or several events that caused your panic complex and fear of opening your mouth, the brain automatically reproduces “unsuccessful takes” in the subconscious. It’s a self-preservation lever that you can’t get rid of, but you have to learn to control. You remember the past, which stops you in the present, again I will hear “No”, again they will not support me, like last time, they will laugh at me again, and so on.

“Turning off the brain” means not thinking about it, just forgetting and forgetting about what once was. Relax, this time everything is new. Another woman, another time and perhaps even a different you, just don’t think about the bad experiences. It sounds easy, of course, but in reality it is not enough.

Until you get it into your head that the new girl is a blank slate, nothing will help. On this sheet you have the opportunity to draw and depict yourself in any way you want, to do and say whatever you want, of course, this is a metaphor, but the essence is clear.

If you don’t stress yourself out too much, don’t think about your own, most often imaginary, complexes, then everything will go exactly as you imagine. For healing, one successful time is enough, and a long list of failures will fade into the background in comparison with the long-awaited success.

A woman can smell complexes, phobias, timidity of words, as well as bodies, from a kilometer away, remember this! To hear “Yes” from the desired lady, you will have to practice on your appearance, manner of speaking and behavior in society.

Fear of girls not only limits your communication, but also reinforces the false idea of ​​personal inferiority. I don’t think it’s worth telling what consequences this might have. No need, they are afraid. You are not going to tame a wild animal that can tear you to shreds. And this is much more dangerous.

As soon as your spiritual world finds the correct and expedient direction, your body will no longer show signs of fear and uncertainty, since there will simply be no fear of women in you.

It all starts with the head, and while there is chaos and confusion in it, there is no point in playing sports in the hope of attracting attention with the body. Even an athletic physique and good looks will not give you confidence, because The reason for the “fear of approach” does not lie in a physical disability, they say, you are too ugly for her, but deep in the subconscious.

  • Think over your line, which you will say after the words of introduction. A well-thought-out beginning of a dialogue gives confidence and a state of peace.
  • Give a mental countdown from 3 seconds. And then just take it and come over. The brain switches itself off after such a sharp shock and no longer burdens you with unnecessary doubts.
  • Have a fight with a friend that you can meet a girl. You will either achieve your goal or lose respect for yourself, which is very unpleasant. You can also make a monetary bet for motivation, so that the desire to retreat from the goal will finally disappear, and victory will also bring money!

Additional techniques: how to tune yourself to the desired wavelength, from a professional pickup artist:

Psychology of communication with girls

To make a conversation with a lady as easy and pleasant as possible, you need to know and understand the peculiarities of their psychology. Learning interesting communication is not difficult, only if you have a goal and desire.

You need to be able to take the right position in any dialogue, namely to be not only a silent listener, but also to complement the girl, clarify and ask relevant questions. This is similar to communicating with a friend, the principle is similar, but has its differences. At a minimum the fact that Unlike a friend who can understand your isolation or silence, a girl is not capable of this. Here you yourself will have to set the tone and vector of development of the dialogue, make it interesting and fun.

Here are some tips that you not only can, but must follow if you want to learn how to attract female attention in communication:

  1. Don't complain. Never dump your problems and difficulties on her; no one cares about them except you. Everyone has personal concerns, and that’s why they are personal, since they require independent solutions, and not public discussion.
  2. Develop your horizons. Be well-read and erudite; the more information you have, the easier it is to win over those around you. First of all, you need to do this for yourself. As soon as your personal growth begins to differ from what it was yesterday, life will sparkle with new colors. Information owns the world, it is the most valuable resource, being a source of knowledge is always useful and profitable.
  3. The conversation must be active. You should sound confident, clear and, most importantly, lively! Nobody wants to listen to mumble, while a good speaker can interest even a boring topic. Having mastered this skill even a little, the attitude and respect towards you will only go uphill!
  4. Know how to not only tell an interesting story, but also listen convincingly. The girl should see your interest in her words, understand that she is interesting.
  5. always pleasant to everyone. Don’t be shy to talk about the beauty of her figure or hairstyle, a well-chosen accessory and the smell of perfume. This way you will also emphasize your attentiveness.
  6. A man must remain a man under any circumstances. It is necessary, if possible, to strengthen your authority with courageous and good deeds, to arouse some admiration for your person.
  7. Learn to surprise. This is a good way to show your non-standard and originality. Nice gifts and interesting tricks are what you need!
  8. Don't run after a woman, show your independence. Why does she need another errand boy? Be as imperturbable as you are, someone who needs to be conquered. Let her know that you are interested in her, but not by courting her, but by not joining her Fan Club!

General topics for conversation with a girl

In fact, you can talk about anything, as much as you want, anywhere! The question is how to achieve this result? In addition to good and close relationships, you need mutual trust and understanding of each other. You can overcome the barrier of permitted topics only by gradually getting closer to your interlocutor, and then the boundaries will be erased.

If during the meeting you couldn’t even put two words together, then, ultimately, you can spend hours discussing absolutely everything that surrounds you. However, you can start your first live dialogue with the topics given below. They will help you open up emotionally, express your thoughts and establish regular communication.


  • Cloth. Ask what famous brands she likes, what clothes she prefers and, of course, compliment her taste.
  • Almost everyone has pets. A short story about your pet, be it a cat or a fish and why exactly them?
  • If your relationship is close enough, you can bring up the topic of sex. Discuss familiar couples, are they really suitable for each other?
  • Religion. One of the topics that you can talk about forever and still not move. You will learn well about the views, philosophy and method of life of the interlocutor, in addition, it is very easy to switch to ghosts, spirits and other supernatural phenomena.
  • Movie. Talking about films is perhaps one of my favorite topics when dating. We ask what genres she likes, express our opinion and say what we like, explain why, and then invite her to go to the cinema. The topic is very broad, you can touch on the actors and argue in the same way which of them are the most significant.

In addition, when talking about your favorite movie, your words will automatically be supported by feelings and emotions, you will enthusiastically tell what you think about this or that. An interesting and ideal topic, especially recommended by me personally!

  • Favorite books. Unlike films, if you express yourself harshly and carelessly, you can offend a girl. Since a negative review of a book is taken personally, as if speaking about bad taste. Of course, these are small things and the topic is certainly excellent. What can characterize a person better than unread books?
  • Hobbies. Simple and obvious. Conversation about who does what, likes and why. We ask about plans for the future and get even more interesting things.
  • Food. The most delicious, exotic dishes you've ever eaten. What is included in your daily diet? You can also invite you to a cafe or restaurant to try something delicious!
  • Favorite holidays and preferred gifts. Surely you will find out her birthday, ask what she wanted, what would be given to her. Favorite time of year, month and why exactly it!

Fear of girls is, first of all, a complex that needs to be gotten rid of immediately! Detailed instructions in the video:

A relationship expert teaches you how to overcome your fears. A must watch!!!

When it comes to meeting a girl, many guys become shy, especially if they have never done it before. Many articles write that you need to believe in yourself, become confident, become a playboy-macho-alpha male in your brain. But it’s clear that all this doesn’t work.

For those guys who are reading this article for the first time, just understand: THIS IS NORMAL! That's how it should be! A person is always afraid of something new. No matter how simple everything looks from the outside (and in fact, dating is a simple matter), the main thing is that you are doing it for the first time and you should be scared. If you are not scared, then somehow all this is strange, you are probably a super person; close the article - there will be nothing further useful for you in it. For everyone else, I will describe ten ways to decide to come up and meet.

But somehow I don’t want to write these methods right away. I would like to tell you about my first acquaintance; this usually motivates people and gives them a boost of self-confidence. So, I'm on the subway after work. An ordinary day, an ordinary mood, and, as usual, a huge number of beautiful girls come and go from one stop to another, as if they specifically want to make you want to meet one of them. And, as you may have guessed, they succeeded. When, at the next stop, a very beautiful girl came in and sat down almost opposite me, with a relatively slight shift to the left, I decided that I needed to meet someone! Of course, I decided that I would approach her. I don’t want, as is customary among pick-up artists, to rate a girl on a 10-point scale... Just imagine: a very, very beautiful girl, who is an order of magnitude more beautiful than all the girls you usually meet on the subway. And this is where the fun begins. A very subtle and difficult struggle that ordinary metro passengers sitting next to you, even if they try, will not see. For this struggle takes place in your brain, full of various doubts, indecision, complexes, etc.

I began to intensively remember: how to make an acquaintance approximately correctly. Yeah! I remembered. It is necessary to make initial eye contact. So let's try. He started looking sideways at her. Now I understand that I behaved insecurely, because... you need to look as if you want her to look at you, and not as if you are afraid that she will catch you doing what you think is such a delicate activity. But it normal! Because I was incredibly afraid. This was my first approach. This is how it should be for you too. But let's get back to my story. After some time (as it seemed to me, after a huge period of time, in fact, after a minute at most), she, as one would expect, caught my shooting glances and answered me with her insanely beautiful, stunning, exciting look. So, so, I thought, what’s next point by point? Yeah, there you go. After some time, you need to repeat eye contact, then you can definitely approach: that means she’s definitely interested in you. Again I cast my uncertain glance in her direction, and, lo and behold, she also looked at me. Hurray, I thought. It is worth saying that when our gazes met, my heart began to beat so hard in my chest that if it were rush hour in the subway and everyone was standing pressed against each other, then my vibrations from the pounding of my heart would certainly be noticed by all people within a radius of one person. But it was a very pleasant heartbeat, very pleasant...

This is how my metro station approached unnoticed. How lucky I was that she came out with me! Otherwise, I think, I would have missed her again and just gotten off at my stop. But apparently I was lucky. And finally, I came to the most exciting and decisive moment. I slowly close the distance between us. The heart beats treacherously hard. Now she is almost in front of me, we are separated by a distance of one elbow. She realized that I had approached her, was looking at me, I opened my mouth and began to say what is probably the most ancient pattern of beginning pick-up artists: “Sorry, I was asked to say hello to you.” She looked at me with a surprised look and asked: “From whom?” I, as the template requires, take a short pause and answer in a slightly more romantic voice: “From my heart.” Here one second passes, which seemed like an eternity to me, during which she comprehends the answer, and this second is followed by her laughter: sincere, beautiful, incredibly attractive. “Fuuuh,” flashed through my head. Happened. The effect has been achieved. Further, as the conversation progressed, it became clear that she was an actress and assistant director for casting. This answered my question: “Why is she so beautiful and why does she have such a snow-white, even smile.” In general, I think that my first approach was a great success. After him, it was much easier to meet girls who were less beautiful than her and of lower status, or I didn’t want to at all... And my first acquaintance constantly pleases me with her charming VKontakte avatar.

Now I want to give you ten ways to overcome this most difficult step in dating: come up and say “hi”! I am sure that if you learn and put into practice all ten methods at once, then fear will disappear, and a smile of self-confidence will appear on your lips. Let's start point by point.

Make a firm promise to yourself that you will come right now

This is probably the most powerful remedy for approach fear. You made a promise to yourself! If you don't come up now, then it turns out that you deceived yourself. Think about it. If you make a promise to your friends and don't keep it, then shame on you. You are ashamed in front of your friends. But not in front of you? Do you disrespect yourself to that extent? If you are going for an interview with a large company, you must remember the answer to the question: “Who is the most important person?” Your future boss? Director? No! In any situation, the most important person is YOU! I am sure that if a boss or director gives you a task that you have not done before, then you are a little scared, but, as they say: the eyes are afraid, but the hands do the work. The same should be true in our case. When you realize the importance of a promise to yourself, you will realize that you will be very disgusted with breaking it and deceiving yourself. It's better to be rejected than to deceive yourself! Train yourself to have this sense of self-responsibility.

Burn the bridges to retreat

One day one of the generals burned all the ships of his army before the decisive battle with the enemy. He said: “Either we win this battle now, or we all die.” As you can guess, they actually won the battle. was very strong. It is known from psychology that the fear of death is the most powerful fear of a person. It makes the instinct of self-preservation awaken and a person does things that in a normal state he would not have thought that he was capable of doing such things. This feature of the psyche will help us a lot when we first meet. Imagine in your mind that after you promised yourself to come up, a huge fiery wall grew behind you, a deep fiery ditch appeared, and besides, they are slowly but surely approaching you, forcing you to go forward as quickly as possible. To make the wall disappear, you need to say a simple word to the creature nearby, which is beautiful, but at the same time scares you. This word is “Hello”

Three Second Rule

A very commonly used rule. I can't pass it up because it's very, very effective. The point is that you mentally promise to come up, then mentally reprimand “three, two, one - go” and go and do it. After the word “went,” the brain should turn off and not turn on until you reach your goal, namely the word “hello.” A very simple rule. Suitable by the way in many life situations. In combination with the above methods, it is amplified many times over.

Talk to Tom Cruise

I came up with this rule myself. The fact is that I really like the famous Hollywood actor Tom Cruise. His style, the way he behaves in public, speaks, his behavior, manners, facial expressions, gestures, etc. And when I want to approach a girl, an inner voice begins to dissuade me. But what if this inner voice speaks in the voice of Tom Cruise? He will say: " No, you won't succeed, you're not as handsome as me. I would have approached two minutes ago, but you are a weakling- and at the same time laughs with his years-honed smile. I always feel funny and start approaching. And Tom Cruise is dissuading me more and more, saying: “ Stop! She is mine! Do not do it, Please!" And in the end I come to spite Tom Cruise. But not entirely out of spite... Enrique Iglesias also encouraged me and said that he believed in me. In general, this is a very strong way to motivate yourself and overcome subconscious fear. One of the main pleasant effects is that a smile appears on its own while you imagine all these dialogues. And the girl thinks that you are smiling at her. Well, let him think so. Our tasks are much more interesting and deep. So see, if you have an idol or a person you like, try to talk to him in your mind.

Mental image

Speaking of fear of approach, we are mainly afraid of what others will think? And the answer to this question is simple: imagine yourself to those around you. Imagine that you have inhabited the body of another person who is sitting or standing next to you. You look at yourself from the outside. And so you get up from your seat, take a couple of steps, start talking to the girl, you smile and everything seems fine. “Oh, what a great guy,” you’ll think with the brain of the person you’ve possessed. “But I didn’t approach her, even though I was glaring at her like the last maniac killer...” Now rewind time, return to your body and forward!

Fool yourself

Promise yourself that you will fit in. Use the above methods and then chicken out and break your promise! How bad you will feel. You will want to fix everything, but it’s too late - she’s gone. Then, at the peak of self-hatred and deep confidence that this will never happen again, approach the next girl you like. It worked flawlessly for me.

Argument with friends

If you still cannot respect yourself more than others, then make a promise to your friends that you will meet a girl right before their eyes. Then, I think, you will either have to embarrass yourself in front of them, or come up and meet them. A very strong product for beginners. But then try to shift the focus of respect to yourself, and not to your friends.

Plan b

Are you afraid that she will refuse you? No problem. Just figure out what you will do if she says no. I advise you to simply say that it seems that today is not her day, since she clearly does not see what she is losing. And then just leave. Nothing special. A person cannot be liked by everyone. This is fine. There wouldn't be so many genres of movies and sports if everyone liked the same thing.

First phrase

Just figure out in advance what you will say to her after the word “hello.” This gives you confidence that you have everything under control. You can use the template from my first meeting. But I advise you to improvise. But the most effective, simply destructive in its power, phrase is: “Hello, my name is Vasya.” Of course, if your name is Vasya. After it, you don’t feel like racking your brain. Why reinvent the wheel if you can’t find anything better and simpler than this phrase. It shows what girls value most in guys - your self-confidence.

Any experience, even if it is negative, is experience

Understand the important point, gentlemen - people learn from their mistakes. It has always been like this and will always be like this. We learned to walk by falling. Write while making mistakes. Not a single invention in the world appeared immediately. In the beginning people were wrong. Only at school for some reason we were made to feel ashamed of our mistakes. They gave bad marks, scolded me, etc. Unfortunately, since then we have treated mistakes differently. But once you realize the importance of negative experiences, you will simply be inspired and want to have them again and again until something good comes out of it. Remember, Edison made thousands of unsuccessful attempts before inventing lamps! Just imagine. Thousands.

So, it's worth summing up. Before approaching a girl, scroll through the ten points above in your head and you will be surprised that you ever had doubts. Good luck in life and be confident in yourself!

As paradoxical as it may sound, many men experience great excitement and even fear when they meet the girl they like. Why is this happening? In most cases, the problem lies on the surface - lack of self-confidence caused by a number of previously acquired complexes. That is why it is important to understand yourself and neutralize the cause that causes unpleasant sensations.

In addition to uncertainty, indecision that arises inappropriately can spoil the pleasant impression of meeting a beautiful stranger. Never doubt the actions you take, and don’t think for a long time about whether or not you should approach a pretty girl. Be sure to do this and try to come back with a phone number - let this be your first triumph.

Doubts will never make a real man look good; they will only reduce the likelihood of success, since women are hypersensitive to such things. The fair sex adores strong, self-confident and assertive knights who are capable of reliably protecting the chosen lady of their heart and fighting for her favor. Therefore, try to remove any signs of doubt from your face, hide away complexes that no one needs, arm yourself with a smile, a bold look, and easily begin a new pleasant acquaintance.

When working on yourself, it is important to remember that the fear of communication cannot be overcome in a couple of minutes. The first few times you will have to brazenly step over it in order to reach your intended goal. In the future, this should develop into a habit, which will subsequently bring sheer pleasure.

During periods of difficult experiments, failures will occur, which should not unsettle you and force you to give up. Perhaps the girl passing by is in a hurry or is in a bad mood. In any case, you should not take rejection too seriously. Take what is happening with humor, use a philosophical approach and be sure to continue what you started.

If you still don’t know how to overcome your fear of a girl, try auto-training. Convince yourself that you are no worse than those men who are already successful with attractive representatives of the fair sex. Realize your own uniqueness and accept yourself for who you really are. After 10–15 such sessions, there will be practically nothing left of indecision, and the world will receive another confident man, which modern young ladies so lack.

Try to be alone less often and do not isolate yourself - it is better to walk in the fresh air. And for the good of your business - smile at eye-catching beauties, don’t be afraid to say hello to them. Start the conversation with some simple question, try to do it with self-esteem, don’t back down, and you will definitely gradually get closer to your cherished goal. And our unique and at the same time simple instructions given below will help you improve your practical skills during the dating process.

How to get rid of fear of a girl?

To begin with, try just walking down the street - it’s not scary at all and it’s hard to disagree with it. Listen to your own feelings, there should be lightness, peace and a feeling of freedom in your soul. If you're in the right mood, try approaching the girl you like and asking what time it is. The main thing at this moment is to cope with anxiety. It is necessary to make new attempts until you feel absolutely calm in such a situation.

When the desired effect is achieved, try to complicate the task a little. After the girl answers you, try to say some simple compliment. Tell her that these glasses suit her very well or something like that.

With a little practice in politeness and simple compliments, you can make the training a little more difficult. Now, instead of the tired “what time is it”, try asking how to get to some part of the city, while it is advisable to pretend that you are a visitor. During the conversation, try to ask several counter questions. The goal of such manipulations is to stop being afraid of the process of communicating with attractive girls. Continue to hone your skills until the desired effect is achieved.

If you have already learned to deal with natural embarrassment, feel free to take decisive action. Now the main goal is not just to start talking, but to really get to know the beauty you like. The ideal option would be to try to communicate with two girls sitting on a bench.

Ask permission to sit down and try to start a conversation. You can be interested in anything, from your favorite music to your intended place of study or work. Communication for 10-15 minutes is considered an excellent result. After all fears and embarrassment are no longer an obstacle, make new acquaintances as often as possible, thanks to this, the awkwardness in front of pretty girls will disappear forever.

If, after reading this material, you want to know how to overcome any of your fears on your own, you can read an interesting article on this topic without leaving this site.

With girl . Although it is customary to call men the stronger sex and a priori ascribe to them decisiveness in relationships, for many of them meeting a woman turns out to be psychologically extremely difficult. And the reason for this phenomenon lies to a large extent in the male way of thinking.

Society puts it in the heads of men from a very young age. A representative of any gender can fail, but for some reason failure for a man is considered a much greater shame. And this psychological attitude is so deeply rooted in the mind that a man is ashamed of his own failures and even fears the risk of failure.

And as a result, only the fear of being rejected turns into an insurmountable obstacle to getting closer to a pretty person. Moreover, the more attractive the beauty is in the eyes of the gentleman, the stronger the fear of being rejected turns out to be.

But to deal with any problem, you should know it as best as possible. What is this emotion that so greatly interferes with the establishment of social and personal life? Let's define what fear is, determine the meaning of this concept and the reasons that can cause such a feeling.

Let us divide the types of fear according to the reasons by which they can be caused: subjective, directly related to the personality of the person who is experiencing emotions, and objective, depending much more on external circumstances than on the individual.

Objective ones have an easily noticeable cause: criminal situations, natural or man-made disasters, other difficult or insurmountable events.

Subjective ones are based on personal experience or information received from various sources, processed by the consciousness not always logically and reasonably. Subjective, often without a real basis, is cowardice in the presence of a romantically attractive girl. A strange contradiction arises: if a woman is not interested in a man in terms of love, he calmly approaches her with a conversation, but approaching the object of sympathy turns out to be prohibitively difficult.

In such cases, there is a useful technique available to any adult: imagine the worst that will happen in case of failure. What can happen? The beauty will refuse you in a harsh manner, showing only flaws in character or upbringing, but without causing you any real damage. And possible damage to self-esteem can be easily overcome with the help of a specialist.

How can a man overcome fear and resistance when dating?

Each of us is a unique, perfect individual personality, the manifestation of which forms our communication with people and our reputation in their eyes. Psychological complexes that develop in almost every person throughout life interfere with the manifestations of individuality, distort or suppress them. Negative experiences, low self-esteem and, as a result, self-doubt become the basis for the development of fear.

Important point

It is much easier to communicate with people you already know. You know what to expect from them, you can count on understanding and even moral support from loved ones. But how to overcome cowardice and tightness?

It is easier for us to communicate with loved ones, because... we know that they will treat us with understanding and support. However, when it comes to strangers, our confidence disappears, and getting closer to a beautiful lady will already require certain moral efforts. And worrying about what strangers around you might think would be especially undesirable. Therefore, you should start having romantic meetings in uncrowded places where you will not be a constant object of outside attention.

How can a young man overcome the crippling fear of meeting people?

  • Start your fight with proven theoretical knowledge with the help of an experienced specialist in the field.
  • The next and especially significant step is the practical application of acquired knowledge and the active acquisition of new skills. The more often you try to approach, the less it will bother you. But the results achieved are also important - at the practical stage, one should regularly analyze the attempts that have taken place, marking successful moments for further use, and unsuccessful ones for elimination. The accumulating base will allow you to create new models of behavior that are effective for you.
  • Don’t devote your free time just to looking for ways to overcome the feeling of being intimidated by girls! Relieve stress in useful simple ways: sports, music.
  • If the listed methods are not enough, hypnosis will be effective, or rather hypnotic relief of mental stress, getting rid of negativity, and opening your perception to something new and positive.

  • The most important criterion will be your psychological attitude. Positive thoughts will move you towards achieving your goal, negative thoughts can harm you.
  • Strive for the top! Try to establish contact with a truly impressive and beautiful woman. If the communication is successful, it will deservedly increase self-esteem; if unsuccessful, girls of modest appearance will no longer seem unattainable.
  • Try your hand at talking with unfamiliar people - this will become an intermediate step in the question of how you can overcome the stupor when approaching.
  • A modest but useful psychological technique: just try to communicate with unfamiliar girls without romantic goals, just to hone your skills.

Gynophobia is a very interesting disease, the main symptom of which is a panicky fear of women. This condition is also called gynecophobia. This fear usually occurs in men, but can sometimes occur in women. Men who are afraid of girls feel fear inside their souls and understand that all this is wrong. But they cannot change the situation in any way.

When a man meets a girl, he begins to behave inappropriately: he is afraid to approach the girl he likes. Creating harmonious and trusting relationships is simply impossible. Sometimes such fear is confused with hatred of the female sex, however, the nature of these states is somewhat different. Although it is worth noting that sometimes a phobia can develop into hatred of girls. Why are men afraid of beautiful girls and how to stop being afraid of girls?

Gynophobia is a serious disease that you are unlikely to be able to cope with on your own.

In addition to gynophobia, there are also other phobias. These include fears such as:

  • Gravidophobia is a panic fear of pregnant women. Both men and women are susceptible to this condition. It occurs as a result of the death of a loved one, a difficult relationship with a mother, or the birth of a stillborn child. In childless men, this disease can be severe. When they see a pregnant woman, they experience extreme fear, begin to panic, and sometimes even feel disgust. If a girl is pregnant, then she may experience panic fear of childbirth;
  • Venustraphobia is the fear of beautiful women. The basis for the appearance of this condition is negative moments from the past. For example, in adolescence a man was humiliated by a beautiful girl. Sick people begin to develop various complexes. Hence the fact that they do not consider themselves worthy of such women. Venustraphobia can be corrected, but this requires consultation with a psychologist;
  • Parthenophobia is a panicky fear of virgins. Due to the fact that parthenophobia is a psychological and not a physical disease, treatment should be psychological, but not medicinal. This is due to the fact that there will be no benefit from taking medications. Hypnosis is used for treatment. Parthenophobia can be treated, but for this you need to see a good doctor.


On the Internet, on various forums, you can often come across various statements, for example, “I’m afraid to meet girls. What to do?" - the answer is quite simple. In order to answer this question, you must first learn about the reasons why this condition may occur. So why are guys afraid to meet girls?

As a rule, a man’s fear of a woman comes from distant childhood. For example, if the family had a strict upbringing.

The emotional state of a child is quite easy to control, which is why manic responsibility towards one’s little son can partially or completely suppress his will. In addition, the development of gynophobia can occur in single-parent families where there was no father. In families where the child is raised only by the mother, the formation of a man is also negatively affected, and also complicates the relationship between the sexes.

As children, they are more likely to be friends with girls and are afraid of losing contact with them. Such guys are most susceptible to any mental disorders.

Tense relationships, failures in bed - all this gives rise to the fear of a repetition of this event.

In addition to this, there are also other social factors that cause the appearance of this condition:

  • Watching pornographic films at a very young age;
  • Incorrect understanding of the role of sex in family life;
  • Violence in family.

Often, gynophobia in men begins to manifest itself towards a girl after she becomes pregnant. Lack of sex, unusual behavior of a woman, misunderstanding of the nature of pregnancy - all this forces a man to reconsider his attitude towards a pregnant woman. However, you should understand that pregnancy is not a death sentence and you can live a full life.

Other reasons

Why might a guy be afraid of ladies? How to stop being afraid of girls? In answering these questions, I would like to mention the symptoms that appear in a sick person. Very often these are soft-bodied people who, due to their character, cannot defend their opinion or stand to the end. Such fears of women force many men to live with their mother for quite a long period of time.

A man's fear of women can pose a danger to everyone around him. This is due to the fact that a person experiences uncontrollable attacks of aggression and cruelty.

Based on the severity of gynophobia, this condition can appear for a number of reasons:

  • Fear of women. Whenever he tries to speak, the man begins to panic. Such fears are felt especially vividly if men are trying to get acquainted. “I’m afraid to go up and ask a girl out for a walk, why?” What's stopping him? The reason lies in self-doubt.
  • Why are guys afraid of beautiful girls? They experience an obsessive feeling of defenselessness. When the guys meet, they praise her greatly in their heads. This all makes them refuse to communicate with girls. Women next to such men feel unnecessary, without attention, and they, in turn, unconsciously begin to be rude. Men with this phobia try not to look their partner in the eyes.

If you are terrified of talking to girls, asking them out on a date, or writing to a girl on VKontakte, then we are most likely talking about a phobia such as panic fear of women.


This disease can be identified if symptoms appear. This includes:

  • If you experience sweating on your body, especially your hands;
  • If there is nausea, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting;
  • If there is a rapid heartbeat;
  • If urinary incontinence occurs;
  • If sexual intercourse ends quickly;
  • If a person experiences shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

The severity of gynophobia directly depends on the stage, as well as the symptoms in which this disease occurs. A severe form of this phobia can cause a man to completely reject a woman. In addition, this fear can lead to a person starting to drink alcohol or drugs, or persuade a man to become gay. Sometimes, in the presence of serious disorders, this fear can turn into a syndrome that is manic in nature, which ultimately leads to the guy becoming a maniac.

The most common phobias

Consider the list of the most common fears:

  • "I'm afraid to approach a girl." If you are experiencing panic fear of meeting a girl, then you can overcome it by communicating with her on VKontakte or on any other social networks. Write to her about your sympathy. When you are ready for face-to-face communication, you can send her an invitation for a walk, where you can start talking to the girl.
  • “I’m terrified that the girl will refuse me.” Under no circumstances should you be afraid. Believe me, girls are also people who are also afraid of being rejected. If the fear is very high, then you can find out about her sympathy for you from the same social networks; for this you just need to write to the girl. If you take this step correctly, then success awaits you.
  • “How to ask a girl to meet” If you have been corresponding for a long time and are already communicating in person, then you can ask her to meet. To do this, invite the lady for a walk or to a restaurant, where you propose to her in an intimate setting. If she agrees, then you can safely kiss the girl.
  • “I’m afraid of girls because I worry about what others will think of me.” Today, each person is immersed in his own problems. That's why they don't care about you at all.


How to make a guy stop feeling panicky fear of the female half of humanity? It will take a certain amount of time to not be afraid to talk to a girl. To eliminate this problem, drug treatment with psychotropic drugs may be necessary. However, the most effective method of therapy is psychotherapy, carried out using special procedures, namely:

  • If the reason for the panic does not lie on the surface, and the guy does not know not only how to ask a girl to meet, but how to even get to know her, then treatment begins with hypnosis. The effectiveness of this method is due to the fact that women or men are immersed in a trance state and begin to remember all the vital moments in life that could have caused this fear. During such a procedure, the brain acts as a shield for the psyche, so you should under no circumstances be afraid that the doctor will have a negative impact. The action of such a session is usually aimed at correcting old memories.
  • “I liked the guy. What should I do?" Group classes will help him. A whole group of people who suffer from these or other mental disorders.
  • Patients do not feel alone in their problem. During these sessions, depression is suppressed, anxiety goes away, and the psyche calms down.
  • “Why does the guy have these fears?” It is also worth paying attention to cognitive psychology. Why is this necessary? This is necessary in order to further correct human behavior. As a result of such actions, the guy ceases to be afraid not only of talking to the girl, but also of kissing her.

Gynophobia has been very well studied by many specialists and it refers to psychological diseases. Due to the fact that not all patients associate this fear with a phobia, turning to specialists occurs in the later stages, when the situation has already started. “How to make a teenager stop being afraid of girls who are shy or inexperienced.” The answer lies on the surface. First of all, you should consult a doctor. Only he can adequately help you. The same applies to men who have strained relationships with women in adulthood.

The doctor can not only explain the cause of this disorder, but also prescribe the correct treatment that will be beneficial. It is better to start getting acquainted with this condition immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. You need to understand that fear of girls is by no means a death sentence.

Among all phobias, fear of women is the most common. And its treatment must begin at the initial stages of development, but not when the situation has already started.

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