How to make lips fuller at home. How to enlarge lips at home

The phrase “size matters” is no longer only applicable to men. Today, women with curvy figures are becoming fashionable again, especially if they additionally have seductive and plump lips. It is noteworthy that such an appearance feature has long been considered a sign of fertility, and its owner was much more willing to be married.

The genetic memory of men has recorded this fact, and therefore today the images of Jolie, Pamela Anderson and Megan Fox continue to excite the minds and fantasies of representatives of the stronger half of humanity. In pursuit of an ideal appearance, and big lips in particular, women have tried everything, even the most incredible and disgusting methods.

For example, Egyptian women smeared their mouths with snake venom and olive oil, while ladies from the Middle Ages even practiced a kind of tattoo.

The modern woman is interested in more relevant and fast-acting ways to quickly make her lips bigger in the salon or at home. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Magnifying masks

The question of how to make lips bigger without surgery can be solved using the following natural recipes:

  • At night, apply a mixture of honey, rose oil and shea ether to your lips. All ingredients are taken in
    equal proportions, approximately a teaspoon each;
  • Half a spoon of cosmetic Vaseline is mixed with a few drops of any essential oil that has a warming effect. Add 1/3 tsp to the mass. cayenne pepper and 8 tablets of nicotinic acid, crushed into powder. The substance is quickly distributed over the lips, and is washed off in exactly a minute. This time is enough to make your lips plumper for several hours;
  • You can also add volume to your lips using peppermint ether, which is simply distributed over the delicate skin and remains on it for no longer than a minute.

Another option for how to quickly make your lips bigger is to alternately apply pieces of ice and tampons soaked in hot water to them. The temperature contrast will quickly give your smile a seductive and exciting swelling.

How often is it acceptable to do such procedures at home?

Due to the absolute naturalness of all ingredients, masks can be used for any occasion, the main thing is to take into account the minimum contraindications:

  • scratches and cuts;
  • herpes;
  • allergy.

Ideally, lips should be “enlarged” no more than three times a week, remembering to do this before a special or important event.

Cosmetic techniques

If you don’t have time to study massage techniques or prepare homemade masks, you can learn makeup lessons that can easily solve the problem of how to make your lips a little bigger using everyday or holiday makeup. In the battle for sexuality and seductiveness, gloss, lipstick and a pencil will help you, the tone of which should match the rest of the products as much as possible. Remember that using a darker pencil will make you look vulgar, and using too light will ruin all your efforts.

A step-by-step guide on how to properly make your lips look bigger using lipstick and pencil is as follows:

  • The outlines of the upper lip are outlined with a white pencil;
  • A liquid foundation is applied to the same place, the tone of which should match the skin of the face as a whole;
  • Then liquid or cream lipstick is distributed over the lips.

Please note that for makeup you need to choose light glosses and lipsticks with a gloss or satin effect. Be sure to use primers and products with an optical zoom effect.

Special gymnastics

Another option for making your lips visually noticeably larger is to perform the following exercises daily:

  • Whistling. Whistle your favorite tune for five minutes in a row;
  • Showing tongue. What was punished in childhood now helps you achieve a fashionable and sexy smile. Extend the tip of your tongue as far as possible, hold it in this position for 10 seconds, and repeat the exercise 10 times in a row;
  • "Dandelion" . Keep your lips relaxed and at the same time blow on an imaginary dandelion, and this should be done with some effort. It is also possible to do the opposite and retract your lips, holding them in this position for at least 20 seconds. After a short break, the exercise is repeated, and it must be done at least 5 times;
  • "Gold fish" . To add volume to your lips, you should first fold them into a tight tube and then sharply stretch them into a wide smile;
  • Howl. For five minutes in a row you need to “howl” “woooo” and “awww”. Try to do this in the slowest possible mode, “howling” each individual sound well;
  • Close your lips tightly, and then begin to make circular movements with them, first against the clock, then along the clock;
  • To quickly make your lips bigger, start biting them, which will cause increased blood circulation in them.

Surgical intervention

An extreme way to visually correct the contour of the lips and their volume is plastic surgery. Its disadvantages include a fairly high cost, the risk of complications, a long rehabilitation period and a high probability of ending up with an inexperienced surgeon.

Which look very impressive, sexy, desirable. This is one of the reasons why many people wonder how to make lips bigger at home. A wide variety of methods are used, ranging from folk remedies to the secrets that girls know who use special tools to create makeup. Let's consider the most well-known solutions to this problem.

Fundamental work on the problem

If you want to permanently modify your hair, then operations and injections are popular. As for operations, this is a rather expensive procedure, which not every girl and woman agrees to. There are several methods for transforming your appearance:

  1. . It involves the use of fillers, which help fill the missing volume in the lips. Materials are used, the basis for the creation of which is.
  2. Lip augmentation with thread. An ideal choice if you take a radical approach to solving the problem. The volume is obtained thanks to a special fibrous “framework” that forms around the lips.
  3. Plastic surgery. It is possible to change the contour of the lips as well as their position. Such an operation will not add volume if implants are not used.

Of the above options for influencing your appearance, the most effective is the use of hyaluronic acid. There are many options for carrying out such a procedure, since there are a considerable number of products used in the form of injections. Whether to agree to such an operation must be decided by women on their own, because there are a considerable number of disadvantages of performing it.

There is another way - lip lipofilling. To apply to the lips, it is not the drug that is used, but the adipose tissue of the patient’s body, obtained from the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. The biggest advantage of carrying out such work is that an allergic reaction and rejection of the material are excluded. The results of the procedure are preserved for a period of 3 years, which is also a good indicator. There are other ways to enhance lips, but below we will look at how to transform yourself with minimal expense at home.

How to make plump lips yourself

  1. Using a special device. Outwardly, it looks like a vacuum, which allows you to remove air from the mold and increase the volume of your lips by up to 50%. The time spent on the procedure takes at least 1 minute. The effect lasts for several hours. This method is absolutely safe for both the mucous membrane and the skin and blood vessels. It does not cause any side effects. Many companies produce such devices; they differ from each other only in the variation of the type of lips. The only thing you need to remember is that everything needs the norm, so it is not advisable to overdo it when using such a suction cup, otherwise the effect will be really terrible.
  2. You can use a variety of creams. Their main task is to increase blood flow to the treated area of ​​skin. Such substances use ginger, cinnamon, mint, and red pepper. Vitamin E or special oil can be added to the product to moisturize. In fact, the required volume arises as a result of the skin's reaction to irritants, due to which slight redness of the lips and their increase in volume are possible.
  3. Use of special drugs. This refers to balms and creams created with. The substances are quite easily absorbed into the subcutaneous layer and absorb water molecules. The result is smoothing out wrinkles, creating lush and beautiful lips. While performing such work, you may feel a slight burning sensation and slight swelling, but there is nothing wrong with that. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are completely safe.
  4. A simple but useful and effective method is massage. It is advisable to use a regular toothbrush that has soft bristles. This treatment of the skin on the lips will help get additional blood flow and guarantee lip volume. Additionally, the bristles will remove dead skin cells and improve metabolism. By doing this massage several times a day, you can get the desired effect.

We use folk remedies

This is also one of the affordable and effective options for increasing lip volume. Using traditional methods of enlargement will help you get what you want without spending large sums of money. Let's look at how to make your lips bigger using the simplest means.

  1. Icy. You can use ice cubes to massage your lips. After this, you need to apply a napkin soaked in hot water to them. By alternating these actions, you will notice how the volume increases noticeably.
  2. Using a clay mask. Mix white sugar, clay, freshly squeezed lemon juice, Vaseline, and honey. The proportions used are equal. The result should be a mass of 50 grams. 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin are also added here, the mass is mixed until smooth and placed in a water bath for two minutes. Apply the product to the lips for 15 minutes, then rinse off. Due to this, they will become softer, more voluminous and beautiful. (when is the clay itself added?)
  3. Using hot pepper. Not the most painless, convenient and harmless method, but effective. You need to use a pepper pod - grind it together with the grains, leave it in 200 ml of hot water. After the liquid has cooled, you need to moisten a napkin in it and apply it tightly to your lips. The volume will appear almost immediately; in the next half hour you can expect an unpleasant burning sensation that will not go away.

We use exercises and massage

The exercises are quite simple, but such recharging will not harm your lips. In addition, you can increase the volume almost anywhere. Let's look at the most effective actions:

  1. You have to whistle. Simply whistling your favorite songs helps warm up your lip muscles in order to do any exercises to increase them.
  2. Fool around. It is necessary to show your tongue in order to. The tongue sticks out to its full length, after which you need to count to 10 and repeat this procedure several times.
  3. Fish. You need to purse your lips as tightly as possible and smile widely. Experts advise carrying out this procedure more often.
  4. Dandelion. Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and press your lips together quite tightly. It is advisable to imagine that there is a large flower near you and you are trying to blow the seeds out of it. The exercise is repeated 5 times.
  5. You need to close your lips very tightly, imagine that a brush is compressed between them. You need to draw 5 circles in the air counterclockwise, and then make the same movements, but in the opposite direction.
  6. You need to bite your lip hard to feel a little pain. After 2 minutes of this clamping, release your lips. Now you can see that the volume of the lips is growing noticeably.

Massage can also include light scrubbing of the lips. It is done quite simply. The simplest scrub is sugar, ground coffee, honey. You can mix these components together and rub them. To increase volume, you can use a couple of drops of mint. The result will not be long in coming.

We use cosmetics

There are several secrets that help make your lips look bigger when using cosmetics. These include:

  1. Using light shades of lipstick. It is advisable to completely avoid dark ones, because soft pink and pastel options will make your lips more voluminous and plump.
  2. Using a contour pencil that is half a tone lighter than the lipstick itself. It is undesirable to protrude beyond the contour of the lips, since such work looks sloppy. After working with it, you need to carefully paint your lips, completely align the edges of the pencil with the lipstick.
  3. Also applies. It should be applied in a small amount to the lower lip (in the middle), carefully blending the gloss in both directions. And visually this will give your lips volume.
  4. Girls who like reflective particles in glitter should use an option with a transparent product or with a large number of reflective particles. This gloss will easily make your lips look fuller and help transform them. Additionally, you can use a moisturizing balm with a shine effect, which has a similar effect; it will help visually make your lips fuller.
  5. Using a white pencil. A light line is drawn under the lower lip and above the upper lip with a white pencil. This will help visually.

It is worth remembering that dry skin on the lips will look narrower and less expressive, unlike the case when gloss or balm is constantly used. This little trick helps even with nude makeup to make your lips very expressive and beautiful.

You need to decide for yourself which option to choose, but you should first try all of them and determine when the result will be maximum.

If you want to enlarge your lips at home, experts advise using each method in turn to see what actually gives results and which methods are ineffective. Thus, you can refuse to perform beauty injections or undergo plastic surgery.

Plump and sensual lips look attractive, sexy, and are a wonderful decoration for the face. But nature has not endowed everyone with them. Many girls solve this problem with surgery or injections. These procedures allow you to immediately see the result, but have a lot of disadvantages. Among them, the leading ones are the high cost and the risks of getting something that is not what you originally wanted. You can make your lips plump on your own; you don’t have to take drastic measures.


Lip massage

One of the easiest ways to make your lips look fuller. Massaging the surface increases blood flow. If you carry out the procedure regularly, the volume will increase slightly. This massage is recommended before applying lipstick, cosmetic balm or gloss. Before the procedure, you need to clean the surface, use a special makeup remover if necessary, and wash your hands thoroughly.

Main types of massage:

  1. Regular fingers. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning and evening before bed. With clean fingers, swipe your lips over the entire surface. Then light pinching is done. Complete the massage with stroking.
  2. With a toothbrush. You need to use the softest possible bristles so as not to injure delicate skin. Soak the brush in olive or peach oil, massage your lips, and blot with a napkin.
  3. Ice cubes. You can use preparations from ordinary water or frozen herbal decoctions and juices. The cube needs to be moved over the surface until it completely melts. This massage is convenient to perform over the sink.
  4. Contrast massage. Pour hot and cold water into separate bowls, add a pinch of soda each, and stir. For massage you can use a toothbrush, sponge or sponge. Alternately wet the item in cold and hot water and massage for 15-30 seconds.

Lip cosmetics

Manufacturers of cosmetics know how to make lips plump. Special products are produced that are aimed at increasing blood circulation. As a result, the vessels dilate and the volume increases.

What you can buy in stores and pharmacies:

  • lipsticks and glosses;
  • gels;
  • caring balms;
  • special creams;
  • scrubs and peelings.

Cosmetics contain irritating or warming substances. In small quantities they are not dangerous; they will help make your lips voluminous and plump, provided you do not use them too often, as the skin of your lips may suffer. Peeling and small cracks will appear on the surface, this is unsightly and sometimes painful. It is important to use such products according to the instructions.

Lip plunger

An unusual name for a simple device. It is a cap that sucks in, pulls out and increases volume. It is also called a lip trainer. It's easy to use and really helps. If you get used to it and choose the suction time, you can achieve amazing, but temporary results. On average, the volume lasts about a day, which is also not bad.

The disadvantages of this device include possible errors. If you apply the cap crookedly or incorrectly, you will get an uneven result. Moreover, not only the lips, but also parts of one of them can be different. With prolonged retraction, bruises, cracks and other problems are possible, which cannot be eliminated in one day.

Home Remedies for Plump Lips

Masks and homemade scrubs are an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics. They are easy to do at home, change your lips, increase volume and seductiveness. But it is worth noting that the effect is short-lived. It’s good if the increase is noticeable for 7-10 hours, sometimes less. Fine sea salt or candied honey is used as a scrub. A small amount is applied to the wetted surface and massaged for several minutes. Masks are a little more complicated, since they contain several ingredients and require proportions.

Important! If you are allergic to any product in the composition, then the mask cannot be used. It is forbidden to apply a burning and irritating product to damaged, cracked lips. The consequences can be dire.

Pepper mask for plump lips

Chili pepper – 10 g
Glycerin – 15 g
Olive oil – 10 g
Lanolin – 10 g
Honey – 20 g

Heat honey until liquid, combine with ground pepper and other ingredients according to the list. Grind the mixture until smooth, apply to lips, leave for 15 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad. After the mask, lubricate your lips with olive or coke oil. The mixture keeps well in the refrigerator for a month.

Mustard mask for plump lips

Mustard powder – 10 g
Vaseline – 10 g
Oil (any) – 5 ml
Honey – 15 g
Lemon juice – 5 ml

Combine honey with lemon juice and honey, dissolve, add mustard and Vaseline to them. Grind the mask ingredients and apply to lips. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

Menthol mask for plump lips

Fresh mint – 20 g
Instant coffee – 5 g
Cosmetic oil – 15 g

Rinse the mint, dry the leaves, put in a blender and grind to a paste, combine with instant coffee and butter, stir until smooth, leave for 15 minutes. Lubricate lips, leave for 20 minutes, remove.

Makeup secrets for plump lips

You can visually enlarge, add seductive volume and make your lips plump with the help of cosmetics. You just need to master some makeup tricks. But in no case should you outline your lips more than they are, or use contrasting eyeliner in bright colors.

Lip augmentation tricks:

  1. Outline your lips with a pencil, 2 mm away from the contour. This will greatly increase the surface to be painted, but will not look vulgar.
  2. Shade the strip between the outline and the lips.
  3. Using a brown pencil, make several vertical stripes on the lower lip and shade lightly.
  4. Apply a light shade of lipstick. Dark color visually makes lips smaller and thinner. You can use matte lipsticks.
  5. Cover the central part of the lower lip with gloss, a small strip 3 mm wide is enough. It will add volume.

You should always outline the contour, even before applying the usual transparent gloss, but you need to choose a pencil that is neutral and almost invisible, that is, nude. It will help adjust the shape, increase volume, and prevent the glitter from spreading.

Video: How to enlarge lips

Special exercises

You can increase the volume of your lips with the help of special gymnastics. It is quite simple, consists of several exercises that need to be repeated morning and evening. A pleasant side effect will be facial rejuvenation and smoothing of fine wrinkles, including facial wrinkles.

What exercises help:

  1. Fish. To achieve a visible result you need to do it for about 5-7 minutes. Stretch your lips forward, alternately compress and unclench with force.
  2. Waves. Press your lips together with force, move them in one direction and the other, but do not open your mouth. Repeat 15 times.
  3. Candle. Take a full lungful of air and slowly blow it out through your mouth with a straw.
  4. Smile. Stretch your closed mouth with a smile as much as possible, hold for 30 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  5. Whistling. Curl your lips into a tube. Whistle with maximum intensity for 15 seconds. Take a break of 15 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Precautionary measures

The skin on the lips is very delicate. It is prone to peeling, irritation, and is easily damaged. An allergic reaction may occur to homemade and store-bought products. When using aggressive methods, you need to act extremely carefully. A slight tingling, burning sensation is allowed, which increases blood circulation, but in no case pain.

If the sensations are unpleasant, you do not need to endure it, you should stop the procedure immediately. Seductive and sensual lips are only those that are healthy. Sores, cracks, tumors will never become an adornment to the face. You need to remove products from your lips with any oil. If an allergic reaction occurs, you should take an antiallergic drug; you can apply a cream with panthenol topically.

All women, whom nature did not endow with this feature from birth, dream of seductive plump lips. To the delight of beautiful ladies, in the 21st century this desire can be fulfilled without any difficulties. Modern cosmetologists know how to enlarge lips at home, and willingly share their experience with women. If this topic is relevant to you, let's look at it in more detail.

Methods for lip augmentation at home

Plastic surgery can help increase the volume of many parts of the face, but not every woman is willing to go under the knife for a couple of grams of Botox. For this reason, cosmetologists have developed a number of techniques to achieve the desired result without surgery. Modern methods of lip augmentation at home are effective and safe, which is why they are practiced by tens of thousands of women. Simple beauty recipes help you achieve impressive results! Let's discuss these methods in more detail to get an overview.

The device

The device with which modern women make their lips plumper and larger works on the principle of a suction cup. A vacuum device pumps out air, increasing the volume of soft tissue by 40-50%. The procedure takes no more than a minute, and the effect it provides lasts for several hours. The lip enlarger is absolutely harmless to the skin, mucous membrane and blood vessels, so there are no contraindications or side effects to speak of.

Many companies produce similar gadgets. The most popular of them was the Fullips vacuum trainer. So you found out the name of this thing for lip augmentation at home, which the whole world is gossiping about. This wonderful device is relatively inexpensive. Every woman can fork out for such pleasure. The device is offered in three variations, for different types of lips.


Modern cosmetology offers women a wide range of products to increase lip volume at home. Cosmetic ointments, balms and lipsticks contain special irritating particles called plumpers. The role of these components can be played by extracts of cinnamon, ginger, red pepper, and mint. In some cases, essential oils and vitamin E are added to the composition of such products. The effect of increasing volume is created due to blood flow, which occurs as a reaction to an irritating substance.

Folk remedies

Folk cosmetology will tell you how to make beautiful lips at home and give them volume. There are many ways to achieve the desired result, and right now we will look in detail at the most effective of them:

  1. Ice massage. Massage your lips with an ice cube, and then apply a cloth soaked in hot water to them for a few moments. Repeat this procedure several times. The effect of increasing volume will soon appear.
  2. Hot pepper. This recipe is further proof that beauty requires sacrifice. To increase the volume of your lips at home using pepper, you need to take one small pod, grind it along with the seeds, and leave it in a glass of hot water. When the liquid has cooled to a tolerable temperature, soak a napkin in it and apply it tightly to your lips. The volume will appear instantly, but for the next 20 minutes after that you will have to endure a merciless burning sensation.
  3. Cap. An old method used by Soviet women at home. With the help of a cap you can increase the volume of your lips by 30-40%. The idea behind this method is that you place a cap on your mouth and suck in air to create a vacuum. After a minute, the procedure ends. The volumizing effect lasts 2-3 hours. If you don't have a cap on hand, you can use a glass, lid or jar. The main thing is that the size is appropriate.
  4. Glycerin mask. Mix Vaseline with honey, white sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal proportions. The total volume should be about 50 grams. Add a third of a dessert spoon of glycerin. Stir until a uniform mass is obtained, hold for a couple of minutes in a water bath. Apply to the surface of the lips, wait a quarter of an hour. The procedure will make muscle tissue and skin soft.

Through exercise

A special exercise will help pump up your lips. Write down a few simple exercises for yourself that you can practice everywhere:

  1. Whistling. Whistle the tunes of your favorite songs every time you have a free minute. This will warm up the muscles to improve the effectiveness of subsequent exercises.
  2. We show our tongue. Cute childish tomfoolery will help increase lip volume at home. Extend your tongue to its full length and count to ten. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Dandelion. Inhale deeply, puff out your cheeks, purse your lips tightly. Imagine that there is a large dandelion right in front of you, and blow the seeds off it with all your might. Do this 5 times.
  4. gold fish. Purse your lips as tightly as possible, and then smile widely. Repeat this procedure often.
  5. Circles. Close your lips as tightly as possible. Imagine that you are squeezing an invisible brush with them. Draw 5 circles in the air in a counterclockwise motion, and then perform the same steps, only in the opposite direction.
  6. Shark. Bite your lips hard until you feel slight pain. Time it for 2 minutes and then release. You will soon notice that the volume of your lips has noticeably increased.


In addition to all other procedures and exercises, massage your lips daily with a regular toothbrush with delicate bristles. By developing tissue in this way, you will increase blood flow and thereby create additional volume. In addition, the brush will exfoliate dead cells. Due to this, metabolism will improve. By repeating this massage several times daily, you will quickly achieve your goal.


If you want a long-term plumping effect, try lip plumping with hyaluronic acid at home. The active component of this product is sodium hyaluronate. It is absorbed into the subcutaneous layer and accumulates water molecules around itself. Due to this, volume is created and wrinkles are smoothed out. Creams and balms with hyaluronic acid are applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin of the lips in a circular motion. In the process of performing these actions, a slight burning sensation will occur and a feeling of swelling will appear, but this is not scary. Hyaluronic products are absolutely harmless.

How to visually enlarge lips with cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics will help you get the desired result. The main thing is to choose the right lip gloss that increases volume. The glossy texture will change the visual perception of the skin surface. In addition, the shine will provide a temporary wrinkle smoothing effect. From the outside it will look quite natural and attractive.

Consequences of lip augmentation

Women who choose traditional methods and/or decorative cosmetics rarely encounter unwanted effects. As for creams that provoke blood flow to the capillaries of the lips, they can provoke an allergic reaction, so they must be used carefully. Hyaluronic acid in moderation does not cause damage to skin and muscle tissue, but if overused, irritation often occurs.

Video: how to enlarge lips without surgery

The video below will clearly demonstrate to you the practical application of the techniques we have discussed. Experienced cosmetologists will explain in detail how to pump up your lips at home without the intervention of surgeons. In addition, experts will talk about precautions. Use these tips to get the desired effect without any damage.

Photos before and after

The simplest and incredibly effective way to assess the effectiveness of certain means/exercises/drugs is to compare pictures before and after the procedures. Many women do this and you should follow their example. This will help you choose the most effective one from all the possible methods for increasing lip volume at home.


First, try to slightly stimulate the internal circulation in your lips. Such lips look visually much more vibrant and vibrant. Make it a rule to gently and gently massage your lips with a toothbrush every morning. It’s better if you get a special, extremely soft and delicate brush and massage your lips with a drop of nourishing cream or balm. You can also use healing honey, which will saturate your lips with useful substances and make them unusually elastic and.

Nowadays you can find many products for lip augmentation, and not only decorative ones. When choosing a regular lipstick or balm, try to pay attention to the composition. It should contain menthol, which very effectively activates blood circulation in the lips and also makes them brighter. Menthol pleasantly cools the lips and gives a very pleasant unusual sensation. A few minutes after application, you will notice that your lips have become slightly larger and plumper!

Choose lip glosses and creams that add volume using special ingredients. Menthol and pepper extract can temporarily create a slight swelling. Constant use of acid and collagen products will make the skin of your lips more moisturized, smooth and beautiful, and will remove fine wrinkles around the mouth.

Be careful when using methods. It is important to choose a good specialist who will achieve results with minimal impact. If, in addition to adding volume, you want to change the contour of your lips, take an interest in your lips. Using a special device, safe pigment particles are injected under the skin. The effect lasts from several months to five years

Keep in mind that of the radical methods of lip augmentation, the safest is contouring using filler. The cosmetologist injects a biopolymer gel based on hyaluronic acid, which is part of the skin. In addition to the natural effect, contour plastic surgery is good because it is reversible - the gel is completely removed from the body after a few months.

Think twice before you decide on irreversible lip augmentation procedures. Lipofilling gives a noticeable effect by increasing the volume of the lips with one’s own fat cells, which are taken from the thighs. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Lips will last a lifetime. To get the volume you are tired of, you will need to have a repeat operation. If you want to radically change the shape and volume of your lips, then your option is surgical lip surgery under general anesthesia. When deciding to take such a step, remember about possible complications and that the results will last a lifetime.

Video on the topic


  • MedikForum

Girls of all countries and ages dream of beautiful, juicy, voluminous lips. This can be achieved not only with complex operations or injections. On the contrary, using simple rules and secrets of caring for lips It will make even thin and colorless lips beautiful and voluminous.

You will need

  • - sugar, honey, oils;
  • - cosmetics – lipstick, glosses, balms.


Beautiful, plump lips are the result of daily comprehensive care. First, you need to gently but effectively cleanse your lips. Masks prepared in... cope with this task perfectly. For example: combine sea salt with egg white, apply this mixture to your lips, massage them with your fingers, and rinse. Instead of salt, you can use sugar - the effect will also be good. In addition to cleansing, do not forget about daily lip massage - the bristles of a toothbrush soaked in warm water will help you with this.

After cleansing your lips, begin to actively and constantly nourish and moisturize them. Nutrition is the only method to achieve seductive lips. Natural methods - applying a drop of honey to the surface of the lips at night, using natural oils (olive, almond, castor), etc.

You can achieve an increase in lip volume using special cosmetics - balms and glosses, which contain components that irritate the surface of the lips and cause slight redness and an increase in their volume. You can prepare such cosmetics even at home: use mint, menthol, cinnamon - all these products naturally help increase the volume of your lips.

To achieve the effect of plump lips, remember the principle of applying lipstick: use a lip pencil one shade lighter than , then apply the first layer of lipstick. Blot your lips with a napkin - the lipstick will stay on your lips longer. Apply a second layer of lipstick and then apply a drop of clear gloss to the middle of your lower lip. Using this method of applying lipstick, you will be surprised how beautiful and voluminous your lips will be.

Video on the topic


Of course, the color of your lipstick should be in harmony with the color of your skin and hair, but there is a certain principle. The volume of your lips directly depends on the color of your lipstick - the darker the color of the lipstick, the smaller your lips will appear.

Helpful advice

Try not to draw a clear line of the upper lip (the middle of the lips are triangles); on the contrary, use a contour pencil to make a smooth, voluminous line.

Every season, makeup artists offer fashionistas new, interesting makeup options, and the latest collections of decorative cosmetics from famous fashion houses help bring these design solutions to life. In recent seasons, the image of a fragile, romantic person, a little painful, but tender, has been relevant. This effect is achieved not only with the help of clothes, but also with the help of makeup, when they look very light, and only the eyes stand out on the face.

You will need

  • - nude or light beige lip pencil,
  • - lip pencil one tone darker than the first;
  • - light-color foundation;
  • - special nude or very light lipstick;
  • - transparent matte lip gloss.


A style of applying decorative cosmetics when the lip color is light and almost blends with the skin tone, nude (from French - naked). If you decide to use this makeup option, keep in mind that it is especially effective if your skin is fairly even and has a good color. Therefore, take care first to even out your skin tone and choose a foundation of a shade so as not to look painful and unkempt.

Moisturize your lips with a special product or balm. Do not forget about this, because foundation dries out the skin of your lips and after a while you feel chapped and dehydrated. Apply the foundation you used on your face. Its quantity should not be large. Carefully blend it in an even layer on your lips. Wait a moment for the cream to absorb into the skin of your lips, then blot off the excess with a dry cloth.

Take a lip pencil of the lightest color and carefully outline the outline with it, slightly retreating beyond the natural line of the lips. Draw your lips with this pencil, lightly touching their surface. You don't need to press hard. Blend the pencil with a sponge.

Outline your lips with a darker lip pencil. Although it is darker, it should not be too bright. It is optimal if its tone is close to the natural tone of your lips. Apply lipstick to your lips or cover them with matte gloss. A well-chosen gloss is easier and more natural to wear than lipstick.

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There should not be a big contrast between the natural color of the skin of the lips and the tone with which you cover them.

Helpful advice

Be careful when choosing the right tone so that your “interesting pallor” does not seem deathly. The color of the skin and lips should be natural and slightly pinkish.

With light lips, makeup with the effect of “smoky eyes” in grayish tones looks great. In any case, you will need to emphasize and highlight your eyes.

Eyes and - these are the details that first of all attract the attention of the person looking at you. Knowing this, many girls strive to visually enlarge lips, highlight your eyes to appear more attractive. It’s good that the possibilities of decorative cosmetics and makeup allow you to correct your appearance and, emphasizing your advantages, hide your flaws.

You will need

  • - nude lip liner;
  • - lip liner;
  • - eyebrow pencil;
  • - powder;
  • - lip gloss;
  • - lipstick.


Visually enlarge lips you can with the right makeup and well-chosen lipstick. Before applying it, circle lips with a contour pencil, slightly extending beyond their natural border. The shade of the pencil should be lighter than the color of your lips, preferably a tone that matches your facial skin. A common mistake is to use a pencil that matches the lips or even darker - the contour applied with it should not stand out.

Take a lip liner that matches your lipstick and carefully apply it first to your upper lip, going slightly beyond the natural contour. It must be applied from the corners to the center. When outlining your lip, do not apply the contour under the hollow located in the center. This “broken” contour looks more natural and adds volume to the lips.

Professional makeup artists advise that before lining your lower lip, make a couple of strokes under it in the center with an eyebrow pencil, and then shade it. The result will be a “shadow”, which will also give an additional bulge to the lower lip. Then apply eyeliner from the corners to the center, also slightly going beyond their natural contour.

Use two types of lipstick to visually enlarge your lips - matte or glossy, depending on your hair color. If you are brown-haired or a “cool” brunette, you need to use matte nude lipstick. Glossy, light pink is suitable for blondes and “scorching” brunettes. Lightly powder lips before applying it. You should not cover the skin of your lips with a very thick layer of it so that it spreads. Lipstick in darker shades will visually reduce lips.

Cover lips gloss to match lipstick or colorless. You can add volume to your lips using a special gloss that contains hot pepper extract. The skin will burn slightly, but lips will appear brighter and slightly swollen.

Helpful advice

Experiment with foundation, lipstick colors - choose something that suits the color of your eyes, hair and clothes. Even a slight difference in tone can give a completely different effect.

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  • how to highlight and enhance eye contours in 2018

Those with too bright lips sometimes resort to bleaching. A lighter tone is chosen by those who are accustomed to pastel makeup, or those who wear makeup or bright lipstick on their faces.


Decide how long you need to bleach your lips. Powder, nude foundation or face corrector are suitable as lightening agents for the base for evening makeup, which should last on the face for several hours. Gently apply the selected product onto your lips in a thin layer, starting from the middle and moving towards the contour. Blend the edges so that the transition from the color of your lips to the color of the skin around them is almost invisible. Then cover your bleached lips with lipstick or makeup in the shade you want.

Use long-lasting, so-called “developing” lipsticks if you want to gradually achieve a lighter lip shade without resorting to permanent makeup. The chemical elements contained in such lipsticks destroy bright pigmentation, making lips more faded. However, to achieve the desired effect, developing lipsticks must be used daily for a long time. Please note that such lipsticks dry out the skin very much, so in parallel with their use, you should moisturize your lips as much as possible using hygienic lipsticks and special wax.

Buy a special lightening cream that is suitable for those with naturally dark lips. The biocomponents contained in such creams help prevent darkening and saturate the skin with moisture due to the increased content of antioxidants. Some professional lines of cosmetic products offer similar products; you can find them in pharmacies or on specialized websites on the Internet (and place an order there).

How to lighten lips at home

If you need to add volume to your lips, you should not use dark shades of lipstick. You should choose light and calm colors. Apply gloss on top of the lipstick, placing it in the center of the lips, and the gloss should be chosen in a more saturated color.

If you need to enhance the effect of volume, then apply a little reflective powder into the hollow of the upper lip and then draw a thin outline with a white pencil so that the outline is slightly wider than natural. Now you can cover your lips with a light shade of lipstick.

You can also use a light beige pencil. Use this pencil to carefully outline your lips, then apply lipstick and cover them with transparent gloss.

If your lips are very thin, you can do the following: outline your lips with a pencil of a natural shade slightly wider than their natural contour, but you should not outline the hollow above the upper lip. This technique will help visually add volume to thin lips.

You can also outline with a pencil. Close in color to the natural color of the lips, contours along the edges of the mouth. The center of the lips should not be touched. Now you need to take a light brown contour pencil and draw a line under the lower lip, then shade it thoroughly. After this, you can apply your favorite lipstick.

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Did you know that when we talk, eat, laugh, our cute little lips, on average, open 15,000 times a day! At the same time, our lips are especially vulnerable because they do not have sebaceous glands and do not contain keratin. They are constantly exposed to food, cold, heat and sunlight. This means that the mouth is extremely susceptible to aging and therefore requires special, especially careful care.

If, nevertheless, CRACKS HAVE FORMED ON YOUR LIPS, lubricate them with honey, vegetable or fruit juices (carrot or lemon juice is best), sea buckthorn oil or cocoa. You can also use special balms and lip balms.

To maintain the elasticity of your lips, a light, pleasant massage with a soft toothbrush will help, which improves blood circulation and exfoliates dead tissue. After the massage, you need to lubricate your lips with a rich cream.

If you follow only these three rules every day, then you can already count on a beautiful and youthful mouth.

About two hundred years ago, lipsticks were made only from natural products: oils, beeswax and raisins. These lipsticks were very tasty, but did not last long on the lips. Today lipsticks are mostly lanolin, made from sheep fat. Bee honey, wax, castor oil and various natural color pigments are added to it.

The modern industry offers a huge selection of cosmetics for women, so you can easily buy lipstick and sets of various accessories designed to care for the skin of your lips.

However, you need to be careful when choosing lipstick, especially from unknown companies. Remember that many counterfeit cosmetics have appeared in recent years. The use of cheap oil makes it possible to produce lipsticks that are quickly absorbed into the skin of the lips. In addition, we often lick our lipstick-applied lips with our tongue. This leads to liver damage and various other inflammatory diseases of the body. Therefore, avoid using cheap lipsticks, remember that this is very important for human health.

What's the best way to use lipstick?

You can use lipstick of only one color, but it is more interesting to combine several colors at the same time. For example, it is known that Marilyn Monroe's lips are always seductive. To achieve this effect, she used three different shades of lipstick and then topped them with a mixture of Vaseline and wax.

When using two colors of lipstick, first apply one, then blot wet lips with a tissue and cover them with a layer of another lipstick.

It is better to use lipstick in combination with a special contour pencil. This will make the mouth a little larger. This technique was used by both Audrey Hepburn and Marlene Dietrich. Just remember, if you overdo it, your lips will not look entirely natural.

The contour should always be darker than the lipstick. But a very dark pencil does not match bright lipstick. It makes a woman look older.

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