How to sew a doll costume for Halloween with your own hands? Halloween doll makeup. How to create the image of a scary beauty Creepy doll makeup

Halloween is a holiday of transformation into terrible images. If you decide to wear a doll costume at this festival of evil spirits, then the following information will be useful to you.


Halloween has a number of distinctive features. This is, first of all, a terrifying image that can be created independently, or can be taken from films. Particular emphasis on makeup, or rather, make-up. You will need special accessories and paraphernalia, which must be purchased in special stores or made independently. In this article we will look at the most popular options for such doll costumes, which you can make yourself, spending a minimum of money.

A voodoo doll

This doll takes part in terrible rituals of black magic and terrifies many people. So why not choose a Halloween costume that you can easily make yourself? In the photo below you can see an example of such a suit.

As you can see, it can be sewn from ordinary burlap using knitting threads. You can cut the sundress shapeless to make your work easier. Decorate the fabric joints with crosses made of black thread; this decor will create the effect of a sewn doll. Sew a heart from red fabric on the left side of the chest. Stick “needles” into it, which can be made using wire and soft balls at the ends.

And, of course, don’t forget about makeup, in this case it’s creating the effect of a sewn-up mouth and bright eyes. You can lighten your face with powder without focusing on your cheeks.

To complete the doll's Halloween costume, the hair can be braided into ponytails, which are tied with twine that matches the color of the burlap. Choose shoes in a neutral beige color.

Chucky doll

Those who have watched the movie "Seed of Chucky" have an idea about the main character - a living killer doll. This is what we propose to use as the basis for a festive look. A Chucky doll's Halloween costume should include the following elements:

  • makeup;
  • wig.

Additional attributes will also be needed.

So, Chucky's costume is a blue jumpsuit worn over a striped T-shirt or sweater. Girls can use a blue dress, but it is still better to stick to the original. The jumpsuit does not require any special decoration, only red buttons are needed.

As everyone remembers, the face of the Chucky doll is earth-colored with many scars. So try to recreate this on your face using paint. And also, if possible, install a light blue lens on one eye.

Chucky's hair is fiery red, tousled, if possible, it is better to use a wig. But you can also create a hairstyle at home using hair chalks.

To complete the doll's Halloween costume, you need to carry a knife in your hand, which the hero of the film never parted with. An ordinary kitchen one or one cut out of paper will do.

Doll from "Saw"

Fans of the horror film "Saw" remember the doll that rode a bicycle and appeared on the TV screen. This is exactly what you can use as the basis for a costume. The main emphasis is on makeup, an example of which can be seen in the photo below.

The question of how to sew a Halloween costume for a doll, like from a movie, will be inappropriate. Because the doll from the movie “Saw” is dressed in black trousers, a tailcoat, a white shirt and a red bow tie. Therefore, you don’t have to invent anything new, just select things according to size - and you’re done.

As for shoes, closed black boots are suitable for this look. Don't choose high-heeled shoes, they won't be appropriate.

The most ardent fans of the film use a tricycle to complement the image. Even a small one for children is suitable, which needs to be tied to a rope to make it easier to carry around.

Anabel doll

The film "Anabelle" is recognized as one of the new products in the horror industry. The plot revolves around a cursed doll named Anabel, which is what we propose to bring to reality. You can make this doll costume for Halloween with your own hands at home. Anyone who doesn’t remember what the doll looks like can look at the following photo.

You don’t have to worry too much to create such an image. For clothes, we will need a sundress or tights and white sandals. There is no need to decorate the finished dress; it is better to pay more attention to the makeup.

Makeup for Anabelle means lightening the skin, highlighting the eyes, cheeks and lips. For the skin we will use powder or makeup. The eyes are outlined with dark shadows or paint, and the eyelashes are also drawn. The cheeks are generously treated with blush. And for lips use dark or red lipstick.

Anabelle's hair is braided in two braids with red ribbons. Of course, you can use a wig, but if your natural hair is long enough, then it's not worth the expense.

A porcelain doll

We are discussing a doll costume for Halloween, so if we are talking about a porcelain beauty, it is not quite an ordinary one. Our doll will be broken, with cracks, as in the photo below.

You can choose a dress for a suit from your wardrobe if you have something like that. If not, you can sew it or rent it. There must be a full petticoat and a dark color of the outfit.

Choose white tights; you can paint cracks on them. For footwear, dark-colored heels are suitable.

Makeup should be dark and deep; after lightening the face, draw cracks, like a broken doll.

And, of course, don’t forget about your hairstyle; it can be voluminous curls or voluminous ponytails.

One of the popular images for a Halloween costume party is the image of a doll. The good thing about this option is that it can be quite varied.

A doll can be funny, like a children's toy (this image is especially suitable for young girls), cold and detached, like a collectible porcelain beauty, or frightening, like the heroine of numerous horror films.

Let's look at how to do a doll's makeup for Halloween. In the photo you can see various images of dolls created by professional makeup artists. Of course, it is difficult to create equally effective makeup at home. However, if you try, you can do original makeup with your own hands.

The main stages that you need to go through when doing doll makeup at home:

  • even out skin tone: dolls are known to have no pimples, wrinkles or other skin defects;
  • creating “doll” eyes;
  • lip makeup;
  • additional details, they are selected depending on the chosen image.

Evening out the tone

So, to apply makeup to a doll for Halloween, you should start by evening out the skin tone. Let’s look at how to do this step by step:

  • you need to start by cleansing the skin, use a tonic to cleanse;
  • then apply foundation or just your usual moisturizer;
  • let the product absorb, then blot the residue with a paper towel;
  • Now you need to mask the defects, if any. For this, special products are used - concealers. We apply them to imperfections and also under the eyes to hide dark circles. It’s worth getting a palette of concealers, since to mask red spots and spider veins you should use a greenish-toned product; yellow tones cover dark circles well;
  • to make a “doll” nose, take a dark-colored foundation and apply it to the sides of the nose. Draw a thin strip in a light tone strictly in the center;
  • Now we begin to apply the tone to the face. If your image is a porcelain doll, then you need to choose a light tone. The product must be applied using a damp sponge. If possible, it is better to use theatrical makeup instead of regular foundation; it will allow you to create a more impressive makeup;
  • All that remains is to fix the base with a puff and loose powder of the lightest shade.

Blush in this makeup is used in accordance with the image. If this is a funny doll or a porcelain beauty, then you can apply a light pink tone to the cheekbones. If you are doing makeup on a dead doll for Halloween, then pink blush will be inappropriate. You can use a bronze shade to create the effect of sunken cheeks. To do this, you need to suck in your cheeks and apply blush to the “hollows” that have formed.

Read also: Makeup for teenagers

Highlighting the eyes

The eyes need to be made large and expressive. This is a must for any doll look. To enlarge your eyes, you can use regular makeup techniques, as well as special methods. Let's describe this process step by step:

  • You should start by shaping your eyebrows; for this you should use dark shadows and a pencil. If the eyebrows turn out unnaturally bright, it’s okay, because the image of a doll is created, and at the same time there is no need to strive to look “natural”;
  • Next you need to draw the eyelash growth line along the upper eyelid using a pencil. The width of the arrow should be made larger than usual; it should expand and rise towards the outer corner;
  • shadows should be used in bright colors; a lighter shade is applied to the moving eyelid, then a line is drawn in a dark tone along the growth of the eyelashes and applied to the crease of the eyelid. The shadows should be applied in several layers so that they stand out brightly on the face;

  • To make the eyes round, like a doll's, you should use a white pencil. They draw a line along the lower eyelid, and also paint over the skin of the lower eyelid, departing a few millimeters from the natural line;
  • then with a black pencil on the skin of the lower eyelid we draw a new line of the lower eyelid, and along this line we draw eyelashes with a pencil. Instead of drawing, you can glue on artificial eyelashes, so the makeup will look more impressive. When using false eyelashes, you need to glue them to the upper eyelid, or use separate bunches that are glued at the outer corner of the upper eyelid. It is better to use eyelashes that are unnaturally long.

An interesting effect can be obtained if you use brightly colored lenses with an unnaturally enlarged iris. You can also use rhinestones if they are appropriate for the chosen look.

If the image of a dead doll is created, then you can draw dark circles around the eyes using purple or blue shadows. The same tool can be used to paint a couple of bruises on the face and neck.


Dolls usually have bright lips. You can use bright red, burgundy, or purple lipstick.

Read also: Rihanna's makeup: 6 main looks of the star

An interesting effect can be achieved if you deviate from the natural contour of the lips. In this case, foundation is applied to the lips. And then using a pencil they draw a new outline. The lips can be made into a bow or enlarged, making them plumper. Lipstick is applied inside the drawn outline.

Additional details

We have the basis of the image, now it can be diversified, depending on the idea. So, if you plan to create a cute doll image, you can apply several large freckles to the nose. The image of a porcelain beauty should be complemented with a piquant front sight.

But for Halloween, the images often chosen are not cute, but scary. For example, a broken doll. Let's look at how you can complement your makeup.

You can use cardboard to make a “splinter,” but isolon is best suited for this purpose. You need to cut out a piece of material with uneven edges and apply foundation or makeup on it.

We place the cut out one on the place of attachment (forehead, cheek, etc.) and outline it with a cosmetic pencil. We paint the inner surface of the resulting outline with dark shadows. On the outside, at the location of sharp corners, you can draw “cracks” with a pencil.

We glue the fragment using eyelash glue with a shift so that the drawn “damage” is visible from under it. Along the edges of the “shard” we paint it with dark shadows so that it does not merge with the face. Now all that remains is to draw additional cracks; they can be placed on the neck, near the eyes and in the corners of the lips.

If the chosen image is a killer doll, then you need to make the makeup even more frightening. To create an image, you can do regular “doll” makeup on one half of the face, and try to depict traces of decay on the other. To do this, you will need dark shadows to outline the eye and draw “dead spots”. You can insert a white lens into the eye on the “terrible” half of the face.

Characters from horror films are often used to create interesting images for Halloween. To create the look of a Chucky doll, you will need special pads to create scars or cosmetic plasticine.

Making a scar is easy:

  • a “sausage” of plasticine is applied to the skin, the edges need to be slightly smeared so that the overlay looks like a protruding tubercle;
  • Using a manicure spatula or any other suitable object, you need to make a cut in the center of the resulting tubercle. Be extremely careful not to damage your own skin;
  • we paint the inner cut with red paint, and on the sides of the resulting “scar” we draw rough stitches with liquid eyeliner or a pencil, as if someone was trying to fix the doll not too carefully;
  • You should put white lenses in your eyes.

The image of a doll is one of the most common for Halloween. Doing “doll” makeup at home is not easy, but if you put in some effort and know how to do it correctly, the result will be “terribly” beautiful. The doll is associated with porcelain skin, bow lips, large curls, but for Halloween you can also create the image of a creepy doll, for example, a broken doll. An equally popular image at the moment is the Annabelle doll. Before you start creating an image, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of this makeup, and only then add makeup elements to it.

What you need to make up a doll for Halloween

In order to embody the image of the most terribly beautiful doll, you need to stock up on certain cosmetics.

  1. Skin cleansing tonic.
  2. Moisturizing cream.
  3. Concealers.
  4. Foundation.
  5. Blush.
  6. Eyebrow and eye pencil.
  7. Eyeshadow.
  8. Mascara.
  9. Lip liner.
  10. Lipstick.

When creating a doll image, you should not limit yourself only to makeup, otherwise it will not be so expressive and effective. Therefore, it should be complemented with accessories and an appropriate outfit.

  1. If you decide to make a porcelain beauty, a fly would be a great addition.
  2. Color contact lenses.
  3. False eyelashes.

Video: doll makeup for Halloween

Step-by-step creation of a doll image for Halloween

No matter what kind of doll you want to become - basic principles for realizing your idea will be the same.

  1. Creating perfect skin. Dolls do not have wrinkles, pimples or other defects.
  2. Creating a “doll” look.
  3. Lip makeup.
  4. Artistic details to complete the look.

The perfect makeup will depend on how you handle the first principle. The skin should be clean and smooth, like that of real dolls.

Step-by-step instructions for creating doll makeup for Halloween with your own hands at home:

  1. You need to start by cleansing the skin with tonic.
  2. Then apply moisturizer and let it absorb. If the product is not completely absorbed, blot the residue with a paper towel.
  3. A stage begins that requires special concentration - working with concealers. It is necessary to carefully disguise existing defects. Apply concealers to imperfections and cover up dark circles under your eyes. It's best to purchase several shades of concealer because different areas require different shades to work.
  4. To create a neat nose, apply a dark shade of foundation along the sides, and draw a light stripe strictly in the center.
  5. The shade of foundation you apply will depend on the doll look you want to achieve. If this is a beauty made of porcelain, you need a light shade. If you have the opportunity, purchase theatrical makeup. Makeup using it will look more impressive.
  6. The foundation is set using powder of the lightest shade.

Blush should be selected depending on the chosen image. For a cute porcelain doll, a light pink shade is suitable. But if you want to scare others with a gloomy appearance, take a bronze-colored product. To create the effect of sunken cheeks, pull them in and apply blush to the formed hollows.

Video: doll makeup for Halloween

IN doll eye makeup, the main thing is to make them large, round and expressive. To make them like this you need to do the following:

  • To draw eyebrows, use shadows or a dark-colored pencil. You should not be afraid that they will look unnatural - after all, in the image of a doll, everything should be bright;
  • a line is drawn along the growth of the eyelashes a little wider than usual. The arrow located at the outer corner of the eye should be widened and raised;
  • Eye shadows of bright shades should be applied to the eyelids. They should be made in several layers to make them look brighter;
  • A white pencil will help give your eyes a round shape. They draw a line along the lower eyelid, and the indents from the natural contour are painted over with a pencil;
  • a “new” line is drawn with a black pencil and new eyelashes are drawn along it;
  • Eyelashes should be painted in several layers. You can use false eyelashes or bunches. Very long ones will look most impressive.

To give the image even more expressiveness, you can use contact lenses of an unusual shade with an enlarged iris. You can add rhinestones if they suit your concept. If you are creating the image of a creepy doll, it would be appropriate to draw dark circles under the eyes with purple or blue shadows. You can also draw bruises on the neck and face.

For Lip makeup should use bright shades: bright red, burgundy and purple colors. An interesting solution would be to draw a new lip contour. To do this, you should paint them over with foundation, and then draw a new one with a pencil and apply lipstick.

Video: how to do makeup for a scary doll for Halloween

Photo gallery of ideas and images of dolls for Halloween

A bow will make the doll's Halloween look more complete.

Perfect doll makeup for Halloween for a blonde.

Cuts on the face will make your Halloween doll look as scary as possible.

Video: Voodoo doll makeup for Halloween

On Halloween, it is customary to create images of scary rather than cute dolls. This effect can be achieved by using various means of plastic makeup (creating scars, abrasions). It all depends on your imagination - experiment and amaze others with your Halloween doll look!

In contact with

1. Killer doll

You will need: light foundation, gray or brown eye shadow, false eyelashes, liquid eyeliner, eyebrow pencil and red lipstick. To complete the image, work on the knees and elbows, outlining the joints with a pencil.

2. Angel or demon


Halloween makeup option for advanced users! First, tint the background for the future drawing with a white foundation, then use a damp brush and black shadows to fill in the eyelids and eyebrows, and use dry gray shadows or a pencil to complete the strokes on the chin and lips.

3. Let's play decadence

Maybe not as impressive as the previous version, but the execution is much simpler: white base, black liner - nothing else is needed!

4. Spider-Man

For Halloween makeup in this style, use liquid eyeliner to completely fill the eyelid and begin applying neat strokes. The secret to success is to let each line dry before crossing it with the next one. And be sure to have a good long-lasting foundation, otherwise everything will float.

5. Alien

Nude lipstick, two shades of foundation - tan and very light, and classic smoky eyes makeup as a base. The usual “reversal” - using a light tone where a dark one is usually recommended, and vice versa - gives an amazing effect of an unearthly face.

6. Infernal Gypsy

First draw the outlines using a dark green liner and red lip liner, and then shade. Long, but in principle not very difficult.

7. Bambi

A great option for a light party or a celebration at home with the older generation. In order not to shock the audience too much, apply bright eye makeup, blacken the tip of your nose, and use white shadows to place white spots on your face. Mimimi!

8. Catwoman

The complex color transition of the eyeshadow is, of course, the defining feature of this look, but if you do a traditional smoky eye, the look won’t lose much. But don’t skimp on false eyelashes: they are fundamentally important in this Halloween makeup for girls.

9. Hellraiser

To make the division of makeup into the “heavenly” and “hellish” sides clear, use masking paper tape. Tint half of the face with white makeup, draw the contours of the teeth and eye socket with eye pencil, then fill in the eye socket with black shadows. And only when you are satisfied with the result, proceed to classic makeup on the second half of the face.

10. Vampire

Neutral matte lipstick and glossy lip gloss in the desired shade: this look is easy to replicate!

11. Bride of Chucky

Apply blush in circular movements, as if you are trying to portray Marfushenka-darling, but take the color pale pink, not peach or red. Carefully outline your eyes with liner. From the corners of the mouth down, draw lines with a white, neutral and dark pencil (you can use a ruler). Brrr, beauty!

12. Zombie

We draw an outline with a gray eyeliner pencil, do not spare green shadows, use a darker shade on the neck folds and under the cheekbone. Tape the pins to your skin, apply lipstick on top, and no one will guess. False eyelashes - and the look is ready!

13. Creepy clown

The most theatrical option: be sure to curl this strand on your forehead like a forelock. And the rest is simple: a white, even tone and a drawing with black eyeliner. A heart, but we draw on the nose with the same lipstick as on the lips, and go to the kids. Dear, dear children.

14. Tiger cub, not pussy

A very cute and not at all scary option for blondes: a bright liner around the eyes and a cat’s “face”, depicted using a light foundation and black eyeliner. Murrrr.

15. Cheshire cat

An option for those who have a steady hand: you need to draw a smile on top of the white base clearly and without any room for error. But, if you succeed, you will definitely be the most memorable at the party!

A cute “doll” appearance can suddenly become terrifying - you just need to add a couple of touches. This is what they focus on when creating makeup for Halloween. We'll tell you how to repeat this make-up.

The set of basic images for Halloween practically does not change from year to year - these are still the same zombies, skeletons and other monsters, dead brides, broken porcelain dolls and sinister clowns. The image of a doll is what is needed for a girl who, even on a holiday like Halloween, would like to look attractive; the transformation will not be too scary and will allow you to remain “yourself” to some extent. There are a lot of options for doll makeup for Halloween, and it is important to simply adapt them to your appearance. In this article we will tell you what cosmetics and other materials you will need to prepare, and also offer step-by-step instructions for creating a doll's makeup. By the way, we can find some useful tricks in this video.

What do you need to make up a doll for Halloween?

If, when choosing an image for All Saints' Day, you decided to do the makeup of a scary doll, then a basic set of cosmetics is unlikely to be enough, although ordinary beauty products will also come in handy. It is best to buy makeup - special products that are thick and durable. White makeup will help make the face deathly pale, which is what is required for Halloween, black makeup will accentuate the eyes, and red makeup will be needed not only for lip makeup, but also for drawing “bloody” wounds.

Strips of long and fluffy false eyelashes will also come in handy - they are one of the characteristic features of the doll's makeup. For a zombie doll, you may need colored lenses - in case the image is still planned to be creepy. Some makeup artists also suggest using paper tape and a bandage as decoration; they will be useful in the makeup of a “broken” doll - they will create the impression that they tried to “glue” it back together.

Image of a broken porcelain doll for Halloween

Without scary details, they are often chosen for themed parties. He is distinguished by white porcelain skin, bright lips with a bow, blush and sometimes freckles, as well as large, “open” eyes with long eyelashes and a childish, naive look. All this is usually present in the makeup of an evil doll for Halloween. Only in the latter case there are more additional elements that make the image look like it came out of a horror movie. The options may be different, we will tell you about each in more detail.

Makeup of a “broken” doll

Perhaps the most common technique when creating doll makeup for Halloween is adding cracks and holes that imitate voids in place of broken porcelain.

© misskittyroseburlesque

The easiest way to draw them is either with a brush with a special black makeup, or with gel eyeliner.

© anniessaglover

By the way, you can draw wounds in unusual shapes. For the eyes, for example, repeat the Harlequin makeup from this video.

Makeup of a doll with a web

One way to make a doll's makeup themed is to add a cobweb or spider design to the whitened tone, which can be easily created using regular eye liner.

© anyana_moonchild

Choose products with waterproof formulas.

Cute doll makeup with scary details

Try to play with contrast: create a deliberately sweet and touching makeup for a doll that seems to be blinking its eyes in bewilderment. Complete it with, for example, a pink wig, and then paint on drops of blood, scratches and wounds, seams (by the way, you can glue real threads to them).

Another idea is to bandage part of the head, "grabbing" the face in places where there are red bloody marks.

And if you want to get even more dramatic makeup, you can add some of the details used to create one of these looks:

Annabelle doll makeup

The doll from the movie Annabelle is one of the most recognizable and popular role models on All Hallows' Day. All the typical doll features that usually look cute are so exaggerated in him that they are terrifying.

© katereynoldsmua

The eyes are not charmingly wide, but literally bulging, the blush seems more feverish than tender, the smile looks evil. When working on the make-up of the Annabelle doll, you should literally “copy” its features by looking at footage from the film.

Detailed instructions for creating a scary Halloween doll makeup can also be found in this video.

Makeup in the style of Billy the doll from the movie “Saw”

As for the doll from “Saw,” Billy’s makeup is completely different: he will need to portray a white mask with a massive nose, spiral blush, crazy red eyes (you can’t do without lenses), red lips and a “retractable” jaw. Another characteristic feature is a white tone, which cannot be created without makeup. When choosing such an image, you need to be prepared for a full-fledged transformation and completely change your face, covering it with paint in several layers.

Makeup in the style of a scary voodoo doll

A voodoo doll is radically different from those dolls that we talked about above - it is a fabric toy with button eyes and a mouth “depicted” using thread stitches. It looks like it's sewn up. In makeup it is this detail that will have to be repeated.

You don't have to use white makeup as a tone. Instead, apply regular foundation to your skin. Use it (or a more durable and dense concealer to match) to paint over your lips - then use a black pencil to draw the marks from the threads. Darken your eyelids with black, or better yet, outline your eyes with black in a circle to imitate those same buttons. You can add black lenses to this makeup, which will seriously enhance the intimidating effect. The completion of the image should be details such as needles and pins - of course, also drawn. Thanks to them, there will be no doubt that the makeup was intended to look like a voodoo doll.

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