Uniting wedding ceremonies. Warm traditions: wine ceremony at a wedding

Since ancient times, wedding ceremonies have been symbolic rituals marking the unity of newlyweds. Two candles interpreting the two principles that the bride and groom hold at the altar. And the third candle, lit from the first two, represents the image of those combined.

In Rus', marriages were accompanied by various signs and customs. All of them were aimed at ensuring that the family was strong, friendly and happy, and that future children were healthy.

Marriage traditions developed in each nation in its own way. Modern trends in wedding celebrations have erased national boundaries. The wedding tree that decorates the bride's house in Turkey is given to the groom in Romania. The exchange of rings, the bride's garter, and her bouquet are the most common ceremonies. But beautiful exotic ceremonies, guests from tropical countries, are not held at weddings everywhere.

For example, a sand ceremony should be organized on the beach, or on the shore of a pond. The priest pours white sand into the center of a transparent vessel and reads the ritual words. The bride and groom make a vow to each other and add sand to the vessel. The container is sealed and is considered a symbol of unity. Today, colored sand is often used, and the result is a colorful, unique mixture of layers in the container.

Organizing a celebration begins with a plan, where the wedding ceremony is outlined step by step. The most iconic traditions are sure to be present in most scenarios.
If you don't know what to do, or want to choose only some ceremonies, then you should focus on three categories of events

  • Customs in the bride's house
  • Traditions in a church or registry office

Customs and ceremonies in the bride's house

  1. The very first custom that is still followed is the prohibition for the groom to see his bride on the eve of the wedding if he wants a prosperous family life.
  2. The most spectacular and fun custom in the bride's house is undoubtedly her theft with subsequent ransom. The event script and remarks are prepared by the witness and the bride's friend, however, the groom can also take part. The bride price is paid for sweets, champagne or money. The parents of the newlyweds, guests, neighbors and acquaintances are included in the game.
    The details of the ritual depend on what text the writers’ imagination suggests. The wedding part ends in the bride's house with the blessing of the parents.

Scenario of theft and ransom of the bride

In the old days, the bride was actually kidnapped, as a rule, if the groom could not pay the ransom, or the parents of the young couple were against the marriage. Now, kidnapping a bride at a wedding is a comic ritual.

  1. Guests should be distracted in some way - by making an announcement, starting a search for lost rings, or just a small performance.
  2. When everyone present is focused on the event, you need to take the bride out of the room
  3. The bride is reported missing. A ransom is required from the groom and witness for her return.
  4. The ransom can be a fiery dance, singing, acrobatic performances or a staged show. The groom and best man may be asked to complete a "quest". The choice depends on the talents of the “buyers” and what they know how to do.
  5. The ransom is supplemented with food, alcohol and money.
  6. The bride returns and is greeted joyfully. The bride learns exactly how she was bought from stories and videos.

Traditions in a church or registry office

  1. After the cheerful beginning comes the ceremonial part - the church wedding. In front of the altar, the groom stands on the right, the bride on the left. The relatives of the young take their places accordingly. The wedding ceremony begins with a triple blessing and ends with an oath and a kiss. When people remarry, they don't hold lit candles in their hands.
  2. At the exit from the church, it used to be customary to shower the newlyweds with rice or coins. Today it is more popular to use rose petals as a guarantee of a successful marriage.

This is followed by a civil ceremony in the registry office

  1. Exchange of rings, a kiss, a glass of champagne drunk to the bottom. Bow to the parents before leaving the registry office. The beautiful custom of releasing white doves into the sky will decorate the end of this part of the ceremony.
  2. Sometimes a representative of the Civil Registry Office is invited to register a marriage in a certain place. An outdoor ceremony may be necessary when there are a lot of guests or the vow being taken is part of a staged event.

Photo session in nature. The place where the wedding procession will stop can be a park or beach, forest or pond.

The wedding walk of the newlyweds to places of worship symbolizes the veneration of ancestors; the laying of flowers at the eternal flame occurs after all the ceremonies, after which the newlyweds arrive at the banquet. Recording on video will allow you to return to this day years later and share your experiences with your children.

Ceremonies at the festive banquet

Newlyweds are increasingly interested in new unusual wedding rituals. We will tell you about the five most beautiful and memorable ceremonies that can be held during a wedding celebration.

Newlyweds are increasingly interested in new unusual wedding rituals. We will tell you about the five most beautiful and memorable ceremonies that can be held during a wedding celebration.

Sand ceremony

One of the most beautiful wedding ceremonies, during which the newlyweds “paint” their unique “Picture of Love” with sand, came to us from the Hawaiian Islands. The sand ceremony symbolizes the unification of the newlyweds into one whole: just as it will be impossible to separate multi-colored grains of sand from each other, so your love will be unshakable and indestructible.

For the ceremony you will need three transparent vessels - for the groom, for the bride and a common one. It is better to choose a common vessel of an unusual shape, for example, in the shape of a heart. The vessels of the bride and groom are filled with sand of different colors (most often the bride uses sand in red shades, and the groom uses blue sand). And pronouncing mutual vows of love, the newlyweds fill an empty vessel with multi-colored sand, receiving a unique “Picture of their love.” Then the filled vessel is closed and given to the newlyweds for eternal storage, as a symbol of the bright feeling that united them on this day. The husband and wife break empty vessels, symbolizing farewell to their old life and the beginning of a new one.

Letter of happiness

Newlyweds write letters to each other in advance telling about their feelings and sharing their love story. During the wedding celebration, the newlyweds sign a “Letter of Love”, seal it in a bottle and send it by water. Or they bury it next to some tree (the tree symbolizes the unification of the three elements).

It is believed that the one who finds this letter will definitely find his love and will be as happy as the newlyweds who sent it.

Rose ceremony

There are 1001 ways to confess your love to someone dear to you, but in the language of flowers it sounds simply amazing!

Thus, the “Rose Ceremony”, which came to us from Great Britain, fascinates with its beauty. Of course, receiving flowers is the legal prerogative of the fairer sex, but not on the day of the wedding ceremony. The newlyweds are invited to exchange red roses, symbols of love, and, handing over the flower, tell the chosen one about their feelings. These roses become the first family gift that newlyweds give each other.

After placing the rosebuds on a picture or in some vessel, you need to keep them in your home as a reminder of the great gift presented to you from above - your love!

(In Hawaii, this ceremony is performed using a wreath instead of a red rose.)

Family hearth

It is believed that the bride and groom, upon getting married, leave their previous families to form a new one, therefore not only the newlyweds, but also their parents take part in the ceremony of lighting the family hearth.

This ceremony is always carried out at the beginning of the wedding celebration, and the lit “family hearth” is lit throughout the wedding evening.

So, the mothers of the newly-made spouses approach their children with lit candles to tell them parting words, then at the same time they bring the lights of their candles to the large candle of the newlyweds, thereby showing that by connecting their two lights, they gave strength to the third light, which is yet to come flare up and gain strength.

By the way, the hearth lighting ceremony was popular with our grandparents.

air heart

It is very romantic at the end of the wedding evening to launch an “airy heart” into the sky with the names of the newlyweds or with a note of wishes from the newly-made family. The heart can be glued together from helium balloons or using ready-made paper heart lanterns.

This is not only a very beautiful ceremony, but also symbolic: by releasing personalized balloons with wishes into the sky, you seem to be telling about your happiness to the Universe itself.

Romantic ceremonies are becoming an increasingly popular addition and decoration to off-site marriage registration. The ceremony of exchanging vows, the sand ceremony of the merging of destinies, the ceremony of creating a single candle, the rose ceremony - a romantic decoration for your outdoor wedding.
The 21st century gives us amazing opportunities and allows us to have a wedding the way you want, to choose those rituals and traditions that are close to you. Today you make your own choice: create a new custom and introduce a new tradition or choose from the world heritage. Your creative idea is wonderful!

Marriage in itself is an expression and recognition of deep love. But among thousands and thousands of lovers there are always those for whom the wedding vow is important and vital. On their wedding day, in the presence of family and friends, the bride and groom take an oath of fidelity to each other and speak words of love. If you are adherents of this view, you choose to exchange vows as a separate ceremony or include a wedding vow in the program of the off-site marriage registration ceremony.

A beautiful alternative to wedding vows can be, because what is inexpressible in words is inexhaustible in actions. This wedding tradition or ceremony is relatively new. Came to us from the West - The Unity Sand Ceremony. (Sand ceremony of unity) The essence of the sand ceremony is the symbolic unity of the bride and groom. It is no coincidence that colored sand is a symbol of the destinies of the bride and groom. Sand is a symbol of time, and each grain of sand represents unique and unrepeatable moments in their lives, feelings and events that helped them become who they are today. And, just as sands from two different vessels are united in one common thing, so from two “I”s, at the behest of loving hearts, one “WE” is born. For the ceremony, the bride and groom choose sand of two different colors, because a marital union is the unity of two personalities, two individualities. Being different in nature, having different purposes, from now on they are united in their life aspirations.

The ceremony of creating a single candle is a beautiful and deeply meaningful ceremony. A single candle is a symbol of the family hearth and the light of family values ​​and virtues. It is created at the on-site marriage registration from granulated wax. The bride and groom are free to choose what color wax to use: make it pearl white, two-tone or rainbow. The newlyweds can light a single candle immediately after its creation. Long fireplace matches will help to make this not only beautiful, but also convenient. Or this symbolic action can be transferred to the wedding banquet. In this case, their parents can join the young people in order to visualize the connection of the two genera.

Rose ceremony She is especially beautiful in nature - in a garden or a picturesque park surrounded by rose bushes. The rose symbolizes the love of the spouses, the crystal vase symbolizes the purity of their feelings, and water represents the basis and protection of life. The groom, with sincere and heartfelt words, gives the rose to the bride, she answers the groom and places the rose in a vase with water. Just as a rose cannot live without water, so spouses cannot live without each other. In memory of this wonderful day and as a sign that the vow of love is still strong, the spouse will give exactly the same rose every anniversary, the spouse will place it in a crystal vase with clean water. This beautiful rose, reborn again and again, because the rose bush blooms every year, will become a symbol of the renewing love of the spouses and their oath of fidelity will sound every year again and again.

It can be done as an exchange of the first gifts in marriage. https://www.casamientos.com.ar/articulos/la-ceremonia-de-la-rosa--c5716 The essence of the Argentine rose ceremony is that the bride and groom are the first to exchange gifts in marriage. After they have said their vows and put on their wedding rings, they hand each other red roses. A red rose is a symbol of love, it speaks for us: “I love you.” They are already in the status of husband and wife presented and accepted one of the most precious gifts of life: the gift of true and eternal love. Subsequently On their wedding anniversary, husband and wife give each other one rose - a symbol of the renewal of marriage vows, and as a reminder of the love that brought them together. Sometimes it can be difficult to say to a loved one: “I’m sorry”, “I’m sorry”... And then the rose speaks for us: “I still love you.”

It is possible to combine the rose ceremony with the proclamation of the vows of the bride and groom, then the beautiful flowers will serve as a symbol of their vows. If the groom gave the bride red roses on the first date or afterwards, this will be an appropriate memory and the beginning of a beautiful family tradition.

You can find or come up with romantic unifying ceremonies for every taste and passion.

Try to find something in the history of your relationship that connects you and unites you. I understand that the question may seem stupid, because you are connected by love. I’m not talking about this, but about something material, so to speak. And then this commonality can form the basis of your unifying ceremony.
Let me give you an example. One couple has a lot to do with watches, and they wanted to incorporate that into their ceremony. The basis for the family clock can be invited to be written by guests with wishes at the welcome buffet, and at the ceremony itself the bride and groom will assemble them, that is, they will insert the hands and the clock mechanism with a battery, and symbolically start or turn them on: from this moment comes the time of love - the time of family, and the hands of the clock show the moment of union of two loving hearts.
If you try really hard, you can buy an hourglass that you can fill with sand yourself. And combine the sand ceremony and the creation of a family watch.

Greetings, my regular readers! And welcome to the site, dear guests! Today is an extremely interesting topic for all of you. Have you ever wondered where the wedding tradition of exchanging rings came from? And this ritual, by the way, is about 6 thousand years old! Each country has its own wedding ceremonies; today we will look into the intricacies of the beautiful and unusual traditions of peoples around the world. And you will find out why wine is stuffed into boxes, stones are collected and keys are buried in the ground.

I have put together an amazing selection of wedding ceremonies for you, I am sure that after reading the article to the end, you will definitely learn something new! Or you might want to add one of the rituals to your holiday program. Ready? Then let's begin.

East is a delicate matter

Let's start from afar, namely, I propose to get acquainted with the beautiful and sophisticated traditions of Asian countries.

Traditions of the peoples of Asia

  1. The “Locking the Castle” ceremony comes from the land of the rising sun. In Japan, it signifies the reunion of the newlyweds' hearts for life. After closing the lock, the key is thrown into a pond, launched into the sky, tied to a balloon, or simply buried.
  2. The water ceremony in Thailand symbolizes prosperity and fertility. Guests pour water from a shell taken from a shell with lotus buds into the cupped hands of the groom, then the bride. The ritual ends with the joining of the hands of the newlyweds with a thin cord, so each guest seals the bonds of marriage!
  3. The wedding tea ceremony is a mandatory ritual of a Chinese wedding. Previously, such a custom symbolized the obedience of a young wife to her husband. Today, by serving tea to their parents, children express their respect and gratitude.
  4. In China, a beautiful “Goldfish” ceremony is held during a wedding. It is believed that if the newlyweds fill an empty aquarium with goldfish on their wedding day, they will have a happy family union. Do you like fish? Maybe decide to get a new aquarium with fish?

In Moscow, the most popular place where wedding locks are hung is Luzhkov Bridge; there are special forged trees on it, which, when filled, are not cut down, but are moved to Bolotnaya Embankment.

Ancient rituals of the Middle East

Wedding rituals that are popular today all over the world came to us from the countries of the Middle East:

  1. The oldest tradition of exchanging rings originated in Egypt 6 thousand years ago. The ring is considered a symbol of love to this day. Without this ritual it is impossible to have a single wedding, regardless of whether you have a million-dollar wedding or the simplest painting in the registry office. It is believed that a vein runs through the finger to the heart, which connects the hearts of young people.
  2. “Salt of the earth” unifying ritual of an Indian wedding. The ritual consists of transferring a handful of salt from the hands of the bride to the hands of the groom. Do this 3 times, trying not to spill it on the ground. Then the bride gives a few grams of salt to each member of her husband's family, as a symbol of joining their family. Another option for using salt in a ceremony is when the newlyweds each pour salt from their own bottle into a common vessel, personifying well-being and harmony in the young family. The salt can also be multi-colored, it will turn out very beautiful.

Originally from Europe

Symbolic rituals

  1. There is another touching unifying stone ceremony. On the wedding day, the newlyweds swear fidelity and love by placing their hands on the stone, believing that it has memory. If desired, the unity stone can be engraved with the names of the lovers and the date of birth of the new family. You can also invite guests to hold a pebble at this touching moment, mentally wishing the young people well and happiness. In the future, the stones are stored in a box or placed in an aquarium in order to preserve in the family those bright and warm feelings that they experienced on their wedding day. How do you like this idea? If you want to hold a ceremony with stones, invite your guests to write wishes on them, it will be unusual and original, and besides, you will have a whole aquarium of kind words.
  2. Letter of love. This ritual came to us from Holland; according to tradition, the newlyweds on their wedding day cork a bottle with letters of mutual love and send it floating freely. According to legend, whoever found this letter will be lucky in love, just like the newlyweds.

Exquisite rituals

  1. The Rose Ceremony originates from England; this tradition cannot be imagined without royal flowers. It represents the process of exchanging roses as a sign of love between the bride and groom, already in the roles of spouses. If a couple has a private house or land, they can plant their roses in the garden so that in the future, when the bush blooms, they can remember their wedding day.
  2. Hand ceremony. This is an Irish ceremony of binding the hands of the newlyweds. It symbolizes the intentions of two people to connect their lives, take care of each other, and, of course, love. This wedding ritual is performed for the purpose of blessing and harmony in the young family. In Catholic culture, this is a sign of the union of lovers, their hands are tied once. According to Feng Shui, the number of hand bindings is six. But is quantity important? The main thing, as you know, is love and only love.
  3. Paper ceremony. On a wedding day in Greece, everyone who wants to dance with the bride or groom gifts them with money by attaching bills to their clothes. In Hungary, the dance of money looks a little different. The bride takes off her shoes and dances barefoot; anyone who wants to invite her to dance must put a paper bill in them.

Want to use colorful paper for your ceremony? Here are the options:

  • large pom-poms and garlands
  • flowers and flags
  • chains - perfect for inexpensive arch design

Traditions of our ancestors

I will divide traditional rituals in Russia into two types: before the wedding and after. Now a little more about Russian ceremonies. Although, I think you already know about most of them!

Before marriage

  • matchmaking is a solemn proposal of marriage to the bride in the presence of her parents at her home. After receiving their blessing, the newlyweds begin preparing for the wedding.
  • bridesmaid - the bride's family came to the groom's house to get acquainted and appreciate the wealth in his family. At the viewing party, the newlyweds once again received parental consent and discussed preparations for the wedding.

On your wedding day

  • Bride ransom is the last pre-wedding ritual. Previously, the bride was literally ransomed, presenting her with seven gifts; today this is a cheerful custom of comic obstacles for the groom on the way to his beloved.
  • the blessing with bread and salt symbolizes the acceptance of the daughter-in-law by the groom's family. This is the custom of welcoming newlyweds with bread and salt. Legend has it that by biting off a loaf of bread at a wedding, the size of the piece determines who will be the master of the house.
  • wedding - a ceremony after the wedding. The sacrament of church blessing is a conscious joint decision. The newlyweds must prepare spiritually for this ritual, and on the wedding day in the temple they take an oath of fidelity and love before God.
  • The pancake ceremony during Maslenitsa week was a mandatory rite, when the newlyweds heartily fed each other delicious pancakes.
  • giving gifts. Traditionally, on the wedding day, guests congratulated the newlyweds and gave them gifts.

Be sure to invite a professional photographer to your wedding ceremony to capture all the best and most touching moments of your holiday.

American wedding ceremonies

  1. The Hawaiian sand ceremony is one of the most beautiful rituals, during which the bride and groom create their masterpiece of love from sand. The newlyweds pour colored sand into a common vessel. Just as multi-colored grains of sand cannot be separated from each other, when the newlyweds take vows of fidelity and love, they become one. Empty vessels are broken as a sign of parting with single life, and filled ones are taken home as a symbol of the beginning of a new life together.
  2. An alternative to the sand ceremony is a beautiful unifying ceremony with water. The newlyweds pour water, tinted in different colors, into a common vessel and a new beautiful color is obtained. For example, by mixing blue and yellow colors, you get green - the color of life and fertility.
  3. Flower Ceremony: A simplified version of the Rose Ceremony. In this case, relatives of the newlyweds give each other bouquets of flowers. In Hawaii, for example, they exchange flower crowns. Alternatively, newlyweds can give flowers to their mothers. And let this tradition take root with you. After all, flowers perfectly lift the spirits of the fair half of humanity.
  4. During the “Wine Ceremony,” the newlyweds, each using their own glass, mix two types of wine in one jug, as a sign of their desire to unite their lives into one. After this, the bride and groom drink from a common vessel to celebrate their reunion and new family.

If you want to organize such a touching ritual of uniting souls and hearts, choose beautiful music for the sand ceremony.

Famous and beautiful

Today there are a huge number of different beautiful ceremonies that are popular at weddings in many countries around the world.

  1. The most popular pre-wedding ceremonies are the bachelor and bachelorette parties. Now in almost all countries of the world not a single wedding is complete without these fun parties. Why are such feasts needed? It's simple, the bride and groom and their friends can take a break from the wedding worries and relax a little. And when to hold these parties - farewell to your single past life?
  2. Outdoor ceremonies are at the peak of popularity. To organize it, you will need to find a beautiful place, hire professional organizers for decoration, places for guests and a buffet table. Agree on the text for the host of the ceremony in advance; you may want to add your wishes.
  3. Evening ceremonies include the cake cutting ceremony. The newlyweds cut a beautiful cake, decorated in the style of the wedding, and treat the guests to a sweet dessert.
  4. A very touching and romantic fire ceremony. In the West, it is customary for the bride and groom to perform a candle ceremony, lighting a common candle as a symbol of unification as one.
  5. In Russia, this has changed slightly into the ceremony of lighting the family hearth. When parents of young people pass the light of their candles to their children with best wishes and blessings. You can buy a ready-made set of candles for the hearth, or buy inexpensive blanks and make it yourself.

Original and unusual

If you want to hold non-standard wedding ceremonies, then this section is for you.

Modern and creative

  • Nailing up the box for the first quarrel. Have you heard of this? The meaning of this ritual is that on the wedding day, the newlyweds put pre-prepared love letters-confessions and a bottle of good wine in a box, then securely hammer the box with nails. In the event of the first major quarrel, you will need to open the box, pour a glass of wine, read the letters, remember your real feelings and make peace properly! I think this is a great idea!

I wish you that the box of discord will never be opened, and that over time your feelings will become rich and seasoned, like the taste of a noble wine.

I hasten to give you ideas for new wedding ceremonies, let them decorate your holiday and make it unforgettable.

  • Ceremony with a drawing. On a white sheet of paper, as if on a clean path in life, the newlyweds paint their story, which they want to live together. A painting created by the union of two creative people will be a beautiful memorable memory, just like the wedding ceremony itself.
  • One of the new wedding unification ceremonies is the puzzle ceremony. Order a heart-shaped puzzle made of natural wood or cardboard and put it together. So symbolically, by connecting different parts into one, the bride and groom will unite their lives. You can invite parents and guests to write wishes on each element and create a picture together.

Don't know how to invite guests to your wedding? Surprise them with a puzzle invitation, by collecting the elements of which they will be able to find out the place and time of the celebration.

Well, that seems to be all! I tried to briefly cover the immensity. I hope this was something you wanted to do again, even if you were planning a non-ceremonial wedding. And I wish you to have the most flawless wedding ceremonies. Ask your questions, I will help and advise you in any way I can. Subscribe to my blog and share with your friends. See you soon for interesting articles! Bye bye!

On their wedding day, the newlyweds unite their two lives, their identities, by saying “YES” and vowing eternal love and respect. A beautiful symbol of this decision to go together and build a life together once became unifying wedding ceremonies, different in execution and origin, but invariably filled with the meaning of the merging of two loving souls.

Home ceremony

This tradition came to us from the United States. Traditionally, immediately after the exchange of vows, a ceremony of lighting a common candle takes place, symbolizing the creation of a home.

Most often, the mothers of the bride and groom light the candles, representing the two families. From the candles of their mothers, the bride and groom light their own candle, symbolizing the union of two families and the creation of their own home. Fathers can also join this ceremony, their participation will reflect harmony and understanding in families. The newlyweds' shared candle may be larger or a different color, or placed centered between their families' candles, symbolizing respect for their loved ones.

After the ceremony, the bride should keep all three candles to maintain the warmth of the home.

In our country, this ceremony is also very popular among newlyweds. Unlike American weddings, in our country there are no strict rules for conducting this ceremony. It can take place after the marriage registration ceremony, and at a festive banquet, or be the final stage of the holiday. But the meaning of this spiritual tradition is the same in all countries.

Sand Ceremony

Since ancient times, the sand ceremony has been performed during weddings by the native islanders in Hawaii, where sand of any color can be found. This beautiful ceremony is also popular among modern newlyweds and has become a symbolic attribute at weddings. The ceremony is carried out immediately after the exciting “YES!” or before the vow exchange ceremony. To carry it out, the bride and groom each take their own vase with sand, and the color of the sand of the bride and groom is different, symbolizing the individuality of each of the newlyweds. Then each of them pours sand from their vase into a common vessel. This vessel with the resulting bizarre sand pattern symbolizes the unification of two lives, two destinies into one, which will never be separated. The newlyweds can be joined by their parents, personifying harmony, mutual understanding and harmony in families, as well as friends and relatives, as a symbol of the unity of everything that surrounds the bride and groom.


Despite the transience of time, all newlyweds want to preserve their feelings and the harmony of their wedding day for the rest of their lives. The unifying ceremony “Hourglass” is held as such a symbol. The hourglass vessel is simultaneously filled by both newlyweds, with each pouring sand from his own vase. This process means that they want to combine the time of their entire lives separately into one life together. The hourglass is kept by the newlyweds as a reminder of the immutability of their decision to spend their whole lives together, because the number of grains of sand in the vessel will forever remain the same.

Tree of Love Ceremony

Planting a tree to signify the creation of a new family is an ancient tradition that exists in many cultures around the world, in which a tree is associated with love and family.

The bride and groom entering into marriage are like young shoots of trees that have to find their true mate to weave their lives with, support each other and strengthen their love and family over the years, just as the roots of a tree strengthen in the depths of the soil.

The Tree of Love ceremony is held after the newlyweds exchange vows and agree to marry.

If the wedding ceremony itself takes place outdoors, then the ceremonial planting of a tree will be its logical continuation accompanied by beautiful romantic music.

If the wedding ceremony was indoors, then after its completion, the bride and groom go to the garden or park where the “Tree of Love” ceremony will be held.

The tree can be planted in the front garden or in a beautiful pot that will take its rightful place in the newlyweds’ new home.

It is also symbolic that the newlyweds collect the soil for planting from their parents’ gardens (or take it from house plants), thereby personifying harmony, understanding and mutual respect in their families, which they want to create in their own.

A mixture of soil from parental homes with love and care during planting and further care will produce wonderful fruits in the future, just as a family in which everyone treats their loved one with love and care will be strong and prosperous.

Stone ceremony

According to European legends, the stone has a good memory for events and feelings of people, which it retains for centuries.

At the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds take vows of eternal love and fidelity, placing their hands on their common stone of unity.

The stone can be engraved with the initials of the bride and groom and the wedding date.

To preserve all the feelings and atmosphere, on the wedding day, parents, friends and relatives can also be given a stone, which they will hold in their hands during the ceremony, mentally wishing happiness, love and harmony in family life.

You can invite guests to write down their wishes on a stone to keep them as a keepsake.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds place their unity stone in a box or aquarium to preserve in their family the feelings with which they were surrounded on their wedding day.

If all the guests took part in this ceremony, then all the stones are collected in a common box after the ceremony, and the newlyweds keep them in their home.

There is even an ancient legend on the topic of stones. It is called “The Stone of the Wise Woman.”

The traveler was very happy. But a few days later he came to the stream in search of a woman. Returning the stone, he told her: “I know how valuable this stone is, but I am giving it back to you, hoping that you can give me something more precious - what is inside you, which allowed you to give it to me.” stone."

Locking Ceremony

There is another wedding tradition that came to us from Japan - this is the “Locking the Castle” ceremony.

The idea of ​​this wedding ceremony is quite simple: to unite the hearts and souls of the newlyweds forever.

After the ceremony, having united their lives forever and locked the lock, the newlyweds release the key into the sky on balloons, throw it into the water or bury it in the ground, thereby symbolizing their desire and desire to be always together.

Wine ceremony No. 1 - wine aging

Like a fine wine, a marriage gets better with age.

Following this idea, many newlyweds choose a wine ceremony as a unity ceremony for their wedding.

For this ceremony, the bride and groom must write vows to each other, not wedding vows, but ones that they can only read on a specific anniversary of their choice.

After the ceremony, a bottle of the chosen wine and wedding vows are placed in a wooden wine box, which can be engraved with the couple's initials and their wedding date.

The box is tightly sealed or locked. The shelf life is determined by the newlyweds themselves.

By opening this box on their anniversary and reading the love vow left several years ago, the couple will again plunge into that wonderful romantic atmosphere of their wedding day.

Wine ceremony No. 2 - combining two types of wine

The unifying wine ceremony at a wedding symbolizes the idea that two people, as different as two types of wine, have decided to unite their lives into one.

During this ceremony, the bride and groom pour different types of wine into a common vessel, each from their own vessel.

After this, the groom pours some wine from a common vessel into his glass, and the bride does the same.

After this, they drink wine from a common vessel for uniting their two lives into one family.

Guests are also invited to drink the new wine, created as a symbol of the new family, harmony and mutual respect for it.

God's Knot Ceremony

“Where one may be powerless, two will support each other. A knot of three ropes will not fray soon” - these ancient lines illustrate the importance of family in the Christian religion.

The God's Knot unifying wedding ceremony has its origins in this religion, which believes that two people united by God are stronger than individuals. In the Christian religion, a wedding is more than a union between a man and a woman, it is also a union with God.

Therefore, the God's Knot wedding ceremony involves the newlyweds weaving a knot of three ropes, symbolizing each of them and God. A rope, symbolizing God, is placed in the middle so that his love continues to support the family.

Each rope is attached to a metal ring held by the groom. And the bride, in turn, weaves them together.

The ropes have specific colors: gold represents God, red represents the groom, and white represents the bride.

During the ceremony, the master of ceremonies can tell the story and meaning of everything that is happening to the parents, friends and loved ones present at the ceremony.

You can also complement it with slow, soulful music to complement the special atmosphere that is created at this ceremony.

"Tying the Knot" Ceremony

After the newlyweds agree and exchange vows, one of the unifying ceremonies, “Tying the Knot,” is held.

The newlyweds each take their own rope, different in color, and tie them with a sea knot while telling a story about the symbol and essence of this ceremony.

By tying their two ropes, the newlyweds personify with them their lives, which they want to tie together and forever, to unite them with a common goal and the essence of existence, thereby presenting a unique gift to each other.

Like a sea knot, love and family provide support and strength throughout life, and like a rope, a marriage grows stronger through trials and pressures.

"Secret Knot" Ceremony

Among followers of the teachings of Feng Shui, there is a wedding tradition called the “Secret Knot,” which is held to bless the family for good luck, harmony and longevity.

According to this tradition, you need to wrap the rope around the hands of the newlyweds 6 times without crossing it. These six circles symbolize the infinity of the circles of birth and resurrection.

In the Catholic and Anglican churches, it is customary to tie the hands of the newlyweds only once as a sign of sealing their marriage forever.

Chemical ceremony

Molecules are similar to people, some do not react, and some combine to form a new element.

This is precisely the meaning of the chemical unification ceremony at a wedding - to unite your lives and create a new family.

To carry out this ceremony, each of the newlyweds must pour the substance from their small (100-200 ml) flask into one common (1000 ml). The molecules then react to form a new chemical element.

Of course, to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to provide the correct chemical elements.

One possible option is the following:

In a large flask, 2/3 white vinegar and 1/3 water.

Small flasks contain 2/3 baking soda and 1/3 water.

Once the compound reacts, it will fizz, and after the carbon dioxide is released, it will turn a beautiful purple color.

Foot Washing Ceremony

This tradition is rooted in the Gospel and is a great idea for a Christian wedding.

As a unity wedding ceremony, it represents that both family members respect each other, are loyal and are always ready to support each other.

For this ritual, the bride and groom take off their shoes, put their feet in a basin and pour water from a beautiful jug, lightly washing each other's feet.

After this, they dry their feet with a towel, which may have their initials or wedding date on it, and put on their shoes.

Rose ceremony

In the language of flowers, roses mean love, and one rose means the phrase “I love you.”

During this ceremony, the bride and groom exchange roses as their first gifts to each other in their new capacity as spouses.

If desired, the bride and groom, having exchanged roses, can give them to the mothers of their beloved ones.

After the ceremony, the couple can plant their roses in the garden in front of their home to preserve their first gifts to each other as husband and wife.

You can give each other a rose every anniversary, which will mean that your marriage is based on love.

Unfortunately, there are difficult moments in family life... when an accidentally thrown phrase can offend the person most important to you. After all, it is easiest to upset those we love most. And here, when it is difficult to find the right words to explain yourself, remember your wedding rose ceremony and place a beautiful rose in the vessel of your choice on your wedding day. The flower will say for you: “I’m sorry,” or “I forgive you,” or “I need you.”

Ceremony with salt

Since ancient times, salt has been considered a sign of prosperity and harmony in the home.

In connection with this impartation, there are several options for unifying ceremonies associated with salt.

The bride and groom pour salt from each of their vessels into one common one, symbolizing prosperity and harmony in the families of their parents and their individuality.

Another variation of this ceremony is that the groom takes a handful of salt into his hand and pours it into the bride, who in turn does the same. This symbolizes eternal harmony and respect in their home.

You can also invite parents for this ceremony, symbolizing unification, love and harmony between two families.

Ceremony with a drawing

One of the more recent wedding unification ceremonies is the pattern ceremony. It symbolizes the union of two creative personalities, which, in turn, will become the basis for new creative achievements.

The white canvas at this ceremony is the beginning of a new journey together, and the colors with which the bride and groom will paint are their life, the one they want to create together. The bride and groom paint with different colors that symbolize their individuality, and the resulting creation represents them together.

Puzzle folding ceremony

This is one of the new wedding unification ceremonies.

One of the possible options for carrying it out is that the bride and groom combine different elements into one picture (it can be made of wood or cardboard), symbolizing the unification of their two lives into one.

You can also invite parents and guests to put the puzzle together, inviting them to write their name and wishes on each element. These elements will symbolize the entire environment of the bride and groom, united by their couple.

As a logical preparation for this ceremony, you can also make wedding invitations in the form of puzzles, after completing which guests will find out the place and time of the ceremony.

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