DIY tiger ears. Do-it-yourself cat ears: how to make them from hair, a pattern for knitting a hat, and a paper headband

There are very few days left until the most joyful holiday, or rather 26 days. Many people think about carnival costumes or costume elements for the New Year. This year, as we all know, passed under the sign of the Cat. While preparing for New Year's matinees last year, I staged a Cat dance with the children and started thinking about how I could make ears.

Many people have probably encountered the problem of creating ears. Sometimes they look like pigs, sometimes like donkeys... but not like cats. In general, a lot of problems and a lot of unnecessary scraps of fabric. But at first glance, all this seems extremely simple.

We will need:

— A small piece of fur (will replace wool for us)

A small piece of fabric (for the inside of the ear)

— Thread, needle, scissors, pencil

— Thin metal headband (it will hold your ears)

— A piece of cardboard or thick paper.

Step one:

Take a pencil and a piece of cardboard. Draw this shape:

The size of the figure depends on the size of the ear. A small ear is a small figure, a large ear is a large figure. Once you've drawn, don't rush to cut it out.

Step back from the edges of your figure about 1cm and draw a second line. It should look like this:

Along the red line we cut out a figure from cardboard.

Step two:

Take the fabric from which you are going to make the ears. Place the figure on the fabric and trace. Then carefully cut out parts of the future ear from the fabric. When cutting, make sure that the fur part is slightly larger than the fabric part.

Now you can act on this map - everything is clear here.

Accessories are an invariable attribute of any event. School holidays, matinees in kindergarten, student parties - all this is accompanied by costumes.

Today, a fashionable accessory are ears attached to the headband. Teenage girls take photographs with such ears and use them as an accessory for various holidays.

Making ears with your own hands is not difficult. There are many ways to make an accessory. Anything can be used: from cardboard and wire, to homemade knitted parts and purchased blanks.

To make a beautiful accessory, and not a clumsy children's craft, you need to make an effort; each action must be performed strictly according to the instructions, clearly and evenly.

Particular attention is paid to the little things: contours, details, trim.

Volumetric ears crocheted or knitted: patterns for knitting hats for women with descriptions

Fashionable headdress - a hat with ears. An ideal option to emphasize coquetry, playful mood and capricious character.

It is enough to simply knit such a hat yourself. For this you will need yarn. It is better to choose wool. Knitting needles No. 3, elastic band, thread with a needle.

Knitting pattern for a hat with ears:

  • For an adult girl's head you will need 96 loops.
  • We knit 4 rows of elastic.
  • Next comes the knitting pattern.
  • Rapport is added twice in each row.
  • When the height of the hat is connected, close the loops.
  • We turn out the ears in the upper corners.

Important! The pattern is chosen according to taste; there are quite a few options for knitting patterns. The crochet pattern is not much different from the one described above.


  1. We cast on 88 loops and knit 57 rows.
  2. When finishing the 57th row, we put the designations of the descent lines on each 22 loop.
  3. We fasten by knitting the first two loops into one, grabbing the top yarn.
  4. We do the same for the front loops, excluding the three extreme ones.
  5. We tie the loops tightly.
  6. In the 59th row the loops are not decreased.
  7. Knitting continues according to the pattern: every even row we decrease the loops according to the pattern described above.
  8. Each odd row is knitted unchanged.
  9. Upon completion, the thread is separated, leaving a small section of it.
  10. It is threaded through the loops that remain.
  11. Tighten and secure on the wrong side.
  12. On the tenth loop from the top point, they begin to knit the eyelet.
  13. The ears turn out better if you choose knitting needles of smaller thickness.
  14. The first two rows are knitted in the round, forming the ear.
  15. Subsequent ones - decrease every second loop.
  16. Knitting is carried out with tightening.
  17. We remove extra loops when there are no more than three left.
  18. The thread is cut, tightened and fixed. Ready!
  19. The second eye is knitted according to the same pattern.

Children's headband made of paper and cardboard

To make a simple children's accessory - ears with your child, you will need materials: cardboard, paper, glue, scissors, hairpins.

Making a simple headband with ears - a children's version:

Actions Notes
1 Cut a strip of cardboard 1-2 cm wide This is a headband. It should be attached to the hair or hat using hairpins or bobby pins. Choose cardboard color so that it matches the suit
2 We cut out the triangles according to a single template. Each ear is in duplicate In other words, 4 triangles of colored paper are cut out and glued together so that the colored side faces outward.

When gluing, leave a 5 mm strip at the bottom on both sides

3 The strips left at the bottom of the triangles are divided and bent in different directions They are coated with glue at the bottom and glued to the rim at the same distance.

The headband must be bent, otherwise the ears will fall off when bent. To be sure, you can wrap it with transparent tape

4 Place the headband aside for 15 minutes to allow the glue to dry. The accessory is ready! If desired, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones, cover it with shiny varnish or paint it with felt-tip pens

Cat ears made from hair using hairpins

For a girl with medium-length hair, this option would be ideal. It is done simply and quickly: just have a comb, elastic bands and hairpins on hand.

Hairstyle diagram - cat ears:

  • Comb your hair and make two high ponytails on the top of your head.
  • Each tail is tightly wrapped around an elastic band, forming a cocoon.
  • The ends of the ponytails are discreetly secured with hairpins or bobby pins. You can decorate them with bows.

Another version of the same hairstyle is done using braids. Make two high ponytails and braid hair. They are wrapped around an elastic band and the ends are secured.

This option is more reliable - it rarely falls apart even if you take off or put on the hat.

But if the hair ears are part of a costume for an event, it is better to spray them with hairspray and put thin elastic bands on top.

How else can you do it at home?

If you happen to have an unnecessary headband lying around at home, you can make beautiful ears yourself.

We cut out the triangles themselves from thick cardboard and cover them with fabric. It is better to use velvet, it looks beautiful. Decorate the fabric with rhinestones or buttons.

Sheathing does not require special skill. Templates are cut out larger than the triangles cut out of cardboard. The sides are sewn together on the inside.

In order for the figurine to stand, you should place two cardboard triangles inside and separate them with cloth at the bottom. The bottom is sewn up and attached to the headband.

If the surface of the headband is fabric, use thread and a needle. They can be used to wrap a headband and sew ears to it.

To keep them in good shape, use wire instead of cardboard. To do this, make wire blanks: triangles, and cover them with material. It is more convenient to fasten if you leave the ends of the wire at the bottom.

Important! In order for the ears to lie tightly on the surface, the bottom of the triangles should be rounded. Then it will sit tightly on the rim.

You can attach the products to the headband using hairpins, tape or even a stapler, if the material of manufacture allows it.

Show your imagination and perseverance, and you will create the perfect accessory for your holiday costume.

Useful video

Fashion is a fickle and fickle concept. Sometimes leading designers offer sophisticated and non-standard solutions for everyday clothing.

The popularity of headbands with ears

Asian designers are especially capable of surprising and sometimes shocking. But some ideas of Eastern fashion quite easily and quickly take root in the West.

Thus, headbands with ears are extremely popular. Recently, an increasing number of girls prefer this accessory to a standard headband.

The headband with cat ears looks very specific, but at the same time interesting. Therefore, you will definitely be able to attract attention by wearing such jewelry.

In addition, such a headband with ears is suitable for costume parties and creative events.

If for some reason you don’t like the assortment of headbands in the store or want to become the owner of a unique accessory, you can easily make it yourself. And below we will discuss the question of how to make a headband with ears at home.

Option one

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • a small piece of leather (if desired, you can use any other material and color you like);
  • threads to match the fabric, needle;
  • beads;
  • cardboard;
  • a simple plastic or metal rim;
  • scissors.

When everything is ready, you can start.

  1. Take a piece of leather, fold it in half and cut out a triangle. The spread should look like a diamond.
  2. Cut out the second ear.
  3. Place one unfolded ear on the cardboard and trace the outline.
  4. Cut out the shape from cardboard, then place it on the paper sheet again and make a second diamond.
  5. Reduce the cardboard bases by about half a centimeter on each side. They should be smaller than leather molds.
  6. Place the cardboard eyelet on the leather one, bend it in half and put it on the headband (the cardboard should be inside). Hold the structure with your finger. You can glue the paper base.
  7. Thread the needle and begin sewing the edges of the leather together. Make a stitch, then take a bead, thread a needle through it and sew it to the eye. In this way, go around the edges of the ear. It will become bright and beautiful. In addition, beads allow you to hide uneven seams.
  8. Do the same with the second ear.

Here's how to make your own cat ear headband quickly and easily. This does not require any special talents, and the process does not take much time. As you can see, every girl can look stylish, and without significant financial expenses. By the way, it is not necessary to use beads, but in this case the seam should be very neat and invisible.

Option two: no sewing

Don't like to sew? No problem. The next method will show you how to make ears on a headband with your own hands without threads and needles.

You will need:

  • rhinestones (size, shape, color - your choice);
  • glue gun;
  • felt;
  • headband;
  • scissors;
  • paper or cardboard ear template.

Let's get started.

  1. Place the paper template on the felt and cut out one ear, then the second.
  2. You have two diamonds.
  3. Glue rhinestones onto one of the halves of the diamond using a glue gun. Glue in any order or form some kind of pattern - it's at your discretion.
  4. Using glue, attach the ear to the base, covering the folded area. Press for a few seconds. Then glue the two parts of the ear together.
  5. Use the same principle to make the second ear.

The headband with ears is ready. This method will reduce the cost of materials, and it can be done in half an hour. A little effort - and now a beautiful, unique decoration is ready.

If you don't like rhinestones, you can glue the "inner" part of the ear from pink or red felt on top. This option also looks very interesting. Wear it with pleasure!

Third option: you can never have too many beads

The next method is also very fast, but the result is no less impressive.

Prepare a base headband, beads, wire that can hold its shape, glue and ribbon.

  1. Bend the wire to create a cat ear shape. Bend the ends slightly and glue one of them to the rim.
  2. Start stringing beads on the other (free) end until they cover the entire ear.
  3. After that, use a glue gun to attach the second end of the wire to the base.
  4. Make the second ear in the same way.
  5. Now you can braid the headband with a ribbon of a suitable color. Start at one end and spiral the tape to the opposite end. Secure the end of the tape with hot glue.

The cute headband with ears is ready. Fast, high quality, original.

An interesting idea that will be useful to you for a holiday party could be a headband with ears made of lace. Simply secure the delicate fabric to the wire base of the ears and decorate the seam with ribbon.

The ears will turn out very tender and playful. Lace items look elegant in themselves, so such a headband should be worn with a matching suit.

Option four: ears in flowers

You can also decorate such a headband with artificial flowers prepared in advance. How to do it?

This headband creates a spring mood and matches bright and airy summer outfits.

The second method of a flower headband looks like the picture above. Try sticking flowers not along the length of the headband, but covering the entire front surface of the ears with them. It looks very gentle and feminine. Use flowers that you like. If you have time and desire, make flowers from felt by cutting out the petals separately and gluing them together.

Fashion creativity

As you can see, there are many ways to create such a popular decoration with your own hands. Everything is limited only by your imagination. Be bold, decisive and original. Then your accessories will attract attention, and you will be able to demonstrate all the facets of your creative personality. And don’t forget that it is important to correctly combine outfits with accessories.

Nowadays, when any carnival costume can be easily bought in a store, costumes and other accessories made by yourself are becoming popular again. The fact is that doing handicrafts has recently become very fashionable. Handmade products are original and unique. You can do simple crafts with your children.

One of these crafts will give your child a lot of pleasure during the making process, and will cause a storm of delight at a costume party. You will learn how to make a beautiful headband with cat ears with your own hands in this article.

What will we make it from?

So, your child, often a girl, dreams of being the most beautiful and original cat at the carnival. Great choice! The cat costume is almost ready. This is a dress or jumpsuit. There is even a tail. All that remains is to do the most important thing - cute cat ears.

Invite your daughter to make a headband with ears together. You will get the most pleasant emotions from joint creativity.

Let's consider several options for cat ears on a headband made of different materials:

  1. cardboard or thick paper;
  2. cardboard and satin ribbon;
  3. fleece or felt;
  4. faux fur.

Made from cardboard or thick paper

This is the easiest and fastest way. Such elements can be attached not only to the rim, but also to a hoop made of thick cardboard.

Let's take:

  • cardboard or thick paper of the desired color;
  • good paper glue or PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • plastic rim.
  1. We cut out two blanks from cardboard or thick paper. They are a diamond shape that, when folded in half, will become a triangular cat's ear;
  2. We wrap the parts around the rim, grease them with glue and match them so that the vertices of the triangles coincide. Press the elements firmly and leave until completely dry;
  3. If you don’t have a suitable headband on hand, you can make a hoop out of cardboard and glue ears to it.

As you can see, making cat ears with your own hands is not difficult.

Made from cardboard and satin ribbon

This is also a simple and accessible way for everyone. Ears made this way look stylish and elegant.

Have to take:

  • hair band;
  • satin ribbon 3-5 centimeters wide;
  • colored thick cardboard of the same color as the tape;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun or clear glue.

It is better to take a ribbon of the same color as your cat: gray, red, black, white. Instead of cardboard, pastel paper works great. This paper is sold in art stores.

It is dense and holds its shape well.

  1. Measure out a large piece of tape and cut it off. Glue one end of the tape to the rim. We are waiting for the glue to dry;
  2. Carefully wrap the ribbon around the accessory, making sure there are no missing spots. Each subsequent loop must connect to the previous one;
  3. We secure the tape with a small knot and glue it;
  4. Cut out two triangular blanks for the ears from cardboard. They should be 2 centimeters longer than the finished ears. We wrap two additional centimeters on the blanks, make a fold;
  5. Lubricate the resulting fold with glue. Glue the triangles on the inside of the rim;
  6. We measure out a piece of tape equal in length and width to the dimensions of the rim. We glue it from the inside;
  7. As soon as the glue dries a little, carefully adjust the ears and set aside until completely dry.

Made from fleece or felt

This is a simple but very practical option. You can use these ears for many years and then give them to your little sister. They store well and do not wrinkle. They are easy to clean with a small brush.

You will need:

  • medium-width plastic rim;
  • felt or thick fleece, matching the color of the suit;
  • pink felt or fleece;
  • sharp scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • glue "Moment Crystal" or similar;
  • thick paper for pattern.

  1. On a sheet of paper folded in half, draw a pattern for the ear. This should be done so that the base of the ear is on the uncut side. Cut out the pattern;
  2. We lay out on the table the material from which we will make the ears. Trace the pattern and cut it out. We prepare two parts similar to petals. If you fold them in half, you get a cat's ear;
  3. We cover the headband with fabric of the same color as the ear blanks. This operation can be omitted if the headband matches the color of the ears;
  4. Mark the places where the ears will be. Wraps the blanks around it. Lightly grease with glue, making sure that the substance saturates the material. Then, fold the workpiece so that you get an ear;
  5. We stitch each piece first along the rim, then along the perimeter;
  6. From pink material we cut out triangles that repeat the shape of the sewn ears, but are smaller in size. Gently coat them with glue and glue them to the finished ears.

Faux fur

Fur ears shrink naturally and naturally. You can choose any cat, leopard or tiger color.

This option requires the following materials and tools:

  • thin faux fur;
  • lining fabric;
  • padding polyester or very thin foam rubber for filling;
  • thin rim covered with fabric;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine, hand sewing needle;
  • pattern paper;
  • threads

  1. From thick paper we make a pattern that is an isosceles triangle. The pattern should be 1 centimeter larger on each side than the finished product - this is the seam allowance;
  2. We place the pattern on the fur from the wrong side. Secure with a safety pin. We cut out two fur blanks. We apply the same pattern to the lining fabric. The lining can be white, gray, pink, light brown. Cut out two pieces from the lining fabric;
  3. Place one fur and one fabric piece with the right sides facing each other. We sew them on a machine. You need to sew along the sides of the triangle, leaving the base unsewn;
  4. We turn both blanks inside out and insert triangles of the appropriate size cut from the filler inside;
  5. Use a needle to sew up the base of the ears. We sew the blanks to the base. You can add a small fold or roll the ears slightly inward to make them more similar to the shape of a cat’s ear.

The cat ears are ready. Let them bring joy to you and your child. Made with your own hands, they will provide you with a good mood during the holiday and the attention of others.

Lately, very cute things have come into fashion. Do you want to be on trend? Find out how to make your own. This information will also be useful for those who need to create a costume for a carnival party!

Bright character

Since you are just making an accessory, it may look different from what the real ears look like. At a fun evening event, you should shine! So, how to make a “Cat Ears” headband for a disco with your own hands? You will need:

  • Simple black headband.
  • Textile.
  • Cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Rhinestones or shiny sequins.
  • Black threads.

What do we have to do:

  1. Draw and cut out two ears on cardboard.
  2. Fold the fabric in half and place the template on the fold, cut out.
  3. Insert the headband into the center of the cut piece. Sew the ears around the headband.
  4. Make the cardboard templates a little smaller by trimming the edges by about 2 millimeters.
  5. Insert one template between the two sides of the eyelet. Sew the eye along the edge.
  6. Do the same with the other ear.
  7. Now glue stones or sequins to the accessory.

A bright accessory for an evening event is ready!


There are few people who can wear a headband all day. This accessory can put pressure on the head after some time and cause inconvenience. Therefore, it’s worth finding out whether you can make your own ears without a rim. What is needed for this:

  • Scissors.
  • Sheet of cardboard.
  • Threads.
  • Felt.
  • Simple hair clips.
  • Glue gun or Moment glue.


  1. Draw 2 ear templates on thick cardboard and cut them out.
  2. Using the templates, cut out the felt pieces.
  3. Trim the templates around the edges. Insert them between the fabric pieces and sew the ears.
  4. Apply glue to the bottom of the ear and glue it to the hairpin.
  5. To make your ears less boring, experiment with colors and decorations. You can sew a ribbon along the edge of the accessory, attach rhinestones, sequins, pompoms, and sew bows at the base.

Fur ears

How to make cat ears with your own hands as close to real as possible? What is needed for this:

  • Felt.
  • Simple headband.
  • Ribbon.
  • Cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Threads.
  • Glue "Moment".

The process itself:

  1. Draw and cut out an ear template on cardboard.
  2. Attach it to the fur and cut out 4 parts.
  3. Sew the pieces together in pairs.
  4. Cut out a new template from cardboard for the inside of the ear.
  5. Place it on the felt and cut out 2 pieces.
  6. Sew the felt to the fur.
  7. Glue each ear to the headband.
  8. Tie two bows from the ribbon and glue them to the base of the ear.

This accessory is perfect for a stylized event!

Everyday option

The everyday version of such an accessory should be calmer; it fits with any clothing. How to make cat ears with your own hands for everyday wear? Take:

  • Thick wire.
  • Narrow simple headband.
  • Pliers.
  • Beads that could be strung on wire.

What do we have to do:

  1. Cut the wire 6 centimeters longer than the ears themselves should be.
  2. String one bead and bend the wire in half to form cat ears. The bead should be located in the center.
  3. String the remaining beads without using 3 centimeters from each edge of the wire, bend them to the side (this part will be attached to the rim).
  4. Tie the ears to the headband.

How to make cat ears with your own hands in a slightly different way?

  1. Take two wires and tie them to one place on the rim.
  2. Place a bead on one end and twist both ends together.
  3. Put on another bead and twist again. Continue doing this until you have created the required length for one half of the eyelet.
  4. Bend the wire, give it the desired shape and continue making the other half using the same principle.
  5. When finished, cut the wire, leaving 3 centimeters to attach to the headband.
  6. One ear is ready, do the second one in the same way.

Wear it with pleasure!

You learned how to make cat ears with your own hands. The photo shows in detail how to do this correctly.

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