How to properly depilate with a depilator at home. How to use an epilator correctly for the first time

An epilator is rightfully considered an indispensable device. It removes hair from the root, leaving the skin soft and smooth. However, like any other business, using an epilator has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. This includes the initial hair length, direction of movement, preparatory procedures and other nuances. To remove vegetation without damaging the nervous system, follow practical recommendations and follow the basic rules.

How the epilator works

An epilator is a device with built-in metal discs or tweezers. By connecting the tool to the network, the elements rotate and capture the hairs, removing them from the roots. On most modern epilators, the rotation speed is adjustable. You need to start from the pain and the result you want to achieve.

The first tools were created for the purpose of removing excess hair on the legs and armpits. Later, modern manufacturers began to produce epilators with attachments that are suitable for the intimate area and face.

Depending on the attachments, you can achieve not only the removal of hairs and follicles, but also massage the treated area. Due to this, blood circulation accelerates, which makes the procedure less painful.

Some manufacturers have equipped their products with a cooling function, which slightly “freezes” the skin, preventing severe pain (relevant for sensitive types).

New-fashioned devices are suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of the pain threshold and the amount of hair on the body. If you wish, you can use the tool on your stomach, back, chest, shoulders, armpits, legs, bikini line.

Benefits of an epilator

  • you can easily carry out the procedure yourself;
  • ease of use, ease of storage and cleaning;
  • no additional equipment required;
  • hairs are removed from the roots;
  • long lasting result;
  • relatively low cost.

Disadvantages of the epilator

  • works loudly (not all models);
  • duration of hair removal (compared to depilation);
  • painful procedure.

Why should you use an epilator?

Girls and women who have previously done depilation with a machine know that shaving does not remove hair from the root. The blade cuts only the upper part, which rises above the skin. In this case, the bulb remains inside, as a result of which new vegetation appears within 2-3 days. The epilator does not have such a feature; its main purpose is to pull out the hair along with the bulb, making the skin smooth for 3-4 weeks.

Using an epilator does not require additional skills. The device is easy to use, so you can carry out the procedure yourself without overpaying to beauty salons. Since this tool does not require any additional equipment for hair removal, all you need is the device itself.

  1. Speed. As mentioned earlier, there is a lever on the epilator that allows you to adjust the speed of rotation of the discs or tweezers. At low power, it is necessary to remove hard and short hairs, since strong rotation will break them, and the root will remain inside. If you are using an epilator for the first time, you cannot avoid painful sensations, especially at low speed. There is no point in increasing the power, because such a move will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. After a certain period of time, the skin will get used to the stress, hair removal will be faster and more painless. Only then can you increase the speed because the hairs will become thinner, making them easier to remove.
  2. Length. When depilating with a machine, it is not necessary to grow thick hair on your legs, armpits or bikini area. It is enough to steam the skin and then shave the hair clean. In the case of an epilator, this step will not be possible; you will have to wait 2-3 days until the stumps grow to 0.4-0.5 cm. To remove the hair from the root, the tongs must capture it entirely.
  3. Technique. An important feature of hair removal with an epilator is that the device must be directed against hair growth. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will carry out one straight line several times, increasing the pain of the procedure. In this case, the effect will remain zero. As for the position of the device in your hand, hold it at an angle towards the side in which you are moving. Do not attempt to remove hair by pressing the epilator firmly into the skin. You will not increase the effectiveness of the procedure in this way. As a result, the skin will become irritated and scratches from forceps or discs will appear on it. Move the tool slowly and evenly, do not press hard.
  4. Steaming. The disadvantage of the epilator is considered to be the pain caused by the procedure. To minimize discomfort, steam your skin before epilating. Take a hot bath with sea salt and essential oils. If you don’t have a bath, steam your dermis under a hot shower, most importantly, wait until the pores open. After steaming, the root will come to the surface much easier, since the upper layer of the dermis will become softer. This condition is mandatory if you decide to get rid of hair with an epilator.

Epilation of individual zones

Depending on the area being treated, you need to use the epilator differently. For example, the bikini area is considered delicate, so the approach to it should be appropriate. Let's look at hair removal for each zone and give practical recommendations.

If we talk about the most sensitive areas of the skin on the legs, this is the area under the knees and ankles. The remaining areas get used to the procedure quickly enough, so you will not feel significant pain. It is difficult to epilate for the first 3-5 minutes, then the discomfort subsides. Due to the fact that the legs have a large and smooth surface, the procedure is relatively easy. It will take you 30-45 minutes.

To prepare your legs for upcoming hair removal, steam your skin in the bath, then scrub with coffee grounds. This move will remove dead skin particles and pull ingrown hairs to the surface. Next, disperse the blood with a hard washcloth and rub each leg for about 3 minutes.

All manipulations must be carried out 45-60 minutes before the start of the procedure, not earlier. After you leave the bathroom, dry your skin and massage (rubbing, patting, pinching). The preparatory work is completed, you can turn on the epilator at a slow speed and begin removing against hair growth.

Epilation of the bikini area
The bikini area is rightfully considered the most sensitive. The maximum number of pain receptors is concentrated in this area, so hair removal will be uncomfortable. If possible, carry out the procedure using a spray/gel (for example, Emla), which has freezing properties due to the lidocaine included in the composition.

A special cooling mitt, which can be purchased at cosmetics stores, is also suitable. Girls whose skin is sensitive to pain prefer to take painkillers before turning on the epilator.

Before starting the procedure, take tweezers and remove a few hairs from the inner thigh (along the line of your panties). By your actions, you will let your skin know that mass hair pulling will soon begin. After this, treat delicate skin with alcohol, vodka or an antiseptic to prevent infection.

After all the hairs have been removed, prepare a decoction based on medicinal chamomile. Soak a cosmetic swab in it and wipe the skin. This way you will restore natural cell regeneration and prevent irritation.

Epilation of armpits
Despite the fact that the armpit area is relatively small, it requires a special approach. The hair is located in the cavity, so during epilation it pulls on the skin and is not completely removed. To carry out the procedure correctly and minimize discomfort, stretch the epidermis at the moment when you move the epilator along the armpit.

If your hair in the hollow area is too long, you need to cut it to 0.5 cm. Otherwise, the pain will be 2 times stronger. After you finish epilation, wipe your skin with cosmetic ice based on chamomile infusion. Apply healing cream or lotion, do not use deodorant for 6 hours.

  1. In the bikini area and armpits it is very difficult to get a good grip of the tweezers on the hair. To increase effectiveness, cover the skin in these areas with unscented or chamomile-based baby powder. Talc will make the trunk area thicker, and will also absorb excess subcutaneous sebum and sweat that is released during hair removal. As a result, you won't need to go over the same area 3-5 times.
  2. Don't panic when you see red spots on your skin. This feature is a consequence of mechanical action, there is nothing to worry about. After 3 hours there will be no trace left of them. However, if you use regenerating and moisturizing skin care products before hair removal, such pigmentation can be avoided. If the spots do not disappear within two days, your skin is too sensitive. We recommend choosing a different method of hair removal (wax, sugar paste, laser, etc.).
  3. To reduce discomfort during the procedure, start epilating from the most sensitive areas. For example, on the legs - the ankles and the area under the knees, in the bikini area - the panty line (inner thigh). When the skin in these areas gets used to the pain, further manipulations will be almost painless.
  4. When choosing an epilator, you don’t need to skimp on your comfort. Do not choose the cheapest model without additional attachments and functions. Give preference to well-established skin care companies; their line is optimal for use at home.
  5. Before you begin epilation, inspect the area where excess hair will be removed. It should not contain moles, warts, spider veins, or bulging veins (varicose veins). Otherwise, exclude this area and do not process it. Consider a safe method of removal, such as an electric razor.
  6. Purchase a product from a cosmetic store that will minimize hair growth after hair removal. As a rule, products are produced in the form of gels, ointments, sprays and creams; choose the composition taking into account your skin type. This move will help reduce the frequency of hair removal, as a result of which the effect will last for a month, in some cases longer.
  7. Some girls neglect to steam their skin before the procedure, the pain becomes unbearable. If you consider yourself to be one of these types of people, reduce discomfort by taking a cold shower. The skin will calm down, all you have to do is wipe it with cosmetic ice cubes and wipe dry.
  8. Alternative options for hair removal with an epilator are considered to be sugar paste and wax. In the first case, the skin is preheated, which eliminates the need for steaming in the bathroom. The second option is to apply the molten composition to the treated area, and then further remove vegetation against growth.

It is easy to use an epilator at home if you follow the step-by-step instructions and practical recommendations. Make sure that the length of the hairs is at least 0.5 cm, steam the skin and scrub before the procedure. Wipe the treated areas with chamomile decoction to eliminate the possibility of irritation.

Video: hair removal with an epilator

Today, hair removal with an epilator is the most accessible and simplest procedure compared to other types of hair removal.

This is the most effective method of hair removal at home, compared to depilation too. Let's look at how to properly prepare the skin, use the device, and avoid irritation and ingrown hairs.

Based on the type of hair removal mechanism, there are three types of epilators:

  • Spring . It is practically forgotten by girls in Western countries, but, as before, it is popular in Asia. Epilation with such a device occurs using a spring, which captures a small amount of hairs and then pulls them out along with the hair follicle. The procedure is painful, long and ineffective, and has a high risk of ingrown hair formation. Perhaps the only advantage is its low cost.
  • Disk . It is very popular all over the world. Removal occurs due to the rotation of discs, which, in contact with each other, remove hair, up to 32 pieces at a time. A fairly effective epilator, at home it will take from 30 minutes to an hour and a half (depending on the model of the device and your experience) to remove hair from the surface of the legs.
  • Tweezers . It is the most modern of the three types. Its hair removal mechanism consists of small tweezers arranged in a staggered pattern. The number of “pinching” elements, depending on the model, is 20 or 40 pieces. It is considered the most effective epilator for home use.

Advantages and disadvantages of using an epilator

Should you use an epilator? We will consider the pros and cons of hair removal with this device below.


  • Possibility of using an epilator at home.
  • Compactness and mobility of the device.
  • Duration of effect.


  • The procedure is painful.
  • Possible ingrown hairs and skin irritation.

Skin preparation

Regardless of your pain threshold, hair removal is a painful procedure. Let's figure out how to prepare the skin for epilation with an epilator so that it happens with the least discomfort.

Before starting the procedure, you need to steam the skin - take a hot bath or shower. Then use creams that make the skin less sensitive to pain, containing icecaine or procaine (or both).

You need to apply the cream in a thick layer to the surface to be treated, wait at least an hour (or the time specified in the instructions) for the products to begin to act actively. Then clean the skin from any remaining cream with dry wipes or a towel.

You can also numb the skin during the removal process - with ice or using massage attachments.

How to carry out the procedure

How to properly epilate with an epilator? Using the device does not require special knowledge in the field of hair removal; it is enough to understand some of the features of the procedure in specific areas of your body.

Let's look at the rules for epilating with an epilator at home.


Epilation of legs is a rather long process if you do it for the first time. It is necessary to prepare your feet for the procedure by steaming them and numbing them. Then, if you use the device for dry hair removal, you need to use baby powder, it will absorb excess moisture from the skin. Powder the legs with it, remembering to remove the excess, and proceed to the main part.

When epilating legs with an epilator, for better quality of treatment, it is necessary to stretch the skin before interacting with the device. When epilating, the device must be held perpendicular to the surface being treated, removal should be carried out against hair growth.

There are some tips for treating your legs with an epilator:

  • start removing hair with an epilator from the thighs - they are less sensitive;
  • if irritation occurs, use skin soothing creams;
  • epilate your legs in the evening - the irritation will go away overnight, so your legs will look amazing in the morning.


The skin in the armpits is “flabby”, so it must be stretched and under no circumstances put pressure on the device during operation, otherwise the tweezers will pluck the skin.

Armpit hair does not have a specific growth direction, so the epilator must be moved in different directions to achieve the best result.

Otherwise, the procedure is similar to removing hair from the legs: prepare the skin, epilate it, and treat it with soothing agents.

Bikini area

In this case, you will additionally need a mirror.

The procedure should be carried out using a narrow nozzle: the smaller the treatment area, the less pain. It is better to start the process from the pubic area, gradually moving to the crease of the thigh. Unlike treatment of legs and armpits, experienced users advise treating the bikini area according to hair growth, and not against it.

Perhaps these are all the rules for hair removal with an epilator at home. If you stick to them, hair removal should be easy.

Additional tips:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the epilated surface with alcohol to disinfect the skin and minimize the possibility of germs entering.
  • Do not use a device designed for dry hair removal in the bath or shower. Firstly, it is unsafe, and secondly, you can damage the device.

How to care for your skin after hair removal

Often after hair removal, irritation appears on the treated skin. You don't need to be a dermatologist to know that your skin requires a lot of care. To do this, it is necessary to treat it with special means after the procedure.

In addition to eliminating irritation, care should be taken to ensure that the hair does not grow back as long as possible after removal. For this purpose, creams containing papain are used, which slows down the growth process. How long hair removal with an epilator lasts depends on your skin type, on average from two to six weeks.

How to prevent and solve the problem of ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs during hair removal are, unfortunately, not uncommon. But often women themselves are to blame for their appearance - some are simply too lazy to care for treated skin every day.

Smooth and delicate skin without traces of inflammation and ingrown hairs is the dream of every girl who undergoes hair removal procedures. Since using an epilator is quite difficult to achieve such results, you need to remember some rules for working with this device.


There are several types of epilators, they are classified according to the type of work and additional functions. Exist:

  1. Disk;
  2. Tweezers.

Disc epilators (Remington IPL, Saturn) are not recommended for use for the first time when treating skin at home because they immediately pull out a large amount of hair. The fact is that each time the hair root becomes thinner and less deep, but during the first procedure it is very hard and located deeply. The disc hair removal technique does not always pull out the strands completely, leaving a root with a curved growth trajectory under the skin. As a result, the effect after the session will not last long, and inflammation will appear.

Tweezers (Panasonic, Roventa) are more popular because they ensure accurate hair pulling. But they are more painful; you often have to carry out several passes over the area at a time, which causes discomfort (especially in the bikini area). To smooth out discomfort, leading manufacturers of electric epilators (Philips, Rowenta Silence Soft and others) equip their products with massagers, cooling systems, and specially shaped tweezers, but even this does not always help. The most practical addition is a skin stretching attachment (available on Remington models, Silk-epil Dual Epilator from Braun, Me Quartz and others).

Photo - Types of epilators

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages using epilators:

  1. Ease of operation. They are perfect for use at home without any prior depilation experience. Power is supplied from the mains or batteries, so some can be used even outdoors;
  2. Availability. There are so many different types of devices, some Panasonic and Philips satinelle models cost less than $10;
  3. Now there are devices that can be used even in water. This is convenient for girls who do not want to advertise methods of dealing with excess hair and save their time;
  4. Duration of effect. The result lasts for two to three weeks, depending on the speed of hair growth; over time, it begins to grow smaller and slower.

Photo - Cause of ingrown hairs

But epilators have a whole range shortcomings:

  1. Using electric epilators in the bikini area and armpits is very painful, even with a high pain threshold you will feel severe discomfort;
  2. You cannot control the angle and direction of work. Because of this, ingrown hairs, irritation, and inflammation appear;
  3. With this type of skin treatment, blood vessels are injured and blood circulation is disrupted. It cannot be used for varicose veins, thrombosis and other problems with the circulatory system.

Experts still cannot decide whether pregnant women can use an epilator. On the one hand, if you have been epilating for a long time before, then you simply don’t want to go back to the razor. Then you need to pay attention to the gentle Vital System from Zepter, Silk-Epil Xelle from Brown, SatinPerfect from Philips.

On the other hand, discomfort (especially in the bikini area) can cause a rush of blood to these areas, which can even lead to premature labor. Reviews from girls on the forums say that it is better to use more gentle options for getting rid of vegetation during this period.

Basic Rules

To avoid pain, you need to know how to use an epilator correctly. Let's consider the main recommendations of experts:

After the session, great attention should be paid to scrubbing the skin and moisturizing it. Once every two days, use a coffee scrub or sugar on the treated areas - this will prevent ingrowth. Regularly after a shower, apply moisturizing compositions to your body to prevent inflammation and irritation.

An epilator is a small machine for removing hairs from the roots from various parts of the body - arms, legs, armpits, bikini area, abdomen. Today we will talk about hair removal with an epilator at home and reveal the secrets of how to do it correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Depilation is the removal of hair from the surface of the skin, for example, with a razor or a special cream. Do not confuse it with epilation - the procedure for removing hairs along with the bulb. Epilation is characterized by a long-lasting “smooth” effect and gradual thinning of the hair and changes in its structure as a whole, so it is chosen as the main opponent against “extra” hair on the face and body. Let's look at the pros and cons of home hair removal using an epilator:

  • Long-lasting “smooth legs” effect. After hair removal using an epilator, the smoothness of the skin (and not only on the legs) remains for up to 10-14 days.
  • Growth of new fine hairs– another advantage of the device. Removing hair from the roots changes its structure - it becomes thin, soft and loses its color.
  • Economical. Buying an epilator allows you not to think about purchasing razors and replacement cassettes, blades, shaving foam and after lotions.
  • Huge selection of models allows you to choose the epilator of your dreams: mechanical or photo, with backlight or cooling attachment, with the option of water or dry epilation.
  • You don't have to shave every day- it is enough to use the epilator “on demand”, which usually occurs every two weeks.

The disadvantages of such a device lie in:

  • Expensive. Good epilators are expensive, and the purchase does not always live up to your expectations: sometimes removing hairs seems painful, takes a long time, doesn’t have time, and so on, and as a result, the unit is put aside on the farthest shelf for an indefinite period.
  • Duration of the procedure. To properly work out your legs, it will take about 30-60 minutes, add to this the armpits, bikini area and arms, as well as preparation and care - you will definitely have to spend half a day.
  • Soreness. The first few times shaving with an epilator seems like pure hell, especially if you have previously abused the razor and managed to grow thick hairs.

  • Short-term effect. Usually, epilation is enough for 2 weeks of perfectly smooth skin, but not always and not for everyone. Incorrect hair removal technique, haste, insufficient care, a bad epilator, or all together leads to the fact that the hairs are already pecked 2 days after the home procedure and the question involuntarily arises - why spend 2 hours of your time and half a kilo of nerve cells on this.
  • In ingrown hair. Almost any type of hair removal is fraught with this problem. To protect yourself from it, you need to thoroughly prepare for the procedure and provide subsequent care - we’ll tell you what kind of it a little later.
  • Irritated. This is rather the most insignificant drawback of the epilator. After each procedure, small pimples or spots may appear on the skin - a typical irritation that will go away with timely care and will soon disappear.
  • Noise.


Any epilator is a machine with a head (tweezers or discs are hidden in it). The head of modern epilators is often movable; it seems to float along the contours of our body and effectively capture hairs.

  • Disk. It has small disks arranged in pairs. Usually there are not many disks in one head - about 12 pairs.
  • Tweezers. The number of tweezers is usually 20 or 40. If you choose between them, you need to take an epilator with 40 plates - it is more effective and captures more hairs.

Epilators differ in the number of speeds: 1, 2, 3. The optimal choice is 2 speeds.

There are models with backlight (a convenient thing) or without it. They differ in the type of pain relief: some models simultaneously cool the skin or blow it, others have vibration, which is a good distraction from the feeling of hair being pulled out.

You still need to know how to do hair removal correctly. Usually skills come after 5-10 procedures. Each area, be it legs, bikini area or armpits, requires the use of different speeds of the machine, different levels of inclination and other nuances.

  • The length of the hairs is 0.5-1 cm. The machine simply won’t grab smaller ones, and removing too long ones will seem like real torture, and not all epilators will be able to grab them and remove them efficiently (along with the bulb).
  • Clean skin is the main secret to proper hair removal at home. Let's take an example from the armpit area: the epilator simply will not capture dirty, sticky hairs, no matter how long they are. If you succeed in removing something, then particles of sweat, dead cells and other “garbage” will get into the open pores, which will 100% cause inflammation.

Make it a habit to cleanse your skin every time you go for hair removal at home. Take a hot shower - this will steam the skin, allow you to efficiently remove hairs from the roots, the scrub will remove “dead” cells, lift the hairs, so you shouldn’t exclude it - you can use it immediately before hair removal.

  • Guide the epilator against the direction of hair growth. Then the machine will grab the hairs and pull them out by the roots, the nozzle will lift them in advance, and the blades will grab them correctly. If you hold the epilator during the hair growth procedure, it will selectively remove hairs and you will have to go over the same place two, three or four times, which is also not good.
  • Treat the same area no more than three times. Friction of one area causes irritation and even disruption of the integrity of the skin.

  • Do not press on the epilator. But don’t remove it too far - there must be a “golden mean” - the distance between the blades and the skin is such that they do not catch the dermis and only capture the hairs.
  • Drive smoothly. It's like running a razor blade along the curves of your body, despite the pain.
  • “Play” with speed. For the first shave, choose the minimum speed; for the tenth, you can choose the maximum speed. It is also advisable to “pass” delicate areas of the body - armpits, bikini, calves on the legs at minimum speed, since they are most vulnerable to irritation. But if you are an experienced “user”, choose a speed that is comfortable for you.

Skin preparation

The first stage is to prepare the skin for hair removal. It must be done every time in order to avoid irritation and make the procedure safe and of high quality, and maintain the long-term effect of its implementation.

  • The ideal preparation is to shower with a scrub or light exfoliation of the skin. Warm water and steam will steam and open the pores for better hair removal, abrasive particles will remove dead skin cells and open access to the hair follicles, lift the hairs and remove dirt from the epidermis.
  • Wet skin is not suitable for dry removal, Therefore, if you use a classic epilator (without wet removal), the epidermis must first be dried with a towel.
  • Treat your skin with any antiseptic– miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, and, in extreme cases, alcohol (it dries the skin).

Features of treatment of different areas of the body

  • The legs have the largest area and are often the target of the epilator. The most sensitive areas are the knees and ankles, as the bones protrude noticeably there. A plus is that the skin in this area quickly “gets used” to the pain and the process becomes more bearable; their relatively smooth surface also allows you to work with the machine at the same pace and speed. The main feature is the duration of the procedure - from half an hour or more, since the area of ​​​​skin on the legs is quite large.
  • Hands. If the hairs are too long, trim them with a trimmer or scissors, then epilation will be less painful. After completing the procedure, do not wear tight-fitting clothes (jacket, blouse) and avoid itchy sweaters; it is better to do without them altogether or choose cotton.

The irritation on your hands is noticeably stronger, so do not neglect the antiseptic and moisturizer immediately after the procedure.

  • Bikini area. Not every girl decides to epilate it. The most “insensitive” area is the pubis, the most painful are the labia and the intergluteal area. Cooling compresses, pain-relieving ointments and patience, willpower and the desire to be smooth for 2 weeks will help make the procedure more pleasant - this is how long the hairs “there” usually no longer bother you.
  • Armpits. To make hair removal effective, stretch the skin and move the clipper over it, but do not press the head too close. If you press hard, the blades can catch and damage the skin, causing small wounds and bleeding.

If you damage the skin and see blood on its surface, wipe the affected area with an antiseptic or lotion, alcohol-free tonic and complete epilation.

You can continue it the next day so that the wounds have time to heal and using the epilator is not so painful. Almost every second girl experiences skin damage in the armpit area, especially if the procedure is performed the first, second or third time. Delicate skin is not yet accustomed to such serious treatment and resists; it is necessary to endure the pain and devote several days to gradual and high-quality hair removal.

Pain relievers

A positive attitude and breathing will help reduce pain - breathe deeply and evenly, do not hold it. If the procedure is too painful, the following will help reduce pain:

  • Lidocaine solution or spray;
  • Plaster or cream " Emla»;
  • Cream " Light Dep»;
  • Cream " Dr. Numb».

You need to treat the skin 10-20 minutes before the procedure (according to the instructions) - whether this will relieve pain depends on the characteristics of the skin.

Post-procedure care

It is no less important than the preparatory stage. It includes several mandatory items:

  • Treat the skin after the procedure it is necessary to use an alcohol-free solution with a disinfecting effect - peroxide, miramistin, a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort), tonic, thermal water. In this case, you should not rub the skin with a cotton pad; it is enough to gently distribute the composition over it or use a spray.
  • After a couple of minutes You can remove excess liquid with a soft towel or napkin using blotting movements.
  • Afterwards, apply moisturizer. Bepanten ointments or any anti-burn ointment will help soothe irritated skin (they have a light texture and are quickly absorbed into the skin, effectively restore and care for the skin).

If irritation occurs, you can make a soothing mask yourself - take a fresh aloe leaf, cut it lengthwise and apply it to the reddened areas of the body. You can use basic vegetable oil (usually olive) and treat the skin with it 2-3 hours after hair removal - it perfectly nourishes the skin and restores cell structure.

  • To avoid ingrown hairs, use a special cream against their ingrowth. You can buy it at specialized points for cosmetologists or order online. Similar formulations will help slow down hair growth.
  • 2-3 days after hair removal, When the irritation completely disappears from the skin and it returns to its usual rhythm of life, do a light scrub and repeat the procedure every 2-3 days - this will additionally prevent ingrown hairs.
  • It is necessary to take care of your skin To get rid of dryness, ingrowth and the appearance of new unwanted vegetation quickly - every time after taking a shower, moisturize it with a light cream or oil.

How to avoid the problem of “ingrown hairs”?

You can prevent ingrown hairs if you prepare the skin before the procedure using a scrub with soft abrasive particles and apply it after 2-3 times a week. Exfoliating particles promptly remove dead cells, open pores and “stop” hair if it has begun to grow in the wrong direction.

Why do ingrown hairs appear: after removing the hair follicle, the pores tighten and thicken; new hairs cannot always “hatch” through the “wall”. Their growth continues, but they grow inside the skin, causing inflammation and an unpleasant pimple on the body.

You should not allow the formation of inflammation - 9 out of 10 cases of opening the source of inflammation results in a pigment spot, which will take a long time to get rid of.

There are many ways to get rid of excess hair on the body, and our story today is about one of the greatest inventions of mankind, which gives us the opportunity for several weeks not to even remember that we have excess hair somewhere - the epilator! How to use an epilator correctly to achieve perfectly smooth skin?

Since ancient times, long, thick and shiny hair has been a source of pride for women and girls. The same cannot be said about other vegetation on a woman’s body - it has never been attractive, and the entire beautiful half of humanity tried in every possible way to get rid of it. How much easier it was for ladies in the Middle Ages - long skirts, wide cloaks and capes could disguise unwanted hairs on their legs. But in our age of miniskirts and skimpy bikinis, excess hair is completely unacceptable!

Advantages and disadvantages of using an epilator

Without a doubt, the epilator is rightfully considered one of the most effective devices designed for hair removal. Its only drawback is, perhaps, the presence of painful sensations during hair removal. But you can deal with them too. How? We'll talk about this a little later.

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Priorities for using an epilator

  • If you have previously used a regular razor to remove hair, then you probably know that the razor is not capable of removing the entire hair, it only cuts off the part that protrudes above the skin. The part remaining in the bulb grows quickly; the very next day it is noticeable to the naked eye. The epilator removes hair completely! “Having come to its senses,” the hair follicle is capable of producing a new shoot no sooner than after three or even four weeks. Just think about it – you can go a whole month without thinking about hair removal, isn’t that great!
  • Without visiting expensive salon procedures, in a calm, relaxing home environment, you can leisurely perform hair removal on your own. Moreover, this does not require any special training or special knowledge. After reading our recommendations, you will easily cope with this task.
  • Any other type of hair removal requires additional means and manipulations: for example, for shaving you need a special cream, both before and after using a razor, and you can’t do without taking a shower. For wax hair removal you also need a lot of equipment - a special jar for heating the wax and wax strips. And the epilator does not require any more tools; it alone is capable of performing the entire hair removal procedure from start to finish.
  • Difficult to use? Confusing instructions for use? There is none of this when it comes to performing hair removal procedures using an epilator. Easy to use, easy to maintain, store and transport – that’s all about it. If you try removing hair with an epilator, you will certainly appreciate the benefits of this method.
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If you decide to use an epilator for hair removal for the first time, try to follow the following simple but very important rules.

The quickly rotating mechanism of the epilator is designed to firmly capture and remove unwanted hairs. Therefore, before epilation, wait until the hairs previously removed and growing again reach a length of several millimeters. What their exact length should be can be determined experimentally during the procedure itself - if the hair is very short, the epilator simply will not capture it.

The rotation speed of the epilator mechanism can be adjusted; For those who are going to use it for the first time, we recommend setting the minimum speed. Too high a speed can lead to the fact that thin hairs are not removed, but break off at the base, then the very next day you will be provided with “bristles”.

Before removing hairs, it is advisable to take a hot bath, or at least a hot shower (15-20 minutes will be enough). Why do this? The pores on the surface of the skin will steam, become wider, and the hair removal procedure will be much easier and less painful. Attention: To use a conventional epilator, your skin must be thoroughly dry.

This advice does not apply to new developments; the most modern models can even be used underwater! For example, the manufacturer Braun has proven itself to be excellent; in its line of epilators, it released the Braun Silk-épil 7 7681 Legs, Body & Face Wet&Dry model, which works in water.

Now it's time to talk about pain. When a salesperson in a store convincingly tells you that an epilator “doesn’t hurt at all, honestly!”, don’t believe it. Pleasant sensations during hair removal are definitely not about the epilator. However, everything is in our hands, and we can reduce all painful feelings to a minimum:

  • When epilating, you need to stretch the skin with one hand and move the epilator along the surface with the other. You will feel the effect immediately - tense skin weakens the “grip” of the hair follicle, and the hair itself is easier to remove;
  • Start epilation from the area where there are fewer hairs and the hairs themselves are thinner. This way you can get used to possible pain in other areas of the skin with a lot of hair;
  • Manufacturers provide many models of epilators with special attachments to reduce skin sensitivity and, accordingly, reduce pain. For example, the Philips HP6521 epilator has a nozzle that is located in front of the removal mechanism and during epilation it vibrates slightly, thereby relaxing the skin and making hair removal easier. And the Philips HP6517/00 epilator is equipped with a special cooling nozzle - before the procedure you need to put it in the freezer, and during epilation the cold will help to significantly reduce the pain from hair removal. There are also attachments for “special” areas of skin with increased sensitivity - we are talking about the armpit area and bikini area. With these attachments, the gripping “tweezers” are arranged in a thinned order and at the same time they can remove not such a large number of hairs as a conventional mechanism, thereby making the procedure more gentle; for example, the Rowenta EP 8550 epilator is equipped with such an attachment;
  • Many different ways to reduce pain from hair removal offered by manufacturers indicate that such sensations still exist, and you should be prepared for it. If your skin is very sensitive, do not epilate the entire surface at once. Take breaks, let your skin rest and you take a breath.

After hair removal, be sure to use a special cream that relieves possible irritation - it will soothe the skin and soften it.

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Do we recommend removing hair with an epilator? Of course we recommend it! In addition to the stunning effect of smooth, silky skin, you will be able to forget for a long time about the need to remove excess hair on your body. As for pain... remember how secretary Verochka from the movie “Office Romance” advised plucking your eyebrows? In response to the words that it was painful and could only be done under anesthesia, she said, in our opinion, a brilliant phrase: “Well, you’re a woman, be patient!” What are a few minutes of your patience worth compared to the pleasure of being beautiful and well-groomed?!

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