How to correctly finish the last row in knitting. How to finish knitting: lessons for beginners How to finish knitting beautifully

One of the most entertaining activities, which very often becomes a favorite hobby, is knitting. This hobby has passed through many centuries, absorbed the flavor and skills of different peoples and is no less in demand in the modern world. If you have started learning knitting lessons for beginners, this article will help you.

Even today, a hand-knitted item will be a wonderful gift for family and friends. For example, or an original scarf. And it will look exclusive, you won’t see another thing like it. Beginning knitters have many questions, and one of the most common is: “How to finish knitting?”

Knitting is an art that is mastered not only by women, but also by men. In addition to the fact that you are doing useful work and knitting a beautiful thing, you are also relaxing, without realizing it. In order to enter a state of calm balance, you need to take up your knitting and spend the evening in your favorite chair.

Here we will clearly show how to finish knitting. This must be done when you need to complete a knitted product, and there are many stitches left on the knitting needle that you will need, for example, for a pocket, shoulder bevel or neckline.

There are several methods: using a crochet hook, using a needle, but today we will talk about a simple method that does not require other skills. To do this, we will use knitting needles, and each time we will put the loops on one another.

Step 1. You need to take the knitting needle in your left hand, and the empty one in your right. The working thread should be behind the knitting, as when knitting

Step 2. The first two loops need to be knitted.

Step 3. Thread the left needle from left to right into the front wall of the outer loop on the right needle. This will be the farthest stitch from the beginning of the right needle. Take a closer look, the photo will show how this should happen.

Step 4. Using the left needle, pass this stitch over the second one and lower it from the right needle. With this we closed one loop and left the second on the right knitting needle.

Step 5. The next loop needs to be knitted.

Step 6. Repeat all the steps described above until you have closed all the loose loops. There will be one loop left on the right needle. The working thread must be cut, leaving a 10 cm tip, and pulled into this last loop. Pull the end of the thread to tighten the loop.

A little advice: if you are trying for beginners, then you need to close the loops according to the pattern, in other words, knit stitches with knit stitches, and purl loops with purl stitches. Very often, beginners close the knitting loops very tightly, and this last row turns out to be inelastic. To avoid this, take one needle size larger.

Perhaps this method of finishing knitting was not to your liking, try closing the knitting using a crochet hook, and when you get the hang of knitting, try it and you will use it more than once. But that's a completely different story.

The final point of any knitting is to bind off the stitches, that is, to knit them in such a way that they cannot unravel when removed from the knitting needle. This fairly simple step can be performed in various ways with the same result: obtaining a secure neckline or edge of the scarf.

In order to learn how to finish knitting the last row, you can watch our selection of video tutorials and choose a method that will make it easier for you to work, and you will be completely satisfied with the appearance of the knitting edge. In this case, in any case, the strength of the knitting is guaranteed: the loops will not unravel, and the knitted item will remain intact.

When knitting a hat, many people fear that they will not be able to complete the crown. Our master class is designed for those who have already learned to knit and were able to knit a hat; all that remains is to complete it. There are 87 stitches knitted on the hat, an odd number.

The result is a simple rectangle. You can transfer all the loops of the top to a needle and thread and pull all the loops together. Don’t let the fact that there will be a hole at the very top bother you. It makes it difficult to freeze, and if you plan to place a pompom on the hat, it will completely cover it. By collecting the resulting folds, you will get a wonderful hat.

All that remains is to remove the side seam. You can gather the top edge not with the same thread from which you knitted the hat, but with spandex elastic, doubled or tripled. In this case, the hole in the hat becomes elastic, and you can thread hair gathered into a ponytail through it. This makes for an interesting hairstyle.

Video lesson:

The first loop is removed onto a knitting needle, the next one is knitted with a knit stitch. Next, the left knitting needle is threaded through the first two loops, so that both knitting needles are located in these loops towards each other. The working thread is grabbed by the knitting needle, and the two loops are knitted together with a knit stitch, which is then removed from the knitting needle.

Then the steps are repeated, the next stitch is knitted. The left knitting needle is again passed through two loops, and they are knitted with a knit stitch. The created loops remain on the edge and are a strong edging that will no longer unravel if the knitting needles are pulled out. Such movements are repeated until the very end of the row, which is why a neat braid is formed on the knitting edge.

This method is very convenient and practical; it is convenient to use if there is a need to finish knitting a scarf or any other edge of a knitted item.

Video lesson:

Let's look at the technique of closing loops on a sample knitted with a 1x1 elastic band. Closing the loops behind the front loom will allow the elastic to remain elastic and not pinch at the edge. Two loops are knitted together with a front loop behind the front wall. The resulting loop is removed from the knitting needle and put on the left knitting needle again. The entire row is knitted in this way.

This method is convenient for closing loops, for example, on the sleeves of a sweater, which end with an elastic band. The bottom of the product can be processed in the same way: two loops are constantly knitted together with a front loop. When there is only one loop left at the end, you can hide it with a hook.

This way you can finish the job beautifully, fully preserving the properties of a knitted elastic band. This method can be suitable for any items that are finished with an elastic band. The loops close securely and cannot come loose later.

Video lesson:

The loops of the last row can be closed with knit or purl stitches. First, we consider the technique of closing with face-type loops. The two outer loops are knitted together with one knit stitch. We slightly stretch the resulting loop and transfer it to the left knitting needle, then it, together with the next loop, is again knitted using a knitting loop. Along the knitting edge, a neat chain is obtained, located on the front side of the work.

The second way to design the final row of knitting is with purl loops. In this case, the thread should be located on top of the left knitting needle. The right one is threaded through two loops, then both of them are knitted with a purl loop.

The knitted loops are removed, the thread is again laid over the left knitting needle, and the new loop is transferred to the left knitting needle. The pigtail on the edge is obtained from the wrong side. If you are knitting a scarf, the border will be beautiful and comfortable.

Video lesson:

An elastic band that ends a knitted item, for example, the neck or sleeves of a sweater, or the bottom of a blouse, is knitted by alternating knit and purl stitches. A hook is used to close the loops. The entire procedure can be carefully examined in the video: performing all the movements correctly in knitting is not at all that difficult. If you don’t want to use a hook or you simply don’t have one, you can complete the knitting using the same knitting needles that you used to knit the entire thing.

The knitted loop unfolds, returns to the left knitting needle and is knitted together with the next loop. So the knitting continues: two loops are knitted, and the resulting one returns to the left knitting needle, where it participates in a new pair of loops.

At the end, the thread is cut, tied in a knot and hidden in the seam just made. A neat edge is formed on the elastic that does not interfere with the ability of the elastic to stretch.

Video lesson:

Knitting is more than just managing two or more knitting needles. This is a creative process that begins from choosing the model you like, to fully considering all the techniques that may be needed to achieve the desired result. But in this article I would like to dwell only on the final stage.

Why is it so important to look at this stage in more detail? Because the accuracy of this row will be reflected in the appearance of the product.
Pulling, what is this technique?

  1. There are a certain number of stitches left on the left needle that need to be cast off. Following the picture, if the part needs to be finished on the front side, then the loops will be closed with the front ones.
  2. The left one is a working knitting needle, with a certain number of open loops. Free knitting needle in the right hand.
  3. We insert the free knitting needle inside the first two adjacent loops of the working knitting needle.
  4. We grab the main thread with a free knitting needle.
  5. We knit it through both picked up, adjacent loops, knit.
  6. As a result, from two adjacent loops we got one, on the right knitting needle.
  7. We return it to the left working needle.
  8. We repeat the process from the first point.
  9. As a result, only one loop should remain on the right needle.
  10. The thread is cut and the loop is pulled out.

The result will be a wonderful braid.

The edge of the part should look natural, not be too tight or, on the contrary, too loose.

This technique of closing loops is suitable for those parts of the product that will subsequently be sewn together. For example, front and back details, sleeves, neckline.


The essence of the technique is as follows:

  1. The first is that the edge loop is not knitted, but is removed from the working left needle onto the free right needle.
  2. Next, knit the second stitch on the left needle.
  3. At this stage, both loops are on the right needle.
  4. Next, use your left knitting needle to pick up the first, unknitted, loop on the right knitting needle and throw it over the second loop on the right knitting needle.
  5. As a result, one loop remains on the right knitting needle, which was knitted.
  6. We repeat the process from the second point.

At the end of the decrease, you get a pigtail.

The edge of the part does not stretch as much after closing the loops in this way.
This technique of closing loops is suitable for various parts of the product.

Decrease with a needle

This technique is a little difficult for beginner knitters, so it is recommended to try this method on a sample first so as not to ruin the product.

Used for neatly closing the loops of open sections of a knitted product - 1x1 elastic.

What is the essence of this technique:

  1. There are loops on the left needle that need to be closed.
  2. The thread should be cut 3-4 times the width of the fabric and threaded into a special needle with a blunt end and a wide eye.
  3. Insert a needle and thread into the purl loop on the working left needle, from left to right behind the front wall, knit.
  4. We leave it on the working left knitting needle.
  5. We lift with a needle, from right to left, the first knitting needle, which is not on the working left needle.
  6. We skip the purl stitch and pick up the first knit stitch on the left needle.
  7. We pull the thread through them.
  8. From right to left, insert the needle into the purl loop on the left knitting needle and pull it through.
  9. Drop the purl and knit stitches from the working needle.
  10. We repeat the steps from the third point.

Hinges remain open

This technique is used to continue knitting without first decreasing stitches.

How to finish knitting

These loops, without being knitted, are dropped onto an additional needle in the form of a large pin.

This technique can be used for scarves that have tassels along the edge:

  1. pieces of the desired length are cut;
  2. the brush is folded in half and threaded through two open loops at once, thereby fixing them and preventing the knitting from unraveling;
  3. the number of tassels should be half the number of loops.

The neck of a sweater will look beautiful.

After the stitch seams of the product parts are connected, the loops from the additional knitting needle - pins - are removed onto circular knitting needles.

Knitting continues in the round until the desired height, most often with an elastic band. The rib can be made: 1×1 (knit one, purl one) or 2×2 (knit two, purl two).

Using a hook

The last row of the product detail can be closed using a hook.

The technique is as follows:

  1. on the working left knitting needle there is the required number of loops, which must be reduced;
  2. the hook is inserted into the middle of the first and second loops;
  3. grab the main thread;
  4. pull through both loops;
  5. Throw the resulting loop onto the left knitting needle;
  6. continue decreasing until one loop remains on the left needle;
  7. cut an additional thread of sufficient length;
  8. Pull the loop out and tighten it well.

In the future, it may be useful for a seam connecting two parts of the product.
If the long end of the thread is not needed, leave a length of about 5 cm and cut off the rest. We secure it and carefully hide it in the details of the product.
Video tips

Sweaters, vests, cardigans, hats, scarves, socks and mittens. If you are an experienced needlewoman and have been interested in creating things from yarn for a long time, then you probably know how to finish knitting.

What should novice craftswomen do in this case? How to complete the creation of a particular model? Let's look at several common options for finishing knitting.

Knitting hats

In most cases, hats are created on circular or double needles. The pattern is knitted in the round. Step by step, the height of the product increases and, having reached a certain point, should begin to decrease evenly. How to decrease stitches as accurately as possible? How to finish knitting?

The hat must be divided into equal parts. In order to do this, you need to count the number of loops in the work. Divide the product into one-digit or two-digit multiples. After that, start decreasing. Knit the number of loops in the usual way equal to the number by which you divide the product minus one loop. After this, tie the two loops into one.


You have a hat with 120 stitches. Divide the product into 10 parts. You will get 12 loops in each part. So, you need to knit 11 loops in the usual way, and knit 12 and 13 together, taking into account the pattern. As a result, you will no longer get 120 loops in work, but 120-12. Do the same in the next row. If necessary, you can divide the product by a larger number. In this case, the loops of the hat will decrease faster.

How to finish knitting a scarf?

Usually, a universal pattern is chosen to create a scarf. It should be the same on both sides. Otherwise, you will end up with a double-sided, asymmetrical product.

In order to carefully decorate the edge of the product, you need to choose the correct knitting for it. To prevent the edge of the product from curling, try to avoid the classic front or back stitch. Give preference to a scarf pattern or pearl pattern.

When knitting a scarf, the stitches are usually not decreased. The edge of the work has the same width as the entire product.

So how do you finish knitting a scarf? Get to the required point by making the desired size of the product. After this, proceed to creating the final loops.

When choosing garter stitch, all stitches in all rows are knitted. If you prefer a pearl pattern, then you need to knit one front and one purl loop. In the next row, do everything in reverse: do knit stitches over the knit stitches, and purl stitches over the knit stitches.

Other types of products: how to finish knitting

A rubber band can also be used to finish the job. In most cases, this technique is chosen when the work is created from the top down.

When the product is knitted to the required point, proceed to creating an elastic band. Choose a double knitting type. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • in the first row, knit two front loops, after them two purl ones;
  • in the second row, knit the opposite way: purl two, knit two.

Thus, you should have so-called tracks: one of the purl loops, the other of the front ones. These lines should be located alternately. In this case, you did everything right.

If you need to narrow the product a little, then start by decreasing the purl loops. Knit two knit stitches in the usual pattern, then purl two knit stitches into one purl stitch.

If you need to make the model even smaller towards the end, then do the same with the front loops. As a result, you will get a standard single elastic band.

Closing the loops

After the product is finished correctly, it is necessary to close the working loops. Otherwise, the work will simply fall apart.

Closing the loops should occur in a manner similar to the completion of the work. If you knitted the final stitches with knit stitches, then close the loops with knit stitches. Do the same with the elastic, purl stitch and pearl stitch.

Knit two loops together, then knit the next free working loop with the resulting single loop. When you reach the end, pull the loose thread through the loop and tie a knot.


Now you know how to finish knitting and can create various knitted patterns. Remember that you need to be very careful when calculating the decrease stitches. It will be better if you make your calculations on a separate sheet of paper and clearly draw a diagram of the work. In this case, you will not go astray and will do everything correctly. The resulting product will be smooth and beautiful and will meet your expectations.

Create products from yarn for yourself, your family, close friends and acquaintances.

Good luck to you in your interesting and difficult work!

But after knitting a certain number of rows, a natural question arises: how to finish knitting and close the open loops of the row? This is what we will do now.

Let's first knit a few rows of stocking stitch, as we learned in, and then start casting off the loops.

  • Step 1. As usual, remove the first stitch in the front row undone. Knit the next stitch:
  • Step 2. We insert the left knitting needle into the first removed loop lying on the right knitting needle:

  • Step 3. With the right needle we pull the second loop through the first:

  • Step 4. Remove the loop through which the stitch was pulled from the left knitting needle. There is one stretched loop on the right knitting needle:

  • Step 5. Then we continue to knit in the same way: we knit the next loop and pull it through the loop lying on the right knitting needle. As a result, we get closed loops in the form of a chain:

  • Step 6 Having closed all the loops of the row, we break the thread, pull the end of the thread into the last loop and tighten. That's it!

You can also close the loops by purling them.

We remove the first loop, purl the next one and pull it through the loop lying on the right knitting needle. We purl again and pull it through the loop that lies on the right knitting needle (see photos 1-4).

Summarize. We learned how to close the loops, thus completing the knitting of the fabric. You can close the loops by knitting them with both knit and purl loops.

In the meantime, see you in the next lesson, where we will look at different ways to knit knit and purl stitches.

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