How to make a guy laugh in conversation. How to cheer up a man

We cannot always be close to our loved ones and friends, and in this case, modern technology helps us maintain communication. If a guy you love or know is in trouble and you need to support him and cheer him up, send him a funny message. Below we will give examples of SMS to cheer up a man, perhaps you will choose the appropriate option.

How to cheer up a man with a message?

To cheer a person up and “get to the point,” you need to know his sense of humor and what he will like. But in any case, avoid vulgar topics if the situation does not allow it.

You can write the following:

  • Everyone has their own cockroaches, but yours is the cockroachiest;
  • Dear subscriber, if you don’t smile now, I will switch you to the most expensive tariff;
  • Come visit, good mood lives here;
  • Smile more often, make this world a happier place;
  • When it’s bad, remember, this is the end of the black streak, the white one will begin soon;
  • You age 20 years when you frown;
  • It is only better for your enemies; if you are sad, disappoint them;
  • Do you want ice cream?
  • It looks like you are facing prison, I wrote a statement to the police that you are sad now;
  • Smile urgently, otherwise I will come to visit and cheer you up;
  • Stop frowning, the weather outside is worsening because of you;
  • I’m sending you a smiling SMS, if you’re in a bad mood, read it and remember that you have friends nearby.

You can come up with these kinds of phrases yourself in accordance with the situation, or change these as you need.

From the category "black humor"

These jokes are suitable only for true connoisseurs of black humor, those who are able to smile at words that would be worth crying over:

  1. Don’t be sad, otherwise you look like that acrobat who died on the trampoline, but continued to delight the audience for a long time;
  2. I understand that you want to kill everyone now, go to a psychologist, start with him;
  3. Things aren't so bad for you yet. My neighbor’s husband went to the store to buy potatoes, but he was hit by a car and now she doesn’t know what to cook: rice or buckwheat;
  4. Did you see the news today about the boy who hanged himself? I didn’t see it, but he tried so hard;
  5. Don't worry, you'll get well soon. In this case, the doctor prescribed mud baths for me in order to develop a habit of the earth.

Of course, dark humor is not applicable in every situation, but sometimes laughing at hopeless situations helps to perk up your spirit.

What to send to your loved one on WhatsApp to cheer him up?

In this case, the man is waiting for affectionate and gentle, erotic messages. It is the attention of your beloved that best lifts your mood:

  • You are so adorable that 100 pandas nearby cannot compare with you;
  • You've been frowning for 10 minutes, now you've had 100 kisses;
  • I love you very much, because it doesn’t work out any other way;
  • A little cat is looking for an affectionate cat, can you help?
  • You are like a bounty - my piece of heaven;
  • Smile, I send you 5000 kisses;
  • Dear, leave my thoughts for at least 5 minutes, I can’t work;
  • I used to think that there was nothing sweeter than honey, but your kisses are sweeter;
  • When we met, I went fishing, but in the end I caught the most important fish of my life;
  • Come, I’ll cheer you up and everything that comes along.

Showing a sense of humor towards each other helps to become closer and learn to better understand your partner. Don't be afraid, joke and say pleasant things of any nature.

Cool SMS for a guy so that he doesn't be sad

Sometimes with one successful phrase you can change a person’s mood, both for the better and, of course, for the worse.

Our task cheer up a guy with a message:

  • 7 hours, 540 minutes and 28,798 seconds left until we see each other;
  • Today we will spend the evening in an unusual way, we will play the console;
  • A hug and a never-ending girl are waiting for you;
  • Let's renew our relationship and start liking each other on VK again;
  • I want, I want so much that I have no strength. I want to cheer you up;
  • You are my ray of sunshine! You and I won’t be cooler;
  • For your sake, I am ready to do anything, even watch 22 men run in their shorts after one ball across the field;
  • We will definitely break through;
  • A good mood appears when you put everything into perspective;
  • Stop existing, start living;
  • Whatever happens, be as hard as a vanilla cracker;
  • Your bunny misses her carrots.

SMS to lift your spirits

By giving a friend a little positivity, you yourself will feel how your soul becomes pleasant. The day will not be in vain if you helped someone cope with troubles, even with a kind joke:

  • You have something that others don’t have - me;
  • It’s late, I see you can’t sleep, you’ll need my company now;
  • I give you permission to take off my skirt, T-shirt and panties today. The laundry has dried on the balcony, put it in the closet;
  • Congratulations! You have me now;
  • This message contains a virus. It lifts your spirits;
  • The stars foretell a lot of good things for you: beer, chips and my company;
  • I'm crying, tears are flowing like a river. I'm making soup, I came across some hot onions;
  • Sometimes you become completely unbearable. I have to endure you, endure you. But soon my patience will burst and...I will endure again;
  • You can easily hook up with anyone. Start my car too;
  • I know that you love fishing, throw your fishing rods to me today;
  • Hello! How is your condition: dizziness, heartbeat, blood pressure, respiratory and circulatory system? How are you?

Write kind, affectionate, erotic and funny messages more often. Let them help their loved ones “keep their tails in check.”

We have provided many SMS options to cheer up a man. Use them and let your dear husbands, boyfriends and friends smile more often.

Video: 20 interesting SMS for men

In this video, psychologist Irina Lomakova will tell you what creative messages you can use to interest a man and ignite his attraction to you:

When we truly love our man, our other half's bad mood affects us too. It’s unpleasant when a loved one is sad and worried. But everything is in our hands, and you can easily cheer up a guy both in person and by correspondence.

To determine exactly how to make a guy laugh, you need to understand the reason for his bad mood. It is not appropriate in every situation to try to rid a young man of sadness. Men rarely like to discuss problems and often keep their emotions to themselves. Therefore, it is better to carefully ask your loved one why he is not in a good mood. The reasons can be completely different, but the most common of them are failures at work, financial difficulties, simple fatigue or a conflict with someone, perhaps even with you. If a young man has revealed to you the source of his anxiety, then the problem is half solved. All that remains is to figure out exactly how to cheer up the guy. Unfortunately, there is no universal way to get rid of the blues. There is no special magic button that, when pressed, will make your loved one smile. But you can try to improve his condition and support him in difficult times. And the girl’s love and attention will definitely affect his vitality. What can you do to make a man at least a little distracted from sad thoughts:

  1. Invite him to talk in detail about what worries him. Let the guy speak out, and your soul will definitely feel better. And you, like a wise woman, will listen and support with warm words. When the guy finishes the conversation, be sure to give him a big hug.
  2. Find opportunities to make love. Intimate caresses will help you forget about your problems for a while. Men quickly switch to the positive after good sex with the woman they love.
  3. Take a pleasant walk through beautiful and interesting places. Be sure to take into account his interests and condition. If a young man is very tired, it is hardly worth taking him on a two-hour horse ride. You can have a great rest in a small park not far from your home or go to the cinema.
  4. Send him to visit friends. Let the man sit in the garage or watch football with his friends. In a circle of guys close to him, he will relax, be able to discuss his problems and hear different points of view on what is happening.
  5. If you live together, arrange a romantic evening for your other half. Give him a fragrant bath with candles, give him a massage, prepare his favorite salad or order pizza. Let the man feel that all problems are nothing compared to the happiness that surrounds him at home.
  6. Dream about joint plans for the future: how you will go to the sea, how you will celebrate the New Year, how you will go outdoors on the weekend. Thoughts about a pleasant pastime in the future will force a man to switch his attention to positive life moments.
  7. Give something. You, like no one, know your lover’s preferences. Without spending large sums of money, you can find something your man will like. A tie, perfume, a new issue of your favorite magazine, and even a simple chocolate bar can bring a smile and a good mood.
  8. If the guy is very tired, give him the opportunity to sleep. Fluff the pillows and draw the curtains. Cover him with a warm blanket, and go see your friends or go shopping. It is guaranteed that your lover will be in a better mood after a few hours of sleep.

Using any of these methods or combining and alternating them, you can be sure that the man will remain grateful for your care. The most important thing in life is to know that someone really cares about you. Be there for you in difficult times, and your relationship will become stronger.

How to make your loved one smile when communicating online?

It happens that for some reason you are not with your significant other, but you have access to the Internet. Then the problem of how to cheer up a guy by correspondence can also be solved quite easily. There are many different ways to do this. If you are a little confused and don’t know what to do, then the following tips are for you:

  1. Send the young man a fresh, funny selfie. A photograph of the girl he loves should lift his spirits a priori, and your grimaced face will remind him of the fun joint tomfoolery.
  2. Use social networks. To cheer up a guy on VK or other social networks as quickly as possible, send him a post from a popular humorous public page. Well, select topics in accordance with the preferences of your lover.
  3. Send him a romantic song that should evoke pleasant associations. For example, if you recently went on vacation and danced on the seashore to a certain tune, then you should send it.
  4. Record a funny voice message. Sing something in an off-key voice, imitate a famous character, just say positive words. Your voice will help the guy drive away the bad mood.
  5. Remember a funny incident you two knew. Your loved one will definitely laugh and take his mind off pressing problems.
  6. Confess your sincere feelings. Try to do it in a special way so that the man really feels how dear he is to you. By touching the strings of a young man’s soul, you can distract him from sad thoughts and remind him that there is love and romance in his life.
  7. Just chat. Sometimes a banal correspondence over the Internet can lift a guy’s spirits like nothing else at that moment. Be careful and ask about all the details of the problem, advise something, but don’t push if your loved one is taciturn. He will appreciate your support anyway.
  8. If you feel you can help resolve the situation, suggest options. It’s unlikely that the guy will refuse, and you can become even closer by overcoming troubles together.

This is how you can easily and naturally give a ray of light to your loved one. The main thing is to convince him that the black streak always passes, and after it the white begins. Be optimistic and your mood will rub off on your partner.

How to cheer up a guy with just one SMS?

You are not always close to your loved one, and you often don’t have enough time for long correspondence. What to do if you have access to a mobile phone and the ability to send one SMS? How can you cheer up a guy from a distance in this case? Even from this difficult situation you can find a way out and make your beloved man smile. Here are some positive message options:

  1. Philosophical SMS. Given the current circumstances, try to find a suitable quote or aphorism. For example, a guy is tired at work. Write to him: “You can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. Darling, you will definitely achieve your goal.” If something doesn’t work out for him, give the following life-affirming quote: “Use the talent that you have: if only the birds that sing best sang in the forest, it would be very quiet there.” With the help of such messages, you will allow the guy to think that everything is not so bad and has its own meaning.
  2. Love SMS. Only you know how to touch your lover's heartstrings with one phrase. But the following messages will make any man smile:
    • “Nothing warms you up on cold nights like thinking about you”;
    • “I want to always be the main reason for your happiness”;
    • “There is only room in my heart for one man, and he is reading this text message right now.”

      All these sweet messages are a nice sign of attention that will make a young man’s day a little more fun.

  3. Funny SMS. If you and your boyfriend love to laugh and have a similar sense of humor, then the opportunity to cheer up via SMS is perfect for your couple. You can come up with funny phrases yourself, or you can find funny lines on the Internet. Here are some examples:
    • “A small, gentle hippopotamus is looking for affection and something to eat... Will you help me?”;
    • “Of course, everyone has cockroaches in their heads, but yours are the cutest!”;
    • “Darling, if you don’t answer me in 5 seconds, you will owe me 100 kisses when we meet. Well, I didn’t have time!”

Even if the young man still doesn’t feel better after all your efforts, don’t despair. Perhaps he just needs to be alone and deep in his thoughts. When he moves away from his problems, he will definitely appreciate the care you provided. Nowadays, a girl who strives to please and encourage her partner is worth her weight in gold!

Often a man has troubles in life: his car broke down, he had a fight with his boss, he didn’t have time to pay off his loan... These and many other troubles can easily ruin your loved one’s mood. What to do? How to cheer a guy up unobtrusively and playfully? A good wife or girlfriend sometimes has to cheer up her man. You will find tips on this topic in our article.

  • First of all, take care of yourself - does a radiant smile often appear on your face, or are you always dissatisfied with life? Maybe you too often make claims to your man, your family and life in general. Be optimistic, show by example that there is no point in indulging in melancholy and despondency. Remember that close people copy each other's behavior.
  • Your boyfriend is sad, you don’t know how to cheer him up? Remember the old saying: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Prepare your man’s favorite dish, set the table beautifully, get yourself in order, put on beautiful clothes. During dinner, start a conversation about something pleasant. Such seemingly banal actions will not leave your loved one indifferent.
  • Spend time with your boyfriend, take the initiative. You probably know what he likes. Watch your favorite movie together, listen to fun music, go to the cinema, cafe, or visit friends. Or just take a walk around the city. In a word, offer the guy something that might interest and entertain him.
  • If you don't know how to cheer up a friend, give him a small gift. No need to buy expensive things - make it a surprise. It could be some cute trinket, a funny toy, a love card. Show your imagination! All men are different, but only you know your man.
  • Bring out the “heavy artillery” - use your beauty and charm. Give him tenderness and affection, because often kisses and hugs are better than any words.
  • The man you love is not always next to you. How to cheer up a guy over text? The Internet gives a lot of space to your imagination! Use all available means: emoticons, funny cards, poems, jokes. But sometimes you just need to show up: send your friend a message with simple and sincere words of support.

Attention, TODAY only!


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We previously wrote about how, now I would like to reveal ways to lift a guy’s mood.

Sometimes the mood of our family and friends is not as cheerful as we would like. Of course, there is no need to leave them in this state, because you don’t want your boyfriend to suffer from anything, right?! Today in our article we will try to give as many useful tips as possible that will help cheer up a guy, both by correspondence and in person. So let's get started!

10 ways to cheer up your boyfriend

  1. Tell him about your love. Moreover, this must be done so sincerely and sincerely that even his icy heart can melt. You need to talk about love in those moments when the cause of his sadness lies in a problematic relationship. And it doesn’t matter what kind, it could be problems with parents, friends or relatives. By saying about your love, you seem to show your support, and no matter what option he chooses, you will always support him!

  2. Invite him to have a little fun. Here, of course, you need to take into account your age, as well as the pranks that you will offer. If you are already a fairly mature couple, then of course we are talking about intimate relationships (female sexuality and its power have not been canceled), if not, then about romantic ones (kisses, hugs, touches, etc.). With this seduction you will force him not to think about the problems that surround him.

  3. Convince him that he is the best. If the reason for the bad mood lies in failure (a failed exam, interview or unsuccessful deal), then here you need to (again sincerely) show your admiration. Give examples of his merits, examples of other people's failures, make a correct comparison (in his favor), and also admit that she has never met a more successful guy. Make a reservation: “Yes, many were lucky! However, this is very different from success! Convince him that in the near future everything will definitely work out for him!

  4. If you want to cheer up by correspondence. Here, of course, you can’t do without sparkling anecdotes, the main thing is to find a successful one and “on topic.” You can also send some vulgar humor. The guy will definitely appreciate it and get hooked on it. Funny pictures will also do. However, sometimes you need a guy to talk it out, so try talking to him about a topic that is bothering him, because talking it out will make him feel much better. However, this must be done very carefully so as not to anger him. And naturally, in your messages, try to support any step he has already taken, such support will be very pleasant for him.

  5. You can cheer up a guy by phone or SMS with the help of various kinds of offers. So, for example, you can offer to take a walk or go to the cinema. After all, girls usually rarely make such proposals, so the guy will be pleasantly surprised by such an SMS.

  6. Invite him to plan your shared day off. Let him make a list of activities that you will do together. Let it be going to billiards, go-kart racing or even playing tennis. Even if you don’t like everything listed above, try to control yourself and agree to it. Such pleasant thoughts and ideas will make you less focused on the problem.

  7. Throw him a party. Invite his best friends to a cafe or throw a party at home. In a noisy company it is much easier to forget about problems than with yourself alone. Yes, it may not be a very decent party, but if you really want to cheer up your man, then you will take this step!

  8. Feed him deliciously. Everyone knows a simple rule - The way to any man's heart is, of course, through his stomach. So, if you know that he will come home from work in a bad mood, then your task is to prepare something very tasty as soon as possible and something that he will definitely like. If you do not have any special culinary talent, then you can order food in a restaurant or cafe, since even ordinary pizza can cause a storm of emotions in him.

  9. Surprise him. Here the editors of the magazine site advise you to do something that he definitely does not expect from you - buy him a bottle of alcoholic drink if he loves it so much. Give him two tickets to a football match (an interesting match) so he can go with a friend, etc.

  10. Don't leave him alone. No matter how funny it may sound, you don’t need to leave the guy alone with his problem. He, of course, will cope with it, but it will still be more comfortable and pleasant with you!

The reason for me to study the basics of psychology on the Internet was a siren that was desperately buzzing: a thundercloud was gathering over the horizon of a cloudless family life. And this black cloud, which created a stuffy atmosphere in my cozy home, became the gloomy and depressing mood of my faithful man. At first, I did not attach much importance to the sad mood of my precious husband, and kept expecting that the bad weather would end and the usual playful rays of the sun would sparkle in the horizon of marriage.
However, the bad weather had no intention of leaving my family hearth, every now and then, threatening a hurricane of negative emotions, openly poured out from the lips of a man who had been decent until now. Then it was replaced by a persistent, oppressive calm, which did not bring the mood of a smile, joy, or fun to the shore. And this mental bad weather in my beloved man simply forced me to look for ways to cheer up the guy and not allow him to become a victim of the black blues. I will share my discoveries and findings that helped me improve the mood of my beloved husband without much hassle.

Learning the secrets of wise wives
In order for the process of returning a dear friend to the ranks of optimists and lovers of life to go without a hitch, and not to drag a man into the torment of sadness, you should follow a few basic rules on how to improve your husband’s mood.

Rule 1. Don’t allow yourself to get caught in the nets set by melancholy
We remember that even if the dearest and most beloved person is languishing, then such suffering is exclusively his whirlwinds of the spiritual world, and not our personal experiences. It is important and useful to sympathize and empathize, but this must be done from a distance, and perceiving your husband’s hardships as your own feelings is harmful and prohibited. We should strictly maintain our distance, not allowing the negative feelings of another person to unceremoniously invade our heavenly corner of the soul.

Rule 2. We forbid ourselves to be led by the emotions of the sufferer.
As a rule, a guy who is in a bad mood is from time to time covered by a tsunami of irritation, dissatisfaction, and aggression. Such intensity of passions, breaking through, spills out onto loved ones, spoiling the mood. We do not allow ourselves to dance to the tune of a man’s desperate calls to enter into conflict. We don’t get into arguments, we don’t debrief, we don’t try to sort things out, and, God forbid, we don’t resort to verbal insults and humiliation.
When the betrothed is overcome by demons, we imagine that we are in the theater as a spectator and watching the show being demonstrated from the side. Tested in practice: when an angry person does not meet a similar response, interest in continuing to show negativity quickly disappears. Of course, this advice does not apply to situations where the enraged demon in your spouse begins to throw fists; in this case, the optimal solution is to quickly leave the battlefield.

Rule 3. Act persistently, but not forcefully, to lift the mood
Anyone of the stronger sex is a freedom-loving and independent person who cannot stand being told how to be and what to do. A man in a bad mood is no exception. You should not harass him with frank questions, pestering and recommendations on how to improve his mood. Any actions must be implemented very unobtrusively and wisely, so that the beloved husband thinks that this was his cherished desire and personal decision.

Rule 4. We don’t try to radically change everything in the world.
Novelty, exoticism, freshness and surprises are, of course, a useful thing, but here it is important to strictly know when to stop and understand the permissible limits of experiments aimed at raising your spirits. Even if we want to greatly surprise our beloved spouse with something unusual and are preparing an original surprise, we must be convinced that such a piano in the bushes will be to the liking of the beloved. That is, for a homebody, philatelist and numismatist with an attractive beer belly, the idea of ​​conquering a mountain peak or diving into the abyss with scuba gear is unlikely to help improve his mood.

Rule 5. Act consistently
In order for the program for the emotional awakening of a man to be successful, and for us to be able to lift our spirits, it is necessary to develop a clear algorithm of actions, move strictly in accordance with the points of the plan, and gradually implement our ingenious discoveries into life. That is, a one-time proposal to the spouse to take a bike ride today, steam some bones in the bathhouse, kick a ball at the stadium, visit a butterfly exhibition and end the day at the theater watching a four-hour ballet will bring nothing but shock and even greater irritation. After all, he doesn’t want to do anything at all, and here you are loading him with so much action! Therefore, we start small and take consistent steps to lift our spirits.

Seven points of a cheat sheet on how to improve your husband’s mood without straining
Action 1. No matter how gloomy the face of our life partner may be, our beautiful face should always sparkle with eyes and sparkle with a dazzling, sincere smile. Our entire appearance should personify the calm, wise beauty of Mona Lisa. So that the other half would want to unravel the secret of Mono Lisa’s smile, feel peaceful, comfortable and cozy next to us.
Action 2. The next step in the program, how to cheer up your beloved husband, follows from the previous act. For a man, his own home is his fortress, where he wants to feel at ease, reliably protected, and where nothing annoys him. Any housewife can make her home a cozy and lovely piece of paradise if she has the desire, and this does not necessarily require financial investment. The main rule: the house should be free to breathe, that is, your apartment should not resemble a garbage dump.
When carrying out general cleaning, do not forget: we are not allowed to invade our husband’s personal space. And even if we are annoyed by the mountain of not-so-fresh socks, leave your spouse’s things alone. Tested from personal experience: when he himself gets lost in the mess he has created, he will quickly sort out his entire wardrobe and get rid of the trash.
And, God forbid, don’t stress your spouse that taking out the trash can is the true purpose of a man’s life. That is, simply don’t make a molehill out of a molehill by exhausting the guy with everyday problems, but put things in order yourself and with pleasure. Believe me, maintaining cleanliness is not at all difficult. And cute little details will help decorate the interior: beaded trees, cross-stitched animal faces, bouquets of dried flowers. Such nice decorations in the house will certainly help cheer up your precious partner.
Action 3. Since all the processes of our brain, including mood, are essentially biochemical processes, we boldly review a man’s diet and serve foods that are healthy for good spirits. We can find on the Internet a list of products that contain “pleasure” hormones - serotonin, dopamine, endorphin, and create culinary masterpieces from such ingredients. At the same time, do not forget that a beautifully decorated dish served on an attractively set table, on which the attributes of a romantic evening - candles, flaunt, can improve your mood. And if being a chef is not our thing, you can order food on the Internet, and don’t forget to send your husband an SMS with an invitation to dinner.
Action 4. What washes dirt off the body? Of course, water. But this substance can also have a beneficial effect on the emotional state. Of course, it is unlikely that we will be able to force a melancholy man to swim a couple of kilometers breaststroke, but he certainly will not refuse a massage with a birch broom in a melted bathhouse. A trip to the steam room will not only help cheer up a sad man, but will also give him a huge boost of energy.
Action 5. We all come from childhood, and the man we love is no exception; in his soul lives a mischievous little boy who prefers to play and indulge. How to unearth a tomboy and a prankster in a respectable gentleman? Just invite him to have fun by presenting his favorite toys. The main thing here is not to go wrong with the option for entertainment. But we definitely know the preferences of the other half!
Most males are, in the good sense of the word, natural hunters and will be happy to receive an air gun or equipment for playing paintball. For other males, fun in the form of airplane designers or model boats can lift their spirits. Still others will be happy to have access to a powerful gaming laptop with a cool shooting game carefully loaded for their spouse. Still others will jump with delight and forget about their bad mood when they see the fishing gear. And others will choke with admiration if they are given the opportunity to show off their new leather ball to their friends. All such fun will certainly help improve your mood.
Action 6. A logical continuation of the previous step would be to present the spouse with a toy “for adults”, that is, a clear hint that it is high time to add some zest to your intimate life. This means that let your beloved man fulfill his deepest desires and improve his mood in bed. Of course, this does not mean that we will drag a young pretty girl into bed with our own hands, though?
We can appear before our husband in a new mysterious guise, perform a small erotic performance, or win his heart with the movements of oriental dances combined with a free striptease. We can choose an unusual place for intimate meetings, inviting our husband via SMS to a pre-rented country house or indulging in passion on the table of his work cubicle during lunch break. Or borrow a nurse’s uniform from a friend and show up in that outfit with the goal of improving your spouse’s mood.
Action 7. Every person needs communication with similar individuals. Meeting people you haven’t seen for ages are especially pleasant and can lift your spirits. It doesn’t cost us anything to surf the Internet and dig up the contact details of my husband’s school friends and arrange a meeting with them via SMS. Moreover, we must choose places that are conducive to relaxation and friendly contacts. For men, such areas that help improve their mood: hanging out at stadiums or pubs, going “fishing”. Of course, we will have to step on our throats, drooling around him, when he gets high, drinking beer, and we languish alone. But to cheer up your precious husband, you can endure it a couple of times.

Improving the result
So, we managed to pull the man out of the deep hole of depression and cheer him up, now our task is to consolidate the success. For this we:

  • We leave our husband alone from time to time.
  • We do not touch him when he is not in the mood for communication.
  • We never stop giving our priceless spouse small gifts and arranging surprises.
  • We don’t forget to constantly remind him how much we adore him and how much we can’t live without him.
  • We regularly send him SMS with a declaration of love.
  • We write letters to him and send him on the Internet with praises about how brilliant and ideal he is.
  • We send him funny emoticons via SMS that can cheer him up.
  • We place tiny gifts under the pillow.
  • We systematically kiss him on the cheek and hug him.
  • We do erotic massage in the evenings to give my husband a good mood.
  • We are sincerely interested in his affairs, but without being boring.
  • We discuss and giggle about his childhood adventures.
  • We arrange walks before bed, and organize an entertainment program on the weekends.
  • We bring him scalding coffee and ice-cold orange juice in bed.
  • We always use appropriate humor and try to joke about the topic to improve the mood.
  • If a husband dreams of having a pet, we give him a dog.
  • We introduce him to digging soil on his plot.
  • We buy him a gym membership.
  • On vacation we visit exotic countries.

  • Final recommendation
    And one more piece of advice on how to cheer up a man, which was unearthed by a psychologically savvy author on the Internet: from time to time you need to ignore a man. I don’t know how this move works for others: my faithful husband, carefully nurtured for twenty years, becomes even more saddened and discouraged by my display of his tail.
    My method to improve my husband’s mood: always be positive and act sincerely, respond adequately to your spouse’s difficulties, do not interfere in your own business, do not alter his character and do not interfere with his life, and so far this technique always works flawlessly.
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