DIY boxes for couples gifts for lovers. Do-it-yourself boxes for paired gifts for lovers Packaging of double gifts for lovers

Today I want to present you with a master class on how to make a heart box with your own hands. The box itself is already a work of art, but you can pour, for example, delicious sweets into it, and then give all this beauty to your loved one. Today's Valentine's Day gift master class is based on weaving from newspapers.

To make the box we will need:

- newspapers. But as a replacement, this master class presents a cash register tape, which can be bought at an office supply store. Tape width 5.8 cm, length 40 cm.

- paints;

- cardboard;

- wooden beads (optional);

- paper.

Take cardboard and cut out 2 hearts from it. To simplify the work, this master class uses a ready-made heart-shaped box. We cut out the base from cardboard, taking the base of the finished box as a template. Then we use a measuring tape to measure the length of our future box. Next we need to calculate how many weaving axes we will place. In this case, it turned out to be 18 mm, but you can position the axes a little more often. Apply markings from the center of the heart.

Next, our task is to prepare paper for gluing the bottom of our future box. In this case, we take an ordinary sheet of paper, crumple it long and hard to create an interesting texture. Glue a straightened but crumpled sheet of paper onto cardboard heart No. 2 using PVA glue. To avoid unpleasant effects, we put it to dry under a stack of books for 10-12 hours.

While the base dries, prepare the tubes. We take a knitting needle and wind a cash register tape or newspaper diagonally around it. When finished, coat the tip with glue to prevent the tube from unraveling. The resulting tubes need to be painted in the desired color. For Valentine's Day, red, pink, and white are considered traditional. It is important to let the tubes dry thoroughly.

It's time to glue our tubes to heart No. 1. You can use PVA glue, but for reliability, super glue is better. The tubes are glued strictly according to the markings on heart No. 1. We do decoupage on the top heart No. 2. You can cut out a design from a paper napkin, or you can simply buy red or pink napkins and cut out hearts from them, then stick them on the bottom of the future gift.

We glue both cardboard hearts together, and for everything to work out well, we put them under a press for several hours. After that, we proceed to the most interesting part - weaving.

It’s difficult to describe in words, but from the photographs, I think everything will be clear. We weave the first row horizontally, then we raise the axes and weave the vertical walls. It is more convenient if there is a base box inside our homemade box. If desired, you can add beads.

The most difficult thing in this weaving is to close the top so that it turns out beautifully. We walk the entire row in a tube in front of two, bending behind the third.

The last three tubes. Bend the first one in front of the two and carefully push it under the first axis with which we started braiding. We bend the second one in front of the third one and lead it inside the basket. Then look at the photographs, they are much clearer than words.

And now our DIY gift for Valentine's Day is ready. Now you can fill the box or basket, as you like, with interesting contents and hand it over.

On February 14, many people around the world will celebrate Valentine's Day - the most romantic holiday of all lovers. This holiday is celebrated in memory of Saint Valentine. He was a priest and patron of all lovers.

In honor of this holiday on February 14, many themed parties are held; couples in love give each other valentines, flowers and sweets.

It is for this holiday that we will make a heart box, which will serve as an excellent frame for a gift for Valentine's Day.

What we need:

  • Cardboard. It should be of two types: regular (for children's creativity), and especially dense (1-1.5 mm thick).
  • Velvet paper (this can be replaced with regular colored or decorative paper, or you can use fabric).
  • Cotton fabric.
  • Ruler, compass, pencil.
  • Glue stick or PVA, or any other glue for paper and cardboard.
  • Glue gun with silicone glue.
  • Ribbons, braid, beads for decoration.

Let's start making the pattern for the box (see picture below).

We draw two circles with a diameter of 5 cm, the distance between the centers is 7 cm (line 3). From the upper point of intersection of the circles we put 14 cm down (line 4). We connect the circles tangentially to the bottom point of line 4. We get a heart. There should be 6 such hearts. Moreover, they should be of different sizes: large, medium and small. The medium one should be 3mm smaller than the large one, and the small one should also be 3mm smaller than the middle one. This is necessary so that the lid fits freely on the box.


  • diameter: 5 cm
  • line 3: 7cm
  • line 4: 14 cm.


  • diameter: 4.7 cm
  • line 3: 7cm
  • line 4: 13.4 cm.


  • diameter: 4.4 cm
  • line 3: 7cm
  • line 4: 12.8 cm.

A big heart 1 PC. – made of thick cardboard (top of the box lid).

Average heart 3 pcs. - 2 pcs. from ordinary cardboard and 1 pc. from thick (top of the bottom of the box).

Little heart 2 pcs. – from ordinary cardboard.

In addition to the lid and bottom, we need to cut out the sides of the box. There should be 2 of them. – for the lid or bottom.The board should be approximately 55 cm long and 4+4+2 cm wide (10 cm). Cut a line 2 cm wide along the entire length in a zigzag. If there is no cardboard of this length, then the board can be glued together in two parts - 29 cm each.

Fold the board in half (4cm by 4cm) and glue it. Cut the remaining allowance of 2 cm with a zigzag. Glue the side to the middle heart made of ordinary cardboard. We do the same with the second side, only we glue it to the small heart.

We cover a large and medium heart made of thick cardboard with velvet paper. At the same time, we cut out hearts from velvet paper + an allowance of 1.5-2 cm (cut it with a zigzag, fold it onto the back side of the heart and glue it).

We cover the sides with fabric. It is best to glue cotton fabric with a glue stick. We glue the sides of the lid on both sides (on the outside and on the inside), and we glue the sides of the bottom of the box only on the inside. This is necessary so that when opening or closing the box the fabric does not rub against each other or get in the way.

In the same way we glue two hearts - medium and small. We glue them inside the box (i.e. we get the bottom of the lid and the bottom of the lower part).

We cover the edge of the side of the bottom of the box with tape so that it does not get wet.

We glue hearts made of thick cardboard covered with velvet paper accordingly: a large heart to the lid (medium heart), and a medium heart to the bottom (small heart). We glue the edges of the velvet hearts with braid using a glue gun. We also glue the braid in the middle of the outer side.

We decorate the box with roses from satin ribbons (how to make them can be found on the Internet), leaves from corrugated ribbon, soutache and halves of plastic beads (the beads are very easily cut in half using wire cutters or pliers).

Now you can put any gift in it, as well as candies or other goodies.

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For work you will need: colored cardboard and paper, scissors, tape, tape or braid, glue and cotton wool.

First, decide on the size of the future box and its color; based on these parameters, you will need to select a sheet of cardboard. It depends on the size of the prepared surprise and your own preferences.

Carefully bend the edges of the tube inward on one side. Place a prepared gift or love note with sweets and hearts into the resulting package.

Now you can start decorating the bundle. To do this, cut out multi-colored hearts of the same size from colored paper or cardboard. Glue them in a circle to get a beautiful and voluminous flower.

You can use a tightly rolled cotton ball as the core of the flower. Spread it with glue and dip it in semolina or glitter to make it look more original.

Using glue, secure the flower arrangement to the finished box. You can create a variety of decorative combinations to suit your taste.

These packaging boxes can be made in a variety of sizes. When decorating, you can also show your imagination and create a composition from all kinds of elements: butterflies, hearts, beads, sequins, lace and decoupage. Your loved one will certainly appreciate the effort and love put into preparing the surprise.

Valentine's Day is coming very soon. And on the eve of the holiday, every person thinks about what to give to their lover or just a loved one. In the store for this holiday you can find a huge number of gifts and various souvenirs with hearts. But the best gift for any person is considered to be one that was made with one’s own hands. There is no need to be surprised by this! After all, this gift will be filled with your warmth. In this article, we decided to tell you about what crafts to make for Valentine's Day with your own hands. Here you can find only the most interesting ideas.

What crafts to make for Valentine's Day

In our article you can see many ideas for crafts for this magical Valentine's Day. At the beginning of this publication you can find the simplest crafts, the creation of which will require handy materials. Gradually we will move on to more complex crafts.

Box of wishes.

If you have a box of sweets or some gifts left at home, do not throw it away. It will be useful for you to create interesting crafts. If there is no such box, then you can make one from cardboard. For a gift, the box is covered with decorative paper. In addition, decorate your box with hearts.

If you are finished decorating the box, then cut out a lot of heart blanks from red or pink cardboard. Sign each heart with your warm wishes. Place these hearts in a box, and tie the box itself with a beautiful satin ribbon.

Bouquet of sweets.

To make crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands, you need to watch more than one master class. As a result, you will be able to find the ideal craft that you will definitely want to make.

A bright and unusual bouquet of sweets is perhaps the best gift for a girl. To make such a gift you need to prepare:

  • decorative paper,
  • tape and foil,
  • round candies that have a bright wrapper,
  • wire and colored foil,
  • satin ribbon.


  1. So, each candy is taped to a wire. You need to wrap a piece of foil around the candy. You need to do this with all sweets.
  2. Now put the decorated candies together.
  3. The ends of the wires must be secured with tape. As a result, you will get a bouquet.
  4. Wrap the entire composition in decorative paper and tie it with a satin ribbon.

Heart frame.

Today, many families are very actively preparing for the meeting. As a rule, in such cases people make a variety of romantic crafts. For the next craft, you will have to prepare puff pastry. It is prepared from: salt, flour, water. Our heart will be made in pink. Therefore, while preparing the dough, add pink gouache to it. To create this craft you will need: beads, pink paper and PVA glue.


Hearts of love.

The next very romantic craft can be made from simple toilet paper. To make the following craft, take:

  • toilet paper and acrylic putty,
  • PVA glue and paste,
  • acrylic based paints,
  • glitter glue,
  • bamboo skewers,
  • adhesive thermoplastic and satin ribbon.


  1. First of all, prepare all the necessary materials and cook the paste. This composition is prepared as follows: dilute a tablespoon of starch in cold water. At the same time, take a small amount of water. Then slowly pour in boiling water and stir quickly. You shouldn't have any lumps.
  2. Next, you need to make a mass out of toilet paper. In this case, tear the toilet paper into small pieces and soak them in a little water. Mix well and grind this mass well. Then add PVA glue and paste to the mixture. These components are added in small quantities. Mix everything well. Add more paste to get a dough-like mass.
  3. Then you should make crafts from the paper pulp. You should get hearts. Leave them to dry at room temperature. They can also be placed on the battery.
  4. When the crafts are dry, they are covered with acrylic putty. It is recommended to apply the putty with a brush or small spatula. Cover the crafts evenly with putty. Its layer should be 0.5 cm. Now the putty on the craft should dry.
  5. Dry crafts need to be painted with acrylic paints. Then glue skewers to the hearts. Do this with a hot glue gun.
  6. Use a marker to write words of love on the hearts.
  7. Now all that remains is to decorate the hearts with glue and glitter.

Romantic craft from a CD. Candlestick.

If you have old disks at home, you can find a great way to use them. You can use them to make an interesting candlestick for Valentine's Day. As you can see, crafts for February 14 can be varied. And you should look at the following photo in order to make a beautiful product. Do you like this unusual candlestick? Then try to make it with your own hands as soon as possible. To create a craft you may need:

  • a couple of old CDs,
  • decorative elements for decorating crafts,
  • sea ​​shells and pebbles,
  • hot glue.


  1. First, you should lay out shells and pebbles on the disk. You can do this in any order. After which these elements are glued using silicone glue.
  2. On the second disk it is worth masking the hole. Attach a sticker or other decorative element.
  3. The two disks should be placed together. It is worth attaching a candle between the shells.
  4. As a result, you will get a cute and at the same time unusual gift.
  • Cardboard and corrugated paper,
  • scissors and glue,
  • beautiful ribbon.


  1. White cardboard should be used as a base. You should draw a heart on it. Make a hole in the heart and insert a beautiful ribbon there. Make a loop. You will hang this heart for it.
  2. Next, you should cut small squares from corrugated paper. Lubricate the heart with glue and crumple the prepared squares.
  3. Now all you have to do is glue these squares to the heart. Cover the entire surface of the heart with them.


If you don’t know what date Valentine’s Day is and what crafts to make for this occasion, then our article was able to provide you with some options for crafts that you can easily make yourself. Try to engage in exciting creativity and get only pleasant emotions from this activity.

What is an unusual gift to give to your loved one for Valentine's Day? We will tell you - make him a Valentine's box with a surprise with your own hands, which will definitely surprise and delight your soulmate!

To do this you will need:

Colored cardboard, scissors, glue

Ribbons, rhinestones, lace, edging ropes

Any other decorative elements

First you need to print and cut out the box templates, then transfer them to cardboard.

Then we cut out our blanks, fold them along the fold lines and glue them together. We should have 2 parts - internal and external.

Think in advance whether the parts will be the same color or different to create contrast.

When our box details are ready, we start decorating it. You can cut out decorative hearts and flowers from paper or fabric, sew buttons and lace onto the box. Glue inscriptions with wishes and declarations of love. Create, fantasize! The box should be the most extraordinary valentine your loved one has ever received as a gift.

Now let's talk about the surprise itself, what could be inside the box?

There are many options for surprises - it could be a Valentine's card, a mini-book with wishes and poems about love, or a mini-photo album with your photographs. It is also possible that the box will contain any sweets.

Another very original surprise option that you can make yourself is the key to your heart. To do this, you need to cut out 2 hearts from fabric, sew them together and stuff them with filling. After which you can tie a small key to the heart with the inscription “The key to my heart” - we are sure that such a gift will be very touching and pleasant.

If you are familiar with the technique of felting (filting) wool, then you can make a wool heart. You can learn more about how to make it from the article on dry felting a heart.

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