Congratulate your sister on Mother's Day in prose. Funny congratulations to your sister on Mother’s Day in prose - congratulations in your own words

Dear and beloved mother! I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Mother's Day! I wish you a lot of joy, warmth and health! I love you very much and thank you endlessly for my amazing, happy childhood, for your carefree youth and for your deep maternal wisdom, which still guides me along the path of life. Low bow to you, dear, for every second of my existence! Happy holiday!

I have a great desire inside me - to collect flowers from all over our planet into one enchanting bouquet and give it to you! And even though now I do it mentally, the main thing is that from the bottom of my heart. My dear mother - daisies, roses, peonies, carnations, chrysanthemums, lilies, orchids, cornflowers, they are all yours, they are all hidden in this autumn holiday greeting! I love you very much! You are the best, kindest and most magical mother in the world!

From today, we congratulate you, as the mother of the most amazing kids in the world, on Mother’s Day, and with all our hearts express our sincere admiration! You have created in your home an incredible space of love, care, tenderness and comfort. The hearts of your children are open to the world, and their eyes are filled with endless light and joy! And this is your great spiritual work! We wish to preserve this purity and warmth of the family hearth - for many years, and, of course, we wish your children health, and you patience and strength in raising worthy people! Be happy!

On this wonderful holiday, we wish you goodness, light, beauty and endless joy! May your home always be filled with children's laughter and mischief, and may your mother's heart be filled with tenderness and warmth. After all, fate has given you the most valuable wealth of this world - the opportunity to become a mother! Accept it with gratitude every minute of your life! Happy holiday!

How great it is that there are holidays like this, when you stop and remember the dearest, dearest and most important person in this world. Mommy, forgive me for the rare calls and very rare meetings. I'm sorry I can't hug you every day and tell you how much I love you. But I always think about you and I know that you understand everything about me. Happy holiday dear, good health! Live long, long and always in happiness and joy!

Being a mother is a great asset! But having such a kind, wise and caring mother like you is a great blessing! Every day of our lives we thank the Universe for sending us such a Guardian Angel like you! Dear Mom! We love you very much! Live long and happily, please us with your smile for many years, and we will always feel your love. And in the ocean of everyday worries, we will always support each other on the raft of your wisdom and endless love! Happy holiday dear, Happy Mother's Day!

What a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day! It’s the last Sunday in November, it’s already so frosty outside, but my heart is cozy and warm, because I congratulate the dearest person on this earth, my beloved mom! Mom, let me say thank you - after all, you are my asset and reward, you are an example for many and a ray of sunshine for all of us. I want you to always be happy, may your beauty bloom like spring flowers, and may your health only grow stronger over the years! Happy holiday!

Mommy, today is a special day on the calendar, so festive and so important! I want to sincerely congratulate you on Mother’s Day, say thank you for everything you have done for me, for the sun, for the sky, for the world around me in which I live. After all, I know one thing for sure: for me you are the most important person. And I want to wish you everything your heart dreams of, because you deserve it!

No treasures in the world can replace the motherly love that you gave me on long and sleepless nights sitting by my bed; nothing compares to the tenderness of your voice when you read me stories before bed; nothing will remind me of the warmth of your hands when you wiped away the tears of my first love. Mommy, I want to congratulate you on such a wonderful holiday, wish you with all my heart joy, smiles, goodness and prosperity, as well as health for many, many years to come.

On this day, I want to congratulate the most beautiful and charming woman, wonderful wife and amazing mother on her “professional” holiday - Mother’s Day! May your wonderful children grow up healthy and strong, delight you with their successes and inspire you to new heights! I wish that their happy smiles fill your mother’s heart with pride, and that their pranks never upset you! You are the perfect mom! Love and joy to all your family!

Mother! Let me now give you a bouquet of kind words, sincere wishes, warm smiles and a sea of ​​affectionate kisses! Let the troubles of life fade into the background today, and let the world around you sparkle with the bright colors of kindness, good mood and fulfillment of desires! Let joy become your faithful companion, creating only beautiful dreams and inspiring your inspiration! Be happy dear mother!

Wishing you health, happiness, joy and long life, mommy! I want to say that for me, you are the most important and important person in life. Let's not pay attention to this cold autumn day today. After all, today the main thing is not the weather, the main thing is that here and now I can congratulate you on the warmest and brightest holiday in the world - Mother’s Day!

Mom, thank you for your love and for the rainbow memories of a happy childhood! For the warm motherly hugs and tenderness of your hands! Thank you for your understanding and support, for always being with us and ready to cover everyone with your maternal wing. Next to you, any sorrows are forgotten, and the whole world becomes kinder! We congratulate you on Mother's Day! We wish you many years and bright happiness!

It’s the last Sunday day of November, outside the window it’s either raining or snowing, but no bad weather can ever ruin my mother’s holiday! Today I want to congratulate you and say thank you for giving me life. Mommy, may the Lord take care of you, because otherwise there will be no one to take care of me. Let all the flowers bow at your feet today, because you are a true woman, you are the best mother! I love you very much!

Mama, mommy, mommy, dearest and dearest, the one who loves me more than anything in the world, happy holiday to you, Happy Mother’s Day. I thank you for your care, for your advice, for your warmth and support. For me, you are the closest and dearest person on earth! I wish you health and all the brightest, as bright as your sincere and kind heart!

Happy Mother's Day to one of the most beautiful and responsible mothers in the world! We wish you happiness, patience, kindness! And may your kids always grow up in love and affection, filling their mother’s heart with pride, tenderness and joy! Prosperity and peace to your wonderful family!

Mom, happy holiday! Happy Mothering Sunday! Thank you for life, thank you for the world, thank you for your upbringing, which did not allow me to stumble in life and led me along the right path! My beloved, unique, beautiful and most charming mother, I ask you to always be happy!

L beloved mom, happy holiday! For me, you will always be the best, most caring and most attentive mother in the world! After all, you are like a real guardian angel who protects you from insults and disappointments, from tears and mistakes, from troubles and losses. Health to you mommy and longevity! And I really ask you - be truly happy!

I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday! In these special moments, you deserve the best words and compliments in the world! Let this bright day become another pleasant reminder to you of my love and pride for such a wonderful mother like you! I ask you to never get sick, mommy, don’t get upset over little things and smile more often.

I'll hug you tight! I wish you a great mood, spiritual beauty and incredible happiness! You are my eternal beacon of sincerity, joy and optimism. So always remain the same beautiful, charming, inspiring and blooming woman! Always be strong in body and spirit, and most importantly, please always be there! Happy Mother's Day!

Mom, today we congratulate you on a very important and good holiday - Mother’s Day! We wish that the sparkle in your eyes never fades, your mother’s heart always beats, and the tears on your cheeks sparkle only with happiness! May your gentle and tremulous soul, as before, sing us lullabies, taking away adversity, and may the snow-white veil of time on your beautiful hair become an exquisite decoration of maternal wisdom and charm! Happy holiday!

On this wonderful holiday, I want to give you the kindest, warmest and most tender words. Joy to you mommy - a whole ocean. There are a bottomless sea of ​​happy moments, and there are as many winged hopes as there are countless stars in the night sky. I hug you tightly, my dear, and thank you sincerely for everything! Let your mood this holiday shimmer with bright colors and fill everything around with positivity!

Happy holiday, mom! I wish peace and harmony to your soul, health, prosperity and many, many joyful events in life! On this day, may your heart be filled with the baggage of a mother’s hopes, may your loved ones give you peace and harmony, and may love forever become a reliable talisman of your prosperous family and a stronghold of unfading maternal happiness!

Dear and beloved mother, I congratulate you on the holiday - Mother's Day. Thank you for your selfless love and care, the nerves and energy spent on my upbringing. Mommy, I wish you happiness. I want you to smile as often as possible. I wish you health, a long and carefree life. You are my best mommy in the world, always remain the same!

My dear sister, I congratulate you on Mother’s Day. I want to wish you to always remain the most beautiful, loving, caring, sincere, dear, kind, sweet, beloved and happy mother in the world. May your family be strong and cheerful, and may understanding and love reign in your home.

Beloved sister! Happy Mother's Day. I am proud of you, because you are raising my nephews, whom I adore so much. You are not only an amazing mother, but also an amazingly beautiful and wise woman. I was lucky enough, by the will of fate, to become your sister. Thank you for your care, love for your neighbors and everything around you.

Happy Mother's Day, dear sister. I wish you to always remain a wonderful mother and a happy woman. May your children delight you with their achievements and discoveries, may they bring bright light into your life and make you smile. I wish good luck and great happiness to your family, high prosperity, peace and understanding.

Dear sister, I congratulate you on Mother’s Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you moral strength and good health, family happiness and pure love, kindness in your soul and a cheerful mood. Always remain a loving and beloved mother.

Congratulations, sister, on this magical feeling of motherhood. I wish you to forever preserve this tenderness of the moment when you first looked into the eyes of your child. After all, it is precisely this moment that makes a woman the kindest creature in the world, the most sincere, loving, ready to give her life for the sake of her offspring, MOTHER! Happy Mother's Day to you and your family!

My beloved sister, I wish that motherhood always brings you a lot of joy! You are a wonderful mother, so I know for sure that your children are happy, because they are bathed in love and affection! I wish you, dear sister, to always remain such a beautiful, kind and positive mommy!

Dear sister, I congratulate you with all my heart on a wonderful holiday - Happy Mother's Day. I wish you to always be an incredibly beautiful woman and a sincerely kind soul, the most wonderful mother in the world and reliable support for your children. I wish you a strong and happy family, a world full of colors and bright emotions.

Happy Mother's Day, my dear sister. I wish you strong nerves and patience, a sensitive heart and good health, unquenchable strength and vigor of soul. Always remain a wonderful and loving mother.

I congratulate not just a smart and beautiful woman, a beloved sister and a wonderful person, but also a wonderful mother who gave life to a wonderful child. I wish you blessings, kindness and sunshine. Let the sea of ​​love always rage around you, rocking you on the waves of tenderness and plunging you into the abyss of prosperity and success. Happy Mother's Day!

Beloved sister, I congratulate you on a wonderful, warm and sensitive holiday - Mother's Day! I wish you great family happiness, intertwined with the warmth of smiles and the care of loving hands. Let your mother's heart beat calmly, accelerating the pace from pride and overflowing with good feelings!

“... We love our sister, and our wife, and our father, but in agony we remember our mother...” These exact lines once again prove that the life of each of us begins in the arms of the mother, who becomes the closest and dearest person. The tradition of the holiday originates from the mysteries of ancient Rome, where the Great Mary was revered - the goddess, the mother of the gods. Each country has its own celebration date. According to the Decree of B. N. Yeltsin of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998, the last Sunday in November is considered Mother's Day in Russia. This holiday is necessary to show the significance and true purpose of a woman. They keep the house cozy and warm, take care of their child, carrying him under their hearts, support him, protect him throughout his life. On this day, both pregnant ladies who have already achieved it and those preparing to receive such a high title accept their congratulations. Mothers and grandmothers receive flowers, gifts, and congratulations from all their loved ones. It has become a good tradition in many families to prepare a festive table and organize evening gatherings.

Dear mom, may everything you dream about come true! I love you so much and want your eyes to shine with happiness! May every moment of your life be filled with goodness, bright colors and joy! Remember that you are the best mother in the world!

My dear, beautiful mom, on this Mother’s Day I want to tell you for the thousandth time that I really appreciate and love you! Thank you for my life, for my upbringing and all the love that you put and still put into me! I wish you long life and great happiness!

Happy Mother's Day! There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. There is nothing more important than a mother's heart. There is nothing more priceless than maternal warmth. May God always preserve the bright feeling that binds the souls of mother and child!

Mom is a great title, which is deserved by sleepless nights, worries that sometimes tear a mother’s heart, boundless love, the desire to give her own life for the life of her child. I congratulate you on this priceless title, which you truly deserve. I wish you light and love, peace in the family and health to your loved ones. Happy Mother's Day!

I sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day. I want to wish you simple female happiness, which consists of healthy and successful children, a loving and faithful husband, a cheerful mood and kindness of soul. I wish you to remain a wonderful mother, a sincere and magnificent woman. Let only good luck, joy and prosperity come to your home.

Congratulations on one of the most tender holidays - Mother's Day! I wish every woman who deserves to be called a proud word - mother, great happiness. So that gentle eyes glow with kindness and pride for their children. So that joy and lightness accompany and inspire. Be the most loved, necessary and valuable!

Mom is our guardian angel, our home, our universe. Therefore, Mother's Day is a special holiday that reminds us of a dear and dearly loved person. I would like to wish you peace of mind, success that accompanies everything, excellent health, strong family relationships, and overflowing happiness!

Happy Mother's Day! With all our souls and sincere hearts we wish all mothers, future and present, good health, happy eyes, good nights, gentle smiles and many, many wonderful and unforgettable moments! Thank you for life, for support, for love and a soul full of warmth!

Is there anything in the world more touching, stronger, more fierce and tender than mother's love? How much has been written about her, but all the depth can hardly be conveyed in words... Our dear mothers, women who carried their children in the womb for nine long months, endured the pain of childbirth and sleepless nights at the cradles of their little children! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish that your children repay you with the same great love, affection, affection and care that you gave them without a trace! I wish you good health, long life, joy and pride in your children!

Congratulations to the wonderful women who have experienced the happiness of motherhood. I would like to wish you great female happiness in your life. May beauty, joy and love always live in your hearts. May the happiness you experienced in becoming a mother warm your souls forever. I wish that your children bring you only a reason to be proud of them and do not cause you unnecessary worries. Happy Mother's Day!

Dear sister, I congratulate you on Mother’s Day and wish you to always remain a beloved and loving mother, a magnificent and incomparable woman, a kind soul of company and a sympathetic person with a soft heart. Peace to your family, happiness and prosperity.

Happy Mother's Day my sister. I wish you to always remain calm, kind, loving, gentle, caring, beautiful, sweet, understanding, beloved and happy mother. Peace and prosperity to your family, good health to your children and prosperity.

Sister, I never cease to be amazed at what an amazing mother you have become! I congratulate you on Mother’s Day and wish you to remain as radiant, cheerful, and optimistic! Let trouble and sadness pass by!

Happy Mother's Day my dear sister. I wish you to be a wonderful and magnificent mother, to understand your children and fill your home with comfort and warmth. I wish that your family is strong and happy, that the children sincerely appreciate their mother and cherish every moment spent together.

Sister, I congratulate you on Mother's Day. I wish that your “flowers” ​​of life do not indulge too much and always achieve great success in life, because for a mother, the real joy is the well-being of her children. I wish you to be a happy and caring mother of wonderful and healthy children.

Dear sister! On Mother's Day, I would like to wish that childhood illnesses pass by your house, bad marks in your diary and drawings on the wallpaper do not spoil your mood, homework is done quickly and easily, and the sincere love of children's hearts and the warmth of hugs compensate for all grief, adversity and fatigue!

Happy Mother's Day, sis. I wish that every day brings happy children's smiles, cheerful and clear voices, pleasant conversations and touching moments, wonderful ideas and good fairy tales. May the children be successful and healthy, and may you always remain the most wonderful and amazing mother!

My dear sister, I congratulate you on Mother’s Day and wish you to be real, devoted, loving, open and honest with your children, may they respond to you with their sincere love for the care, tenderness and affection that you give them. I also wish you good health, wisdom, patience and self-confidence!

Dear sister, I congratulate you on Mother’s Day. Let there be no resentment, scandals or misunderstandings in the family, let children be a bright light, inspiring to move forward. I wish to always remain a mother with a loving and sensitive heart, with an open and kind soul, I wish to receive gifts, compliments, flowers, kisses, hugs and sincere tenderness from my mischievous children every day.

Beloved sister, you are an example of a real mother! Let your children bring you only joy, inspiration and happiness! Let everything in your family go smoothly, beautifully and without any problems! Remain the same gentle, loving and caring mother!

The international holiday in honor of mothers is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November. In 2018, Mother's Day falls on November 25th. Words of beautiful congratulations are heard in schools and kindergartens, as well as at ceremonial events held by city authorities.

We offer a selection of official congratulations on Mother’s Day in prose for official events.

Dear women! Dear mothers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Mother's Day! Mom is the most precious and bright thing in the world. She always rejoices at the success of her children, supports them in difficult times, and always sincerely worries about every step they take. There is no person closer and dearer!

Who is our most faithful adviser? On whose shoulder can we cry when things get tough? Who will always forgive and understand us? Who will accept us into their home, no matter what happens? This is mom. The love of mother and child is a special love. Even if there are disagreements, this love is always mutual. Happy Mother's Day!

Let your hearts be warmed by the love and care of your loved ones! Every day will be filled with joyful and pleasant events! Happiness, health, prosperity, peace of mind and love! Peace and comfort to your home!

Dear women! Our dear mothers and grandmothers!
We cordially congratulate you on one of the warmest and most sincere holidays - Mother's Day! Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, it undoubtedly occupies a special place. Helps to realize the greatness and holiness of a woman’s most important mission associated with giving birth and raising children.

To elevate its most important role in preserving and strengthening the spiritual values ​​and moral ideals of society.
We are sure that the upcoming holiday will be held in the family circle and will be filled with comfort, warmth, words of love and gratitude. And we join in the congratulations!

We sincerely wish you good health, unfading youth and a lot of mutual love! May wonderful feelings warm your hearts, and may you always remain as unique as you are now. With all my heart I join all the congratulations that you have already received, and once again I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires.

Our dear mothers and grandmothers! With a special reverent feeling, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Mother's Day in Russia!
From time immemorial, a woman is surrounded by the holy aura of motherhood. From the word “MOM” we learn to speak and realize our purpose in this world. This word contains love and hope, strength and inspiration, it contains light, warmth and comfort. Immensely happy is the person who is supported by caring motherly hands and kind words not only in childhood.

Mother's love makes us stronger, helps us overcome adversity and believe in success.
But mothers also need our attention! Sometimes, it’s enough to just ask “how are you?” and tell us that everything is fine with us. And the upcoming holiday is a wonderful occasion to gather with your family and fill your home with warmth.

Our deepest bow and most sincere words of gratitude, our dear mothers and grandmothers. Be happy! Health and happiness to you, our dear mothers! May your children be successful, attentive, loving, and may your life be full of prosperity and harmony! Peace and goodness to you, family well-being and good health! And let your children, to whom you give the best, only make you happy.

Perhaps not everyone knows about Mother's Day, and not all calendars mark it in red. This is very sad, because such a warm holiday should be international! After all, this is the holiday of the dearest person for everyone - the holiday of mother. We would like to congratulate all the women who proudly bear this honorary title. You don't need prizes, awards and medals - as long as the children are happy. We wish you never to be disappointed and take care of yourself!

Mother's Day is an important holiday not only for every woman, but also for all people who value and love their mothers. Therefore, Happy Mother's Day greetings to all mothers will help express gratitude for their love, care and support. Therefore, on this day we would like to wish every mother family happiness, love and understanding from her children.

I wish you good health, good mood and success in all your endeavors!

Mother's Day is a holiday that does not live on the calendar. It is in the soul, at the heart that beats Thanks to you. Thank you, dear mothers... For allowing me to live. Raised, fed, loved... And continue to be. Be there if you are needed... Wait quietly when there is no time for you. Thank you, our loved ones... Be happy - for us!

Mom is a sacred word, it means the person closest to us! But will we congratulate only one mother on Mother’s Day? Of course not! After all, our grandmother is also a mother, and already with double experience. And there are also sisters, and aunts, and friends, in general, all those women who have already experienced this true happiness - motherhood. A mother is capable of doing things for the sake of her children that a person is considered incapable of in principle. Her holy love serves as our guide and guardian throughout our lives. So let's congratulate all the mothers in the world on this day, created to give words of love! After all, mom deserves words of gratitude for all her daily troubles and worries. And the best reward for her is the success of her children. A woman's highest calling is to be a mother. And let it always be this way, let motherhood be the most important thing and the most important happiness for each of the women!

Our dears!

Happy Mother's Day!
Centuries and millennia of world history, illuminated by your wisdom and tenderness, charm and beauty. And only thanks to your vitality, inspiration and patience, the human race continues on earth from century to century. Mother, sister, beloved - the feminine source accompanies us until our last breath. And if beauty saves the world, it will be your beauty. After all, you turn it into a magical pearl that we lay at your feet. On this festive day, we wish all women strong prosperity, lifelong happiness, fierce love and constant well-being. And may all your dreams come true, thank you for being with us. We wish you all the best in the world. May everything be fine with you.

Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. And to you, as one of the most wonderful mothers, I want to wish you all the best. I want to wish you patience, I want to wish you joy, I want to wish you health and happiness. Let only warm words sound in your life, let dullness not affect your everyday life, and every day will be beautiful in its own way. Let your children please you with frequent visits, call you more often, and take care of you the same way you took care of them. Being a mother means being strong, being brave and being deeply loved. And, apparently, for this reason, mother is the most valuable person for each of us. Congratulations!

Happy Mother's Day! Let this touching and warm holiday be marked by a mother’s smile, joy and kindness. I wish every mother in the world only the best. Health, a strong family, reliability and confidence, prosperity and pride in your children. Happiness in your loving eyes and peace in your heart!

On Mother's Day, I sincerely wish you less worries for a mother's heart and more joys for an open soul. I wish you to receive honor and respect in return for your love and tenderness; I wish for my child, no matter how old he is, to always remain the best and dearest mother in the world.

How often do I stubbornly contradict you,
How often do I disobey.
Forgive me, forgive me, dear Mother.
You are home, you are comfort and family.

You are the most important thing, warm word
For everyone here on Earth.
I just want you to be healthy
And bread so that it stands on the table.

I hug you tightly on Mother's Day,
I'm always there, you hang in there.
I am only now speaking, understanding:
“Dear, thank you for life!”

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