Add shadows to the cheekbones. How to highlight cheekbones with makeup

Before emphasizing your cheekbones using decorative cosmetics, you should understand that a beautiful curve can be achieved with the correct effect of incident light and shadow on the face. Therefore, when creating chiseled cheekbones, it is necessary to use lightening and darkening agents.

Let's look at the most popular cosmetics for highlighting cheekbones:

  • Blush. This is the oldest and most famous option for highlighting the cheeks. Previously, there was a fashion for full, rounded cheeks, which demonstrated the natural strength and health of a woman. The blush perfectly highlighted the apples of the cheeks. Now that fashion has changed, blush is used to emphasize not the upper part of the cheek, but the hollow and cheekbone. At the same time, a correctly selected blush will optimally match the natural skin tone and will not stand out as an unnatural blemish on the face.
  • Highlighter and bronzer. This is the optimal combination of products to achieve the “sunken cheekbone” effect. This contrast will look advantageous, as the highlighter emphasizes certain parts of the face, highlighting them. And the bronzer gives the epidermis a tanning effect.
  • Dark concealer. This product is suitable if you are doing face sculpting. It is usually applied under the cheekbone line.
  • Powder. This is the easiest option to highlight your cheekbones. To do this you will need two shades of powder. One to match the skin tone, the second - several shades darker, which should be applied to the area under the cheekbones.
  • Tint. This is a fairly new cosmetic product that has become universal. It is used to highlight lip color and as a replacement for blush. The tint is absorbed into the skin of the face, leaving a pigment that will last for a long time. At the same time, it does not dry out the epidermis and does not wear off in case of accidental contact with hands or clothing.
If you have decided how to highlight your cheekbones, then be sure to take into account certain rules for choosing suitable means and tools for these purposes:
  1. Corrective cosmetics should not contain glitter. Otherwise, the makeup will look vulgar and unnatural.
  2. Use several brushes so that there is a separate one for each corrector.
  3. If you are uncomfortable working with brushes, purchase a special device - a beauty blender. This is a drop-shaped sponge that is convenient for applying liquid and cream cosmetics.
  4. Choose a bronzer one or two shades darker than your natural skin color. It is optimal if its shade matches your tan.
  5. The color of the blush should match the color of your face when you blush. This is the most suitable shade option, since pale pigment will be invisible, and too bright blush will spoil the makeup.
  6. For dark-skinned women, you can choose a blush of beige-pink or raspberry shade. For fair-skinned people - peach, light pink.
As for one of the most popular means of highlighting cheekbones - blush, they can have different textures. On sale you can find liquid, creamy, powder, gel blush, and also in the form of foam. It is best to choose a product in powder form. Such cosmetics are well suited for any skin type, especially problem skin. Cream blush is suitable for dry epidermis, since moisturizers are usually included in such cosmetics. Liquid and gel products are applied to the base for makeup or foundation. And for evening make-up, it is recommended to use blush with shimmer, which will give the face a little radiance and mystery.

Preparation before highlighting the cheekbones of the face

For everyday make-up, it is enough to emphasize the natural beauty of the cheekbones, highlighting them with decorative cosmetics. To get a natural effect, you will need the following tools: foundation, makeup sponge, shading brush, cosmetic corrector, powder.

We prepare the skin for applying cosmetics according to the following scheme:

  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, we cleanse the skin and remove the fat layer from its surface. It is also important to properly moisturize the epidermis, otherwise cosmetics will look like a layer of plaster on the face.
  • Find a spot in close proximity to the light source. To apply daytime makeup, place a mirror on the windowsill to evaluate the finished result and how the makeup will look outside.
  • If there are imperfections on your face, they should be covered with a concealer of a suitable shade. So, green color is used to disguise redness and pimples, peach is used to disguise dark circles under the eyes, purple copes with pigmentation. All boundaries of the concealer should be carefully shaded.
  • Apply makeup base or foundation to your face. Distribute using a sponge or brush. Thanks to these products, the relief of the face will be more even, and cosmetics will lie more uniformly in the future.
  • Apply a thin layer of translucent powder to the face.
Now you can start applying concealer to create chiseled cheekbones. This should be done according to certain rules, depending on the shape of your face and the type of cosmetic product you use.

How to highlight cheekbones with makeup

In most cases, cheek makeup is included in the facial contouring system. However, if you only want to slightly emphasize your cheekbones for everyday make-up, then you just need to lightly “wave” a brush with a corrective cosmetic over your cheeks. But this must be done according to certain rules.

How to highlight cheekbones with blush

Blush is used in such cases: to soften the relief of the face and to place accents on it. It is important to prevent the opposite effect from occurring, and to do this, this type of cosmetics should be applied correctly.

When applying blush, choose a shade that is half a tone darker than your natural skin color. Also, ideally, you should have another shade of blush - a lighter one or a highlighter.

Apply cosmetics to the cheek area according to the following rules:

  • To determine where to apply blush, first of all, stand in front of the mirror and smile broadly. If your cheekbones are clearly visible, then you should not highlight them too brightly. A few strokes of the brush are enough.
  • Cover the convex area of ​​the cheek with a light pearlescent shade - appropriate blush or highlighter.
  • Apply a darker blush to the area under the cheekbone. Remember, if you apply a dark color corrector to your cheekbone, it will look visually smaller.
  • If you want to highlight your cheekbone, then apply blush in a soft semicircle under it. This way you will be able to achieve the effect of a shadow that softly falls on the face.
  • Apply light shades of blush in the direction from the center of the face to the periphery.
  • Apply dark shades of the corrector to the face in the direction from the lower jaw to the corners of the eyes.
  • Smoothly blend out the blush, as the overall look of the makeup depends on this process. Unshaded, clear stripes on the cheekbones look like gross mistakes and are striking. For shading, use a large round brush made of natural hair. We make several light strokes from the nose to the temples.
  • If you are using loose blush, then an angled brush is suitable for application.
It is also important to consider your face shape when applying blush. So, if you have a round face, then you should apply them more intensively along the bottom of the cheekbones, gradually bringing the shade to the temple. This way you can visually elongate the shape of your face.

If you want to make an elongated face more round with the help of the right make-up, then you should cover the central part of the cheek with a corrector. In this case, the brush needs to be moved along the trajectory of a figure eight so that the cheekbone line falls on its center.

The classic oval shape does not require any specific correction. Blush should be applied to such a face under the cheekbone, smoothly blending the borders from the temple to the bottom.

As for the square shape of the face, makeup artists have several options for correcting it using blush. So, you can correct the shape of your cheekbones by applying blush in the shape of a triangle. Moreover, its lower edge should be parallel to the lower jaw. There is also an option in which the blush is placed on the cheeks in a soft semicircle.

How to highlight cheekbones with bronzer

The bronzer gives the face a tanned tone and, when applied correctly, lays out beautiful shadows in suitable areas. It is optimal to combine it with blush. This makeup will look more harmonious.

Follow these rules when using bronzer to highlight your cheekbones:

  1. Select a bronzer tone that is one or two shades darker than your natural skin color.
  2. You can choose the right shade of blush by doing a simple test. To do this, bend over several times and then lightly pinch the skin in the cheek area. The color that appears in this area is what suits you as a blush tone.
  3. Apply bronzer just below cheekbone level. If you find it difficult to determine the appropriate place, simply open your mouth to highlight the cheekbones on your face as much as possible.
  4. Blend the bronzer with a large round natural hair brush. We make sure that there are no clear boundaries.
  5. If you are using a creamy bronzer, use your fingertips to apply. Using them, lightly tapping, we apply the cosmetic product in suitable places.
  6. Before highlighting the desired part of the cheek with blush, smile broadly to determine the appropriate area. “Apples” should appear. This is the most convex part of the face. We set it off with blush.
  7. If the blush looks too bright on the skin, then you can muffle it by using powder that has a translucent color. You can also apply a dry cotton pad to the skin several times. Do not try to eliminate excess blush by carefully shading. So you can only smear the pigment all over your face.

How to highlight cheekbones with concealer and corrector

Typically, concealer is used to camouflage certain skin imperfections. However, you can also use this product to highlight your cheekbones.

To do this, you need to mix a dark shade of concealer with moisturizer. Apply this mixture to the cheekbone line from the temple area to the cheek at the level of the tip of the nose. After application, cosmetics should be thoroughly blended with your fingers and a sponge.

To emphasize the effect, you can additionally use a brown-gray corrector. This is the optimal shade for creating shadows on the cheeks, which is used in the face sculpting technique.

We find the hollow under the cheek bone and apply corrector to this area with a wide brush. The latter should be placed vertically, with the soft end facing up. Draw a line from top to bottom from the ear to the center of the cheek. After applying the cosmetics, shade it, but by moving the brush in a different direction - from bottom to top.

How to highlight cheekbones on your face - watch the video:

Beautifully defined cheekbones add sophistication and mystery to a woman's image. With the help of modern decorative cosmetics, they can be highlighted, even if they are naturally inexpressive. It is important to choose the correct shade of the corrective product, choose the exact place of application and carefully shade all the boundaries.

The world is changing, and nowadays chubby cheeks delight a beautiful woman only if they are the cheeks of a child. Modern young ladies, on the contrary, are using all available means to ensure that their cheekbones stand out no worse than those of a Hollywood star. There are several ways to achieve the effect of expressive cheekbones. For example, with the help of well-made makeup, which will not only correct the shape of the face, bringing it closer to ideal, but also hide all skin imperfections.

What makes cheekbones more expressive in makeup?

Each girl uses different means to create expressive cheekbones, but there are means that you can’t do without. For makeup you will need: a foundation, also known as a primer, a concealer 2 shades darker than the primer, a bronzer, blush, and also a translucent powder that matches the natural shade of your skin. To create “Hollywood” cheekbones, you will also need two brushes - one for applying blush, the second for blending it.

We will not dwell on the fact that both of them should preferably be made of natural hair, for example, squirrel fur. The brush for applying blush should have the following parameters: length - 3 cm, width - 4 cm. The brushes chosen for shading must also have bristles of the same length. Powders in brown shades work well on most cheeks.

How to highlight cheekbones with makeup at home

Not every girl has been endowed by nature with ideal facial features. As they say, “by inheritance” we have cheekbones, the natural shape of which we would like to correct. Now we are not talking about going under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

On the contrary, to become the owner of expressive cheekbones, you should contact a professional makeup artist. Using the right shade of blush and powder, he will correctly correct and highlight your cheekbones. The technique is quite simple and will allow you to give your facial features a noble appearance in just twenty minutes. With a little practice, any girl can do this at home.

  • The first stage is preparing the face for applying makeup. You should cleanse your face and apply your daily moisturizer using patting movements. We apply the base (primer) to clean skin; without it, as they say, makeup is not makeup. Redness, pimples and other skin imperfections can be further hidden using concealer.

  • Next, apply and distribute foundation (fluid) in an even thin layer, and then powder. It is worth noting that it is better to apply the powder with a brush, as if driving it into the skin, which will ensure its more even distribution.

  • To give your cheekbones that same contour, use bronzer. You can “create” your cheekbones with powder that is several shades darker than your usual shade, in case you don’t have bronzer or blush on hand. How to determine the correct cheekbone line? It is enough to run two fingers along the cheek at a slight angle. A mistake that many girls make is that the lights darken the entire area under the cheekbones from above the ear, down, and correctly from the ear to the nose. In this way, the face visually looks much older. The second mistake is darkening the zygomatic area itself.

  • When the line under the cheekbones is ready, apply bone powder to the top of the cheekbones, which matches the natural color of your skin. Shade the cheekbones and the line below the cheekbones with blush. The final stage is a highlighter, which will give the skin a healthy and radiant look. You should remember the appropriate color intensity.

  • To create daytime makeup, use a little blush and blend it well. In evening makeup you can make stronger accents. Expressiveness of the cheekbones can also be achieved by mixing different shades of blush; pink and light brown tones are suitable.

There are quite a few ways to give cheekbones expressiveness and the correct shape. Beauty industry experts recommend paying attention to exercise. Systematic implementation will not only make your cheekbones attractive and more expressive, but will also restore tone to your facial muscles.

Radical methods that will quickly help achieve expressive cheekbones include injections of hyaluronic acid. It is worth noting that these injections must be done exclusively under the supervision of a strict doctor under medical sterile conditions. Plastic surgery is becoming a popular procedure today because the effect is immediate and lasts for several years.

Video tutorials on correcting cheekbones with makeup

Girls can learn how to quickly and correctly “draw” expressive cheekbones with the help of video lessons on correcting cheekbones with makeup. This is an opportunity to make your face more expressive.

How to express and highlight cheekbones

From this video lesson, girls will learn how to correctly express and emphasize their cheekbones and give their face a healthy and well-groomed look. The makeup artist will tell you about the sequence of applying decorative cosmetics, which will help hide all the unevenness and imperfections on the skin. By following the advice of a specialist, you can learn how to create the perfect makeup.

How to visually reduce wide cheekbones

In the video lesson, the makeup artist will talk about correcting a face with wide cheekbones. When applying makeup, in order to reduce very wide cheekbones, you should not darken; on the contrary, you should lighten the frontal areas. The correct makeup application technique will bring your facial features with wide cheekbones closer to ideal.

Face sculpting is the basis of any competent makeup technique. With the help of this simple, but quite labor-intensive action, you can make any make-up perfect, even “nude”, deliberately raw.

Chubby cheeks have long since left the niche of modern fashion trends, and the beauties looking at us from the covers of glossy magazines always have slightly “sunken”, defined cheekbones. And at the same time they look especially elegant, sexy and attractive. Celebrities have every opportunity to achieve this effect with the help of plastic surgery and aesthetic cosmetology.

And you have in your arsenal all the necessary cosmetics that can create such an effect purely visually. Why not take advantage of these benefits of civilization and become equal to Hollywood actresses without impressive material costs?

Bronzers, blushes, correctors

Fortunately, modern cosmetic products are freely available, and today each of us can feel like a real professional makeup artist. “How to emphasize cheekbones?”- this is exactly the question asked by many women on forums, blogs and websites dedicated to beauty and fashion trends.

Minimalist makeup is great as long as you don't wear it constantly because you're afraid of touching the window or bronzer. Unfortunately, not only beginners, but also many makeup artists, are guilty of inability to select shades and the products themselves. In order for decorative cosmetics to look beneficial, it should be chosen and used correctly. This is especially true for facial sculptors.

Judge for yourself - will you like a girl with bright brick cheeks or spotted cheekbones? Of course not.

And you should make it a rule not to overdo it with shades, perceiving your natural data adequately. Otherwise, as a result of applying makeup that emphasizes your cheekbones, you risk turning into a natural clown.

Cheekbones properly highlighted with penumbra look neutral and discreet, and do not make you want to quickly wash the “wearer” of your makeup. If a professional did the work, the underlining may not be noticed at all, mistaking the line applied by the corrector for a natural shadow.

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing bronzers, sculptors and blushes is your own complexion. What undertone does your skin have? Is it light and slightly pinkish, or does it have a distinct golden undertone? To cope with this task, conduct a short test. Examine the veins on the back of your wrist.

In girls with a cold tone, they are purple or blue, while those with a warm skin tone have greenish, turquoise or olive vessels. If this step does not help, apply a gold and silver chain to your skin.

See which one looks less contrasting and more advantageous. If golden, you are a happy owner of a warm color type. If silver, you are a living example of aristocratic aesthetics.

Based on this, you should base your choice of cosmetics, especially for the face.

Yellow foundations, golden bronzers and rich brown correctors are absolutely not suitable for “cold” young ladies. Leave all this for your “warm” friends. Choose cool, grayish, neutral shades for yourself.

Regardless of your skin color and undertone, facial correctors should be unobtrusive, weightless and light. Never buy shimmer bronzers with large shiny elements, poisonous brick blushes or red correctors.

What do you need to consider to get the perfect make-up?

  • Don't save money. Professional, semi-professional and luxury cosmetics cannot be cheap due to the high cost of raw materials. If you see a bronzer from EsteeLauder, the cost of which can confuse even an inexperienced person, you are guaranteed to have a fake in front of you. Saving money is inappropriate when buying cosmetics. Please note that you apply it to your face, and if you decide to buy a corrective cream for 50 rubles, do not be surprised at the subsequent spread of acne, peeling and allergic reactions;
  • Don't spray yourself. There is no need to try to buy everything at once. Read reviews on the Internet, evaluate swatches, decide what you need. You might be able to catch a seasonal or holiday sale where you can grab "tasty" at a big discount, but still you shouldn’t buy things you obviously don’t need;
  • Do not be afraid . Especially products with a creamy texture. Of course, it’s much easier to deal with the usual dry or roll-on blush, but you still shouldn’t be afraid of new products, especially since they are more effective. Creamy textures can create a slight airiness effect on your face and blend well.

  1. The bronzer should be chosen in a color that is 1-1.5 shades darker than your natural skin tone;
  2. Concealers should not be shiny. At all;
  3. The tone of the blush should match the color of your skin at the moment you blush. Lightly pinch your cheek and see what color comes out. It is he who should become your support in choosing a cosmetic product;
  4. Be sure to purchase several brushes;
  5. It is advisable to buy a beauty blender - a special sponge for applying liquid and solid textures, the “weapon” of every makeup artist.

Doing the right makeup

How to highlight cheekbones correctly and naturally?

  • To begin, apply your usual foundation or BB cream using your fingers, brush or sponge. Make sure that there are no streaks, stains or borders;
  • Open your mouth and stretch out your lips like a fish. Use bronzer or concealer to draw a line from the deepest hollow of your cheek to the top of your ear. You can do it differently. Place the handle of the brush in the direction from the corner of the mouth to the auricle. It is recommended to apply the product along this line;
  • Blend the bronzer thoroughly with a brush, fingers or sponge;
  • All that remains is to figure out how to harmoniously highlight your cheekbones with blush. To do this, identify the most convex part of the cheek. Apply the cosmetic product onto it, blending towards the temple. Tip for applying blush: do not use too much product at once. Shake off the brush before use. It is better to reapply the product than to immediately ruin good makeup by overdoing it with blush and its intensity;
  • To finish, take a large, clean brush and blend all of your makeup outward toward your temples. Properly met conditions will create for you excellent light makeup that can be worn both during the day and in the evening.

A more radical option for correcting facial features is visualizing clear cheekbones with a haircut. Hairstyle is the main highlight of any look, so if you are not afraid to experiment, play with styling. Among the haircuts that emphasize cheekbones, there are elongated bobs, torn cascades, ladders, and asymmetry.

Admiration for the chiseled cheekbones of models has recently grown into a real cult. In order to be in trend and highlight them beautifully, it is not at all necessary to resort to plastic surgery or go on diets - it’s enough to know how to apply makeup correctly.

In just a couple of years, many different ways to emphasize cheekbones have appeared, as well as a wide variety of means with which you can achieve the desired result. What are these means?

To begin with, it is worth mentioning a few tips that you should pay attention to.

  • Give yourself enough time.
  • Buy several. There are different brushes for different products.
  • Pay attention to beauty blenders or - with their help, it is sometimes easier to apply and shade makeup several times over.

How to properly highlight cheekbones?


Initially, it was the basic product for highlighting cheekbones. Folding the lips into a tube, the bronzer is applied to the dimples that appear on the cheeks. The trace of bronzer becomes a shadow that visually reduces the volume of the cheeks and gives them a sophisticated beauty. At the same time, the bronzing agent provides a light tanning effect - thanks to this, sunken cheekbones do not look painful.

Tibi © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Sculpting powder

After contouring firmly established itself on the list of the most current beauty trends, specialized products began to appear - in particular, sculpting powder of a taupe shade, invented in order to create a believable play of light and shadow on the skin after application. It contrasts strongly with the skin tone, so the resulting effect is more noticeable than after bronzer.

Dsquared © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Blush palettes

How to highlight cheekbones with blush? Use two shades of the product: dark and lighter. Apply the first one in a straight strip under the cheekbone, and on its protruding part - a lighter color. The work in this technique was called beautyholics (translated as “draping” - it really turns out to be such an alternation of light and shadow, as if on the folds of fabric). Thanks to draping, cheekbones can be emphasized in a more natural way.

Reem Acra © fotoimedia/imaxtree


You don't have to use dark shades to make your cheekbones more sculpted. Makeup artists have invented a way to achieve the desired effect using only highlighter. The secret is to apply it only to areas of the skin that naturally receive sunlight during the day. Other areas that will not be affected (including the “hollows” under the cheekbone) will remain in the shadows. This contrast will give the facial features the desired expressiveness.

John Galliano © fotoimedia/imaxtree

You can safely experiment with cheekbone highlighting techniques in order to ultimately find the one that suits you best. Please note that each face shape requires a different approach. Therefore, no matter what technique you choose, it will have to be “adjusted” to your individual appearance.

Round face

If we are talking about an oval or round face, bronzer, sculptor or blush should really be applied under the cheekbone. In this case, the cheeks visually lose their plumpness and roundness, and instead they appear graceful expressiveness.

Thakoon © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Triangular and elongated face

If you have an elongated or, for example, triangular face shape, the same technique as in the case of a round face will not work. Be careful with highlighting your cheekbones: outwardly, after correction, it will seem to others that you have pulled your cheeks in on purpose. You should focus on the upper part of the face - with a triangular type it is “heavy”, so you will need to go over the side areas of the face at the temples with a bronzer or sculptor, thus slightly narrowing the forehead.

Burberry © fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • If you've never tried to highlight your cheekbones with makeup, experiment at home beforehand. Don't plan your makeup debut before an important evening - it's not a fact that you will succeed the first time.
  • If you plan to highlight your cheekbones in evening makeup, use products with shimmer - they add radiance to the skin. Walk with any of them along the line of your cheekbones - in order to further draw attention to them.

What makeup product do you use to highlight your cheekbones? Take our survey!

In order to highlight the cheekbones, it is necessary to create an imitation of correctly incident light, that is, use darkening and brightening agents. The easiest way is to use blush. Firstly, the blush does not have a distinct dark or light color. Their pigment is aimed at recreating the natural skin tone. Secondly, they do not create a mask effect and look natural.

Blush can be replaced with tint - a liquid pigment for long-lasting lip makeup. Apply a little product and blend thoroughly. Tint lasts better throughout the day and does not dry out the skin.

For a more contrasting look, you can use a combination of bronzer and highlighter. The bronzer is applied under the cheekbones, and the highlighter on the apples of the cheeks.

You can also use a darker shade of powder than the color of your base product.

Before you start applying blush, you need to determine the shade that is right for you. All skin colors are unique, so choosing a base makeup tone is a very important step.

To find the right shade of blush, clench your hand tightly into a fist, then relax and look at the color of your palm. After muscle tension, blood moves more actively through the vessels and as a result you see the color of your natural blush. This is a guideline for choosing the colors of basic cosmetics.

Blush can be applied both to the apples of the cheeks - this smoothes out the contours of the face, and under the cheekbones. In the second case, it is better to choose a blush half a tone darker than your natural blush.

Don't forget to shake off some of the product from your brush before highlighting your cheekbones with blush. To do this, you can gently touch the back of your hand with it a couple of times.

To get the right blush line, pull in your cheeks. As a result, you will see a clear border of the cheekbones. Apply blush along the bottom line and then blend towards the edge of the face.

Correctly highlighting cheekbones on a round face

On a round face, cheekbones are almost invisible, so highlighting them incorrectly will look ridiculous.

When emphasizing cheekbones on a round face with blush, you need to blend the product as much as possible. The result should be a long, elongated line that will visually correct the facial features.

To better understand the principle of correcting different face shapes with blush, study the diagram below.

Don't forget to watch video tutorials to develop your makeup skills and learn new techniques.

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