Poems for Mother's Day (short and beautiful rhymes for children). Beautiful short children's poems about mom Children's poems about mom for the little ones

Love mothers alive
As long as you can hug them,
They don't need much in this world
It's very easy to lose them
And mother’s hands will not replace
Neither husband, nor faithful girlfriends,
Neither money nor the love of children

2. Lullaby for mom

Mom fussed for a long time:
All things to do, things to do, things to do...
Mom was so tired during the day,
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand nearby.
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sing her a song.
I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's just a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom my song.
There is no more wonderful song.
Maybe I should sing louder
To give this song to mom
Was it heard in a dream?..
(I. Chernetskaya)

3. Mothers have sacred rights...

Mothers have sacred rights:
Execute and pardon
Hope and cry.
And your lot,
Having barely purchased
Carry through joys
And slush.

Mothers have one responsibility:
Forgetting myself
Spread out in worries.
Both flesh and soul
Having laid it out to the bottom,
Soul and flesh
To repeat in someone.

And don’t ask for anything in return!
Only sacrificially
Hope and believe
Loving with such love without betrayal,
What by earthly standards
don't measure.

Mothers have the same aspirations:
Life is running out
Stand for life.
And in some ways it’s similar
They are great
To Mother Nature.

And let it be for everything
She will be rewarded generously!
Collected in a bouquet
Love and revelation
Come children
To his mother
And stand in front of her
On knees.
(V. Romanchin)

4. Don't hurt mothers

Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.
Before parting at the door
Say goodbye to them more gently.

And go around the bend
Don't rush, don't rush,
And to her, standing at the gate,
Wave as long as possible.

Mothers sigh in silence,
In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence.
For them we are forever kids,
And it is impossible to argue with this.

So be a little kinder
Don’t be annoyed by their care,
Don't offend mothers.
Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation
And we are on a boundless road
Without mother's kind hands -
Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them quickly
And don’t be shy about lofty words,
Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.
(V. Gin)

5. Mother

This is fate! Beg, give birth,
To nurture, to nurture with oneself -
And protect with this son
My native country from robbery.
Yes! And give birth, and protect,
And rise to the victorious feast!
And then walk for a whole century
With one uncryed pain.
(V. Korzhikov)

6. The happiest

The sun came out
Glistening in the meadow.
I'll meet the sun
I'm running through the grass.
And white daisies
I'm tearing up on the fly.
I'll make a wreath
I'll weave in the sun.
The day sparkles with joy
It beckons me into the distance,
There's a rainbow above me
It rings merrily
By the river under the willow tree
I hear the nightingale
The happiest
This morning I!
I gathered it in my palms
Pure dew
Rainbow and sunshine
I'm carrying it in my hands!
And flowers over the river,
Song and dawn -
Everything that I meet in the morning
I'll give it to my mom!
(K. Ibryaev)

7. Who opened this world to me

Who opened this world to me,
Sparing no effort?
And always protected?
The best MOTHER in the world.

Who is the cutest in the world?
And it will warm you with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?
This is my MOMMY.

Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything,
Even if I'm stubborn
I know MOM loves me.

Never gets discouraged
He knows exactly what I need.
If suddenly drama happens,
Who will support? My mom.

I'm walking along the path
But my legs are tired.
Jump over the hole
Who will help? I know - MOM.
(Olga Chusovitina)

8. From the series “In Memory of Mother”

We say goodbye to our mothers
Long before the deadline -
Even in our early youth,
Still at my native threshold,

When do we need handkerchiefs, socks
Kind hands will lay them down,
And we, fearing delay,
We are eager for the appointed separation.

The separation is even more unconditional
For them it comes later,
When we are at the will of the filial
We hasten to notify them by mail.

And sending them cards
Some unknown girls
From a generous soul we allow
Love their daughters-in-law in absentia.

And there - behind the daughters-in-law - are the grandchildren.
And suddenly a telegram calls
For the very last parting
That old grandmother's mother.
(A. Tvardovsky)

9. Mom

Every year we grow older
Everything is changing around
Only mom is no nicer
Children of any age.

Those moments that you are near
So easy and so bright...
There is no better treasure for children -
This is mom's warmth.

Your word warms my heart,
Neither hail nor thunder are scary...
Only mother is no kinder
Children of any age.

We love you, dear,
You are very dear to us.
Freezing with excitement
Poetic line.

You are always ready to help
We're nowhere without you...
Mommy, mommy is healthy
Be there for many years to come!
(V. Sibirtsev)

10. Give love to mothers every hour

Give love to mothers every hour
In the sublunary world, fragile and beautiful,
Where the transparent heights of the sky are deep,
Its warmth prolongs their life.
Give them care and participation
Any time - not only in the spring,
Don’t tear their hearts apart with melancholy -
In mothers they are doubly sensitive.

We are all caught up in the pursuit of luck.
And only when thunder strikes in the back,
We, stumbling, falling and crying,
We rush to confess to a forgotten house.
Write to mothers, come to mothers,
Give mothers flowers all year round,
Thank them day after day for everything -
They are like angels for us, holy.

Until the grave hill hid their eyes,
They think about us with concern
And they pray to God that he, the omnipotent,
He saved their children and relatives from troubles and grief.
Do not be indifferent to their prayers,
Wherever the fate of the train takes you.
Give love to mothers every hour -
For us they are the beginning of all beginnings.
(Z. Baeva)

11. Dear sunshine!

Mommy! You are my dear sunshine,
For me - a wildflower.
You live, dear, long, long:
It's hard to be alone in this world!

For me you will tie mittens,
Warming with a tender soul,
Sweet, good, dear,
I know that you cannot be different.

Dear mothers of the entire planet,
We wish only the best for you.
Let all the children get on their knees
Asking for forgiveness forever.
(O. Tsivash)

12. Mom

Your warm eyes are tender joy
Gives me both hope and faith!
Your hands in hot or cold
They will blow you with a light breeze... they will warm you up.

You will reassure me with your smile
And in moments of doubt you will support,
Every time with your magic word
And you will encourage and console me!

The most devoted friend and reliable,
You inspire confidence in the heart,
With your wisdom, tender faith
You guide me and inspire me!

13. Three mothers

Tanyusha came home from the party in the evening
And the doll asked:
How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are just a disaster,
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Tanya's mom came home from work
And Tanya asked:
How are you, daughter?
She started playing again, probably in the garden,
Have you managed to forget about food again?
Lunch! Grandma screamed a hundred times,
And you answered:
Now! Yes now!
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Here grandma, my mother's mother, came
And I asked my mother:
How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again I couldn’t find food for a minute,
And in the evening I put it in my mouth
Dry sandwich?
You can't sit all day without lunch!
She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still a fidget!
These daughters are just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!
(E. Serova)

14. Mom's prayer

The lamp gently illuminated the room;
The mother stood over the cradle, bending over.
And in the garden an angry storm howled angrily,
Above the window the dark trees sway.

The rain was noisy, thunder was heard;
And it seemed to thunder over the roof of the house.
The mother looked tenderly at her little son,
Rocking the cradle, she quietly sang a song:

“Oh, calm down, storm; don't make noise, eat!
My little one is sleeping quietly in his cradle!
You, the thunderstorm of the Lord, do not wake the child!
Scroll by, black clouds aside."

Sleep, child, calmly... The storm is subsiding,
Mother's prayer protects your sleep.
Tomorrow, when you wake up and open your eyes,
You will meet the sun, and love, and affection again.
(A. Pleshcheev)


15. Mom's professions

Warm clothes quickly and quietly
The mother dressmaker sews for the children.

Milking a cow early in the morning
In a clean pen there is a mother milkmaid.

Sick teeth without any injections
My mother, a dentist, will cure me.

There are a lot of activities in kindergarten.
Mom is a nanny and teacher there.

There are no less activities at school. See:
The mother-teacher gives the grades.

Will not get tired of growing from a root
Miracle plant botanist mother.

Writes articles and notes to newspapers
Mom is a writer and journalist.

I took some delicious sausage from the display case
Mom, she is a store clerk.

Hurry up and eat buns and buns!
My mother, the pastry chef, baked them for us.

Jumps out of an airplane at risk
Brave mother parachutist.
(Nastya Dobrota)

16. The most expensive

There are no more precious words in the world!
Whatever path you take,
Mom's love shines over her,
To help you in difficult times.

Mom illuminates with a tender heart
Your days, roads and deeds.
Justify your mother's hopes -
Just do good every day!
(A. Kostetsky)

17. Mother's hands

These hands, easy to work with,
Mother's hands are in your destiny,
Swift-winged in any concern,
Sparkling in any work.

Children of the world!
Infinity of life
Moved by the courage of mothers.
The ray of the sun splashes brighter in spring,
The heart of a mother is the spring light of rays.

No matter how long we live in the world,
No matter how many roads they measure,
Father's house always shines for us on the way
And he calls to his native threshold.

A ray of sunshine, warmth, a spring of immortality
In a single name, in the word Mother.
With every generation, believe me,
We understand this better.
(L. Irsetskaya)

18. Separation

I do everything for my mother:
I play scales for her,
I go to the doctor for her,
I teach mathematics.
All the boys climbed into the river,
I was sitting alone on the beach
For her after illness
I didn’t even swim in the river.
For her I wash my hands
I'm eating some carrots...
Only now we are apart,
Mom in the city of Pryluky
Fifth day on a business trip.
And today the whole evening
I have nothing better to do!
And probably out of habit
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.
(Agniya Barto)

19. Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
And I sat down and sat.

My toys don't make noise
The room is quiet and empty.
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.

And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper, “
Let's sit in silence!..

20. About the faith of our mothers...

About the faith of our mothers,
Forever knowing no limits,
Holy trembling faith
In us
Growing children.
She is like light in a birch forest,
Nothing in the world can erase:
Not one in the diary,
Nor the angry complaints of the neighbors.
Mothers are such a people -
Let's sigh
With a long glance, he looks at us:
“Let them go crazy. It will pass." –
And again they believe, believe, believe.
Only mothers believe this way
Demanding and patient.
And - they are not loud - they
They don't think it's a wonder.
I just don’t care about the year
Their faith, reverent and tender;
It's just us
Not always
We justify
Their hopes.
(V. Korotaev)

21. Mom is a faithful friend

It's already getting dark outside the window,
And the evening yawned as we walked.
I'm in a hurry from kindergarten,
I'm going to my beloved mother!
Mommy will smile
And brighter around
Because mommy -
The best friend!
It was a happy and sad day,
So much happens during the day
And mommy really, really needs me
Tell me everything quickly.
My mother understands everything
With her, even trouble is not a problem.
And if it happens that he scolds me,
So this is always the case.
It's completely dark outside the window,
But we don't turn on the fire
Here mommy quietly sat down next to me
And he only listens to me!
(Mikhail Sadovsky)

22. That's what mom is like!

Mom hummed a song
Dressed my daughter
Dressed and put on
White shirt.

White shirt -
Thin line.
Mom sang a song
I put on my daughter's shoes,
Fastened with an elastic band
For every stocking.

Light stockings
On my daughter's feet.

Mom finished singing the song,
Mom dressed the girl:
Red dress with polka dots,
The shoes are new on the feet...

That's how mom was pleased.
I dressed my daughter up for May.
This is what mom is like -
Golden right!
(Elena Blaginina)


23. Mom, why?

- Why on your head?
Is one hair whiter than the other?
– From worries, love and worries:
You are the only one I have, son.

“But grandma is whiter than you.”
Does grandma love me more?
- She just has more children,
So grandma became whiter.

- Well, auntie is even whiter.
But your aunt has no children at all?
- Yes, son, she’s even whiter:
She spends her time all alone.
(G. Vieru)

24. Take care of mothers!

Everyone stand up and listen while standing
Preserved in all its glory
This word is ancient, holy!
Straighten up! Get up!..
Stand up everyone!
This word will never deceive you,
There is a being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
There is no end to it.
Get up! I pronounce it:
- Mother!
(R. Gamzatov)

25. Everyone in the world loves mom

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom's first friend.
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.
If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help.
Mom has a lot of strength and health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

26. To my mother

How can I tell you, dear,
What do you mean to me?
That I can’t think without you
Not a moment, not a day...
You are in work, you are in creation,
You are academic and striving.
You create, you cook, you serve,
You cherish and dove,
You sew, you wash, you write, you wash
You can't live any other way.
I love you like this
You'll leave - I'm sad,
You will leave - I expect it.
After all, I know another you:
Sweet, affectionate, tired,
Known pain and sorrow.

Anything can happen in life:
Someone doesn't understand us
Someone might judge
He will envy and forget...
But in spite of bad weather
Together we! And this is happiness!

Mother! How I love you!
(M. Tolmacheva)

27. About mommy

Who cherished my dolls,
I sewed funny clothes,
Helped me cradle them
And played with toys with me?
- My mommy!
Who helped me with advice?
When you fall and it hurts,
And he wiped away my tears,
Did he say: “Don’t cry, that’s enough...”?
- My mommy!
Who read me bedtime stories,
Leaning slightly over me,
(And I closed my eyes,
And I felt so calm)?
- My mommy!
Who carried me to the crib,
I wished you good night,
He whispered to me tenderly, sweetly:
“Sleep quickly, daughter!”?
- My mommy!
Who is the most sensitive in the world?
She cannot find better glory,
The kindest, the wisest?
- Well, of course, my mother!
(Larisa Kasimova)

28. Mom

I have traveled across half of Russia.
The distance took me away from home...
Mother! I'm not the best son.
Forgive me for this, mom!
I had the opportunity to experience a lot.
For a long time the pain ran through my heart...
To dispel anger over me,
Mom, you are the only strength!
I can go crazy with pain.
Everything was so ridiculously mixed up!
And no one wants to regret it.
Mom, you are the only pity!
Ringing loud timpani,
Or just jingling faintly,
No matter how life praises me,
Mom, you are the only glory!
Will love be in my destiny
Or the saddest story,
If I forget about you
Mom, you are the only conscience!
Life is in a hurry in dreams and in reality.
Everything becomes transient.
But while I live in the world,
Mom, you are the only one for eternity!
(Yu. Belinsky)

29. We often worry our mother over trifles...

We often mother
We worry about trifles:
Sometimes you spend the night with a friend,
But mother is not sleeping
And he thinks maybe
That something bad happened to my son.
She is not sleeping.
Minutes are like eternity
They pass in front of her like a question.
Mother will cry
And it seems easier for her...

What if she doesn't have enough tears?
(V. Firsov)


30. Mom caresses

Mom caresses
Mom will cheer you up.
If he scolds,
He will always forgive.

With her I'm not afraid
No villain!
There is no kinder or more beautiful
My mom.

31. And a mother’s heart...

And a mother’s heart is one
Cries and sobs with you,
And we are not given that understanding,
How mothers sometimes suffer for us;

And a mother's heart is the only answer,
To all questions, the sacraments of all life,
And don’t forget that wise advice,
What the mother gave in the Motherland;

And the heart of a mother, when you are far away, -
It is like a compass, correct and accurate,
And you walk briskly, lightly -
It will show your immaculate path;

And the mother’s heart protects from all sorrows,
Always goes with you and indivisibly,
Be careful not to break it carelessly,
It is forever one, unique;

And a mother’s heart is the most honest of all,
It always wishes us good luck
With his love success awaits in everything,
Hurry to console when mom cries;

But sometimes you will pass with a chill,
You don’t notice the heartache at all,
Remember: a mother's heart is one,
You are responsible for him before God!
(Yu. Belinsky)

32. Mom

In Russian “mama”, in Georgian “nAna”,
And in Avrian it is affectionately “babA”.
From thousands of words of earth and ocean
This one has a special destiny.

Our lullaby becoming the first word of the year,
It sometimes entered a smoky circle
And on the lips of a soldier in the hour of death
The last ringing sound came suddenly.

There are no shadows on this word,
And in silence, probably because
Other words, kneeling,
They want to confess to him.

The spring, having rendered a service to the jug,
This word babbles because
What the mountain peak remembers -
She was known as his mother.

And lightning will cut through the cloud again,
And I will hear, following the rain,
How, absorbed into the ground, this word
Raindrops are calling.

I’ll sigh secretly, grieving about something,
And, hiding a tear in the clear light of day:
“Don’t worry,” I tell my mother, “
Everything is fine, my dear."

Constantly worries about his son
Holy love is a great slave.
In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nAna"
And in Avar - affectionately “babA”.
(R. Gamzatov)

33. Tricky mom

Saying goodbye to tomorrow
with a kindergarten,
The daughter is walking with her mother next to her.
But I whined along the way:
- I’m tired of walking and walking!..

Why walk? -
said the mother.-
Try to gallop like a hare.
Like this.
Come on again!
Hey bunny!

Now try and show me
like a hedgehog scurrying towards its hole...
Now - how a puppy runs.
Headlong, without feeling your feet!

How does a cat sneak after a chick?
Inaudibly, insinuatingly, cautiously...
How does a big elephant walk?
The walls of the house are shaking!
How's the little squirrel?..
But wait!
Here we are already at home!
(Sergei Pogorelovsky)

34. I offended my mother

I offended my mother
Now never, never
We won't leave the house together,
We won't go anywhere with her.

She won't wave at the window,
And I won't wave to her
she won't tell anything
And I won't tell her...

I'll take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread
I'll find a stronger stick
I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!

I'll follow the trail
I will look for ore
And across the stormy river
I'll go build bridges!

And I will be the main boss,
And I will have a beard
And I will always be sad
And so silent...

And then there will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And then onto the jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday
That plane will arrive
And mom will come out from there,
And my mother will forgive me.
(Emma Moshkovskaya)

35. From whom do we learn kindness?

Who do we learn from?
The blueberries have a smoky
On a bush
At the starling flying
With a worm
By the meadows, combed
At the ears of corn ripening
On the fields,
The rain has arrived
In the clouds,
At the jester giving
People laugh
And by the gentle sun
For all,
The big nods
We need elephants
And daddy's song,
What without words
-Everything is open
Around us
But first - at my mother's
Good hands.
(Mikhail Sadovsky)

36. Read to me, mom

When my mother reads a book to me,
It’s not at all what I read to myself.
Although I know the letters perfectly well
And I’ve already read “Aibolit” myself.
But if mom sits next to her with a book,
This book is so interesting to listen to!
It’s like there’s a brave captain in the wheelhouse,
Who is not afraid of evil pirates,
That’s just me!
Or I go on patrol at the border,
Or in a rocket heading towards the Sun,
And the fearless astronaut is me too.
Please read to me, Mom.
Today I feel like I'm going to become a bird
And I’ll save poor Thumbelina!
(Irina Tokmakova)

37. Talking letter

To the polar evil latitudes
On a ship trapped in ice
The pilots delivered the mail:
Envelope with a talking letter.

In a cabin filled with noise
The tired lamp is burning.
The navigator listens thoughtfully,
Like an old mother says.

And, as if through the noise of bad weather
Hearing your mothers
The team is crowded at the entrance,
And the boatswain sat down at the door.

And the ship is covered in snow,
Blizzards of revenge and revenge...
Now the voice falls silent, but they ask
Start the record again.

And the sailors can’t sleep for a long time,
Everyone looks into the running darkness.
And the youngest one dreams,
That mom is coming up to him.
(V. Korzhikov)

38. To Mommy

Everything in our house smells like mom:
Poems written by her
And the scales I have memorized,
The bell rings at the front door...
Mommy smells like yesterday
And my flight in a colorful dream,
A mustachioed cat, like us, is domestic,
And a cobweb on the wall...
And the line on my shirt...
Everything smells like my mommy!
And even dad has tea in his cup...
And the wonderful laughter of my friends...
My pillow smells like mom
It’s not for nothing that I smell like her,
And it smells like her, her beloved,
A leaf in the soul of the calendar!
(N. Pilkina)

39. Write letters to mothers (can be replaced with “Call mothers more often”)

Guitar marching strings sing
in the taiga, in the mountains, among the seas...
Oh, how many of you are young today,
lives away from mothers!

You are forever, young, on the road -
then show up there, then here...
And your mothers are worried
Everyone is waiting and waiting for news from you.

They count the days, weeks,
dropping words out of place...
Since mothers turn gray early -
It's not just age that's to blame.

And therefore, serving as a soldier
or wandering the seas,
more often, guys,
write letters to mothers!
(N. Starshinov)

40. Kind heart

I once brought a puppy into the house,
Homeless tramp
To feed him a little,
Poor hungry guy.
“Well,” said my mother, “let me do it.”
He'll live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There will be a spoon of soup...
I found it in the yard later
The kitten is barely alive,
I also brought it into the house,
Mom said again:
“Well, well,” she said, “let it go.”
He'll live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
Find a spoon of porridge...
I found a chick under the nest,
Crows hovered above him,
I hid it in a tomboy's hat,
We came home with him.
“Well, well,” said mom, “let it go.”
He'll live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There will be a crumb of bread...
One day I brought a hedgehog
Snake and turtle
And the hare ran into our door,
Probably out of fear.
Mom said: - Let them live
The apartment is so wonderful
If you make room, here
And we will find a place!
(Mikhail Sadovsky)

41. Mom

Mom’s dresses are literally countless.
There is blue and there is green
There is a blue one with big flowers -
In this she goes to the factory,
In this he goes to the theater and on visits,
He sits in this, busy with drawings...
Each serves the mother in its own way.
Tossed carelessly on the headboard
Mom's old, tattered robe.
I serve it carefully to my mother,
And why - guess for yourself:
If he puts on a colored robe,
This means he will be with me all evening.
(Galina Demykina)

42. Talk about mom

From the heart,
In simple words
Come on, friends,
Let's talk about mom.

We love her
Like a good friend
For what we have
Everything is together with her,

For what, when
It's hard for us
We can cry
At the native shoulder.

We love her because
What sometimes
They're getting stricter
In the wrinkles of the eyes.

But he confesses
Come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass away.

For always
Without hiding and directly
We can trust
She has her own heart.

And just because
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her.
(N. Sakonskaya)

43. Terrible mother

I want to climb onto the roof.
But what do I, citizens, hear?
- Come down! Where? Oh oh oh! Ah ah ah!
Something bad will happen! Well, quickly get down!
I want to swim far, far away
Where it’s scary, dangerous and so deep!
But follow me again:
- Oh oh oh! Ah ah ah!
There's not even a bottom there! Come out! Get out!
I want to light a real fire.
But I hear something boring:
- Don't touch the matches! Complete disorder!
The obnoxious mother is terribly stubborn in her anxiety!
I'll show everyone! I'll prove it to her!
I’ll just have some more treatment, I’ll lie down...
The rescuers in the boat caught me.
The fire bubble on my palm hurts,
And it didn’t work out - my head was in bandages.
So, guys, mom is right???
(Irina Gurina)

44. Tell me where did I come from?

Tell me where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
- The stork brought you to us.

And my grandmother told me:
- They found you in the cabbage.
And my uncle joked: - From the station
They brought you in a basket.

I know it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just don't know the answer
Where did my mother take me?

My sister grumbled at me:
- You turned everyone's head.
And I started over:
-Where did I live before my mother?

No one is a secret from adults
I couldn't explain it that way.
Only my mother answered simply:


45. How many songs and poems

How many songs and poems
Dedicated to my mother.
I don't need other people's words
For the beloved one.

Me for my mom
I won't look for them
They are all in my soul,
I love my mother so much.

46. ​​In memory of mom

We're leaving home for a long time,
Our mother no longer holds us.
But as before, on sleepless nights,
Patiently she will wait.
It will seem to her for a long time
The tramp of our children's feet in silence.
After all, for our mother we are still children,
For her, we are always babies.
(1976, Suslov S.N.)

Do you remember your very first rhyme, which you yourself learned as a child and then happily proclaimed it everywhere? Most likely, it was a short poem about your mother, which you repeated for the hundredth or thousandth time, and your mother, with tenderness and love in her eyes, no matter what, listened to it with bated breath for the hundredth time.

Years have passed, today you, in the status of a mother with your child, are learning such a poem, only now you are waiting with bated breath for these emotions. Even as an adult, you may remember some of them to tears even today, which you dedicated to your mother from your daughter, remember that first “thank you mom.” On this page we have collected and published poems by famous authors, as well as the shortest poems written by our team of authors for children and older children, which the youngest children can easily learn (see the section for more different poems). By the way, children are happy to teach, tell poems about mothers, which will be useful for holidays in kindergarten, which will make the teacher incredibly happy, to congratulate mother and grandmother on March 8, on Mother's Day, to congratulate a beloved mother on her birthday or on a professional holiday day.

Before choosing one or another verse to memorize, read them all to the child (don’t rush to do this in one day, depending on the age, the child may get tired quickly), pay attention to his emotions, he will like some of them more everyone. Some of the selections will seem very sad and touching to your child, he will not want to teach them, while others will be funny and cool - such children can easily repeat after reading. Therefore, let your child choose the best little poems that he himself will want to repeat and will love to repeat daily.

Short children's poems about a beloved mother for the youngest children

I'm helping mommy
I clean the house myself:
Then I’ll lose the dishes,
I'll spill all the juice!

To mom and grandma
I'm giving you a poem.
Dear, good -
I love you most of all!

My mommy
The best in the world.
Makes me happy
Sweet candies.

I love my mommy
I'll help her today:
I'll lose my socks
I'll tear up my tights!

I am the housewife with my mother
We play get-together together.
Then mom cooks food,
And I play and grow.

Mother(Ya. Akim)
Mother! I love you so much
That I don’t really know!
I'm a big ship
I'll give it the name "Mom".

Mom's portrait(G. Vieru)
I'll wipe the glass and frame
Because there is a mother in the frame.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I love my mother very much!

Eyelashes(G. Vieru)
I'll fall asleep next to my mother,
I will cling to her with my eyelashes.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy.

My mom(V. Russu)
There are many mothers in this world,
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom!
Mom caresses us...
Mom caresses us
The sun warms.
The sun, like mom,
Only one thing happens.

My mom(N. Sakonskaya)
One day I told my friends:
There are many kind mothers in the world,
But I won’t find it, I guarantee
A mother like mine!
She bought it for me
On the wheels of a horse,
Saber, paints and album...
But is that really the point?
I love her anyway
Mommy, my mommy!

Poems for Mother's Day

Mom's smile(T. Shorygina)
There's nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
As if the light of the sun will flash,
The unsteady darkness will be dispelled!
Like a tail flashing,
gold fish
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!

Mom's help(N. Grozovsky)
I take care of my mother’s work,
I help as much as I can.
Mom's out for lunch today
I made cutlets
And she said, “Listen,
Help me out, eat!”
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

Mother's day(G. Vieru)
Here is a snowdrop in a clearing,
I found it.
I'll take the snowdrop to mom,
Although it didn't bloom.
And me with the flower so tenderly
Mom hugged
That my snowdrop has opened
From her warmth.

Mother's day(Elena Blaginina)
I keep walking, I keep thinking, I look:
“What will I give my mother tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe some sweets?
Here's to you, dear, on your day
The scarlet flower is a light!

Mom's hands(Motherland M.)
They say that mom's hands are not simple,
They say mom has golden hands!
I'll take a closer look, I'll take a closer look,
I stroke my mother’s hands, but I don’t see any gold.
Why are our factory people
They say mom has golden hands?
I won’t argue, they know better,
After all, they work with my mother.

My mommy's hands(Tatiana Shorygina)
My mother's hands -
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
There is so much love and power in them!
They fly all day long
It’s as if they don’t know they’re tired.
The house will be made comfortable,
They will sew a new dress,
They will caress you, warm you up -
Mom's hands can do everything!

Mommy(R. Ubayt)
Who came to me this morning? - mommy.
Who said: “It’s time to get up”? - mommy.
Who managed to cook the porridge? - mommy.
Should I pour some tea into a bowl? - mommy.
Who braided my hair? - mommy.
Swept the whole house by yourself? - mommy.
Who picked flowers in the garden? - mommy.
Who kissed me? - mommy.
Who as a child loves laughter? - mommy.
Who is the best in the world? - mommy.

Mom is the sun
Mom is the sun
On my native side.
With mom there is happiness and comfort in the house.
Like grain notes,
Splashes on the bottom,
I sing this song to my mother.

*** (Olga Kopteva)
I'm a scarlet flower
On a small leaf
I'll draw it and give it to my mom.
Mommy will smile,
And there is a dimple on the cheek.
I love sunny mommy.

Mom's medicine(A.Valeeva)
Mom frowns gloomily, her daughter is sick
She had chills all night, a wet shirt
Mom is the best doctor in the world, her daughter has a sore throat
She will quickly cure with honey and raspberries
He will put compresses on her and give her fresh milk.
Amazing bedtime stories to tell your daughter
And my daughter has a dream that half the kingdom is ready
Even the king would give, Guidon, for her medicine.

Dear mother, congratulations to you,
On Mother's Day I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if you are apart,
I always remember your gentle hands.
May your every day be filled with light,
Be warmed by the love of your family, like the sun.
Sorry, sometimes I upset you,
Believe me, I involuntarily...I reproach myself.

About mommy(Agniya Barto)
It was quiet in the house in the morning,
I wrote on my palm
Mom's name.

Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,
Not on a stone wall,
I wrote on my hand
Mom's name.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,
It became noisy during the day.
- What did you hide in your palm? -
They started asking me.

I unclenched my hand:
I held happiness.

I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.
But first I'm on the red
Pressed too hard
And then, right after the red one
Purple broke,
And then the blue one broke,
And the orange one broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!

Popular verse " Let's sit in silence"(E. Blaginina)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
And I sat down and sat.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in the empty room,
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.

And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too.

There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid over me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper, “
Let’s sit in silence!”

Hello everybody!

It’s already November, which means that we will all proudly celebrate another holiday, which is dedicated to our most beloved person on Earth - our mother. Once again, all children's institutions will host competitions and events dedicated to Mother's Day.

We will be proud to learn different kinds of poems together with the children. Long and short, beautiful and short, the kind that touches your soul and makes you want to cry. It is better, of course, for kindergarten children to take them in a different form, but for those who are already going to school and can easily express their feelings, you can offer something more complex.

Read and choose, I tried to collect a wide variety of quatrains from different sources. And I even found poems in the pictures about mommy. So with the kids you can not only memorize, but also consider the plot.

I hope you will certainly find what you were looking for. And your children at an event or matinee will bring not only a lot of positive emotions to you, but also to everyone present.

I’ll start this collection with the simplest, but at the same time sincere quatrains, so that you can immediately enjoy the beautiful lines. In it you will see painfully familiar lines, because we all went to school and kindergarten and all got to know them.

Lullaby for mom (I. Chernitskaya)
Mom fussed for a long time:
All things to do, things to do, things to do...
Mom was so tired during the day,
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand nearby.
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sing her a song.
I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's just a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom my song.
There is no more wonderful song.
Maybe I should sing louder
To give this song to mom
Was it heard in a dream?..

My mommy
The best in the world.
Makes me happy
Sweet candies.


Our dear mother (O. Vysotskaya)

Mother's day! Mother's day!
Wear your best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Clean up the house
Something good
Give it to your mom.


Moms (D. Gerasimova)
Mothers love to eat jam
Sitting in the kitchen in the dark,
Sing and dance on Sunday
If no one sees them.

Mothers love to measure puddles,
Finding them in the hot summer,
Forgetting the door keys
And then hang around somewhere.

Moms love to sleep in on Saturday
And sculpt elephants out of snow,
And skip work
And in winter you can run without a hat.

Moms love to chew candy
And ride the tram,
But they are silent about it
No one knows…



A simple word (I. Maznin)
In the world
Kind words
A lot lives
But kinder than everyone else
And one thing is more tender -
Of two syllables
A simple word "ma-ma"
And there are no words
More dear than it!


If I were a girl
If I were a girl -
I wouldn't waste time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash the shirts
I would wash the kitchen floor
I would sweep the room
I would wash the cups, spoons,
I would peel the potatoes myself
All my toys myself
I would put it in its place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would help my mother so much!
Mom would immediately say:
“You’re doing well, son!”


I wish I was like my mother (M. Sadovsky)
My mother sings
Always at work
And I always tell her
I'll help with the hunt!

I dream
Looks like mom
I become.
I'm learning to iron
And cook
And wash,
And I wipe away the dust,
And I sweep the floor...
I dream, I dream.

I dream, I dream...
I dream
How is your mom,
Be able to do everything
And maybe
How is your mom,
I'll learn to sing.


Mom's portrait (G. Vieru)
I'll wipe the glass and frame,
Because there is a mother in the frame.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I love my mother very much!


I love my mommy
I'll help her today:
I'll lose my socks
I'll tear up my tights!


Take care of your mother (E. Ranneva)
If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That lunch is not tasty.
If mom isn't around
It's cold in the apartment,
If mom isn't around,
It's bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away,
It's very difficult for children.
I'll tell you straight:
- Take care of your mother!


I love my mother (L. Davydova)
Mom brings me
Toys, candies,
But I love my mother
Not for that at all.
Funny songs
She hums
We're bored together
Never happens.

I open it for her
All your secrets.
But I love my mother
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for that
That she is my mother!


Iron health (O. Bundur)
I take three popsicles,
I chew icicles and pieces of ice,
I go without a hat and hands
I put it in cold water.

Health is iron straight:
I just can't get sick
So that a kind, gentle mother
She could sit with me.



Mom (G. Demykina)
Mom's dresses
Well straight away
Can't count.
There is blue
And there is green
There is blue
With big flowers -
Each serves
In my own way, mom.

This goes away
She's at the factory
In this to the theater
And he goes to visit
Sits in this
Busy with drawings...
Each serves
In my own way, mom.

Tossed carelessly
On the headboard
Old, shabby
Mom's robe.
I'm serving it
Take care mom,
And why -
You can guess for yourself:
If he puts it on
Colored robe,
So, all evening
Will stay with me.


Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
I sat down and sat.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in the empty room,
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.

And I said to the beam:
“I want to move too.”

There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper, “
Let’s sit in silence!”


Mommy (U. Rajab)
Who came to me this morning?
Who said: “It’s time to get up”?
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Should I pour some tea into a bowl?
Who braided my hair?
Swept the whole house by yourself?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who as a child loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?


Mom's hands (E. Koltovskaya)
Mom's hands are warm,
Mom's eyes are bright,
Mom's fairy tale in a dream,
Mom's genes are in me,
Mom's thoughts are with me,
My bow to my mother.


My mom is a doctor! (G. Vieru)
Let mom have a syringe in her hands,
You don't back away like a cancer.
This is my mommy
She is very kind!


Song about mom (M. Sadovsky)
You know, mom, it's an ordinary day
We can't live without you!
The word mom is so familiar
Talk to us from the first days!

You just have to look closely -
The whole world is warmed around
With the warmth of my mother's heart,
Gentle, kind hands...

Our troubles and tribulations
They retreat before you
It becomes clearer to us every year,
How you fight for us!

Mom, - there is no dearer friend -
Do you believe in our every takeoff!
Who else, like you, will help?!
Who else will understand like you?!



I love my mommy
I'll help her today:
I'll lose my socks
I'll tear up my tights!


A gift for mom (O. Chusovitina)

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
I will make it out of him
Little flower.
Gift for mom
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!


Mother's Day (E. Blaginina)

I keep walking, I keep thinking, I look:
“What will I give my mother tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe some sweets?
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - light!


(E. Koltovskaya)

Mom's hands are warm,
Mom's eyes are bright,
Mom's fairy tale in a dream,
Mom's genes are in me,
Mom's thoughts are with me,
My bow to my mother.


My wonderful ray of sunshine
You are my holiday, the ringing of heaven.
All I have is you.
MOM, my best
The sun doesn't shine without you,
Without you, it will rain.
MOM, the heart will respond.
Just wait.
The grief of misfortune is me,
But your soul is in me.
I love you, but, well.
I'm not like you.
You are like an angel, you are like the stars.
You are like the sky, the sun, the roses.
You are like a flock of wild birds.
You have dozens of faces.
You love everyone, you know everything.
You help all people.
MOM you are so good.
And my soul sings.
You just have to look
I can't deceive you!


Who loves you dearly, children?
Who loves you so tenderly?
Without closing my eyes at night,
Does everything take care of you?
Mom dear!

Who rocks the cradle for you,
Who amuses you with a song?
Or tells a fairy tale
Who gives you toys?
Mom is golden!

If you kids are lazy,
Naughty, playful,
As happens sometimes,
Who is shedding tears then?
She is all dear!


Animals, birds know this word,
The tits sing about this word,
This word is known at the bottom of the ocean,
And this word is called mom.


(I. Morozova)

Mom has warm hands like the sun,
They know how to caress so tenderly,
They will cure pain, relieve boredom,
Ready for a hug at any moment.
While playing, they will gently ruffle my hair,
They bake pies on weekend mornings,
And the legs tickle happily in the bed,
When I don't want to wake up myself.
Iron all dresses, shirts and trousers
And then they will find another job...
I stroke my mother’s tired hands, -
Let them rest at least a little.


(T. Shatskikh)

Our mother is the best!
Our mother is the best!
On her gorgeous fur,
A smile, a clear look
Cats look with envy!

In a gray, velvety fur coat,
In a gray-silver hat,
With a handbag, high heels,
In light pink glasses...

Pink and gray color –
There is nothing more elegant!

Mom's pink tail
Like the most fashionable lady,
We are more beautiful than the tail
Never seen it!

Others have worse tails,
Aunt Piggy loves puddles
Aunt Lizard, - oh! –
I lost my ponytail.

And here is our mother's tail
Everyone is more elegant and beautiful.
We are our big family
We love mom with all our hearts!

Only kittens with Aunt Kisa
They call mom "Rat"
And her outfit is cool
They call him a “rat.”

And Aunt Klushi's chickens
They say we are braggarts
What are the tails of braggarts -
Just the tails of rodents.

Only the peacocks themselves
They love to show off their tails
Like, peacock tails -
Standards of beauty!

We don't argue, we don't make noise,
We look at mommy
We praise, congratulate,
We give compliments!

After all, for every child:
And a kitten and a rat,

Mom is the most tender of all,
Mom is the most needed
Mom is more important than everyone else
Mom is dearest to everyone,

Both clear and simple
From ears to tail!
From beautiful sweet ears
To the wonderful tail!



Mom's smile (T. Shorygina)
There's nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
As if the light of the sun will flash,
The unsteady darkness will be dispelled!

Like a tail flashing,
Gold fish -
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!


Quarrel with mom (E. Popova)
Nikita was rude to mom,
And now she's angry!
It is necessary, without a doubt,
To apologize!

Although Nikita was stubborn,
Still goes to mom.
After all, it’s not life, but just grief,
If you and your mother are in a quarrel!

Who will hug you tenderly?
Only mommy, of course!
She will forgive you everything
And he'll treat you to some candy.

Nikita apologizes
And the insult is forgotten!
Things are going well
If mom is happy!


I love my mommy very much!
I want to give her flowers!
And I’ll just say three words to my mother:
"I love you!"


About Mom (E. Karganova)

The house is empty
Very sad,
I don't want anything -
Can't sing
Doesn't fight
I don’t even want to laugh...

I sat and was silent.
Someone knocked.
I opened it and right
In front of me is Mom!

And not boring
And not sad
I want to run, jump,
And he laughs and sings,
And he laughs with all his might!


What does mom smell like (O. Bundur)
On Saturdays with spirits
Mom's outfit smells like
This is how they suit mom -
Both perfume and theater.

On Sunday - pancakes,
Breakfast - here it is, ready!
It suits my mother so well
That smell of pancakes.

On Monday - business
Our house immediately smelled
It suits my mother so well -
That smell of papers.

But I will say, between us,
I'll tell you a secret:
I am dear to my mother
I'm the closest!


About Mom (S. Ivanova)
Our mother is like spring:
The way the sun laughs
The way the summer breeze
It will touch my head.
He'll get a little angry,
It's like a cloud has rolled in
The way a rainbow is, she:
She looked and she began to shine!
Like a caring spring,
He won’t sit down, he won’t get tired.
When she comes home,
And immediately spring will come.


Option for a good mother (A. Barto)
There must be a mother's character
Definitely humane
Very human!
If I don't pass the exam -
Don't sigh all evening
And say: - Go to the cinema,
Take a walk together -
Clear your head
From your geometries!

There must be a mother's character
Necessarily humane:
If on holidays
I'll go somewhere to the park
Let him ask - don’t call
To me from the machine gun,
Have fun until late
I'll be alone too!

There must be a mother's character
Definitely humane
Shouldn't be gloomy!..
I'll forget the promise
Take a bag of vegetables
On the dacha plot -
Mom should take her
It may strain
Let her not groan:
“It’s terribly hard!” –
Let him show courage!..

This is my mother’s character,
Without a doubt, humane!
He's quite human
And quite convenient for me.


(A. Maikov)

Who loves you dearly, children...
Who loves you dearly, children?
Who loves you so tenderly?
Without closing my eyes at night,
Does everything take care of you?
Mom dear!

Who rocks the cradle for you,
Who amuses you with a song?
Or tells a fairy tale
Who gives you toys?
Mom is golden!

If you kids are lazy,
Naughty, playful,
As happens sometimes,
Who is shedding tears then?
She is all dear!



Kindness (L. Nikolaenko)
Busy with good deeds at home,
Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.
Good morning here,
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
And where, you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house,
What comes from this kindness
Flowers are taking root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I'll answer you straight:
This is mom, mom, mom!


What a mother (O. Bundur)
When mom puts on an outfit,
Hanging in the closet under a cover,
Dad is terribly happy:
– You are simply a gorgeous woman!

If mom is wearing a robe
And he stirs something in the pan,
Dad comes in and is happy again:
– You are a very cozy woman!

When we're on the beach and mom comes
Along the sea with coastal pebbles,
Dad looks with his mouth open:
“You’re just a goddess—not a woman!”

It seems to me: at least dress mom in a jacket
With some kind of paint smell,
Dad will watch every day
And admire again!


You are the best in the world, mom (M. Plyatskovsky)
I love your ringing laughter
You are the best in the world
Open the doors to a fairy tale,
Give me a smile

If you sing a song,
Then the rain will be heard,
"Good morning" you say to me
The sun will break out in the window,

The stars look from above,
It's good that you're nearby
Smile, sing songs,
I will always be with you,

A selection of poems about mother that are touching to tears

Our mommy is a miracle, honey...! Is not it? For every person, there is no one dearer and more beautiful. That is why so many poems and poems were written by authors of different generations. And we say these words year after year. After all, she, a ray of light, is our joy...


It’s so good when there is a mother, Her smile is so wonderful, When she is always with us. Friends, this is so lovely! She, like a bright ray of light, gave us everything and opened up the world. Oh, how many of her gifts we just didn’t appreciate. She only taught good things, And so calmly, quietly, gently. Oh how she loved us all, Like no one else, and so boundlessly! I love you, my dear, It’s so good when you’re near. Be with me, you dear, And nothing else is needed!


On this day, my dear mother,
I'll bring you all the flowers,

I’ll ask heaven for you.

How much I love you

That I ask more than I give.

You are my guardian angel
I rush to you for advice,
And I miss it when I'm not with you.

Fulfillment of a cherished dream.


Mom is the sun
On my native side.
With mom there is happiness and comfort in the house.
Like grain notes,

Splashes on the bottom,
I sing this song to my mother.
I'm a scarlet flower
On a small leaf

I'll draw it and give it to my mom.
Mommy will smile,
And there is a dimple on the cheek.
I love sunny mommy.


I want to collect tender words in a bouquet,
I'll give it to the best mommy in the world.
I will tie it with a ribbon of love,
There is no one more precious than a mother in the world.
For love, for affection, for priceless work,
Let my bouquets bloom for her!


Who came to me this morning? - mommy.
Who said: “It’s time to get up”? - mommy.
Who managed to cook the porridge? - mommy.
Should I pour some tea into a bowl? - mommy.
Who braided my hair? - mommy.
Swept the whole house by yourself? - mommy.
Who picked flowers in the garden? - mommy.
Who kissed me? - mommy.
Who as a child loves laughter? - mommy.
Who is the best in the world? - mommy.


I'm lucky to have you, dear mom.
For a hundred thousand “why?”, you know all the answers.
You will help me with “French” and you will solve the problem,
You will rush to meet me with wise life advice.
I'm very proud of you, but I'll say
Not secret to everyone, that’s the only reason I love you,
I, that you are my mommy!


There are no more precious words in the world!
Whatever path you take,
Mom's love shines over her,
To help you in difficult times.
Mom illuminates with a tender heart
Your days, roads and deeds.
Justify your mother's hopes -
Just do good every day!


My mother's hands -
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
There is so much love and power in them!
They fly all day long
It’s as if they don’t know they’re tired.
The house will be made comfortable,
They will sew a new dress,
They will caress you, warm you up -
Mom's hands can do everything!


Mom's heart knows no peace,
Mom's heart burns like a torch,
Mother's heart will hide from grief,
It will be difficult for him - he will remain silent.
Mom's heart can hold so much
Caresses, cares of love and warmth,
Anyone protects us from adversity,
If only my dear would live longer.


They say that mom's hands are not simple,
They say mom has golden hands!
I'll take a closer look, I'll take a closer look,
I stroke my mother’s hands, but I don’t see any gold.
Why are our factory people
They say mom has golden hands?
I won’t argue, they know better,
After all, they work with my mother.


If sadness comes to mom
And there is fatigue in the eyes,
What should I do so that she
Did you smile more often?
For mom's smile
I'm ready for a hundred things
I would play the violin for her
If only I could.


On the roads, on the skids
I carry a mimosa in my hand.
Yellow beads on a branch,
Like chicken babies.
I'll give a branch to my mother
Along with these verses.
Mom will smile at me -
The earth is getting warmer!


Mom is sunshine
The look of wonderful gentle eyes.
Will save you from a thousand troubles
And it will help a thousand times.
Childhood is a golden time.
How wonderful it is to know what's wrong with me
Mom, like an angel, is kind,
My best friend, dear.


I take care of my mother’s work,
I help as much as I can.
Mom's out for lunch today
I made cutlets
And she said:
“Listen, help me, eat!”
I ate a little
Isn't it help?


Me and my mother in the whole world -
That's right, best friends.
I'm in mom's tow
Where mom goes, I go.
Together in the kitchen and in the barn,
In the garden and in the garden,
We eat and play together
And we swim in the pond.


There's nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
As if the light of the sun will flash,
The unsteady darkness will be dispelled!
Like a tail flashing,
gold fish
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!



In the world
Kind words
A lot lives
But kinder than everyone else
And one thing is more tender
Of two syllables
A simple word - "mother"
And there are no words
More dear than it!


I'll fall asleep next to my mother,
I will cling to her with my eyelashes.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy.


I'll wipe the glass and frame
Because there is a mother in the frame.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I love my mother very much!


Everyone in the world loves mom, mom is the first friend
Not only children love mothers, everyone around them loves them
If anything happens, if suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue, she will always help out.
Mom gives a lot of strength and health to all of us.
So, really, there are no better mothers in the world.


It was quiet in the house in the morning,
I wrote my mother’s name on my palm.
Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,
Not on a stone wall,
I wrote my mother's name on my hand.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,
It became noisy during the day.
“What did you hide in your palm?” –
They started asking me.
I unclenched my palm, I held happiness.


Mom gave us life,
It was comfortable to be around her.
In a desperate moment she saved
With your warmth.

Our mother is dearest to us in the world,
Our guiding star.
What are you doing, children?
Mom's eyes are sad...

How often do you talk to her
About life, about family, about love?
Call at least occasionally
You and she are one blood!

There is no dearer mother in the world,
And God forbid you understand
When your children grew up
And you have no one to hug...


I know you love me
At least you get a little angry sometimes.
And you worry when you call.
Worried, you wait at the doorstep.

And I, as always, go light.
I hang out with just anyone.
And I think only about myself.
About how tired all this is.

And having had a full walk,
I’m not the first to rush to your door.
And that silhouette by the window
Everyone will believe my stories.

Thank you for beeing!
Sorry for the scandals and drama.
You are my pride. My honor!
I love you very much, mom!


There is no more beloved mother in the world,
She is our ideal, our model.
All our lives we are just children for her,
Even though we got married, or walked down the aisle.

There is no dearer mother on the planet,
It's always warm in her arms.
Thank her for keeping you alive
It's high time to tell my family.


She made noise, screamed,
She hit me with anything:
- Everything is disgusting! No more strength!
There is no way for you to live!
She sat down in the corner and sobbed.
And she began to ask for forgiveness...
You're just so tired
My poor thing!


Mothers sigh in silence,
In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence.
For them we are forever kids,
And it is impossible to argue with this.

So be a little kinder
Do not be irritated by their guardianship.
Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation
And we are on a boundless road
Without mother's kind hands -
Like babies without a lullaby.


Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.
Before parting at the door
Say goodbye to them more gently.

And go around the bend
Don't rush, don't rush,
And to her, standing at the gate,
Wave as long as possible.


When there is a mother, life is wonderful,
She's an angel on earth.
She's like a bright ray of sunshine
She is like all the stars in the sky.

Friends, you value mothers,
After all, they won’t always be nearby.
Love them and cherish them
Never forget!


My mother gave me everything in the world,
Warmth, affection, and love.
Always gave me advice
When I didn't know the right words.

She opened her eyes to the world,
And she showed me the way in life.
I have always loved you so sincerely
And it dispersed grief and sadness.


On this day, my dear mother,
I'll bring you all the flowers,
All that is best in the world,
I’ll ask heaven for you.
Sorry if you don't hear me often,
How much I love you
What happens, I’ll upset you in vain,
That I ask more than I give.
No, dearer and dearer than a person,
You are my guardian angel
I rush to you for advice,
And I miss it when I'm not with you.
On this holiday, accept congratulations,
Let everything be as you want,
Happiness, joy, love and luck,
Fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Short and beautiful poems for Mother's Day for preschoolers

Give very small quatrains to the kindergarten children and have a conversation about what place mother occupies in the life of every person. After all, this is the word that each of us pronounces first in this world. And by the way, when speaking, you don’t have to wait for an opportunity to say these words.

For children 3-4 years old I have selected these poems.


Eyelashes (G. Vieru)

I'll fall asleep next to my mother,
I will cling to her with my eyelashes.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy.


Gift for mom (O. Chusovitina)

I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made the gift myself
From paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Hugging affectionately.


Apple (E. Stekvashova)

The apple is ruddy
I won't eat alone
Half an apple
I'll give it to my beloved mom.


If mom is happy,
If she loves
Let the snow and showers -
It's always spring in the house!


Mom caresses us... (V. Russu)

Mom caresses us
The sun warms.
The sun, like mom,
Only one thing happens.


(G. Vieru)

My mom is a teacher
- Why are you so stubborn?
Don't you listen to my mom?
I'm used to obeying my mother,
I am her son and student!


(A. Kondratyev)

Mom is nearby
In autumn, spring,
Summer and winter
Who's next to you?
Next to you?
In joy anyone
Anyone in grief
Who's next to you?
Next to you?
At night and in the morning
Today, like yesterday,
Who wishes you
All sorts of good things?

Such lines are suitable for learning for children aged 4-5 years.


Velcro-why (T. Bokova)

Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom can do everything
He knows everything in the world!
– Why do wasps bite?
I'm asking directly.
And to ALL my questions
Mom answers.
Tell me where from the sky
It snows in winter.
Why a loaf of bread
Is it baked with flour?
Why does the dog bark?
What will you dream about?
Why does the icicle melt?
And your eyelashes tremble?
Why is there a cloud in the sky?
Is there a lawn in the forest?


To Mom (V. Solonikin)

You are the most beautiful,
You are the best.
To the gentle sun
And it looks like the moon.
I give you a smile
I give you a big flower:
I want you to flutter
Always like a moth.



Our song with dad (A. Kondratiev)
What's on our way
scary pit
Or danger
From the corner, -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
Was at home!
We're at the top
Let's get in stubbornly
Won't scare you
Steep rock -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
I was waiting at home!
We trampled
There are many paths
Soon the planet
It will become small, -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
She was with us!



The star is shining brightly in the sky.
It shines, but does not warm - mom says.
I will stretch a ladder to the sky from the balcony.
I’ll pick up a star for mom from the sky.
Mom will light this star on her chest.
And he will warm you with warmth and sing a song.
Mom is my star, my bright one!
Darling, good one, I love you!


Multi-colored gift (P. Sinyavsky)

I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.
But first I'm on the red
Pressed too hard
And then, right after the red one,
Purple broke,
And then the blue one broke,
And the orange one broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it’s mom!


Let's sit in silence (E. Blaginina)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
But I didn’t play either!
I don't start a top
And I sat down and sat.

My toys don't make noise
The room is quiet and empty.
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.

And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper, “
Let's sit in silence!..


About Mom (E. Karganova)

The house is empty
Very sad,
I don't want anything -
Not sung
Doesn't fight
I don’t even want to laugh...

I sat and was silent.
Someone knocked.
I opened it and right
In front of me is Mom!

And not boring
And not sad
I want to run, jump,
And he laughs and sings,
And he laughs with all his might!



Without Mom (E. Serova)
There is a carousel in our house:
Kissel flows like a stream,
Plates on the table
They jump like squirrels.

Masha is looking for a cat
The cat is looking for a bowl
Misha is looking for dad
Dad is looking for a hat.

And no one finds anything!
Misha whines
Masha is crying
The cat is sick of white light!..
What does this mean, guys?

That means mom is not at home!

Here comes mom. Finally!
Everything is falling into place.

But those who go to the senior group (5-6 years old) or the preparatory group (6-7 years old) can already take and learn something more solid and more authentic. Here you will find poems from your daughter and son, dedicated to your mother.


Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom's first friend.
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.
If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help.
Mom has a lot of strength and health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.


My mother's hands -
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
There is so much love and power in them!
They fly all day long
It’s as if they don’t know they’re tired.
The house will be made comfortable,
They will sew a new dress,
They will caress you, warm you up -
Mom's hands can do everything!


I always wanted to be like
For you, my beloved, dear.
To be as wise and sedate,
Know the price without naming it.
You and I are like sisters,
Or seemingly best friends,
You help me figure out my life,
And they have been confident in each other for a long time.
You can rely on me
Both big and small, without fail,
Mommy, enjoy life
After all, good things in life are so valuable!

I love it so much when you're just nearby,
I love it when you look with a gentle gaze.
I love it when you help
I love it when you hug.
I love your warm hands
I love that your eyes are mine.
I love you because you believe
Like me, in my beautiful dreams.
Thank you mom, for being my mom,
You are mine and no one else’s mother...



Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You won't find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother’s.

You won't find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are more valuable.

A hundred paths, roads around
Travel around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother!



Gifts for Mom

I am to my beloved mother
I will give gifts:
I'll embroider her a scarf.
What a living flower!
I'll clean the apartment clean -
And there will be no dust anywhere.
I'll bake a delicious pie
With apple jam...
Only mom is on the doorstep -
Congratulations here!
You are my mommy
I congratulate you:
Happy holiday
Happy spring,
With the first flowers
And with a good daughter.


Without mom the house is empty

Without mom the house is empty...
And they won’t call my daughter...
They won’t ask: “What’s taking so long?”
With worry in my eyes...
And to the holy silence
The spirit and the brain will not get used to it...
And it seems so much
Lost in a hurry...

And the smell of pies
Mom had a special one...
And mom's pancakes
I won't see you anymore...
And quiet soft words,
What heals the wounds in the heart,
I won't hear again...
And it’s scary to realize...

Her portrait stands
Where she is slightly over forty...
A bouquet of flowers in my hands,
What did you collect in the field...
And mother’s light warms,
Which is infinitely dear...
And holiness and love,
What mom kept.


All mothers live boring lives like this (V. Egorov)

All mothers live so boringly -
wash, iron, cook.
And they are not invited to the Christmas tree,
they are not given gifts.
When I grow up big,
I will also be a mother.
But only my mother is single,
And not a husbandly lady.
I'll buy a new coat
Matches the color of the crimson hat.
And never and for nothing
I'm not marrying dad.

Poems about mommy for elementary school children

And now I present to your attention a collection of poems for school students; you can even teach them to adults. I hope that hearing such lines not only mothers, but also grandmothers will be completely delighted. After all, you can read them on March 8, your birthday, and even just to please your loved ones.


(P. Sinyavsky)

Mom is the best friend
Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You won't find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother’s.
You won't find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are more valuable.
A hundred paths, roads around
Travel around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother!


Where mom goes, I go (O. Driz)
(Translated from Hebrew by T. Spendiarova)
Me and mom
In the whole world -
Truly the best
I'm with mum
In tow
Where is mom?
That's where I go.
Together in the kitchen
And in the barn
In the garden
And in the garden
We eat together
Let's play
And we swim
In the pond.


Our super-mom (T. Bokova)
Nowadays from advertising
Don't run away, don't hide.
We hear every day from the screen:
– Eat super pizza
Super soup and super porridge!
Wash yourself with our super soap!
There's just no advertising anywhere
Our super super mom!

Our super super mom
Doesn't need advertising.
Better see for yourself
Like a simple super mom
Controls us all.

Everything burns in mom’s hands -
Washing and cleaning.
Meters, liters, kilograms –
Everything gets in the way cleverly.
Without her we would be lost
Like products without advertising.
And for this we called
Our mom is a super mom!

Mom inspires dad
He raises us the right way.
And he manages the farm,
And I'm glad to work.
So we live as a friendly family -
Somewhere here in this wide world -
Supermom with superhusband
And, of course, super kids.


Merry Universe! (G. Dyadina)
There is so much room in the world!
The world is illuminated by millions of stars!
There are seas with millions of shells,
There are forests with a million cuckoos,
There are meadows with a million blades of grass,
Ladybugs, horses and pigs.
Only one mother... But the Universe
It’s not the Universe that’s with her, it’s the FUN!


Eyelashes (G. Vieru)
I'll fall asleep next to my mother,
I will cling to her with my eyelashes.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy!


If mom is nearby (T. Frolova)
If mom is nearby, the world is full of miracles,
You don't need anything if mom is here,
I'll take her hand tightly,
I will not give my mother to anyone in the world.

If mom is nearby, the world is filled with sunshine,
She will help me in everything, she will forgive everything,
He will tell me a story, sing a song,
If mom is nearby, she will understand everything.

I won't cry if I fall
Mom will be there, she will take care of the trouble,
He will kiss you tightly and press you to your chest,
If mom is nearby, the pain will go away immediately.

If mom is home, I'll play with her,
Of course, everything is more fun to do with mom,
I won’t hide anything from my mother,
I never get tired of playing with her.

If my mother is nearby, I'm not afraid of the rain,
Even if it rains with hail, so what?
I won't cry ever again
If mom is nearby, rain is not a problem.

If my mother is nearby, then I can do everything,
I take care of my mother from all sorrows,
I fall asleep to her tunes.
Let me dream about my mother.



Mom's help (N. Grozovsky)
I take care of my mother’s work,
I help as much as I can.
Mom's out for lunch today
I made cutlets
And she said, “Listen,
Help me out, eat!”
I ate a little
Isn't it help?


Talking about mom (N. Sakonskaya)
From the heart,
In simple words
Come on, friends,
Let's talk about mom.
We love her
Like a good friend
For what we have
Everything is together with her,
For what, when
It's hard for us
We can cry
At the native shoulder.

We love her because
What sometimes
They're getting stricter
In the wrinkles of the eyes.
But he confesses
Come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass away.

For always
Without hiding and directly
We can trust
She has her own heart.
And just because
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her.


Our mothers are the most beautiful (M. Plyatskovsky)
The song flies into the blue sky
From a large school window.
Our mothers are the most, the most beautiful,
Spring gave them the song.

Winter no longer smokes with powder,
The sun is peeking into our classroom.
Our mothers are the best, the best -
Who knows this better than us!

White as swan feathers
The fluffs of clouds float into the distance.
Our mothers are the most, most beloved
In a world full of stars and cornflowers!

Rainbows play with tints,
Shining over the expanses of the earth...
Our mothers are the happiest -
We read it in their eyes!


Everyone has a mother (G. Vieru)
Do you hear, in the morning the baby leaves
They rustle on the mother branch:
- We are glad that the darkness is leaving,
We see mom again!

The bear cub has a mother
The baby elephant, the hedgehog.
The end of a long night
Everyone is very happy:

In the morning, as soon as the sun comes out,
The animals will see their mothers.


Mother! (O. Bundur)
If mom is happy,
If she loves
Let the snow and showers -
It's always spring in the house!


The Great Word (M. Sirenko, translated from Ukrainian by L. Mikhailov)
Oh, how wonderful this word is – MOTHER!
Everything on earth is from mother's hands.
She is us, naughty and stubborn,
She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.

Dear mother, dear Nenka,
We bring you flowers on holidays.
Both in the city and in the small village
The most valuable thing there is you, only you.



Strongmen (O. Bundur)
Strongmen - circus performers
Don't carry sleepers
And they don’t load the bricks
In dump trucks,
They don't carry bags either,
Where there is a whole lot of food.
Strongmen - circus performers
This work is beyond my capabilities,
I can handle this work
Only for strong mothers!

Heartfelt long poems about a mother who is no longer alive

And now another topic will be touched upon, which is very lyrical and sad. But, in life, this happens, no matter how much we want it. Perhaps such quatrains are difficult to read and tears flow on their own, but this is inevitable. Alas.


Take care of your mothers... (E. Terekhova)

Take care of your mothers
Respect, appreciate, cherish,
Surround with your love,
Sick both in soul and heart.
We are rich as long as our mother is nearby,
We come to her when everything is boring,
All she needs is just a hug,
Whisper: “I’m with you, my dear!”
There is no more honest, unselfish love
And warmer than a radiant gaze,
Forgetting your grievances,
They are happy to support us in trouble.
Don't forget that they are waiting for you somewhere.
Come, call more often,
Even a few modest minutes
Don't regret it in your heart, give it as a gift.
Take care of your mothers
Have time while they are around
Treat yourself as warmly as possible -
They don't need anything else


Sweet, dear with a warm look,
And he will console and hug and cuddle...
Mom, always be with me,
You are the only one who will tell you and understand!
I feel the warmth of your wonderful hands,
It’s not enough and sometimes sad,
You are not just a mother, but a reliable friend.
You don’t scold, but you silently regret!
The children have grown up and flown away from the nest,
Some have a rise, and some have a fall,
You are always waiting for us with hope,
Mom, only with you comes ecstasy!
I want God to always protect you,
The drama was far away.
Every day so that it only gives joy,
Smile more often, dear, our dear mother!


Just don't get sick

Mom bent over the crib at night
And quietly whispers to his little one:
“Just don’t get sick, my sweet Bunny,

When illness approaches a child,
The mother's soul is crying.
And mom doesn’t fall asleep until the morning,
Pressing the baby's hand to his cheek...
When the eyes sparkle not from fun,
When a son or daughter has a fever,
That mother's heart cries from powerlessness,
Trying to overcome all illnesses...
Having gently wrapped Happiness in a blanket,
Holding your Treasure to your chest,
She repeated without interruption:
“Get away, disease, get away from your son!”
And no medicine cures like this,
Like mother's care and warmth...
Love will provide a child with happiness,
Will drive away all illnesses, troubles, evil...
For a mother, the most important thing in the world is
Health, happiness of your own children.
And in the same way children love their mother,
Having grown up, they take care of her...
Years have passed... The mother is sick in bed,
Two adult sons whisper to her:
“Just don’t get sick, my dear,
Please, don’t get sick..."


I love you, dear mother,
There is no one more precious than you in the world.
Only here did I understand, dear,
What do you mean to me now?

You gave me warmth, your affection,
Hiding his hands in his wet handkerchief.
And, seeing me off on the road,
You said, "Good luck son."

There were difficult days, even years,
You were able to survive it all.
She brought up a man in me,
Taught me how to live correctly.

Maybe I was wrong once,
Maybe I said something wrong.
If you can, forgive me, mom,
I realized all this now.


Mothers have a sacred position in the world -
Pray for gifted children.
Both day and night in the invisible ether
The prayers of our mothers are heard.
One will fall silent, the other will echo her.
Night will replace day, and night will come again.
But mothers' prayers never cease
For your dear son or daughter.
The Lord listens to the prayers of mothers,
He loves them more than we love them.
Mother never tires of praying
About children who have not yet been saved.
There is time for everything, but while we are alive,
We must pray and cry out to God.
There is an unearthly power hidden in prayer,
When their mother whispers them with tears.
How quiet. The birds have fallen silent in the yard,
Everyone had already gone to bed a long time ago.
I bowed down to pray in front of the window
My dear loving mother.



I'll take her by the hand
I'll look into her eyes.
Her laughter will drive away the cloud,
A tear of rain will fall.

I'll sit on my mom's lap
And I'll hug you comfortably.
I don't need sweeter happiness
I'm not afraid of anything!


Only mom will regret and understand
Only mother will find the path to her heart.
Only mom will think at night,
How do sons and daughters live?
Only a mother can run out in a snowstorm,
To console, to say: “Believe in yourself”
Only mom will feel ten times worse.
From the fact that someone betrayed us in life.
Only mother cannot be deceived,
Only with your mother can you look into childhood.
And without mom the big world will be empty
Only in a dream will he come and ask: “What’s wrong with you?”

Children's poems Mother of famous poets

And now I propose to dwell on other poems, which are included in the school curriculum and not only. They are quite long and have a lot of meaning. Poems of both classics and modern poets will be presented. In general, choose and participate in competitions and take prizes. Be a better reader.

Eduard Uspensky

If I were a girl -
I wouldn't waste time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash the shirts
I would wash the kitchen floor
I would sweep the room
I would wash the cups, spoons,
I would peel the potatoes myself
All my toys myself
I would put it in its place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would help my mother so much!
Mom would immediately say:
“You’re doing well, son!”


Emma Moshkovskaya

I offended my mother
Now never, never
We won't leave the house together,
We won’t go anywhere with her.

She won't wave at the window,
And I won't wave to her,
She won't tell anything
And I won’t tell her...

I'll take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread
Find me a stronger stick,
I'll go, I'll go to the taiga!

I will follow the trail
I will look for ore
And through the stormy river
Let's go build bridges!

And I will be the main boss,
And I'll be with a beard,
And I will always be sad
And so silent...

And then it will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And then onto the jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday
That plane will fly in,
And mom will come out from there,
And mom will forgive me.


Sergey Yesenin

Are you still alive, my old lady?
I'm alive too. Hello hello!
Let it flow over your hut
That evening unspeakable light
They write to me that you are worrying
She was very sad about me,
That you often go on the road
In an old-fashioned, shabby shushun.
And to you in the evening blue darkness
It's often the same thing
It's like someone is in a tavern fight for me
A Finnish knife was stabbed under the heart
It’s okay, dear, calm down.
This is just a painful nonsense
I'm not such a bitter drunkard,
So that I can die without seeing you.
I'm still as gentle
And I only dream about
So that rather from rebellious melancholy
Return to our low house
I'll be back when the branches spread out
Our white garden looks like spring
Only you have me already at dawn
Don't be like eight years ago
Don't wake up what was dreamed of
Don't worry about what didn't come true
Too early loss and fatigue
I have had the opportunity to experience this in my life.
And don’t teach me to pray. No need!
There is no going back to the old ways anymore
You alone are my help and joy
You alone are an unspeakable light to me.
So forget about your worries,
Don't be so sad about me.
Don't go on the road so often
In an old-fashioned, shabby shushun.


Evgeniy Yevtushenko

Our mothers are leaving us,
They leave quietly, on tiptoe,
And we sleep peacefully, having had our fill of food,
Without noticing this terrible hour.
Our mothers don’t leave us right away, no,
It only seems to us that right away.
They go away slowly and strangely
Small steps along the steps of years
They are all deleted, they are all deleted.
He reaches out to them when he wakes up from sleep,
But your hands suddenly hit the air -
A glass wall has grown in it!
We are late. The terrible hour has struck.
We look with constant tears,
Like quiet, stern columns
Our mothers are leaving us...


Separation (A. Barto)

I do everything for my mother:
I play scales for her,
I go to the doctor for her,
I teach mathematics.
All the boys climbed into the river,
I was sitting alone on the beach
For her after illness
I didn’t even swim in the river.
For her I wash my hands
I'm eating some carrots...
Only now we are apart,
Mom in the city of Pryluky
Fifth day on a business trip.
And today the whole evening
I have nothing better to do!
And probably out of habit
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.



Mother (V. Tushnova)

She was just a little late
Rushing from the station with a colorful bundle.
Still in the open windows of the hall
A banner with a golden staff was visible,
There were also pine needles on the stairs,
And the sound of the timpani did not seem to go out...
She walked with her head trembling,
In a blind scarf pulled down to the eyes.
She walked with a blind gait,
Running along the walls with a wrinkled hand.
And it was scary that she wasn't crying,
That look is so hot and dry.
Even at the entrance, somewhere, at the gate,
She probably found out about everything.
They gave her simple belongings
And glorious sons of the order.
Then the old woman went up into the room, -
I can still hear her steps, -
And silently distributed it to the soldiers
homemade rye pies.

I would wash cups and spoons (Son to mother) (E. Uspensky)

If I were a girl -
I wouldn't waste time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash the shirts
I would wash the kitchen floor
I would sweep the room
I would wash the cups, spoons,
I would peel the potatoes myself
All my toys myself
I would put it in its place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would help my mother so much!
Mom would immediately say:
“You’re doing well, son!”


Rasul Gamzatov

I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in the soul,
Finds its own music.
And, not obeying my will,
It rushes to the stars, it expands around...
Music of joy and pain
It thunders - the orchestra of my soul.
But when I say it now for the first time
This Word is a Miracle, the Word is Light, -
Stand up, people!
Fallen, alive!
Arise, children of our turbulent years!
Arise, pines of the centuries-old forest!
Stand up, straighten the grass stems!
Stand up, all you flowers! And rise up the mountains!
Raising the sky on your shoulders.
Everyone stand up and listen while standing,
Preserved in all its glory
This word is ancient, holy!
Straighten up! Get up!.. Get up everyone!
As the forests rise with the new dawn,
Like blades of grass rushing to the heights of the sun,
Stand up, everyone, when you hear this word,
Because in this word there is life.
The word is a call and a spell,
This word contains the soul of existence.
This is the spark of the first consciousness,
Baby's first smile
May this word always remain
And, breaking through any traffic jam
It will awaken even in hearts of stone
A reproach drowned out by conscience.
This word will never deceive you
There is a being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
There is no end to it.
Get up!
I pronounce it:


Elena Blagina

Mom is sleeping - she's tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
And I sat down and sat.
My toys don't make noise
Quiet in the empty room,
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.
And I said to the beam:
“I also want to move,
I would like a lot:
read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh!
There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I’m silent.”
The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper,
Let’s sit in silence.”


Agniya Barto

Mom to rooms
In a white apron
It will pass slowly,
Walks around the rooms
Busy with business
And, in the meantime,

Cups and saucers
Washing up
Should I smile
Don't forget
And hums.



Rasul Gamzatov

“Know, people, there is no worse sorrow,
Why part with your mother?
It's hard to live forever after losing your mother,
There are no happier people whose mother is alive!
In the name of my dead brothers
Listen - I pray! - in my words!
No matter how the run of events beckons us,
No matter how you attract me into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother more than your eyes,
From insults, from hardships, from worries.
Pain for sons is like chalk
He will bleach her braids white.
Even if the heart is hardened,
Give mom a little warmth!
If your heart has become harsh
Be more gentle with her, children,
Protect your mother from evil words.
Know that children hurt everyone the most!
If your mothers are tired,
You must give them a good rest...
Keep them away from black shawls!
Mother will leave - and the scar will not be erased,
Mother will die, and the pain will not be relieved...
I conjure: take care of your mother!
Children of the world, take care of your mother!
So that mold does not penetrate into the soul,
So that our life does not become dark,
So as not to forget the beautiful songs,
Those that she sang to us as children!



Ivan Bunin

I remember the bedroom and the lamp,
Toys, warm bed
And your sweet, meek voice:
“Guardian angel above you!”
You will cross, kiss,

And with faith in happiness you will charm...
I remember, I remember your voice!

Lamp in the dark corner
And the shadows from the chains of the lamp...
Were you not an angel?


Rasul Gamzatov

Mountain boy, I'm obnoxious
Had a reputation for being unheard of in the family circle
And rejected with stubbornness by adults
All instructions are yours.
But the years passed, and those involved in them,
I was not afraid of fate,
But now I’m often timid,
How small, in front of you.
Here we are alone in the house today,
I don’t hide the pain in my heart
And I bow my palms to yours
I turn my head gray.
I'm sad, mom, sad, mom,
I am a prisoner of stupid vanity,
And there’s so little of me in life
You felt the attention.
I'm spinning on a noisy carousel.
I'm rushing somewhere, but suddenly again
The heart will clench: “Really,
Have I started to forget my mother?
And you with love, not with reproach,
Looking at me anxiously,
You sigh, as if by accident,
Secretly dropped a teardrop.
A star sparkling in the sky,
Flying on its final flight.
Your boy is in the palm of your hand
He lays down his gray head.


Emma Moshkovskaya

I've decided and I'm going
I'm going down this difficult path.
I go to the next room
Where my mother sits silently.
And you have to open the door
And take a step... and another
And maybe ten, ten more steps!
And quietly approach her,
And quietly say: “I’m sorry...”
Have the courage to stand under fire,
Under the slot of the thin sight,
There is the courage to make a quick decision,
And the courage to endure for a long time.
And there is also such courage,
What could be more important than others?
When you can't suffer anymore
You come to him or her.
I was wrong, terribly wrong,
Forgive me and trust me
And this courage will warm
A heart offended by you.


Ivan Bunin

I remember the bedroom and the lamp,
Toys, warm bed
And your sweet, meek voice:
“Guardian angel above you!”
You will cross, kiss,
Remind me that he is with me,
And with faith in happiness you will charm...
I remember, I remember your voice!
I remember the night, the warmth of the crib,
Lamp in the dark corner
And the shadows from the chains of the lamp...
Were you not an angel?


Agniya Barto

I do everything for my mother:
I play scales for her,
I go to the doctor for her,
I teach mathematics.
All the boys climbed into the river,
I was sitting alone on the beach
For her after illness
I didn’t even swim in the river.
For her I wash my hands
I'm eating some carrots...
Only now we are apart,
Mom in the city of Pryluky
Fifth day on a business trip.
And today the whole evening
I have nothing better to do!
And probably out of habit
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.


Agniya Barto

“I don’t have enough warmth,”
She told her daughter.
The daughter was surprised: “You’re freezing.”
And on summer days?

“You won’t understand, you’re still small,”
The mother sighed tiredly.
And the daughter shouts: “I understand!” —
And he drags a blanket.


Around the city with mom (S. Pshenichnykh)
When I'm around town
I go with my mother
By the hand of mom
I hold tight:

Why should she
Go and be afraid
What can she do
Get lost?



Yuri Entin

Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.

It happens - on a sleepless night
Mom will slowly cry,
How is her daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning will mom fall asleep.

Mom is the first word
Mom earth and sky,
Life gave me and you.

It happens - if it happens suddenly
There is grief in your house,
Mom is the best, most reliable friend -
Will always be by your side.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny
Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.

It happens - you will become more mature
And like a bird you will fly high,
Whoever you are, know that for your mother you are
As always, sweet baby.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny
Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.



Agniya Barto

The son calls: “Agu, agu!” —
Like, stay with me.
And in response: - I can’t,
I'm washing the dishes.

But again: “Aha, aha!” —
Heard with renewed vigor.
And in response: - I’m running, I’m running,
Don't be angry, my dear!


Elena Blaginina

Mom hummed a song
Dressed my daughter
Dressed and put on
White shirt.

White shirt -
Thin line.
Mom sang a song
I put on my daughter's shoes,
Fastened with an elastic band
For every stocking.

Light stockings
On my daughter's feet.

Mom finished singing the song,
Mom dressed the girl:
Red dress with polka dots,
The shoes are new on the feet...

That's how mom was pleased.
I dressed my daughter up for May.
This is what mom is like -
Golden right!



Marina Tsvetaeva

For the first time in the old Straussian waltz
We heard your quiet call,
Since then, all living things have been alien to us
And the quick chime of the clock is gratifying.

We, like you, welcome sunsets
Reveling in the nearness of the end.
Everything that we are rich in on the best evening,
You put it in our hearts.

Tirelessly leaning towards children's dreams,
(I only looked at them for a month without you!)
You led your little ones past
A bitter life of thoughts and deeds.

From an early age we are close to those who are sad,
Laughter is boring and home is alien...
Our ship has not set sail in a good moment
And floats according to the will of all winds!

The azure island is becoming paler - childhood,
We are alone on the deck.
Apparently sadness left a legacy
You, oh mother, to your girls!


Come on, M,
Give your hand to A.
Come on, MA,
Give your hand to MA.
MA and MA, and together - MA-MA!
I write this myself.

Need to know,
How to write
The letter "M" and the letter "A".
I'll write out the whole notebook:
M and A,
MA and MA.

Quietly I squeak with a feather.
Look quickly, mom, -
That's how much I love you!


An important meeting, or What to give to mothers
Everything in the forest is noisy, singing -
Mother's Day is coming!
Everyone needs to talk about:
What will we give to mothers?

Monkey dads will say:
– We’ll buy mothers bananas!
To cook all year round
Banana compote for us.

Hamster dads will say:
– We’ll buy hooks for mothers!
From day to day until night
They knitted sweaters for us!

The daddy bears will say and say:
– Let’s buy and buy lids for mothers!
Let's buy jars, roots -
Let mothers make jam!

Well, the bunny is on the edge
Rushes into the distance, ears outstretched,
Hey, wait! Where are you going?

– I’m in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why give hooks?
Eh, you bears, hamsters!

So that mothers can rest,
So that they flutter like little birds,
Let's, let's love mothers!
We will give them flowers!

So stop thinking too much!
Everyone follows me on my way!
It's time to get a gift!
Our mothers are waiting for us with flowers.

We’ll find where to get flowers!
Let's go with them to the forest to see their mothers,
Mother's Day is a big day...
We love mom with all our hearts!


MAMA Yaroslav Smelyakov

Good my mother. Kind, cordial.
Come to her - crowned and mutilated -
share good luck, hide sadness -
will warm the kettle, put on lunch,
listens, leaves you overnight:
herself - on the chest, and for the guests - on the bed.
Old. After all, I have seen the sights
knew deception, blasphemy, insults.
But her studies did not serve her well.
The windows went out. The lantern is extinguished.
Only until late in our room
a joyful light glows.
It was she who bent over the letter.
I didn’t forget, I wasn’t lazy -
writes answers to all corners:
whom he will regret, whom he will congratulate,
some he will cheer up, and some he will correct.
Human conscience. My mother.
She sits for a long time over her notebook,
pushing aside a gray lock
(efficient - it’s too early for her to retire),
without closing tired eyes,
warming those near and far
with your radiant kindness.
I would greet everyone, make friends with everyone,
I would marry everyone I know.
I wish I could gather all the people around the table,
and turn out to be - as if! - superfluous,
sit in a corner and be quiet from there
watch the noisy celebration.
I wish I could get along with you all the time,
I wish all your wrinkles could be smoothed out.
Maybe then I’ll write poetry,
that, conscious of male strength,
the way my heart carried me,
I carry you in my heart.


Beloved Mommy (E. Stekvashova)
The apple is ruddy
I won't eat alone
Half an apple
I'll give it to my beloved mom.


Mother Rurik Ivnev

Old age comes. It's not so easy with her
We can cope, and we are no longer children.
And our youth is somewhere far away,
It’s like even on another planet.

And they seem like some kind of distant dream
Pictures from “Ruslan and Lyudmila”,
Garden trees, two-story house
And the female image is infinitely cute.

What could be more wonderful than the word: mother?
Oh, how many lips, trembling and tender,
Mothers never tired of whispering
About the very first feelings of snow-whites.

Oh, so many words, hot as fire,
The children's cheeks burned day and night.
They cannot now be collected in one hand.
And never see it with your own eyes.

Darling, don’t go... Wait!
You have always been a shrine to me.
And on the path bequeathed by you,
As in early childhood, I still stand.

That's why I love this world
Covered with childhood memories.
That's why I approached the Kremlin
In the seventeenth year with an open heart,
How I approached my mother as a baby.



Eduard Asadov

Well, why aren’t you sleeping and still stubbornly waiting?
No need. Forget your worries.
I'm not sixteen anymore, mom!
More for me! And this, perhaps, is the point.
I know, it’s just the way it is in the world,
And I even foresee your answer,
That children are always children to mothers,
Let them be at least twenty, at least thirty years old
And yet, over the years, the old means
Somehow something has to change.
And the same supervision and control, as in childhood,
They are already offensive and unnecessary.
After all, there is, well, something very personal!
When they force you: say yes, say! —
Then, in addition to hunting, this is often
You are forced to resort to lies.
My dear, don’t look tired!
Our love is even stronger now.
Well, did you raise me badly?
Believe me, please, really believe me!
And don’t let your heart beat in fear,
After all, I won't fall in love foolishly,
I won’t go out to meet anyone I have to,
I won't associate with bad company.
And I won’t climb into a hole somewhere,
If I encounter trouble on the way,
I'll come straight away for advice, mom.
I’ll feel it right away and come.
Someday you have to be bolder,
And if sometimes I do the wrong thing,
Well, that means I’ll be smarter later,
And better a bruise than a bell jar.
Let me kiss your hands,
The kindest in the whole world.
No need, mom, to be jealous of me,
Children, they are not children forever!
And don't sit stubbornly by the window,
Preparing question after question in my soul.
I'm not sixteen anymore, Mom.
Understand. And look at me seriously.
I ask you: throw sadness out of your heart,
And don’t let anxiety wear you down.
Don't be afraid, dear. I'll be back soon!
Sleep, mom. Sleep tight. Good night!


What does O. Bondur's mother smell like?

On Saturdays with spirits
Mom's outfit smells like
This is how they suit mom -
Both perfume and theater.

On Sunday - pancakes,
Breakfast - here it is, ready!
It suits my mother so well
That smell of pancakes.

On Monday - business
Our house immediately smelled
It suits my mother so well -
That smell of papers.

But I will say, between us,
I'll tell you a secret:
I am dear to my mother
I'm the closest!


Talk to me mom (Viktor Gin)

How long has it been since you sang songs to me?
Leaning over the cradle.
But time flew by like a bird,
And in childhood the thread broke.
Talk to me mom
Talk about something
Until the starry midnight until -
Give me childhood again.
I'm happy with my fate
I've come a long way in life.
But sometimes I really want
I need to look back at my childhood.
These are fabulous minutes
I will leave it in my heart forever.
More expensive than all the awards in the world
Your song is quiet to me.


I love my mother (L. Davydova)

Mom brings me
Toys, candies,
But I love my mother
Not for that at all.
Funny songs
She hums
We're bored together
Never happens.
I open it for her
All your secrets.
But I love my mother
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for that
That she is my mother!


Mothers (I. Bunin)

I remember the bedroom and the lamp,
Toys, warm bed
And your sweet, meek voice:
“Guardian angel above you!”
You will cross, kiss,
Remind me that he is with me,
And with faith in happiness you will charm...
I remember, I remember your voice!
I remember the night, the warmth of the crib,
Lamp in the dark corner
And the shadows from the chains of the lamp...
Were you not an angel?


(A. Fet)

Mother! look from the window -
You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that a cat
Wash your nose:
There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,
It has brightened, it has turned white -
Apparently there is frost.

Not prickly, light blue
Frost is hung along the branches -
Just take a look!
Like someone too shabby
Fresh, white, plump cotton wool
I removed all the bushes.

Well, as I promised, now pictures with poems:

That's all, I hope you liked all the poems about mommy and you will be happy to take note of them in your piggy bank. Good luck to everyone and bye!

I once told my friends
One day I told my friends:
There are many kind mothers in the world,
But you won’t find it, I guarantee
A mother like mine!
She bought it for me
On the wheels of a horse,
Saber, paints and album...
But is that really the point?
I love her anyway
Mommy, my mommy!

Poems about mom

I take care of my mother’s work,
I help as much as I can.
Mom's out for lunch today
I made cutlets
And she said: “Listen,
Help me out, try me!"
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

You're tired, mommy -
I would rest, lie down,
I read it, knitted it,
I would turn on the TV
Maybe I sewed something
I washed, cooked,
I would sweep the floor, wash it...
Well, you forgot peace -
Again and again you look sad
Either in a diary or in a notebook!
And you sit next to me,
And you pierce me with your gaze.
You're tired, mommy...
Yes, and I would... Take a walk...

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom's first friend.
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.
If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help.
Mom has a lot of strength and health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

Gift for mom
N. Bondarenko

Gift for mom

I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made the gift myself
From paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Hugging affectionately.

Roman Sef

Who should I
Will he sing a song?
Who's shirt
Will he sew me up?
Who me
Will the food be delicious?
Who laughs
Loudest of all
My hearing
Loud laughter?
Who is sad
When I'm sad?..

I love my mom
L. Davydova

Mom brings me
Toys, candies,
But I love my mother
Not for that at all.
Funny songs
She hums
We're bored together
Never happens.
I open it for her
All your secrets.
But I love my mother
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for that
That she is my mother!

Multi-colored gift

I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.
But first I'm on red
Pressed too hard
And then, right after the red one
Purple broke,
And then the blue one broke,
And the orange one broke...
Still a beautiful portrait,
Because it's mom!

Who do we meet first?
Coming into the world, -
So this is our mommy
She's no cuter.
All life revolves around her,
Our whole world will be warmed by it,
She's been trying all her life
Save us from troubles.
She is a support in the house,
It's busy every hour.
And there is no one except
Who would love us so much.
So more happiness for her,
And life is longer,
And joy is her destiny,
And less sad things to do!

Lullaby for mom
I. Chernetskaya

Mom fussed for a long time:
All things to do, things to do, things to do...
Mom was so tired during the day,
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I’ll just stand in the cart.
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sing her a song.
I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's just a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom my song.
There is no more wonderful song.
Maybe I should sing louder
To give this song to mom
Was it heard in a dream?..

I'm helping mommy
I clean the house myself:
Then I’ll lose the dishes,
I'll spill all the juice!

I love my mommy
I'll help her today:
I'll lose my socks
I'll tear up my tights!

(G. Vieru)

I'll fall asleep next to my mother,
I will cling to her with my eyelashes.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy.

About mommy

It was quiet in the house in the morning,
I wrote my mother’s name on my palm.
Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,
Not on a stone wall,
I wrote my mother's name on my hand.
It was quiet in the house in the morning,
It became noisy during the day.
“What did you hide in your palm?”
“They started asking me.”
I unclenched my palm, I held happiness.
(Agniya Barto)

I know four letters
What is most important in the world.
And I'll tell you straight away,
These letters are the word MOTHER!

She is always important to us
Regardless of the years.
She gives us all life,
Walks quietly nearby.

Gives affection and warmth,
Even if it's hard.
Protects us with his heart
And hugs you with your soul.

There is a lot hidden in the word “mother”
Affection, care and palaces at home.
Delicious buns, cakes, donuts,
The best toys in the world.

Important advice, persuasion, notations
And sometimes different intonations.
Joy and pleasure are hidden,
Only love and, of course, birth.

I'm walking hand in hand with my mother,
I smile at everyone around me.
And I keep my back straight
Like a pompous turkey.

I'm proud of my mom!
It's cozy and warm with her.
And I think it’s the best!
How lucky I am with my mother!

Mom's smile is the best in the world!
There is a lot of affection and warmth hidden in her.
If you go around our entire planet
You won't find a more reliable and stronger shoulder.

Mom will never leave you in grief
Happiness will also be shared with us
And will always remain a strong support
And he will always hug you and always forgive you.

I'll write with white chalk
On the asphalt the word "MOM"
I will print the letters skillfully
Like an urgent telegram.

Mom goes to work in the morning
Will run by
And he will see how I can
Wonderful writing!

There is no more important word in the world
There are only four beeches in it.
Like warm pajamas
Mom will always warm us.

Dad can't be mom
His mustache is growing
He doesn't apply blush
And his character is cool.

Mom is softer and more tender,
And bakes a tastier pie,
Heals me when I'm sick
And it will relieve you of anxiety!

Kisses, caresses
And will hug you warmly
In life he will never stop loving me
And he will always understand me!

I'll cut out the heart
I'll give it to my mom
And I’ll say these words:
I love you.

I will give my mother the whole world:
All mountains, seas, oceans.
And I love her very much
After all, there is no one better than mom.

I love my mommy
And I will give her all the flowers,
And I’ll get a star from the sky,
I will become beautiful, just like my mother.

In the morning I will run to my mother,
And I'll hug you tightly,
And I'll whisper in her ear,
That there is no better mother in the world.

He will blow on the wound, give wise advice,
She will bake the most delicious pie.
And with his smile he will give me light -
My mother will not let you be sad.

Today we walked in the forest,
There were several of us guys.
They collected flowers for mom,
Which eyes are blinding.

Mom's smile shines
Like a little fish.
Plays with gentle rays,
I want to catch her with my hands.

I'll make a flower out of paper,
Or I’ll blind it with my hands.
And this little lump
I'll take it for mom.

I want to cuddle with my mother,
And whisper in your ear -
I will give you flowers
Dear friend.

Strong, beautiful,
I have mom
Smart and sweet
I love you!

The birds sing beautifully for mom,
The sun is shining brightly,
How I love my mother,
No one will replace her.

She brings me toys and candy
But I love her, of course, not for this,
Because she gives me happiness
And there is no better mother on earth.

Yesterday my mother and I conquered the sea,
They launched ships, planes and lights...
It's okay that it's a puddle! Mom knows everything you need
Transforming clouds into fabulous cities!

Poems for children 3-4 years old

Look what day it is
Sunshine through the window.
I want to give it to my mom
A little joy.

So that on a bright, warm day
Mom wasn't sad.
To never be happy
It wasn't enough for her.

Dear, dear
My mommy
Know that it is very strong
I love you.

All the flowers in the world
Only for you.
The best
My mommy.

Where can I find words like this?
So that mommy's dear
To speak of immeasurable love
And congratulations on such a day.

Instead of words to your mother
I'll hug you tightly,
And favorite flowers
On a spring day I will give it.

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
I am a dear little man,
Leave wishes:
Let happiness flow like a river.

Let health be the sea,
And luck of the caravan.
And warmth, kindness, smiles
There will be a whole ocean!

On this bright good day
Congratulations to mom.
And favorite flowers
I'll put it in a vase.

So that a smile blooms
Dear, dear.
It's good that I have
Mom is like that.

Mommy is my best friend
Or rather a friend.
I'm not scared at all with my mom
Neither heat nor blizzard.

I dance and sing with my mother,
Knead the dough together.
With my dear mother
Everything is interesting to me.

My very kind
Dear mom.
With her, adversity is not scary
And any trouble.

Hugs every day
And I kiss you on the cheek.
It's just a pity that they're flying headlong
Mom's years old.

Mommy gets up early.
Lots of things to do this morning:
Need to prepare breakfast
And eat together together.

It’s okay to style your hair,
Dress me up for kindergarten.
Iron dad's shirt
Feed the dog Glashka.

Well, in the evening again
Mom will go to bed late.

At my mom's
Warm hands,
Dad and I know
There is no better one.

She's so beautiful
She's so kind
Let her be happy
Mommy always.

Dear Mom,
There is no one more beautiful than you
I know with you
What is happiness.

You give me a smile
And your warmth
You definitely won't leave
You're lucky.

Even if I go around the whole world
I can't find a better mother,
Affectionate, sweetheart,
Well, the most beautiful.

You hug and kiss
And spoil you with treats,
I say thank you
After all, I love you very much.

Mom sings songs
Strokes my head
Always calls affectionately
He takes me to kindergarten.

I love my mother so much
I'm ready to give everything,
I call it the most, the most,
I will always love her.

My tender mother
You're the best
A snow-white smile,
The loudest laugh.

Thank you to my mom,
I love her very much
I know it's mutual
I can't even sleep without it.

Who is the most beautiful in the world?
Who sings the best?
Who, getting up at dawn,
Does he bake pancakes for me?

This is my dear mother,
You won't find anything better in the world,
And I don't need another one
She is my angel of love.

Let the wind rage a little
And the streets are deserted again,
Let the rain knock outside the window,
And I feel warm and cozy!

After all, as always, it warms me
Mommy's laughter, smiles, words!
Only with my mother does this always happen -
It’s as if the sun is always shining in the house!

Along the ringing waters of a stream
My boat is rushing,
And there is a spring flower in it, dear
For my beloved mother.

She will see and laugh,
He will turn to me with a smile
And I will tell her quietly:
“I love you more than anyone!”

The sun is shining so brightly
The birds are singing so loudly
The wind plays with the birch trees
And the flowers seem to bloom brighter...

It's all because mom
Smiled at me tenderly
And kiss early
She woke me up at dawn!

Mom is a good ray of light,
This is the sun in spring.
Mom will disperse the clouds,
If you and I are sad.

Mom is the best medicine
From illness and melancholy,
Mom is our kingdom
Affection, tenderness, love!

I love my mommy
I'll kiss her deeply
I'll climb onto her knees,
Let him tell me a story.

About a magical land
About one beauty.
And under my mother's voice
I'll only sleep for an hour.

I'll grow big soon
I will become a hero for the whole country!
To make my mother proud of me,
And I wasn’t angry about the cat.

I painted it a little
Murka and I disguised ourselves,
Only mom found us
Oh, and gave a spanking!

My mother is the most beloved
Kind, cheerful, beautiful.
I'll run to the green meadow,
And I’ll pick her some white daisies.

I'll give mommy a bouquet
Let him hug me back tenderly.
I won't upset her in any way
Because I love mommy.

My every day is filled with care,
She will surround me with affection.
Mom is not at all too lazy to help me,
I want to make her life a fairy tale.

And let her get tired sometimes
Sighing, he hugs me,
I will carry her love through the years,
After all, there is no purer love.

The birds were singing in the garden,
Water runs in streams.
And I'm walking down the street
I'm bringing flowers for my mother.

I'm in a hurry today,
I congratulate my dear ones.
And your soul will become brighter.
When I kiss you.

How I love my mother
I'll tell the whole world
I'll come running to the clearing soon
And I will collect beautiful flowers.

The wreath is beautiful for her
It will be the best decoration
May she be happy
And worthy of admiration.

In the morning, mom will cook porridge,
He will take me to kindergarten,
Unfortunately, he doesn't know
It's a sad time without her.

I'll cut out a flower for her
I'll keep it carefully,
Because very, very
I love my mother.

Will always support me
Hugs and kisses
My beloved mother
Always spoils me with something.

When I get big
I will give you the best home
A garage with a lot of cars
And the ocean under the window.

I'll give you a bouquet of flowers,
Perfume, chocolate, candy,
After all, there is no better mother,
And you won't find it in the world.

How I love Saturday
Mom doesn't go to work.
You can play with her
And then go for a walk on the street.

Feed you a delicious dinner,
Then the well-deserved dessert,
I sleep soundly with her in my arms,
I love my mother.

Mom meets the bunny - every day!
The seal also gives her candy
And the titmouse carries halva in its beak,
And the little wolf - sweet persimmon!

She will find an approach to everyone,
Because everyone is nicer and kinder.
I know for sure: go around the whole world -
There is no better mother in the world!

Mom, mommy, mommy -
I repeat again and again,
Because I gave it to you
I love mommy

And warmth and adoration,
And comfort and kindness...
I bow, respect,
And I LOVE you, mommy!

Mom has the answer to everything
There is enough time for everything:
I lie down - I don’t sleep,
I get up: “Hello! Here's milk and cookies."

And it’s still floating on the table
A large bowl of porridge.
Sad if - encourages -
Our mother is the best of all!

Wiser than Vasilisa.
More beautiful than the princess.
More courageous than Gerda, Maya
My mommy.

She will enchant
She will conjure
Comfort and mood
And joy for me!

I’ll draw my mom a rainbow-arc:
A red raspberry beckons in the meadow,
The little red fox is hiding in the grass,
A sunny little bunny jumps through the leaves.

The forest is lushly green in the picture,
The purity of heaven shines blue.
I splash the blue sea on a summer day,
Bright purple – juicy lilac.

Today I will write out chalk and pencils:
I’ll give the picture to my mother – from the bottom of my heart!

When mom is around, the house is cozy,
When mom is nearby, it’s not scary, it’s light:
She will kiss, she will always smile,
He hugs you, and immediately your heart feels warm.

But the mother is not around, and the child is scared,
And tears from the eyes fall like rain.
The puppy and kitten are sad without their mother,
Chickens, ducklings. Everyone wants a mom!

Fairy tales come to life in a book,
When mom reads them,
And somewhere all around
It disappears and disappears.

All that remains is a fairy tale.
And sleep is knocking on the window.
The daughter closes her eyes,
Murka's cat is sleeping on the stove.

Being a mother is a difficult job:
Cook, go to the store,
Clean the house and wash the dishes,
Smile at everyone, love everyone.

Being a mother is so easy and simple,
When they help you cook,
The kids wash the dishes themselves
And they clean the house together.

When mothers were little,
We dreamed of becoming adults,
To make the dresses beautiful and fashionable
Buy something for yourself every day.

When mothers became adults,
They forgot about what they dreamed of.
They buy toys
dolls, robots, rattles.

Me and my mother are two friends,
Two chatterboxes laughing.
The sun loves us very much
They give rays of freckles.

They say we are alike
Like drops of water:
We smile at passers-by,
The pigtails are dancing merrily.

Poems about mother for children 5 - 7 years old

I'll wake up at dawn today,
I'll get the brushes and paints again,
I'll draw on a big, big easel
Your greatest love -

Today I will draw my mother,
Her eyes, which always sparkle with kindness,
Her cheeks, which I kiss so often,
Her hands that caress in bad weather!

I will wake up at dawn today -
I won’t sleep through this moment today.
I'll paint my mom on the easel,
Because I love her!

Mom can do anything in the world!
All the children are proud of their mother!
My dad is good too
But without your mother you will be lost.

Who will cook delicious porridge for me?
Who will braid the hair?
Who will tell me a fairy tale?
Who will sing me a song?

Who will blow on your knee,
What if I suddenly fall?
I'll go and hug my mom,
I can't live without her!

My mom is the best!
She has a cheerful laugh
Mom is so smart
Mom knows everything in the world!

Whatever you ask, he will give an answer.
How many planets are there in the sky?
What do monkeys eat in the morning?
Do elephants wear pants?

When I grow up big,
I'll read a lot of books
So that I can become smart like my mother,
And know the answers to everything.

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