What to do to prevent your shoes from stinging. What to do if your shoes are too tight

How to customize your shoes?

The stores offer shoe models for every taste. The difficulty is that during fitting it is difficult to understand exactly whether the shoes will pinch, rub or press. To evaluate whether shoes are comfortable, you need to spend several hours in a row in them.

After purchasing, I recommend spending a couple of hours at home in your new clothes, and try to move actively in these shoes. This will allow you to understand whether the new shoes are too tight or not. If you experience any discomfort, try taking your shoes in, otherwise you will have to return them to the store.

I will share simple and effective methods on how to stretch your shoes:

Method 1. Natural

How to trample new shoes without using special products, solutions and other methods? This can be done if you wear them around the house for a long time.

But it will take several weeks before the shoes become comfortable to wear regularly.

To break in your shoes as quickly as possible, I recommend:

  • zones of rubbing on the legs with adhesive tape;
  • put on socks;
  • treat the inside of the shoes with alcohol.

You need to wear shoes at home for 2 hours every day.. Within a week you will notice that the shoes have become much more comfortable and spacious for your feet.

Method 2. Alcohol

You can stretch natural leather and varnish using alcohol. This is the most effective way to quickly adapt new shoes to the individual characteristics of the foot.

Instructions for using alcohol to stretch new shoes:

Illustration Sequencing

Step 1. Preparing the solution

Step 2. Material processing

Take cotton pads, soak them in the prepared solution and wipe the shoes outside and inside.

Step 3. Breaking in

After careful treatment, put on thick natural socks and shoes on top. Spend so much time in your shoes until the alcohol solution is completely dry.

Step 4. Consolidate the result

It is not always possible to achieve the desired effect the first time.

To improve and consolidate the result, repeat the previous steps the next day after the initial treatment.

I know from personal experience that this method works because:

  1. Alcohol softens structure of the material.
  2. The shoe shape is adjustable according to the individual physiological characteristics of the foot.

Method 3. Freezing

Freezing is another way to stretch the leather or suede of tight shoes.


  • suitable for all materials from which shoes are made;
  • does not require your active participation in the stretching process.

To make tight shoes comfortable, we use freezing:

Illustration Sequencing

Step 1. Preparing inventory

You need to take 2 plastic bags.

It is advisable to use ziplock bags to prevent water from spilling.

Step 2. Filling the bags

Pour water into bags.

The amount of liquid must be controlled so that the bag fits freely into the sock and does not tear.

Step 3. Send packages to shoes

Carefully place the bag of water into tight shoes.

Step 4: Freezing

Place the shoes in the freezer for 8 hours. It is convenient to carry out a similar procedure before going to bed at night.

Step 5. Consolidate the result

Remove the shoes from the freezer and remove the ice packs.

Method 4. Newspaper bombs

If the shoes are too small and you need to quickly solve this problem, use newspaper “bombs”. The method is quite effective and simple.

Advantage: the result is achieved in a short time.


  • White streaks may remain on suede products;
  • After a while, the shoes will shrink even more in size.

Illustration Sequencing

Step 1. Preparation

You will need:

  • old newspapers;
  • a bowl of warm water.

There should be a lot of newspapers so that there is enough for both shoes.

Step 2. Formation of “bombs”
  1. Take one sheet of newspaper.
  2. Scrunch it into a ball.
  3. Soak in warm water.
  4. Then squeeze thoroughly.

Make as many balls as needed to fill the empty space in the shoe.

Step 3. Filling shoes with newspaper bombs

Place the balls inside the shoes in a dense layer, pushing the newspaper as hard as you can with your hands.

Please note that the “bombs” should fit as closely as possible to each other. Otherwise, the result may not be achieved.

Step 4. Drying
  1. Choose a place that is well ventilated.
  2. Place the shoes there to dry for about 5 hours.

Do not use the battery for this purpose. Drying should take place naturally.

Newspaper « bombs » Great for stretching natural leather. For suede products, it is better to use other methods.

Method 5. High temperatures

You can soften suede or leather shoes using high temperatures. I know two ways:

  1. Boiling water. Treat the inside of the shoes with boiling water, after removing the insoles. Wait for the material to cool, put on a thick sock, then shoes. Keep your shoes on for 30 minutes.

  1. Hairdryer. A more gentle method. Before processing, lubricate the leather product with glycerin to prevent the shoes from cracking. Warm your shoes and socks well with hot air. Immediately put them on for half an hour.

Be careful! High temperatures are only suitable for high-quality shoes. Shoes made of leatherette or other leatherette will come apart or crack.

Method 6. Professional products

Shoe stores sell all kinds of sprays, gels, powders and other products for professional shoe softening. If your shoes feel tight, try this method.

Advantages: reliability and efficiency, the ability to select a product taking into account the material of manufacture.

Flaw: high price.

If you doubt the quality of the purchased shoes, then I advise you to use only professional products. This guarantees the safety of the shoes and the absence of defects.


I told you what to do if your shoes are too tight: you learned the six most effective and affordable methods for stretching tight shoes. All you have to do is put them into practice.

In addition to the above, watch the video in this article. I will be glad to share knowledge - share your experience of breaking in shoes in the comments.

Did you buy new shoes? They are so beautiful that there are simply no words! There are no words, but plenty of interjections. Oohs and aahs flow in like a river, because the new shoes quickly rubbed their feet blood. It seems unfair. After all, in the store the shoes fit like a glove and clung to the foot so effectively that they seemed like a continuation of it. And here it’s such a shame! Don’t be discouraged, a new pair of shoes may chafe, but you have the power to correct the situation and give comfort to your own feet. So, what to do if your shoes rub?

Problematic question

What shoes do you prefer? Comfortable or beautiful? It is not always possible to combine these two qualities. Weightless shoes with high stiletto heels make the foot look small and the gait look sexy, but there is no smell of comfort here. You will have to control every step, and keep a blissful smile on your face, so that no one thinks that new shoes are rubbing blisters. What to do? The expression of agony on the face has never been beautiful for anyone, and you will not be an exception. By the way, sneakers can also cause problems. If the insole “walks”, the toe has synthetic fibers, and the sides are too hard, then calluses are inevitable. But why endure if it hurts? After all, you can, at least a little, make it easier for yourself to adapt to a new pair so that you can wear it with pleasure, and not with the hope that it will soon wear out.

Beginning of the season

Oh yes, the beginning of every season is the time for chafing and blistering of the heels. The shoes look like lasts, and the boots look like real torture chambers. In summer, shoes rub your heels. What to do? Take care of this prospect in advance! Buy several pairs with a cooling effect in advance. Yes, the price of these things is a bit steep, but your feet will be fresh and beautiful from morning to evening. For those who like closed shoes even in the summer, it is better to purchase silicone heel pads or socks. It will be more comfortable and neat this way.

At home, try on a new pair and walk around the room in it, but not with a trained catwalk gait, but as you walk in everyday life. Sit down and adjust the strap on your sandal. Do a few squats and try to jump. What does it feel like? And if you have to run after the bus, then it would be good to practice running in new shoes. The test is done, and your legs are tired even at home. So what to do if your shoes rub? Let's start using funds from grandma's hiding places.

Conservative approach

Do you feel discomfort in the heel area? Then take a piece of soap or a candle. Rub the inside of the back of the shoe with it. Repeat the procedure a couple of times a day until the shoes turn into slippers according to the degree of comfort.

What to do if new leather shoes rub? This will take more time. Take out two plastic bags, fill them with water and put them in your shoes. The shoes themselves go into the freezer overnight. When water freezes, it expands and shoes expand with it.

If an urgent date is on the horizon, and your shoes are too tight, then use an emergency measure. Find the thickest ones in the house, put them on and put your shoes on top. Now blow a stream of hot air from a hair dryer for a long time on the most problematic areas (toe, heel). Move your foot from time to time so that the shoe stretches towards you.

For money

If the old methods, tested by millions of women and girls, do not inspire confidence, then you can trust the beauty industry and run to the nearest shoe salon. There will probably be more than one tube of stretch foam or similar spray. This type of product should be applied to problem areas and shoes should be worn in.

The spray will help if you have already rubbed your foot with your shoes. What to do? Yes, use the old trick with woolen socks, but first warm up the shoes with a hairdryer and quickly spray them with stretcher. After cooling, the procedure must be repeated. After such execution, even uncomfortable shoes will become slippers!

If only the edges of the shoes are problematic, then soft silicone strips that protect against excess friction will be your salvation.

If it hurts even to walk

Let's imagine the most terrible situation: rush hour, crowded buses, the middle of the working day. New shoes, which seemed perfect in the morning, have now turned into monsters raping your feet. I need to run errands, but there are bloody blisters on the heel, and my toes threaten to curl into a snail if they are not urgently removed from the shoes into the light of day. What to do if your shoes are rubbing, but you don’t even have time to recover?

Find the nearest bench, take off your shoes. If you are wearing ankle boots or socks, take them off too. Let your feet breathe. In the meantime, examine your purse. Perhaps there is a band-aid there? Or a bandage? Or at least a wet wipe? If there is a mini-bottle of perfume there, then the wounds can be disinfected. Do not peel the skin off the blisters, otherwise the pain will go through the roof. Make an alcohol lotion and use a soft cloth to apply the most problematic areas in the shoe. Stretch your fingers a little. If there is a fountain nearby and the area is free for walks, then soak your feet in it. On a hot day this will be your nirvana! After 10-15 minutes, put your shoes back on. Now you can at least get to the pharmacy to buy a band-aid and cover up the wounds.

For those who are unlucky

What to do if your shoes are constantly rubbing? If the skin is so delicate that it is impossible not to injure it? Always break in your shoes. Put it on a wet sock and walk until the latter is completely dry. Purchase lasts to stretch your shoes to the desired shape and size. Immediately soften the backdrop by tapping it with a hammer. This is relevant advice for boots, ankle boots and other hard shoes. To avoid scratching the skin, cover the back with a soft cloth.

You can modify the wet sock method and use alcohol instead of water. It dries much faster, and the shoes, accordingly, will take shape more quickly. True, alcohol can ruin the color. But you can use beer for suede!

No unnecessary sacrifices

At the end of the conversation, you can discuss ways to wear shoes with minimal risks. So, what to do if your shoes rub against calluses? You can take a large towel, wet it and wrap it around the box containing your new pair of shoes. Leave everything like this overnight. The box will naturally soften, the inside will be humid and stuffy, causing the shoes to become pliable.

Before trying on shoes, lubricate your feet with rich baby cream. Try to let it soak in. Then the leather will become softer, friction will disappear, and the shoes will not press so hard. If there is a day before the new pair “walks”, then stuff a lump of damp newspaper inside at night. Let everything dry without your help. Only then will the shoes stretch.

Finally, it will be easy and quick to get caught in the rain in a new pair. The shoes will begin to squelch, play will appear, and the leather will shrink down the leg. Once the shoe is dry, you will be surprised at how comfortable it is.

There are many ways to break in shoes, so don’t be afraid to experiment and remember that blisters are easier to prevent than to cure!

Buying shoes is a long and exhausting process. But the real torment begins later, when suddenly the shoes that seemed so soft and comfortable in the fitting room begin to cause discomfort, press or rub your feet on the street. If such a misfortune has happened to you, and the question of what to do if your shoes are too tight has arisen, you should not fall into hysterics or immediately run to the store for new shoes. This problem can be easily eliminated at home, using improvised means.

Basic rules for choosing shoes

The best way to solve the problem is avoid its appearance. If you follow simple recommendations when choosing shoes, you will not have problems wearing them in the future.

How to break in shoes that pinch and rub

You don’t need to think that immediately after purchasing you will be able to wear your new shoes all day long. First you need to spread them so that they take the shape of your leg. During the first days, it is recommended to wear new clothes for no longer than an hour. It is advisable to cover problem areas of the feet that usually chafe with a plaster (usually the area at the back of the foot, just above the heel, and toes). This will prevent the appearance of calluses.

If you have a question about how to break in shoes that rub your heel, you need to try softening the heel. This can be done using a special spray sold in shoe stores, or use a wide selection of folk remedies.

Leather shoes

There is a widespread myth that over time the skin “breaks down on its own”, you just have to wait a little. But you don’t have to wait for the weather by the sea, but try to speed up this process.

If traditional methods do not help, you can always purchase special products for stretching the leather at a shoe store.

Artificial products

This includes products made from various types of leatherette and synthetics. It requires slightly different handling than leather. Let's look at what materials are usually used to soften artificial shoes.

It is better to carry out shoes at home. If the painful sensations are gone, it means that the goal has been achieved and you can go out into the world.

What to do if the back of your boot rubs

Boots are harder to break in than shoes.. The height of the boots makes it difficult to reach the heel. The method of using a hammer or pliers to soften a hard back is clearly out of the question here. You can use a patch that is glued to the heel and to the boot itself from the inside, thus creating double protection for the leg. But while walking, the patch may fall off and rub your leg even more.

A silicone lining may be a good solution. If you place it under your foot, it will reduce the slipping of your foot during movement and therefore prevent chafing.

You can also use a patch made of thick soft fabric. It is glued or sewn onto the inside of the boot.

If calluses appear

Unfortunately, despite all precautions, It’s not always possible to protect your foot from rubbing. You can rub a callus even with old and seemingly comfortable shoes, even with soft indoor slippers. What to do if corns or calluses appear, the skin becomes rough, turns red or even starts to bleed?

The first step is to replace shoes that have caused problems after wearing them. Replacement does not mean throwing it away or taking it to the store, especially if the problem arose for the first time. It's easy enough to wear something else in the following days.

Calluses are blisters filled with whitish liquid, so-called dropsy. Any touch to them is painful, therefore, after any medical procedures, baths and compresses, it is necessary to protect the damaged area from external influences with a plaster. For quick healing of calluses, a compress made from plantain or freshly cut aloe leaf helps. Under no circumstances should you puncture a water callus, as this can lead to infection.

Dry calluses, so-called corns- these are rough areas of skin that form at the site of constant pressure. Usually this is the sole of the foot and big toe. They need to be treated with special compresses and baths.

Potato juice can be used to treat old, rough calluses. If you apply such a compress at night, it will soften the corns. To steam them, baths of a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a decoction of chamomile flowers will also help. A good remedy is a foot bath with a solution of table salt. Dilute a spoonful of salt in a liter of water and place your feet in it.

Important: Foot baths cannot be performed in hot water; the water temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature.

To prevent blisters, you need to do more than just wear shoes that fit properly. It is also important to monitor the condition of your feet. For example, it is better to wear socks made from natural fabrics. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through well, causing your feet to sweat. Wet skin is more susceptible to friction, and excessive sweating of the feet creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and the appearance of fungus.

You should regularly lubricate your feet with a nourishing cream; once a week it is recommended to make foot baths from a decoction of calendula, chamomile or oak bark. These substances with antiseptic and tanning properties will remove excessive sweating of the feet and promote the healing of cracks or wounds on the feet.

If all else fails, all attempts to break in the shoes have been in vain and it is completely impossible to wear new shoes, people wonder whether can they be returned to the store?.

Of course, if you purchased the product in a company store, you have this right. If you bought shoes somewhere on the market from a spontaneous merchant - alas.

The main thing is not to throw away the receipt immediately after purchase.. This is the first thing necessary to safely return the product back to the store. The information on the check must be readable.

The appearance of the shoes should not be damaged, no damage or scratches. If you walked down the street and there were traces of earth or grass on the soles, the goods most likely cannot be returned. The presentation must be preserved.

You can return your purchase only within the period specified under the warranty (usually no more than 14 days).

It is better to return in the same box, which you purchased, or in the same branded package.

Attention, TODAY only!

How often do you find out after buying a pair of shoes that they feel a little tight? Yes, almost always. Because human feet are not ideal, and shoe lasts are standard. What to do? How to break in shoes that feel a little tight on your toes? Do not put new shoes or boots in the closet.

As one famous cartoon character said: “Calm, only calm.” Today we'll figure it out together. Go.

General rules

It is worth keeping in mind that you can only stretch shoes that are a little narrow in the toes by half a size. If you try really hard, it will be the right size. Not more. And even then, according to all the rules, this process cannot be called stretching. The shoe simply molds to the shape of your foot and any discomfort in the toe area disappears.

There are several methods that are widely used at home to correct the situation. But they are not suitable for all materials. Genuine leather and fabric are best stretched. The “tightest” materials are rubber and artificial leather. Let's take a closer look at all the options for stretching.

Alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids

A method known to our grandmothers. You will need:

  • alcohol (about 40-50 ml)
  • shoes
  • thick but not thick socks
  • your legs

The procedure is very simple. You need to pour half of the alcohol (or cologne) inside the shoes. The other half is used to wet the socks. Then you need to put on shoes, boots, boots, or whatever you have, and walk around the house in them for a while.

Advice. Stretching time can be used wisely in the kitchen.

Usually 1.5-2 hours are enough for shoes that are tight in the toes to acquire the desired shape and stop squeezing. You just need to walk, and not sit or even lie down. Otherwise there will be no point.

Some sources recommend using this method with caution. They say that alcohol can harm the materials and the shoes will deteriorate. We dare to disagree. Because such an amount of liquid is not capable of causing any harm.

By the way, these same sources strongly advise using thick socks. Or even 2 pairs. And here we also disagree. If only because getting into new shoes with thick socks is quite problematic. Because after such an execution your shoes will turn into galoshes and will clap on your feet. Or worse, the material may simply burst from excessive stretching.

Advice. There are recommendations to moisten the outer surface of the shoes with alcohol. But for some reason it is not explained why. But really, what is the use of such a procedure? Especially if it's a high-quality leather pair of boots that don't get wet. Or, for example, rubber boots.


There is another option for stretching shoes that feel a little tight in your toes. You will need:

  • regular cold water (even from the tap will do)
  • a couple of very tight bags (intact, without holes or damage)
  • shoes
  • elastic band or thick rope
  • frost outside (a regular household refrigerator freezer will do)

What should you do to stretch your shoes? You need to put the bags inside your boots or shoes. Then straighten it thoroughly. Pour cold water inside. Not to the top of the bag. And so much so that the bag in the shoes is filled to approximately the middle of the last, if these are shoes. Or ankle length if they are boots or boots.

Now tie the bags tightly near the water. After all the procedures, the shoes are exposed to the cold on the balcony. Or put strictly on the sole in the freezer.

The shoes are left in this position for a period of 18 hours to 24 hours. What happens? Water freezes, ice expands and stretches the skin.

After this, all that remains is to bring the couple into the heat and melt the ice. And you can safely put on new clothes. By the way, this method works great only on natural materials. But it is worth keeping in mind that patent leather may not withstand such treatment at low temperatures.

How to wear rubber shoes?

It happens that rubber boots or sneakers also feel a little tight in the toes. It's not a problem. Popular wisdom has long come up with a way to stretch such shoes. You will need:

  • large basin to accommodate the width of the sole
  • hot water, about +75-85°C
  • thick socks
  • a couple of thick film bags
  • your legs

The procedure is as follows. Thick socks are put on your feet. The packages are secured on top. This design is necessary so as not to burn the skin. Now very hot water is poured into the basin. And they put shoes in it. Rubber boots can be completely submerged. For sneakers, it is recommended to warm up only the sole, without affecting the fabric base of the upper.

Warm-up time is about 15-20 minutes. Now you need to take the shoes out of the water and, without waiting for the rubber to cool, put them on your feet. Then all that remains is to walk around in boots or sneakers for about an hour. During this time, the shoes in the toe area will stretch a little, cool down and take the shape of the foot.

Advice. Do not confuse rubber with polyurethane foam. Shoes with soles made of it will not withstand high temperatures. It will turn into galoshes.

Another crazy tip: stuff the toes of your shoes tightly with wet newspapers and leave them until they dry, but not in a warm place. How long will it take for this design to dry? A week? Month? That is if it's not warm. Plus, the shoes will not stretch. Verified.

Some people buy very expensive shoes. Rarely, it can also be tight in the toe area. Owners are afraid to use home stretching methods for fear of causing irreparable harm. But there is a way out for them too. More precisely, as many as 3:

  1. Go to a good shoemaker. For a very reasonable fee, the shoemaker will stretch the shoes in the right place. And without any harm. Just don't ask for the impossible. Remember - half a size, one size maximum.
  2. Sewing shoes to order. An expensive, but sometimes necessary measure. Especially for people with non-standard feet. Regular shoes from the mass market will not suit them. But such a new thing will fit perfectly.
  3. Thanks to the shoe industry for selling a great variety of sprays and foams. They are designed specifically for stretching shoes in problem areas. By the way, the prices are quite affordable, and the bottle lasts a long time.
Using such tools is very simple. It is enough to know exactly the material from which the experimental shoes are made. Then you just have to carefully read the instructions on the package or bottle so as not to make a mistake with your choice. And the last thing to do is to strictly follow these instructions.

Believe me, applying more product will not improve the final result. As does the increase in break-in time. There is a limit to everything. Therefore, you should not try to stretch your shoes too much. It could harm her.

What are the benefits of industrial products? Ease of use and a huge range. You can choose foam for absolutely any material.

Now you are not afraid of a new acquisition. You are well aware of how to break in shoes that feel a little tight on your toes. Happy shopping and happy feet!

Video: how to stretch tight shoes and break in shoes

If you walked into a store and saw a pair of chic shoes, you would definitely want to buy them. But what to do if the shoes are tight and a little too small? Is it possible to take it apart? Yes, if you know some tricks.

Is it possible to do this? In what cases is this necessary?

It is very difficult to find shoes that fit perfectly. But remember that most of the materials from which modern boots, shoes, or shoes are made are quite soft, so they can be stretched. But it is important to know when to stop, since strong deformations will definitely not do any good.

It is worth remembering that even if the boots are a little tight, over time they will stretch a little if you wear them constantly. So don't rush to take drastic measures.

Here are the cases in which you should break in your shoes quickly:

  • Shoes “shrink” after washing in a machine (some choose this method of cleaning) or after rain.
  • The shoes are one size small (for everyday wear, they can only be worn half a size, no more).
  • At the end of the day, when your legs swell, you feel cramped.
  • The length is perfect, but the width is too small.
  • The width is suitable, I would like to increase the length.

How to stretch shoes?

So, how can you stretch new shoes that are too tight? It all depends on what result you want to achieve, as well as what material your shoes are made of. Your patience also influences the choice of method. Well, having free time is also an important factor.

Universal simple methods

How to quickly break in tight shoes without much effort? There are several options that are suitable for almost all materials:

  1. Special means for stretching. Go to a shoe store and ask the seller for a special compound for stretching shoes. There are different products for different materials: suede, leather, leatherette and patent leather. Compositions are available in different forms. This can be a spray, liquid or foam. You can ask the seller about the rules of use or read the instructions for use.
  2. Break in your shoes gradually. For example, wear it first for a couple of hours a day, then increase the time period. But such breaking-in may take a week or two. In addition, regularity is important.
  3. You can remove all authority from yourself and take your shoes or boots to a shoe workshop. Masters of this type of business have encountered similar requests more than once and probably know what to do in this case.
  4. Buy a special shoe stretcher. You can purchase it either in a specialized shoe store or in a large hypermarket, in the shoe care products department.
  5. If you need to act quickly, you can find a friend whose foot size is slightly larger than yours. In a few hours of torment, she can destroy your shoes, if, of course, she agrees to such “executions.”
  6. Put on woolen socks and then put on new tight boots or shoes. In a couple of hours of walking in this form, you are guaranteed to be plus half a size.

Winter shoes

These shoes can withstand frost and temperature changes, so you can resort to the help of cold weather.

Here's what you'll need:

  • bag (plastic and durable);
  • tap water;
  • free freezer.

Here's what to do:

  1. Fill the bag with water.
  2. Place it in the shoes so that it completely fills the entire space.
  3. Seal the bag tightly.
  4. Place the shoes in the freezer for 8-10 hours. If you went to school, you probably know that when water freezes and turns into ice, it expands. So the bag will expand and stretch the shoes.
  5. After the required time has passed, take out your long-suffering boots or shoes. But do not rush to immediately take out the ice pack, you may damage the material. Wait a moment for the water to thaw.

Leather shoes

If you need to break in leather shoes, you can use one of the methods suggested below.

  1. You can use alcohol or an alcohol solution (vodka will also work). Soak a cotton pad in this liquid and thoroughly wipe the inside of the shoes. Now put on several pairs of socks (or one thick pair), and then your shoes or boots. Walk like this for an hour or two. By the way, you can use vinegar instead of alcohol. Surely after such procedures it will remain. You can remove it using a regular soap solution and airing in fresh air.
  2. Try using boiling water. Boil water and pour it directly into your shoes, then pour it out immediately. Then put on your shoes (possibly thick socks) and walk around in them a little. After this, dry the shoes. But this method is quite extreme, so if you are not sure of the quality of the shoes, then it is better not to risk it.
  3. Also . Wear warm socks and your tight shoes. Turn on the hairdryer and warm up especially narrow areas for 10-15 minutes. Then turn off the device and walk for 10 minutes. After this, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Do all this until the shoes become soft and stop pressing.
  4. And cowboys used to use grain. Try this method: pour grain or cereal into your shoes that swells when wet (for example, rice). Pour water in there and leave the shoes overnight. Remove the cereal, wipe the inside surface and wear your boots a little.


The following methods are suitable for suede shoes:

  • The method already described using a freezer.
  • Regular beer will do. Just wipe the inside of your shoes with it, and then put them on with warm socks and walk around in them a little. After this, wipe the inside surface with a cloth soaked in soapy water. And be sure to check your shoes to completely get rid of the smell.

Remember that suede is a soft material, so be careful not to overdo it!

Patent leather shoes

Alcohol is great for patent leather shoes. Want to speed up the process? Then soak thick socks in an alcohol solution (one part alcohol and two parts water), put them on (you can put bags on your feet if you are afraid of burning your skin with alcohol) and walk around in your shoes until the socks become dry. If necessary, the steps can be repeated. If you did everything correctly, then you don’t have to worry about the consequences.

Artificial materials

If you need to wear shoes made of artificial material (faux leather), then folk remedies can also help in this case. Here are some ways:

  1. Think about vodka or cologne. Spray the inside of your shoes with the mixture and wear them for two to three hours.
  2. Or you can use newspaper. Wrinkle it and wet it until it swells. Fill your shoes with newspaper and leave them overnight. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Textile shoes

To break in fabric shoes, use boiling water. Pour it directly into your shoes or boots, then literally pour it out after half a minute or a minute. Immediately put the shoes on your feet and walk in them until they are completely dry.

You can also fill your shoes with wet, swollen toilet paper and then dry them at room temperature. But you shouldn’t use newspapers; they can leave marks and streaks on the fabric.

Wear your shoes with pleasure and comfort!

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