How to use foot socks. How do pedicure socks work?

Everything is so simple that you can’t even believe it: I put on plastic socks containing a gel-like mass inside, sat there for a couple of hours, rinsed my feet - and after 7 days my feet were perfect.

The principle of operation of the socks is simple: the gel-like substance inside is an acid peeling that only affects rough areas of the skin. During those two hours during which you walked in socks, active acids penetrate the skin, including dense layers of calluses and corns, soften it and trigger regenerative processes. 2-3 days after use, the skin begins to peel, calluses and corns disappear, and after a week the skin of the feet becomes smooth and soft. Outwardly, it is similar to how skin comes off after tanning. At the end of the process, only young skin remains on the legs.

But is it really safe? Can socks replace a salon pedicure? We interviewed experts.

Victoria’s Dreams manicure and pedicure master Nayla Mushulova:

“First of all, it is worth noting that this new product cannot be an alternative to a professional salon pedicure, as is often said. This is due to the fact that a salon pedicure includes not only an exfoliation procedure, which can be achieved with the help of socks, but also skin and nail care. In addition, in a professional salon, a specialist can select individual care that is right for you. You can use these socks as an addition. But I recommend being very careful with them: do not use them often and leave them on for no more than 30-60 minutes, depending on the condition of the skin and the recommendations of the product itself, as they can damage the skin with very deep exfoliation. Don’t forget that pedicure is primarily a medical procedure, so at Victoria’s Dreams we use Israeli professional cosmetics ADN, which offers not only care, but also gentle exfoliation. And to maintain the effect at home, you can use scrubs and professional pedicure files.”


Olga, SkyNails pedicurist:

“We are wary of Asian pedicure socks, which are so popular as an at-home alternative to salon treatments, for several reasons.

The first reason is that socks can cause a severe allergic reaction, as well as pain. The composition of the product is intended exclusively for rough and thick skin, which girls rarely pay attention to. The fact is that the composition of the socks contains quite aggressive components that can adversely affect the delicate skin of the feet.

The second reason is the huge number of fakes. Asian socks are quite expensive products, but in pursuit of an affordable price, girls often purchase cheap substitutes.

Professionals do not recommend using Asian socks, but if you still decide to purchase them, then strictly follow the instructions and under no circumstances do a pedicure for three weeks to a month.”

The article will tell you about what pedicure socks are, how to use them and where to order from Aliexpress?

Exfoliating pedicure socks, foot mask from Aliexpress: instructions for use

Pedicure is not only a good habit, but also a mandatory procedure for the beauty and health of your feet. A pedicure involves not only cutting your nails, but also removing rough skin from your feet, toes and heels. Of course, all this can be done manually using a number of special tools, such as:

The following device deserves special attention: pedicure socks. They are necessary in order to easily and effectively remove rough skin from the feet, nourish and moisturize the skin. There are several types of pedicure socks:

The peculiarity of pedicure socks is that, like nothing else, they are able to exfoliate dead and dead skin from the feet, making the feet incredibly smooth and soft. The secret of the action of this product is simple - inside the socks there is a special substance that deeply nourishes the skin and exfoliates. You don’t even have to do anything and vigorously rub your heels with pumice! All you have to do is put on your socks and stay in them for a while, and then rinse and remove the product.

The substance allows every skin cell to renew itself through regeneration. The substance contains acids (for example, lactic and salicylic), which fight for the beauty and health of the skin. After removing all the old skin layer (this happens within two weeks), you will have “youthful”, velvety and rosy skin. Pedicure socks make this completely painless, “removing” all corns and calluses, cracks and plantar warts.

IMPORTANT: For the procedure to be effective for you, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of each product. It indicates the exact time of wearing socks and the procedure after the procedure, as well as the frequency of use per week.

Instructions for use:

  • Prepare your feet for the procedure
  • Remove nail polish
  • Wash your feet with soap
  • Dry your feet completely
  • Open the bag
  • Put on socks (there are two types of socks: with a napkin already soaked inside or with a bag that should be squeezed into the socks).

Any socks with the effect of a moisturizing mask or peeling can be purchased on the store pages Aliexpress. Here you will be pleased with a large selection of products and reasonable prices. If you have never shopped at Aliexpress, check out the special instructions and go through the simple one. Specially prepared information about the rules and bonus program of the store will also help you.

Gel pedicure socks for cracked heels Sosu and Baby Foot in China on Aliexpress: review, catalog with price

On the store’s website you can also find a subcategory of products such as gel socks for cracks. They look very unusual, because they should only be worn on the heel area. The socks intensively moisturize the rough skin on the heels, ridding it of hardened pieces and thereby preventing deep and painful cracks.

In Aliexpress, socks from two manufacturers are in great demand and popularity: Sosu And Baby Foot. Each has proven itself to be an effective and efficient remedy that will help moisturize the skin of the feet and rid it of imperfections. The principle of operation of the socks is the same - they should be put on clean feet and kept for some time, the procedure should be done several times with a temporary break (carefully read the instructions on each pack). Typically, peeling time takes about 2 weeks.

In Aliexpress you can buy:

How long to keep socks for pedicure - foot masks, from Aliexpress?

If you are unable to understand the instructions on the product packaging, you should use these general guidelines:

  • Completely prepare your legs for the procedure
  • Put on pedicure socks and carefully seal everything with the stickers that come in the set so that the product cannot come out.
  • Wear regular socks over pedicure socks.
  • Time to keep socks on feet – 2 hours
  • After this, the remaining product should be washed off
  • You will be able to notice the full result (skin renewal) after 2 weeks.

Can pregnant women use pedicure socks with Aliexpress?

The socks are completely safe for pregnant women, because all components of the substance act externally without being absorbed into soft tissues. Pregnant women can peel without restrictions using pedicure socks at any time.

Pedicure acid peeling socks, foot mask from Aliexpress: reviews

Valeria:“I always give myself acid peels using socks. It is effective and good for your feet. The main thing is not to overdo it. Personally, my limit is 3-4 times a year, more often is harmful to the skin.”

Irina:“I have never tried this kind of peeling, but I really want to. I’ve always made do with a bunch of brushes and files, now I’m thinking of ordering them on Aliexpress. I looked at the catalog – the prices are ridiculous, for such pennies and such an effect!”

Arina:“I have been working as a manicurist and pedicurist for more than 6 years. After pedicure socks appeared on the market, my work became less difficult and unpleasant. I always recommend to my clients to do peeling this way!”

Video: “Baby foot pedicure socks”

Cosmetic foot care is relevant for both women and many men. And not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also to maintain skin health. Not everyone considers it advisable to visit beauty salons to treat their heels, preferring to carry out the procedure themselves. Pedicure socks will come to the rescue, which are designed to gently but most effectively free the foot from keratinized epidermis at home.

General information and principle of operation

Using pedicure exfoliating socks.

Exfoliating socks- an invention of resourceful Asian craftsmen. Main manufacturers: Japan, China, Korea. This pedicure device is a kind of sealed “chuni” of a classic shape made of thick durable polyethylene. There is an active solution inside. There are variants of socks in which the exfoliating composition is included in separate containers; you need to fill it yourself. Each pair is suitable for foot sizes from 36 to 45 (average parameters).

The principle of operation for such products is the same, regardless of the manufacturer: the active solution penetrates the layers of rough skin, softens them and stimulates peeling without damaging the living and healthy epidermis.

Due to the fact that abrasive effects are excluded, the growth of a new layer of epithelium does not occur as intensively, the effect lasts longer than from a regular pedicure.


The socks owe their miraculous effects to the lactic acid they contain. This substance is a biofermentation product and is completely safe. Lactic acid is actively used in the cosmetics industry and is also found in the human body through a number of products. It is thanks to it that homemade cucumbers are salted and cheeses acquire their taste.

Lactic acid affects the skin as follows:

  • intensively softens, moisturizes and prevents dehydration;
  • exfoliates non-functional epithelium;
  • helps strengthen the natural protective barrier;
  • stimulates regeneration processes;
  • the high content of lactothiones provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

But not all manufacturers of pedicure socks use lactic acid as a basis. Some use salicylic acid, which also has a powerful exfoliating effect and antibacterial properties, but has a pronounced drying effect, which is inappropriate for the skin of the feet in most cases.

In addition to acids, the socks contain various auxiliary additives, the purpose of which is an additional softening, nourishing, antiseptic and deodorizing effect. Mainly natural plant extracts are used.

Chinese and Japanese socks for pedicure: what is the difference

Any market is saturated with products from China, but the lottery principle applies here - it’s good if you are lucky enough to immediately purchase a quality product. This also applies to pedicure foot socks. They cost 2-3 times cheaper than Japanese ones, but there are complaints about a number of manufacturers.

Chinese socks for pedicure: 3 main consumer complaints:

  1. Pronounced chemical unpleasant odor.
  2. The contents are squeezed out of the polyethylene and are unevenly distributed.
  3. The exfoliation process takes longer and occurs at a lower quality than is intended for such products.

The above troubles occur due to the fact that some manufacturers “sin” by adding chemical components, alcohols, and also incorrectly combining fruit acids.

Silky Foot brand pedicure socks are trustworthy. But in China there are frequent cases of counterfeits from their own “branded” manufacturers, so there is a risk of purchasing a low-quality product even from a trusted company.

Japan is the leader in the production of safe and high-quality socks for pedicures. The most popular brand is Sosu. The main difference from Chinese products is not only in the pleasant aromas (rose, mint), but also in the mechanism of action:

  • the skin of the feet does not become “glassy” 3-4 days after the procedure, but remains soft;
  • exfoliation occurs not in small dry scales, but in rather large flaps. It is much more convenient and faster;
  • the process is not accompanied by overdrying of the skin even without the additional use of cream.

Japanese pedicure socks Soso have the following composition:

  • lactic acid;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • ceramides;
  • squalane;
  • soy glycine styrene;
  • sodium hyaluronate;
  • plant extracts: burdock, soapwort, sage, ivy, lemon and watercress;
  • lecithin;
  • Castor oil.

The product under the Sosu brand is approved by dermatologists and is rightfully considered the standard among similar products for home pedicure.

How to use pedicure socks: instructions for use

You should immediately take into account that the procedure will take an hour or an hour and a half (depending on the brand and condition of the feet). It is better to be in a sitting position all this time. You can only walk when necessary, as your foot slips in the sock. If there are obvious corns and hard calluses, then it is useful to pre-steam your feet before the procedure by making a bath.

Instructions for use:

  • wash your feet and dry them with a towel;
  • cut the plastic “boot” along the dotted line;
  • Carefully immerse your foot in the composition and secure it with the included devices. It is recommended to wear regular thick socks on top. This will help distribute the product more evenly across the skin;
  • After an hour and a half, remove the feet and wash with soap. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer.

Pedicure socks are disposable and therefore must be discarded after use.

Peeling will begin in 3-4 days: you can notice it after taking a shower. You cannot force the process using pumice or a file - the entire soft effect will disappear. The skin comes off especially well after water treatments. Typically, the first to be released are the tender areas: the arch of the foot between the heel and toe, and the toes. After using a quality product, the flaps of dead skin can be easily separated. Complete exfoliation is completed in about 4-5 days, at the end you can help with a soft scrub. During the entire time before going to bed, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to your feet, as well as wear cotton socks so as not to litter your bed linen with epithelial scales.

If the procedure is carried out using a high-quality product, then the feet will be freed from cracks and corns, will become soft, acquire a natural pink color, and sweating will decrease for a while.

The effect lasts from 1 to 3 months - it all depends on the type of skin, type of shoes, and the intensity of the load on the feet.

If you purchased a fake (socks with a poor-quality composition), then the skin will come off very awkwardly: tearing in small pieces against the background of increased dryness and roughness of the foot. In such cases, you often have to do a classic pedicure using an abrasive, since it is impossible to wait until the process is completed.


Pedicure socks (even the best quality ones)− this is not a panacea for all skin diseases of the foot. Contrary to information from some information resources, the product does not treat fungus, warts, or psoriatic manifestations. The socks are designed to keep the skin of the feet in a healthy condition by timely removing dead epithelium, which is a breeding ground for the development of bacteria.

  • Do not use for open skin lesions, as well as for fungal infections. In such cases, a course of drug treatment is appropriate, rather than cosmetic manipulation;
  • do not carry out the procedure in the presence of active inflammatory processes;
  • Pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor before using the product.

A negative reaction from the skin may occur due to individual intolerance to the components that make up the solution.

If you experience any discomfort (pain, burning), the procedure should be stopped and your feet should be washed thoroughly. It is also advisable to make a foot bath with sage or chamomile.

High-quality pedicure socks are excellent assistants for foot care. They will not only delight you with the salon effect, but will also save money and time by eliminating regular trips to the specialist.

In contact with

It is quite difficult to achieve soft and beautiful heels at home: for this you need to regularly carry out long-term operations to remove hard skin. Exfoliating pedicure socks allow you to completely solve the problem of cracks and roughness on your feet in a matter of days.

The principle of operation of miracle socks

Pedicure socks are a polyethylene container filled with a certain liquid. Unlike most well-known tools, such as pumice stones or heel files, these cleaners work solely through chemical components.

Exfoliation of dead cells is carried out using acids, which are found in large quantities in the socks themselves. In most cases, they are filled with lactic acid, as it is known for its gentle exfoliating properties. In addition, they can also be filled with hyaluronic acid or a mixture of active chemicals.

But some Korean types do not contain acid, but alcohol or vinegar. Depending on the filling, the principle of operation will change.

It should be noted that you should not try to make such care products yourself. You can exceed the permissible dose of aggressive components and harm the skin.

Indications and contraindications

Therapeutic socks for pedicure are a great way to get rid of rough heels and keratinized areas on the feet without leaving home. They replace several professional pedicure sessions.

Indications for pedicure socks:

  1. Horny areas on the heels and feet (yellow, rough growths);
  2. Old calluses, corns. In some cases, experts recommend gel packs even when treating deep calluses;
  3. Cracks on the heels and feet. They are formed as a result of the lack of exfoliation of dead cells and constant stress on the legs. If you remove keratinized areas, it is possible without mechanical intervention;
  4. Rough, rough heels. This is a purely aesthetic indication. Some girls prefer to get rid of these imperfections using mechanical tools, but socks provide a longer lasting effect.

These socks also have contraindications:

  • Open wounds or ulcers. If there is a skin disorder on the legs, then the acid in the socks can cause inflammation of the skin and deterioration of the epidermis;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components;
  • Increased sensitivity or presence of tattoos at the treatment sites.

Instructions for use

Instructions on how to use Butterfly pedicure socks at home:

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the legs for treatment. To do this, dry heels are wiped with a file or pumice stone. Afterwards, a bath is taken to remove dust and dead cells;
  2. There are no exact sock sizes. They are sold from 37 to 41, and will not fit the skin like regular wardrobe items. Therefore, think in advance about how you can fix them on your leg;
  3. Heels and feet are wiped dry. If you have tattoos on your legs and you still decide to get a pedicure with socks, then you need to smear the design with a thick layer of rich cream;
  4. The bags are opened and the legs are dropped into them. You need to make sure that they are strictly on your feet; it is advisable to sit throughout the procedure. Then the probability of the mixture getting on the upper parts of the legs is extremely small;
  5. An hour will be enough for a good home pedicure, but depending on the composition and aggressiveness of the components, this time can vary from 40 minutes to 120;
  6. It is best to use socks for home pedicures in early spring or winter. A few days after application, severe peeling will begin, due to which it will be impossible to wear open shoes;
  7. It is recommended to do this pedicure as needed, but if after the first time the effect is not impressive, the session can be repeated after 2 weeks.

Photo – Instructions for pedicure socks

Often these socks are reusable, so you can perform a pedicure for a long time with one pair.

Video: how to use pedicure socks

Review of popular brands

Reviews claim that the best silicone socks for pedicure are produced by the company Sosu. Their main advantage is the absence of harsh chemical components. The composition includes ceramides, plant extracts (sage, ivy, soapbox and others), castor oil, lactic and hyaluronic acid. They have a cumulative effect, so it is recommended to use them regularly - 2 times a month. The peculiarity is that in addition to cleansing dead cells, it also nourishes the skin, moisturizes the heels and prevents calluses and corns.


- These are Japanese socks that are great for home pedicures. They have a pleasant aroma and, like Sosu, consist of plant extracts and natural acids. They contain malic acid, citrus oils, extracts of calendula, sage, lemon and other plants.

Chinese gel pedicure socks Braphy Callus Removal Food Pack contain a large amount of alcohol, due to which exfoliation occurs. They are one of the cheapest among analogues. Not recommended for those with sensitive skin; they can severely dry out the epidermis.

– professional wax socks for peeling. They will not help eliminate the problem of old calluses or corns, but with their help you can do paraffin therapy at home. Supplemented with coconut and peach oils. Can be used every week. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to supplement the procedure with exfoliants. For example, It`s skin Self Care Foot Peeling or To-Plan My Pure Foot.

Mask-socks for feet - the development of a domestic manufacturer. The cost of a pair is significantly lower than its foreign counterparts, but the effect is also slightly inferior. The composition includes hyaluronic, glycolic and salicylic acid. The gel is supplemented with papaya and apple extracts. They severely dry out the skin, which harms the delicate young layer. Can be used no more than once a month. The similar Liquid Pumice for Calluses has a stronger and better effect.

Consider a list of lesser-known socks:

Name Composition and action
Ecotools Sustainable Moisture Socks Disposable moisturizing sachets from iherb. They do not eliminate the problem of calluses, but they deeply moisturize the skin, which makes it less rough. Made from bamboo fiber filled with plant extracts.
Skinlite Exfoliating Foot Mask Exfoliating mask from Skinlight with acids and vitamins. Quickly removes calluses and corns and is known for its long-lasting effect. Consist of propylene and glycolic acid. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to buy Rolanjona Aliexpress Crystal Exfoliating.
Shary Magic Foot Peeling Due to the fact that they contain so many plant extracts, these packages only help with minor problems. The effect occurs due to lactic acid. Reviews claim that with regular use you can completely forget about calluses.
Tony Moly Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid Korean soft peeling socks from Tony Moli are especially popular among girls with hard skin. They do not remove calluses, but contribute to more effective self-cleansing of the skin. Contains herbs and hyaluron. The action is similar to Holika Holika Silky (Silky).
4skin Avec Moi Foot Peeling Mask A very gentle mask for a Brazilian pedicure. Effectively cleanses the skin, removes keratinized areas. Recommended for regular use 2 times a month. Contains glycol. It is analogous to Amazing Plus.

You can buy pedicure socks at pharmacies, stores and dealerships - their price will depend only on the company you choose. On average, the cost of a pair varies from 2 dollars to 7.

Pedicure socks are an innovative way to care for the skin of your feet, characterized by convenience, high efficiency and safety. In the vast majority of cases, this method allows you to soften the rough areas of the skin of the feet, and also has a certain therapeutic effect on relatively mild forms of mycoses and small pyogenic formations of the upper layers of the skin. Just one manipulation allows you to get rid of cracks in the epidermal cover without a visit to a specialized salon, resurfacing, cryogenic procedures or laser exposure.

How do pedicure socks work?

The idea belongs to the Japanese, and consists of constantly wearing transparent containers containing the optimal dose of acids (fruit or lactic). The socks do not embarrass the owner; almost any shoes can be worn with them (the polyethylene that makes up the outer shell of the tank is quite durable). There are no cosmetic defects when worn - the entire structure is transparent and blends seamlessly even with open shoes.

At home, the convenience of this method is discouraging - after water procedures and wiping with a towel, you just need to put on socks. No additional movements, soaking your feet in water, using scrubs or creams.

Technically, this example of Japanese cosmetology thought is just a convenient option for acid peeling. Inside the “case” there is an acid-based gel-like liquid that penetrates the surface layers of the skin, producing a pronounced exfoliating effect. In addition, thanks to the addition of special oils and herbal ingredients, the gel has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the development of bacterial infections, and tones the skin.

Effect of pedicure socks

Contraindications for use and situations when socks should be used with caution

In addition to Japanese ones, there are already socks from Chinese, Korean and other manufacturers on the market. All manufacturing companies are trying to choose the optimal composition for exfoliating and softening the skin, the aggressiveness of the acidic environment is selected differently, and accordingly, the wearing time of the socks is different.

Before using socks for pedicure, carefully read the instructions, this will help to avoid acid burns, redness, and skin rashes. Under no circumstances should you use this type of foot skin care if you have open wounds or other skin defects in the area. The same goes for fungal infections. In case of mycosis of the feet, socks for pedicure are contraindicated, so as not to write the manufacturer. Wearing socks during the acute phase of mycosis of the feet will most likely lead to the aggravation and spread of fungal infection.

Pregnancy and feeding are contraindications to the use of socks, since safety for the mother and fetus in this case has not been proven (and is unlikely to be in the near future).

How to use pedicure socks correctly

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Rinse your feet with cool water without soap (or other detergent);
  • Pat your feet dry with a towel;
  • Put on the cases and secure their edges with a special “Velcro”, which should be included in the kit;
  • Wear regular socks on top to avoid falls on slippery surfaces. The polyethylene of the covers greatly contributes to this;
  • Remove socks after the time specified by the manufacturer;

If you forgot to take off your socks in time and the skin of your feet turns red, immediately apply an antihistamine gel, for example, fenistil. This will allow the skin of the feet to recover faster.

  • Wash your feet with soap - the acidic gel should be completely removed from the surface of the skin.

TO How does skin cleansing happen?

After you remove the cases, nothing will change at all, this is normal. The keratinized tissue begins to exfoliate abundantly only after a few days. This spectacle is reminiscent of seasonal molting in reptiles. The process is completely painless, under the exfoliated layer you can see clean, rejuvenated skin (at first it looks like a child’s skin). , folds, cracks of the epidermis disappear without a trace.

You cannot speed up the process or forcefully peel away the skin. The epidermis can be significantly damaged, which will lead to unnecessary defects in the skin, cause itching and create conditions for a secondary infection.

Using silicone socks for prophylactic purposes

After the procedure, the skin of the feet becomes surprisingly pleasant, and an involuntary desire arises to keep it that way for a long time. To prevent the appearance of new calluses and corns, the manufacturer recommends wearing silicone pedicure socks 3 times a week for half an hour.

This is a slightly different product that softens, cools and nourishes the skin. The outside of the case is a regular terry sock made of thick fabric. The inner layer is impregnated with herbs and nourishing oils. These socks can be used up to 50 times, i.e. they last for 4-5 months. After the procedure, the feet smell very pleasant, and the risk of infection is reduced (due to the herbal component).

You can wash the restorative pedicure socks, but you cannot wring them out - the gel layer is deformed.

Care socks should only be worn on clean feet. There is no need to use additional whitening, softening or moisturizing agents. The cooling, anti-inflammatory, trophic (nourishing) effect of the cases is quite sufficient to maintain the skin in excellent condition.

Care socks can serve as a preventative measure to reduce the risk of skin infection by bacteria or fungus, but they should not be used if there is existing mycosis. The fact is that contamination with fungal spores turns the case from a care product into a source of infection.

Choosing a manufacturer

As mentioned above, original socks are made only in Japan. This, by the way, does not mean that Chinese prototypes will not have the necessary effect; in addition, their cost is traditionally three times lower. Unfortunately, in some cases China did not please the end consumer. Here are the main complaints from end consumers in Russia about Chinese pedicure socks:

  • Horrible smell. By the way, this may be a cultural difference in perception;
  • The gel is pouring out of the socks and is unevenly distributed. This situation is unacceptable, since both the process of desquamation (exfoliation) is disrupted and the effect of acid on certain areas of the skin increases, which can cause burns;
  • The skin peels off for a week. In Japanese counterparts, the entire process takes several days. Due to an inadequate selection of acids in the case.

Recently, the situation has improved, and such reviews are much less common. Here are the main brands:

Chinese brand silky foot socks

  • Japan. Brands "SOSU" and "Baby Foot" - excellent quality, relatively high cost. When analyzing prices, it is necessary to take into account that the Japanese always sell two pairs of socks in a set;
  • China. The Silky Foot brand is a generic version of the Japanese Baby Foot. The quality is quite acceptable, in addition, the socks are accompanied by accessories in the form of gloves and cuffs, and the box may contain instructions for use.

Domestic consumers need to take into account that the Chinese like to counterfeit their own brands. When buying from an unverified seller, customers from Russia often encounter low-quality products that are not related to the real brands of the manufacturer of skin care products.

  • Korea. “Foot Mask” are excellent inexpensive socks of fairly high quality. They are distinguished by a complex composition of herbal extracts, as well as a thoughtful combination of lactic and malic acid.

It is not advisable to use socks with a keratolytic effect more than once every six months. Skin care socks can be your constant companions, regardless of seasonality. In the summer, you should not visit the beaches immediately after manipulation - young skin is very sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet radiation (there may be a burn).

Thus, pedicure socks are an absolute breakthrough in the field of individual skin care products. Proper use of this method will allow you to make the skin of your feet soft and elastic without unnecessary hassle, and supportive care will allow this condition to become the norm.

Video about Japanese pedicure socks

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