How the candy bouquet period ends. What is the candy-bouquet period in a relationship?

Today, there are seven stages in the development of relationships between a man and a woman, the first of which is How does each stage of the relationship develop? What features are traditionally assigned to the first stage? How long does the candy-bouquet period last?? These and other equally exciting questions can be answered by reading this article.

Stages of relationship development

Modern psychologists today identify the following periods of love:

  • Candy-bouquet period.
  • The satiety stage.
  • Absolute disgust.
  • Patience.
  • Stage of respect and duty (this stage is the first step to true love).
  • Friendship.
  • Real love.

In subsequent chapters, each of the stages is discussed in more detail, but will receive maximum attention.

General features of the candy-bouquet period

How wonderful it is when a woman and a man fall in love for the first time. Then their bodies produce certain hormones that give the world the brightest colors. It is at this time that absolutely everything about another person seems beautiful: voice, appearance - and even flaws in character seem so reassuring and mysterious.

Candy-bouquet period as if it puts a person into a state of drug intoxication. That is why at this stage psychologists do not recommend making important life-changing decisions, because the effect of the “drug” will someday, unfortunately, end - and everything will return to the way it was before.

Nevertheless, the period in question is one of the most touching and romantic stages in the relationship between a man and a woman. The candy-bouquet period lasts approximately eighteen months. It would be advisable to divide this stage into several parts and analyze each of them in the smallest detail.

The first stage of the candy-bouquet period

As it turned out, the candy-bouquet period also, in turn, can be divided into several stages. The first stage of the most vibrant and romantic time in a relationship suggests that two people begin to recognize each other. They are crazy about being around each other and always surprise each other.

After the first date, people immediately make a second date. And it doesn’t matter at all where they go and what they see there. It is important that they will be together for some time - how little is needed for happiness! By the way, this is exactly what the beauty of this stage of the relationship comes down to.

When can we judge that the relationship has reached the second stage of the candy-bouquet period? Everything here is extremely simple: as soon as a woman independently takes the initiative in terms of meetings, dates and spending time together, then she moves to the next level.

Next stage

The second stage of the candy-bouquet period is different in that it becomes completely unimportant who calls or writes first. And you shouldn’t “get it into your head” that a woman, as a matter of principle, should not “impose herself on you.” She can easily take the initiative to meet or call just to chat. This is correct and not at all embarrassing. Nevertheless, she must be careful not to overdo it, because a woman can simply bore her lover with her calls, especially if they are “not on business.”

If a man doesn’t pick up the phone, this doesn’t mean at all that you need to call him again and again - he’s just busy and will definitely call you back. It is important to note that women often make a considerable number of mistakes at this stage. It would be worth considering them in more detail in the next chapter.

Errors at the second stage of the candy-bouquet process

What mistakes related to the second stage of the candy-bouquet period are the most common today? Firstly, women often tell themselves that a man doesn’t need them. Secondly, despite this, they behave extremely intrusively.

Women often cannot think that a man is busy at work or has a business meeting. A thousand pictures flash in their heads of a man cheating on him. By the way, today it is at this stage that very good couples break up due to female illiteracy, so it’s worth thinking about it and, if necessary, changing the course of events.

The third stage of candy-bouquet

At the previous stages of the candy-bouquet period, a man and a woman had enough time to learn everything about each other and draw the appropriate conclusions. The third stage is devoted to meeting friends of both partners. It's no secret that the clearest picture about a person is painted by his social circle.

The best advice when meeting your partner's parents and friends is to be at ease. You should never seem to be something that a person really is not, because this only causes disgust when all the cards are revealed. When communicating with your partner’s relatives and friends, it is very important to treat them with respect and try to establish contact, because it’s so great when the family is friendly and the friends are common.

Relationships after the candy-bouquet period

It is important to note that relations following the candy-bouquet period become somewhat aggravated. This suggests that the next period is coming, called the stage of satiety. It is then that feelings are pacified, a person inadvertently sees not only the pros, but also the cons of the partner. Some kind of getting used to each other begins. More natural and relaxed behavior is appropriate here, which is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

The third stage in a relationship is considered the riskiest, but it is inevitable in any case. At this stage, countless quarrels begin; people see only each other’s shortcomings, as a result of which they often break up. However, this is not a solution, because the same thing will happen with a new partner. Undoubtedly, there are people who are fundamentally fixated on the three stages considered, but life is much more colorful and interesting than it seems at first glance.

Patience and respect

When the next two, the dominant role is occupied by the level of patience. According to it, disagreements and quarrels between partners, of course, happen, but they are no longer endowed with such a fatal character, because both are confident that the quarrel will end - and everything will return to normal. By the way, when partners make some efforts related to the development of patience, along with the latter comes wisdom, which is very important today.

The fifth stage is the stage of respect or duty. It is important to add that this is also the first stage of high feeling. By the way, in reality there was no love before this. At this stage, human egoism seems to fall asleep, everyone begins to sincerely think and care about their partner. It’s so nice to do something for the benefit of a loved one!

Friendship and love

The sixth stage in the development of relationships between a man and a woman is strong friendship. How amazing is the feeling when people become truly close! They trust each other. That is why friendship is considered a very serious preparation for true love, because no love can survive without trust for a year.

The seventh (and final) stage on such a bright path to perfection is true love. You need to know that real feeling is not easy. It takes a very long time to get there. It is important to note that learning to love occurs through all kinds of life situations that find a place in close and long-term relationships. A true feeling is not at all something that suddenly falls on a person’s head. Although some people believe that this is exactly what happens in life. For adult, true love, a person matures through the renunciation of selfishness and his own prejudices. Perhaps this is the most important thing, without which it is impossible to love.

People choose a wife or husband, but in order to experience a sublime feeling in family life, it is necessary to get to know each other well, then become friends and only then fall in love. Today, many couples confuse the candy-bouquet period with love. However, as soon as romance and brightness leave them, and rose-colored glasses are broken, the first tests in terms of relationships and the first difficulties begin, which not everyone can overcome. Often they believe that love has passed, which is very funny and absurd.

Candy-bouquet period

Candy-bouquet period– the initial stage of a love relationship.

Description of the candy-bouquet period

The candy-bouquet period begins from the moment of the first date and ends with the decision of the lovers to live together. This period refers to the most romantic part of love and is sometimes compared to platonic love. During the candy-bouquet period, lovers can only afford kisses. By the way, the concept of platonic love has changed in our time; Plato meant spiritual love between men.

Basic rules for dating during the candy-bouquet period

During the candy-bouquet period, the young man is the first to invite the girl he likes on a date. According to the rules of good manners, he buys her a bouquet of flowers. Or better yet, one flower if the date is going to be long. In this case, the bouquet will disturb the girl, and she will not be able to fully enjoy communication with the young man. If a young man has difficulty choosing a flower, he can, without hesitation, give preference to a rose, because it is a classic. But before giving a flower, its thorns should be removed, otherwise the girl will get hurt on them and the date will be ruined. A bouquet of flowers can be given at the end of the date, when the young man is already escorting the girl home.

It is not at all necessary to give a girl a box of chocolates on every date; it will get in the way, just like a bouquet of flowers. But the girl will be pleased to receive one or two candies along with the flower. She can eat them right away. In general, in the candy-bouquet period, candy has not only a direct meaning, but also a figurative one. It is assumed that a meeting between two lovers will bring them pleasure, life will seem to them as sweet as candy.


Candy-bouquet period

Where to go on a date?

There are no basic rules to follow here. The program is individual. A couple in love decides where to go. I can only give advice to those who are at a loss. A couple can’t go wrong if they first go to the cinema, theater, or concert. During such events, each other's interests are explored. Some people like action films, others prefer detective stories, etc. After all, the main task of lovers is to get to know each other; perhaps they already have common interests or they will appear. Then you can have a good time in a cafe over a cup of aromatic coffee with a serving of ice cream, discussing the film or play you just saw.

Candy-bouquet period

How to extend the candy-bouquet period after the wedding?

Contrary to the assertion that the candy-bouquet period ends when cohabitation begins, it can still be extended until old age. There are always two people working on family relationships. After marriage, a woman often takes on all the household chores and raising children on her fragile shoulders, and the man seems to be present at the same time. According to established responsibilities in the family, a man is a breadwinner. He earns money and provides his family with a decent living. Now there are families where the spouses have swapped roles - she earns money, he takes care of the house and raises children. The first and second family options do not help extend the candy-bouquet period. Let's look at the first traditional family option and find out what needs to be done to prolong the romantic relationship. There is one rule: divide all worries in half. Firstly, it unites, and secondly, in the free time from housework, a woman will be able to visit a beauty salon and return from there charming and well-groomed. The man will again want to look after her, as he did during the candy-bouquet period. You can arrange dinner for two, and send the children to grandma during this time. It’s a good idea for such dinners to become a tradition in your family. She and he need relief from the daily routine. ‎ It’s very good to arrange joint outings to the theater, cinema, and exhibitions, as it was at the very beginning of love. It is possible that after such a transformation in family life, a man will want to give his chosen one a bouquet of flowers without any special reason (birthday, March 8). In this case, the woman should not remain passive; she should also be given a gift in return. You can do this after some time and give, of course, not flowers, but what a man would like to have.

There is one more trick for how a woman can remain desired by the man with whom she is now legally married. A man is essentially a hunter, a conqueror; when the woman he loves becomes his wife, he believes that the mission is completed, he doesn’t need to do anything else, and stops behaving like a gentleman. Therefore, a woman should constantly refute this attitude of his. To prove that she has secrets still unknown to him, because of which she does not completely belong to him. To do this, in no case should you completely dissolve in a man: live only in his interests. A woman should have her own hobbies. Let it be knitting or embroidery. But you need to show the man that these handicrafts mean a lot to her. For example, a girlfriend asked to knit a hat, this will mean to him that his woman is valued by others. A man will be proud of his woman, but also a little jealous that she doesn’t do everything just for him. Healthy jealousy can prolong the romanticism in their relationship into old age. The main thing here is not to overdo it. If a man tries to distract his woman from her favorite pastime by inviting her for a walk, because he wants to get her attention, she should drop everything and agree. After all, she wanted this, resorting to tricks.


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"and in this article we will reveal several useful nuances in order to create a harmonious and interesting relationship during this romantic time.

Date: where do we meet?

- This recognition stage each other. Therefore, it is very important to arrange a date where you can have a calm and pleasant conversation. The first few dates can be spent in a cafe, on a walk in the park or along the embankment, or on a picnic. After a week of communication, it’s a good idea to go to the cinema or theater, preferably to those performances that you both might enjoy. When you get to know each other better, you can meet at home. The main thing is to enjoy your dates and try to do everything to increase mutual interest.

Physical contact: can I... kiss you?

The candy-bouquet period is distinguished by a special manifestation of tenderness and trepidation of nascent feelings. And it is believed that it extends until the first intimacy. We don't entirely agree with this. It is unlikely that sex can ruin the romanticism of a relationship. The main thing is not to rush into transferring relationships “horizontally”. Before bed, give your relationship the opportunity to develop beautifully and touchingly.

Let at the beginning of a relationship There is tactile contact, but gentle and innocent: light touches of the palm, timid hugs and strokes. Gentle touches that do not cross the boundaries of insolence are completely acceptable. Guys, due to their impatience, should not grab a girl by the buttocks - a normal girl will look at this as rudeness. Girls don't need to get under the collar of their shirt from the first date. Let your relationship be decorated with gentle kisses and light petting. Although this is probably closer to young couples, under twenty years old.

Often, both men and women quickly become bored with all these foreplays; they are unable to restrain the impulses of passion. Therefore, sex on a date on the third date is considered quite normal for modern relationships. However, it is quite common to have hasty sex at the beginning of a relationship can ruin everything: the guy loses interest in the girl and tries to disappear from her life. That's why preserve the tenderness of feelings between each other until this moment - this is very important. Meet for a week, take a closer look at each other. If, of course, you are serious. And again, try not to delay the time - passion can burn out like a match.

Time for a date

Naturally, for moments of unforgettable meetings during the candy-bouquet period, a man and a woman must calculate their time. It happens that you come home from work and fall off your feet, what other date? But just think: cancel a meeting with a person you like just because someone decided to get on your nerves today? Why should you or your boyfriend suffer because of this? Then immediately - a cool shower, a cup of strong tea or coffee, and a lot of thoughts about that person who has sunk into your soul and very soon will be able to take you away from this cruel world on the wings of tender feelings and wonderful sensations. After all, in fact, this can really give you a chance to relax. The main thing is not to take it out on an innocent person because of a bad day at work.

Money is tight...

Many men, and especially young guys, worry about this. Well, let’s put it this way, those who, to the extent of their decent upbringing, are fully aware that the material part is their responsibility are worried. Young people often don’t have a career yet, adults just get the hang of it, and I don’t want to talk about lazy people who don’t strive for anything! Everyone has difficulties with money: some for certain periods of time, others for quite a long time. However, a lack of money in a wallet often hurts a man's ego. There is no need to show this complex to your new passion. Don't buy Dutch roses with the highest stems or the most expensive chocolate. It is not necessary to take your girlfriend to an elite restaurant or book a VIP area. There is no need to go into debt just to show off in front of a girl. Let the date not be too expensive, but not skimpy either! Now the choice is very large in these things. You can make a beautiful and cute date, but inexpensively! If she values ​​feelings above luxury, then she will definitely appreciate your efforts. If money is above all spiritual values ​​for her, think for yourself whether you need her like that or not. If necessary, then get ready for eternal reckoning.

And I can tell the girls: you should always have a certain amount of money with you. Cases can be unpredictable, guys can be different - and until you are completely confident in your chosen one, rely on the best person in your life - yourself. Therefore, wherever you go, always take enough money with you.

A little psychology

Start of a relationship is romance, and romance is euphoria. Try not to turn off your brain and idealize your new passion. Be vigilant and objective - it is likely that this person will become yours for life. Therefore, initially try to see everything in it. But at the same time, do not focus on its shortcomings, and if they are obvious, weigh them with the advantages and see what happens. It’s not so simple, and it’s not worth throwing people around at the first “puncture”.

Try to use more positivity in communication, do not complain about life and troubles. Get to know each other and learn to respect your passion. And at the same time, make concessions to each other: this is also necessary at the beginning of a relationship.

– this is a kind of test. A test of a young couple’s feelings and ability to adapt to each other, so this stage in a relationship should not be taken lightly. Start of a relationship- this is the time of getting to know each other’s essence; during this period the foundation of your future love and family life is laid. Try to give each other more beautiful and pleasant moments from the first minutes of communication.

Candy-bouquet period is the name of the period in a relationship that begins with the first date of a couple in love and ends with their decision to live together. This is the most romantic stage in a couple's relationship. The candy-bouquet period differs from other stages of a love relationship in that during this time lovers allow themselves only kisses and gentle touches.

At the initial stage of the candy-bouquet period, the guy is always the first to invite the girl on a date. He buys her bouquets of flowers or one flower. The main thing is that the guy is prudent, and if he is planning a long walk, then he should not give the girl a large bouquet that will be inconvenient to walk with.

During the candy-bouquet period, both lovers are afraid to separate even for a minute. They always look tenderly into each other's eyes and exchange many touches. Both partners want to merge into a single inseparable whole. They want to be with each other everywhere, they dream of living together all their long lives and ending it in one day. This behavior indicates falling in love.

The feeling of falling in love at the stage of the candy-bouquet period occurs under the influence of a number of hormones. Thanks to hormones, the heart of a person in love begins to beat faster when remembering their partner, and it beats even harder when meeting him.

During the candy-bouquet period, a person is “head over heels” in love and as a result “loses” his head. There are various stages of the candy-bouquet period, but only at the very first stage everyone tries to give everything to their loved one, and not take it away - this is why it is considered the most romantic and sincere. The one who managed to go through all the stages of the candy-bouquet period, and survive all the subsequent ones, has truly come to true love.

Candy-bouquet period in relationships

On their journey together, lovers go through certain stages of relationships, and there are also stages of the candy-bouquet period.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the candy-bouquet period in a relationship lasts, since it is individual for each couple, for some it lasts only a month, and for others it lasts a year.

The candy-bouquet period begins with the meeting of a man and a woman, from the moment they fall in love. Thanks to hormones, each lover’s life begins to seem even brighter than it actually is, and they make up the whole world for each other.

During the candy-bouquet period, everything seems wonderful to a person, and his significant other especially likes it. I like the appearance, the voice, some character flaws are also smoothed out. The person becomes thoughtful, he seems to be intoxicated, he is not interested in anything except what his love is doing at the moment. In such a state, it is better not to engage in important, decisive matters, since decisions made in a state of “romantic intoxication” may not be well thought out.

At the first stage of the candy-bouquet period, people are just starting to get to know each other, they like to make surprises, or they just want to be close all the time.

After a man has been the first to ask a woman out on a date several times, he expects that next time she will choose where to go together, and he will gladly agree to go wherever he is invited. This is the beauty of the candy-bouquet period, that, in fact, it doesn’t matter where you are, what matters is who will be nearby.

If a woman begins to take the initiative, it means that the candy-bouquet period is developing and moving to the next level. A woman should be proactive, but at the same time take into account the wishes of her partner, ask his opinion in advance, so that both feel equally good.

The next stage of the candy-bouquet period can be recognized by the fact that it becomes unimportant who should call whom first. A woman may well call first to chat or arrange a meeting. Men appreciate such steps. However, it is important not to overdo it so that calls do not become annoying. Even if a man doesn’t pick up the phone the first time, this doesn’t mean you need to call him every time. Even the most loving man will not like this. If he truly respects his woman, then he will definitely call back when he sees a missed call.

Some women already at this stage make many mistakes and behave too intrusively, then they screw themselves up that a man no longer needs them. They don’t think about the fact that maybe he has a lot of work, he’s busy, he has a meeting with colleagues. And pictures of betrayal flash in women’s heads, which is why couples often break up without waiting for the end of the candy-bouquet period.

At the first stage of the candy-bouquet period, the partners have already learned everything about each other, now it’s time to get to know their social circle, which also tells a lot about a person. The main thing when meeting friends of both partners is that everyone needs to behave at ease, there is no need to pretend to be a person who you really are not. However, what is important is that you can behave in such a way that your partner's friends become your own friends, since this significantly affects the duration of the relationship. Women especially should try to please male friends, since, as we know, men are quite susceptible to the advice of their friends. To do this, it is enough just to be friendly and friendly.

A little later in the candy-bouquet period, the moment comes when you have to get acquainted with the closer circle of your loved one - his family. It is important to remember that during this meeting, parents are no less nervous. The main thing is to show the seriousness of your intentions; this will reassure and create a positive mood among parents.

If lovers feel that feelings have calmed down a little, this indicates that the candy-bouquet period has passed. Partners begin to soberly assess all the strengths and weaknesses of each other. They get used to each other and begin to behave more naturally, they can make comments, talk about what they don’t like.

Relations after the candy-bouquet period become a little worse. Quarrels begin, and everyone begins to see only shortcomings in their lover and constantly talk about them. It happens that at this stage the couple separates, or everyone begins to look for consolation on the side. They can find other partners, but all the same, the same thing will happen to each of them - a relationship after the candy-bouquet period, in which a phase of disgust will begin.

After the passions of the candy-bouquet period have subsided, quarrels and disagreements happen much less frequently, and they are no longer so fatal. Each of the partners equally knows that in any case the quarrel will end and the relationship will be restored.

Relationships after the candy-bouquet period are distinguished by the wisdom and patience of both partners. Having gone through quarrels, difficulties and insults, the couple becomes truly strong. The lovers have become not just close people, they have become best friends who can share their most intimate things without thinking about what reaction they might encounter in return. Healthy criticism and flawless acceptance of views is what every partner should exude. Friendship between partners is a sign that says that the candy-bouquet period has come to an end and a crucial moment in the relationship has arrived - the beginning of mature love.

Many people consider love only the candy-bouquet period, and everything after that is a habit that has nothing to do with romantic relationships. But in fact, after the candy-bouquet period has passed, the most sincere and true love begins.

The romance of a relationship depends not on how long the candy-bouquet period lasts, but on the individuals themselves. If both people are working on the relationship, then they should distribute responsibilities equally, and both will have nothing to complain about. Also, everyone should take care of the mood and feelings of the other.

Respectful attitude, pleasant little things, interest in your partner, showing attention and other actions should maintain romance in a relationship. Thanks to such little things, the candy-bouquet period can be extended until old age.

It’s good to organize trips to the cinema, theater, restaurant together, explore previously unknown places and admire discoveries together. Try to come up with something that would interest your other half, perhaps surprise you with a new dish or show you a landscape that is still unknown to her. You can give each other unplanned gifts. So, a man can give a woman a bouquet of flowers just like that, and a woman can buy a man a shirt that he would like.

In every love and family couple, the independence of the individual must be preserved. That is, a woman should not dissolve in a man and live entirely by him and his interests. She must find a personal hobby that she can do in her free time.

Also, a man can do what he wants, for example, meet exclusively with friends, attend sports clubs. This requires a certain period of time.

However, you can notice that such individual time leads to the fact that lovers begin to value the time spent together more.

Even after the end of the candy-bouquet period, romantic love does not go away, it is transformed, but remains, thanks to the efforts of both partners. All this also has its own charm, since the partners already know each other quite well, they know how to surprise and how to please. The initial stage of the candy-bouquet period has passed, and those feelings that were there before can no longer be returned, but many interesting and exciting events await the couple ahead.

Almost every girl is interested in building a long-term and sincere relationship with a man. Everything usually starts very romantic: flowers, gifts, passionate confessions - this is perhaps the most exciting part of a newly emerging relationship, which is called the candy-bouquet period.

But nothing lasts forever, relationships develop, and now falling in love should be replaced by some deeper and more serious feeling. How to maintain relationships and take them to the next level? Today, together with the online magazine, we will try to understand this difficult issue.

Candy-bouquet period: what kind of animal?

A man and a woman do not choose each other by chance. The very first prerequisite for their acquaintance is external data. It’s not for nothing that they say that a man loves with his eyes.

With mutual interest in each other, their sympathy develops into the initial stage of a love relationship - falling in love.

Candy-bouquet period – this is the most pleasant time of the relationship between partners, the most romantic part of love, which is accompanied by attention to the girl from the man in its various forms and manifestations.

How long does the candy-bouquet period last?

For each couple, the duration of this period is individual. But it is worth noting that most often this report can be kept from the couple’s first date, until the decision to start a life together.

This is where the most important question arises: how to move to a new level of relationship without losing all the romance?

Why does the candy-bouquet period end?

This period is also characterized by falling in love with each other, as well as increased emotionality on the part of both men and girls, but their perception of what is happening is certainly different.

The man takes all the initiative, appears as a conqueror, and the girl controls the current situation, setting boundaries and boundaries of what is and is not acceptable for her.

The main goal of a man in the candy-bouquet period in a relationship is to win a woman so that she reciprocates his feelings, chooses and recognizes him.

For some men, this is a way of self-expression and raising self-esteem (by the way, just like for girls), for others it is a sincere desire to develop and increase their relationship with the woman they love.

For a girl, this period is a great opportunity to feel loved and desired. I remember the expression “A woman loves with her ears.” Most girls lose their heads when a man starts courting them, from their own reaction to what is happening.

The whole point is that a girl begins to perceive a man’s courtship not as one of the periods of development of a relationship with him, but as a manifestation of her own exclusivity, and begins to stroke her vanity.

One way or another, when the candy-bouquet period is over, the girl begins to suffer from a lack of attention from the man, since he, having achieved the girl’s favor, begins to treat her in an ordinary way.

How to keep romance in a relationship?

After the candy-bouquet period, the relationship between a man and a woman undergoes changes and transforms into a serious relationship when the couple begins to live together.

Great responsibility in this situation lies with the girl, since she must correctly interpret the man’s behavior, accept the end of the romantic period and begin to build a serious relationship with him, finding in them much more advantages than in romantic ones.

If a woman, for some reason, incorrectly assesses what is happening, then this is fraught with a breakup of the couple. This is why it is so important to approach the changes that are taking place wisely.

How to accept the rapid change in a man’s attitude towards a girl?

The most important thing is to let go of selfish emotions and understand that a man appreciates a woman for who she is.

If a relationship with a man has reached the end of the romantic period, it means that the man is ready to build a more serious relationship, to accept responsibility for what is happening in it, and this is, of course, a huge plus for every girl.

With the correct construction of further relationships with a man, with everyday work on the relationship with a loved one, the candy-bouquet period can be revived more than once, regardless of how long the relationship between a man and a woman lasts.

Everything depends on ourselves. After all, what each of us strives for is to love and be loved!

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