Minusinsk deanery. Minusinsk Tomato Day

There are two days left until the Minusinsk Tomato Day. Wide celebrations on this occasion will unfold on Sunday, August 21, at 11.00 at the intersection of Abakanskaya and Timiryazev streets. There will be a celebration of Minusinsk residents working in various fields of activity, summing up and awarding the winners of the “Minusinsk Champion 2016” competition and much more.

At 10.30, a carnival procession starts from the intersection of Abakanskaya and Fighters of the Revolution streets.

From eleven o'clock in the morning, interactive areas will begin operating near the city fountain, shopping centers, at the Tomato Monument, in the park near the Panteleimon Chapel, etc.

Among the events, for example, is an exhibition of fire fighting vehicles and emergency rescue equipment. It will be located near the Slavyansky shopping center. There, a drawing competition on asphalt is planned for young Minusinsk residents on the theme: “The Year of the Fire Department.” And near the city fountain you can take a selfie with a city traffic police patrol car in the background.

Next to the police location there will be a site for the Sreda24 website. Here guests of the celebration can admire the works of the competition “With Love for Minusinsk” and meet the team of our website.

We would like to remind you that the award ceremony for the winners of the competition “With Love for Minusinsk” will take place at 12.30 on the stage of the site “Minusinsk and Minusinsk” (the square near the city fountain). On the territory of the exhibition pavilion of the editorial office of the Sreda24 portal, all participants in the children's drawing competition will be given incentive gifts - sweet drinks from the AYAN plant.

The rest of the festive Sunday events are included in the program of the Minusinsk Tomato Day.

Fair - sales with the participation of manufacturing enterprises

(Timiryazeva and Abakanskaya streets)

10.30 – 11.00

Costume procession "Tomato Show"

(route - from the intersection of Abakanskaya and Fighters of the Revolution streets along Abakanskaya street to the intersection with Gagarin street)

“Tomato Capital – Minusinsk 2016”

(crossroads of Abakanskaya and Timiryazeva streets)

central platform

Greetings to the participants of the costume procession.

Grand opening of the holiday.

Honoring people working in different fields of activity

Summing up and awarding the winners and participants of the competition, exhibitions and processions.

Award ceremony for the winners of the competition “Minusinsk Champion – 2016”

Clara Polukhina and the Ladov Den Folklore Theater

Concert of creative groups

Group "Yakhont"

Ethno-rock group “Living Water”

Youth dance program from Radio "RECORD"

Exhibition-competition “Made in Siberia!”

( Abakanskaya street)

Avenues “Tomato”, “Vegetable”, “Flower” and “Fruit” – an exhibition of tomatoes, vegetables, flowers, fruits, ornamental plants, a master class on cutting vegetables into shapes, advice for a gardener.

"Excellent quality products"- exhibition and presentation of food enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Exhibition "Tomato Champion"

Area "Arts and crafts fair"

(Timiryazeva St.)

Exhibition and sale of products of craftsmen, artisans, craftsmen, master classes

Area “Minusinsk is a city of hospitality”

( Abakanskaya street)

Exhibition-presentation of the southern territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other regions

- “Belarusian Cut”:“Belarusian clapper at the bottom of the Pomodoro”, a creative meeting and exhibition of paintings by Belarusian artist Marina Tonkal, an exhibition of folk decorative art, a master class on national cross stitch, Belarusian games and songs.

Area "Minusinsk and Minusinsk people"

(Square by the fountain)

Photo exhibition “Minusinsk: XX century...”

Quiz “I love my city!”

Photo exhibition “Try to raise a champion!”

Quiz “Tomato Minusinsk”

Excursions “Trip to the St. Petersburg Gardens” (request desk on the square near the fountain)

Bibliobulvar “Tomato Summer”

Exhibition + master class "The World of Bookmarks"

Board - gourmet "Recipes from our readers", "Encore recipes from the library"

Bookcrossing + quiz

Open-air campaign (“light atmosphere”, “in the open air”) “Good wishes to your beloved city”

Game area

- "Tomato Skyscraper"

- “Vegetables inside out” or “Through the Looking Glass” (game “Read the name of a vegetable inside out”

Tomatogame "Canning"

Literary-tomato vernissage

Master class "Stylish tomato" (modeling from salt dough)

Face art "Tomato man" (aqua makeup)

Tone art "Rainbow vegetable garden" (we draw on the asphalt)

Literary quizzes "Fairy Tomato"

Program “Tomato Children” A.T. Cherkasov Library

Exhibition-quiz "Literature in the Frame"

Photo gallery "Summer in the new library"

Family competitions "Funny guys from the tomato patch"

Venue “With love for Minusinsk!”

Exhibition of the drawing and photograph competition “With love for Minusinsk!”

Interactive program

Site “Safety Island in the Land of Tomatoes”

Quiz for kids

Tests "Road Rules"

Photo zone "Patrol car"

11.30 –


11.00 – 17.00

Interactive platform "Tomato's Childhood"(Fountain area)

Flash mob “How beautiful the world of childhood is!”

The play "Hello Monkey" Russian Republican Drama Theater named after. M.Yu. Lermontov

Soap bubbles show

The play "Spring Mood" Russian Republican Drama Theater named after. M.Yu. Lermontov

Game program

Awarding special prizes to the winners of the “Made in Siberia!” competitions, costume procession “Tomato Show”, “Minusinsk Tomato 2016”

Dance Marathon

Game program “Starting point”

Puppet show

Flash mob “Zumba – heat!”

Creative Activity Centers

- “Talent Auction” (poems, songs, ditties)

- "Artists' Manege"

- “Theatrical photo zone”

- “Game carousel” (board games, outdoor games)

- “Engineering Arena”

- “Atmosphere of creativity” (master classes on creative arts)

- “Sports and dance patch”

- “The Shop of Miracles” (sale of DPT works)

- “Summer Cinema”

11.30 – 15.00

Venue "Tomato Avant-Garde"

(square near the Panteleimon Chapel)

Installation “Tomato plantation”

Ready-made “Arsenal of the gardener”

Happening (Interactive) “Let's draw a tomato!”

“Scenic cruise around Minusinsk” (interactive program).

Master class for children with disabilities “And a tomato bush grows at our gate”

A children's brass band plays in the city garden

12.00 –

15.00 – 17.30

Youth creative platform “Vivat, tomato!”

( park near the Tomato monument )

Performances by youth creative groups (KVN, vocal ensembles "Elegy", "Scream", studio "Bright World", dance studio "ARS", circus studio, fire show

Airsoft shooting range from VPK "Radomir"

Children's entertainment and educational area "Fair of Miracles"

Photo zone from the Volunteer Agency “Good People”

Site "Youth tourism" (Rope crossing)

"Robotics" platform - "Battle of Quadcopters"

Face painting from the fashion beauty school

Banner - wish "Word cloud in honor of the Minusinsk tomato"

Secret tomato bookcrossing

Lottery "Tomato Boom"

Fest-Tomato "Summer Colors!"

Game library "And in our yard!"

Strength competition "Youth for a healthy lifestyle!"

Photo location "Tomato in the lens"

Painting "Tomato puzzles"

Festive library lawn

Evening program BAMM - "On the edge of summer"

Fitness marathon "Zumba"

11.30 – 15.00

16.00 – 18.00

Venue “Signor Tomato – our great champion”

(near the shopping center)

Venue "Universiade 2019"

Demonstration performances (acrobatics, artistic gymnastics, martial arts)

Master classes at the Lotus yoga and fitness studio

Strength competitions of the sports club "Sportmaster"

Health-improving gymnastics Qigong “Falun Dafa”

Sports photo zone

Children's playground (darts, basketball, ring throw)

Stroitel Stadium- Game of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Football Championship of the team “Minusinets”, Minusinsk - “Totem”, Krasnoyarsk

13.00 – 14.00

Area "Minusinsk tomato -

like a road traffic light":

(area of ​​the “Svetofor” store, Timiryazeva St., 1B)

Soap bubbles show

Raffle prizes

Quizzes, competitions

Venue "Avenue of Stars"

(Abakanskaya st. 74)

Opening ceremony of new names (A. Vonog, G. Pischasov, football club "Totem" Krasnoyarsk)

Concert "Viola Quartet", Abakan

10.00 – 15.00

Presentation of car showrooms

(Abakanskaya st.)

11.30 – 15.00

Interregional exhibition of retro cars and motorcycles

(area near the Festival store)

Republic of Khakassia (Abakan, Chernogorsk, Askiz village), Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl), Minusinsk

Motorcycles (Ural, IZH, Voskhod)

Mopeds (Riga, Korpaty)

Test drive in a retro car

Sports and technical club "Avtovuzmoto-RS" (photolocation)

11.00 – 15.00

Venue “Minusinsk – a healthy city”

(Abakanskaya street, green area next to the stele)

Measurement of weight, blood pressure, determination of oxygen content in the bloodstream, determination of intraocular pressure, carbon monoxide content in the exhaled air of smokers, preventive consultation

Exhibition of healing teas and balms from the Monastic Pharmacy, Ekaterinburg

Retro playground

(at the fountain)

Performance by creative groups: Russian song choir “Yeniseyushko”, academic choir “69 parallel”, brass band

A solemn procession dedicated to the 74th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War took place in the capital of the region. In the morning, an exhibition of military equipment opened on Revolution Square, field kitchens with porridge were set up for everyone, and wartime music was played. Before the start of the procession, videos about Krasnoyarsk residents – veterans of the Great Patriotic War – were broadcast on screens installed on the square. Immediately after this, the audience saw a festive concert prologue with the participation of the Siberian Dance Ensemble named after. M. S. Godenko, the ensemble “Yenisei Dawns”, other groups and performers. The ceremonial events began with the introduction of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and a copy of the Victory Banner into Revolution Square. The parade commander walked around the formation and greeted the participants...

Social project “Bust-bridge: against breast cancer”

On April 25, the newspaper “Our Krasnoyarsk Territory” held a press conference dedicated to the launch of the social project “Bust-bridge: against breast cancer.” This is an all-Russian project; it started simultaneously in 127 cities. Its goal is to inform women about the need to prevent such a terrible disease as breast cancer, as well as to provide real, practical assistance to women. The project will include lectures and discussions on preserving women's health, and will also provide the opportunity for free breast examinations at medical centers that supported the action. The features of the project implementation in Krasnoyarsk were discussed by oncologist, head of the client department of the regional oncology clinic Eduard Semenov, head of the ANO “Together against Cancer”, coordinator of the “Women’s Health” program in Krasnoyarsk Tatyana Zolotareva, executive director of the diagnostic center “MRI-EXPERT” Elena Elistratova, financial consultant of the company "PPF Life Insurance" Oksana Rogova and head of the club of girls presenters "SHOW WOMAN RUSSIA" in Krasnoyarsk Elena Berdnikova.

Minusinsk Tomato Day- a traditional harvest festival of Minusinsk and the Minusinsk region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, takes place at the end of summer, on the third Saturday of August. Minusinsk residents have been growing tomatoes in their garden plots for more than a hundred years and during this time they have acquired such experience in growing tomatoes that they have become real masters in this matter. In August and September, guests from many Siberian cities come to the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to buy local tomatoes. The holiday has been celebrated since 2004.

This year one of the brightest Siberian summer holidays is Minusinsk Tomato Day - will be held on August 18. Venue: Minusinsk.

Minusinsk Tomato Day program

Agricultural Food Fair

Where when: Cathedral Square, 10.00 – 16.00

- “Dispute workshop “How to raise a champion?!”

Where when: Art gallery, 11.00-12.00

Exhibition "Minusinsk Champions"

Where when: Martyanov Museum, 11.00-18.00

Excursions to model tomato plots

Where when: Martyanov Museum, 10.00-13.00

Brass band concert. Performance by the Polish ensemble “Cherwone berries”

Where when: fountain square, 17.00 - 19.00

Tomato exhibition Minusinsk Champion"

Where when: fountain square, 10.00 - 16.00

- “Exhibition-competition “Gifts of the Land of Minusinsk!”

Where when: Abakanskaya street, 10.00-16.00

Costume procession “Tomato Show 2018”

Where when: Abakanskaya street, 11.00 - 11.30

Award ceremony for the winners of the “Minusinsk Champion - 2018” competition. Performance by creative groups from Krasnoyarsk and Minusinsk

Where when: main stage, intersection of Abakanskaya and Timiryazeva streets, 11.30-15.00

Full holiday program: minusinsk.info

What is a Minusinsk tomato?

The homeland of these unusual tomatoes is the Krasnoyarsk region. Minusinsk tomatoes are famous for being very tasty, juicy, meaty and very large. Some fruits reach 1.5 kg or more.

There are a huge number of different varieties of Minusinsk tomatoes. Among them:

Apple Minusinsk refers to mid-season varieties. The fruits are red or pink, large, individual specimens can reach 0.5 kg, flat-round in shape, sweet, tasty, fleshy, and have “watermelon” pulp.

Bull's heart Minusinsk. This vegetable is a mid-late variety. The fruits are large clusters of pink color, the fruits in a ripe state reach 200 - 300 g, and are fleshy. These tomatoes are good in salads.

Minusinsk glasses they are shaped like cups and come in red, pink and orange. A mid-season variety with high yield. The fruits have an elongated shape, weighing up to 300 g. Tomatoes are good for fresh consumption and for canning, making juices and sauces.

Minusinsk giant distinguished by large fruits. The variety is mid-season. The fruits of this variety are heart-shaped, having reached maturity, become red, weighing up to 700 g (sometimes up to 1 kg), fleshy, very sweet. These tomatoes are used both for making salads and for canning.

Bull forehead Minusinsk - large, smooth tomatoes with slight ribbing. High yield of tomatoes with an average weight of 250-300 g. The tomatoes are fleshy, elastic, and are intended for salads. The high balance of organic acids and sugars makes it popular and in demand.


The winner of the 2017 tomato was a tomato weighing 1 kilogram 738 grams, in 2016 the champion weighed just over 1 kilogram 800 grams. So far, it has not been possible to break the record of 2011, when a tomato weighing more than 2 kilograms was grown.


The gardener who raised the record holder receives as a prize - automobile. The winners are not allowed to participate in the competition for the next five years.

Tomato jam recipe

Tomato jam is an unusual dish. This is, rather, not a dessert, but a kind of sweet ketchup. It goes well with baked beef, stuffed meat, boiled pork, pizza and other dishes.


Tomatoes - half a kilogram;

Sweet fleshy red pepper - 150 grams;

Sugar - 300 grams;

Balsamic vinegar (can be replaced with apple or wine vinegar) - 25-30 milliliters

Wash the tomatoes, cut in half or into quarters. Cut the pepper into the same pieces. Cover the products with sugar and pour in balsamic vinegar. Place everything in a saucepan and place it on low heat. Boil. Remove from heat and leave for 24 hours. Repeat the “bring to a boil and set aside” operation three to four times. Each time the dish should be left for 24 hours in a dark and cool place. After the last cooking, place in sterilized jars and seal.

Photo: festtime.ru, pomidorchik.com

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One of the brightest and most unusual holidays in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is “Minusinsk Tomato Day”.

It is traditionally held on the 3rd Saturday of August in the city of Minusinsk. Thousands of guests come to see and taste the famous Minusinsk tomato.

Minusinsk Tomato Day - 2019

Minusinsk Tomato Day will take place in the city of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. There will be a tomato festival August 17, 2019. Always the 3rd Saturday in August.

On this day, the whole city will celebrate the red vegetable, which becomes the rightful owner of the tomato celebration.

About the Holiday

Thousands of people come from all over the country to this bright and fun event, where they can taste the famous Minusinsk tomato.

Hundreds of gardeners present their tomato products to the jury, then the jury selects the best vegetable, which becomes the winner of the festival and the “Minusinsk Tomato” competition of the same name.

As always, the largest tomato wins the “Minusinsk Champion” nomination, which, according to the conditions, must be grown in local areas.

Local gardeners know what they are trying for. For example, one winner in this category even received a car for the tomato championship.

Holiday program

The bright holiday, as usual, begins with a solemn procession, headed by the main character of this day - the tomato.

By the way, those guests who are creative in choosing their costume are also not left without attention and gifts.

On this day, the city becomes like a cheerful Brazilian carnival, where tomato costumes and festive mood are your main companions.

Cheerful music plays everywhere, and guests dance to the beat of cheerful and festive rhythms and melodies. There really is room to dance here, because the main streets are open only to pedestrians on this day.

Also on this day, at the tomato fair you will be able to buy the most unusual tomatoes for every color and taste, which are grown in Minusinsk. This will be a great gift.

Family celebration

According to tradition, on Minusinsk Tomato Day, guests come with the whole family. After all, this bright festive carnival will be interesting for everyone, both adults and children.

Come, you will be welcome here! And don’t forget to prepare bright tomato suits. Who knows, maybe you will be chosen as the king or queen of the holiday.

Have a good mood!

Tomato Day in Minusinsk

We invite you to see how this interesting holiday takes place. Enjoy watching!

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