New Year's corporate party in oriental style. Scenario for the anniversary "East is a delicate matter"

Traditionally, New Year's Eve in Asian countries is a cozy, homely celebration with family and close relatives. But when the next day comes, you can go to a restaurant or cafe with congratulations, or you can simply celebrate the first day of the New Year on the street, where it is usually very fun, and passers-by, acquaintances and strangers, congratulate each other on the New Year.

New Year is a holiday that gives hope that the coming year will definitely be better and happier than the previous one. People all over the world, and in Russia too, strive to meet him in such a way that he will be remembered for his uniqueness, originality, and try to observe all traditions. And therefore, celebrating the New Year in oriental style makes the holiday even brighter and more interesting. According to the eastern calendar, every year has its own patron among animals. And in order to please the patron of the next year, people select the color of their clothes, think through the menu, in general, do everything to ensure that the symbol of the year “remains satisfied.” And it’s not for nothing that all over the globe the night sky is illuminated by thousands of bright spots from explosions of firecrackers and fireworks, because this is how people want to ward off everything that personifies evil and failure. But fun and hope, good wishes to each other will definitely bring goodness and the fulfillment of cherished desires.

The New Year holiday is so loved in Asian countries that people celebrate it for 15 days.
Since ancient times in the East, a holiday associated with the onset of the next year was celebrated in the house of any resident, be it a poor peasant or a rich official. Houses were decorated for the holiday with traditional red lanterns and pictures of animals. The main symbol of happiness is the color red, which is why decorations using this color predominated in homes. Strips cut from red paper were glued to dishes, furniture, and work tools. The doors and walls of the rooms were also decorated with sheets of red paper, where hieroglyphs were carefully written in gold paint, which meant wealth and happiness.

Another traditional decoration in the house were five long stripes, each of which corresponded to one of the traditional “types of happiness”: honor, luck, longevity, joy and wealth. Alongside the stripes were lanterns; lanterns with four and six sides, as well as small lamps covered with fabric, were especially popular. Lanterns were also used when performing dances with dragon figures.

Maximum red color to attract good luck

Eastern calendar by year

The forecast for next year is another wonderful feature of the eastern calendar. Below is the eastern calendar by year, according to which some style recommendations are given.

Year of the Rat. The rat itself is very concerned about its appearance, so this year the purchase of any expensive thing is simply a tribute to the symbol of the year. The slogan of the year of the rat: “look 100%!” A chic red dress is synonymous with the word “success”.
Year of the Ox. The bull is an unpretentious animal, and therefore comfort and convenience should prevail in clothing. The most popular styles will be “smart casual” and “casual chic”. Popular fabrics this year are natural fabrics, it can be cotton or bamboo. Shocking behavior in the year of the Ox is not appropriate. Modesty and minimalism are the right choice in style.
Year of the Tiger. About the style this year you can say: “What year is it according to the eastern calendar, such prints are in fashion.” Of course, a leopard or tiger pattern will be popular; a zebra or giraffe pattern would also be appropriate. Furs and large jewelry will be popular. Courage is a priority when choosing clothes. For those born in the year of the Monkey, cat prints should be avoided, as Tiger is their opposite.
Year of the Rabbit or Cat. This year's trend is fur and silk. The item must be made perfectly: the back side should not be worse than the front side. Luxury and at the same time elegant modesty - this combination will bring popularity to the person who can do it. Vintage and retro style will help make this combination a reality. A wonderful addition would be the use of large stones in the image of a beautiful lady.
Year of the Dragon. This year, professionals advise using large prints in clothes, a variety of rich colors, and adding all this with expressive makeup. Imitation crocodile skin is a trendy print this year. Shoes should also attract attention: massive soles, rivets, etc. Diamonds will become a symbolic decoration in the Year of the Dragon.
Year of the Snake. Animal prints also remain at the peak of popularity according to the eastern calendar. However, it is also important to remember elegance. Here it would be good to remember the famous Coco Chanel with her little black dress. This year's decoration is a string of pearls.
Year of the Horse. Sportiness in clothes is what you need this year. Convenience and comfort are becoming popular again. Activewear models are especially popular.
Year of the Goat. Everyday life is replaced by luxury and seductiveness. Dresses with a complex cover, open neckline and back are in fashion. The best choice is a dress that emphasizes all the advantages of a woman’s figure. Femininity and once again femininity is the trend of the year. Stylish shoes - ankle boots with laces. A handbag in the spirit of aristocracy will also perfectly complement the look.
Year of the Monkey. The monkey does not tolerate boredom, so the wardrobe becomes full of clothes for fun parties. Natural and artificial furs are gaining popularity. Among the natural ones are the silver fox, the red fox or an exotic animal. Textured fabrics with pile and fringe are also becoming popular.
Year of the Rooster. This year's look is all about over-the-top sexuality. It is expressed in tight knitwear, sparkles and rhinestones. A parallel can be drawn in the image that compatriots create when they are abroad. But sometimes you want more modesty and elegance in this image.
Year of the Dog. Classic styles are setting the tone this year. It can be military or safari style. More and more attention is being paid to trousers in ladies' wardrobes. Decorations fade into the background.
Year of the Pig. This year's priorities are “luxurious comfort.” Soft cashmere, cozy mohair, in general, any soft fabric with a large number of folds and draperies is suitable for a fashionista’s wardrobe. Spacious tunics and caftans are trendy.

Tired of the classic schemes for celebrating the New Year? Then try something completely unusual!

Hot nights, desert ships and magical bedtime stories - we offer you to experience all this for yourself by organizing the New Year in oriental style.

Such a holiday will not leave anyone present indifferent, be it office colleagues or closest friends. Read our recommendations carefully, and we are sure that you will be able to create an enchanting holiday in the style of the East without any problems.

When organizing such a holiday, it is necessary to remember that the East is not only a delicate matter, but also an exquisite one. That is why it is worth carefully approaching all the details.

For example, it is better to place the invitations that you will send to your guests in individual envelopes and seal them with sealing wax - you must admit, such an invitation is not given to you every day :).

You should also be strict when it comes to decorating the premises. A large number of pillows, an oriental table that does not require chairs, and, of course, a large number of candles and flowers will create the necessary atmosphere.

You can also use original lanterns and imitation tents as decorative decorations.

The setting of dishes and tables should be fully consistent with the oriental theme - more silk and gold, use the following ideas to recreate the authentic atmosphere at the holiday.

Do you want to keep our tradition of decorating the spruce? Then use toys and decor in oriental style.

Women at the festival may look like orientals only partially :). That's why you can take the most beautiful elements from the outfits of these amazing women - flowing silhouettes, bright cat makeup, henna hand painting and crazy waves of attractiveness.

Your outfit can be bold and open or more European but with oriental influences.

Don't forget that our Slavic sultans must be invited to the New Year in oriental style :). Those who are more daring can dress like real rich Arabs. Those who don’t like themed holidays can only imitate a costume using, for example, arafatka!

The main entertainment of the evening can be the invited belly dancers. By the way, later, you can conduct a training master class among everyone.

Wouldn't this surprise you? What about dancers with live snakes? :).

The most original guests of the holiday can be artists who specialize in organizing fire shows.

Also, when preparing the New Year in an oriental style, you can rent a restaurant in the same style, where there is a hookah room - many guests will be surprised to taste oriental delights :)

You should also take care of an exotic corner where everyone can take photos as a souvenir :).

As a treat, it is best to choose oriental traditional dishes:

  • Tazhin.
  • Couscous.
  • Baba ghanouj, hummus, fatayer or tabbouleh.

Also, don’t forget about the sweets that people in the East adore.

A candy bar decorated in oriental style would be a great idea.

There you can place sweets more familiar to the Slavs, made in the style of the holiday.

For music, you can use various oriental motifs that you can find on the Internet.

Happy New Year to you, dear readers!

Many consider the New Year to be a family holiday, but, you see, sometimes you want to give up on everything, rush far, far away and spend New Year's Eve somewhere in Hawaii or in the luxurious palace of an eastern ruler.

Have you decided to celebrate the New Year in oriental style? Notify your acquaintances, friends and relatives with whom you are going to spend this fabulous night in advance. An invitation can be made, for example, in the form of a papyrus scroll with the text:

How to celebrate the New Year in oriental style

New Year in oriental style? We weren't joking. There will be a night with Scheherazade! We will be glad to see all guests. Let's sing and have fun. You will need our address...

If you want to create an Oriental atmosphere in your home, start with the hallway: the light here should be dim. Hang a crescent-shaped sconce or place candles in a beautiful bronze candle holder. Drape the doorway with transparent chiffon curtains or just gauze painted blue, pink or purple. Attach small stars of different colors cut out of foil to the curtains. You can hang oriental paintings, compositions of dried flowers or decorative plates on the walls.

In the room where the celebration will take place, create the effect of a starry sky using a ball suspended from the ceiling with small fragments of a mirror glued to it, which is illuminated by a beam of light (for example, from an overhead projector). Or stretch a fishing line along the diagonals of the room, onto which, using threads of different lengths, hang a variety of different foil stars. You can reach the stars with your hand - it’s just a miracle!

In one of the corners of the room, build a tent from translucent fabric, scarves, New Year's garlands, rain and tinsel, in which gifts will be stored. Instead of a Christmas tree, you can decorate a palm tree, ficus or other exotic plant and place it next to the tent. Hang a large fan or a decorative panel made of dark wood on the wall. Place a hookah on the coffee table, place aromatic candles in carved candlesticks that will fill the air with incense. Pay special attention to house plants - it’s good if there are palm trees, bamboo and exotic flowers in the room.

New Year in oriental style: interior, details

In the East, there was no tall wooden furniture in homes; instead, pillows, carpets and various mats were used. Unusual and colorful textiles are the main difference between an oriental interior. They create coziness and fantastic comfort. Therefore, it is better to take chairs and armchairs out of the room, and lay out many pillows of the brightest colors on the floor and sofa.

Oriental tables are low, with thick straight legs and a rectangular tabletop, often decorated with metal and carvings along the entire perimeter. If you don’t have such a low table at which people sit on cushions, do without it at all, and place the dishes directly on the carpet covered with a tablecloth.

When inviting guests “to the East,” invite them to come in stylized costumes. If guests have not shown proper participation, invite them to transform themselves on the spot, creating costumes from scrap materials - scarves, large scarves (120 x 90 cm), jewelry. You can make harem pants from two long scarves.

To do this, wrap one short side of the scarf around your waist and tie it in a knot at the side, and tie the other at your ankle. Tie the second scarf on the other side in the same way. If you take scarves that are a little longer (150 x 90), you can even make a jumpsuit. To do this, one short side of the first scarf must be tied not at the waist, but from under the right armpit on the left shoulder, and the other, still at the ankle. The second scarf is tied in reverse.

The bodice of a women's suit can be made from a scarf or scarf. To do this, wrap the scarf around your neck, cross the ends on your back, pass it under your arms and, covering your chest with them, tie a knot in the front. Another option: wrap the scarf around your chest and tie it on your back with a knot, throw the remaining ends over your shoulders forward and, grabbing the scarf in the middle, tie it in a knot.

All that remains is to make the headdress - and the oriental costume is ready. You can put a scarf on your head, covering your forehead with it, and tie the loose ends into a knot at the back, twist it into a tight tourniquet and, holding it by the tail, wrap it around your head, and pass the end through the base of the tourniquet from behind. It turns out something like a turban. You can put the scarf on back to front, gather the ends on the forehead, twist and throw it back, and tuck the free edges under the scarf at the back - you will get a turban.

The scarf can be tied on the head like an Arabic headscarf. To do this, we throw the short side over the head, covering the forehead, and tie the ends at the back of the head over the scarf, while the other side hangs freely, covering the hair and shoulders. If you don’t want to wear a headdress, you can use oriental jewelry and tiaras. And of course, you can offer guests pre-prepared masks with veils.

Cards, runes, hookah smoke and catchy oriental music will help you rise above reality and, accompanied by Scheherazade and the Sultan, replacing the Snow Maiden and Father Frost, enter the New Year.

Oriental style party, invitation, competitions, costumes, food

When mentioning the East, one imagines the unforgettable flavor of eastern countries, the traditions and customs of the inhabitants, their mystery and passion. A party in the style of the East will allow you to plunge into this wonderful world at least for one evening and leave a pleasant impression for a long time.


They will help set the guests up for the oriental mood in advance and warn them about the dress code of the party. invitations made in accordance with the style of the event. If you use your imagination, you can come up with many options and choose based on your taste, time, and wallet. The simplest thing is an invitation postcard and with a collage or ornament in oriental style , which you can make yourself or order. And if you decorate this card with a bright drapery, attach coins from a belly dance belt, small bright jewelry to it, and soak it in incense, then the anticipation of the holiday will haunt the guests until it arrives.

As an invitation to an Eastern party, you can send out bracelets with an attached card with the text in the style of 1000 and one night, or candles, toy swords for men, imitating real ones, which guests will have to bring with them as a pass to the party. An invitation card placed in a bag made of bright fabric, reminiscent of a pouch, will also allow you to feel the aura of the holiday even before it begins and begin preparations.

To create the atmosphere of an oriental party at home or indoors, you need to stock up on time and patience; it’s not without reason that they say that the East is a delicate matter.

Everything is important here: decoration, play of light, smell, objects that complement the interior. The East is associated with luxury carpets, bright fabrics, red and gold in shades of color. Carpets with oriental patterns can decorate both the floor and walls, furniture can be hung with curtains or bedspreads of bright colors, vases, bowls filled with water with rose petals, and scented candles can be placed. The more accessories, the better, the only thing is that they do not interfere with free movement, holding competitions, and dancing.

Eaten in the east sitting on the floor , placing pillows for comfort, so there should be enough of them, or sit on soft ottomans. Bright pillowcases and tassels along the edges will emphasize the oriental theme. You can also make bolsters by rolling a blanket or bedspread into a thick rope, wrap it in bright fabric, tie it, leaving the ends, like candy, and that’s it!

Tables should be low to make it convenient to get dishes. A dostarkhan option is also possible, when the tablecloth is laid directly on the floor. Hookah- another accessory typical of eastern countries, which can not only add zest to the interior, but also entertain guests. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee will complement the atmosphere, taking you into this world full of mysteries. Mesmerizing oriental melodies coming from everywhere will complement the impression of what is happening.

Festive treat for a party

The oriental menu is hearty, with plenty of meat. Pork is not good - Muslims do not eat it; preference is given to lamb, beef, and horse meat. Pilaf, boiled meat, eaten with hands, snacking on flatbread.

Beshbarmak, translated from Turkic “besh” - five, “barmak” - finger. This dish is made from good, fatty beef. The meat is boiled in water, then large flatbreads cut into diamond shapes are thrown in (some people add whole peeled potatoes to the meat before adding the flatbreads). Beshbarmak is served on a large platter, first laying out the flatbreads, then the potatoes, and in the middle, cut into pieces, the broth is served separately in bowls.

Manti stuffed with minced meat, pumpkin and onions, kebabs, domlama (Quite large pieces of meat, potatoes, carrots and cabbage, topped with cloves of garlic and butter, stewed in its own juice under a tight lid for 2-3 hours), dolma (meat minced meat wrapped in grape leaves) – can also be included in the menu. Spicy sauces (adjika, tkemali) with an abundance of spices complement the flavor diversity.

Fruits, cheese and oriental sweets (sorbet, baklava, chak-chak, marmalade, Turkish delight) should be on the table in abundance. Herbal teas and coffee are served as drinks. There is no place for alcohol on the Muslim table, but if you wish, you can serve wine in a jug and drink it from bowls. This will allow you not to disturb the holiday palette.

Outfits and costumes

The outfits and costumes of guests and hosts should also correspond to the spirit of the oriental evening. Men can wear loose cotton trousers, a tunic, or a dressing gown. On the head is a skullcap, arafatka, or turban, which can be easily constructed from a rolled towel or piece of fabric and secured with a bright brooch. You can prepare several of them, if suddenly one of the guests cannot prepare an outfit for themselves.

There are even more options for the fair half. Simplest - swimsuit, a belt for belly dancing, or transparent bloomers, or a skirt. But if the holiday scenario allows, a woman can come under the cover of secrecy, wearing a long dress that hides her neck, hands, and ankles from prying eyes, wearing a burqa or veil that covers her face and hair. And at the height of the holiday, take off your clothes, remaining in a bright top, embroidered with monists, rhinestones and translucent trousers, and dance a passionate oriental dance.

Bright colors highlight the oriental beauty, expressive eyes and well-groomed glowing skin. Foundation and shimmering powder are the basis of makeup. For eye makeup, silver, golden, or brightly colored shadows, voluminous arrows, and false eyelashes are used. But the lips should resemble rose petals, tender and exciting. It is better to style your hair in flowing curls, decorate it with tiaras, beads, and bright monists. It’s almost impossible to overdo it, because candlelight will dull the brightness of the colors.

Large, hanging earrings, bracelets, beads, large rings will complement the ensemble. Women can wear bright flat-soled pumps on their feet, men can wear boots or shoes with curved toes, or you can wear nothing, the carpets spread everywhere will not allow your bare feet to freeze.

Entertainment and competitions

Greeting guests by the host in a stylized suit with a bow and best wishes in the style of oriental sages from the very threshold will allow you to feel the flavor of the holiday and plunge into the enchanting oriental atmosphere . The hostess goes around the guests with a silver tray, offering to choose envelopes with wishes, which define the guests' tasks for the evening. Someone will Sultan, someone stands with a fan, pretending to be a servant of the Sultan.

The women will be divided into harem wives who will sit next to the Sultan and concubines, serving food on a tray and entertaining the ruler (of course, if the guests do not mind).

Mistress, in the role Scheherazade, will tell tales that allow you to smoothly transition from one stage of the party to another. During the storytelling process, you can act out scenes depicting the characters in the story. Conveying stylized Aladdin's lamp, guests can make a wish, for example, for the neighbor on the right to say an ornate toast, sing an oriental song at karaoke, or invite someone to dance.

Wise Stargazer will he predict fate by the stars or spread the dice as a joke, or maybe his predictions will come true in earnest? Men can spend time having a leisurely conversation, playing backgammon, smoking a hookah. But it’s best to provide a separate room for this, so that passionate dancing did not interfere with the conversation, the smoke from the hookah did not irritate non-smokers and there was an opportunity to ventilate the room.

In order to encourage the most active guests, you need to think about prizes and prize categories in advance. For example, you can award for the best suit, the best hairstyle, choose beloved wife Sultan, the best or best belly dancer, singer or singer, winner in the game of backgammon, be awarded for the best toast.

(2 presenters, girls in oriental costumes)

You've never had a New Year like this!
- Today you can fully enjoy the dazzling oriental beauties, as well as the alluring atmosphere of the East!
- Since this year Father Frost is already retired, and the Snow Maiden is on maternity leave, the eastern guests decided to take over the organization of the holiday...
- And they promise that you will remember it for a long time!

So, today we have gathered under the arches of our eastern tent, and in order to create the real atmosphere of this wonderful and great New Year holiday, we invite you to remember all the most fun and memorable things that happened to us this year. The one who breaks the chain is eliminated from the game. The last remaining participant will receive a prize.

Snow is rare in our sunny climes, but when it does fall, we appreciate every snowflake. Therefore, we invite you to participate in the next competition.

(4 snowflakes are placed on the table, and one of them is glued to the table. All participants try to blow off the snowflakes, but the last one remains - glued. And the prize is solemnly awarded not to the one who first blew off the snowflake, but to the one who failed to blow it away .)

As you know, the birthplace of all kinds of horoscopes is the East. Since we come from the East, we know how to guess and this art is in our blood. And now we will try to predict your fate for the coming year.

The presenters read out the horoscope.

Next year you will become the best support for your work colleagues and loved ones in serious matters. However, try to at least sometimes succumb to worldly temptations, and not waste all your energy on work.

Next year you will be recognized as the most conscientious and responsible employee. However, be vigilant if morally unstable individuals appear among your friends.

Next year you will experience material well-being. And if you follow the advice and be more open and generous with others, your position in society will improve and you will make new friends.

Next year you should pay special attention to your health. Beware of viruses! Otherwise, your business will go uphill, and your abilities will be noticed by others and appreciated by your superiors.

Good luck will accompany you throughout the next year. However, be careful to avoid gossip and backbiting.

Next year you will experience some troubles related to work. At the same time, this will be a year of new acquaintances and amazing adventures.

Next year you will bring a lot of joy to those around you. Everyone will be glad to meet you and be your friend. However, try to avoid stressful situations and overload at work.

Next year you will find many useful contacts. Try not to miss a good chance that will definitely present itself to you.

The next year will be happy for your personal life and friendships. However, try to think about work at least sometimes.

And so that our dear guests, who brought light to our home, do not get bored, our famous dancers want to show us their skills. (Exit of dancers or participants who have prepared their performance in advance.)

In the East, wisdom is highly valued. Now try to remember films in which the action takes place around Christmas or New Year.

And in the East, every animal is a symbol. And each of them has its own motto. You have to guess which one is which. Everything is given 5 minutes. For example, the parrot's motto is “repetition is the mother of learning.” (Leaflets with the names of animals are handed out.)

1. Parrot - “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

2. Kangaroo - ____________________________

3. Crocodile - ___________________________

4. Locust - ____________________________

5. Caterpillar - ___________________________
And now we would like to see 4 girls and 4 young men on stage.

New Year is a special holiday. Why? Yes because! On this day, a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. Especially in the mysterious land of the East!

The Sultan had 4 beautiful daughters. And then, one fine day, 4 suitors wooed them. But the father loved his daughters so much that he considered these young people unworthy. And then he decided to give them tests. And the old and wise Sultan set them the following condition: whichever couple proves their ingenuity and love will seal their bonds with marriage on the Great New Year holiday!

According to our Eastern traditions, in order to seduce a man or a girl, you need to be distinguished not only by beauty, but also by intelligence. Now we invite our young people to compose a poem praising your girlfriend, with the suggested rhymes:
East is a flower
Snow is a man
Love is a carrot
Honey - ice.

According to legend, any Eastern woman should be able to dance. Therefore, you girls must show your best.

In addition, Eastern men must be excellent sculptors of their love. In the East, a girl is given in marriage, and she does not know who will become her husband. That's why we blindfold the girls, and the young men have to “sculpt” them into figures. Whoever has the most harmonious figure wins. And you, the audience, must remember and then evaluate their creations.

In the East, wives love and honor their husbands very much. Now girls should take turns complimenting their Oriental men. Whoever the chain stops at is the girl who wins.

Even on a holiday like New Year, there is always room for love and love always wins.
- So we, the pearls of the East, according to Eastern wisdom, wish you all health in the coming year, for this is the highest value, peace, for this is happiness...
-... And most importantly, great love!!!

A prize is awarded for each competition; the obligatory condition is the presence of oriental sweets, incense sticks, and a hookah - at the request of the guests. And also all guests must wear oriental costumes!

P.S. I held this party myself last year, and since each competition is interesting in its own way, sometimes the results were simply unimaginable! We received a sea of ​​emotions, which is what I wish for everyone!

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