Congratulations on Traumatologist's Day. World Traumatologist Day May 20th Traumatologist Day

Due to carelessness, excessive haste and as a result of accidents, the inhabitants of the planet every minute find themselves in situations that result in fractures of joints and bones, sprains of muscles and ligaments. All these injuries can be combined into one word “trauma”. Naturally, in such cases, people turn to a special department - traumatology, where they receive emergency medical care. If during the examination it turns out that the injury is too severe, the patient is given a referral to a traumatologist.

On May 20, the world celebrates International Trauma Day. This event provides an excellent opportunity to express gratitude to all who fight for human life every day.

This science would never have been able to form into a separately developed branch of medicine if it were not for the reliable foundation laid by the famous ancient scientist and philosopher Hippocrates. He is the author of the original work “On Joints” and the essay “On Fractures”. In his works, the famous ancient Greek healer described his own views on methods of treating injuries of this kind. In modern medicine, doctors today still use the expression “to set a dislocation using the Hippocratic method.” In addition, the great scientist made his contribution to the orthopedic industry by performing many successful experiments.

There were a large number of other medical figures who influenced the successful development of the traumatological field. First of all, this is Celsus Aulus Cornelius, who studied dislocations and fractures. G.I. Turner is the first person to found a specialized orthopedic hospital. N.I. deserves special attention. Pirogov, who told the public about methods of treating open fractures. The list of innovations created by scientists in the field of traumatology includes the well-known plaster cast.

As for our state, chiropractors appeared in Rus' already in ancient times. The first evidence of their work was recorded in 1655 and dated back to the era of the Russian-Polish military conflict. The documents note the name of Doctor Pervushka Petrov, who served in the tsar’s unit. This indicates a highly qualified chiropractor. In 1654, the capital's school of medicine was opened in Moscow. In the first years of the institution’s existence, the educational part took place with the participation of foreign specialists.

Today, in order to become a traumatologist, you will first need to enroll in a university at the appropriate faculty. The training lasts 6 years. After receiving a diploma, the graduate goes to an internship.

On this special day, traumatologists accept sincere words of gratitude and memorable gifts. Everyone involved in this industry participates in the celebration. These include traumatologists, orthopedic doctors, surgeons, drug and equipment developers, and additional personnel. The event is celebrated by teachers and their students, graduates of specialized universities. Grateful patients, colleagues, friends, relatives, loved ones and simply caring people join the celebration.

Radio and television channels broadcast stories about prominent personalities in this area. Specialists who performed complex operations participate in interviews. They talk about their workdays and share recommendations for strengthening and restoring their health. They also talk about the results of the latest research, innovative achievements, and the most serious problems at the moment. Congresses, courses and seminars are organized. Lectures are organized on the state of affairs in the healthcare sector. Celebrations often take place outdoors, provided the weather is good, of course.

Every year a professional holiday is celebrated - World Trauma Day.

The Greek origin of the term “traumatology” reveals its content in a broad sense - it is a science that studies wounds and injuries, their prevention and methods of treatment.

Traumatology is associated with various areas of medicine, and this connection is determined by the localization of the injury itself, i.e. that part of the body or organ that is injured as a result of mechanical action, the circumstances of the injury, its current and possible consequences, the general condition of the patient, the presence of chronic diseases and contraindications, etc. Septic, purulent, burn surgery, neurosurgery, phlebology, hematology and other areas of medicine are closely related to traumatology.

For the common man, traumatology is primarily associated with injuries to the musculoskeletal system. And not by chance. Many people have heard the concept of “emergency room”; some may even have been there. Most often, people come there with bruises, sprains, broken limbs and dislocations that resulted from falls, blows, etc. Here, traumatology is closely intertwined with the corresponding branch of medicine dealing with the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - orthopedics. It is no coincidence that the medical specialty in this area is called an orthopedic traumatologist.

History and archeology suggest that even in the Ancient World, people tried to treat the consequences of injuries by performing operations to fuse fractures of the limbs and even skull bones. Among the finds of the past, scientists also have medical instruments that were allegedly used by doctors in ancient times. The first attempts to systematize information on the treatment of injuries were made by Hippocrates.

Among the treatment methods in traumatology, conservative and surgical methods are distinguished depending on the nature of the injury: from applying a fixing bandage, including a plaster bandage, and installing special devices and traction devices to complex surgical operations.

Famous doctors of different times and nationalities made a great contribution to the development of traumatology: A. Pare, E.O. Mukhin, N.I. Pirogov, A.A. Bobrov, M. Kirchner, V. Sherman, etc. Among the representatives of the Soviet school of traumatology, one cannot ignore the names of such people as R.R. Vreden, N.N. Priorov, G.I. Turner, M.I. Sitenko and others.

The first social factors that gave impetus to the development of traumatology were, cruel as it may sound, wars, during which getting injured was commonplace, and the problem of providing timely and qualified care to the wounded forced doctors to look for new methods of treatment, to study new types of traumatic effects on the human organism.

Among other social factors that accelerated the development of traumatology were the processes of industrialization, accompanied by the growth of industrial enterprises, equipment, and transport, which also increased the number of traumatic factors, both at work and in everyday life.

Today in Russia, the first-priority authorities for providing assistance in case of injury remain trauma centers and special rooms at clinics. Inpatient care is provided to patients in special departments of hospitals. The training of medical specialists is carried out by the departments of traumatology and orthopedics of higher medical educational institutions, as well as the departments of military field surgery of higher military medical educational institutions.

Creaking crutches, groaning in pain,
Bandages, dressings, traces of spilled blood,
Weights, tweezers, pieces of iron in the hands,
The crunch of plaster dust on white teeth,

Gray-haired traumatologist, duty shift,
Ward, bed, sound of siren,
What happened, what happened, tires were applied...
The rustle of the tires of a driving car...

Everything will calm down for a moment, and the doctors will leave,
So that in an hour we can gather in the operating room again,
When the silence is broken by the indestructible
Sirens signal an approaching car.

Carrying out arthroscopic surgery at the Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery

Today is World Trauma Day

Every year on May 20, doctors around the world specializing in traumatology and orthopedics celebrate their professional holiday. Traumatology is one of the most ancient branches of clinical medicine, whose history goes back many centuries. After all, people have suffered injuries and various injuries at all times.

The profession of a traumatologist is worthy of great respect and truly is a calling. It simply obliges you to be an attentive person, a specialist in your field, to be able to quickly and carefully make a responsible decision, to have high qualifications, and to constantly improve yourself. Often, not only the patient’s health, but also his life depends on the knowledge and skillful hands of an orthopedic traumatologist.

In our region, the main traumatology and orthopedic institution is the Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery. Its structure includes 22 departments and 17 operating rooms.

In the inpatient facility, more than 13,200 patients annually receive specialized and high-tech medical care in urgent and emergency forms, and about 12,900 surgical interventions are performed. The clinic provides primary specialized medical care to up to 800 patients per day.

The Center provides primary specialized and high-tech medical care to patients not only from the city of Kirov, the Kirov region, but also to residents of other regions of Russia. These are patients with injuries to the musculoskeletal system, spine, central and peripheral nervous systems, and thermal injuries. So in 2015, the clinic treated 1,948 patients from other regions of Russia, in the 1st quarter of 2016 – 717 people.

The Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery is a clinic of modern medical technologies. The team is constantly improving and trying to use the latest medical advances with proven effectiveness to treat patients with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to modern medical equipment, the new medical technologies used provide a high level of medical care. The institution is licensed to provide high-tech medical care in traumatology and orthopedics, neurosurgery, combustiology, and thoracic surgery. In 2015, the clinic performed 1,808 high-tech operations, in the 1st quarter of 2016 – 543.

On May 17, 2017 at 15.00 in room No. 2 of the educational and administrative building of SamSMU Clinics events were held as part of the educational week and World Orthopedic Traumatologist Day on the topic “Treatment and rehabilitation of patients after limb amputations”. The conference was accredited in the system of continuous professional development.

The lecture hall brought together traumatologists and orthopedists from Samara and the Samara region, interns, 1st and 2nd year residents, graduate students specializing in traumatology and orthopedics, teachers from the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Extreme Surgery named after. Academician A.F. Krasnov and the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Polyclinic Surgery of the IPO Samara State Medical University, surgeons, neurologists.

Rector of Samara State Medical University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation and twice laureate of the Government Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, chief traumatologist-orthopedist of the Samara region, professor G.P.Kotelnikov opened the event and congratulated those gathered on their professional holiday.

The chairman of the Samara regional branch of the All-Russian Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech S.N. Izmalkov.

During the event, the following reports were made on the conference topic:
Amputations in traumatology and orthopedics: current state of the issue, speaker O.M.Semenkin- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Polyclinic Surgery of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education SamSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
Post-amputation phantom pain syndrome. Prevention and treatment, speaker I.E. Poverennova- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education SamSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
Principles of limb prosthetics in modern conditions. Prospects for the development of prosthetics, speaker A.Yu.Lashkin- Head of the outpatient department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Samara Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise” of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.
Complex and atypical types of prosthetics and their implementation in the Samara region, speaker N.E.Verkhoglyad- Head of the hospital for complex and atypical prosthetics of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Samara Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise” of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.
Current issues of medical and social examination for amputations of limbs, speaker K.A.Borisov- Head of the expert staff No. 6 of the State Budgetary Institution MSE for the Samara Region of the Russian Ministry of Labor.
Issues of rehabilitation and habilitation for amputations of limbs, speaker S.V.Trekin- Deputy Head for Organizational and Methodological Work, Doctor for Medical and Social Expertise of the State Budgetary Institution MSE for the Samara Region of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

After the completion of the presentations, a discussion of the reports and summing up of the conference took place. Rector of SamSMU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor G.P. Kotelnikov and Professor S.N. Izmalkov made a closing speech and thanked all those present for their participation.

Traumatologist is one of the oldest professions, since traumatology itself is one of the first branches of clinical medicine. Bone fractures, joint dislocations and other injuries are the most “popular” herbs; it is rare that a person manages to avoid them, and therefore many, if not all, are doomed to meet with traumatologists. People of this profession are endowed with fortitude, a cool mind and determination. After all, often a doctor has to hurt a patient in order for everything to heal safely, but not every person will decide to take such a bold step. Therefore, only people who are self-confident, but not deprived of a kind heart, go into the profession.

The holiday dedicated to traumatologists is celebrated on May 20. On this day, every grateful patient can say thank you to his doctor for the valuable work he does. After all, every day dozens of people enter his office who, through negligence or an unfortunate accident, have been injured, and the specialist must not only sympathize or take pity on the patient, but also provide him with qualified assistance.

Traumatologist Day 2019 - congratulations

Injuries often happen -
This is our life!
It just happens quickly
Suddenly everything will be fixed for you!

The point is that, without a doubt,
A professional in action!
I want to wish you luck,
So that this holiday becomes

Bright, light, wonderful,
Good luck to you!
Rest carefully
It's a day for the traumatologist!

On Traumatologist Day, take
Congratulations from me!
You always live happily
I sincerely wish you!

Save people tirelessly
Treat injuries with a bang!
I'm in the situation given to you
I wish you joy and goodness.

And may success await you
And recognition awaits!
I wish you good health,
Move forward confidently!

Please accept congratulations,
May you be lucky in life!
You always succeed
Let the best come to you!

And also - go forward,
May success follow you
Value your business
There is no interference in it!

Let any expectations
They will only benefit you!
Let him be rewarded for his efforts,
And good luck is always expected!

Postcard for Traumatologist Day 2019

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