I caught my finger in the door. What to do if you crush your finger? Traditional medicine will help

The discomfort caused by a bruised nail can be quickly eliminated, as well as the serious consequences of this injury can be prevented. To do this, you need to know the methods of first aid for a bruised nail and the specifics of its treatment, described in this article.

Bruised nail- an unpleasant accident that can happen to anyone. In such a situation, it is important to know how to provide first aid and how to relieve pain. Read about how to help yourself with a bruised nail in this article.

First aid for a bruised fingernail or toenail

Bruised nail- an injury resulting in bruising and hematoma under the nail plate. No one is immune from a bruised nail, because, as a rule, such an injury occurs for everyday reasons:

  • pinched finger in door
  • falling of a heavy object
  • narrow, uncomfortable shoes

These and other incidents cause not only severe pain, but also lead to the appearance of a blue nail characteristic of a bruise. Immediately after an incident, it is important to provide first aid correctly to prevent serious consequences.

A bruised nail is characterized by:

  • bruise which is characterized by a blue or even black color of the nail plate
  • nail separation(the nail may come off shortly after the injury)
  • painful sensations(sometimes, with severe bruises, the pain can be throbbing and even lead to loss of consciousness)

Immediately after the blow, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation and if symptoms that are not characteristic of a bruise occur seek help from a doctor.

If the blow is not severe and the pain is tolerable, then seeing a doctor is not necessary. In any case it is necessary perform a first aid:

  • apply something cold to the bruise (this can be ice, or, in extreme cases, any frozen product from the freezer)
  • treat the bruise with an antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, peroxide)
  • avoid pressure on the finger (choose comfortable shoes, do not cover the affected area with a blanket while sleeping)
  • do not warm the bruise or bandage it
  • If the nail immediately begins to come off, it must be fixed with a bandage

If under the entire surface of the nail there is black hematoma, then you need to see a doctor to prevent infection. The specialist will make a puncture through which the blood will come out and will treat the bruise. Thanks to this, the nail will not come off, and the injury will heal faster.

If the hematoma due to a bruised nail turns black, consult a doctor

For severe, unremitting pain, it is possible use of painkillers. Most often, doctors recommend aspirin in such cases, as well as a compress from a dimexide solution (in a 1:1 ratio with water).

How and with what to numb a pinched or bruised nail for a child?

Very often victims of bruises of the nail plate it is children who become: due to inattention or neglect of safety measures. Needed as soon as possible provide first aid to the child and try to eliminate painful sensations.

Bruised nail in a child

The first step, as in the case of an adult, is to lower the affected finger in the cold. It is better if it is a stream of cold water, but ice or any cold object will also work. If the pain does not go away, then a similar procedure must be repeated. every 10-15 minutes, until the condition improves.

Only after severe pain has been eliminated is it performed treating the bruise with an antiseptic. If there is swelling of the tissues of the limb, then it is necessary to make an iodine mesh.

In case of severe bruise, when under the nail plate there is large hematoma, you should immediately consult a doctor who will examine the injury and prescribe the necessary treatment.

How and with what to treat a bruised nail if it has turned blue and black?

Treatment of a severe bruised nail - a matter for a specialist. If the injury is minor, then you can provide yourself with both first and subsequent aid at home. If there is no large hematoma under the nail, then its surface treated with an antiseptic and this is where the treatment ends.

In the event that a bruise forms at the site of the injury and the nail turns black It is necessary to release the blood as soon as possible by puncturing the nail. If this is not done, serious consequences may occur in the form of blood poisoning and detachment of the nail plate.

In order to reduce inflammation and relieve pain when bruised, heparin ointment. It is applied several times a day to the nail in a thin layer until complete healing. It is also advisable to use ointments that improve blood circulation damaged area and contribute to the resorption of the hematoma.

There are many recipes for treating a bruised nail plate traditional methods , here are some of them:

  • freshwater(in the form of a dry powder) must be mixed with water and kneaded into an elastic dough, which is applied to the affected area
  • plantain leaves and millennial juice are mixed into a homogeneous porridge and a compress is applied to the nail
  • wine and vinegar mix in equal proportions and add a pinch of salt. Soak a bandage in the resulting mixture and apply it to the bruise.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, add warm water. The affected finger is kept in the solution for 15-20 minutes

Important: If a discharge in the form of pus oozes from the nail or the bruise bleeds, then you should immediately consult a doctor!

Video: Treatment of hematoma under the nail

What to do if the nail comes off, how to save it?

With a severe bruise, the blood vessels located under the nail are damaged. In this case, between the nail and soft tissue a bruise forms, and after blood clotting - hematoma. If the blood is not released in time, then over time the nail will begin to peel off and come off completely. In this case, the new nail will grow for a very long time.

If a nail is bruised, it is necessary to release the blood - otherwise the nail will peel off

In order to protect the nail, it is necessary to stop the bleeding using ice and only then release the blood from under the nail. It is better if a specialist does this, because on your own, without knowing how such a manipulation is carried out, you can make your condition worse.

Often, in order to save the nail, a pressure bandage is applied to the bruise. It's not worth doing this since squeezing the nail prevents the hematoma from resolving and the injury from healing.

If the nail begins to come off, then it is necessary to attach it with a plaster. But save the nail it won't help- if it peels off significantly, then you will have to wait until the next one grows back.

When is a bruised nail removed?

Usually, surgical removal of the nail It is performed only in emergency cases, when the injury is so severe that the presence of the nail plate has a negative effect on the damaged tissue. In other cases, the nail that suffered from a bruise trying to save by all means.

Even if the nail itself peels off, it is glued with a plaster so that the damaged tissue is protected by the nail plate from additional injuries and infection.

Remove loose nail sooner or later it will be necessary if he does not leave on his own. When the injury heals, the formation of a new nail begins, and the old one will only be held on by hangnails and cuticle, then you can safely delete it. To do this, you don’t have to rush to the surgeon - you can do a similar procedure at home using a manicure set.

It is better to remove the nail plate in stages, cutting off small pieces using wire cutters. In no case don't tear your nail- this way you injure the tissues of the nail bed.

Bruised nail- a nuisance that can be easily survived if first aid is provided in time and you know how to treat this type of injury. Moreover, with proper care you will you be able to save your nail? and you won’t have to wait for many months for a new one to grow.

Video: How to cure a bruised nail?

In the human body, each part of the body performs a specific function. Some are called upon to solve complex problems, others are simple, but none are insignificant or useless.

Let's take fingers as an example. Without them, it would be almost impossible for us to do even the most basic things. This becomes especially obvious when at least one of them gets injured.

Often, due to a rush, women or men can get their finger pinched by something, for example, a car door. The problems as a result of this can be different: the finger may swell, an abscess may appear, or some visible deformation.

Therefore, a reasonable question arises: what to do if you pinched your finger in a car door? Are folk remedies effective in this case?

Usually the injured finger is very painful, and all the efforts of the victim are aimed at relieving or reducing pain.

You can use painkillers, heat, ice compresses - in general, anything that could alleviate the pain. Some may be quite effective, but others will only make the situation worse.

Therefore, if you are self-medicating, be extremely careful and attentive.

Each finger is made up of small tubular bones. These bones are connected by small movable joints.

Interesting fact: the thumb has two phalanges (distal, proximal), the rest of the fingers consist of three phalanges (additional middle), which can increase the possibilities for injury.

The structure of the fingers contains the tendon apparatus, nerves, blood vessels and horny plates that form the nails.

It is known that most women pay special attention and care to their nails. Their health, attractiveness and beauty emphasize taste, elegance and status.

Consequently, the unpleasant condition when a girl or woman pinches her finger in a car door, as a rule, causes a negative change in the aesthetic appearance and structure of the nail.

If timely first aid is not provided, the developed circulatory system will lead to swelling, hematoma of the finger and nail, as well as a feeling of severe pain.

The most common injury that occurs when a finger is pinched by a car door is a bruise.. Treatment of bruises does not take much time, and external symptoms of injury quickly disappear.

Great danger arises when a crack forms in the bone of a finger pinched by a car door, or even worse, if a fracture occurs. Also quite unpleasant and painful consequence of injury is nail detachment.

For therapeutic purposes, you need to apply a plaster cast, which is designed to immobilize the injured limb.

A person who has pinched a finger experiences pronounced acute pain, especially at the first moment; it can even be difficult to hold back tears or scream, which is probably familiar to everyone.

This also applies to those cases when your toe hits a door frame, it really hurts!

However, when the initial acute pain goes away, the discomfort continues to bother you.

Due to increased local pressure and internal hemorrhage, quite intense swelling appears on the finger, and a hematoma can also form.

What should you do if you receive this type of bruise? Is there a need to contact a traumatologist?

First of all, carefully try to move the injured finger. If you can do this despite the pain, most likely there is no fracture.

But if the injured finger remains motionless, and even soft, gentle attempts to bend it cause unbearable pain, then you need to go to the hospital, where an x-ray should also be taken.

The sooner treatment is sought, the higher the likelihood that the broken bone will heal quickly and correctly.

Many people treat finger fractures negligently, hoping that “this will pass”. As a result, the bones heal incorrectly, which leads to deformation and limited functionality.

What to do if you pinch your finger badly? First of all, you need to determine whether you have a regular bruise or a fracture. Consider the symptoms of a fracture and bruise.


  1. Change in skin color at the site of injury.
  2. Wave-like, aching pain that does not subside, but only increases.
  3. The finger does not move or it occurs with great difficulty and pain.
  4. Abnormal finger mobility, uncharacteristic of the normal condition.
  5. Severe, increasing swelling.
  6. Exacerbation of pain.
  7. Visible deformations of any type.

The bruise appears somewhat milder and has the following symptoms:

  1. Hyperthermia and tissue hyperemia in the injured area (hot red skin).
  2. A blood ball has formed on the nail.
  3. Unexpressed swelling.
  4. Pain with a tendency to gradually subside.

So, what to do if your finger is pinched badly? The following tips will help you provide the best first aid for a strangulation injury:

Do not warm up the painful finger under any circumstances until you are completely sure that the resulting wound does not fester. Otherwise, you will provoke even greater suppuration and spread of infection.

Moreover, such heating is, in principle, not useful in inflammatory processes, but they are relevant only during the period of rehabilitation and healing and only when they are carried out using special physiotherapeutic equipment.

The good news is that if first aid is provided in a timely and correct manner, then within 1-2 weeks the motor activity of the previously painful finger will be completely restored.

It often happens that, along with swelling due to a bruise, the nail plate is also damaged. In such a situation, the nail swells, and the nail may even turn blue and hurt.

If this happens to you, remember that such consequences are relatively normal, you should not immediately sound the alarm if there are no symptoms of a fracture.

However, it also happens that a blue nail may first “come off” (that is, the nail plate falls off), and then be replaced by another healthy nail. Of course, this process is not entirely aesthetic, but you will have to endure it.

It is also very important, on the advice of a doctor, to regularly treat the area for the new nail.. It is also necessary to control the growth of the plate, since in this case there is a possibility that it may grow into the skin.

Therefore, it would be right to contact a specialist for detailed instructions on how to avoid these unpleasant phenomena.

In order not to lose the nail plate, you can use a simple folk “trick”, namely, pierce the nail.

To do this, treat the surface of the nail plate with a powerful antiseptic. Any alcohol solution or concentrated alcohol is best suited for these purposes. Then take a thin needle and hold it over an open fire to get it hot.

A hot needle should quite easily pass through the keratinized nail plate and make the desired hole in it. If you experience pain, remove the needle immediately, since most likely you have hit living tissue.

The prognosis for these manipulations can be described as 50/50. There are chances that the nail plate will not come off, but there is no exact guarantee for this.

In any case, even if the nail plate leaves you, you will know for sure that you did everything necessary for this.

If a girl pinches her finger in a car door, how can she relieve the pain at home? You can use time-tested, effective folk remedies to treat a bruise.

Experts say that in this case, potato pulp helps perfectly, as well as medicinal plants such as aloe or Kalanchoe. You can also wash the wound with herbal infusions and decoctions with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

More details about these recipes are given below:

How to cure a finger abscess? In this case, it is necessary to use special ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect. Such products include Levomekol or Dioxidin ointment.

If you don’t have these medicines at hand, you can use the following traditional medicine recipe.

To quickly ripen the abscess, use this method:

  1. The onion needs to be baked and grated on a fine grater.
  2. Also grate laundry soap on a fine grater.
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of grated onion with 1 tablespoon of grated soap.
  4. Apply the mixture to the abscess and cover with a clean bandage.
  5. Renew the compress every 4 hours.

In some cases, it will not be enough to just apply antiseptics and cold to the pinched finger.

In order to relieve pain and prevent severe inflammation, you should take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Among these drugs, the following have excellent effectiveness:

  • Aspirin;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ibuprofen.

These drugs must be used strictly following the instructions. Remember that anti-inflammatory medications should not be used for more than 2 weeks; moreover, they have a number of contraindications.

Since both adults and children are capable of pinching fingers, the selection of the drug should be carried out together with a doctor.

For example, Ibuprofen should not be given to children, but Aspirin, if taken for a long time, can cause Rhine syndrome in hypersensitive people.

If you don't have anti-inflammatory drugs on hand, a pain reliever, such as Acetaminophen, can help relieve severe pain. This drug can eliminate pain instantly, but it can have a negative effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Acetaminophen should only be taken after meals. In some cases, painkillers are addictive, which means the dosage must be strictly followed according to the instructions.

A good alternative to tablets are topical preparations, that is, gels and ointments with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Anestezin;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Prilocaine;
  • Chloroethyl.

The following creams will help relieve swelling:

  • Venoruton;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Heparoid;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Lyoton 1000.

Creams that will help improve blood microcirculation in the injured limb:

  • Actovegin;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Indovazin.

  • Apizartron;
  • Butadion;
  • Ben is gay;
  • Voltaren;
  • Viprosal;
  • Vipratox;
  • Virapin.

If there are wounds on the skin, the following drugs have excellent healing properties:

  • Actovegin;
  • Iruksol;
  • Propolis;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Zinc paste;
  • Panthenol.

Each of these drugs has its own characteristics and scope of application, therefore, you should not use them uncontrollably.

It is imperative to re-read the instructions before use and consult a doctor as soon as possible. If side effects develop or your health worsens, you should stop taking the medicine.

So, in order to avoid the unpleasant sensation of pinching a finger, you must always try to follow safety precautions and, if possible, take your time.

If this happens, the main thing is not to panic. Take medical care and follow all doctor's recommendations.

In everyday life, it is not always possible to avoid minor but unpleasant household injuries, even if you follow safety rules. We've all pinched our finger at some point in our lives while carelessly closing a door or doing housework. But not everyone knows what to do first if a child or adult pinches a finger in order to minimize the consequences in the future.

What to do if you pinch your finger

If the pain is severe and you cannot bear it, find a source of cold. Place under cold water and apply ice or a bottle of chilled water.

Attention! If you have an open wound and bleeding, it is not advisable to place your finger in the water, since the stream of water will interfere with natural clotting and stop the bleeding

Pinched a finger - examination by a doctor

After the pain has subsided, examine your finger carefully; depending on the severity of the injury, your actions will vary. Injuries and damages may be as follows.

Deformation of a finger - you have a serious injury and a fracture or dislocation of the phalanx is possible. Such an injury can be complicated by soft tissue damage and severe bleeding. The finger is not deformed, but there is soft tissue damage with bleeding. There are no external injuries on the finger or they are minor. Damage to the nail plate. As you can see, there are different types of injuries, and if you just pinched your finger in a door, then nothing bad will happen except unpleasant pain and damaged manicure on your finger.

First aid: what to do if your finger is pinched

Timely first aid will help quickly eliminate the pain symptom and serves as a prevention of complications.

Bleeding and open wound. If you have an open wound and there is bleeding, quickly treat it with antiseptic agents; a medical solution of hydrogen peroxide is suitable to stop the bleeding. After the bleeding has stopped, treat with brilliant green and bandage.

Attention! In case of severe trauma, damage to bone tissue is possible (open fracture, crushed bone tissue)

I pinched my finger: what to do?

In case of severe damage, bleeding can be profuse - as a rule, in such cases small vessels are damaged. To urgently stop bleeding, a tourniquet is used; it should be applied above the injury, and then treated and bandaged. In such cases, it is imperative to seek medical help from a traumatologist.

In the human body, each part of the body performs a specific function. Some are called upon to solve complex problems, others are simple, but none are insignificant or useless.

Let's take fingers as an example. Without them, it would be almost impossible for us to do even the most basic things. This becomes especially obvious when at least one of them gets injured.

Often, due to a rush, women or men can get their finger pinched by something, for example, a car door. The problems as a result of this can be different: the finger may swell, an abscess may appear, or some visible deformation.

Therefore, a reasonable question arises: what to do if you pinched your finger in a car door? Are folk remedies effective in this case?

Usually the injured finger is very painful, and all the efforts of the victim are aimed at relieving or reducing pain.

You can use painkillers, heat, ice compresses - in general, anything that could alleviate the pain. Some may be quite effective, but others will only make the situation worse.

Therefore, if you are self-medicating, be extremely careful and attentive.

Anatomical features

Each finger is made up of small tubular bones. These bones are connected by small movable joints.

Interesting fact: the thumb has two phalanges (distal, proximal), the rest of the fingers consist of three phalanges (additional middle), which can increase the possibilities for injury.

The structure of the fingers contains the tendon apparatus, nerves, blood vessels and horny plates that form the nails.

It is known that most women pay special attention and care to their nails. Their health, attractiveness and beauty emphasize taste, elegance and status.

Consequently, the unpleasant condition when a girl or woman pinches her finger in a car door, as a rule, causes a negative change in the aesthetic appearance and structure of the nail.

If timely first aid is not provided, the developed circulatory system will lead to swelling, hematoma of the finger and nail, as well as a feeling of severe pain.

The most common injury that occurs when a finger is pinched by a car door is a bruise. Treatment of bruises does not take much time, and external symptoms of injury quickly disappear.

Great danger arises when a crack forms in the bone of a finger pinched by a car door, or even worse, if a fracture occurs. Also quite unpleasant and painful consequence of injury is nail detachment.

For therapeutic purposes, you need to apply a plaster cast, which is designed to immobilize the injured limb.

How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture?

A person who has pinched a finger experiences pronounced acute pain, especially at the first moment; it can even be difficult to hold back tears or scream, which is probably familiar to everyone.

This also applies to those cases when your toe hits a door frame, it really hurts!

However, when the initial acute pain goes away, the discomfort continues to bother you.

Due to increased local pressure and internal hemorrhage, quite intense swelling appears on the finger, and a hematoma can also form.

What should you do if you receive this type of bruise? Is there a need to contact a traumatologist?

First of all, carefully try to move the injured finger. If you can do this despite the pain, most likely there is no fracture.

But if the injured finger remains motionless, and even soft, gentle attempts to bend it cause unbearable pain, then you need to go to the hospital, where an x-ray should also be taken.

The sooner treatment is sought, the higher the likelihood that the broken bone will heal quickly and correctly.

Many people treat finger fractures negligently, hoping that “this will pass.” As a result, the bones heal incorrectly, which leads to deformation and limited functionality.

What to do if you pinch your finger badly? First of all, you need to determine whether you have a regular bruise or a fracture. Consider the symptoms of a fracture and bruise.


  1. Change in skin color at the site of injury.
  2. Wave-like, aching pain that does not subside, but only increases.
  3. The finger does not move or it occurs with great difficulty and pain.
  4. Abnormal finger mobility, uncharacteristic of the normal condition.
  5. Severe, increasing swelling.
  6. Exacerbation of pain.
  7. Visible deformations of any type.

The bruise appears somewhat milder and has the following symptoms:

  1. Hyperthermia and tissue hyperemia in the injured area (hot red skin).
  2. A blood ball has formed on the nail.
  3. Unexpressed swelling.
  4. Pain with a tendency to gradually subside.

So, what to do if your finger is pinched badly? The following tips will help you provide the best first aid for a strangulation injury:

Do not warm up the painful finger under any circumstances until you are completely sure that the resulting wound does not fester. Otherwise, you will provoke even greater suppuration and spread of infection.

Moreover, such heating is, in principle, not useful in inflammatory processes, but they are relevant only during the period of rehabilitation and healing and only when they are carried out using special physiotherapeutic equipment.

The good news is that if first aid is provided in a timely and correct manner, then within 1-2 weeks the motor activity of the previously painful finger will be completely restored.

What to do if your nail is damaged?

It often happens that along with swelling due to a bruise, the nail plate is also damaged. In such a situation, the nail swells, and the nail may even turn blue and hurt.

If this happens to you, remember that such consequences are relatively normal, you should not immediately sound the alarm if there are no symptoms of a fracture.

However, it also happens that a blue nail may first “come off” (that is, the nail plate falls off), and then be replaced by another healthy nail. Of course, this process is not entirely aesthetic, but you will have to endure it.

It is also very important, on the advice of a doctor, to regularly treat the area for the new nail. It is also necessary to control the growth of the plate, since in this case there is a possibility that it may grow into the skin.

Therefore, it would be right to contact a specialist for detailed instructions on how to avoid these unpleasant phenomena.

How to preserve the nail plate?

In order not to lose the nail plate, you can use a simple folk “trick”, namely, pierce the nail.

To do this, treat the surface of the nail plate with a powerful antiseptic. Any alcohol solution or concentrated alcohol is best suited for these purposes. Then take a thin needle and hold it over an open fire to get it hot.

A hot needle should quite easily pass through the keratinized nail plate and make the desired hole in it. If you experience pain, remove the needle immediately, since most likely you have hit living tissue.

The prognosis for these manipulations can be described as 50 to 50. There are chances that the nail plate will not come off, but there is no exact guarantee for this.

In any case, even if the nail plate leaves you, you will know for sure that you did everything necessary for this.

Folk recipes

If a girl pinches her finger in a car door, how can she relieve the pain at home? You can use time-tested, effective folk remedies to treat a bruise.

Experts say that in this case, potato pulp helps perfectly, as well as medicinal plants such as aloe or Kalanchoe. You can also wash the wound with herbal infusions and decoctions with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

More details about these recipes are given below:

How to cure a finger abscess? In this case, it is necessary to use special ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect. Such products include Levomekol or Dioxidin ointment.

If you don’t have these medicines at hand, you can use the following traditional medicine recipe.

To quickly ripen the abscess, use this method:

  1. The onion needs to be baked and grated on a fine grater.
  2. Also grate laundry soap on a fine grater.
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of grated onion with 1 tablespoon of grated soap.
  4. Apply the mixture to the abscess and cover with a clean bandage.
  5. Renew the compress every 4 hours.

Drug treatment

In some cases, it will not be enough to just apply antiseptics and cold to the pinched finger.

In order to relieve pain and prevent severe inflammation, you should take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Among these drugs, the following have excellent effectiveness:

  • Aspirin;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ibuprofen.

These drugs must be used strictly following the instructions. Remember that anti-inflammatory medications should not be used for more than 2 weeks; moreover, they have a number of contraindications.

Since both adults and children are capable of pinching fingers, the selection of the drug should be carried out together with a doctor.

For example, Ibuprofen should not be given to children, but Aspirin, if taken for a long time, can cause Rhine syndrome in hypersensitive people.

If you don't have anti-inflammatory drugs on hand, a pain reliever, such as Acetaminophen, can help relieve severe pain. This drug can eliminate pain instantly, but it can have a negative effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Acetaminophen should only be taken after meals. In some cases, painkillers are addictive, which means the dosage must be strictly followed according to the instructions.

A good alternative to tablets are topical preparations, that is, gels and ointments with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Anestezin;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Prilocaine;
  • Chloroethyl.

The following creams will help relieve swelling:

  • Venoruton;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Heparoid;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Lyoton 1000.

Creams that will help improve blood microcirculation in the injured limb:

  • Actovegin;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Indovazin.

Effective anti-inflammatory creams:

  • Apizartron;
  • Butadion;
  • Ben is gay;
  • Voltaren;
  • Viprosal;
  • Vipratox;
  • Virapin.

If there are wounds on the skin, the following drugs have excellent healing properties:

  • Actovegin;
  • Iruksol;
  • Propolis;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Zinc paste;
  • Panthenol.

Each of these drugs has its own characteristics and scope of application, therefore, you should not use them uncontrollably.

It is imperative to re-read the instructions before use and consult a doctor as soon as possible. If side effects develop or if you feel worse, you should stop taking the medicine.

So, in order to avoid the unpleasant sensation of pinching a finger, you must always try to follow safety precautions and, if possible, take your time.

If this happens, the main thing is not to panic. Get medical attention and follow all doctor's recommendations.

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What to do if a person pinches a finger?

Every person has been injured at least once in their life. What should I do if I pinched my finger?

Based on the fact that we do most of the work with our hands, finger injuries are the most common. Feeling severe pain and noticing that the finger is changing color, a person begins to panic, because he does not know what to do.

If a woman pinches her finger in a car door or a child pinches it in the mechanism of a toy, you need to provide first aid as quickly as possible. The sooner a person begins immobilization and pain relief, the faster the consequences of the injury will be eliminated.

Assessing the complexity of the situation

If a person does not know what to do if he pinches a finger, then he needs to examine the injured limb and assess the severity of the injury. You should not diagnose the situation by the intensity of pain, because they are present with every injury. Severe pain does not always indicate a serious illness. If a person gets their fingers pinched, there are several possible injuries, including fracture, dislocation and sprain. The first signs of a fracture or dislocation are cyanosis of the finger, severe swelling and an unusual bend. Sometimes there is a bruise in the nail plate.

A dislocation is slightly different from a fracture in that it is still possible to move the injured finger without severe pain, but movement is difficult. During a fracture, the slightest touch or movement of the affected finger gives the person sharp and unbearable pain. A pinched finger is usually classified as a sprain. That is, the ligaments that strengthen the joint are simply stretched, but not torn.

In medicine, there is even a certain classification of pinched fingers and injuries, which looks like this:

  1. A degree of injury that is not particularly serious and may involve minor scratches. A grade 1 injury does not require medical examination or any treatment. It goes away on its own in 2-3 days.
  2. In case of a 2nd degree injury, muscle tissue is pinched, as a result of which swelling and minor hematoma may occur. The first hours after injury will be accompanied by painful sensations, but then the pain will subside.
  3. At stage 3, not only muscles, but also tendons can be damaged, the swelling is quite large, hemorrhage occurs under the nail and bruise. The pain lasts for a long time, at this stage a finger dislocation is possible.
  4. The most severe stage is the fourth, during which severe and sharp pain occurs, which can even provoke loss of consciousness in a person. The skin takes on a dark blue, even black, tint. Tendons may rupture or become severely stretched. Swelling can be seen with the naked eye, and finger mobility is impaired. The injury requires immediate treatment at the emergency room.

If your finger is severely pinched while playing volleyball, for example, you should give up this sport for a while. It is necessary to ensure complete rest for the limbs and limit the impact of mechanical factors on it. If a finger is damaged, it will be difficult for a person to hold small things in his hands and carry out usual activities for some time. If first aid is provided in a timely manner, then after 1-2 weeks motor activity will be completely restored.

Immediately after receiving an injury, regardless of what exactly caused it: a slammed car, a door in a nightstand, or an ordinary toy, you need to apply something cold. Ice or tap water is best, but if they are not nearby, then any metal object can also be used. You need to keep the cold in the swelling area for 15 minutes every hour. This manipulation will relieve swelling and soothe pain. If possible, wet the cloth in cold water and apply it to your finger. The finger must be held so that it is above the level of the heart, this will slow down the flow of blood to the pinched finger and prevent hemorrhage under the nail, which is not uncommon in this situation.

If there is an open wound on your finger, then the first thing you need to do is treat it with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green (Diamond green) is excellent. As a rule, heavy bleeding is rarely observed in the injured finger, so to stop it, it is enough to press a tight bandage to the skin. If the bleeding is still severe, apply a tourniquet below the injury and treat the wound. If there is blood, then you should not place the wound under a stream of cold water; it will prevent blood clotting and the bleeding will last much longer. If there are no visible injuries on the finger, the bandage may not be applied. Cold and rest for the limb for several days will be quite enough.

Drug treatment

Sometimes it will not be enough to apply cold and antiseptics to the finger. To relieve pain and prevent severe inflammation, it is necessary to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Among these drugs, the following are particularly effective:

  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Naproxen.

These products must be used according to the instructions. Remember that anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be used for more than 2 weeks; in addition, they may have a number of contraindications. Both adults and children can get their fingers pinched, so it is best to select a drug together with a doctor. For example, Ibuprofen should not be given to children, and Aspirin, when taken for a long time in hypersensitive adults, can cause Rhine syndrome.

If anti-inflammatory medications are not available, a pain reliever such as Acetaminophen will help relieve severe pain. The drug eliminates pain almost instantly, but can also negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. It should be consumed only after meals. Sometimes painkillers are addictive, so the dosage should be strictly followed according to the instructions.

As an alternative to tablets, we can recommend the use of topical preparations, that is, ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Among these remedies, local anesthetic ointments for bruises have proven themselves to be excellent:

  • Anestezin;
  • Prilocaine;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Chloroethyl.

Creams will help relieve severe swelling:

  • Venoruton;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparoid;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Lyoton 1000.

Improve microcirculation in the injured limb:

  • Actovegin;
  • Indovazin;
  • Solcoseryl.

Among the anti-inflammatory creams we can recommend:

  • Apizartron;
  • Ben is gay;
  • Butadion;
  • Voltaren;
  • Vipratox;
  • Viprosal;
  • Virapin.

If there are wounds on the skin, the following drugs have a healing effect:

  • Actovegin;
  • Propolis;
  • Iruksol;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Panthenol;
  • Zinc paste.

Each drug has its own characteristics and scope of application, so you should not use medications uncontrollably. You should definitely re-read the instructions and see a doctor as soon as possible. If there are side effects or a deterioration in the general condition, stop taking the medication.

Sometimes, as a result of a bruise, the nail plate is also injured. Because of this, small cracks and chips appear, which become inflamed and can fester. Taking into account the fact that the nail plate loses its protective powers after an impact, any infection can penetrate into the cracks and cause purulent abscesses, even blood poisoning. To avoid such developments, it is recommended to disinfect the painful finger and apply ointments that contain antibacterial substances.

If the symptoms only intensify after the above measures, it is necessary to consult a therapist, who will probably send the patient for an X-ray examination and an appointment with a traumatologist. If there are prerequisites that tendons or cartilage tissue have been damaged, they may be referred for MRI and other instrumental diagnostic methods.

There are a number of cases when you will need to set a dislocated joint. It is not recommended to do this on your own, unless the person himself is a traumatologist or osteopath. During the procedure, you can hear a characteristic crunching sound, but this procedure is quite tolerable and the person will not feel severe pain. If the victim has concomitant infectious diseases, rheumatoid arthritis or osteochondrosis, then the advisability of reduction is decided by the doctor on an individual basis.

Folk remedies in home therapy

Folk remedies are effective in treating a huge number of diseases. In the arsenal of traditional healers there are a number of recipes also for cases of bruising and pinched fingers on the limbs.

One of the easiest ways to prevent swelling and relieve pain is a compress of vinegar, boiled water and vegetable oil. The ingredients are mixed, then a cotton cloth is soaked in the liquid. Next, it is applied to the finger and wrapped in cellophane to achieve a greater effect. Do the procedure 2 times a day. According to people who tested this recipe, the bruise and all symptoms go away after just 3 uses.

The following ointment recipe has an anti-inflammatory effect: chop burdock roots and pour olive or vegetable oil over them. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and put on low heat to allow the product to simmer for 5 minutes. Do not bring the liquid to a boil. After this, the composition is infused in the refrigerator for a day. This remedy should be applied to the affected finger, it will prevent swelling from developing and prevent possible pain in the future.

An excellent pain reliever and decongestant is ordinary jacket potatoes. You need to boil the potatoes and mash them together with the skin. When it cools down, apply a gauze bandage and wrap your finger. You can add honey and soda to the potato pulp.

Camphor powder, black laundry soap and ammonia are mixed in equal quantities and poured with a glass of turpentine. Apply a compress 2 times a day.

Treatment can be carried out directly with medicinal herbs, for example, wormwood. It is necessary to chop the fresh herb and squeeze the juice out of it. The resulting juice is used to lubricate the area of ​​the bruise; it can prevent the formation of bruises and swelling.

Crushed oak bark and daisy flowers are mixed and brewed for 15 minutes. When the product has cooled, soak a gauze bandage in it and wrap it around the damaged finger. Herbalists say that if a person finds himself in the field and receives a severe bruise, then you can take any dark green plant and rub it vigorously in your hands to obtain juice. This juice is applied to a bruised area and even a wound. Green plant leaves contain a substance called chlorophyll. It can stop bleeding and prevent infection from entering open wounds. For closed injuries, it relieves pain.

To summarize, it should be noted that you should not be indifferent to finger injuries. Most people consider this a minor injury and do not give the limb proper treatment. As a result of such a neglectful attitude towards your body, you can incur a number of consequences, which will be much more difficult to eliminate than treating a pinched finger.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent mechanical damage to the limbs, because you can get injured anywhere and anytime. The only advice for people who work at production facilities and other citizens would be: pay as much attention as possible to safety precautions with piercing, cutting and heavy objects. Extreme caution in work will help to avoid unwanted injuries and long-term treatment.


Signs of a finger injury when caught in a car door

With the advent of modern technology, injuries to small parts of the body, including fingers and toes, have increased. Injuries to the fingers are especially common in traumatological practice. Most women are characterized by haste in everyday life, especially if they have a car at their disposal. That is why the situation in which a woman’s finger is pinched by a car door is quite common.

The machine is designed in such a way that closing the doors requires some effort. Basically, the process of closing the door is done with one hand, and often the fingers of the other hand are in the pinching zone. It is also common for a passenger's finger to be pinched by another person closing the door too quickly.

Anatomical features

Anatomically, each finger consists of small tubular bones. The bones are connected at small, movable joints. Only the first finger has two phalanges (proximal and distal), the remaining fingers have three phalanges in their structure (additionally the middle one), which increases the possibility of injury. The structure of the fingers contains the tendon apparatus, blood vessels, nerves and horny plates that form the nails.

Women pay the most time and attention to their nails. Their beauty and health emphasize their status. Consequently, the condition when a woman or girl has her finger pinched by a car door causes physical and external negative changes in the appearance and structure of the nail. If first aid is not provided in time and nothing is done, then the developed circulatory and innervation system leads to swelling, hematoma of the nail and finger, and a feeling of severe pain.

Among the most common conditions that occur when a woman's finger is caught in a car door is a bruise. Treatment of a bruise does not take much time, and external signs of injury disappear quite quickly. Conditions are dangerous when a finger is pinched by a car door and gets cracked or broken. Also unpleasant is the detachment of the nail, which occurs as a consequence of injury. In such cases, a plaster cast is applied, which disrupts the motor activity of the entire arm.

Symptoms of finger injuries

Getting injured, especially if it is a condition where a woman has her finger pinched by a car door, is accompanied by symptoms of severe pain. First of all, soft tissues and the nail plate are injured. This is what causes a hematoma to appear. If on soft tissues cyanosis appears almost immediately or within an hour, then on the nails the hematoma grows gradually and depends on the degree of damage.

The degree of hematoma can begin with mild hyperemia and end with cyanosis with a purple tint.

If the greatest force of traumatic impact falls on the nail, then the feelings of pain intensify. The skin under the nail plate often tugs, bursts and hurts intensely. An increase in skin temperature in the area of ​​injury is felt locally.

If you are bruised, it is possible to move your finger, but this will intensify the symptoms of pain. A fracture or crack limits the movement of the fingers. If you do nothing and do not provide first aid, the site of injury quickly swells - swelling increases.

Often, a condition where a finger is pinched by a car door threatens the hollow detachment of the nail plate. To avoid this, you need to fix the nail in time and go to a medical institution for medical procedures. It is also not recommended to make sudden movements.

First aid

If such a situation happened when a woman pinched her finger in a car door, do not panic. Before starting treatment, first aid must be provided. Any car owner has a driver's first aid kit at his disposal. Its composition is sufficient to carry out primary events.

The beginning of first aid is to prevent the appearance of edema and hematoma.

To do this you need to apply cold. Many first aid kits have a hypothermic bag for this purpose, and if it is not available, it is enough to apply any cold, including water. If there is bleeding or an open wound, rinsing your finger under running water is not recommended.

Since bruises or fractures are often accompanied by swelling, it is necessary to remove the rings, as this may cause problems in the future. If there is an open wound, it must be treated to avoid infection. For this we use:

  • brilliant green;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Only the wound site is treated so as not to complicate the doctor’s examination process in the future.

Providing first aid is complicated when the nail is completely or partially detached. It is impossible to make sudden movements or manipulations in such cases, as this can cause severe pain and loss of the nail plate. If the nail is partially peeled off, it is not recommended to fix it with a plaster, since when it is removed there is a risk of tearing off the nail. It is enough to carry out regular bandaging and contact a medical facility as soon as possible.

You do not need to do any opening or removal of finger or nail particles yourself.

Diagnosis and treatment

A visit to a doctor is necessary to rule out a fracture, provide qualified assistance and prescribe treatment. The facts of injury and the force of impact, especially when the patient’s finger was pinched by a car door, will help establish a diagnosis. The doctor examines, palpates and prescribes x-rays if necessary. X-ray diagnostics reveals the presence of a crack or fracture.

Treatment of bruises in most cases is prescribed without surgery. Fractures and cracks are cast. In rare cases, accompanied by the presence of fragments, bone displacement or serious tendon ruptures, surgical repair is prescribed.

If there are intradermal hematomas, they are opened. If a hematoma has formed under the nail, then it is necessary to make a puncture with a special needle to release the accumulated blood. Serious nail detachments require complete removal in a hospital setting. After removal, the skin is stitched for further proper growth of the nail.

Serious injuries require painkillers, including Analgin and Ketorolac.

Recovery time is individual in each case. If the bone and nail are not seriously damaged, then healing takes up to 2-3 weeks. After removal of the nail plate, it takes more than 2 months to fully recover.

You can speed up the healing process for your nails by using folk remedies:

  • baths of soda (10g) and salt (10g) added to warm water help;
  • apply compresses from mixed leaves of plantain and yarrow in 50 ml of water and infused for up to 2 hours.

Anti-inflammatory ointments relieve pain, and products such as Lyoton and Troxevasin will help restore the beauty of your fingers.

To avoid a situation where, due to carelessness, a woman or girl hits her finger on a car door, it is necessary to follow safety precautions and take your time. If you do happen to pinch a finger or nail, do not panic. It is necessary to take first aid measures and go to a medical facility.


Bruised finger: how to give yourself first aid?

Everyday injuries follow us literally at every step. Every person at least once in his life wondered what to do if he pinched his finger, and how to relieve these excruciating pain sensations that now haunt him?

Usually a nailed finger hurts a lot, and all the efforts of the victim are aimed specifically at relieving the pain syndrome. Appropriate tablets, ice compresses, warming are used - in short, everything that can slightly soften the unpleasant sensation. Some of them turn out to be quite effective, others are even more harmful and provoke the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, self-medication should be done with extreme caution and attentiveness.

Minor damage usually does not manifest itself as severe swelling and the formation of hematomas. However, it happens that with such an injury you can even get a fracture (bone crack).

And in this case, it is better not to delay contacting a traumatologist - it is important to provide compression and immobilization as soon as possible so that the hard tissue is adequately consolidated.

Fractures usually occur when someone gets caught in a car door, but it can happen in other cases as well. So, if you painfully pinched your finger in a car door, it is important to know what to do next so as not to provoke serious complications.

A person who has pinched a finger usually experiences a far from pleasant range of feelings. The same applies to those who knock out a toe when they suddenly hit a door frame. Not only children, but also adults who have received such a common, at first glance, domestic trauma, enter a state of short-term shock.

However, when the acute primary pain passes, the discomfort, as a rule, does not go away. Due to increased local pressure and internal hemorrhage, quite intense swelling forms on the finger, and hematomas and even bruises can also be observed.

What should you do if you get a bruise of this kind, and should you see a doctor?

First of all, try to move the injured finger. If you can do this, in principle, despite the pain, there is probably no fracture. But if your phalanges remain treacherously motionless, and the slightest attempts to bend or straighten them cause severe pain, it makes sense to go to the nearest emergency room and resort to radiography.

The sooner you immobilize a broken finger, the more likely it is that the bone will heal properly. Since finger fractures can be called a common occurrence, many people neglect this advice, hoping that everything will go away on its own. As a result, the bone tissue consolidates incorrectly, and, at best, the patient receives visual deformation for life. And in the worst case, one also faces a sharp limitation in the functionality of the damaged part of the body.

What to do if a person pinches a finger badly? First of all, it is necessary to differentiate a regular bruise from a fracture. They manifest themselves in fundamentally different ways, so it will not be difficult even for an amateur who is completely unfamiliar with the basics of medicine.

A fracture has the following symptoms:

  • Change in skin tone in areas of injury;
  • Aching, wave-like pain that does not subside, but, on the contrary, increases;
  • Difficulty moving a finger;
  • Abnormal mobility of the phalanges, uncharacteristic of the usual state;
  • Severe swelling, which intensifies despite the use of a cold compress and other “improvised” means;
  • Periodic exacerbations of pain;
  • Visible deformation of any type.

An ordinary bruise is somewhat milder and has the following symptoms:

  1. Hyperemia and hyperthermia of tissues in the bruised area (red, hot skin);
  2. Mild swelling;
  3. The pain, however, is not as acute as in the first case, and tends to subside.

So, how to give yourself first aid if your finger is pinched?

  1. First of all, immerse the limb in ice water. If you don’t have time to do this, simply take the ice out of the freezer, wrap it in a thin cloth (such as gauze) and apply it to the painful area. You can also use any bag from the freezer that is cool enough;
  2. Hold the compress for at least 10-15 minutes, then gently wipe your finger from any remaining liquid and lubricate it with ointment or gel against bruises. For this purpose, products such as Fenistil, Fastumgel, Voltaren, Traumeel or Diclofenac are excellent;
  3. Cover yourself with a soft, sterile bandage. A medical bandage is ideal for these purposes;
  4. If pain is present, take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever. For example, Nimesil powder, or standard products like Ketanov, Nise, Nalgesin;
  5. Monitor your own well-being. If you experience a fever, be sure to consult a doctor.

Do not under any circumstances resort to heating until you are sure that the wound does not fester! Otherwise, you can provoke increased suppuration and the spread of the infectious process! In addition, warming up, in principle, is not very useful for inflammatory processes - they are relevant only during the period of healing and rehabilitation, and then if they are carried out on specialized physiotherapeutic equipment.

It also happens that the nail plate was hit during a bruise. As a rule, in such a situation it quickly changes color and becomes blue-black. If you have pinched your finger and the nail turns blue and hurts, this is relatively normal, and you should not sound the alarm if there are no signs of a fracture.

However, we consider it our duty to warn you that the nail that has turned blue can “come off” and be replaced. Roughly speaking, the nail plate will fall off, and a new one will grow in its place. Of course, such a process cannot be called aesthetic, but you will have to endure it.

In addition, it is very important to periodically treat the site of the new nail according to the advice of a doctor. It is also important to monitor the growth of the plate, since in this case it may begin to grow. Contact a specialist who will tell you in detail how to avoid such unpleasant phenomena.

What to do if you pinch your finger and your nail turns blue?

In order not to lose the plate, you can use a simple folk “trick”, namely, pierce it.

To do this, treat the surface of the nail with a strong antiseptic. Concentrated alcohol or any alcohol solution is best suited for this purpose. Next, take a thin needle and heat it over an open fire, and then place it on the plate strictly at a right angle. Don’t worry – this manipulation will not cause any pain.

The hot metal will quite easily pass through the keratinized surface of the nail and make the desired hole in it. If you feel pain, remove the needle immediately as you have probably hit living tissue.

The prognosis for this action is characterized as 50 to 50. Perhaps the plate will remain intact and will not come off. But no one can give an exact guarantee. In any case, if this happens, you will know for sure that you did everything possible to keep it in its place.

Folk remedies for kidney stones in men

Children are quite curious, inquisitive creatures. Not a second goes by without them trying to “taste the fruit forbidden by their parents.” And sometimes this insatiable curiosity leads to everyday injuries: sometimes mild and harmless, and sometimes serious and terrible. But doors are especially dangerous for children - in modern houses and apartments they are everywhere: between rooms, in chests of drawers, wardrobes, cabinets, etc. Moreover, the following pattern can be traced: the door closes when the child puts his finger or hand into it. And if it so happens that a child pinches a finger in a door, parents must clearly understand what to do in this situation in order to provide high-quality and timely first aid.

What action should be taken if a child manages to get his finger caught in a door?

As a rule, such injuries are not terrible, although they are very painful for the baby. Even with the most careful supervision of small household injuries, it is difficult to avoid, and, in fact, it is not necessary - the child must gain this experience in order to understand in adulthood how to behave in various emergency situations. And pampered children will later be too vulnerable and careless in dangerous situations. And this has its own risk.

If it does happen that a child pinches his finger in a door, parents should be able to provide him with first aid, and not only physical, but also psychological. Yes, there will be a lot of tears, screaming, crying. But adults must be prepared for this: “ooh-ah” in this situation is extremely inappropriate, there is no room for panic, parents must be calm and patient. Initially, you will need to free the baby's finger from the door vice. This must be done confidently and quickly, but carefully, trying not to damage the already injured limb. Next, you need to hold the baby tightly to yourself, hug and try to calm him down. At the same time, try to examine the injured finger and note:

  1. Is your finger swollen or deformed?
  2. Is there blood coming out from the injured area?
  3. Are there visible damages on the skin: wounds, cuts, punctures?
  4. Has there been a bruise?
  5. Does the child move his finger freely?
  6. Is there any damage to the nail plate?

Based on the answers to these questions, further actions are planned. It is important to note any changes. Next, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. If the finger has become swollen, but there are no wounds or bruises, place the child’s hand under a stream of cold water (about 5 minutes), which will reduce pain and stop the increase in swelling.
  2. Then prepare an ice compress. To do this, you can chop ice from the freezer and wrap it in a towel. Let your child hold the compress in his hand for an hour. In this case, the injured arm should occupy an elevated position.
  3. If the door pinches a child’s finger until it bleeds, you should not place the handle in water - the blood clotting process will be disrupted.
  4. Open wounds should be treated with an antiseptic (peroxide, brilliant green). Remember: you cannot pour iodine into open wounds!
  5. After treating the wound, apply a tight bandage to the finger. Since there is still a chance that the finger may become very swollen, let your child hold a cold compress on the injured hand for 30-60 minutes.
  6. Without visible damage to the skin, the bandage does not need to be applied.
  7. If your child's finger is very sore, offer him paracetamol or ibuprofen, taking into account the age-specific dosage.

Damage to the phalanx of the finger

If a child manages to press down the phalanx of a finger, be sure to pay attention to whether he can move it. If after first aid the condition of the injured limb does not improve, it continues to swell, is very painful, the finger does not move or is clearly deformed, you should urgently consult a traumatologist. The door may have damaged a finger bone. If the X-ray results reveal a fracture, the doctor will apply a cast and prescribe therapy.

If the nail plate is damaged

If a child manages to nail a nail into a door, the nature of the injury may not be immediately noticeable: it may first turn red, and only after a while begins to turn blue. If a small red spot appears under the nail, there is nothing to worry about. If the nail turns completely blue and blood oozes from the wound, you need to urgently go to the clinic.

A finger with a damaged nail should be immediately treated with an antiseptic. It is not recommended to tear off an injured nail yourself - this should be done by a surgeon. In the future, you need to carefully monitor the injured finger: if the growth of the new nail is disrupted, you need to consult a doctor, because there is a risk of developing a problem such as an ingrown nail. If this problem is ignored in the initial stages, it can remain for life.

How to provide psychological assistance to a child?

Of course, not every parent can adequately respond to the trauma of their own child. But emotions are the worst helper in such situations. Therefore, remain calm if your child manages to crush his finger under the door.

  1. Calm the baby down - hug, kiss, have pity.
  2. Do not shout or scold him for his carelessness and inattention.
  3. Explain that this sometimes happens not only to him, but also to other children and adults.
  4. Distract your baby with your favorite cartoon, game, or reading children's literature.
  5. Praise your child for his patience, courage, and perseverance.
  6. Show how every door, every bedside table, every cabinet opens in your house. How to close them correctly so as not to crush your fingers.
  7. Do not forbid your child to open/close doors - this will stir up even greater interest in prohibited actions and objects.

Treat your child with understanding. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to avoid injuring your baby, because children by nature are inquisitive researchers. All you can do is minimize the chances of injury (for example, install special door stops or lock cabinet doors) and be prepared for such situations. And, of course, talk to your child, discuss possible dangers, comment on his actions, teach him to assess the situation in advance. This is the only way you can protect your baby from many troubles.

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