Bride ransom in mafia style. Bride ransom scenario

The option of a wedding price in the style of Chicago of the 20s of the last century will appeal to bridesmaids who want to carry out this ceremony in a fun and unusual way. Strict adherence to a specific theme will add zest to well-known and traditional competitions, and participation in such a ransom will bring pleasure to both the “clan” of the bride and the “clan” of the groom.

Original scenario of bride ransom in gangster style will be especially good if

Preparing ransom in gangster style.

Note: Bridesmaids and bridesmaids dress in a gangster style, for example, in men's black suits with the obligatory suspenders and hats - they speak in a rude manner, the ransom is conducted with restraint. On the table at which they will sit when the groom appears, you can lay out cards, various money, cups and a teapot, into which whiskey was poured in the 20s. You are even allowed to chew gum. We give out firecrackers, pipes, rattles to everyone who helps conduct the ransom - they need to be used at those moments when the groom copes with the next task.

Seated behind the bridesmaids is her father, dressed in a striped suit and holding a thick cigar. The bridesmaids seem to appeal to his opinion each time, and the father accepts the result of this or that competition and task with all condescension. The father of the bride condescends to get up from his seat and address the newlywed only at the very end of the ransom: his task is to give a parting speech.

Wedding ransom script "Chicago style""

Upon arrival, no one meets the groom and his friends, so they calmly enter the entrance, where they are bombarded by the roar of firecrackers and rattles. They immediately come across the table with the bridesmaids. They pose as slightly drunken beauties. Don NN (father of the bride) is watching them from across the flight of stairs. After each test, the groom will go up one flight of stairs, and his friends will lift the don's chair and move it higher to the floor.


1st girlfriend: Girls, what a handsome guy you've seen here, you can't erase it!

2nd girlfriend: Yes, not a bad boy! What have you forgotten?

The groom explains “what I forgot.”

3rd girlfriend: Okay, okay, we already know - don’t strain yourself! But who told you that you would get it so easily, huh?

1st girlfriend: Or do you think that Don NN raised her for you? Who are you anyway? What do you want from our family?

The groom talks about himself, his activities, his father and mother. If necessary, the bridesmaids ask leading questions. Then they look back at the Don, who nods his head condescendingly.

2nd girlfriend: Okay, let's go! Tell us your password and we'll let you through!

The groom, of course, does not know any password.

3rd girlfriend: Why are you running around?! Right now we’ll give you a hint from our friend, don’t drift (here you need a recording on your mobile phone, where the bride, with her lips and gestures, tries to betray the cherished word, for example, “love”. The groom guesses and gives the password).

1st girlfriend: Look, you quick-witted one! Yes, she just loves you for some reason, so she’s trying to encrypt it more clearly!

2nd girlfriend: So I think that something turned out a little simple! Well, spend a hundred bucks on a smoke! What other rubles? Then a thousand!

3rd girlfriend: Hello, are we any worse? Well, unpack your hand luggage! Show me what you have there! This is exactly the kind of candy I love! Well, don't squeeze, our don doesn't like rednecks! (after such an extortion, the don waves his hand, and the girls allow the groom to go up one flight of stairs, while they force his friends to move the don’s chair).

1st girlfriend: And here we will test you for “weakness”! Look how much food you have in your trunk! So come on, show us how you can drink!

2nd girlfriend: Yes, yes, otherwise you all love to eat, but have no one to drink with!

Exercise: They bring out six glasses, two of which contain salt water, the other two contain sweet water, and two contain vodka. The groom must drink everything without wincing.

3rd girlfriend: By the way, you can’t frown - Don doesn’t like it when people disdain his treats! ( When the groom has done everything perfectly, the don should respectfully shake his head and make a hand gesture for the groom to bring out the snack. At this point, the task is considered completed and everyone moves up).

1st girlfriend: Okay, you drink well, but how do you shoot?

2nd girlfriend: Let's check it out now! Take the darts! For every mistake you make, you pay us so that we remain silent, what a blunder you are.

Assignment: They bring out a target with the inscription “I’ll marry for love” in the center. On other fields diverging from the center are the following words: “I’m afraid to sleep alone,” “sent by the enemy clan,” “I like hot dinners,” and so on.

3rd girlfriend: Don't wave your arms too much - you only have five attempts! (if the groom never hits the center, then the bridesmaids simply take money from him for each miss).

1st girlfriend: Of course, you made a mistake, but you have money. So be it! We'll let you through! If the Don allows it! (Don indicates with a sign that it wouldn’t be a bad idea for him to gild his handle, and only after that he allows him to go up another flight of stairs).

2nd girlfriend: Money, of course, is good, but do you know how to think?

3rd girlfriend: Yes, a little brain never hurt anyone!

1st girlfriend: So what's up? Let him puzzle over our gangster crossword puzzle!

Exercise: There is only one word in the center: the name of the bride. The groom must guess all the rest. Questions should relate to the bride's life: her month of birth, her favorite dish, favorite color, etc.

3rd girlfriend: Look, I did it! Probably too easy! Either send the money or you’ll get another task! (even if the groom decided to pay off with money, he is still given the task).

Exercise: Pre-cut three photographs of the bride and mix. The groom must assemble all three as expected in two minutes.

The task is not difficult, so the groom is guaranteed to move to a higher flight. Dad also nods in agreement.

1st girlfriend: Yes, pretty faces! They all belong to one cutie! Do you know, groom, that you have to pay for such beauty? Or do you think that your future wife has nothing to spend money on?!

2nd girlfriend: How is this not worth it! What do you think this is?

Assignment: the groom is presented with the following price list: spa treatments - 1,500 rubles, solarium - 1,000 rubles, new handbag - 2,000 rubles, cocktail dress - 1,800 rubles. The groom and his friends must pay for all this. The missing amounts can be taken with champagne, flowers and chocolates.

We go up another flight of stairs and come to the door of the bride’s apartment.

3rd girlfriend: How much is there in total?

1st girlfriend: Six and a half thousand! Well, just think, six three hundred! They squeezed two hundred, rednecks!

2nd girlfriend: You’ve already reached the apartment anyway, but you don’t have the key!

3rd girlfriend: Well, yes, you will have to work hard for the key!

Assignment: There are 10 inflated balloons hanging on the front door. They contain papers with tasks:

1. loudly shout the name of the betrothed;

2. sing a verse from her favorite song;

3. weave a wreath of flowers;

4. come up with three rhymes for the bride’s name;

5. two rhymes to her mother's name;

6. one rhyme to her father's name;

7. name five bad habits that he will give up for the sake of his beloved;

8. name ten of its advantages;

9. do push-ups from the wall ten times;

10. cry with love.

But the groom will be told that one of them will have “key” written on it. But the groom does not find the key.

1st girlfriend: Gentlemen, all the damned absent-mindedness! I have the key!

2nd girlfriend: Get the treasured key, Mr. Gangster!

The groom opens the door and finds the bride, who may be hiding somewhere in the closet for a joke. Satisfied donNN opens the champagne and says parting words. The groom presents bouquets to his future mother-in-law and wife, picks up his betrothed in his arms and carries her down to the car.

The bride price is a fun and cheerful event that the bridesmaids arrange for the groom. The original script makes it unforgettable and interesting. Gangster style has a certain charm and adds excitement.

When choosing this ransom style, it is possible to create a unique atmosphere from the times of gangsters, showdowns between mafia clans, and the appearance makes the event original and unforgettable.

What does tradition symbolize?

The bride price is a creative entertainment that symbolizes the payment of compensation to the bride's friends and parents. the tradition has always had only an entertaining character, and the ransom amount is only symbolic.

In Eastern cultures, the ransom plays a direct role and sometimes takes on a large size. The ransom amount is affected by the status of the bride and groom. For parents, this is proof that their daughter will be provided for and that the man is quite responsible and also wealthy.

Today, the ransom tradition allows both the bride's friends and the groom and his friends to have fun before moving on to the formal part. It allows you to relieve tension and bring the whole team together in a ridiculous way, since a wedding is always associated with a lot of planning and a certain responsibility.

Wedding planner

The ransom is just an introduction, which should not drag on too long; 30 minutes is quite enough to carry it out. This tradition is very symbolic and fun, which is why many couples include it in their wedding.

Elena Sokolova


In order to devote a minimum amount of time to decor, you can simply make a redemption in a casino or bar with the appropriate style.

Vasilisa Koshkina


The first stage of the ransom. It takes a lot of time and requires thinking through and organizing a large number of decorative elements, words, venue, etc. In a stylized purchase, much attention is paid to the appearance and decor.

To give all those involved the appropriate appearance and play out a bright bride price in the style of gangsters, you will need props. Let's look at what women and men should wear.

Required details

A perfectly executed buyout implies the style of the 20s of the previous century. All participants must dress appropriately for the period.

Women's style

According to the fashion trend of the 20s, you should have straight-cut dresses, natural fabric items with elegant inserts, and flowing skirts. To highlight the desired look, you should use accessories - feather boas, stockings and leather gloves.

Ideally, the hairstyle should have cool wavy hair or collected hair with a boa or veil on top. A mouthpiece can be used as an auxiliary accessory. By the way, you can also find suitable outfit options.

Male appearance

For a suit that matches the style of those years, it is better to use a three-piece, but a two-piece is also suitable. The basis is used shiny fabrics in dark colors (dark blue, dark brown) or gray. The appearance was monitored extremely closely, so negligence will ruin the atmosphere. Shoes are polished to a shine.


It is extremely difficult to imagine gangsters without weapons, because constant shootings and wars provoked the need to protect themselves. The most realistic and atmospheric are Tommy guns and Colts, as well as the first machine guns.


It is advisable to complement the retro style with a car, if not from the 20s, but at least from the 50s, but this is an expensive service. Ideally use Cadillac or Lincoln. If this is not possible, you can hire a limousine or use what you have.

What else is needed to maintain the atmosphere?

You also need to pay attention to:

  • Music: soft and deep saxophone music from Broadway performers was valued at the time;
  • Small props: canes with elegant tips and heads;
  • Decor: bottles of alcohol (you can take toy ones), open suitcases with many bills;
  • Props for competitions: cards, safe, target.

A suitable design indoors or outdoors is created using retro things, this can include anything. Perfect for: carved furniture, popular musical instruments, antique watches, telephone, safe, etc.

Next, you need to decide on the participants - you will need gangsters from two different areas. One mafia is the groom and his friends, and the second “family” is the bride’s friends. The groom will be called Don (name). During the redemption process, it is determined under what conditions the transition to the other side will take place.

Event plan

The bride ransom scenario in a gangster style begins with the groom and his “group” driving up to the venue in a car. At the entrance to the premises, Don is met by another mafia clan (girlfriends), who are at the table and enjoying whiskey from glass glasses.

The first clan member (who notices the groom). Well hello, Don (Name). Are you lost or have you entered our territory? You went beyond your limits and also took your dogs. He quickly moved away from our possessions, you know that our Don is punishing for this. Or do you have a reason for visiting?

Groom. I came to pick up my bride."

Girlfriend. The bride? What kind of bride does she know about this herself?

Groom. Of course, I will agree on everything with her!

Girlfriend. Now it's clear where she was at night! But she deceived us, saying that she was not planning anything criminal, that the mistrust was unfounded.

Second friend. Calm down. We are ready to give up an excellent gangster, but for whose sake will she have a future? Are you able to protect and provide for her?

The groom gives a positive answer.

Girlfriends. Okay, let's check it out. We are used to having a luxurious life: wearing the best clothes and eating only the best food. Prove to us that you are worthy of it, build a house. I’ll make an allowance; your accompaniment can help with this. Here are the building materials.

One of my friends gives me a Lego set.

Girlfriend. You don’t think that everything will be so easy, time is limited, everything takes about 5 minutes.

The groom and his friends are engaged in construction; if they fail to complete the project on time, they have to pay a ransom for additional time.

Not bad, maybe you're worth something. Don't relax, that's not all! The bride is an active lady, everything should revolve around her. Do you have enough gunpowder? Here are 2 bowls, one filled with water. You need to use the offered objects to move the water into another glass. There is a spoon, a sieve and 2 glasses on the table. Time is limited! Get started!

If you managed, follow to the next point; if it didn’t work out, follow your girlfriend’s remark.

Girlfriend. You failed in speed, maybe you will amaze us with your wealth?

The groom pays the ransom

Girlfriend. Yes, you have money, but is it enough for everything? The water in the bowl should overflow; use money to fill it.

The groom throws a lot of change until the water begins to overflow.

One of my friends. Your property is large and admirable!

Another friend. And envy... Our bride has always been a bad girl and terrified the boys from the neighboring yard even at a young age. You knew that? Why not? What do you even know then? Now let's check how close you are to her.

The essence of the game is to describe situations or facts from the girlfriends, and the groom answers - I believe it or not.

Girlfriend. There is another problem, despite your condition, there cannot be an alliance between our clans! Do you want to break this vicious circle and the thread that weaves it together? Break the thread of the curse without using cutting objects or touching. How will you get out of the situation?

The groom must guess to set it on fire; a hint costs money.

Girlfriends. The curse has been lifted, now you are worthy to take our bride, we see that she made the right choice.

The bride comes out, and the friends go out of the way.

Interesting! It is not necessary to limit yourself to just redemption. Host the entire wedding.

Pay attention to the following nuances.


An ideally arranged gangster-style bride price will cost a considerable amount, but you can save money and get away with a small price if you use the tips outlined in the article.

A wedding is one of the most fun and exciting events in life. There are many rituals and traditions to make the event as interesting as possible. For example, you can diversify your wedding with an unusual performance and choose a mafia-style bride price.

Everyone has their own taste and preferences that determine. Therefore, performing a traditional ritual in new styles is not prohibited.

What is the beauty of such a production?

The mafia has always been shrouded in romance and danger. It is these two components that create an unusual ambience and will transport wedding participants to the 20-30s. XX century - the peak of prosperity for various mafia groups, especially in gangster Chicago in the USA.

Mafiosi in those days spent a huge amount of money on booze, women and luxury. Why not romance? At the same time, there was always a risk of skirmishes and clashes with other clans, including over women.

Preparation and props

At the very beginning, you should carefully think through the plot and distribute the roles of the characters. Everyone should know what and how to do. This will create the right atmosphere. For the competition you will need the following things:

The bride's shoe is placed in the suitcase, and the groom will later select a code. The green tablecloth and chips imitate a casino. The groom can draw cards and complete the tasks indicated on them. With the help of darts you can evaluate the groom's accuracy, and a children's pistol with plastic bullets can be used against the “villain” made of balloons. You can come up with funny competitions yourself and select the appropriate props yourself.

After winning the competition, the groom is given various casino chips. Having collected a certain amount, he gets the opportunity to buy tips.

Attention! Today it is easy to order special money with a portrait of the bride or groom. It is advisable to make them large - it will be more fun.


The essence of the ransom is the union of two opposing clans, which will thus unite. For greater plausibility, familiar mafia names and terms are used:

  • Don (the name of the bride's father) is the head of the clan on the bride's side and her father;
  • Don (groom's name) is the head of the groom's clan and the groom himself;
  • Consigliere - assistants and advisers to the head of the clan;
  • Capo – represents the interests of the head of the clan and acts on his behalf in negotiations (usually the groom’s best friend).

The interests of the bride are represented by her father, the interests of the groom are represented by the groom himself and his Capo. Consigliere are the remaining participants in the ransom.

Attention! You can change the names of the participants in the Italian style (Oleg - Alessio, Alexander - Alessandro, Andrey - Adriano, etc.).


The performance is usually held on the landing in front of the bride's door. At the entrance you can hang a sign “Bride’s House”. You can also use Mafia-style bride price indicators: “Bar”, “Casino” and others, if required by the scenario. You need to decorate the room in such a way as to create a gangster style for the bride ransom in the mafia style:

  • old newspapers on the walls;
  • posters with newlyweds with the inscription “Wanted!”;
  • old vinyl records;
  • pistols;
  • family photos in mafia style (can be done using Photoshop);
  • wooden boxes with rum and whiskey;
  • on the floor there is a silhouette of a murdered man, outlined in chalk;
  • bags of money;
  • cigar butts.

Wedding planner

The lines and dialogues of the ransom must be rehearsed in advance. An important point is the selection of props.

Elena Sokolova


When decorating, just use your imagination. For example, you can make an impromptu bar where guests are treated to drinks or dress up a girl so that she offers her services to men (jokingly, of course).


Scenario: competitions in order

How does bride ransom work in mafia style? The scenario may consist of several competitions. Let's look at a sample list of such competitions.

The groom and guests approach the entrance of the house, where 2 gangsters dressed appropriately are waiting for him (let them be Antonio and Pascucci).

Antonio. Bongiorno, sir. We are Antonio and Pascucci. What do you need here?

Groom. I (groom's name) came to ask for (let's say Monica's) hand in marriage.

Pascucci. Yes, we have heard a lot about you. However, Monica is the most beautiful girl in the city and the daughter of the head of the clan (the bride's surname). Only the most worthy will dare to ask for her hand.

Don (father's name) wrote a list of requirements for his future son-in-law. How much money are you willing to pay for this information?

Antonio. OK. Agree. Listen.

Antonio reads out the following requirements: accuracy, courage, dexterity, cunning and resourcefulness.

Pascucci. You see how complicated everything is. If I were you, I would refuse and leave. But if you want to try, we can start checking. How much will you pay for our help?

There is more bidding until the gangsters agree, and the inspection begins.


Antonio. The first test is courage. We have a hostage - the main enemy of Don (father's name). Are you brave enough to deal with him?

The groom agrees, and they bring him a figure made of balloons.

Pascucci. Are you ready to show what you can do? Then I can sell you the best gun in the city, which we seized during the robbery of the police armory.

There is a trade for a pistol with plastic bullets.

Antonio. This is the villain. We chased him for a long time and finally caught him. If you kill him, Don (father's name) will be grateful to you.

Pascucci. You need to torture him first. Therefore, shoot at different parts of the body, and only then finish it off in the head.

The groom must complete the task and drink whiskey with the gangsters.


Antonio. Now let's check how accurate you are. Pascucci, bring the target.

The darts are brought out and the bidding begins to begin the competition. After it ends, the groom must knock out as many points as possible.


Pascucci. Now we will check how quickly you think. Intelligence is an important thing for the mafia.

A list of questions:

  1. Name 5 films about the mafia and gangsters (Answer: “Scarface”, “The Godfather”, “The Drunkest County in the World”, “Goodfellas”, “The Untouchables”, “Reservoir Dogs”, “Pulp Fiction”, etc. ).
  2. Italian name for the mafia (Answer: Cosa Nostra).
  3. What does “Cosa Nostra” mean? (Answer: Our business or our business).
  4. Where did the mafia first appear (Answer: Sicily).
  5. Name the most famous mafioso in the USA (Answer: Al Capone).

For every hint or wrong answer, the groom must pay money. Then you need to drink whiskey with the gangsters again.


Antonio. The time has come to test how cunning you are. More than a month ago we stole a suitcase from the mayor of our city, but it contained a code. Therefore we cannot open it. If you can do this, then I will inform Don (father’s name), and he, in turn, will not remain in debt.

The groom is given a suitcase with a code. Moreover, the code consists of memorable numbers regarding the bride (date of birth, age, house or apartment number, etc.). Gangsters must give tips for a certain amount.


Pascucci. Last task for you. You need to find the key to the bride's apartment.

The groom is given a large number of balls, one of which contains the key. You need to pop the balls using a gun or a pin. The competition is held for a time and if the groom did not make it in time, he will have to pay the ransom again.

When the groom passes all the mafia-style bride ransom competitions, Antonio says: “I think you are worthy of the hand of the beautiful Monica. I’ll go report to Don (father’s name).

Everyone goes to the apartment, where the groom is met by the bride's father and the bride herself. Here you can improvise for all the heroes and make the meeting truly solemn.

What else can you think of?

Of course, you can diversify the mafia-style bride price to your taste. The competitions described above may be changed or supplemented. Let's look at a few competitions and interesting things that will make the wedding even more interesting.

  • A retro car can be an old Cadillac or Ford, which you can rent instead of a Limousine.
  • “Prohibition” competition – 20 bottles of alcohol are hidden in different places in the car of the bride’s father or someone else. The groom must fill the empty vodka box.
  • “Gambling” competition – the groom must beat the bride’s father at cards (any game).
  • Competition “Roll it into concrete!” – the groom is given a basin with pre-nailed boards so that his legs can be fixed inside. In this state, the groom must go through an obstacle course.
  • “Read Lips” competition – the groom must be shown a video of the bride without sound, where she says the password. The groom must guess it by reading only lips.
  • “Italian Language” competition – you must sing a karaoke song in Italian. The worse the groom can sing, the more fun it will be.
  • “Faithful Husband” competition – girls try to caress and seduce the groom. His task is not to smile for some time (20-30 seconds).

Moreover, here you can fantasize as much as you like, if you have the desire. There is no need to be shy about drinking before the feast begins - drunken ransom participants will be more relaxed and artistic. The mafia theme will appeal to everyone without exception, even the older generation.

A mafia-style ransom scenario is exactly what those who want a wedding in the style of the 20s and 30s need. Mafia, gangsters, guns, cards and whiskey.....we think it will be very interesting!

Mafia style ransom scenario #1.

Meeting the groom and his friends at the entrance door.

Competition No. 1

Witness: Buenos Dias, dear señors. We have heard rumors that you want to become related to our clan by marrying ___________ (bride's name). Is it so?

Groom and co: Yes

Witness: Well, let's see if you are worthy of this honor. So, groom (points at him with a weapon), take a step forward. Come on, turn around, turn around (makes appropriate gestures with his weapon). Okay, good, right, girls? (addresses the bride's friends).

Bridesmaids: yes, yes, very much so.

Witness: But appearance is not the main thing in our business. Let's check how devoted you are to the mafia, how well you know its history. Name at least five films about the mafia or pay for special courses to train top-class mafiosi.

If the groom names five films, you can ask him a couple more questions about the history of the mafia. For example, what exact place in Italy is considered the birthplace of the mafia (Sicily); as the Italian mafia (Cosa Nostra) is sometimes called; what does the expression Cosa Nostra mean (our business), etc. If he doesn’t answer, take money from him. You can give him a disk with films about the mafia in exchange for money - let him learn, because you promised him special courses

Competition No. 2

Witness: well, you are familiar with the history and laws of the mafia (everyone enters the entrance), but what about the history of our clan. We offer you a game of chance: draw a card and answer, if you are a true mafioso and truly love your bride, what the numbers on the drawn cards mean. For every wrong answer you will pay dearly. (The witness offers the groom a set of cards with numbers meaning any things related to his beloved, her family, their memorable dates).

Competition No. 3

Witness: now let’s see if you can protect your chosen one from an insidious bullet and punish the offenders. Here's a pistol with three bullets in a clip (hands three darts to the groom) - show us how accurate you are.

There is a dart board on one of the walls of the entrance. The groom's task is to hit the bull's eye in three attempts. If he succeeds, all the bridesmaids unanimously praise his accuracy, and the “godmother” shakes his hand. If he doesn’t get it, the witness takes money from him for “damaged walls” and invites the witness to try. He says to the groom, pointing to the witness: “You lost, but your best friend can commit a vendetta.” The witness also tries.

Competition No. 4

Witness: Do you know that we can not only work, but also have a good rest. We especially love Italian music. Come on, perform something for us (then the music “Uno-uno-uno un momento” sounds).

Witness: Well, not bad, not bad.

Competition No. 5

Witness: You have almost reached your goal, dear gentlemen, but you still have to overcome more than one stubborn door. (Everyone comes to the door to the apartment). Will you, as a true master of your craft, be able to open this door, well, for example, with this (the witness takes out a hairpin from her hair. Naturally, the groom will not be able to do this).

Witness: It doesn’t work. Well, in view of our exceptional sympathy for you, you can try to find the key here, of course, by paying for your attempts (Near the door hangs a bunch of balloons with pieces of paper inside, one of which has the inscription “key”. The goal is to find this piece of paper by popping balls. For each “empty” ball, the groom pays a ransom in the amount pre-agreed on the balls themselves).

Competition No. 6

Witness: Now, prove that you are a real Italian mafioso. Tell your chosen one about your love in pure Italian, and louder! And if you can’t, we can offer you a Russian-Italian phrasebook for a fee.

Competition No. 7

Witness: You passed all the tests with honor, dear lords, and in our common opinion you are worthy of joining our mafia clan. But, unfortunately, there were some enemy machinations: your bride’s shoe was stolen and the kidnappers demanded a ransom of _____ rubles for it.

After this, the groom buys the shoe, solemnly puts it on the bride’s foot, hands her a bouquet and everyone present celebrates the groom’s successful ransom. Italian music, cigars and drinks are welcome. For example, a Bellini cocktail (Ingredients: Italian white sparkling wine Prosecco + peach puree).

Mafia style ransom scenario #2.

The groom and his friends arrive at the bride's house.
No one meets them at the entrance door.
Hoping to pass freely, they enter the entrance and go up to the __ floor.
At the door of the bride’s apartment, young, pretty, damn charming bridesmaids in gangster costumes are sitting at the table, playing cards, “drinking wine”...
On the table: pistols, cards, whiskey, bills, change, a suitcase with wads of money...

The appearance of the groom is accompanied by whistling, firecrackers, pipes...:
L-Who came to us!? DON himself......CHE with his friends!!!
T-To what do we owe such an honor?

The groom explains that he has come to pick up the bride.
L-Mafia translated from Italian means FAMILY.
T-Laws of the mafia are strong and reliable, and the clan cannot be destroyed.
L-Precisely for this reason, a marriage created in accordance with all gangster (G) laws is capable of making the union strong.


Y-You are DON....CHE, although you are from a noble and respected family, and the honor of the clan is above all for us and our sister, the beauty MARY....., we won’t just give it up, prove that you are worthy of her!
L- Tell me what the password is for G, so that I can find out that you are not from the enemy clan...Forgot????!!!
T-Beautiful Mary……. Apparently she loves you very much, because she left you a hint. In this underground video she tries to spell the word for you.
L-if you don’t tell me the password, then we’ll solve this issue differently, by paying $100 for our silence.

(On video: on a hundred bodies, the bride spells out the password with gestures without sound, the groom must read the lips Password: I'm waiting for you)
(The bride pronounces a completely different phrase very indistinctly and strongly gesturing: the groom cannot guess the phrase, he gives a lot of money for the wrong options)
L-Well, apparently Beauty MARY VERONIKA apparently loves you very, very much, because she left you another clue, only it’s very small, try to find it on this poster! (a large poster on the wall with a single phrase in large font: “PASSWORD I’M WAITING FOR YOU,” somewhere under the balls)

T-Do you love the bride you came for?
L-We'll check that now. A real G should be able to shoot well, so show off your accuracy.
Y-And prove that the only reason you are here is love!
L-You are given 3 attempts, every shot you make that doesn’t hit the mark makes us doubt the sincerity of your love. Payment for silence - $150 for each mistake.

(The groom plays darts, in the sectors of which the reasons for getting married are indicated: “woolen socks are torn”, “on instructions from the clan”, “tired of being a bachelor” “I’m afraid to sleep alone”, in the center “for love”)
T-You are a cold-blooded fellow!

L-And now we need to make sure that you know your bride well, prove it to us
T-This is a task for your entire clan. Here you go, DON... SKANVOORDOTTTTCHE, and your friends are tasked with assembling PATREOTTTCHE (puzzles with a photo of Veronica).
L-We give you 2 minutes of time for this, hurry up, pay for each overdue minute - $200

(For the groom - scanword, the main word - the name of the bride - questions from life; For friends - Collect puzzles with a photo of the Bride (1 or 2 pieces), ask the rest to lay out the name of the bride from banknotes)

T-Bride, MARY..., our girl is pretty, an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty!
L-And beauty, as you know, requires investment! Please pay for the entire list!

The groom pays according to the price list hanging on the wall:
Beauty salon - 500
Fitness club -500
Fashion boutique -500
Cosmetics - 500
Jewelry - 500
Gifts for bridesmaids - champagne, sweets)

5. KEY
Y-Well, DON Arkache, we are convinced that you are from our clan, you passed all the tests with dignity (the bridesmaids are counting the money)
L-There was a problem the key was lost in one of these balls
(vertically, along the front door - inflate 10 balloons with pieces of paper and do not put a piece of paper with the inscription key in any of them, the groom must burst the balloon to complete the task written on it).

The groom does not find the key, the bridesmaid takes the key from behind her back
L-oh! And that's where the key was! So mature and wise, but he believed that the key was in the ball! He won't fit there!!! (gives the key)
everyone congratulates him and allows him to enter the apartment
T- Now we will take you to your bride.

The bridesmaids lead the groom into the hall, where he sits
The bride stands on a chair, the groom removes her from the chair and hands the bride a bouquet.

A small feast (champagne, sweets) and at the registry office.

Recently, wedding ceremonies are no longer as monotonous as they were decades ago. Young people who decide to connect their lives strive to capture this event through photography and video. Considering that, unlike oriental weddings, our youth are not so attached to traditions, many are not limited to the standard approach. Themed weddings have become very popular.

One very popular wedding option is a gangster style wedding. Even the bride price in the mafia style will be remembered by the guests for a long time. Such a wedding is quite interesting and bright, but requires very careful preparation not only on the part of the wedding organizers, but also on the part of the guests.

We select costumes for guests

All guests must wear costumes made in the style of the 30s of the last century. For men, these can be striped suits, hats, ties, and women can complement their look with hats, headbands and short dresses. You also need a lot of thematic props: dummy weapons (children's toys are suitable), cigars, a lot of alcohol, cards, dollars (can be souvenirs or printed on a printer) and other things that symbolize that time.

Preparing for a wedding in gangster style

It's good if you manage to rent a car in the style of that time. It could be a Lincoln or a Cadillac. It’s great if you can rent a casino or restaurant decorated in the appropriate style for your wedding celebration. To get into the atmosphere, you can watch films with stories about the Italian mafia. You can write down all sorts of expressions and phrases that representatives of mafia clans used to appeal to in those days.

The highlight of a gangster style wedding is the mafia style bride ransom. Whatever the scenario, the basic idea remains the same. At the center of the wedding events is a competition between two influential mafia clans. According to the scenario, the groom's clan tries to prove to the bride's clan that their groom is worthy of "Cebella".

Distributing the roles of bridesmaids

Bridesmaids play a special role in such a wedding. They must look appropriate and try to play the roles assigned to them. A slightly provocative appearance and cheeky behavior will give the situation more believability. The manager of responsibilities and roles for girlfriends is traditionally the witness. It’s good if she controls the progress of the wedding script.

Features of bride ransom in mafia style

During the ransom process, the bridesmaids invite the groom's friends to complete many tasks that will prove that Don (as the groom can be called for plausibility) can take possession of their beautiful friend. The following tests may be suggested.

  1. Test one
    Convince the bridesmaids that the groom is very good and is perfect for the bride. To do this, while the match is burning, they must name its ten most important advantages.
  2. Test two
    Having made sure that the groom deserves their interest, they check how well he is familiar with the laws of the mafia and offer to name a certain number of films about the mafia. Failure to complete the task will result in a fine. Also, these may not just be the names of films, but some questions about the plot of a particular film.
  3. Test three
    Considering that any self-respecting mafioso must shoot skillfully, you can offer the groom a test with darts. To convince his girlfriends that the groom is able to save his beloved from an enemy bullet, he must hit the top ten. If the groom doesn't succeed, you can bring in a witness. If the men failed, there was a fine.

The ransom scenario can be supplemented by checking the groom’s gangster skills. Girlfriends offer the groom a bunch of keys, including the key to the door of the bride's apartment. If the groom does not select the correct master key the first time, he pays a fine.

The dialogue between the groom and his girlfriends is very funny, during which he must name the reasons why he decided to get married. This could be for the following reasons: there is no one to cook borscht, wash socks, and so on.

You can complicate the scenario and invite the groom to say the bride’s name or a declaration of love in Italian. But this task requires preliminary preparation from the groom.

Bride ransom can take place according to different scenarios. In addition to the friends of the bride and groom, you can also involve relatives of the newlyweds in this process. This can be a confrontation between families that lasts throughout the evening. In fact, in those days the hatred of the opposing clans towards each other was very great, there were chases, shootouts, secret meetings. All this can be transferred to a holiday scenario. The main thing is that all guests are imbued with this atmosphere.

Gangster-style weddings are deservedly popular because they are a very bright and fun spectacle that both the newlyweds and the guests will remember for a lifetime!

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