What material is better to sew pigtail puffs from? Do-it-yourself puffs for beginning needlewomen: detailed master classes with diagrams and photographs

What are buffs? Puffs are a fabric presented in lush gathers. These assemblies are laid using special technology. Thanks to this technology, the fabric can be given a unique beautiful appearance. Puffs can be located not only on the curtain. They can also often be seen on dresses, skirts and textiles (pillows, upholstered furniture, etc.).

Folding technology

This technology will make folds original and unique. The fabric is secured with stitches, resulting in folds. The technology is implemented according to the diagrams. At first it may seem that these schemes are quite complex, but in practice, even beginners in needlework can figure them out. For beginners, simple schemes are needed; for beginners, the main thing is to understand them.

What is a buff pattern? A buff pattern is a grid that has rows of points and line directions that need to be tightened.

To make ties and folds on the inside of the fabric, you need to put points. The points should form parallel rows and also be equidistant from each other. The rows should be parallel to the warp and weft threads of the drapery. Thanks to this, the folds will look beautiful and even.

Marking and assembly is carried out manually. It is recommended to make markings using a specially designed marker. It is easy for them to apply markings, and most importantly, it can be cleaned without any problems. As a replacement, it is possible to use ordinary chalk. It is necessary to calculate the material costs. The main factor that affects material costs is the selected pattern. It is best to take fabric that will be 2 times larger than the area of ​​the site (location of finished folds).

Markings can be applied to both the outer and inner sides of the fabric, depending on the pattern.

The material can be different, but the most popular are silk and gabardine. If work is carried out on the outside, then you need to be extremely careful. The seams must be perfect. In areas where the fabric is joined, it is recommended to additionally sew on some additional elements, for example, beads, if it all looks harmonious. The diagram should include not only rows of points, but also the directions of the lines. The directions of the lines are needed so as not to get confused while working. The distance between the lines may vary. If you use thick fabric as a material, then it should be approximately two centimeters. If the material is thin - one and a half centimeters.

detailed instructions

How to make gathers on fabric? To carry out assembly, you must use a strong thread. The color of the thread should also be combined with the tone of the selected product.

The needle should be inserted and removed so that the point is in the middle.

Next, you need to tighten the thread so that the folds can “stand”, but at the same time they can be moved to the central part without any problems. The ends of the threads must be tied into a strong knot. Then another puncture is made under the starting point. The rows are made in the form of a zigzag. The thread needs to be pulled again to make a knot.

Subsequently, all technology is similar. Nodes are created downwards, moving along the row. All threads should lie in a zigzag pattern.

There are various options for buffing schemes:

  • In the form of a wave (inner side);
  • flowers (inner side);
  • diagram-spike (inner side);
  • floral (outer side);
  • basket (inner side);
  • bamboo (wrong side);
  • pigtail (wrong side);
  • braided (wrong side);

There are other options for making puffs, it depends on the person’s preferences. Master class on making puffs - let's look at step-by-step instructions for some schemes.


Let's look at the step-by-step instructions:

  1. First you need to make markings on the inside. The seams are made from the wrong side.
  2. All lines must be directed from left to right. The stitches are secured at the end using knots. Depending on the fabric, you need to accurately determine the correct distance between the points. If the fabric is thin, then it should be one and a half centimeters, if dense - two centimeters.
  3. Completing the first row. You need to connect the first and second points using a small tack. The third and fourth points are connected using the same principle. There is no need to tighten the second and third points.
  4. Execution of the second row. Above is a diagram that shows how to do this. The dots must be connected in such a way as to create a chess move. This move must be relative to connecting the points located in the top row.

You will admire the puffs made according to this option.


Let's consider the algorithm for executing the "Flowers" scheme:

  1. It is also necessary to mark on the inside. One bead is needed for each flower.
  2. On the outside it is necessary to make a “square” shape using stitches.
  3. Next, you need to tighten the thread and sew through the screed section. After this you need to insert the bead.
  4. Next, you should bring the thread to the inside of the fabric and tie a knot. This will secure the assembly. Then you need to insert the needle into the closest point to create another flower. You definitely need to tie a knot.
  5. Afterwards, you need to bring the needle to the outer part of the fabric to stitch the “square” shape again. After this, you need to tighten and repeat the fixation on the inside.
  6. The process must continue. Assemblies must be repeated and recorded.


Algorithm for creating an assembly:

  1. Markings are made on the inside of the fabric.
  2. Following the diagram, the assembly should take place on the inside. This is done in order to fix each assembly with a knot before starting to tighten and after that.

You can familiarize yourself with the diagram of this option of buffs above.



  1. Markings are also made on the inside of the fabric.
  2. Each fold is secured with a knot. This is done before the start of contraction and after it. This work must be performed according to the diagram.

Pillow Buffs

Decorative components allow you to beautifully and elegantly decorate a room. One of these decorative elements are pillows. They will decorate any upholstered furniture in your home.

Buff pillows can be made of different fabrics and with a variety of patterns. To perform this procedure you need a lot of patience, as well as the following tools:

  • Threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

The most popular pattern for pillow puffs is “Chess”. This drawing is unique and beautiful.

To make puffs, you will need woven material that does not wrinkle. As such a material, you can use gabardine, which is intended for curtains. We sew from gabardine, many others sew from velvet and other materials. It is necessary to perform a “square” figure. Its dimensions should be 52x52 centimeters. You need to add one centimeter to the allowance on each side. On the wrong side you need to mark lines (five and two and a half centimeters). Alternate the lines. As a result, you should get seven squares and six stripes. The size of absolutely each square should be five centimeters. The size of each strip is two and a half centimeters.

Finishing the edge with a zigzag stitch:

  1. Take a needle and start connecting the corners of the squares. Pull the thread, pull it together and secure with small knots. You should end up with a “quatrefoil” shape.
  2. Next, you need to move to another square without breaking the thread. Follow the same procedure with other squares.
  3. We sew two leaves together.
  4. Next, you should sew the petals from the wrong side of the fabric, and after a while from the other.
  5. This is how you need to sew all the squares. The material should be moistened and ironed from the wrong side. The back half of the pad must be overlapped.

Puffs that are made by hand look wonderful. They can make any element of your interior unique. Puffs can give your room a unique coziness and comfort.

Even beginners in this business can create beautiful puffs with their own hands. There is no complexity in the diagrams, they just need to be studied carefully. The sewing procedure itself will be interesting and exciting. A handmade product will make you happy.

I first became acquainted with the concept of “Buffs” at school, during labor lessons. I remember that they gave us several patterns, showed us how to sew puffs, and as homework (for the holidays) we had to sew three samples, then arrange them in an album of our crafts.

Recently, while sorting through my desk drawers, I came across this album. How beautiful it turns out puffs can be! Immediately I wanted to master this simple task again, and now Yandex is giving me a bunch of links to various diagrams and photographs of products with the Puff finish.

First, let's define the concept of “Buffs”. What it is?

According to dictionaries, the word “Buffs” comes from the French bouffer (in relation to fabric, it means “to puff up” or to puff up). Puffs are called puffy gathers (folds) on the sleeves of clothes and skirts.

Puffs are the finishing of clothing, made using stitches that secure the fabric in the form of volumetric gathers (a kind of drapery). As a rule, various areas of clothing and other products (pillows, curtains, bedspreads, etc.) are decorated with puffs.

Puffs were especially common in the 18th century, when ladies wore intricate, graceful hairstyles. The fabric for the puffs does not matter, but it should be taken into account that the same puff pattern looks different on different fabrics.

Below are several diagrams of different variations of buffs:

Puffs are an interesting finish for dresses and blouses. For stitches and folds of figured puffs, the reference point is the rows of equidistant points on the wrong side of the fabric. To achieve even, professionally executed puffs, place these points at equal distances from each other in parallel rows. Transfer the points to the wrong side of the fabric so that the rows run parallel to the warp and weft threads of the fabric. This will ensure that the finished puffs will lie in even, graceful folds.

The puffs are assembled on a strong thread, and the needle is inserted and removed so that the point is in the middle.

Then the thread is pulled so tightly that the resulting folds stand, but they can be moved. Each two ends of the thread are tied with a knot.

The next puncture is made under the starting point.

The puffs shown in the picture are made from several zigzag embroidered rows.

And again the thread is pulled so tightly that the resulting folds stand, but they can be moved. Each two ends of the thread are tied with a knot.

Repeat the previous steps and continue working all the way down the row.

The threads forming the puffs will lie in a zig-zag pattern.

The beginning of the second row will look like this. All subsequent actions are similar to the previous row.

Type of insert: back and face in finished form:

P.S. The point indicated by the arrow is the contraction point.



The fabric consumption for puffs is usually twice the area of ​​the area with the puffs in finished form. Depending on the pattern, the puffs are marked on the front or back side of the fabric so that traces of the markings can then be removed. The dots are connected with strong threads to match the fabric. In my opinion, it is easier to assemble puffs that are made from the wrong side. The main thing here is not to leave punctures on the face, and it’s not scary if traces of markings remain. If you are assembling “front” puffs, sew beads at the points connecting the points, if, of course, they fit there according to the model. And further. To avoid confusion, mark not only the points, but also the directed lines connecting them. The scale of marking depends on the scale of the product. To understand what you need, make a mockup. Clothes, curtains, sofa pillows - wherever you use puffs - it will be chic! The preferred fabrics are pile or silk, with different warp and weft colors.

Wave (wrong side)

Floral (from the face)

Variation of floral

Waffle (from the face)

Basket (wrong side)

Pad (wrong side)

Description of the buffs "Pillows":

First option: The pads are not collected, but rather, as it were, collected. That is, the corner points are not pulled together into one, but a thread broach is left between them; how convex the element turns out depends on its length. They start from any corner, fasten at one point, then stretch to the next corner, fix there, etc. They return to the starting point, fasten and tear off the thread.

Second option: they follow the same path with small, even tiny stitches, trying to avoid obvious punctures on the front side, and are secured in each corner, having first slightly pulled the stitches. The outline of the design can be not only square, try marking such puffs in the form of circles, use a template of the required diameter.


The central part of the pillow is made with puffs according to the “braided” pattern

The part should be approximately twice as large as the finished one + allowance for seams and adjustments.

On the wrong side of the part, mark a dot grid (you can mark it with a simple pencil, or with a special one).

The distance between the points is 1.5-2 cm (depending on the thickness of the fabric)

Points 1 and 2 are connected with a small tack.

Stretch the thread and, without tightening, make a tack in point 3, connect points 3 and 4, etc.

Each row is performed separately.

Attention should be paid to the fact that even rows begin not with t1, but with t.2

The word "bouffer" translated from French means "to swell" or "to puff up." In needlework, this term refers to lush, beautiful folds in fabric and drapery. Using puffs, you can decorate clothes, pillows, upholstered furniture and other products with your own hands.

At first glance, such fabric patterns may seem very complex, but they are not. Puffs are sewn according to special patterns that even a beginner can figure out. The fabric consumption for such sewing is on average 2 times the area of ​​the finished product, but depending on the pattern it may vary.

We make a pillow with puffs with our own hands in the “braid” style

Buff braided is one of the most spectacular and popular patterns. For those who want to sew such a pillow with their own hands, we have prepared a step-by-step master class with a detailed description of the work.

For work you will need the following materials:
  • Template paper, pencil, ruler, scissors and utility knife.
  • Fabric for the pillow: preferably plain and wrinkle-resistant.
  • Crayons or soap for marking fabric.
  • Sewing needle and thread.
  • Sewing machine
  • At your discretion: zipper, Velcro or buttons for the pillow.
Step-by-step description of working on a pillow.

For beginners, it will be more convenient to first make a marking template on paper. To do this, we draw the sheet into squares; the size can be changed as desired; in our example, the squares are 3x3 cm. The number of squares on the sheet is 7x10.

We draw squares diagonally through one, changing the slope in each next row:

To make the pattern easy to transfer to the fabric, first cut out the outer triangles.

Then you need to make internal slits using a utility knife or small scissors:

Then we cut out a square of fabric measuring 0.5 x 0.5 m. Stepping back 8 cm on each side, draw lines. We attach the template to the resulting inner square.

To draw the entire square, you need to move the template, shifting the marks down and to the right.

From the tops of the diagonals we draw lines to the edges of the canvas.

Insert the needle into point 1 on both sides of the diagonal.

We secure the fold with three or four stitches, tie a knot, but do not cut the thread.

We stretch the thread and also sew diagonal number 2. We continue to fasten the diagonals.

This is what the first row will look like.

The pattern will be clearly visible after the second row. We fasten all the marked rows in a similar way.

As a result, the size will decrease to 35x35 cm.

We cut out a square of appropriate size from any fabric for the base of the pattern and baste it to the drapery.

The back side of the pillow can be decorated in different ways - with a zipper, Velcro, buttons, or simply sewing up the hole after inserting the pillow.

In this example, we used a zipper that needs to be basted and sewn on a machine.

Having opened the zipper, we baste and stitch both parts of the pillow to each other. We process the cuts with an overlocker or by hand.

Turn the product inside out. The finished pillow can be decorated with elegant braid. You can sew it on by hand using small stitches.

Puffs sewn using similar patterns can often be found on beautiful curtains.

How to make a lambrequin from a braided pouf?

To calculate fabric consumption, the length of the cornice must be multiplied by 2.5 (this is the assembly factor). In this case, all squares must fit completely into the resulting length. If the calculations do not result in an integer, then the size of the canvas needs to be increased slightly so that the last square fits.

In our example, the side length of the square is 18 cm, and there are 19 pieces.

The pattern on paper is made in the same way as in the previous example, only the size and number of squares change. Using the template we mark the fabric.

We assemble the buffs in the same way as described above.

The finished lambrequin needs to be pulled to the desired size, hung on the cornice and straightened out the folds:

This unique and very beautiful technique will look great, for example, on a dress or bedspread.

To work, you will need suitable fabric, a sewing needle and thread, as well as beads or seed beads (1 piece for each flower).

Description of the operating technique:

The fabric on the wrong side must be marked as shown in the diagram:

First, a “square” is made on the front side with stitches.

Then you need to tighten the thread, sew through the tie and insert the bead.

After this, the thread is brought out to the wrong side, a knot is tied and the needle is stuck into the place for the next flower, the knot is tied again.

Then on the front side you need to sew the square again, repeat the tie as in the previous flower and fasten it on the back side.

We repeat the pattern until all the “flowers” ​​are ready.

Such puffs will look great both on the hem of the dress and on the sleeves.

Now let’s look at the photo with explanations for those who want to decorate the bedspread in an original way with puffs.

How to make diamond-shaped puffs in a step-by-step tutorial?

Let's take a closer look at the patterns of the puff for the bedspread. This blanket is made from a single piece of fabric. You need to work from the front side, pulling the thread from the wrong side.

  • We fold the fabric in the form of bows, secure it with pins and iron it in this form with an iron. We leave room for frills along the edges. We fasten adjacent edges together with the first row of stitches.
  • We perform the second row in a checkerboard pattern, retreating the width of the fold. We lift the edges of one fold and connect them.
  • The next row and then all odd ones are performed similarly to the first
  • Net rows are performed in the same way as the second

You can make such a heart-shaped pillow by mastering the technique of working with puffs.

In addition to what we have already discussed, patterns with puffs can be made using the knitting technique.

Let's consider the technique of knitting puffs with knitting needles, which will look original on clothes for both children and adults.

The pattern diagram looks like this:

Pattern report 4 loops. On the knitting needles we cast on the number of loops required for repeats + 3 loops for symmetry and 2 edge loops. We knit four rows in stockinette stitch. In the fifth row, unravel the loops indicated in the diagram, pick up the unraveling and the loop and knit a knit stitch.

Video on the topic of the article

For everyone, we have prepared a selection of video lessons on the topic of the article:

Drapery on fabric in the form of beautiful folds is called puffs. Puffs are lush, voluminous folds in fabric that are laid in a certain way. With their help, the canvas is transformed into a completely new and original material. They are often used to decorate different parts of clothing, sleeves, hems or sides of skirts, dresses, as well as textiles - pillows, bedspreads, curtains and even furniture.

Folding technique

Thanks to a simple technique, puffs look original and beautiful on fabric. The stitches secure the fabric and create voluminous folds. The technique is performed according to the diagrams. At first it seems that they are complicated, but in fact the patterns are simple and are quite suitable for beginners who love needlework.

To make stitches and folds of figured puffs, dots are placed in parallel rows on the wrong side of the fabric at a distance equidistant from each other.

The rows with dots should run parallel to the weft and warp threads of the fabric, then the finished gathers will be smooth and beautiful.

Marking and assembling the puffs is done manually; marking is best done with a special marker, which can be used to draw on the fabric in order to easily remove the markings at the end. Fabric consumption depends on the pattern; it is better to take fabric twice the size of the area on which the finished folds will be located.

The marking can be on the back or front of the material, it depends on the pattern of the puff.

Suitable materials include silk, pile, and thick gabardine. If you do it on the front side, you need to be careful. The seams in this case must be perfect. You can sew beads or seed beads at the connection points; if the finish is in harmony with the design, then it will turn out more original. Schemes can be marked not only with dots, you can mark the direction of the line so as not to get confused. The scale of marking will depend on the area of ​​the product; it is better to make a layout.

For example, the “Flowers” ​​drawing looks like this; the photo shows the step-by-step technique.

DIY puffs for beginners: step-by-step instructions

For assembly you need to use a strong thread, its color should match the tone of the material. The needle must be inserted and removed so that the point remains in the middle.

Next, you need to pull the thread tightly so that the folds “stand” and at the same time they can be moved to the center. Each two ends of the thread are tied into a strong knot. Then the next puncture is made under the starting point. The rows are made zigzag. The thread is tightened again and knots are made.

The beginning of the second row is shown in the picture, the next steps are the same as in the first row. This is what you get on the back and front sides in finished form.

Assembly diagrams for making puffs with your own hands, various options

  • Wave (wrong side);
  • Floral (from the face);
  • Spike (wrong side);
  • Scales (wrong side);
  • Chain (wrong side);
  • Basket (wrong side);
  • Sheet (wrong side);
  • Flowers (wrong side);
  • Braided (wrong side).

For example, you can make a pillow with a Braided pattern in the following way:

  1. The points are marked from the inside out, the seams are also made from this side;
  2. Each line is sewn from left to right, secured with knots at the end. If the fabric is thin, the distance between the points should be 1.5 cm, if dense, then 2 cm;
  3. 1st row: connect points 1 and 2 with a small tack (a few stitches will be enough), then connect 3 and 4 points, without needing to tighten points 2 and 3;
  4. 2nd row: Do as shown in the diagram, connect the dots to make a chess move relative to the connections of the dots in the top row.

Handmade buffalo pillows, stylish and beautiful interior decor

Interior decor plays an important role in the design of a room, adding style, grace, beauty, romance, and individuality to any room. Handmade decorative pillows are a real art. They will decorate any sofa in the living room, bed in the bedroom, armchair, chair, and such products will definitely not be found anywhere else. They look impressive, stylish and beautiful.

Puff pillows can be made from any fabric and with different patterns, you just need to be patient and have the necessary tools (thread, needle, scissors). An example of a pillow with a “Chess” pattern. The scheme is simple, the drawing is original and beautiful.

Take a thick, plain fabric that doesn’t wrinkle, it could be gabardine for curtains. Make a square with dimensions of 52x52 cm, add 1 cm allowances on all sides. From the inside, mark lines, 5 and 2.5 cm, alternating them. The result should be 7 squares of 5 cm and 6 strips of 2.5 cm.

Finish the edges with a zigzag stitch:

  • Take a needle and start connecting the corners of the squares. We pull out the thread, tighten it and secure it with knots, the shape of a quatrefoil comes out;
  • Move to the next square, without breaking the thread. And thus make all the remaining squares;
  • Fasten two leaves together and sew;
  • You will get this shape from the inside out;
  • Next, you need to sew the petals from the inside of the material, then from the outside;
  • From the front of the fabric the square will look like this. In the same way, sew all the squares, moisten them, iron them from the inside out, sew the back half of the pad with a lock or overlap.

Handmade puffs look simply great. They can decorate any clothing, be it a dress, skirt or blouse. Original pillows, curtains, bedspreads will make the interior beautiful and elegant, giving it individuality, comfort and warmth.

The decor of clothing in the form of folds arranged in rows is called puffs. The word “bouffe” itself, translated from the French “bouffer”, means to puff up.

In the 18th century, women were madly in love with dresses decorated with puffs. Initially, evening dresses and festive costumes made from expensive fabrics, such as velvet or silk, were decorated with such decor. Puffs were often decorated with beads. The result was real splendor, consisting of volumes, shapes and patterns that gave the outfits a truly royal chic.

Dear seamstresses made the puffs with their own hands for these brilliant outfits exclusively according to individual orders and only by hand.

How to make puffs with your own hands

The appearance of hand-made bouquets can be original and varied to suit every taste. The most popular honeycombs are in the shape of diamonds, rectangles and squares.

Of course, the creation of which will require professional skill and handicraft talent. However, there are simple schemes that allow you to independently add such decorations to clothes, such as “waffles”, which, by the way, are back in fashion today.

Hand puffs in the shape of diamonds and squares

Diamond puffs can be made from any type of fabric. The material consumption for making the trim is twice or three times more than the finished finish - it is determined by the type of puff, the depth of the folds and the type of material.

In this article I want to present one of the basic schemes for classic waffles.

The manual bouffant pattern is very simple. First, markings are made on paper, which is then transferred to the fabric from the wrong side.

To form a diamond-shaped puffed finish, mark the honeycomb locations on the back of the fabric - they must be located in a certain order.

Start by drawing a grid. Honeycomb buffs are marked using a grid of dotted lines. Place the dots at a distance of, for example, 4 cm from each other and 4 cm between rows. Connect the points together with straight segments according to a checkerboard pattern - these are the finishing connection lines.

Buffer assembly After this, the fabric is basted, and it is captured only at the points marked in the diagram.

At the starting point of the first puff, place a bartack, then insert a needle into the end point of the line and pull the fabric together. It is important to make a high-quality fastening - to do this, stick a needle into the fabric and wrap it with thread twice.

Attach the lining to the wrong side of the trim, then the honeycomb puffs will not warp and the folds will not move.

Scheme for honeycomb buffers
Assembled honeycomb buffs Ready-made honeycomb buffs

Puffs with buttons

To make this unusual type of puff, small, fairly durable plastic circles or buttons with a diameter of 6-8 mm are used.

On the wrong side of the fabric, mark the pattern of hand puffs using dots arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the points depends on the properties of the fabric and model.

Around each designated point, draw a circle with a diameter twice the size of the circle or button. Place a series of small hand stitches around the circumference, place a button in the middle and pull the thread. Finally, secure the stitching.

After this, carefully pull the thread and pull the material together so that an even “accordion” appears. Then turn the fabric right side out and fasten the resulting edges of the fabric in a checkerboard pattern. If desired, they can be decorated with beads at the same time.

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