How to choose a composition for a tattoo. Works of masters

Choosing a Tattoo– not an easy task, requiring a long time; since the tattoo itself will not be applied for one day. Making the wrong decision can be painful, costly and unpleasant.
There are many factors that need to be taken into account before the final choose a tattoo: size, color, meaning, style, location of the tattoo, as well as the artist you choose who will help you get the tattoo you want.
The most important aspect is that there is no need to rush into choosing, try to get as much information as possible about suitable tattoos and designs.
This article suggests several steps to choosing a tattoo and tips to help you make the right decision. The information presented here is based on what I find most helpful based on my own recent experience choosing a tattoo, as well as other people's opinions.
I like my tattoo! I hope you end up liking yours too! Please take the time to educate yourself about tattoos before getting your body inked.

1. You can give a different look or completely change the design of your future tattoo. You can take only part of the tattoo or change the colors.
2. An artist will help you create the tattoo you want... Don’t be afraid to seek the help of an artist to create a tattoo design.
3. Tattoo design is limited only by your imagination!
4. Think about what meaning your tattoo will carry in different cultures? Will she offend anyone? Is there anything about your tattoo that could be perceived as negative?
5. Eastern hieroglyphs should be chosen carefully. The meaning of a hieroglyph may completely contradict your idea. Hieroglyphs can also carry double meaning or give a different connotation to the meaning. Don't trust hastily translated translations.
6. Think about what kind of tattoo you might have been thinking about 10 years ago and ask yourself if you want it now. If not, then maybe you shouldn't get a tattoo. Maybe you should be even more careful in choosing a tattoo design that would still please you even after 10 years.
7. Among the tattoos that people want to remove or cover with others, the first place is taken by names! However, this does not include the name of your own child or the name of the person who died.
8. You may want to get a single tattoo composition with another family member (you can try with a friend, but the friendship may not last, so what to do then?). It could be family coat of arms or just the name of the surname.
9. Your tattoo doesn't have to have a deep meaning. Don't be afraid to "stuff" cartoon character image, if you really like him!
10. Tattoos on leg, arm and face are more expensive because it takes more time to apply such a tattoo, increased attention and careful care during the healing period. Please note that some artists may also refuse to do such a tattoo if you have no tattoos at all.
If you feel like something is stopping you, don't rush into getting a tattoo!

General Risks of Getting a Tattoo

* Of course, you need to choose the tattoo design you like most so that you don’t have to remove this tattoo later. Laser tattoo removal– “pleasure” is quite expensive, painful and time-consuming... and the result may not always be 100%. If you want to “get” a new tattoo on top of the old one, it will be cheaper, but you need a specialist with the appropriate qualifications. One thing is important: don’t be afraid to spend a lot of time choosing a tattoo so that you don’t have to regret it later!
* Since when applying a tattoo it is possible introduction of infection, make sure that all sterilization measures have been taken, pay attention to what the tattoo artist says. Often specially designed instructions are given for your reference.
*Tattoos may lose color or quality as they age and may require retouching after 10 to 30 years of age. Using sunscreen or moisturizer for the skin can help preserve the appearance of your tattoo.

Start making a decision!

Please pay attention to the following steps before making your final decision:
1. Ask yourself: why do you want a tattoo in the first place? Do you want your favorite tattoo to adorn your body for life? Or are you doing it for someone else? How independent are you in deciding to get a tattoo without parental permission? Think carefully about all this.
2. How will the tattoo affect your work and other everyday circumstances. It would be a shame to lose your job because of a tattoo. Also pay attention to whether you violate the established rules of the organizations in which you are a member (sports, volunteering, etc.).
3. Design selection:
Make sure the design has meaning to you and reflects who you are. That is why the design should represent what you love, what pleases you, what you gravitate towards. A tattoo can also be done in honor of someone close to you.
Lettering tattoos require close attention. Make sure you know and understand the meanings of words, language, etc. If you choose quotes, make sure they describe you. Don't forget to choose the most suitable one font(or create your own) ... fonts create mood and feelings.
Take a look at other existing tattoos and designs, although don't limit yourself to just that. Look through books, posters, stickers, anything that catches your attention.
4. Choosing a place for a tattoo.
Choosing where to place the tattoo on your body- a very important point. Do you want your tattoo to always be visible to others at work and at home? Think about the clothes you will wear, your hairstyle - how it will all match your tattoo.
You can get a printout of the tattoo and try to apply it to your skin temporarily.
Try to apply the one you like henna tattoo before you make a permanent one. A henna tattoo is temporary (lasts a week to a month), and even if you don't get to see it in color or detail, you can still get an idea of ​​what it will look like in a certain location.
5. Color choice: What kind of tattoo do you want: black, gray, full color? White? How quickly colors will fade depending on where it is placed tattoo on your body? Also take into account age spots and their combination with the color of the tattoo.
6. Design creation:
Be creative. Sometimes it just takes a little practice to come up with your own design.
Yes, you don’t need to create the design yourself; you can ask a tattoo artist to do it. Many traditional artists can at least copy a tattoo design from a photograph or picture. They can also apply it to your skin temporarily, or modify the pattern as you wish.
How big should your tattoo be? Think about where it will be located and whether it will be visible to everyone. How much is it? Tattoo on hand can cost up to $300!
7. Master's choice:
Decide which one tattoo style you like best, then find a professional who specializes in that style, as although many can offer a wide range of services, they do have specialties. There are different styles: natural, Asian, black and white, comic and others.
Listen to the recommendations of others! Make sure that the master you want to contact has positive reviews from past and/or current clients; there is no need to act on the principle “this salon is closest.” Look at the tattoos people have gotten at the shop you're going to. Do you like them?
Pay attention to the prices. Try to get the final cost of the tattoo before you get it, so as not to be “pleasantly shocked.”
You can view the master's portfolio. They won't hit you in the forehead if you ask.
Finally, don't be afraid to search long and hard! The most important thing is to find something that you truly enjoy. Take as much time as you need! This is exactly what I want to focus on.
Wish get a tattoo, appeared to me at the age of 10, but I knew that I needed time to make a decision. I always thought about what I would like to have tattoo with his name in Korean. Then I thought about where on the body I would like to see it. However, when it came time to get a tattoo, I began to change my mind. I talked to others and looked at a bunch of different tattoos before finding the right design. By that time I was 19. Once at the salon, I completely changed my mind about what I wanted (although I still only wanted a black and white tattoo). It took me more than eight years to make a decision, but now I am happy.

Very often, a person’s desire to change, or rather to change something in his appearance, to stand out from the crowd, to emphasize his uniqueness and individuality, leads him to a tattoo artist. Applying various kinds of tattoos to your body is currently a fairly popular art form not only among ultra-modern youth, but also among middle-aged people.

Moreover, not only men, but also women are interested in this. But the majority of representatives of the older generation consider drawings on the body to be something of an asocial mark, which they associate with people who have been in prison.

In fact, the art of tattooing dates back several thousand years of history and is found among many peoples. If you wish, you can find all the necessary information on this topic on the Internet and make sure that our ancestors were also fond of tattoos.

When going to a tattoo parlor to decorate your body and thinking about how to choose the right tattoo for yourself, it is important to understand that any image carries a certain meaning and can influence not only the people who will behold this beauty, but also the person himself. " carrier» tattoo.

Therefore, when choosing what will be depicted on this or that part of your body, you must be guided not only by the fleeting passion for the currently popular art of body art and the fashion for any specific images, but also by your own feelings. How to choose the right tattoo so as not to be disappointed and want to get rid of it?

How to choose and when to draw?

Experienced tattoo artists and people who have repeatedly resorted to their services insist that at least three weeks must pass from the moment a person has the desire to get a tattoo until the implementation of this idea.

During this time, a person will either finally decide what and where on his body he wants to draw, or he will abandon this idea. Such a " expectant technique“and harboring the very idea of ​​decorating your body with a pattern on the skin is an obligatory part of the whole process.

Why? The thing is that 95% of cases of spontaneous tattooing " for company », « in a state of deep sadness », « in the euphoria of first love" and others " unstable conditions" ends in disappointment.

A few days/weeks after drawing, when the emotional state returns to normal, the person begins to realize the thoughtlessness of his action and regret what he did.

How to choose a suitable tattoo for a girl or guy?

In order to make the right choice, you need to pay special attention to the following points:

  • Think carefully about everything and choose the location of your future tattoo. Modern tattooing technologies and the tools used for this allow “ paint"in almost all areas of our body. How to choose a place for a tattoo? First of all, you need to think about whether you want others to see it or whether you will only show it to very close people. It has been noticed that men show off their tattoos more often than women, while ladies prefer to hide them;
  • Decide on the style of application and only then proceed to choosing the design itself. If this seems like an impossible task to you and you don't know how to choose the right tattoo style, it is better to consult with an artist. In most cases, tattoo artists working in salons are good psychologists who can easily select tattoos for clients depending on their desires and state of mind. However, the final decision, of course, should be yours;
  • Select the size, shape and brightness of the design. Thus, a correctly chosen multi-colored and bright design can show your originality, and a small tattoo hidden from prying eyes will convey information only to a select few. In addition, you need to choose the type of font for the tattoo if the design involves the application of words or numbers.

All existing patterns are conventionally divided into five types: square, triangle, rectangle, circle and zigzag.

Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, those who want to decorate their body with drawings have the opportunity to find and study all existing tattoo styles, commonly used fonts, as well as look at photographs of finished works and download sketches, which can later be presented to the master and applied to their body .

The meaning of the main figures

Which tattoo is better to choose, because each of these forms has its own meaning and carries certain information?

To help those who can’t decide on the type of tattoo and don’t know how to choose a tattoo according to their character, but really want to decorate their body with it, psychologists have created a special test, the completion of which will help you choose the most suitable option.

Of the five proposed figures, you need to choose one or two of the ones you like best and then familiarize yourself with the characteristics:

  • Square is preferred by people who are hardworking, who always finish what they start, who are persistent in their work and very purposeful. U " squares“everything should always be in its place and happen in its own time;
  • The rectangle is considered a temporary personality shape that other stable figures can " wear"at certain periods of your life. These are people busy looking for a better position. Their leading qualities are inquisitiveness, curiosity, courage and keen interest in everything that happens around them;
  • The triangle symbolizes leadership, the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Triangle people are energetic, strong individuals who set clear goals and achieve them, avoiding conflicts;
  • The circle is the most benevolent figure. " Coogee» have high sensitivity, the ability to empathize and sympathize;
  • Zigzags, as a rule, are chosen by creative people. This is the most enthusiastic and excitable of all figures. Combining different, completely different ideas and creating something new and original based on them is the main hobby of Zigzags.

In most cases, from the five proposed figures, people choose the two most suitable, which allows them to choose a tattoo design as accurately as possible.

Deciding on the color

When choosing a tattoo, it is important to understand that it will accompany you everywhere and for more than one day, so in addition to choosing the shape and size of the design, you need to pay special attention to the colors in which it will be made.

The color of the pattern is extremely important because it can affect the general condition of the body or certain indicators of its vital activity, for example, the rhythm of breathing, heart rate, speed of reactions, blood pressure, etc.

  • The color red helps to lift your mood and recharge your batteries, and increases nervous tension. It must be used carefully;
  • Yellow color stimulates thinking and creativity, attracts and disposes, helps relieve tension, but its excess can cause anxiety and aggression;
  • Blue color calms, creates a feeling of comfort and relaxation, symbolizes enduring, eternal values, and also suppresses appetite;
  • Green shades in a tattoo create a business atmosphere and a feeling of security, evokes associations of reliability, fertility and support;
  • The color violet relieves excitement, promotes trust, and normalizes hormone levels.

Despite the rich palette of colors for tattooing, black is considered an unshakable classic, which creates both very clear lines and soft shadows. This color suits both girls and guys equally well.

Getting a tattoo is, without exaggeration, an important decision in a person’s life. This is a really important step, because a tattoo is not applied for one day. Therefore, there are many different forums on the Internet where people discuss whether it is worth applying a design to the skin. This article contains all the main points that you will have to think about when choosing a tattoo, as well as what will help you make your choice and not be disappointed.

Tattoo on the body - to be or not to be?

A difficult question, when you want it and it pricks you. So here you need to think carefully, weighing all the pros and cons.

Firstly, it is worth approaching the solution of this issue with full responsibility. The tattoo remains for life! It's not easy to get it out. There is no need to give in to impulses, the opinions of friends and fashion trends. Reading literature on the Internet, the opinions of various people and, of course, your own opinion - this is what will help you make the right choice. In addition, advice from relatives may influence the decision. Especially older people and religious people have a negative attitude towards such manifestations of art, so it is better to casually start a conversation in order to reconnoiter the situation.

Secondly, study medical contraindications. Yes, tattoos are not for everyone. So, skin diseases, allergies, and diabetes mellitus serve as obstacles to its application. Consultation with a doctor will help to identify or, conversely, eliminate all possible risks. Also, the pain sensitivity threshold is of great importance. If the tattoo is large and has a complex graphic image, then it is done for a long time, in several stages, and the healing period will last a long time.

And finally, finding a good salon. There is no need to save money on this, it is better to find a good, professional master who can make your dreams come true and make a beautiful drawing.

If, after all, the choice fell in favor of a tattoo, it means that it will bring only joy, will become one with its bearer, and there will never be a desire to remove it.

How to choose a tattoo correctly and not make a mistake?

There are several selection criteria, after analyzing which you can choose a tattoo wisely without making mistakes.

There are few criteria, but they are so important that not a single moment should be missed.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

The location for the tattoo is an important criterion when choosing it, no less important than the design itself. Tattoo artists identify the three most popular places of application.

Of course, not all places where you can get a tattoo are listed; if you wish, they can be your arms, stomach, chest and other parts of the body.

A drawing with meaning or an inscription in a beautiful font?

Drawing or inscription - that is the question. It’s tempting to put something on your body, but what will it be?

So, lettering is very popular among tattoo lovers. You can write whatever your heart desires! But the most popular are aphorisms, succinct sayings in English, German, French, Italian and Latin. Our Russian language is not in demand, because it is understandable to everyone. But phrases in a foreign language will arouse genuine interest among those around you, thereby drawing the attention of a wide range of people to the owner of the tattoo.

The drawings can be anything: flowers, animals, images of people and much more related to human life, ongoing memorable events. However, there is one important point here - do not come into contact with the world of prison tattoos. Otherwise, you can end up in very unpleasant situations.

Yes, the choice is difficult. But you can kill two birds with one stone - combine the inscription and image. The main thing is that everything is balanced and looks like a single composition.

A little about the style of the future tattoo

Each tattoo has a certain meaning, message, meaning. Psychologists have identified five main figures, based on which the artist selects a tattoo.

People who prefer a square are real workaholics. They are purposeful and always bring things to their logical conclusion. Everything is clear with them - every thing is in its strictly designated place, things are done in their own time.

Triangle is a sign of a leader, high concentration on the goal. They are energetic, strong-willed, non-conflict, they set goals and achieve them.

Rectangles are eternal wanderers, always in search of a better position. An inquisitive mind, curiosity, interest in everything around them - this is what distinguishes these people.

The circle is a benevolent figure. Those who choose it are sensitive, empathetic, sympathetic.

Creative individuals choose an intricate, complex zigzag. Enthusiastic, excitable, lovers of everything new and original.

In practice, out of all the proposed figures, usually the two most suitable ones are selected, this allows you to select a pattern as quickly and accurately as possible.

Color and size matter

The color scheme of the tattoo also needs to be carefully chosen. After all, color can affect the emotional state, breathing rhythm, heart rate, lift your mood or, conversely, ruin it completely.

For example, the color red can energize and at the same time provoke nervous tension.

Yellow and orange colors increase creativity and improve mood, but can cause anxiety.

Blue will calm you down, give you a feeling of comfort, and relax you.

Shades of green will give you a feeling of security, reliability, and have a calming effect.

And, of course, the classic color is black, with its help craftsmen are able to create clear lines and, if necessary, soft penumbra. Black color is unisex, suitable for both men and women.

If you carefully consider the choice of tattoo, analyze what shapes you like, preferences for color and place of application, then the right choice will be made, the design will bring only joy and positive emotions.

Traditional nautical tattoo for the brave and determined!

You value communication and friendship. Brave, have great willpower and love to take risks! Your whole life is like one long holiday! Tattoos in a traditional nautical style will suit you.

Floral motifs and images of weapons can be combined with important dates or with the names of people dear to you.

You think soberly and rationally. You are practical and results-oriented. You are wise and do not like to waste time. A tribal tattoo will best reveal your personality!

Tribal tattoo for the smart and charismatic!

You think soberly and rationally. You are practical and results-oriented. You are wise and do not like to waste time. A tribal tattoo will best reveal your personality!

The most important thing for you in life is family. You are very rooted and proud of your origins. You carefully preserve all family traditions and follow them for years. The most suitable tattoo for you is a portrait of a loved one and dear to you!

Portrait tattoo for those who keep family traditions!

The most important thing in life for you is family. You are very rooted and proud of your origins. You carefully preserve all family traditions and follow them for years. The most suitable tattoo for you is a portrait of a loved one and dear to you!

An inscription tattoo for those who have something to say!

You are a spontaneous person, and words are the best way for you to express yourself. We wouldn't be surprised if you write poetry or collect catchphrases and quotes from famous people. A lettering tattoo is the best way to reveal your personality!

Minimalist tattoo for the sentimental and dreamy!

Minimalist tattoo for fine mental organization!

A person with a fine mental organization, like yours, perceives the world differently. You are often thoughtful, appreciate beauty, and attach great importance to your spiritual development. A tattoo in a minimalist style is the best way to convey your melancholy mood!

Geometric shapes and symbolic tattoos - for the charismatic and original!

Geometric shapes and symbolic tattoos - for the charismatic and original!

You are different from most people and truly free of spirit! You are very inquisitive and are constantly in search of new knowledge and experience! A symbolic tattoo will reveal your freedom-loving disposition and unique view of the world!

These conclusions are intended for people who want to tattoo their body for the first time and are faced with the question of how to find the best sketch for themselves, what to start from when making a choice, and how to understand each other with a tattoo artist if he is developing original sketches.

When choosing a drawing, I usually ask the following questions:

Where should the tattoo design be located and what size will it be?

The size and shape of the drawing should be determined by the anatomical shape of the human body, repeating the shape of a part of the body or visible muscle groups, unless otherwise prescribed by the concept of the drawing. Don’t be afraid if the pattern is a little larger than you originally imagined, but it will look harmonious on the body, not like an imprint from a chewing gum sticker.

In general, the larger the tattoo, the more spectacular it looks, and the better it is perceived from a distance. I have not yet seen a single person who would regret having a large, high-quality tattoo, but there are dozens of those who have gotten a small one and come back for revisions or covering with the words “I should have listened to you”!

If you want to get a tattoo, for example, on the forearm, you have decided on a design and this design allows it to cover the entire forearm - do not insist to the artist that it must be 10 cm, otherwise it is too big. These extra 10-15 cm won’t make a difference for you, and they won’t hit your pocket hard, but a shredded pattern: firstly, it’s inconvenient to do, and secondly, it looks worse than at least half-clogged (in the sense of completely one side) part of the body . Sooner or later, the empty space begins to become an eyesore and you will want to continue the tattoo, but this is not always possible to do... A person gets used to having a tattoo on his body for a maximum of two months, after which he starts to feel purple about everything, initially it seems like there are extra centimeters and he is just happy high-quality beautiful drawing on your body. And it’s more pleasant for a master to place it in a portfolio.

If you still decided on a miniature, avoid the following places: wrists (at the bend), palms, ribs of the palms, fingers, feet in their plantar part. In these places, the skin is very mobile, subject to friction and intensively renewed. The tattoo here will lose its presentation quite quickly.

Will the tattoo be a picture or an ornament?

If it’s an ornament, which style do you like best? Tribal, Polynesian, Maori, Borneo, Celtic, or just a beautiful pattern. Your master will conduct the educational program in more detail. Keep in mind that the islander patterns are a little less than entirely composed of very specific symbols, so answer the question for yourself whether you want a Polynesian tattoo “by definition” or whether a la Polynesia will suit you. Or you don’t find it necessary to take a steam bath at all, it’s nice - and okay.

If the picture is color or black and white? what a style?

Are these traditional styles - Japanese, old school? Or maybe relatively recently formed ones - new school, oriental, chicano? Or realism from a photograph? In this case - in more detail, what will it be? Landscape, animal, plant? Or a reproduction of some artist's work. Or do you want some kind of mixture of styles?..

Styles such as Japan and Polynesia do not look good on a small scale. By definition, the work must be big.

Yes, still. Several different tattoos in different styles on one part of the body are not good, so choose one. You like Japan and if you want it on your hand, continue with Japan in the future, Haida will no longer look good there. Although - it's up to you.

Or do you even want a custom tattoo design?

Please note that not all masters draw.

About preparing a sketch. Here the process depends on the master. Some people don’t have a problem working from other people’s sketches, some tattoo exclusively based on their own flashes, some prefer to work freehand - without a sketch.

Here are some ways to prepare a sketch:

A collage of drawings already available in the catalog - in Photoshop or directly on the body;

The master draws a sketch by hand from scratch, then edits it together with the client;

An existing drawing is taken and painted with colors in your own way;

Drawn directly on the body with markers and pens - freehand;

A photograph is taken and reproduced on the body.

Masters have different policies on this matter, so please check further at the place of contact. I’ll share a couple of thoughts about the sketches. If a master draws a sketch by hand and the work is large, detailed and complex, the client’s phrases “can you make your eyes a little more romantic” or “can you turn your head a little this way” when the sketch has already been completely drawn create a desire to say goodbye to the client. The tattoo artist is not photoshop, not 3dmax and not coreldraw. Drawing by hand is long and difficult; redrawing a sketch because of small details destroys the pleasure of doing the work, especially if the measurements are uncritical and unprincipled. I prefer to draw everything in the presence of the client. Let it be a collective creativity, and there will be less misunderstandings, and a positive effect on the result.

Personally, I don’t think the client’s phrase “I want a tattoo, but I don’t know what or where. Please advise” is stupid.

If you chose a master among many, you saw his work and you sincerely like it - this tattooist will advise you on what he likes most and what he would like to do, which means he will do it with pleasure and the result will be better. In this case, you will most likely be offered several options, from which you will choose the best one. Of course, if further conversation does not turn into digging through the catalog for half a day, fingering cabbage soup, turning your nose, saying, “I don’t know whether I like it or not, but how it will be, well, I’ll think about it...”.

When I turn to creative work and know who I’m going to, I think something like this: “I want to do something like this, it should look something like this, then do as you see fit, I trust.” Let the result be a pleasant surprise for you. Believe me, it’s much more pleasant to work with such a client, I know from myself. If this mode of operation has a bad effect on the master and he begins to openly philander, it becomes clear quite quickly or the master has already been damaged by these manners. There is no need to contact him.

5. It’s not good when a client brings a photo of a tattoo and asks to copy it. Firstly, it’s not good to plagiarize, and secondly, if you really want to do just that, it’s not a fact that you’ll be able to transfer the design from a photograph of a tattoo onto the skin exactly as it is. Tattoos are sometimes photographed at an angle and because of this the image is distorted somewhere. Thirdly, each master still has his own style and level, and it may not be possible to copy one to another. Fourthly, sometimes the photographs brought are in low resolution and it is impossible to print them and transfer them normally to the skin. This applies to all images you bring. The higher the resolution, the more convenient it is to work. Photos of tattoos are appropriate in combination with the phrase “I want to do something like this.” And the components of the drawing can be found independently as the play progresses.

And, in the end, doesn’t it bother you that someone already has this tattoo? This is exactly the one that ideally emphasizes your femininity and sexuality, or the brutality and unbridled power of an alpha male in the case of a male.

If this is your first tattoo

If this is your first tattoo, and you want something small to try out the sensations of having a foreign spot on your skin (I put it roughly, of course, but it doesn’t change the essence) - do it either where you won’t definitely continue, or choose such a drawing that it would be possible to competently modify it or easily cover it with something global. Most likely, you will enjoy wearing a tattoo and want to see something more on your body. And it will be very sad that the first inscription on your shoulder blade will prevent you from doing large-scale work on your entire back in the future, because it unsightly stands out from the overall picture, and there is no way to cover it up. Always think about the continuation.

A little about the choice of tattoo concept and location in this regard.

Don't worry about not being able to cover up your tattoo when you need to. You can tattoo your body according to the classic irezumi scheme, when almost the entire body and limbs are tattooed, at least up to the knees and elbows, and you can easily hide it all with a shirt with medium-length sleeves and short shorts. Yes, your wardrobe may need to be reconsidered to some extent, but in my opinion this is not very scary. Tattoos on the head, hands, neck and face can interfere with your life.

Overtly trashy tattoos may lose their relevance over time, you may no longer want to maintain the image of a crazy person, and a cover-up may be required.

Religious views are also, oddly enough, dynamic and can change throughout life. I try to discourage people from getting rash religious tattoos.

You also need to be careful with strong, significant magical symbols. Even those who don’t believe in all this - imagine, it works. Or it may work, but not the way you imagined it. Rethink whether you need it, double-check it in several reliable sources and decide. Yes, one more symbol cannot be interrupted by another. I won’t go into detail, it’s just not worth it.

Portraits of lovers are also a slippery subject. I’m not programming you for anything, but I don’t know how your life will turn out... Well, you understand.

About miniature tattoos.

Many small drawings on the body look vulgar and stupid. One or two maximum. otherwise, either thoughts come about bad taste or about a pathological fear of the mother, who, God forbid, will find out and forgiveness can only be begged by the fact that, well, she’s small-a-scarlet, so what’s the big deal with that...

Something like that.

The more you learn about the item you're paying for, the more likely you are to get the best result. Therefore, do not be lazy to search, look at the works of different masters, compare and choose the best.

I hope my thoughts will help you wisely choose a design for a tattoo that will delight you for the rest of your life.

(c) Full or partial reproduction of the text is permitted provided the author's name is indicated.

To choose a tattoo design, you need to think about your personality, interests and appearance. Consider your lifestyle before choosing the tattoo size, where you want it, and the color. Limit your budget spending and shop around for tattoo artists you like. A tattoo is a great way to commemorate an important moment in life or express your individuality through a drawing.


Sketch ideas

    Find examples of tattoos on the Internet. Visit various photo banks to view tattoo designs. Images are usually grouped into categories, which can greatly reduce your search time if you have a basic idea. Save the images you liked best to your computer in a separate folder.

    See what designs tattoo parlors offer. Most tattoo parlors have designs from tattoo artists in the waiting room. Visit such parlors and see what tattoo artists offer. Many tattoo parlors also post portfolios of designs on their salon website.

    Go for a consultation with a tattoo artist. If you find a tattoo artist whose work you like, consult with him and discuss a possible design. Bring drawings and sketches with you to show the artist what you need. Discuss the size of the tattoo, tell us where you would like it to be tattooed, so that the artist can create a suitable sketch for you.

    Decide what kind of tattoo you want: color, gray or black and white. This needs to be decided at the very beginning! If you want a more neutral tattoo, it is best to choose a black and white or gray option. If you want something bright and bold, colorful and fun, a color tattoo is your best choice.

    • If you haven't decided what to choose, go for a black and white tattoo; in the future, the master will be able to make it colored without any problems (if you want it).
  1. Think about how much you are going to spend on a tattoo. Before you talk to a tattoo artist, you need to plan how much you are willing to pay for it. Good tattoo artists can charge between 8-10 thousand for their work (depending on the size of the tattoo). Be clear - tell the artist how much you're going to spend, and also find out how much the tattoo you'd like will cost.

    Be sure to choose a design that makes you happy. Before you decide to get a tattoo, make sure that it is exactly what you want, because the tattoo will remain with you for life. If you, for example, love nature, you can choose a tattoo with a sunrise, birds, trees or butterflies - this will show your closeness to nature. You shouldn't stuff something fashionable and popular if it doesn't mean anything to you and doesn't bring you joy.

    • If you have several designs, take a moment and simply evaluate each one. Which one means something very important to you? Which one brings you pleasure? Just choose one that will be a part of you.

Tattoo in honor of important events

  1. Get a tattoo in honor of some important date. An important event in your life can be “immortalized” on your body either in the form of text or in the form of Roman or Arabic numerals. Select the font design you would like for your tattoo, and you can also see samples of different fonts that the tattoo artist will suggest. You can ask a tattoo artist to fill in the date by decorating the background.

    Get a portrait tattoo. Portrait tattoos are a wonderful way to capture your loved one and show your respect to them. Find a tattoo artist who specializes in portraits and arrange a consultation with them to discuss what you want inked. Be sure to take a good, clear photograph with you so that the artist has the opportunity to convey the image in detail.

    • Portrait tattoos are a good way to honor an idol or favorite celebrity.
    • A portrait tattoo can also be done in order to “immortalize” your beloved pet on your body.
    • You can choose a portrait frame or choose a Victorian style sketch.
  2. Type in the name of your loved one. Tattoos are a great way to honor parents, siblings, children and spouses. You can write just the name, or you can surround the name with a beautiful pattern that will express the individuality of this person. For example, if you are getting a tattoo for your spouse who loves gardening, you could get a rose next to his name.

    • You should think carefully and wait before typing the name of your loved one. Typically these tattoos often fade or cover up in the long term.

Listen to your personality and your interests

  1. Choose a thumbnail that reflects your biography. Try to reflect your biography in the tattoo, taking inspiration from classic works of art and symbolism. For example, if you are of Slavic origin, you might choose a tattoo that features Slavic runes. If you want to be more direct, you could even get a tattoo of your nation's flag or national symbol.

  2. Get a tattoo inspired by your favorite movie, TV show, or comic book. Show your appreciation for your favorite piece of pop culture by choosing an idea from a movie or TV series for your tattoo. But it’s worth choosing exactly what you’ve been passionate about for a long time, and will also be passionate about for a long time. Bring an image of your logo or favorite character and show it to your tattoo artist. Discuss possible ideas with him.

    • For example, if you just love comic books, you could choose a Batman tattoo.
  3. Choose a tattoo inspired by literature. Write a quote or just a sketch of your favorite book or author. If you choose a quote, immediately think about the writing style and the font in which the quote will be printed. If you have an idea for a design, bring pictures and photographs of different elements that you would like to include in the tattoo, and then discuss your idea with the tattoo artist.

    • For example, you could get a raven tattoo as a tribute to Edgar Allen Poe.

Nowadays, it is possible to meet a man or woman with an original tattoo in any corner of the world. In addition, every day there are more and more such people. If you have been thinking about getting your first tattoo for a long time, then do not rush to go to the artist, first go to our website, where you can “try on” a tattoo on your body online. Indeed, many people who come to a tattoo parlor cannot immediately give an exact answer about what tattoo design they want to apply and where exactly. Often such situations lead to some clients being dissatisfied with their tattoo. That is why we recommend that you try on tattoos online using our service.

Our service has many great features. In addition to the function of trying on a tattoo, it allows you to:

  • choose a place to get a tattoo;
  • upload photos of your body or use our templates;
  • compare several options;
  • adjust the desired size;
  • download the resulting options.

How to try on a tattoo?

If you want to try on tattoo sketches online, first you need to upload a photo to our service by clicking on the “upload photo of your body” button.

To get a good result, it is better to choose photographs with a vertical body position. You can also choose ready-made models. To do this, indicate your gender “man” or “woman”,

and proceed to choosing a tattoo design. By clicking on the “select sketch” button, a list of tattoo styles will open in front of you.

Having found the appropriate sketch, just click on the image so that it appears in the editing window.

You can now change the settings of the sketch you selected. The drawing can be quickly moved, tilted in different directions, and the width and height of the object can be changed. After looking through various tattoo options and choosing the perfect sketch, at the end you can safely save the results of your work.

By following all the steps in the instructions, you can achieve the desired effect.
To clear the editing window, you need to click on the “delete thumbnails” or “clear all” button.

In the tattoo salon "Territory" you can contact experienced artists to develop a sketch and apply a tattoo of any complexity. You can choose a master and view his work using the link

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