Happy Birthday Pictures for Girl. Happy Birthday Pictures for Boy Beautiful and Touching Words

Congratulations format:

Girls are amazing creatures who constantly need something attractive, colorful, and unusual. That is why the birthday of a little charmer should always be made as bright as possible. And a memorable congratulation can help with this. It makes the most sense to decorate beautiful congratulatory words with unusual pictures that correspond to the spirit of the holiday. This section of the catalog displays greeting pictures and cards on the theme of a girl’s birthday. We covered the entire age range of girls, starting with babies who are only 1 or 2 years old, and ending with young creatures who will soon plunge into adulthood. The pictures we offer are saturated with tenderness, they are filled with radiant light and warmth.

Congratulations in verse and prose:

Considering that little princesses are the most sensitive and reverent creatures in the world, the theme of the pictures for them is formed in a special way. Our assortment of pictures includes postcards with the most famous cartoon characters, fairies and princesses. You can choose Happy Birthday pictures with images of beautiful flowers, or you can opt for a cheerful image and cool text. How to choose a picture for a girl? When choosing a postcard, you should take into account the girl’s age, her interests and character. In order for the surprise presented to be appreciated, you can add a pleasant note to it in the form of text accompaniment. Let's consider some features of choosing a picture for a girl, taking into account her age. So: 1. For a 1-year-old baby, experts recommend choosing a picture with the number “1” and tender wishes. 2. The picture for a 2-year-old girl can be anything. But the topic should be appropriate for an early age. An image of a cake with the number “2”, as well as balloons with flowers, would be appropriate. 3. For a baby who has turned three years old, a postcard with her favorite cartoon characters or plush toys is suitable. 4. At the age of four, a soft and bright palette and gradient stretching of shades will be interesting. 5. For a beauty who has already turned five years old, the image may have interesting elements, figures, toys, accessories. 6. For a girl who is in adolescence, a greeting card with animals and soap bubbles may be relevant. Balloons with images of cartoon characters, with a congratulatory inscription, with bright pearlescent shades, against the background of a cake with candles or with bright gift boxes would be appropriate. 7. For adolescence, when even laughter for no reason brings joy, pictures with funny images and funny inscriptions will always be received with joy and laughter. The cartoon characters and funny pets depicted on such postcards will always lift your spirits. 8. Postcards with various images of cakes will interest older teenagers. It's no secret that women love with their ears. This trait also appears in girls. Cards with warm, kind words and funny text will always bring a touch of joy and fun to your birthday. Animated images will delight a girl of any age, as will moving figures, sparkling flowers, inscriptions, and multi-colored flashing lights. Why is it worth downloading a gift card from us? You can always choose a picture for a girl for her Birthday for free on our website. Parents like our resource because we have a lot of cards that can also please twins. Check out our huge database of greeting cards. With us you will definitely choose the best option for your baby. Pamper your child with joyful congratulatory words and beautiful animations.

How to congratulate a boy on his birthday? Send a beautiful picture with a congratulation or a poem. Download for free.

Choose a children's birthday greeting

Cartoon Happy Birthday Greetings

Congratulate your boy on his birthday by ordering him a cool phone call :) And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

Left-click on the picture to enlarge it and download it in higher quality.

Calls with pleasant wishes and congratulations to the boy

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering him a nice call:

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering a pleasant audio congratulation-call to your phone. And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

  1. Wait for the congratulations above this text to load
  2. Listen to audio congratulations and wishes
  3. Choose the one you liked the most
  4. Specify which number to call and play your wish
  5. The recipient of the congratulation is delighted :)

You are a golden boy.
9 years is already big!
Happy birthday,
Let's start with our wishes:

So that you are first in class,
So that you can be a true friend,
And good friends
So that you have them too!

So that you get recognition from them,
At school - the task is up to the task,
From parents - attention,
And, of course, understanding!

So that the character is funny,
May you grow up happy!
And today, on my birthday, -
Groovy mood!

happy Birthday
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Be healthy, strong, brave,
So that he grows up to be a big hero.

To make school interesting
And you learned easily,
So that they come true without fail
All cherished dreams!

Happy birthday,
Nine years old, already big.
You are a great, smart guy
Kind, brave, groovy.

I wish you happiness
Just study well,
Never be discouraged
To excel in sports too.

Be a support for mom and dad,
Set goals and win
From the plan, boy,
Never give up.

Happy 9th birthday to a kind and brave, strong and courageous boy. I wish you funny friends and exciting games, interesting hobbies and success in your studies, joyful events and great happiness, strong love from your parents and good luck in your endeavors.

You are nine years old, boy, -
Be healthy, curious,
Read smart books.

Let there always be only “A”s
Decorate your diary.
Be sure to be successful
The coolest student.

Just make mom and dad happy,
Be a support for your friends
There will be many surprises
In your fabulous life.

We'll tell you a secret -
We are no longer eight years old,
We celebrate nine together,
We wish our boyfriend:
The best to be in any business,
Make your family happy often.
Be happy and dream
Never lose heart!
May success be with you
Summer, autumn, winter,
And your health will be stronger
Don't let people judge you
Your life will be good.
We love you very much!

A wonderful boy
Happy birthday!
Optimist, naughty
I wish you a lot of happiness.

You are 9 years old today
This is a glorious anniversary.
On this holiday every year,
Doors are open for friends!

I wish you to be happy
Study well at school
Be beautiful with heart and soul
And don't give up for anything!

You are nine years old today
Be the happiest person on earth!
I wish you every victory,
Good luck and joy to you!

May all your dreams come true,
May your life be wonderful!
I wish with all my heart that you
Smile clearly more often!

You're nine years old, prankster,
So celebrate your holiday soon,
Let in toys and gifts
It will be warm and bright.

And let there be many friends,
And success will love you,
Both in school and in the family
May you always be lucky!

Such a wonderful age!
After all, you are very big!
Be happy, healthy,
With a bright soul!

Be noisy and playful
Appreciate your parents!
Learn, don't be lazy
Always grow in love!

Boys often celebrate their birthdays in a completely different way than girls. That is why the gift for them should be appropriate. Along with the gift that you have prepared for the birthday boy, you must include a happy birthday picture for the boy. This card should be very beautiful. If you still haven’t figured out where exactly to purchase this picture, you can simply go to our website. It provides a large selection of various greeting pictures, in particular for boys. Try to make the best holiday possible for the boy, and then you will understand how wonderful it is to watch how happy the baby is. Bring joy to others, make them laugh, and then you can feel the same. Happy birthday images for boy.

a href="http://site/birthday-27" target="_blank" img src="http://lovezka.ru/birthday/193.jpg" alt="Happy birthday pictures for a boy" width="450" height="450" !}

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A child's birthday is a serious reason for parents to worry. After all, such a significant event occurs only once a year, which means you need to carefully prepare for it. A son is growing in your family, and, naturally, you want to especially please him. You need to gather your thoughts and prepare for a beautiful 9 years - such a special and wonderful age when your child ceases to be a baby, but has not yet reached adolescence.

This time is characterized by some independence in judgment and in the choice of significant objects. For example, your son has a good idea of ​​what kind of gift he wants to receive for the holiday, it is likely that he dreams of a specific thing. Before spending huge amounts of money, ask what his child's soul desires.

Beautiful and touching words

Congratulating a boy on his 9th birthday should begin with careful preparation. It’s better to think through everything a few days or even weeks before a significant event. This way, parents will have more time to calmly discuss everything and go shopping. Happy birthday poems for a 9 year old boy can be written on a beautiful card made in an original way. For example, they could be as follows:

Our dear dear son,

You have grown so big!

Respect mom and dad.

We congratulate you, dear,

And we wish you a lot of joy!

Let luck accompany you in business,

Always stand firm on your feet.

Congratulations to a boy on his 9th birthday must be accompanied by sincere wishes from family and friends. It is extremely important for each of us to feel that he is significant and loved in his family. In this way you can congratulate your beloved son on his birthday. It is important for a child, a 9-year-old boy, that his personality is taken into account and his opinion is taken into account.

What to gift?

Perhaps this question is indeed becoming the most pressing. A birthday gift for a 9-year-old boy must please the birthday boy and evoke bright positive emotions in him. A tracksuit, expensive sneakers or jeans are quite suitable for this purpose. If your son doesn't like buying clothes, don't insist. Not every boy will agree to wear a new suit to school. The stronger sex likes technology, so various computer devices and games will come in handy.

What you definitely shouldn’t give are things that the child has already psychologically grown out of: toys aimed at a younger age, books for children. Yes, for parents the child always remains small, but there is no need to constantly emphasize this. Otherwise, at some point the son may become very distant from his parents and think that they do not understand him. It is extremely important to truly share your child’s views and constantly strive for mutual understanding.


What could be more wonderful than spending time at the skating rink on a clear winter day? Skates are ideal for this purpose. If your child shows such a desire, you can give him such a gift. Skates are a necessary and useful thing. With the help of skating, coordination of movements, dexterity, the ability not to be afraid of obstacles, and the desire to overcome difficulties are developed.


What boy doesn't dream of having his own vehicle? You probably won’t have to ask him for this. With what enthusiasm the boys ride their bicycles around the yard! They are ready to organize entire sports competitions, competing in dexterity and courage. Your son will probably be delighted with such a gift and will immediately go outside to learn a new thing. For him, this acquisition will be another reason to raise some authority in the eyes of his peers.

Any exercise is good for health. Cycling develops physical strength and endurance. If your child does not yet know how to use this thing, then you can start with short walks near the house. Gradually he will feel confident and want to show off the gift to his friends.

Laptop or tablet

The generation of the twenty-first century quickly masters the computer and at a fairly young age already knows how to use basic programs. By purchasing a laptop or tablet for your son, you are preparing in advance a wonderful win-win option that will definitely be appreciated. If congratulations to a boy on his 9th birthday are accompanied by the presentation of a personal computer, then the child will undoubtedly be indescribably delighted. Perhaps this is the most important thing for a loving and caring parent.

Thus, happy birthday wishes for a 9-year-old boy must come from the heart. For mom and dad, there is nothing more meaningful than seeing a sincere smile on a child’s face. And such gratitude is worth any effort.

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