Face with and without highlighter. Highlighter for the face, how to apply it and why you need it

A whole string of buzzwords have appeared in the arsenal of modern stylists and makeup artists, which cause confusion among many representatives of the weaker half. A significant part of them are capable of real miracles in the field of make-up. But you should accept the gifts of time thoughtfully and slowly. Highlighter is one of the favorite tools of professionals, which gives the face an amazing glow and a beautiful look. Every self-respecting cosmetic brand has in its arsenal similar products, which are often called “illuminators”.


What is highlighter and why is it popular?

The term comes from the English “highlighter”, which means “to highlight”. And so it is. Highlighter is used to place light accents where needed, distracting the eye from imperfections. The use of this type of cosmetics gives the skin a radiant and healthy appearance. It contains reflective particles that help create a light reflex. Knowing the areas where the use of highlighter is desirable, it is very easy to make your appearance more expressive and your facial features more voluminous.

It should be remembered that this is not a concealer; it is not able to hide skin imperfections (for example, acne or redness). Rather, on the contrary: if used incorrectly, it will emphasize the imperfection of facial skin.

Types, features, subtleties of application

Looking at beautiful photographs of models in glossy magazines, girls involuntarily admire their expressive facial features and perfect skin. Repeating such makeup is not at all difficult if you use cosmetics competently. And an accessory such as a highlighter plays one of the main roles in fashionable makeup, which is often called “3D makeup.”

With the help of decorative cosmetics you can really create an ideal appearance! But even understanding how to use highlighter and what it is, it is advisable to understand its varieties. This will help you make the right choice and achieve a flawless appearance.

The modern market offers four types of highlighters:

  1. In the form of a pencil.
  2. Liquid.
  3. Creamy.
  4. Compact and loose powders.

Highlighter pencil

This option is very easy to put in a handbag and take with you. A solid highlighter pencil will help you set accents quickly. It is convenient for them to work on the lower eyelid, on the area under the eyebrow, in the inner corner of the eye.

Flaws: Not suitable for sensitive and dry skin, as it can injure it.

Liquid highlighter

Its consistency is similar to lotion or light cream. It looks natural on the skin, adding a light and pleasant shimmer. Such products can be offered in bottles with a convenient built-in brush or in bottles with a dispenser spout. The latter are applied using a sponge.

There is another version of liquid highlighter, available in the form of a marker, the tip of which is equipped with a small thin brush. This option is especially good for working on areas of the face that require special precision: the contour above the upper lip, the area under the eyebrow, the inner corner of the eye.

Liquid highlighter is used in conjunction with foundation or cream. If your skin is flawless, then you can do without foundation, adding only highlighter to the desired areas and gently blending it.

Flaws: It is undesirable for use on top of compact powder, as it can form a “spot” on it. Using it under powder is also unwise: it will become invisible after powdering.

Video: Review of highlighters: which one to choose

Creamy highlighter

It has a pleasant creamy texture, is easy to blend, and can be used on any area of ​​the skin. It is easy to apply over large areas. The creamy product adds a beautiful, delicate glow to the skin.

Flaws: Not for use on skin covered with a layer of powder (on foundation only). After using the powder over the highlighter, the latter becomes invisible on the skin.

Compact and loose powders

The compact product is considered a universal option. If a woman plans to carry highlighter in her cosmetic bag so that she can use it throughout the day, then the compact packaging is ideal. This highlighter can be used both on a foundation (an expressive result that is suitable for photo shoots or evening events) and on powder (an excellent option for every day with a soft shimmer effect).

But loose powders require real skill, and more often this version of a highlighter can be seen in the hands of a makeup artist. Masters achieve interesting shades by professionally mixing several tones. Apply the loose product with a large brush, lightly shaking off the excess before working.

Advice: If you really want to try makeup with a fashionable product, but you don’t plan to buy it in the next few days, then eye shadow in nude shades will help replace a compact highlighter.

Video: How and where to apply highlighter

Rules for using highlighter in makeup

Before you start applying makeup, you should prepare your skin: cleanse and moisturize it. If foundation is used, then it is an ideal base for makeup with highlighter.

Important! If your facial skin is oily, you should use a foundation with a mattifying effect as a base so that the soft shimmer does not turn into uneven spots.

So, makeup artists apply highlighter to the following areas of the face:

  1. Cheekbone line - a slight lifting effect is achieved by applying a cosmetic product to the most prominent areas.
  2. Chin - a little shine will help “stretch out” the oval of the face.
  3. A bone under the eyes - this move will add “youth” to the face and slightly disguise dark circles.
  4. The inner corner of the eye will give expressiveness to the eyes.
  5. The nose area - a highlighter can help correct its shape.
  6. Below the eyebrow line (and in some cases above it) - this technique will add relief to the face and correct the shape of the eyebrows.
  7. In the hollow above the lip or along the upper contour - a great option for girls who want to give their lips volume. Just a little highlighter in the corners of the mouth can disguise small age wrinkles in these areas.

Whatever highlighter is used in makeup, liquid or compact, it should be applied carefully, gently blending it onto the skin.

Palette of shades

And here’s the crucial point: which color to choose, since the range of highlighters is incredibly diverse in terms of shades? The display cases are replete with the most delicate pearl tints, brightening pinkish, copper, and beige tones. There are products in clearly cold shades: purple, greenish and blue. And all this shimmers and fascinates a woman... What should I give preference to?

It’s best to choose a highlighter based on your natural skin tone:

  1. Olive or yellowish complexion - products from a cream or peach palette are suitable.
  2. Tanned skin - a golden highlighter will help highlight its beautiful color.
  3. Pale skin - light pink shades with a pearly sheen will be ideal for this type. The color commonly called “ivory” is also suitable.
  4. Reddish skin - highlighters from the “cold group” (pink and lilac) can give this type a gentle glow.

For those girls who prefer glamorous makeup, it makes sense to get a brighter palette. If you can’t decide, then a universal option is a beige color (it should be one or two shades lighter than the skin).

Video: What is a highlighter. Beauty lessons with Alena Perevozchikova

A fashion accessory such as highlighter will become your favorite cosmetic product if you learn how to use it correctly. It is very important not to forget its main features:

  1. It should be applied only to those areas that you want to emphasize and add volume to them. Therefore, you should not ignore the proportions of your face.
  2. Never apply highlighter to problem skin, as all imperfections, including wrinkles, will become more noticeable.

Makeup artists know many secrets of using this product that give amazing results:

"Fresh skin" In order for the skin to “glow” with freshness and health, professionals add a highlighter to the foundation in a ratio of 70 to 30.

"Shining look." For this purpose, a “magic remedy” from makeup masters is applied around the eyes: a drop of highlighter and a drop of concealer mixed together.

Over the past few years, many new products have appeared in the cosmetics industry, thanks to which women are able to do beautiful natural makeup on their own at home. One of these beauty aids is highlighter.

What is highlighter in cosmetics

Facial highlighter is a popular cosmetic product that, thanks to the content of reflective particles, brightens the face and corrects its relief.

When applied correctly to specific areas, the skin will look renewed and radiant. In addition, the product allows you to hide small wrinkles and highlight all the advantages of your face.

Highlighter is used not only to give the skin radiance, but to correctly place accents on the face.

With its help you can highlight your cheekbones, enlarge your lips or make your nose smaller. The cosmetic product can make the face longer and thinner. It is not recommended to use it if there are significant skin problems: severe redness, pimples or bumps. Before applying, you should carefully examine your face and decide on the areas that you want to visually highlight.

How to choose a highlighter: types and features

Manufacturers offer various types of highlighters, which differ in their structure and palette.

To create bright evening makeup, when the product is distributed over the entire face, it is recommended to choose loose or compact options. To highlight individual zones, it is best to buy creamy or liquid products.


This option is preferred by most women because of its ease of application. The compact product fits into any purse, and thanks to the presence of the brush, you can touch up your makeup throughout the day.

It can be applied to both powder and foundation.

In the first case, you will get natural glowing skin. This makeup will look great during the day. In the second, the layer will be thicker and more saturated, which is appropriate for photo shoots. The combination with foundation is more suitable for evening makeup.


The highlighter in liquid form gives a slight glowing effect and looks natural on the skin. The consistency of the product resembles a cream fluid. Convenient options are when the packaging combines both the composition itself and a brush (2 in 1). If you don’t have a brush, you can use a regular cosmetic sponge.

It is not recommended to apply liquid highlighter with your fingertips, as the product spreads and does not apply evenly.

The only drawback of this consistency is that it cannot be applied over powder. This is due to the fact that the liquid does not spread out after powdering and the result is a smeared stain.


Powder type highlighter is often used by professional makeup artists. It is convenient because the selected shades can be easily mixed with each other using a high-quality blush brush made of natural bristles. Using light nude tones, it is easy to achieve a natural glow of the skin. Loose pigment is ideal for daytime makeup.


The main advantages of the highlighter cream are ease of blending and dense texture. You can apply the product with a sponge, brush or fingertips. The final result is a soft glow of the skin, which is the same as when using a liquid product. It is recommended to use it over foundation, as under a layer of powder it loses its radiant properties.

Highlighter color palette - selecting the tone

The palette of brighteners is quite extensive. Any major cosmetic brand offers a large selection of facial contouring products. The most common highlighter tones are lilac, milky, rainbow, silver, pink, gold, and white.

When choosing a shade, you should focus on individual preferences and specific appearance features. Women prefer to buy a palette of highlighting products. There are excellent sets consisting of two or more shades that complement each other perfectly.

Tips to help:

  • silver shades are the best option for girls with very fair skin;
  • peach tones are suitable for ladies with olive or yellowish complexions;
  • for glamorous makeup it is best to use lilac, pink, lavender or blue highlighters;
  • bronze and gold colors look great on a tanned face;
  • pink pigments will hide minor skin imperfections and redness.

It is important that the chosen shade matches your complexion. Checking this is quite simple: apply the composition to your hand and let it dry. A highlighter is suitable if the result is a uniform glow without clear boundaries.

Rules for using highlighter

Experienced makeup artists can easily cope with the task of using a lightening pigment, and to do the work at home requires practice and certain knowledge of how to apply highlighter to the desired areas.

Scheme for applying highlighter to the face

You can learn the strobing technique on your own if you know which areas need to be highlighted to achieve the best effect.

The main areas where the product is applied are as follows:

  • under the eyebrow and above it, which visually makes the look open;
  • along the line of the nose to emphasize its straightness;
  • from the line of the nose, continue the selection upward to the forehead, drawing a kind of triangle;
  • above the cheekbones to highlight them more clearly;
  • above the upper lip (the outlined line will visually increase the volume);
  • on the chin to highlight it and add volume to the lower lip.

It is important to consider that highlighter is applied to already prepared skin, that is, after foundation (when using a cream or liquid composition) or powder (compact and loose versions), as well as correctors.

Step-by-step instruction

For the result to meet all expectations, it is not enough to simply apply the highlighter correctly. It is necessary to thoroughly prepare the skin using cleansers and exfoliators, as well as good makeup. After all procedures, you can use a lightening pigment.

The sequence of contouring actions is as follows:

1. Apply the composition to the protrusions of the cheekbones, blending the product towards the temples.

2. Select the middle of the nose so that clear boundaries are not noticeable.

3. Process the chin, moving towards the neck.

4. Apply pigment to the hollow of the lips.

5. Blend the product above and below the eyebrow closer to the outer corner of the eye.

For work, it is best to purchase a comfortable brush with natural bristles. If you want to highlight your eyes, you can draw the brush from the outer corner to the inner corner along the growth line of the lower eyelashes.

Secrets of cosmetologists: how to use highlighter correctly

You should not apply the product all over your face to avoid a lot of glare and an unnaturally iridescent face.

The choice of color of the composition should directly depend on the skin tone and the presence of problems with it. A calmer makeup is obtained if you apply products with a small amount of iridescent particles. Some makeup artists recommend using nude eye shadows with a shimmering effect. They act as a highlighter and, when applied correctly, give the same result.

Video of the highlighter application procedure

Highlighter, when used correctly, can achieve amazing results. The main thing is to know the areas that need to be highlighted, and at the same time focus on individual facial features. The video shows how best to use cosmetics with reflective particles so as not to spoil your makeup.

From the following video you can learn how to quickly and easily make your face radiant and fresh, and also hide imperfections using a highlighter.

Modern cosmetics are created to help a woman look well-groomed without going to a beauty salon. If you learn how to use highlighter at home, you can transform yourself, make your face radiant and fresh. A wide range of products allows you to choose the right product for any skin color.

When applying makeup, it is important to hide flaws in appearance in order to draw attention to advantages. Achieving balance takes a lot of money and effort. But you can use a quick method -.

What is a highlighter for?

Usually, after using mattifying foundation or powder, the face looks unnatural. With matte skin, the brow ridges and cheekbones are eliminated, which creates relief. Highlighter is needed to highlight these areas of the face. The skin becomes shiny and radiant with it.

Although you shouldn’t use it instead, sometimes it copes better with a problem, for example, in eliminating signs of eye fatigue. If concealer can accumulate on the eyelid, then highlighter will hide the redness.

Application features include the following nuances:

  • The composition must be applied after foundation. All flaws must be hidden.
  • The texture of the highlighter should be similar to foundation makeup.
  • Do not apply the product all over your face.
  • If a liquid composition is used, it should be applied in a small amount and then blended.

The product is used to emphasize all elements of the face, but the principles of application may differ:

  • Cheekbones. To highlight them, you will need to mark the high points. This distracts from wrinkles and dark circles.
  • Lips. With a wide mouth, highlighter is applied to the corners of the lips and then blended out. To create volume, you need to mark the outline of the upper lip, and also place a small dot above the center of the lower lip. Then they are shaded.
  • Nose. To visually make your nose smaller, you need to create a thin strip from the bridge of your nose to the tip of your nose. And if, on the contrary, it is small, then you should create dim highlights on the sides.
  • Eyes. If you want to make your eyes expressive and large, then apply the highlighter under the eyebrow line and shade it.
  • Brows. To make your eyebrows rise, you need to create a thin line. If you want to raise the corners, then you should apply the product only over those areas that are lowered.
  • Forehead. To lengthen the forehead, the composition is applied to the border of the hair and forehead. And for visual expansion, it is necessary to outline the temples and sides of the forehead.

Types of highlighters

Products may vary in release form and consistency. The most popular include:

This brightener comes in the form of a sharp brush. Apply it pointwise. This highlighter is perfect for small areas of skin that need to be brightened. It is needed to highlight the corners of the eyes, the curve above the upper lip, and the back of the leg. The disadvantage of this form is its small volume. Large areas cannot be highlighted with it.

Once dry it looks like a velvety powder. The product gently outlines the oval of the face, makes the cheekbones prominent, and the appearance becomes fresher. This product can be used to treat any area of ​​the skin.

The liquid highlighter is quite convenient as it spreads easily over the face. It includes a soft brush that allows you to apply the product without any problems. This product creates an original glow and shimmer. The advantages include large volume. But the composition should be used in moderation so that the skin does not look too shiny.

It can be of different shades. Cosmetics are easily applied to the skin of the face. Excess can be removed with a brush. The product is used sparingly. But the composition gets into wrinkles and enlarged pores, which can cause inflammation.

After using it, a light veil is created, the skin becomes soft. The advantages of the product include large volume and the ability to harmonize colors.

Meteorite is a popular and expensive remedy. It is presented in the form of shimmering powder in the form of balls of various shades. Once mixed and applied, they create a shimmering effect.

According to the form of release, highlighters come in the following types:

  • Tube. It is convenient to apply such cosmetics to more areas of the skin, distributing it with your fingers, but spot-on application will be inconvenient.
  • Jar. With this shape it is convenient to apply the product precisely with a brush.
  • Brush pen. This option is ideal for spot application. This does not require additional brushes; you can take the composition with you everywhere.
  • In the form of powder. This compact product is very convenient to apply.
  • In the form of balls. This allows you to mix colors. They can also be used as blush. The composition is applied with powder.

Color solutions

Highlighters come in many shades. It is important to choose the appropriate color from them so that the image turns out natural. Their main task is to underline and highlight:

  • For pale skin It is advisable to choose shades of champagne or silver tones.
  • Dark skin It will look better with bronze or golden tones, which will make your face look fresher.
  • To yellowish skin A peach shade would be suitable.
  • For frequent skin redness It is better to choose a lilac, pink or blue tone.
  • White color and pale pink will perfectly highlight your eyes.

When choosing a shade, you need to take into account that the image turns out natural. It should be taken into account that lilac and pink tones are not suitable for dark skin. Peach and gold shades will not suit pale skin. Beige color suits different skin types. When choosing, remember that the color of cosmetics should be 1-2 shades lighter than your skin color.

How to properly apply highlighter to your face

There are many options for using the product:

  • You can highlight above the eyebrow, which will help eliminate dark circles under the eyes. This also allows you to visually increase the distance to the eyebrows. To emphasize the eyebrows, you need to make a thin line of highlighter along the hair growth.
  • If you use highlighter on your upper or lower lip, you will be able to create a seductive shape.
  • Using the product over the top cheekbones will create a fresh look.
  • To visually lengthen the nose highlighter is applied along the sides.
  • To make the forehead high or wide, the product is applied to the eyebrow areas.

Cosmetics should be used in moderation, otherwise the face may look unnatural. You should not create clear lines, it is better to shade them. You only need to highlight those parts that you want to emphasize. To hide imperfections, you need to darken this part.

Top best highlighters and their cost

The stores offer a large selection of highlighters. But among them there are the best:

This cosmetics is considered popular all over the world. The products have a violet aroma. It is in a convenient case, so every woman can take this highlighter with her. The product looks like a powder compact. The price of the product is about 2400 rubles.

Liquid highlighter must be applied carefully. After using it, the skin turns out radiant. Cosmetics can be combined with, making the face look rested. The cost of production is about 2200 rubles.

The packaging of this product contains a brush, so you can always take the set with you. The product contains a lot of shimmer, which should be taken into account by those with oily skin. The products cost about 850 rubles.

The product can be used as a highlighter and shadow. A golden-toned shimmer will be ideal for light and dark skin tones, allowing you to create an original glow. The price of cosmetics is 1900 rubles.

A popular product allows you to create a healthy-looking skin. The range includes 5 colors for cheeks and eyelids. The price of cosmetics is 4000 rubles.

Now we can say with confidence that the era of a completely matte face in makeup fashion has left us for a long time. Freshness, lightness, radiance are in fashion, no matte, reinforced concrete textures that turn the face into an unnatural mask. That is why the cosmetic market is now very saturated with products that are designed to awaken radiance on the face, make the face look fresher, and make it possible to place beautiful highlights in the right areas. Of course, highlighters are more suitable for normal and dry skin types, but those with oily and combination skin can also experiment and apply highlighters in small quantities to the desired areas. Strictly speaking, the name “highlighter” in this case is not entirely correct: since highlighters are needed more for highlighting in face correction, in order to use the play of chiaroscuro to make the face more sculpted, expressive, to return to the face those volumes that seemed to be smoothed out after applying foundation . And now we are talking more about illuminators or luminizers. Each cosmetic brand calls such products differently, but the essence remains the same: these are those cosmetic products that should add radiance to certain areas. They can be either uniformly radiant or have quite noticeable sparkles, they can give a very delicate glow, or they can make your face “seen from space.” Most often, luminizers are made in silver or gold; recently, rose gold shades have become fashionable.

Luminizers come in cream, dry and liquid textures. Dry ones are the easiest to apply - to the desired areas, using a small natural bristle brush to the desired intensity. Cream luminizers are usually applied either with fingertips or with a synthetic brush, and shaded with it. By the way, applying with your fingers is also a fairly good option, because in this way the product warms up slightly from the warmth of your fingers, melts and shades somewhat easier. But liquid luminizers are simply a champion in versatility, because they can be used in several ways at once and we will be happy to tell you about them. In short, liquid luminizer is a real must-have for girls of all ages and all skin types, even for those with oily skin, because liquid luminizers seem to freeze and stick to the face, which makes them quite durable. But it’s worth saying right away that if you want to do makeup with a noticeable shine in the desired areas, it is very important that there are no other accents on your face, such as bright lipstick or expressive smoky eyes. For makeup with liquid illuminator, we need an even tone, slightly emphasized eyebrows, perhaps a little nude eye shadow and mascara, as well as transparent gloss. After all, the obvious shine that is fashionable now is exactly the same accent.

Liquid luminizer: how to use it correctly?

As mentioned above, liquid luminizers can be used in several interesting ways. And we will be happy to tell you about them.

  • Actually, the direct purpose of liquid luminizer is to highlight cheekbones and other areas of highlighting to create a fresher, more radiant look. To do this, we recommend squeezing a little product onto the back of your hand to use it as a kind of mixing palette, and also slightly warming up the product, and then, using your fingertips or a synthetic brush, apply the luminizer to “strategic” areas: the upper part of the cheekbones , inner corners of the eyes, the area under the eyebrows, the “tick” above the upper lip, and also on the tip of the nose. You can add lightly to your forehead and nose if you have dry skin. Blend the product well, even buff it into the skin: this should be the effect of natural radiance, there should definitely be no smooth boundaries here.
  • Connoisseurs of a beautiful natural glow, and also, preferably, those with dry skin types, can use liquid luminizer as a face primer. Take a small amount of luminizer and apply it all over your face. Of course, you will shine like a polished copper basin, but this is not the final stage: after that, using a duofiber brush, we apply foundation with medium coverage, or from medium to dense, on top. Thus, excessive shine will be blocked by the foundation, but the illuminator will still be visible, creating the effect of a natural, uniform glow, as if from the inside. This option is ideal for creating a beautiful, glamorous evening makeup, or daytime makeup with a claim to nude, but with a twist. You can adjust the strength of the shine with the help of foundation, applying it more densely or, on the contrary, lighter.
  • Using a liquid luminizer, you can turn a matte foundation into one that has a satin finish. Before applying the foundation, squeeze a small amount onto your hand and add a few drops of luminizer, stir, then blend the product on your face using a duo-fiber brush or a sponge that is convenient for you. This way you will get a beautiful, shiny finish. True, with such a foundation, you still don’t need to apply additional highlighters and luminizers. Use satin blush and powder to avoid making your complexion look matte again.
  • The luminizer can be used as liquid eyeshadow or as a topcoat for dry eyeshadow. In the first case, apply the product with your fingers on top of the eyeshadow base, in the second, lightly tap the tips of your finger on top of the dry shadows, but so as not to cover them completely.
  • Want to get a trendy metallic lip finish? Try your usual liquid luminizer! Simply apply a small layer evenly onto your lips and top with a clear gloss. You can also apply a small drop of luminizer on top of nude lipstick to make your lips look fuller.

It should be remembered that liquid luminizer can turn your face into a shining New Year's ball. To prevent this from happening, be careful and apply it in daylight.

Luminizer: how to choose the right one?

First, pay attention to the absence of individual sparkles. A good luminizer should have a very uniform glow. Also choose a product in accordance with your color type: a golden product will suit “warmer” girls, a silver one will suit “colder” girls.

Luminizer brush: which one is better to choose?

If you like to apply liquid luminizers with brushes, then it is best to choose a small option made from synthetic bristles. You can also apply the luminizer with a duo-fiber brush made of combined bristles: such a brush allows you to literally polish the product into the skin to achieve the most natural, natural effect. You can easily find such a brush in the assortment of the Wobs online makeup accessories store. We have the highest quality brushes, truly affordable prices, a large selection, as well as all the makeup accessories that are necessary for both makeup artists and makeup lovers. With our brushes it's easy to be beautiful every day!

Highlighter is a cosmetic product that can completely change your appearance. If we use it, we will get a radiant and fresh face. We suggest considering how to apply highlighter to a round face, as well as rectangular and square ones, and what brush to use.

How to choose the right highlighter

When you choose a marker, you need to take into account the color of your skin; if it is very dark, then pink tinting pencils are suitable; by the way, the same shades are also suitable for pale skin (perhaps this is the only type of decorative cosmetics that can be used on radically different color types). For beige dermis, we recommend a creamy color - salmon.

The purpose of using highlighter is to achieve reflective light, color, and a dewy appearance to the dermis, which will help you look significantly younger and fresher. But often tinting pencils can create an oily sheen on the skin, so first blend it in the store on the back of your hand to eliminate the possibility of such an effect in the future.

There are certain types of highlighters:

  • liquid (cream);
  • dry (like powder, powder);
  • relatively soft, but not liquid (pencil (the most common, a very good line from YSL, Mary Kay and Shiseido).

Video: what is a highlighter and how to use it

Application principles

There are several main directions on how to apply highlighter correctly:

  • cheekbones;
  • brows;
  • chin;
  • eyes;
  • hollow above the lip.

You cannot use the illuminator on the entire face at once, so you need to first decide on which part we will use this pencil.

Also, if we are talking about a cream highlighter, then we need to decide what brush apply it. A wide one is suitable for shading along the décolleté, neck or forehead areas, but for “jewelry” work you need to use a small brush made of natural wool.

Now decide on the shade, the ideal shade will not always be right in the package, it is likely that you will have to mix several colors, so we take a small amount of one tinting product on a brush, after a little of the second shade, and apply them to the face, and then mix them directly on the skin.

When applying it on the cheeks, you need to mix it at the highest point of the cheekbone and move up to the temple. This is especially important if you are making any contour that should draw attention to the shadows of the makeup; Kim Kardashian often uses this method.

Photo - Highlighter on a round face

When applying it before our eyes, blend highlighters under the brow bone, on the brow bone and in the inner crease of the eyelid. The reflection of light on the inner fold will open the eyes and forehead, which in turn will produce a visual lifting effect.

Applying a tinting pencil on the lips, you can get huge results. Before using lipstick, apply several shades of highlighter in the crease above the upper lip and the center point under the lower lip. It will look ugly in the initial stage, but as soon as you apply the lipstick, your lips will have the effect of a uniform shine, which will visually enlarge them and add sensuality to the overall look.

Photo - Before and after applying highlighter

You can also apply highlighter bridge of the nose in order to visually correct the nose somewhat, but be careful, you do not need to paint the entire length of the nose with a tinting marker, otherwise you will just get a light spot and not a clearly defined contour.

What not to do with highlighter

Before creating a specific look, it is important to know how not to apply highlighter. There are a number of “cautions”:

  1. Don't try to use a full-coverage pencil instead of foundation, especially on areas of pigmentation or redness. Shimmery shades will only serve to draw attention to the problem area.
  2. Liquid highlighter tends to reflect light, but it must be used extremely sparingly and carefully.
  3. You should always apply highlighter to powder or blush, after foundation or applying tinted moisturizer, but before.
  4. Also, the texture of the highlighter should always match the base, so if you apply it, you need a cream highlighter. If you want to use a powder highlighter, you need to apply a thin layer of translucent powder to your skin over a darker foundation.
  5. Before applying highlighter to dark skin, you need to first apply bronzer.
  6. The product should be applied to the cheekbones exactly along the same line as the blush, or a little lower, but not above them.
  7. The application diagram shown in the photo below is approximate. It varies for each face type.

Using highlighter for every face type

Photo - Facial correction using cosmetics

The rules for using highlighter are extremely simple for every face shape, you just need to shade it very well. On a round face It is necessary to pay special attention to the cheekbones and the area under the eyes; we paint it over with triangles.

If Oval face, then simply apply the same as blush - under the eyes in small circles and blend. For rectangular shape it is necessary to use semicircles under the eyes, but here square You can improve it a little with rectangular stripes under the lower eyelid.

In what cases is it appropriate to use shimmer? In any makeup that requires a contrasting combination of light and shadow, if the face is imperfect (long or wide nose, protruding chin, wrinkled forehead, etc.), if you need to refresh yourself a little (outwardly), after a sleepless night.

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