New Year gifts for kindergarten teachers. What to give teachers for the New Year? New Year's gift ideas

A teacher is the second person in a child’s life after his parents. On the eve of the New Year's festivities, many parents want to express their gratitude and respect for their hard work in the form of a small gift. What to give teachers for the New Year? We will tell you original ideas, recommendations for choosing a good gift, as well as what gifts should not be given to a teacher in this article.

You should always give gifts to a person with your soul. This should not be an obligation or a competition between parents “who has the most expensive and better present.” To ensure that the teacher’s joy is sincere and the gift is remembered for a long time, use the following tips:

  • If time permits, you need to approach the choice of a gift in advance. In a hurry, it’s difficult to come up with and choose something worthwhile.
  • What can a teacher talk about with delight and for a long time? Pay attention to her hobbies and hobbies, then the puzzle regarding the choice will form on its own.
  • A New Year's gift should not be elite or overly expensive. This can confuse the teacher and make him feel like he is being bribed.
  • Consider age and personality traits. Some people, as a matter of principle, do not take gifts from their parents, but will long and carefully treasure a New Year’s craft or a homemade card from their students.
  • Try not to repeat yourself with last year's gifts.
  • When choosing a gift for teachers, do not forget about gratitude to the nanny.

You should not assume that an expensive gift is necessarily equal to a good one. You can give a small souvenir and it will be kept carefully and for a long time, or you can spend money on an expensive, elite gift, but it will not leave its mark on the heart and memory.

New Year's gift ideas

Standard gifts in the form of a box of chocolates, a bottle of sparkling wine and a bouquet of flowers do not lose their relevance. However, this is familiar and unoriginal.

What unusual gift to give to teachers for the New Year? Let's consider several options: on our own behalf and on behalf of the parent committee (group).

What gift would be suitable for personal congratulations:

  • a flower in a pot or an unusual flower arrangement;
  • age-appropriate cosmetic set or spa set with New Year's symbols;
  • aroma lamp and a set of aromatic oils for relaxation and relaxation;
  • decorative pillow with embroidery or original photo;
  • figured painted pastries, where you can write a New Year's wish and the name of the teacher;
  • portrait from a photo, framed;
  • handmade or unique items made by hand.

If you decide to give your teacher a scented set or cosmetics for the New Year, then make sure that the teacher does not have allergic reactions.

The most popular gift from a group of parents is a gift certificate for the purchase of perfumes and cosmetics. However, here you can show originality:

  • if the teacher is a theatergoer or likes to visit concert halls, give the card to the ticket office;
  • Several paid massage sessions are perfect for relieving muscle tension;
  • a certificate to a bookstore, board game store or stationery store will be an almost win-win option;
  • For car ladies, it is possible to purchase a certificate to a car shop;
  • A coupon for a professional photo shoot would be an excellent gift.

What gift should I give my teacher for the New Year? A beautifully decorated or self-assembled grocery or fruit basket will be surprising. You can attach a postcard to it, in which each of the students will draw or write something as a keepsake.

A set of self-painted New Year's toys would be an inventive gift. Give each child a toy to color. Package in beautiful themed packaging.

Parents also donate items that can be used in the group itself. These are children's educational rugs, air humidifiers, outdoor flowers, a calendar with photographs of all the children in the group.

What gifts would be inappropriate?

Even if you have excellent relationships with your teachers, you still shouldn’t cross the business line. It is not customary to present too personal items, such as bed linen or perfume.

Jewelry, including costume jewelry, is considered a family gift and should be excluded as well. You should avoid any gifts that, one way or another, invade the personal life of the teacher.

Is it worth giving a cash envelope? This is convenient for relatives and close friends, but the teacher will most likely not accept it. This is disrespectful and can damage the teacher's reputation. Such a gift may be considered a bribe.

In addition, a dispute may arise among parents regarding the optimal amount. Everyone has different concepts regarding “little” and “many”.

Alcohol, especially elite alcohol, is considered a universal gift. However, it is absolutely not suitable for educational workers. You should not buy humorous surprise items, even if the teacher himself is a very cheerful person. Remember that everyone's humor is different.

Crockery, tea sets and cutlery sets - it’s very easy to make a mistake here if you don’t know the teacher very well. Each housewife has her own interior and individual style. The times when the teacher was happy with any service are gone. It is better to exclude this option.

A gift to a teacher for the New Year should symbolize, first of all, respect and honor, and remain within the framework of businesslike, good taste. Nice words and a sincere smile will be a good addition.

Useful video about what to give for New Year


The onset of the long-awaited New Year holidays, as a rule, is associated not only with the arrival of joyful and cheerful events, but also with some troubles. After all, I really want to pay attention to everyone in the New Year, congratulate, surprise and please. Moreover, this applies not only to close people, but also to those with whom, one way or another, there is daily contact. This category of recipients includes teachers and children's educators; many parents want to thank the people who work with their child, devoting a lot of time and attention. If you approach the process of choosing a gift for a teacher creatively and with soul, then choosing something original, but at the same time worthy, will not be difficult.

It is customary to give gifts to teachers on professional holidays, birthdays and other significant dates, especially since the teacher cannot be ignored on New Year’s Day. When deciding what to give to a kindergarten teacher for New Year, you can go in several ways; you can use traditional and generally accepted ideas for New Year’s gifts or come up with something original and memorable. In both cases, the teacher will definitely like the New Year’s gift and will leave a pleasant impression on the giver.

The most common New Year's gift option is a bouquet of flowers and chocolates in a box. And since we are talking about a kindergarten teacher, a person who loves children and spends a lot of time with them, you can show a little originality by presenting a bouquet of soft toys or combining it with sweets. Today, making such a gift is not difficult; such a gift can be presented in the form of a beautifully decorated basket. You can order such “bouquets” in advance in specialized stores. As a traditional gift, you can present a bottle of good wine, expensive champagne, accompanying all this with a set of aromatic fruits; such a gift will look very appropriate for the New Year.

The more creative the gift looks, the more emotions and delight it will evoke in the teacher. Surely it will be difficult to surprise the teacher with sweets and flowers, although this option remains at a very high position in the rating. But the New Year is a special holiday, filled with magic, so you can safely experiment with gifts. The so-called gastronomic gifts deserve special attention; for example, instead of a banal box of sweets, you can present the teacher with an impressively decorated fruit basket, complement it with a jar of caviar, a piece of expensive cheese and a bottle of fine wine. Presents that include sets of tea and coffee, complemented by appropriate accessories, will look original. For example, a tea basket can be supplemented with a pair of teas, a beautiful teapot or a special box, and a coffee gift with an original Turk.

In addition to gastronomy, New Year's gift baskets can be made up of cosmetic sets, hair care products and other women's joys. When choosing this option as a New Year's gift, you should take into account the age of the teacher, her preferences and desires. For young women, you can offer a gift in the form of a set of combs for hair styling, an original mirror, a box for small items, and universal makeup products. A woman of any age will certainly be pleased with a set of cosmetic products from a famous brand. Such baskets can be filled with bath products, washing gels, and body lotions. Here you should refrain from buying face cream, masks and other care products that are chosen taking into account your skin type.

A good New Year's present For a kindergarten teacher, this could be an aromatic set that will help you relax and create a pleasant atmosphere in the house. These types of sets usually include an aroma lamp, essential oils, and an elegant lamp. The pleasant light of a night lamp will create a cozy atmosphere in the room, and an aromatic lamp will fill it with a pleasant, beneficial aroma. It is worth noting that today a lot of attention is paid to aromatherapy as a means of restoring strength and spiritual harmony, so such a gift will be appreciated.

On New Year's Day, you can give the teacher a present for the home.. This could be a beautiful modern set, a candy bowl, bowls, jam sockets, a box for tea bags, an original cutting board, a spectacular floor lamp or a stylish table lamp. On New Year's Day, it is appropriate for an elderly teacher to give a gift in the form of home textiles, a stole, decorative pillows, or a warm blanket made from natural materials. In addition, you can give a set for making sushi, a set of cocotte makers for julienne, or original sets of pots for cooking roast.

If it was decided to give a New Year's gift from a group of parents, then here you can consider more serious options. Surely the teacher will be pleased to receive some household appliances from the parents of their students. A relevant and useful New Year's gift would be a clothes steamer, steamer, multicooker, blender. This gift can be accompanied by a bouquet of flowers or a set of beautiful New Year's toys.

A pleasant, unexpected and always appropriate gift option for any event or celebration, and the New Year is no exception - a gift certificate. Today you can purchase a gift certificate of any subject, for any amount, so all that remains is to decide in which direction to move. The choice of one option or another will depend on many factors, including the preferences of the teacher, her age, hobbies and others. Extreme gift certificates will help you diversify your workday and get maximum emotions: snowmobiling, extreme driving lessons, karting, an entertaining quest, horseback riding. This version of the New Year's surprise is suitable for young teachers who are not averse to spending their free time with a sparkle, in a fun and extreme way.

The most traditional options- gift certificates to a beauty salon, spa, cinema, perfume store, lingerie store, bookstore. A luxurious option for a New Year's gift is a certificate to a jewelry store, because jewelry is the most valuable gift that will never go out of fashion and that women love so much. A gift in the form of a chain, brooch or pendant will remain a good and long memory.

For the New Year, you can give not only themed gifts, but also useful things, such as stationery. The work of a teacher is related to maintaining documentation, which means that as a New Year’s gift it would be appropriate to present a stylish pen, an ergonomic and convenient desktop organizer, a notebook and much more.

Great gift books will become, it can be a gift edition of children's fairy tales, a work by a fashionable modern author, or a Russian or foreign classic. An audio collection that includes songs and fairy tales for children and a popular teaching aid can be a pleasant surprise for a teacher. Such a gift will appeal not only to the teacher, but also to the students themselves, making their classes and leisure time more interesting and varied.

Any teacher will be very pleased to receive something for the New Year made by the hands of parents and their children; such gifts are very dear to the heart or touching and unforgettable. You can give a New Year's gift with your own hands to your favorite teacher in the form of a postcard, a poster with words of gratitude for your love for children, fun events and interesting activities, joint photographs and signatures on behalf of parents and children. In addition, you can present an interesting craft: a soft toy, an original pincushion, a three-dimensional applique. The children themselves will take part in the creation of such gifts, thereby demonstrating respect and love for their first and most beloved teacher.

Whatever gift a kindergarten teacher chooses for the New Year, one should not forget about kind and warm words spoken from the heart; they will be more important and pleasant than any gift.

We entrust our kindergarten teacher with our most valuable asset – our children. They become the first “foreign” adults that the child encounters, and have a huge influence on the development of the child’s character. This is a very difficult and responsible job that deserves deep and sincere gratitude. That’s why it’s so difficult to decide what to give the teacher for the New Year. Our tips will help you choose the best gift for such an important person.

How to choose a gift for a teacher for the New Year

Deciding what to give a teacher for New Year is not an easy task. Asking directly is not very nice, and you don’t want to give another boring banality. Therefore, parents have to use all their imagination. To avoid mistakes when choosing, you need to decide:

  • How much will the gift cost? If you are giving on your own, give preference to inexpensive gifts. A gift from the entire group may be more expensive.
  • What is the teacher interested in? Perhaps you are aware of the teacher’s hobbies or taste preferences. This will help you make the right choice.
  • Recipient's age. Typically, the tastes of young and old differ, this must be taken into account, especially if you and the teacher have a large age difference.

You should not give very personal items. This applies not only to clothes and cosmetics. Previously, a set of towels was a good present. But the time of scarcity has passed, and now such home textiles for personal use are considered not a very decent gift. It’s also better not to give bed linen as a gift – it’s too personal, and it’s difficult to guess the size.

There is also an ambiguous attitude towards monetary gifts. On the one hand, teachers’ salaries are not so high that they would refuse a small amount offered by parents. On the other hand, such a gift may look like a bribe or even a handout, and may seem offensive to the recipient. If you are not sure how your teacher will react to a monetary gift, it is better not to give it.

A New Year's gift to a teacher should express gratitude, good attitude and support from parents. Therefore, you need to not only choose a gift, but also package and present it beautifully.

List of the best gifts for a teacher for the New Year

  1. Bouquet of sweets
  2. Diary or notebook
  3. New Year's gift basket
  4. Beautiful warm blanket
  5. Christmas ball with hand painted
  6. Champagne glass with personalized engraving
  7. Original lamp
  8. Digital photo frame
  9. Tickets for an interesting event
  10. Certificate in SPA

What to give a teacher a universal gift for the New Year

If you know very little about the tastes of the teacher, choose a gift that most people will like. Since almost all teachers are women, we will focus specifically on the fair sex. Good gift ideas:

  • A bouquet of sweets or its New Year's variety - a Christmas tree. It is beautiful and tasty, and also appropriate and decent in any situation.
  • New Year's gift basket. It can contain any delicacies and traditional champagne. This present is not original, but it will be more than appropriate before the holiday.
  • Frame. This is another sure-fire gift, everyone has photographs and there will definitely be a use for the frame. It is better to choose simple frames made of wood or metal, plain, without an abundance of decorative elements.
  • Painting. Here we are not talking about a large-scale and valuable work of art, but about a small picture as a keepsake, for example, embroidered, diamond-cut or printed on canvas.
  • Gift certificate from a cosmetics and perfumery store. It is indecent to give personal care products to a stranger, and choosing them is not easy. It is much better to present the certificate in a beautiful festive envelope and give the recipient the opportunity to choose what she will need.
  • A set of baking dishes and a cookbook with beautiful illustrations. Such a gift is more suitable for an adult married lady who probably has to cook for her family at least sometimes.
  • A beautiful warm blanket is a wonderful gift for the New Year. If the teacher is a lover of unusual things, she will like a blanket with sleeves or cool New Year's drawings.
  • Elegantly packaged sets of tea or coffee. If you know what drink the teacher prefers, you can give a set of several varieties.
  • A diary or notebook in a beautiful genuine leather cover. Teachers always have a lot to do that it is important not to forget about, so your gift will definitely be used daily.

To make your gift seem more sincere, be sure to complement it with a postcard. Children cannot yet write congratulations on their own behalf, so parents will have to try. Write how much you appreciate the work of the teacher, do not forget about your gratitude and, of course, your best New Year's wishes.

One of the most universal and appropriate gift ideas in honor of this holiday is New Year's decor and other holiday little things. Successful options:

  • Christmas ball with hand painting. Such a gift will remind you of the giver every New Year.
  • New Year's candles. They will be an excellent decoration for the holiday table.
  • Champagne glass with a personalized engraving or thematically decorated.
  • Handmade soap, decorated in New Year's style.

If your teacher is a practical person who loves things that are useful in everyday life, give them some small household appliances. Kettle, coffee maker, blender, iron, etc. will definitely come in handy in any home. But before you give them, you need to try to find out what exactly the recipient needs.

What to give your teacher for the New Year is interesting and creative

To please, surprise and amaze the teacher at the same time, take a creative approach to choosing a gift. Interesting and extraordinary ideas that the recipient will surely like:

Photo calendar with photographs of children. You can design it based on the fairy tale “The Twelve Months.” Since there are usually more children in groups, they can be depicted in pairs or threes. Making such a gift is not an easy task, because you will have to collect all the children, decorations, take photos and process them in Photoshop. But the result will be an original calendar that all parents will probably want to have.

  • Wall clock with photo. Another very interesting idea, although difficult to implement.
  • Original lamp. You can choose a lighting fixture in the form of a bouquet of flowers or a 3D one in the shape of a teddy bear or other cute object. Projector lamps, for example, of the starry sky or ocean waves, are also popular.
  • Digital photo frame. By itself, it is not a very interesting gift. But if you upload general photos of the teacher and children there, it will turn out interesting.
  • Portrait from a photo, printed on canvas. You can order a painting that will depict the recipient alone or together with the children.
  • Flower vase with personalized engraving. Usually they are given along with a bouquet, but for the New Year, you can put a small composition with spruce branches in a vase.

For the New Year, you can give a young and creative teacher unusual, interesting, and even funny things. Good ideas:

  • Funny alarm clock. In stores you can find models that run away, fly away, have projectors, and make various interesting sounds.
  • Tickets for an interesting event. If you know what the teacher is interested in, it will not be difficult to choose a perfectly suitable event. If not, give preference to an invitation to a New Year's concert or performance.
  • Congratulatory wall newspaper. It can be either a stand-alone gift or an addition to a more useful purchase. Children must take part in the creation of a masterpiece, for example, leaving handprints.
  • SPA certificate. Original and at the same time useful, no woman will refuse such a gift.

When choosing an original gift, try not to overdo it. Avoid comic gifts and things whose sole purpose is to surprise. Remember that the gift should emphasize respect for the teacher.

There are several days a year on which teachers are given gifts.

1). Teacher's birthday
2). New Year,
3). March 8,
4). Teacher's Day,
5). Mothers Day.

After all, in essence, a teacher is a second mother for preschoolers and at graduation.

You can give a gift from a group of parents, or you can give it personally.

Teacher's Day is celebrated at the end of September. The choice of gift mainly depends on the available budget, but important facts are also the characteristics of the teacher’s character, originality, practicality, and connection with the professional field of activity.

On Teacher's Day, you can give yourself a beautiful and unusual set of chocolates, a good set of tea, or coffee, placed in gift wrapping.

A good notebook would be a wonderful gift for a teacher.

Since mostly women work as educators, you can give something for everyday life from the group on Teacher’s Day.

This could be silicone baking molds, a set of glasses, coffee cups, a set of cutlery, a glass teapot, a set of beautiful kitchen towels or napkins, a beautiful coffee pot, bamboo napkins, a set for serving olives, a beautiful vase for flowers or sweets , a stylish flower pot, an iron, a blender or coffee grinder, a beautiful blanket or bath towel.

Many parents are of the opinion that it is better to give money. But this is not an entirely appropriate gift. In this case, it is better to purchase a gift certificate to a large hypermarket, where both industrial and food products are available.

Don't forget about other kindergarten staff

But Teacher's Day is also a holiday for nannies, kindergarten psychologists, and the head of the kindergarten.

The first thing that comes to mind is to give everyone a chocolate bar or a small box of chocolates.

But this is probably what most parents will do.

Show originality and give the kindergarten staff small gifts that will really please them.

To the nanny
You can give an original cool funny watch with a voice recorder.
You can use a voice recorder to record an interesting morning greeting in the voice of one of the children.
The nanny will also be pleased to receive:

  • a piece of scented soap or hand cream,
  • beautiful oven mitts,
  • original cup for tea or coffee,
  • small grinder for seasonings
  • souvenir pen.

You can present something related to beauty:

  • a beautiful coffee cup,
  • a set of good pens,
  • A beautiful mirror for a handbag.

Head of kindergarten
On Teacher's Day, you can congratulate him by presenting him with a gift from a group of parents, which will be needed in his office.

But before choosing such a gift, you should visit this office.

Appropriate gifts would be:

To the music director
On Teacher's Day you can give everything,
anything to do with music.

Perhaps it will be:

  • compact container for storing music CDs,
  • portable music speaker.

Do something with your own hands

If you can’t buy a gift in a store, you can always make it yourself. You can do it with the help of your parents, or you can involve your children in the work.

  • Those who know how to knit can easily make a gift for a teacher in the form of a beautiful scarf or stole.
  • Craftsmen in bead weaving can create a beautiful composition.
  • Experts in tailoring will always sew a beautiful apron or funny decorative pillows.

When making gifts with your own hands with the involvement of children, you can use a variety of materials: paper, cardboard, eggshells, shells, coffee beans, salt dough, and so on.

Gift for kindergarten in general

In modern kindergartens, the corridors are equipped with monitors on which photos of children of the group to which this monitor is closest are constantly shown. Thus, you can create an electronic greeting in the form of a photo collage or video greeting. Videos can also be filled with photographs accompanied by pleasant music. Online services make this easy to create. The video below is an example of such a sign of attention.

Focus on the wishes of educators

Based on numerous surveys of educators themselves, the following list can be compiled of what educators would like to receive as a gift:

  • a good thing for use in everyday life - for example, something from technology;
  • anything from computer paraphernalia or technology. For example, it could be a printer, because this is a very popular thing for a teacher;
  • Various child development manuals, methodological literature, and various musical soundtracks would be appropriate;
  • if funds allow, a small music center.

Gifts for other holidays

As a thank you to the teacher for taking care of your children, it is worth making signs of attention on other holidays of the year. There are several of them.

Mothers Day

As a rule, the most memorable gifts are those made with your own hands.

Mother's Day is exactly the holiday on which such a gift is especially valuable. Therefore, it is better to give the teacher a gift made by children’s hands on Mother’s Day. This could be a funny photo frame or a beautiful postcard or panel.

Parents can complement such a gift with a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates.

New Year

As you know, winter brings with it a holiday that everyone likes equally: both adults and children. And teachers are no exception.

For the New Year, you can give the teacher a gift set of tea or good coffee, a set of spices, baking pots, an original tablecloth, etc. But if you are short on funds, just give your children’s teachers a delicious cake and aromatic tea.

March 8

Following the winter cold comes the time of ringing drops and streams, the smell of fresh leaves and the first flowers. This means the first spring holiday is coming - March 8. This is a holiday for all women. And like any woman, the teacher will be glad to receive flowers and a small souvenir.

On this day, the gift should be personally for the teacher. On March 8, you can give your teacher a beautifully designed cosmetic set, or an aroma lamp with essential oils, a beautiful warm blanket or a special pillow for relaxation.

Tasty gifts would also be appropriate on this day: an interesting set of sweets or cookies.


For the teacher’s birthday, you can give something more serious. It is not necessary that the gift be very expensive, the main thing is that it is “from the heart.”

Delicious congratulations

A wonderful birthday gift for a teacher would be a composition of fruits, or a candy composition with the addition of good tea or coffee.

If you know that the teacher loves to cook, you can give a set for making sushi or other original dishes. Fondue pots have become popular these days.

Original gifts

The teacher will receive a charge of positive emotions when he hears on the radio a congratulation from his group on his birthday.

A wonderful and original gift for a teacher would be a gift certificate to a spa or massage course, so parents can show concern for the health of the teacher. After all, she cares no less about the health and well-being of their children.

If you know for sure what type of art the teacher prefers, you can give the teachers tickets to a premiere at the theater, or to an exhibition, to a ballet, etc.

Expensive gifts

Maybe she could use a good e-reader or tablet. Such a gift will be useful both for her personally and for working with a group of children, because modern gadgets provide unlimited opportunities for self-development and improvement.

If you know that she needs some kind of household appliance, you can give that too.

Time flies quickly and the moment comes when the children grow up and you have to say goodbye to the kindergarten and the teacher. Such an event is usually marked by a graduation party in kindergarten.

Graduation day

At graduation, teachers are usually given an expensive and important gift. Thus, parents express gratitude to the teacher for caring for their children.

It can be the most varied, but always high-quality household appliances. For example, an immersion blender, a bread maker, a multicooker, a microwave oven, etc.

The group can give the teacher a good photo printer for graduation. This is an indispensable thing for a teacher.

If you really want to give an expensive gift, it can be jewelry. This gift will always be in fashion and the memory of your group will last for years to come.

A wonderful gift would be something for use not only by the teacher, but also by the kindergarten. This could be interesting children's paintings or carpets with cartoon characters, a humidifier or air ionizer, an aquarium for a living corner, a garden bench in the yard or a new sandbox.

Whatever gift you choose, remember that you need to attach a beautiful bouquet of flowers to it and add all this with warm and kind words of respect and gratitude.

Views: 850

It just so happened that on the eve of the New Year holidays it is customary to congratulate not only family and friends. Traditionally, New Year gifts are given to educators, school teachers and work colleagues. As a rule, the solution to this difficult task “falls on the shoulders” of parent committees, whose representatives have to annually “rack their brains” over how to surprise and please their favorite teacher or teacher.

In order to get out of this predicament gracefully and with dignity, it is necessary to take into account several important criteria, such as the age of the gift recipient, her character traits and the presence of certain taste preferences. At the same time, gifts to teachers for the New Year, as well as for other holidays, should not be too personal. It is better if they are quite restrained and neutral.

The most anticipated and common gifts for teachers and educators

In order to avoid unnecessary hassle and worry directly on the eve of the holiday, you should take care of purchasing a suitable present in advance, after consulting with other representatives of the “initiative parent group” on this matter.

Most often, for the New Year, teachers are given sets of sweets or perfumes and cosmetics. Well, these gifts can be called quite appropriate and suitable for this occasion. However, there is absolutely no originality or creativity in them; rather, presentations of this kind can be called expected and boring. So, if you want to impress your favorite teachers, you should immediately abandon these “familiar” options.

By the way, according to statistics, the most frequently given New Year's gifts are:

  • A bottle of champagne or other alcohol. About 10% of educators receive this gift for the New Year.
  • Money. About 8% of parents give them to their teachers.
  • Souvenirs in the form of figures that are symbols of the coming year. They are given by 4% of teachers.
  • Towels and tablecloths. The number of their recipients is about 3%.

And only 1% of parents show their ingenuity and imagination by giving their teachers unusual and original gifts for the New Year.

We take tradition as a basis

In principle, all of the above options have a right to exist. So, if you do not want to deviate from traditions, you can give the following New Year gifts to teachers:

  • Food baskets, including a standard set of “holiday” products: red caviar, a bottle of good wine, chocolate and other delicacies that are sure to take pride of place on the New Year’s table. Despite the fact that gifts of this type are the most expected and common, here you can surprise with the “good filling” of the basket. The only negative: good, high-quality products are not cheap.
  • As a New Year's gift, young teachers can be given a gift certificate for the purchase of cosmetics. An excellent alternative to standard perfume sets, which are usually given to school and kindergarten employees for various occasions. Now your teacher will be able to choose exactly what she wants and will certainly be pleased with your congratulations.
  • For older women who spend a lot of time at the stove, a good New Year's gift could be a set of baking molds and tools. You can complement this useful gift with a beautiful, well-illustrated book of culinary recipes.
  • Cozy and beautiful woolen blankets are very good gifts for teachers for the New Year, which will be useful in any home.
  • Festive packaged sets of tea or coffee, complemented by a beautiful teapot or mug, are very good options that can also be presented to your teachers for this wonderful celebration.

We show imagination and creativity

However, in order to please your teachers and make their favorite holiday a little brighter and more spectacular, you can give them something more extraordinary and unusual. For example:

We fit within a small budget

Each of the listed gifts is good in its own way, however, they are still quite expensive. Therefore, if your budget is limited to a small amount, you can congratulate your favorite teachers in a slightly different way.

“Budget” gift options include:

Cash gifts for teachers: pros and cons

A fairly common New Year gift for educators is money. This is understandable: why take risks and acquire something unnecessary, if, having received even a rather modest amount, a person can choose for himself what he needs most at the moment.

Considering the fact that the salaries of kindergarten workers leave much to be desired, this is understandable. However, despite all its simplicity and convenience, gifts in the form of banknotes do not look very nice.

So, if at a meeting of the parent committee you decide to congratulate your teachers in this way, it will be better if you present your gift in some original way. Here are some of the most successful options for such congratulations:

  • Place banknotes in a beautiful envelope with holiday symbols. Complete your gift with a bouquet of beautiful flowers or a box of chocolates.
  • Present them in a miniature box designed in the form of a book.
  • Place the money in a wallet or purse and give it as a gift to teachers.

In general, gifts to beloved educators and teachers can be very different: expensive and modest, colorful and laconic, edible and functional. And, in order for them to bring real pleasure to their recipients and touch them to the depths of their souls, they must be truly kind and “warm”. Only in this case they will become a real decoration of the New Year's holiday and will make it even more pleasant and desirable..

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