Proper foot care. Foot scrubs

Ideally, our feet need daily care and restoration. Question: How to care for your feet and why proper care of the skin of your feet is a guarantee of health, this article is devoted to.

The average person takes 7,000 steps a day. The entire load is distributed on the surface of the foot. It’s good if you have comfortable, proper shoes and a normal weight. Otherwise, the legs experience colossal overloads.

Why take care of your feet every day?

Feet need special care. A small foot experiences enormous loads. She is strong, but at the same time defenseless. Well-groomed feet are not only a tribute to beauty, but a physiological necessity. Healthy feet improve a person's overall well-being.

The skin of the feet is dense, but defenseless. The fact is that it lacks sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands are responsible for preventing moisture loss and ensuring uniform distribution of the hydro-lipid film that protects the skin.

Chinese traditional medicine believes that the condition of the feet directly affects the condition of the entire body. There are reflex zones on the feet that are connected to parts of the body. The direct effect on biologically active points affects one or another organ.

Why feet need care and unloading procedures

The skin on the feet is 7 times thicker than on other parts of the body. In 705 cases we wear uncomfortable and unsuitable shoes. The feet are often exposed to cold and intense heat. A sharp transition from heat to cold and vice versa is harmful to the skin. The skin on the feet can be dry. They especially suffer. Cracks, calluses and corns form on them.

Dead skin cells collect on the skin of the legs, especially on the heels, feet, and the skin around the toes. These are old cells, through the layer of which not a single cream will “break through”. There is no point in wasting high-quality, expensive foot creams and applying them to “dead” cells.

Over time, without care and cleansing, old cells become denser and remain on the skin of the feet in the form of thickenings and corns. If the layers of old skin are not removed, the seals will increase.

The skin on the legs loses elasticity and cracks appear, touching the living skin. Cracks in the legs cause pain when walking and are an open gate for any infection.

Pain when walking changes the gait due to improper distribution of the load on the spine. The gait changes the posture for the worse, and deterioration of posture leads to a more rapid change in facial features and aging. The neck moves forward, a hump forms, and the blood supply to the brain and facial tissues deteriorates. Here's the chain.

Stages of foot care or how to feel lightness

The first stage of foot care is cleansing and a salt bath. Baths with sea salt soften the skin and prepare it for further care.

The second stage of foot skin care is the removal of rough skin and calluses. For this procedure, peelings based on fruit acids, scrubs with sea salt, and foot files are used.

Finish your home foot skin care with applying a nourishing cream and massage. Foot care cream should contain caring and softening ingredients: urea, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, plant oils. A massage and a set of exercises for the feet and legs complete the treatment. Perfectly softens the skin of the feet.

To summarize: important points in foot care

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Buy new shoes in the evening when your feet are more swollen
  • Do leg exercises every day
  • Sit with your feet up more often
  • Avoid walking barefoot in swimming pools, saunas and other public places where you can pick up fungus
  • Take foot baths with sea salt and herbs twice a week
  • Regularly cleanse your skin of old cells
  • Apply emollient cream only to clean feet.
  • In advanced cases, visit a podiatrist and get a hardware pedicure

Video lesson: How to massage the foot. Massage for fatigue and before a pedicure procedure.

All women pay considerable attention to caring for their face, hands, and hair. But for some reason they take second place to the beauty of their legs. And in vain, because proper foot care is necessary to ensure their health and beauty.

You can entrust the care of your feet to a specialist, or you can do it yourself, it is only important to follow the following rules:

  • Carry out hygiene procedures daily; during the day, your feet sweat and are exposed to negative external factors: moisture, dust, frost. In addition, washing your feet before bed helps relieve stress and is a good prevention of colds.
  • After a day of work, give your legs a rest with a simple procedure: lie on your back and lift your legs up, leaning them against the wall. Stay in this position for 5 minutes. This will ensure blood flow and protect the limbs from varicose veins.
  • Prevent flat feet: perform rotational exercises, walk on the outer and inner sides of the foot, pick up small objects from the floor with your toes.
  • Take care of the skin on your knees. It especially needs moisture, as it is most vulnerable to the effects of climatic conditions.
  • Change your hosiery frequently. Let them be made from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather and don't let your feet get too sweaty or cold.
  • Use anti-sweating foot products regularly.
  • Eat right. Too much fatty food contributes to intense work of the sebaceous glands and excessive sweating. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink at least 2 liters of water a day, it will remove toxins from the body and speed up your metabolism.
  • Take daily walks of 40 minutes or more to improve blood circulation in your legs.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with low heels (3–5 cm) that match your foot size.
  • In summer, walk barefoot on grass, warm sand or pebbles more often.

Foot care at home involves the following procedures:

  • physiotherapy with baths;
  • stimulating massage;
  • useful masks;
  • quality pedicure.


Start your care by taking a foot bath. To understand how to care for your feet at home, pay attention to the following rules:

  • The time for taking a foot bath is usually limited to five minutes, but for cracks it increases to ten minutes, and for excessive sweating it is reduced to three.
  • The water temperature should not be too high. For ailments such as varicose veins, swelling, sweating, and any inflammatory processes, the water should not be higher than 34 degrees.
  • Fatigue will be relieved by a contrast foot shower.

Baths using the following herbs will provide gentle care for the skin of your feet:

  • St. John's wort. The infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of the herb, which is poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 40 minutes. This bath will heal cracks and refresh your feet.
  • Calendula. A spoonful of dry plant is infused in a liter of hot water. The infusion is suitable for the prevention of fungus and cracked heels.
  • Mint. The grass (3 tablespoons) is poured with 3 liters of boiling water. An infusion diluted with water will refresh tired legs.
  • Linden blossom. Add a few tablespoons of sea salt to the herbal decoction. The resulting solution is used to relieve swelling.
  • Pharmaceutical chamomile. Dried flowers (6 tbsp) are poured with boiling water (1 l). Taking a foot bath like this every day will get rid of the problem of ingrown toenails.
  • Essential oils. A few drops of essential oil (eucalyptus, lemon, mint or lavender) are dripped into a solution of sea salt and liquid soap to relieve tension and soften rough skin on the feet.


After the foot bath, foot care can be continued with a massage. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole: it relieves headaches and joint pain, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Massage procedure:

  1. Stretch your foot, stroking it from the heels to the toes.
  2. Next, perform more intense stretching movements.
  3. Finish the massage by applying precise pressure to the foot and each toe.

The massage can be carried out without interruption from any other activity: stretch your legs by rolling a wooden gymnastic stick on the floor (it can be replaced with an ordinary rolling pin) or stomp on a special massage mat.


Complete foot skin care is impossible without the use of special masks made from natural ingredients. For proper use, follow these tips:

  • After applying the composition, wrap your feet with gauze and polyethylene.
  • While the mask is on, it is better to lie down so that your legs are higher than your head. To do this, place a pad or cushion under them.
  • After washing off the composition, it is recommended to apply a cream suitable for your skin type to your feet.
  • To obtain the desired result, you must use the product for 2-3 months, twice a week.

You can prepare foot care masks from the following ingredients:

  • Honey and oatmeal. Pour boiling water over half a glass of oatmeal and leave for 15 minutes. Then add honey, sour cream (50 g), lemon juice (1 tsp) to the gruel. The exposure time is half an hour.
  • Pine needles and salt. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and applied for half an hour. A mask is used to normalize blood flow and relieve swelling.
  • Potato. Potato peels are boiled for half an hour, after which they are mashed into a puree. Apply a warm mixture to your feet for 30 minutes; it will help get rid of calluses and corns.
  • Eggs. The beaten egg is mixed with table vinegar (1 tbsp) and vegetable oil in equal proportions. The composition will eliminate excessive sweating in just a few procedures.
  • Apple and milk. A glass of milk is brought to a boil, a whole apple is placed in it. Cook it for about 10 minutes over low heat. Then peel and remove the core. Make a puree from the pulp, add a couple of drops of castor oil. The mask lasts for at least half an hour. The composition promotes the healing of wounds and cracks, relieving fatigue.


A well-executed pedicure will make your feet beautiful and well-groomed. It can be done efficiently not only in the salon, but also at home. The following rules will help you carry out this procedure:

  • Nails should be shortened every 10–14 days.
  • Before the procedure, you should wipe off the polish and steam your feet in hot water (if there are no contraindications).
  • The cuticle also needs to be steamed and pushed back to the base of the nail.
  • Corns are treated with pumice or a special grater, after which the skin is polished with a pedicure file.
  • Toenails should be trimmed in a straight line to prevent ingrown nails.
  • Before applying nail polish, nails must be cleaned and polished.
  • A special finger separator will make the process of applying color coating more comfortable.
  • The color of the coating on the arms and legs should be similar in shade. If you don't want to focus on your toes, use a clear nail polish.

Legs should be attractive not only in the summer, when you wear open shoes and short skirts, but also in winter. Now you know how to properly care for your feet in order to take care of and maintain the beauty of your fingers and nails.

Taking care of your feet for summer, how to take care of your feet, what methods and means you can get rid of rough skin, how to improve the condition of your feet using folk recipes

Spring is a wonderful time of the year, when nature renews itself, everything blooms and prepares for the arrival of summer and warmth. So, you and I are striving to update our wardrobe, get ourselves in order, so that we can fully meet the season when we can show off in short skirts and open sandals.

It's time to take care of your pedicure and get your feet in order. Of course, you need to take care of your feet and legs regularly, visiting a pedicure office once a month, and at least once a week you need to relax your legs at home. We will talk about how to care for your feet at home.

Foot care

Each of us would like our feet to be pink and soft, like a baby’s, our toenails to remain healthy and strong, and nasty calluses and corns to never appear on our feet and not poison our lives. Unfortunately, if you don’t make an effort, it is very difficult to avoid problems that cause discomfort and change our appearance for the worse.

Main foot problems

  • Rough, rough skin;
  • Sweaty feet;
  • Always cold feet;
  • Swelling and fatigue of the legs;
  • Nail problems (ingrown toenails, fungus);
  • Fungal infections of the feet and nails;
  • Calluses and corns;
  • Cracked heels;
  • Diaper rash and redness in the area between the toes;
  • Orthopedic problems (flat feet, deformed toes, protruding bones, spurs on the heels).

Why is regular care so necessary for our feet and legs? The fact is that the foot experiences a heavy load every day, taking on the entire weight of our body and acting as a shock absorber. There are a lot of biologically active points in the foot that are responsible for the condition of the entire body. That is why, after foot care procedures: foot baths, peeling and foot massage, we feel rested and full of energy. Lightness appears throughout the body, and the sensations from a good foot massage are comparable to the pleasure of a full-fledged trip to the spa.

Unfortunately, not all women's feet are always in perfect condition. The health of our feet is influenced by various factors. These include excess weight, unbalanced nutrition, hormonal changes, and poor blood circulation. The older a woman gets, the more problems she may face.

Causes of discomfort and problems associated with the condition of the feet

  • Uncomfortable shoes (narrow, made of synthetic materials, high heels);
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Poor circulation;
  • Fungal infection in public places;
  • Incorrectly performed pedicure (infection, sharply cut nail);
  • Ignoring hygiene rules;
  • Hormonal, age-related changes;
  • Low immunity and weakened body.

Based on this, it is clear that most problems associated with the condition of the feet can be prevented by leading a healthy and active lifestyle, eating right and paying the necessary attention to foot care. The right choice of shoes from childhood is an important factor affecting the health of the feet and legs. Shoes without arch support and with flat soles contribute to the development of flat feet and the discomfort associated with this deficiency. If you constantly wear high-heeled shoes, this can lead to deformation of the arch and bunions. Shoes that are too narrow contribute to poor blood circulation and the appearance of diaper rash and calluses. Shoes made from synthetic materials can increase sweating, promote the development of fungus, and cause feet to be constantly wet and smelly. Therefore, when choosing shoes for every day, you should take into account not only the beauty of the model, but also its other qualities: material, last shape, comfort and heel height, fit and fullness.

If you don't move enough and don't give your legs the necessary stress, sooner or later your legs will not be as attractive and healthy as they were in your youth. Swelling, heaviness in the legs, excess weight and dry skin will appear. After all, with age, the processes of metabolism and regeneration slow down, and a sedentary lifestyle will aggravate these problems. A deficiency of the minerals and vitamins the body needs can cause the skin on your feet to become particularly dry and rough, and your nails to crumble or change color. Therefore, a nutritious diet enriched with nutritional supplements or a complex of vitamins is necessary for the health of your body and legs, in particular. Ignoring basic hygiene rules can lead to the most unpleasant consequences: inflammatory processes, sweating and unpleasant odor, the development of fungus or cracked heels. Therefore, regular foot and leg care should be a must for everyone. You need to visit a pedicure office once a month, where the master, using modern pedicure products, will tidy up your feet, carefully file your nails and give them a beautiful shape, perform a massage and tell you what foot care products you need. It is important to find a good master who will not give you an infection with undisinfected instruments, who will correct all the flaws of a home pedicure and give recommendations. It happens that in order to get your feet in order, you need to consult a podiatrist or dermatologist. Regular foot care at home will minimize the need for frequent visits to various offices.

  • In public areas (saunas, swimming pool, beach), wear protective slippers and apply a special cream with antifungal additives.
  • Apply foot cream at night; in the morning it is better to use gel, lotion or spray.
  • Make sure your feet are dry; bacteria feel most comfortable in a humid environment.
  • Visit a cosmetologist once a month, and perform home treatments regularly.
  • Choose the right shoes.
  • Take every opportunity to walk barefoot on grass or sand.
  • Walk more and rest more often by elevating your feet.

Home treatments for feet include all kinds of baths, peeling and exfoliation procedures, massage and application of a special foot cream, various wraps and masks.

1. Foot baths

The first stage of foot care. Baths can be softening (salt, soda), contrasting (alternating cold and hot water), nourishing (with essential oils, honey and milk), medicinal (with medicinal herbs and extracts, seaweed or pharmaceutical preparations) and even exfoliating (with garra fish rufa). All types of baths are available at home, except the last one. You will have to go to the salon to get it, since not all fish will provide you with high-quality peeling.

2. Peeling and exfoliation is an important step in foot skin care.

It is performed after steaming and softening the skin of the foot. Here it is important to correctly use the entire arsenal of available products: exfoliating scrubs and tools (files, pumice, brushes) to remove the stratum corneum without damaging the skin. You should not use a razor to cut off rough skin or calluses; it is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist. There are ready-made scrubs and peeling compositions on sale containing fruit acids, crushed peach, kiwi, apricot seeds, and ground coffee, which have a gentle effect on the skin, preparing it for the exfoliation and cleansing procedure.

3. Massage and beneficial rubbing

Foot massage should be performed with pressing and rubbing movements from the tips of the fingers to the heel and shin. In addition to improving blood circulation in the legs, foot massage helps to activate vital energy and helps normalize processes in the internal organs. Foot massage with a scrub removes destroyed epidermal cells, allowing the skin to breathe and actively absorb all the beneficial substances included in foot creams and masks.

4. Nails are fine

Toenails are cut straight, it is better to use toenails for this, and go along the edges with a nail file to round them a little. Rub nail oil into the skin at the base of the nail and when it softens, gently push it away with a spatula. After applying the base coat, you can coat your nails with polish. It is better to do this in three stages. The first layer of varnish is applied from the base to the edge of the nail, the second is applied across the growth of the nails, and then the nails are varnished a third time from the base to the edge.

Foot care products

Foot skin care products contain various substances selected to give the skin everything it needs. In addition to nutritional properties, foot creams and masks may contain plant extracts, menthol, chlorophyll, camphor, allantoin, bactericidal or antifungal agents, salicylic acid, various fragrances and other components. Entire product lines are produced specifically designed for foot care. These are various creams, scrubs, masks and sprays.

How to quickly improve the condition of your feet using folk recipes

  • Starch baths and potato lotions will restore softness to the skin.
  • Masks with oils (almond, grape seed, tea tree, lavender) with bran or oatmeal will help cope with cracked heels.
  • Milk baths with milk and honey perfectly nourish the skin and restore youth and health to it.
  • Baths made from oak bark or bay leaves will help with sweaty feet.
  • Cooling baths with ice cubes will help relieve swelling on a hot day.
  • A barrel of baked onion applied to the callus and fixed overnight will cure the callus. You can also use the top of a lemon with pulp.
  • If the skin on your legs is constantly dry and rough, try doing an oil wrap after all your home treatments. Lavender oil makes the skin soft and elastic, soothes and relieves fatigue.

Take care of your feet , pamper them with baths and gels, perform massages and make special masks. The result of your efforts will not go unnoticed and by the time summer arrives, you will not be ashamed to wear open shoes and walk around, attracting admiring glances.

If you are too busy a person and you do not have the opportunity to regularly visit the salon, then foot care at home. To keep your feet healthy and beautiful, you need to give them sufficient attention and proper care.

To do this, they use not only store-bought products, but also homemade ones, which will provide your feet with smooth and soft skin. Do not wear high-heeled shoes; they go well with evening wear. Because of this, the body leans forward unattractively and all the weight is transferred to the delicate bones near the fingers. What you need to know to care for your feet:

  1. Shoes must fit
  2. The heel should be comfortable - 3-5 cm

Proper foot care at home

If you've been walking a lot and your feet are swollen, soak them in a bowl of cool water for a while. Cold foot baths constrict blood vessels, reduce pain and relieve inflammation. It is also useful to lie down and sit with your legs elevated to reduce fatigue and relieve swelling.

Taking care of your feet at home using folk remedies is very necessary and useful for women. A foot massage is performed to improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels and veins.

Walking barefoot on small pebbles or sand is an excellent preventive measure. The fact is that when walking this way, there is a gentle massage of biologically active points located on the foot.

This way you can get rid of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, normalize blood pressure and improve memory. After such a natural morning, immediately take a warm shower and drink a cup of green tea.

How to properly care for your feet at home in winter: a warm foot bath is a real energy boost.

You can add juniper berries to warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes, then change to hot water. Herbal substances will revitalize the nerve endings in the heels and stimulate more vigorous blood circulation.

Foot skin care at home

After the skin of your feet has become soft, remove dead skin particles from the soles. If the layer of keratinized skin is thin, this can be easily done using pumice. Using care products, you can get rid of sweating by using oak bark baths.

Foot baths

Recipe 1

  1. 1 tbsp. Brew the bark with a glass of boiling water.
  2. We dilute the broth with warm water.
  3. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Carry out a course of treatment for 10-15 days.

Recipe 2

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers into 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Infuse for an hour in a sealed container.
  3. Then strain.
  4. Warm the bath infusion to moderate temperature.
  5. Keep your feet in it until it cools down.

Use for sweating, unpleasant odor, itching,... Warm foot baths with the addition of herbal infusions and aromatic oils are necessary care and proper care for tired feet.

After taking a foot bath, apply foot cream between your toes and into the skin of your soles. If you have large horny deposits in the heel area, clean them with a pumice stone and apply a bandage with cream as a compress at night.


Don't forget to treat your toenails. Trim your nails in a straight line. Treat uneven cuts with a nail file from the edges to the middle of the nail. After this, soak your feet in a bowl of warm water. Remove dead skin on your feet with a pumice stone.

Dry your feet thoroughly with a towel, especially between the toes. Gently push back the cuticles on your nails with a spatula. Rub the rich cream into the skin around your nails. Massage your feet.

Proper foot care at home, baths and masks in courses of 2-3 months, choose shoes that fit, and your feet will always be beautiful, healthy and attract admiring male gazes. Now you know how important daily foot care at home is for a woman.

Please watch the video: Foot care. Foot baths at home.

Surely many people want the skin on their legs to be soft and tender, as they once were in childhood. But to maintain the health and beauty of the skin on your legs, it needs careful and proper care.

Every day, the legs bear the weight of the entire body and quite large loads, which often leads to fatigue, injuries and diseases of the legs. If you don't take care of them, you can get various infections and skin diseases. And regular pedicures at the salon are not enough. There are a number of rules that, if followed, will help maintain foot health.

Feet tend to get dirty more often than other parts of the body. Therefore, caring for them should begin with regular washing. This should be done at least twice a day (morning and evening). For this purpose, it is advisable to use a mild antiseptic soap, which will effectively remove sweat, bacteria and dirt.

Do not use too hot water, which will wash away the oily coating of the skin. In addition, you should avoid using hard water, as it causes dry skin and cracks. Dry your feet with a soft towel, paying special attention to the area between the toes. Neglecting this rule can lead to a fungal infection.

2. Moisturize your feet

The skin on your feet is very prone to dryness. Therefore, when caring for your feet, it is important to apply a moisturizer, especially before bed. It is applied to the entire part of the foot, including the toes, with gentle massaging movements for 10 minutes. If cracks appear on the heels, then after applying the cream, it is recommended to wear warm socks on your feet throughout the night. In addition to cream, you can also use natural products such as coconut or olive oil. Before using oils, they need to be warmed a little so that the skin absorbs them better.

3. Exfoliate your feet

It is difficult to imagine proper foot care without a foot peeling procedure. The skin on your feet is usually thicker than on other parts of the body, so you need to regularly remove dead skin cells, keeping it soft and tender for longer. Regular exfoliation will reduce the risk of calluses and corns.

For peeling, use ordinary pumice, which is easy to purchase at any cosmetics or household chemicals store. Before the procedure, feet should be soaked in warm water for about 10 minutes. This will soften the skin well and make peeling easier. Movements with a pumice stone should be intense but gentle so as not to damage the deeper layers of the skin.

You can also use various store-bought or homemade scrubs for exfoliation. For example, it’s easy to prepare it yourself from sugar and baby oil for massage, mixing the ingredients to a paste consistency. After the peeling procedure, you should wash your feet with cool water and apply moisturizer. It is advisable to exfoliate your feet once or twice a week.

4. Trim your nails regularly

It is recommended to trim your nails every two weeks. This care is needed not only for nails, but also for the skin to protect it from unwanted infections and ingrown nails. For pedicures, it is better to use specially designated scissors. To make the task easier, you can trim your nails after a shower, when they become much softer.

You should not leave your nails too short, as this can cause pain and discomfort when walking. After cutting, be sure to smooth out corners and irregularities with a nail file. There is no need to cut your nails at a sharp angle or at the edges - this can cause them to grow into the skin. The cuticle should be lubricated with emollient oil and gently moved to the base using a special stick.

It is easier to prevent any diseases in advance, so the skin of the feet needs regular examination and examination. It is important to be sure that there are no infections or fungus on your feet. After taking a daily shower, you need to treat cuts, scrapes, abrasions and blisters if they suddenly appear on the skin of your feet.

When a person notices long-lasting wounds or ulcers on his legs, this is a reason to get examined by a doctor as soon as possible. People suffering from diabetes must follow additional rules prescribed by their doctors. Diabetics should never ignore any pain in their legs.

6. Massage your feet

Regular foot massage is not only very pleasant, but also useful for maintaining healthy feet. This procedure helps improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, relax after a hard day, relieve pain and prevent swelling. Feet can be massaged daily, before going to bed.

For a massage procedure, coconut or olive oil is well suited and needs to be slightly warmed. The massage is carried out with soft circular movements, and the fingers are slightly stretched forward. Instead of hands, you can use various massage devices: mats, rollers, balls, electric massagers, etc.

7. Provide spa foot care

Foot baths not only help to cleanse the feet of impurities, but also reduce the smell of sweat, relieve tension and remove toxins from the body. The best remedy for preparing baths is bitter salt (Epsom). It and a few drops of any aromatic oil are added to warm water, in which you need to soak your feet for about 10-15 minutes. To soften and moisturize dry skin, it is useful to use a pumice stone after taking a bath. After the procedure, the feet are rinsed with clean water, dried thoroughly and moisturizer is applied to them.

The skin of the legs, like any other part of the body, is susceptible to sunlight. When the sun hits your feet directly, they can also get severely burned, which is harmful to the skin. It immediately changes color - from reddish to dark brown. The best advice is to sunbathe in moderation and at the right times when the sun is less active, and also remember to treat your feet with sunscreen.

But you can get rid of unsightly tanning on your feet with a simple home remedy - a mask made with equal parts of glycerin, rose water and lemon juice. It is applied to thoroughly washed feet and left for 20 minutes, after which the mixture is removed with water. This mask should be used 2-3 times a week, and soon the skin will become much lighter.

9. Control hyperhidrosis

The human feet contain many sweat glands. Excessive sweating creates an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply, which ultimately leads to an unpleasant odor and the development of infections. In order to avoid such problems, you need to wash your feet daily, change your socks and purchase hosiery made from natural, breathable materials.

Shoes also need good and regular care. It must always be kept clean. Talcum powder, starch, or baby powder can be used to prevent unpleasant odors. There are many remedies for hyperhidrosis sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies. Before using them, it will be useful to talk to your doctor to avoid causing allergies.

10. Choose the right shoes

For healthy feet, it is very important to wear correct, comfortable shoes that will not restrict movement, cause discomfort, pain when walking, or the appearance of corns and blisters. You need to choose shoes made from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe. Fitting should be carried out very carefully and on both legs at once. It would be a good idea to walk around the store a little to check the convenience of the model. The best time to buy shoes is at the end of the day, as this is when your feet swell. Narrow shoes and high-heeled shoes are suitable only for certain occasions; on ordinary days, you should give preference to simpler and more comfortable models with heels no higher than 6 cm.

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