The ex got married. Your ex got married Ex got married but wants me

Please tell me what should I do, how should I act?!
My ex-boyfriend, with whom I had a serious relationship, after our breakup, he began dating his ex-girlfriend, who looked after him, followed him, begged him to return to her, and out of pity, he could not help but get together with her. but at the same time he called me all this time, wrote, kissed, sniffed, we saw each other, he helped me and always repeated one thing: I will always help you! I didn’t know that he had a girlfriend. But one day, I missed him so much and called his cell phone, but it was disconnected, his aunt called me at home and told me that he had kidnapped his daughter-in-law and they had been living together for 2 weeks, but there was no wedding yet. I felt sooo bad, I cried so much. the next day we saw each other, we cried together, talked, he swore that he didn’t love her, that he had to because everyone was giving him a hundred, he still won’t marry, I believe him, I know that he loves me. I know that he is ashamed to return this girl now, he will not be able to do this, because... he is very well-mannered. Tell me, what should I do in this situation?? What should I do? We slept with him, and in truth everything was serious. Help. Because I'm at risk of committing suicide. I won't survive. But I want to fight for my happiness (for him), I can’t do it without him. Help, please. I do not know what to do. GIVE advice. Until it's not too late!

Hello Asia!

I am very sorry that you have such a tragedy.

Is there someone close to you whom you can trust and talk about everything?

You are going through a very difficult time right now, but you need to live.

You don't know your future. Perhaps your boyfriend will marry that girl due to pressure from relatives, and then divorce her and you will always be together?

Death is not a solution. You must live!

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Hello Asia.

This guy made his choice. If he loved you, he would steal you, he could marry you, but he decided to leave you as his mistress. In this situation, it is right for you to do so in order to prove that you can be happy without him. Of course, you will have to suffer, because it is very painful to lose, and then become successful, healthy, start a family and give birth to healthy children. You now have a choice, either remain your mistress and beg him for rare meetings, or get over your mental illness for a while and create your own happy family with another guy, where there will be mutual love and honesty. Best wishes to you.

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Asia, hello!

In order not to feel like a victim in the current triangle, you lack life experience. We must try to extract it.

I will comment on some of your lines.

"and because of pity, he could not help but get along with her." If this was his statement, then it was not sincere.

“but at the same time he called me all this time, wrote, kissed, sniffed.” These are not indicators that it is given to him to be faithful and constant.

Attraction and seriousness are two different things.

"I will always help you!" What and in what way? If by your presence in your life? This cannot be called help. This is called selfishness.

“We cried together, talked, he swore that he didn’t love her, that he had to because everyone was giving him a hundred, he still won’t marry”

If he has a family with ancient foundations and they chose this bride, then perhaps this partially justifies him. And if not, then think for yourself.

“I know that he is ashamed to return this girl now, he will not be able to do this, because he is very well-mannered.” It's great that he's so good.

But why did he commit deception by hiding his marriage? Is this fair to you?

You don't need to make any drastic decisions now. Come for a consultation and understand yourself in more detail.

And know: not a single person and his unworthy actions have the right to drive you to suicidal thoughts. This is not why your parents gave you life. Don't forget about them either.

All the best to you! I am ready to personally support you!

Best regards, Inna.

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Perhaps stop believing in fairy tales, what stopped him from stealing you and not her? Love is love, but self-esteem, respect and trust have not been canceled. It means he loved her so much that he’s been living with someone else for two weeks now, and he’s settled in well. You may not like these words, but facts are facts. He won’t be able to return her because he was raised, and his upbringing allowed him to mislead you. You are even ready to give your life for him, but is he worth it, will he appreciate your sacrifice, or will you just make his life easier? His position is clear, to sit on two chairs, but do you agree to the role of a mistress? Life is yours and you decide how to manage it, and your future depends on how much you value yourself. Although he teaches a lot in life... If after all this he is still dear to you, you can try to win him back, but will this bring you happiness, because no one can cancel the facts. Think about it. Good luck to you!

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You broke up with your love. It seems that a lot of time had already passed, and you yourself thought that it was for the best, and you already had new novels after him, but suddenly, at an unkind hour, from mutual friends of yours, on the Internet, or when you ran into your former lover, you find out that he got married. That's it, sometimes this is enough for many girls to immerse themselves in. This is aggravated even more if at the moment you yourself are unmarried, and there is no gentleman now. Against your will, trying to appear as indifferent as possible, you begin to ask for details about the newlyweds’ marital happiness. On the Internet you find their happy photos and open your heart wounds even more by looking at them.

STOP!!! This is where you need to stop so as not to get bogged down in the abyss of despair and blues.

First, think about what you are worried about. Yes, many girls, after breaking up with their loved one, still have a glimmer of hope that he still remembers you and misses you. Subconsciously, most of us perceive our exes as an “alternate airfield” to which we can return if anything happens. “So what if he meets someone else, takes a walk, realizes that he can’t find anyone better than me, and comes back.” And the news of the ex’s marriage, of course, destroys all these illusory hopes.

But think about it, are you worried that you lost it? But he was no longer yours. You lost him already then, in the past, and now he is a stranger to you. It is impossible to lose something that never belonged to you. Another reason for your frustration may be your wounded pride. Despite all the reasonable arguments, it’s still a shame that they found a replacement for you. And it’s a shame that you weren’t the one who was offered a hand and a heart. If at this stage you also have problems in your personal life, then you feel really sorry for yourself.

So how to survive this unpleasant event - the marriage of your ex?

1. Do not be tempted to find out the details of his family life, no matter how much you might want to.

2. Do not analyze this event, do not remember his relationship with you. All the same, you will not be able to objectively assess this situation now based on your emotions. Just tell yourself: “I’ll think about it later, when I’m in a good mood, my loved one will be nearby.”

3. Remember that you already experienced this separation once, the heavens did not collapse. And now it will be even easier for you to do this.

4. Remember all the good things that happened to you after breaking up with him. After all, this might not have happened if you were together.

5. Think about what good traits you would like to see now in your chosen one, and which your former lover did not have.

6. His wedding to another once again convinces that this was not your person, but your destiny is somewhere on the way to you. After all, “the faster the stranger leaves, the faster the dear one will come.”

And most importantly, do not cling to the past, do not live someone else’s life, take advantage of yourself, and the time will come when you will remember these experiences with a smile.

If you are in a relationship with your ex, you will inevitably find out that he/she is getting married. How should you behave after learning this news?

Imagine that you are scrolling through your news feed on Facebook, there is nothing interesting there, but suddenly a familiar name, one that you used to often say. Your ex-other half with news about a new event in life. Your paths diverged a long time ago, but still a feeling arises in your soul that is difficult to describe. Jealousy? Bitterness? Genuine joy? You're not sure, but you're starting to wonder what to do in a situation where your ex is getting married/marry?

Ex Married?!.

Today, especially for this occasion, we have prepared for you 9 tips that you need to keep in mind if your ex-partner getting married or gets married. If this news doesn't bother you at all, then that's great - live your life and don't look back!!! But if this hurts you or this news makes you “slightly” nervous, then read on.

Thanks to technology, news travels very quickly. Thanks to these same technologies, it has become very easy to find out about events in the lives of other people, especially former partners. So how should you behave in this case? How to cope with this news?

Some tips for when your ex gets married:

# 1 It's okay if you feel anxious. You were once the love of this person's life, so it's normal if you still have some feelings towards him. And you may not want to be the bride/groom yourself at the moment. But such feelings arise because you once also imagined yourself standing in front of the altar with this person.

If you still have feelings for your ex, it's normal to feel jealous or sad. This means that the feelings have not died. But one day you would find that you have failed in your relationship. He or she deserves to be happy. The sooner you come to terms with this, the better.

# 2 Congratulate your ex if you are still in contact. Not all breakups end with people completely ignoring each other. The number of couples who remain friends after breaking up has increased. If you're friends on Facebook or still in touch, call your ex/her and ask how they're doing and say congratulations. Knowing that you are understanding about the new marriage can take a load off his/her soul.

# 3 Discuss the news that your ex is getting married with close friends. It's better if these people know your ex. If you feel angry or jealous, speak up. Friends will be able to comfort you and give you some advice on how to get through it and move on. However, if the upcoming wedding is not an issue for you, then you can simply mention it and move on to more interesting topics.

# 4 Avoid negative comments. Those who still have certain feelings for their ex will find it difficult to resist making negative comments towards the new bride/groom. Maybe he/she is not as good as you, but be that as it may, you will look pathetic and offended, scolding your ex-partner's new passion. Even if you think that you are much better than your ex-partner's future spouse, then keep this opinion to yourself. You don't want to get in trouble if the future newlyweds suddenly find out that you are gossiping behind their backs.

# 5 There is no need to talk about this event, that your ex is getting married, to your current partner. You can express all your grievances to your friends, but your partner is a completely different story. Emotional statements about a future wedding may make him/her feel insecure and make him/her feel like you are still lovingly attached to your ex. Our advice: keep this information to yourself, or if you really can’t, then mention it in passing.

Hello, our dear readers! Irina and Igor are with you again. Most novels end very poorly, and accordingly, the question arises as to why this happens. It seems that the relationship is developing well, there is understanding in the couple, passion and feelings, but suddenly a separation occurs, and the guy marries someone else. What is the reason for such a “swing”?

Today in our article we will tell you what to do if a guy marries someone else, as well as what are the reasons for this phenomenon.


Nowadays, it is quite common to believe that a man cannot speak directly about his desires. “Don’t drink!”, “Don’t pester”, “Don’t bother” - like commandments the Internet throws at us, allowing us to only occasionally hint to our crush about upcoming plans.

Meanwhile, men rarely understand hints. So it turns out that the girl silently dreams of a magnificent wedding, and the young man does not even realize that there are “great plans” for him.

And then the one who behaves more assertively, even more brazenly, appears on the horizon than the one who is “silent like a fish” at her side. And now, having found himself in a situation with a condition: either marriage or separation, the man is the first to collect passports and take them to the registry office.


However, it’s also not worth bothering with constant hints or even direct conversations about the young man’s wedding.

Well, judge for yourself: who likes it when they endlessly poke their nose at the same topic, make hints about all the holidays, all the jokes relate to the topic of weddings, and you eagerly talk about what an amazing wedding Vika had and you want the scope is no less.

In such a situation, men’s instinct of self-preservation is triggered, and they make a decision - to run as fast as they can from this constantly harassing “lasso”.

And then they meet a girl who does not insist on going to the registry office as soon as possible, but behaves sweetly and at ease. Naturally, the guy decides to connect his life with just such a woman, in the hope that in family life she will behave no less intrusively.


Another of the most likely reasons for the separation could be that the man simply did not feel his value to you. Or you yourself were not entirely sure that this was your man, with whom you should connect your life.

Perhaps you even tried to convince yourself of this, but it turned out not to be convincing for you. And the man, eventually tired of knocking on your closed door, simply left in search of another passion who will appreciate him.

Another scenario: you were sure that your boyfriend was exactly what you needed, but you wanted a wedding to such an extent that you too often became angry and irritated with him, while he was in no hurry to rush things.

And then one day he decides to give you beautiful earrings with diamonds, but from you he only receives a sour smile and a squeezed thank you, since you were hoping for a ring in the treasured box.

In such a situation, the guy begins to think that he is not appreciated and loved, and the decision to leave comes on its own.


Sometimes your behavior may have nothing to do with it. It happens that a man doesn’t actually have such strong feelings for you, and doesn’t even realize it until he meets another girl.

And this does not mean at all that you urgently need to look for ways in which you are worse than his new passion. And if you search, you will definitely find: she has a better figure, she has a second higher education, and she skates like a real figure skater.

In fact, the figure didn’t matter here, this man was just not your destiny. You are like pieces from different puzzles that someone absurdly put together for a while.

Don't get hung up on this, just let go of the situation, open yourself to new acquaintances and feelings.

Of course, separation is always a thing. Therefore, first of all, try to get out of this state. A video course can help you with this “How to manage stress to live and work comfortably” .

If such an unpleasant situation has occurred in your life, then:

  • Don’t hold a grudge against your ex-passion; it’s possible that he himself didn’t want this to happen.
  • Analyze your behavior, look at your mistakes, but don’t focus on them, just draw conclusions from this situation
  • Forgive your ex-boyfriend, try to let him go
  • Switch your attention to other things: work, hobbies, creativity, travel, etc. Direct your love towards yourself. We recommend you the book by Louise L. Hay “Become happy in 21 days. The most complete course of self-love"

We hope that you have not encountered such troubles in your life, but if you have, we will be grateful if you share your methods of “distraction” from unpleasant thoughts. We are waiting for your comments. See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor

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