How to congratulate a child on the New Year in an unusual way: proven ways - Woman's Day. Unusual ways to wish Happy New Year Original New Year greetings to a child

Many parents are already looking forward to the holiday and are preparing gifts for their children. But the problem is not what to give them, but how to do it. After all, you need to maintain the intrigue and not get caught by eagle-eyed children while putting gifts under the tree. Therefore, we bring to your attention an original scenario for presenting long-awaited surprises from Grandfather Frost himself.

I can tell you from my own experience that while kids still firmly believe in the existence of Grandfather Frost, older kids doubt or are completely sure that there is no fairy-tale gift-giver. Therefore, so that both of them do not have a shadow of doubt, I will tell you how to give children the desired gifts.

How to congratulate children on New Year 2018 in an original way: a script for congratulating Santa Claus.

The scenario implies that one of the parents will dress up as Santa Claus. Of course, in order for the plan to come true, some will even have to reconsider the New Year. But you must admit, this will not make things worse for you or your loved ones.

Let's start with the New Year itself. Most Russians are used to celebrating the New Year at home with their families, watching TV and Olivier. We suggest moving away from old traditions and going outside to celebrate the New Year. You can barbecue in the yard with friends. Believe me, you have never tried such delicious kebab. “Winter” kebab has a special taste, and good company does its job. Well, so, when you are frying meat on the street with your children, they, of course, will run around, play snowballs, have fun, and at this time they will notice the figure of a man from afar, looking closely at him, they will understand that this is Santa Claus.

How to congratulate children on New Year 2018 in an original way: a script for congratulating Santa Claus.

Santa Claus walks and from afar begins to make noise, groan, and drags a heavy bag. When he gets closer, the children are already surrounding him.

And then Santa Claus says:

- Oh, it took me a long time to get to you, it’s hard to walk with a bag,

- It contains gifts for you, guess the riddles.

Then Santa Claus begins to ask riddles. Funny rhymes can be easily found on the Internet, and if you decide to take the matter seriously, then you should take care of writing individual quatrains that will correspond to the gifts that are in the bag - for each child individually.

For example, your child has long dreamed of a Lego construction set. Here Santa Claus says:

I'm in a box - you won't recognize me

First you have to get the parts,

Only when you collect them,

You will definitely understand everything.

Or, for example, your child has long wanted a remote control car. In this case, Santa Claus says:

There is both speed and metal,

I drive so that I don’t catch up,

I control it from the remote control

Whose gift am I, friends?

Girls usually love dolls. Therefore, Santa Claus can say:

You are now my girlfriend

We dance and play

You and I are best friends

And we welcome the New Year!

For other gifts, you can come up with your own riddles.

After children receive gifts from the hands of Santa Claus himself, even the most disbelieving of them will not have a single drop of doubt that this fairy-tale character exists. In this case, both the parents who had a good time and the children will be happy!

Good luck to you and Happy New Year 2018!

Happy New Year,
I wish you joy
Let your studies go well,
Let your friends be nearby.

Let Santa Claus ride on a sleigh
He will bring you gifts
Let the holiday be merry,
Light, joyful and bright.

The Christmas tree glows with lights,
Santa Claus is coming with a bag,
Wishes come true
May it be yours for the New Year.

A mountain of gifts awaits you,
Games, jokes, loud laughter,
On New Year's Day I wish
May you be the happiest of all.

New Year is knocking on the door,
You better open it
And beloved mom and dad
Happy New Year.

A New Year's fairy tale has come to us,
The whole world will be full of kindness!
Let your eyes shine brighter than the Christmas tree,
Let all your dreams come true!

Let Santa Claus put it under the tree
A lot of toys, sweets,
And all the things you've been waiting for for so long,
So that the light of joy shines in your soul!

May the New Year be bright
And everyone's dreams will come true,
Let it snow outside the window,
The world will become full of beauty!

I wish that the mood
Constantly strived upward!
May childhood give you pleasure,
Your life is so wonderful!

Happy New Year,
Meet Santa Claus
Doors to miracles and fairy tales
Open it quickly.

The bearded grandfather will fulfill
All your desires
Lots of sweets and gifts
Find it under the tree.

On this New Year I wish
Laughter, joy and strength,
To have good luck every day
And it brought fun!

The magical night comes
Make a wish
Have fun, dance with friends,
Play cool games!

May the New Year be a wonderful fairy tale
Tonight will turn around,
Let it be with warmth, kindness and affection
Your heart will be stocked up!

Let Santa Claus have your wishes
It will help you make it happen in no time!
I wish in one breath
Open all the gifts for you!

I congratulate you on the New Year!
Let your mood shine,
Under this snowy sky
Let them be surrounded by sweet warmth.

May everything be great at school
And let peace reign in the family.
Behave in a mannered, decent manner,
May you succeed in everything.

Let me come to you for the New Year
Santa Claus will come to visit
And a bag full of gifts
Let him bring it for you.

Let him wish you a Happy New Year,
Opening your bag
Choose gifts for yourself
Come boldly, my friend.

Let the New Year be fulfilled
All your wishes
And let him add to the gifts
Happiness, joy, love.

Happy New Year is our joy,
There is no one more beautiful than you in the world.
We wish you perseverance
And in life agility.

So that you can stand confidently on your feet,
And he ascended to the pedestal.
You should study diligently
And always eat right.

One of the main criteria when choosing a gift or congratulations is its unusualness, uniqueness and originality, which allows your child to feel special. I would like to immediately note that original gifts and New Year’s greetings are, first of all, your lively and wild imagination, and not banknotes spent on the purchase of expensive toys. Price is important, but not the main thing in this matter. So, what can you come up with for children to enjoy the New Year's portion of children's delights and their pleasure?

Always consider the age and character of the child. Remember yourself as a child, at what year you already knew for sure that your gifts were in your mother’s wardrobe or hidden somewhere else at home. And vice versa, when they diligently wrote a letter to Santa Claus and made a wish. Look inside yourself - our childhood has not left us. Yes, life has taught us a lot, it has taken off our rose-colored glasses and we have long stopped believing in fairy tales, but... Childhood sits deep within us, so kind, touching and naive. It should help you understand your child.

Postcard from Santa Claus

If you still have a very small baby, then you can give him a gift with a postcard from Santa Claus. No, these are not ordinary New Year's cards, this is a card that the postman will bring to your child along with a gift. Everything is done in an adult way - the doorbell rings, a beautiful form, then the postman asks the child for a passport, but in the absence of one, an HONEST word from mom or dad will suffice, confirming that the recipient is your baby, and, of course, the child must sign that he received it present. It’s not difficult to make such a surprise; ask your friends or talk to the postman. Well, and if the postman comes to kindergarten, be sure that your child will be the hero of the day among the children today. Show your creativity, who else but you will know how.

Almost the same option, but for children who are more active - this is a letter from Santa Claus with congratulations and a map on how to find a gift. The gift doesn’t have to be at home, it can be a dacha or a park, and for very young children, draw colored arrows and send them on a search around the apartment.

Mug for a child

A mug, specially ordered and signed with the child’s name, with a photo of your entire friendly family and a poem about the New Year, into which you will solemnly pour children’s champagne at midnight of the New Year, will be an inexpensive gift that will remind you of this holiday for a long time.

Construction sets and other cool gifts for the New Year

Boys love to collect construction sets; even a schoolboy will be happy to receive Legos for New Year, and then he will boast about this gift to his friends. Boys simply love to play with the toys they make themselves from Legos.

Older children who are already attending school will appreciate cool New Year's gifts that their classmates and friends can appreciate. Yes, by the way, we all love our children, but their concept of a “cool” gift and ours may be completely different. If your child is already mature and sensible beyond his years, give him something that he himself could mention - a good watch, a phone, skates, a game console. A school is not a kindergarten, so the gift you purchased will also be appreciated by your child’s friends and classmates, remember this.

Bank card - don’t worry, the current generation is growing up quickly, and you will put the money saved by your child on it, so that later he can buy what he wants. This is a good way to emphasize the child's responsibility.

In general, turn on your imagination and remember - “It’s not a gift that’s precious, it’s love that’s precious.” There is no need to give something bought for a lot of money in a hurry; such “gifts” will not bring much joy to the child. There is still time before the New Year, try to use it profitably.

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This question is becoming more and more relevant to me. Have you, parents, already thought about this topic? My children somehow naturally crave not so much gifts as the holiday atmosphere itself. And we need to create this atmosphere somehow.

I was surprised to realize that children really believe in Santa Claus. Last New Year, the eldest even claimed that she saw Santa Claus bringing gifts. This year she is already six, but her faith has not gone away.

I then insinuatingly asked what she wanted as a gift and heard a businesslike: “You’ll find out when I talk to Santa Claus on the phone.” Hmm, last year there was a free phone in St. Petersburg. You could call and there the robot would talk to the children in the voice of Santa Claus.
And most importantly, they are delighted!

We'll think about gifts later, but for now I'm thinking about holiday greetings. There is such an interesting service - individual video greetings for children. In fact, the site also has something for adults. I think it's very original!

But I liked it for the kids. You order and then they give you a personalized greeting. For kids who love cartoons, I think this will be very cool.

What do you think? Would you order such a greeting?

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