What varnish to coat wood furniture with. Furniture varnish: features of selection and use

Furniture varnish today is represented by a varied assortment, which is extremely difficult for a beginner to understand. There are many questions: which manufacturer of furniture varnish is better to buy? In a can or in a plastic bucket? Should I take a smaller or larger container? Glossy or matte finish option? – these and many other questions arise in the process of choosing furniture varnish. After reading this material, you will be able to understand what type of varnish is needed, how to store it and how to apply it.

  • Nitrocellulose varnish for furniture

A furniture varnish widely used on the Russian market, which consists of the following components: resin, colloxylin, organic mixture. A distinctive feature of nitrocellulose varnish for furniture is its improved strength and hardness properties, which allow each applied layer to dry in approximately 40-60 minutes at an ambient temperature of +20C and a relative humidity of 75%. Nitrocellulose varnish for furniture is safe for human health and can be used in residential premises, both inside and outside the building.

  • Water-based furniture varnish

The most popular type of varnish among craftsmen. Environmentally friendly coating due to its water base, absence of harmful substances and toxins. Water-based varnish for furniture can be divided into several groups:

  • - polyurethane. Polyester varnishes for furniture are available in one- and two-component versions. Two-component polyurethane varnish is used not only for furniture but also for parquet, as it is very resistant to abrasion due to the formation of an increased strength film on the coating.
  • - one-component
  • — two-component
  • - acrylic. High-strength furniture varnish that does not change the color and structure of wood after application. Recommended for indoor use as it is not moisture resistant.

What is the best furniture varnish?

It is preferable to use Russian-made furniture varnish, due to the fact that the cost of these products will be significantly lower than their European counterparts, and there is practically no difference. It is important to consider that modern chemical enterprises have the latest production lines, exactly the same as those abroad.

Among all manufacturers of paint and varnish products, a couple of manufacturers can be distinguished:

  • Lakra
  • GoodChem

The first manufacturer produces good products, but the choice is obvious in favor of the second, which wins in terms of price/quality ratio, and I was also pleasantly pleased with the new assortment from the 2016-2017 catalog.

Let's take a closer look at furniture varnish produced by googhim:


Varnish Furniture series goodhimTEXTURE Protection and Decor designed for protection and decoration wooden furniture.

Formed durable, transparent, elastic film not subject to cracking even with minor mechanical deformations of the furniture, which are inevitable during operation or movement of the furniture.

When dry, the varnish forms a transparent, elastic, durable film and protects against moisture, rot, fungi, mold, algae, prevents swelling and deformation.

The varnish has a pronounced decorating and protective antiseptic effects.

  • The varnish contains a UV filter and effectively preserves the color saturation of the decorative coating, including the natural color of wood. (light fastness corresponds to GOST R 52020-2003)

The varnish does not allow water to pass through and at the same time allows steam to pass through, which allows you to create a “breathable” coating.

FURNITURE varnish goodhimTEXTURE Protection and Decor Available in the following versions:

  • Matte goodhim TEXTURE 400
  • Glossy goodhim TEXTURE 410


Aqueous dispersion of acrylic polymer, antiseptic and modifying additives.

The varnish is a milky-white homogeneous viscous liquid with a slight odor. When completely dry, the varnish changes its color to colorless and forms a transparent, elastic, durable film.


  • Surface preparation:

Before applying varnish, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dried. Old varnish should be removed. To achieve maximum decorative effect, it is recommended to apply varnish to a previously sanded surface.

  • It is recommended to apply varnish at temperatures above +7°C and normal humidity
  • Consumption:

Approximate consumption when applied to wood with a brush: 100-160 g/m² first layer, 100 g/m² second layer. To obtain the best decorative effect, it is recommended to apply twice or repeatedly with an intermediate drying time of 1 hour.

  • Drying:

Within 1 hour after application, the varnish stops sticking to the touch. Complete drying occurs after 48 hours.

  • Application method:

The varnish is applied in a continuous layer with a brush, roller, pouring, dipping or swab.

  • Keep:

In a tightly closed original container at a temperature from 0°C to +40°C.

When frozen/thawing down to -15°C, it does not lose its properties. (up to 5 times)

  • Shelf life 24 months from the date of manufacture.


Among all the manufacturers, it was GoodChem that provided the opportunity to test the entire series of varnishes. The results of the application exceeded all expectations; this is a truly high-quality product at a price that is simply uncompetitive on the Russian market. We recommend furniture varnish produced by GoodChem. You can find it on the official website of the plant; to do this, just type “GoodChem” in the search bar.

Lacquered furniture is unlikely to ever go out of fashion. Despite the fact that many different materials for making furniture have now appeared on the market, a lacquered living room or bedroom will always be very popular. Furniture varnish, which covers not only various pieces of furniture, but also other wood products, allows you to protect the surface of the wood from various damages; in addition, many types of varnish can protect wood from exposure to water.

What types of varnishes are there?

Experts identify several groups of varnishes that can be used to treat various surfaces.

The first group includes varnishes that are used to treat floors. The second group includes the so-called ship varnishes, this type of varnish can be used to coat wooden products that are located in, the third, most popular type of varnish includes furniture varnishes and varnishes that are used for finishing wooden surfaces, which are located both indoors and outdoors.

Before, how to choose furniture varnish , you need to pay attention to many parameters.

First of all, furniture varnishes are divided into single-component and multi-component; many of us used two-component varnishes when sanding parquet. When choosing a varnish for furniture, you should also pay attention to the varnish-forming base; currently there is an abundance of varnishes on the market that are made on the basis of polyacrylic, polyurethane, epoxy and other bases.

An important criterion that must be taken into account when choosing a varnish is its environmental friendliness. Most water-based varnishes are practically odorless and can be applied to the surface of furniture without using various respiratory protection devices. Most varnishes that use organic solvents have a sharp, unpleasant odor. In addition, furniture varnishes that do not contain organic solvents are...

Currently, you can find both domestic and foreign paint and varnish materials on the market. For domestic paints and varnishes there is a certain marking, which consists of four groups of characters.

The first group of numbers indicates the type of paint and varnish material, it can be varnish or enamel, in some cases the pigment that is included in the varnish is indicated.

The second group of symbols describes the type of film-forming substance that is used in the manufacture of varnish; safe varnishes include varnishes that are made on the basis of natural resins, for example, oil, rosin or water-dispersion.

The third group of symbols describes the purpose of the varnish, for example, weather-resistant, limited weather-resistant, water-repellent, heat-resistant or special.

The fourth group of symbols encodes the drying oil on the basis of which the paint is made or the plant where the paint and varnish material was made.Also, for most varnishes, the marking indicates their type - glossy, semi-gloss, matte or semi-matte.

The process of varnishing furniture has a rather complex technology; if you want to restore it, it is best to contact companies that have extensive experience in this field; as a rule, this work is carried out in specialized workshops.

Before you start varnishing furniture, you must clearly describe the parts that you plan to restore. Next, the parts must be removed from the furniture; if disassembling the furniture is impossible, you must carefully pack those furniture parts that cannot be varnished.

Before you start varnishing furniture with the chosen furniture varnish, you need to clean off the old layer of varnish and paint, why carefully sand the piece of furniture and smooth out all the chips and cracks that have formed on the wood during use. Before starting paint and varnish work, it is necessary to remove all dust that may remain after sanding wooden materials from the surface of the furniture.

Next, you need to cover the furniture with stain or paint, which can be selected according to RAL; after painting the furniture parts, you need to cover the furniture with two layers of varnish; as a rule, the varnish is applied to the surface of the furniture by roller or spraying; after applying the varnish, the furniture is dried in a special chamber, which allows create the perfect coverage. As a rule, the drying time for furniture varnish is 24 hours.

Reminds you that even after varnishing furniture, you should remember that polished furniture should be cared for using special products that do not leave streaks or scratches on the surface of the varnish, and also add shine to the furniture.

Quite often it happens that after purchasing furniture, home owners want to slightly modify the wood products. Of course, the need for this occurs only when the surface of the furniture begins to lose its former attractiveness. It is also worth saying that high-quality furniture can serve its owners for decades. The most important thing is to ensure that the condition of the wood does not deteriorate. This is why it is recommended to varnish the surface of the furniture.

Many may say that lacquered furniture is already a thing of the past. However, trends indicate that varnishing furniture never goes out of fashion. Of course, the mirror surface of the furniture should match the overall appearance of the wood product. It is advisable for the furniture to look neutral.

Features of using varnish to coat furniture

It is obvious that varnish on wood products not only makes the appearance of the product attractive, but also protects the surface from various influences. Definitely, varnish prevents the furniture from cracking. It is also very difficult to detect any scratches or dents on the varnished surface. In many ways, the beauty of the surface on which the varnish is applied depends on the type of wood.

Do not forget that the varnished surface also protects the wood from the negative effects of moisture. If water gets on the furniture, the varnish will successfully cope with the threat. An ordinary surface may begin to deform, and there is no way to fix it.

Choosing a varnish for a wood surface

At the very beginning, we must say that to cover the furniture we will need environmentally friendly varnish. It is the one that does not have such an unpleasant odor, as well as a negative effect on human health.

It is also worth saying that varnishes that are based on organic solvents have a pungent odor. It can only be applied to the surface of wood if the person is wearing a high-quality respirator. Of course, after a certain amount of time the smell will disappear and the person will immediately forget about the unpleasant process of applying varnish.

If the varnish does not have an unpleasant and pungent odor, this means that the material is fireproof. Accordingly, it can be used in the home without any fear. However, it is worth understanding that such varnish is quite expensive, so many people are not ready to overpay, choosing an inexpensive product.

Domestic varnish products are distinguished by the presence of special markings. The first group of numbers on the product indicates the type of material. The following numbers allow you to determine the film-forming substance of the varnish. The third group of numbers indicates the scope of application of varnish products. Well, the last group allows you to determine the manufacturer of the product.

Also, you can often find special markings on such containers that allow you to determine the type of varnish (glossy, matte, etc.).

Acrylic, alkyd, oil and other types of varnishes

Oil varnishes are often used in industry, but they are primarily intended for the primary coating of furniture surfaces. It is worth keeping in mind that this type of varnish is not the best choice as a base coat.

Alkyd varnishes are very often used as a base coat. The main advantage of this coating is the excellent moisture resistance of the material, which has a very good effect on the integrity and quality of the wood. At the same time, the alkyd material takes too long to dry. This does not allow the use of alkyd varnish in conditions where the process of surface modernization is limited to several hours.

If you need to complete the varnishing process as quickly as possible, of course, you should pay attention to nitro varnishes. As the name suggests, these types of varnishes dry incredibly quickly. Moreover, they are easy to apply to the surface of wood. However, it is nitro varnishes that are highly toxic, so during the varnish application process you will need to use respiratory protection.

Acrylic varnishes are the safest for human health. This type of material is also sometimes called “water-based”. Although you can end up with an excellent finished surface, the wood on which acrylic varnish is applied is too sensitive to moisture. Accordingly, the ingress of water will have a very bad effect on the condition of the tree.

You can also find epoxy varnishes, which provide high strength and durability of furniture.

Polyurethane varnishes are distinguished by their versatility. According to some reports, this type of product is the most popular, as it is safe, resistant to deformation and abrasion.

Applying varnish to the surface of furniture

At the very beginning of the process, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the furniture from any dirt and even dust. It is worth saying that for this you can use a slightly damp cloth, or modern mixtures that are available in construction stores. Since the process is very simple, you can limit yourself to ordinary fabric.

You should wait until the surface of the wood is completely dry before you begin varnishing.

It is best to apply varnish to the surface of furniture using a small brush. It should be understood that the varnishing process is very responsible, so mistakes simply cannot be made. Also, before the process itself, you can take the finest sandpaper and lightly sand the surface, creating minimal wood roughness. This will have a positive effect on the adhesion of the varnish to the wood.

It is best to apply the varnish several times. Most often, the process is limited to three layers of varnish. It is important to know that each layer should be as thin as possible. Applying too much layer will create a not very pleasant appearance of the furniture surface. A thin layer will dry very quickly, so subsequent layers can be applied immediately after it.

If the varnishing was carried out using polyurethane material, then within a few hours after the main volume of work the furniture can be fully used. The surface should be smooth and bright when exposed to light.

Wooden furniture is practical and can fit into any interior. Furniture varnish helps improve the decorative and strength characteristics of products. When choosing a coating, various factors are taken into account: color scheme, purpose of furniture, interior of the entire room.

Furniture varnish is used to work on wooden surfaces. This coating performs several functions:

  • protects products from scratches and damage;
  • adds a glossy shine or makes the surface more matte;
  • gives decorative properties;
  • does not allow wooden objects to dry out or swell, protects against mold and insects;
  • increases the service life of furniture.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a varnish for furniture, you need to focus on its features. The effect to be achieved is also taken into account. In general, when choosing a coating, the following factors are taken into account:

  • safety;
  • presence or absence of odor;
  • fire resistance.

If you are processing furniture for a children's room, it is better to choose safe processing methods. This includes water-based materials.

Oil varnish for wood will help improve the decorative properties of furniture. If you want to age furnishings, you will need a coating with a craquelure effect.

On video: how to cover wood.

Types of varnishes by effect

Depending on the effect you want to get after using the varnish, the following types of coatings are distinguished:

  • Glossy and semi-gloss. This coating has a characteristic shine and emphasizes the texture of the wood. Damage is visible on the glossy surface, but high-quality varnishes have good wear resistance.

  • Matte and semi-matte. To make the varnished surface look as natural as possible, choose a matte varnish. It is first thoroughly sanded and then a varnish coating is applied.

  • Colored.

  • Give the furniture the necessary shade. After drying, a durable film is formed on the surface. You can choose from a wide range of colored varnish: from light yellow to rich dark shades.


After their application, a cracking effect is created on the surface. Furniture with a craquelure effect is suitable for interiors in retro or Provence style.

  • Types of varnishes by composition Depending on the components included in the varnishing material, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Oily. Initially, materials of this type were produced on the basis of natural resin. Subsequently, natural oils and artificial additives began to be used in their production. Oil coatings come in a wide variety of colors. The matte layer applied to pieces of furniture looks especially impressive.

  • Alkyd. The optimal solution for wooden furniture is water-based materials. This includes acrylic varnish for furniture, which forms a durable film. The coating becomes hard as the liquid evaporates. Such materials are odorless, completely safe for humans, dry quickly and do not support combustion. Water-based furniture varnish changes the color of wood. The disadvantage of this coating is susceptibility to moisture. Therefore, it is suitable for processing products intended for the bedroom, living room, and office.

  • Alcohol. Alcohol varnishes are made from alcohol and natural resins. They provide high strength and gloss of the coating. Their disadvantage remains low resistance to moisture. However, this wood varnish is suitable for surfaces that need polishing.

  • Polyurethane. Polyurethane-type varnishes are highly durable and provide durability to furniture. They are often used to cover floors. Polyurethane varnish has a high price, but the costs are recouped due to the excellent characteristics of the coating. When applying, you must follow the work order specified in the instructions.

  • Nitrovarnishes are produced on the basis of resins, colloxylin, plasticizers and solvents. This coating takes several hours to dry. Nitrovarnish has good strength. Its disadvantage is that it is harmful to human health, since it contains toxic substances. When choosing nitro varnish, you need to remember to use protective equipment.

Types by purpose

If pieces of furniture are used in special conditions, then special types of coatings are chosen for coating.

According to their purpose, furniture varnishes are divided into several groups:

  • water-repellent– protect products from moisture;

  • weatherproof– used to protect items exposed to constant atmospheric influences;

  • heat-resistant – ensure the resistance of objects at high and low temperatures (from -40 to +250°C), exposure to aggressive chemical compounds;

  • impact-resistant – create a coating of increased strength.

Color selection

How to choose a coating depends on the interior of the room where you plan to use the furniture. The colorless layer is used for items made of valuable wood. This coating emphasizes the beautiful texture of the wood and extends the service life of the products.

Color coating for less valuable species, protects the surface from external influences and improves its external properties. The matte layer significantly improves the decorative properties of wood.

The color of the coating is chosen taking into account the interior of the room. For spacious rooms, black and other dark shades are usually used. Black varnish on wood looks elegant and sophisticated.

A brown color that is as close as possible to natural shades looks natural in the room. Preference is given to a dark shade if you need to hide surface defects. If the space in the room is limited, then choose a coating of lighter colors.

Rules for working with varnish

When interacting with paints and varnishes, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Processing is carried out only in rooms with good ventilation.
  • There should be no open flame sources in the immediate vicinity.
  • Protective equipment (gloves, goggles, respirators) must be used.
  • Wood varnish is applied in strict accordance with the instructions.
  • Before treatment, the surface is completely cleared of old coating.
  • If there are cracks or deformations, they are eliminated using putty, after which the surface is cleaned.
  • The products are first coated with at least one layer of primer.
  • Furniture varnishes are applied in several thin layers.

Furniture varnish is a simple and affordable way to improve the decorative properties of objects. Its use extends the life of furniture, protects it from moisture, scratches and other influences. Which varnish should be chosen for the room depends on the type of room. Most modern materials are practical, odorless and easy to apply to wood.

Painting furniture with colored varnish (1 video)

Date: 2012-02-15 10:34:43
Nowadays, lacquered furniture is a huge success, which has not dried up for many decades. New technologies have brought into our everyday life a wide variety of materials from which furniture is made, as well as various methods of processing it. However, lacquered bedrooms and living rooms do not lose popularity, and for lovers of tradition, on the contrary, they even become even more attractive. Furniture varnishes They are used not only for coating furniture itself, but also for other wooden products. This protects the products from a variety of damage, and some types of varnishes even protect the wood from water.

Types of varnishes by surface type

Among the huge variety of furniture varnishes, it is customary to distinguish several types, the difference between which is determined primarily by the type of surface for which they are intended.

The first group includes varnishes that are used to treat floors. The second group includes the so-called ship varnishes. They are typically used to cover wood products found in bathrooms. And finally, the third group of varnishes is furniture varnishes, as well as varnishes used to finish wooden surfaces both indoors and outdoors.

How to choose furniture varnish? The answer to this question is not so easy to give. First of all, you need to decide on a number of parameters, without knowledge of which you can make a serious mistake and purchase something that is not at all what you need.

When choosing furniture varnish, be sure to take into account such an important criterion as the environmental friendliness of the product. Water-based varnishes are in most cases safe, odorless, and working with them is practically safe for life - there is no need for respiratory protection devices. Varnishes based on organic solvents have a strong, unpleasant odor, which necessitates the need for respiratory protection during operation. Varnishes for furniture, do not contain organic solvents, are fireproof.

Marking of furniture varnishes

Currently, both foreign varnishes and domestically produced products are presented on the market in our country. The latter are distinguished by special markings, including four groups of symbols.

The first group indicates the type of material (varnish, enamel). If necessary, the pigment included in the varnish is described here.

The second group of symbols describes the film-forming substance that was used to make the varnish. If the base of the varnish contains natural resins, such as water-dispersed, oil, rosin, then it is considered safe.

The third group provides information about the purpose of the varnish. Here we distinguish such varieties as weather-resistant, water-repellent, heat-resistant, and special varnishes.

The fourth group of symbols contains information about the plant where the varnish was made, or about the drying oil that became the basis for this varnish.

In addition, many varnishes are labeled to indicate their type (for example, glossy, matte, semi-gloss, semi-matte).


Another parameter by which it is customary to distinguish furniture varnishes is their composition. Here it is customary to distinguish alkyd varnishes, oil varnishes, nitro varnishes, acrylic varnishes, epoxy and polyurethane varnishes.

Alkyd varnishes, as the name suggests, are based on alkyd resins and organic solvents. Due to their high strength and moisture resistance, these varnishes are very popular for both interior and exterior decoration. A significant drawback of this type of varnish is the long drying period, which, however, some manufacturers correct by adding a special hardener to the composition.

The basis oil varnishes includes resins, vegetable oils, organic solvents. This type of varnish is used primarily for the primary coating of wooden surfaces.

Nitrovarnishes are made from varnish colloxin, plasticizers, and resins. The main area of ​​use is interior finishing work. A number of advantages of nitro varnishes include short drying time, excellent adhesion to the surface, and high strength. Disadvantages - harm to health due to toxic solvents contained in their base.

Acrylic varnishes are considered the most environmentally friendly type of furniture varnish. Due to their water base, they are fireproof. Acrylic varnishes, or as they are also called, water-based varnishes, are characterized by high strength and elasticity. The disadvantages of this type of varnish include the requirement for appropriate indoor conditions - they are sensitive to moisture (room humidity should not fall below 50%). Acrylic varnishes applied with special rollers or by pneumatic spraying.

Epoxy varnishes for furniture are characterized by durability, resistance to various influences, and high water resistance. They are used for both internal and external work.

Polyurethane varnishes are among the most popular. They are resistant to abrasion and various influences, and their scope of application is extremely wide. They cover both musical instruments and parquet floors.

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