Find dresses for the ball from packages. Masquerade costumes made from scrap materials

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Objective of the project: generalize, consolidate and deepen the environmental knowledge of students acquired in ecology, biology lessons and in an environmental circle through the development of students’ creative abilities.


  • educational: motivate schoolchildren to self-education, study natural sciences, contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its laws;
  • educational: continue to develop in students a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment; develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality, promote the unity of the children’s team;
  • educational and developmental: promote the development of thinking, attention, observation, and the ability to solve problems designed for ingenuity.

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment (1 min).
  2. Introduction (4 min).
  3. The main part is a demonstration of “models” (15 minutes) and intellectual warm-up (10 minutes).
  4. Final part (8 min).
  5. Summing up the results, awarding the winners and participants of the competition (8 min).

Equipment: tape recorder, audio cassettes with recordings of music on the topic, a disk with a presentation of environmental actions, an interactive whiteboard, a computer, posters on an environmental theme, an exhibition of environmental literature, living objects of nature and dummies.

Form: theatrical fashion show.

First, a general plan for the event is drawn up. It is advisable to include a number of questions:

  1. Formation of a list of show participants.
  2. Determination of the composition of the jury.
  3. Preparation of certificates and diplomas for participation in the event.
  4. Organization of a theatrical performance.
  5. Preparation of questions and tasks for intellectual warm-up.
  6. Decoration of the hall.
  7. Invitation of guests: teachers of educational institutions, employees of the education department, department of ecology and natural resources, media and local television.
  8. Homework: make a clothing model from solid household waste and determine the concept of the model.

Additional recommendations: the model show must be made bright, memorable, and educational; None of the participants in the event should be left without encouragement; it is necessary to note the contribution of everyone to its implementation.

Progress of the event

Hello Hello! Dear guests and our participants, dear jury and, of course, you, our dear fans!

Presentation included

We welcome you to our hospitable school No. 3 in the city of Kotelniki! Today is an unusual day - for the first time in our school, and throughout the city, the humorous contest “Trash Fashion” is starting. For several years now, our school has been taking part in various events on environmental education and environmental education for schoolchildren.

The topic of household waste, the so-called solid waste, has not lost its relevance for decades. This environmental problem has served as a topic for more than one dissertation or candidate's thesis, but despite this, the problem remains unresolved to this day.

Today we will try to look at this problem from the other side, more optimistic than realistic, add a little humor, imagination and... love for nature. So here we go.

The honorary jury of the competition today is represented by:

  • director of school No. 3 Elena Anatolyevna Ivanova;
  • chief specialist of the department of ecology and natural resources of the administration of the urban district of Kotelniki Anna Valerievna Fedorova;
  • Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs Galkina Nadezhda Ivanova;
  • head of the school library Olga Nikolaevna Lyubakina;
  • social teacher, fine arts teacher Elena Leonidovna Kiseleva;
  • school secretary Zimfira Mikhailovna Lapaeva;
  • winner of the Miss Charm contest, graduate of our school Ekaterina Tregubova.

Representatives of glamorous fashion from the world of ecology came to our competition from each class. According to the draw, the competition opens:

Grade 10. You are invited to the stage Didarova Elina.

(music turns on, presentation slide)

Every woman should own a little black evening dress. Our dress "Black Rose" is made of polyethylene. It is decorated with a mesh with plastic stones interspersed in it. Mesh is an excellent packaging material. The ensemble is complemented by accessories made from plastic bottles. This is a bracelet, earrings, and a necklace. A boundless world of creativity and fantasy opens up before anyone who dares to create a miracle from ordinary objects that we usually get rid of.

Your applause.

(After the show, the participant climbs onto the stage, accompanied by young people, and stands in the indicated place)

The next participant in the competition was Tsatsuryan Flora, 8th grade

Our class presents a model called "Rose Goddess". To create our dress, we used corrugated paper, a plastic bottle, plastic bags, packaging materials and magazines. The skirt consists of several layers, the crown is made from an ordinary plastic bottle. And the roses are made from corrugated paper by hand using a special secret technology. And not a single pattern on our dress is similar to another.

The third participant in our competition had the honor of representing 8th grade class. Meet Asya Karakhanyan.

We present the “Flight of Fantasy” evening dress from our new “Spring 2010” collection. The dress is airy, made of the finest polyethylene with decorative elements in the form of a flower net and candy wrapper. Light, graceful, representing the unprecedented magic of ideas, this dress embodies unpredictability and emphasizes your individuality. No one will remain indifferent after looking at it.

Live, dream, dance and sing - “Flight of Fantasy” is with you!

And now a student will present ecological fashion to the competent jury 4th class Vorobyova Elizaveta. Don’t forget to support our participants, especially such young ones, with your applause.

As you know, any girl can create a salad, a hat and... success out of nothing.

The resounding success among sweet tooths of all ages is ensured by the very material from which our items are created - chocolate packaging. The golden shine and alluring rustling of the familiar packaging from childhood evokes an unforgettable feeling of meeting your favorite delicacy. Only true connoisseurs will understand how priceless chocolate is for them, and at the same time, the passion for fashion will not be ruinous for their wallet.

Our competition continues. On stage - 5th grade Tamara Martirosyan.

Our “MSW – forever” model is made primarily of film. Its edges are framed with ordinary foam. The decor is made from elements of ordinary shopping bags. Pay attention to the hat: a food bucket. The veil is made of mesh used for storing fruit. The cap's ornament is represented by elements of yoghurt packaging boxes. The model is durable, lightweight and lasts forever, like most solid waste.

Notice how much we are learning about the world of sustainable fashion! What awaits us ahead?! The next number on our program will be a performance 5th grade. In front of you Matvievskaya Olga.

The upper part, the top, consists of two white bags fastened with a stapler. The bags are covered with newspaper and candy wrappers, and the handles are tied around the neck. There is a strip of newspaper on the bottom of the bag. The lower part, the skirt, consists of four crumpled and old bags. In two side bags there is garbage (newspapers, packaging, candy wrappers). The first package is shortened, the second rear one is normal. D&G inscription on right and left hand. The inscription is made with special tattoo pens.

I hope you remember to capture these wonderful and unique models.

Nowhere in the world, but only here, today is a unique show for you .

Word for 7th grade - Valeria Koryushkina

Grade 7b presents a new collection of “trash fashion” - the “Princess of the Night” evening dress. We used materials such as garbage bags and foil. In order to create this dress, it was necessary to choose the color and texture of this dress. We thought for a long time about what color combination to choose. We observed the fashion world and the combination of colors and decided to choose black and silver. Many celebrities wear black dresses to parties because the color is fashionable and practical.

A participant from 6th grade. Meet Nikitina Margarita.

We present to you this charming costume, decorated with candy wrappers. Cotton fabric is used as the basis for the costume. In this model, rows of candy wrappers, overlapping each other, are sewn onto the fabric by hand. The neckline and armhole sections of the suit are edged with bias tape. It took about two hundred candy wrappers and more than a month to make this costume. Accessories are made for the model: hair clip and shoe fittings.

You are invited to the stage Olga Rudenkova, 6th grade student. Your applause.

This is a suit consisting of a top and a skirt. The skirt is made at the top from fairly large bags attached to a belt, and the hem is made from smaller bags attached with bows. The top is made of very thick and large bags. It resembles a triangular shape. The crown is made of a cardboard base with a veil made from bags attached to it. It is held on by an elastic band. The entire costume is decorated with silver and gold candy wrappers. The entire suit is securely stapled together.

So, dear participants, the situation is heating up, the fashion show is nearing its end. Who will surprise us this time - as always 9 "AC», Ivanova Anastasia.

Our dress is created from sketches and imagination. It took 45 garbage bags and three meters of packaging foil. All this is held together with a stapler, thread and paper clips. Look at the bottom of the dress, how it is made. This is the main decoration of the model. The model shows that any material can make an unusually beautiful thing. The dress took three weeks to prepare. The model is presented by the author himself; most of the class helped in making the dress.

And the final chord in the ecological fashion show will be the model presented 7th grade. Meet your applause - Ekaterina Prokhorova.

SevenAproduction presents the Prussian Blue dress from the new garbage collection. It is made from environmentally friendly products: three types of garbage bags, newspapers, napkins and other materials that are not suitable for any other use. The idea behind the dress is that burning garbage releases harmful chemicals similar to the so-called “Prussian blue” and this is very harmful to the environment.

Well, the best couturiers in the world are racking their brains over how to surprise people with new models. Today, before your eyes, a truly unique show took place. Take a closer look at these costumes, remember them as such, and try to make them even better. And believe me, nature will thank you.

We thank our participants for the pleasure they provided and invite them to the final stage of the competition: intellectual workout. We need to find out how well our models understand ecology itself.

We will conduct the competition in question-answer mode. For the speed and correctness of your answer, each of you will receive the maximum number of points. And the strongest one will reach the finals.

So, representatives of grades 4–5 begin. We ask the participants to go to the middle of the hall.


    Red mouse with a white tail,
    Sitting in a hole under a green bush (radish)

    Black-winged, red-breasted,
    And in winter he will find shelter,
    He is not afraid of colds.
    The first snow is here! (bullfinch)

    The only substance on Earth that exists in three states (water)

(answered, went into the hall to special places, on the side in two directions of the chairs, next to the jury, places are designated in advance).

6th grades are invited:


    There was a child, he didn’t know diapers,
    He became an old man, a hundred diapers on him ( cabbage)

    There is a girl in a red cap standing
    Whoever does not pass will bow down (strawberries)

    A document in which all rare and endangered species of plants and animals are registered ( Red Book)

Now the word is for 7th graders.


    Neither an animal nor a bird, there is a knitting needle in the nose,
    With a thin appearance, with a ringing voice,
    The hordes groan from it, the nobles tremble.
    Whoever kills her will shed his blood (mosquito)

    He appeared in a yellow fur coat:
    - Goodbye, two shells! ( chick)

    The main components of the habitat, the most important for any animal, are ... ( food, water, air, environmental temperature, light, housing and other animals)

8th grade on stage:


    I crawled out of the little barrel,
    I took root and grew, I became tall and mighty
    I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds ( oak)

    In a dark dungeon the maidens are red,
    Without thread, without knitting needles, knitting ( bees)

    The science that studies the relationship between man and the environment is called... ( human ecology)

And now, the oldest grades 9–10, the floor is yours.


    Not a plowman, not a carpenter,
    Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
    And the first worker in the village (horse)

    The leaf is humped with a groove,
    It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt.
    But he treats us any day and hour (aloe)

    The state of imaginary death in living organisms is called.... ( suspended animation)

Well, while the jury is summing up the results ( Annex 1), a little about pleasant things.

In your honor, elementary school students prepared a short performance. Word to 2nd graders.

The solemn and long-awaited moment has come. The jury is ready to announce the results of our competition. The floor to announce the results is given to the chief specialist of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources, Anna Valerievna Fedorova .

The following will be awarded for participation in the competition: (all participants rise to the stage, step and place in the hall after the award ceremony along the indicated trajectory)

For participation in the humorous ecology competition “Garbage Fashion” the following are awarded: ...

Hello! You deserve our applause.

We ask you to stop for a moment: a photo for memory . Anyone who wants to take a photo with famous models will now be able to do so after the end of the holiday. And this is truly a holiday, a holiday not only of fashion, but of the mind.

If our event did not pass without a trace for each of you and did not leave you indifferent to the problems of nature, if everyone, now necessarily, takes care of the purity of nature, then our planet will become much cleaner.

We thank everyone who came to our fashion festival for their attention, the school administration for providing the hall and, of course, all the authors of this wonderful and unique collection.

To your applause, we say goodbye to our heroes.

And in conclusion, once again, the winners of our competition “Trash Fashion - 2010” are called for an encore. . All participants go one by one onto the stage and all line up together for a group photo.

Musical accompaniment ( Appendix 2).

See you again at the environmental Olympus!

Modern industry allows us to give everyone a flight of imagination and creativity. Ordinary polyethylene has also found interesting applications in wardrobes. With its help, you can quickly and easily create a beautiful and unusual outfit, all you need is an inspiring idea. And if you give free rein to your imagination, you can come up with a stunning and unique dress made from bags with your own hands.

Polyethylene will allow you to create incredible patterns and shapes due to its ability to stretch and melt. This version of the dress, of course, will not last you long, but it will certainly be suitable for a carnival or a fun party.

There are advantages to using cellophane as a fabric replacement: the material does not need to be ironed, it is possible to use different colors, it does not require much time to create the product, it does not need to be washed, you can simply wipe it with a damp shake, minimal financial costs.

Options for simple dresses

Having mastered the techniques of the master classes listed below, you can easily repeat these amazing outfits.

You can make an unusual dress very quickly, just a few steps and without any instructions: take a black garbage bag of maximum volume with ties, cut the bottom of the bag for the neck, and make slits on the sides for the arms. That's all, the outfit is ready - put it on and tighten the string at the bottom.

Another simple option: you will need two black bags and tape. Wrap the bag around the body, forming a drapery, secure the folds with tape, cut out beautiful straps and attach them to the base with tape. The final touch is to make a side cutout on the skirt for easy movement in the dress, and for strength, tape the top of the cut with tape from the inside out.

Complicated options

A slightly more complicated option is a dress with a full skirt. For it you need to take a T-shirt of the same color as the package. We decorate the T-shirt with flowers from the bag - cut out a strip 50 cm long and 8-12 cm wide, then collect it into a flower, folding it in half and gathering it onto a thread.

Let's start with the skirt: inflate the bags and tie them at the top, make a base out of a large garbage bag, and glue the inflated bags attached to each other with tape onto it, forming the shape of a skirt. We sew the T-shirt and skirt with threads.

Crinkled dress made of cellophane and paper. You will need thick cardboard from which we cut out a corset for the future outfit. We wrap the corset in a bag, creating beautiful folds or ruffles. Then we attach a large bag to the corset with tape. Using the properties of cellophane to shrink when heated, we use a heated iron to make peculiar crinkled roses. Be careful not to burn the skirt.

Ball gown with bodice: this requires cutting and sewing skills. From two black and two green bags we cut out parts of the bodice and the back of the back, and sew the parts together with a thin needle. We make the underskirt from black bags, and the upper layers from green. Sew the bodice and skirt. From the remaining bags we cut out a voluminous bow belt and use the assembly method to make ten multi-colored roses to decorate our dress.

Knitting with cellophane

Garbage bags can also be used as knitting material. Using a hook, you can create an original, attractive outfit that will be quite difficult to recognize as ordinary bags.

Material for knitting must be prepared in advance and in large quantities, since if there is a shortage of packages it will be difficult to select others by color.

We cut strips as threads of yarn from a large number of bags. We crochet No. 2 with the simplest pattern - a stitch in a circle.

A dress with a knitted top and a fluffy skirt made from inflated bags will look interesting.

Another option for using cellophane strips for a skirt. If you crochet the base of a dress from usually yarn in the form of a mesh, and create a voluminous skirt with stripes as follows: cut strips of equal length and width. Then we fold each strip in half and insert it into the mesh base, securing it with a knot. As a result, the two ends of the strip will form the fullness of the skirt. An example of a dress in the photo below:

Child dress

For a children's carnival, you can also make a festive outfit from bags.

You will need: felt-tip pen, scissors, tape, needle and thread, yellow and blue bags.

We take a bag with ties, try it on the child, and use a felt-tip pen to mark the slots for the back and the desired length. The dress will be held in place by a tie at the neck. The size of a multi-tiered skirt is defined as the length from the child’s waist to the knees. We stack the bags on top of each other and cut off the length of the skirt.

Designers all over the world surprise us with their inventions every day. A wide variety of materials are used. At the same time, classic fabric is often used last. Many have already managed to see in the photo clothes made from raw meat or packets of chips. And the latest fashion trend is clothing made from garbage bags. Today, every representative of the fair sex can feel like a real designer. You can make an original cellophane dress at home.

Where to wear a dress made from a garbage bag

This outfit, of course, can hardly be called everyday. Yes, and it is not very practical. The cellophane from which the clothes will be made cannot be called hygienic and environmentally friendly. At the same time, every girl can make a dress from garbage bags for a fashion show. This is more of an entertainment option. If you use such clothing for no more than a few hours, it will definitely not cause any harm.

The New Year's carnival is another reason for an original outfit. Using trash bags, you can create a stunning dress that is sure to impress others. And if you show a little imagination, it will be difficult to guess that the clothes are made of such a piquant material. In addition, dresses made from garbage bags do not require special skills or large financial costs when creating them.

What will you need for the job?

To make a beautiful outfit, you first need to be patient. After all, a masterpiece is not always achieved the first time. It is advisable that the product be made by one person. After all, everyone has their own thoughts and ideas that are difficult to implement at the same time.

If we make dresses from garbage bags without using other consumables, then we may not need them. The individual parts will be connected with glue or an ordinary wooden clothespin will also come to the rescue. It will need to be used to pre-fasten individual elements. And, of course, you can’t do without scissors. With their help we will cut out the details of the dress.

In order to create a complicated model with darts and gathers, you must have special sewing skills. Here you can no longer do without a needle and thread. But under no circumstances should you sew parts together using a sewing machine. Cellophane is a delicate material. It can simply be torn during operation.

Minimalism style

A miniature dress made from garbage bags will look great. A photo of a girl in such an outfit will definitely amaze those around her. Only one package can be used to make a model. Particular attention should be paid to the strength of the source material. A strong garbage bag with a capacity of more than one hundred liters is ideal.

The main tool for making the outfit will be scissors. It is necessary to make three holes - for the head and hands. Here, in fact, the dress is ready. You can decorate the product with a belt made of contrasting cellophane or with flowers also made from garbage bags. A minimum of time and effort will be spent on such an outfit.

The main emphasis is on contrast

A really bright model can be made from garbage bags that differ in color, structure and shape. Today there are a huge number of garbage bags in supermarkets. The more varied the choice, the better you can show your imagination. The essence of the method is to layer various packages on top of each other. This way you can get a fluffy rustling dress. In addition, such an outfit will have an original color. After all, individual elements can differ significantly from each other.

It is quite simple to make. You will need an elastic band as a base. Pre-prepared strips cut from garbage bags will be tied onto it. The top of the dress can be made according to the same principle as in the previous model. That is, holes are cut in a thick bag for the head and arms. You can also make a corsage. But this option is performed on the model immediately before release. The parts are secured with double-sided tape.

Airy dress

Another interesting option for making a dress from garbage bags is to fill the raw material with air. To implement such an idea you will need a foundation. It could be an old dress or a knitted T-shirt. Garbage bags are filled with air in advance and tied in a knot. The result is “balloons”. Small bags are best. Next, the elements are alternately attached to the bottom of the pre-prepared base.

It will take a lot of time to create an original dress. Each “ball” must be tightly secured. You can use a small thin needle. It is worth making sure that it does not prick the bag, otherwise all the work on inflating will go down the drain. An outfit made from inflated garbage bags is the least practical. You can only stand in it. You won't be able to sit down in such a dress.

Hook to the rescue

Cellophane is actively used not only in sewing, but also in knitting. Using a regular crochet hook you can make a truly original dress from garbage bags. A photo of such a product can attract many. After all, it will be difficult to recognize the source material in the photo. From the outside it seems that the outfit is made of ordinary yarn.

To get out of garbage bags, you will need hook No. 2 and a huge number of garbage bags. It is advisable to stock up on source material in advance. If there is not enough of it, it will be difficult to choose a suitable color option.

A dress made from garbage bags is knitted very quickly. The instructions are to knit stitches in a circle. It is important to take correct measurements in advance. After all, cellophane cannot be called an elastic material.

Dresses made from garbage bags look beautiful, with the top made of crochet and the bottom made of pre-prepared “balloons”. Additionally, the product can be decorated with guipure, beads or fabric flowers.

, candy wrappers and other waste materials can be made with your own hands original crafts, decorations and even
themed costumes. In this material we will tell you how to make elegant dresses and funny children's carnival costumes from scrap materials at home.

In kindergartens and schools, costume shows, carnivals, and performances are often held. And parents want to dress up their child brightly, uniquely, with a twist. There is no need to waste time searching

beautiful costumes in specialized stores, spend a lot of money on clothes that the child will wear once or twice. There are many options for carnival costumes for children that parents can do it themselves without much difficulty. Below you will find master classes and video lessons with which you can easily create original children's costumes from waste material and improvised means.
You will not only save money, but you will also make exactly the kind of homemade costume for a festive performance that the boy or girl needs according to the script.

In addition to waste material In any home you can find old things that are not suitable for use, but it’s a shame to throw them in the trash. Old scarves, gloves, boots, dresses, belts and others scrap materials Easily transformed into a unique children's costume. Freedom of creativity, a flight of limitless imagination will help you create the best suit for a boy or beautiful dress for a girl . Tighten and secure here, trim and hem there... a few hours of pleasant work and the suit is ready! Don’t forget to involve your child in the creative process. Such work is useful for the all-round development of the child and allows him to proudly say to his peers: “I made this costume with my own hands!”

Scarves or old curtain tulle can be used to make fairy wings. And the frame for them can be easily made from wire. Very beautiful jewelry in addition to a girl’s costume can be made from a plastic bottle.

Slightly decorated old accordion boots are great shoes for a pirate. An unnecessary wide belt with a buckle, large buttons and a large feather in the hat are also an excellent addition to a pirate costume. Help the boy make one of the costume elements with his own hands.

Very beautiful costumes can be made from various packaging materials, candy wrappers, napkins, newspapers, magazines, and stationery. Some needlewomen can knit very fashionable dresses and stylish hats from plastic bags. You can use regular trash bags or plastic bags from the store to make yarn and crochet knit original clothes - both for the sophisticated fashionista and for children.

Four tips to help you create a suitable children's costume for a boy or girl from discarded material:

children's suit size.
Some options for carnival clothing are universal and suitable for any child. But most
festive costumes for children it must be done taking into account age and height so that the child feels comfortable. It is best to completely measure the child before work;

Theme of the costume.
Before you get to work, be sure to take an interest in the script of the festive event, and also find out what role your child will play in the performance. Learn more about the fairy-tale character which the child must play on stage and after that you can select suitable materials for making the costume;

Materials for making a children's costume.
As we mentioned above, almost any waste material can be used to create carnival clothing. But it is important to take into account the age of the child (if he is very young, he may be injured by some elements or swallow some of them) and an allergic reaction to certain components included in the materials used;

Consider the child's wishes.
A costume for the same character can look completely different. A boy will most likely want to look strong and decisive on stage, and a girl will want to look bright and unusual. Be sure to discuss with your child the appearance of the costume you are creating for the performance. Let the child participate in the selection of materials for the costume and directly in its manufacture.


There are two ways to make a dress from CDs:
√ Place discs on the evening dress itself;
√ Make a dress only from CDs.

Option 1 (fastest):

If you have an old unnecessary dress, then you can decorate it with discs in an original way. You can decorate only the bottom edge of the dress or sew discs at the shoulders and waist. The principle of operation is to thread the ribbon through the hole of the CD and sew it to the dress. Remember to maintain symmetry.

Option 2:

You can make a dress from just CDs.

Principle of operation:

◘ cut a piece of satin ribbon (the size of the piece is the radius of the disk multiplied by 4);

◘ we thread one end of the ribbon into the hole of one disk, and the other into the hole of the other and tie the ends. This is how we form the vertical rows of the dress;

◘ then we connect the vertical rows with other pieces of tape horizontally;

◘ you can tie more discs onto this frame, and also sew other decorative elements to the connecting ribbons (for example, feathers painted in different colors, kanzashi flowers made of satin ribbons, leather straps).


Master class 1:


Master class 2:


Master class 3:


Master class 4:


Do you want to make an elegant and original dress from garbage bags, chip packaging, and newspapers in a couple of hours? Make sure this is possible.

DIY dress from bags

Such evening dresses are made very quickly. Take a black trash bag with a capacity of 120 liters. For the first sample, you need to cut the bag from the bottom and put it on yourself. To make sure it fits snugly at the top, tie it here with the lace.

For such models, it is better to take garbage bags with ties. You can place them on top or bottom. With the second option, you will get a balloon skirt.

All that remains is to put on a wide belt, and the dress from the bags is ready. You can wear this to a theme party or school ball. Sometimes educational institutions hold competitions for dresses made with their own hands from scrap materials. This will simply be a way out of the situation at a carnival, since almost nothing is needed to create it, and it is done very quickly.

For the second model, the bag is draped with tape at the top and bottom. The shoulder of the third dress is the corner of the package. It is worn asymmetrically and is also draped with tape. You will create the rest of the new items shown in the photo in the same way from the same material.

If you only have 10 minutes of time, also:
  • garbage bag with drawstrings;
  • scissors;
  • desire to make a new thing.
Then turn the bag over with the ties down, carefully cut a larger hole in the bottom (for the head), and two smaller ones on both sides - these are for the hands. Put on a new thing, tie the lacing at the bottom, and you can flaunt in a dress made by yourself.

Lush evening dress

If you have a T-shirt that matches the cellophane, use it to create the top. Then attach a bobby pin to her sleeves or sew a flower made with your own hands from scraps of bags. To do this, you will need a cellophane tape 8–12 cm wide and about 50 cm long. Fold it in half lengthwise so that the top tier is shorter than the bottom, and gather the tape onto a thread.

Make sure that the thread does not jump out. To do this, fold it in half, make an impressive knot, and thread a needle between two sections of thread. When you have sewn the entire ribbon, carefully tighten it, cut the thread and tie it in 2 parts with a knot.

The flower is ready. You can sew a skirt from bags of any size. If they are small, inflate each one and tie a knot at the top. Make a straight or slightly flared skirt from a large garbage bag. Attach each bag to it with tape at its top. If the base of the skirt is fabric, sew it with a thread and a needle.

Large trash bags will also add flair to an extravagant outfit. First inflate the bottom of the bag, then twist it and tie it in a knot. Inflate the next, upper sector. Tie it too to separate it from the next, third part. Then attach the entire chain of inflated sectors of the bag to the base.

It is not necessary to make the new thing black. If you have blue bags, you will get an equally chic outfit.

Elegant dress for a girl made from packages

For a young fashionista, you can also use this unusual material. Here are its advantages:
  • does not wrinkle (no need to iron);
  • you can use different colors;
  • drapes quickly;
  • washes well (there is no need for washing);
  • economical because it is inexpensive;
  • the new item is created in a matter of minutes.
You can make such an elegant dress for a girl with your own hands. For it you will need:
  • bags of yellow and blue colors;
  • thread with a needle or tape;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen.
Take a plastic bag with drawstrings, apply it to the young model, mark with a felt-tip pen where to make a slit for an open back and where to cut the bag at the bottom so that it covers the hips.

The string will subsequently be held on the neck, thereby securing the dress to the body. So that it also fits perfectly on the back.

Now measure the distance from the child's waist to the top of the knees. This length will give you a multi-tiered skirt. Let this be the value "A". Stack the bags one on top of the other, measure the size “A”, cut. If the bags are long, then you can make several skirts from one.

Attach the first double-sided tape to the top to create ruffles. Glue or sew this part to the waist of the workpiece, and the next one on top. In the same way, make the entire lower part of the girl’s dress.

To make the skirt fluffy and look impressive, make the bottom one longer. Each subsequent detail is slightly shorter than the previous one. Then the skirt of the dress will look like the outfit of ballroom dancers.

Apron for girls

Finishing the topic of garbage bags, we should tell you how you can use them to make a waterproof apron. It is indispensable for modeling from plasticine, polymer clay, and in the kitchen. The beauty of such a product is that it is quick to make and inexpensive, so you can make an apron for a girl even every day.

The presented apron pattern clearly demonstrates how to make this irreplaceable item with your own hands. Fold the blue bag in half lengthwise, make a cutout near the top fold for the neckline, and on the other side for the arms. Unfold the product and you can try the apron on a girl. This is what you get.

Please note that the side and top seams on the bag must be left, then the apron will be continuous on the shoulders and sides and will hold together well.

Dress made from newspapers

Here is another option for making an outfit from improvised materials.

This dress made from newspapers looks great, and a girl in this dress will decorate a school ball or any other holiday. It will take a little more time to make a new thing than for previous cellophane models, but it is worth it.

Here are the materials you will use when working:

  • newspapers;
  • thin Velcro;
  • belt;
  • pencil;
  • long ruler;
  • sewing supplies.
The paper dress consists of two large parts: a front with an upper skirt and an underskirt. Let's start with the first one. For this you will need 8 newspapers. They need to be unfolded and folded in pairs to make 4 large pieces.

We take the first one and begin to make counter folds on it. Leave 1.5 cm from the edge, fold it over, turn the newspaper over and fold the next strip 2.5 cm wide.

Now turn the sheet over again and make a fold 1.25 cm wide. In this way, decorate the entire first double newspaper. Iron it with a not very hot iron or carefully with your hand to clearly define the folds. Here's how to pleat on paper.

Next, attach the blank to yourself or to the model for which you are sewing a dress, mark the waist line, and sew along this marking on a sewing machine.

In the same way, make parts from the remaining newspapers, folded in pairs, and sew the blanks together along the side seam.

Put on the resulting mini-dress and tie it with a belt. Pin the folds at the top and outline the neckline.

Sew the folds first along the top of the newspaper, then along the neckline and trim off the excess with scissors.

Now try on this part again, draw an armhole line, cut according to the markings.

To ensure that your hand-sewn dress fits well, fastens and fits securely, sew a long Velcro strip to the back of one half of the back and to the other too.

Make the skirt even by cutting off the excess.

Now measure the length of the straps, cut them out of a strip of newspaper folded in half crosswise. At the junction, fold another 5–7 mm on each side for the seam and stitch.

Sew the straps to the front and back, first trying them on and pinning them.

The top of the outfit and the skirt are ready.

Now you need to sew a petticoat, then the paper dress will be fluffy and of the required length. To do this, unfold the newspapers in one layer. Sew each one along the top, placing folds at random. When the first newspaper runs out, take a second one, overlap the previous one by 10 cm, also stitch along the top with folds, then use another newspaper. Take as many of them as you need to sew a petticoat.

Gently crumple the newspapers stitched on top and sew them again, departing 1 cm from the seam.

Sew Velcro on the top edge on one and the other side so that the petticoat can be easily put on and taken off.

Next, fold the newspaper several times to a width of 10 cm to cut out a tight belt. Sew it along the entire length on one side and the other, sew Velcro on the ends, after which the belt is ready and the dress itself, made from newspapers, is also ready.

Another style of outfit made from newspapers

Such an extravagant outfit will be indispensable at a Halloween themed party.

For the top, you need to cut the double newspaper so that it covers the bodice and stitch it to it, cutting off the excess. The corset will become both a belt and the upper part of the dress. To make a skirt, you will need to roll up many balls of newspaper, securing the corner of each with a stapler so that the paper does not unravel. Now, using the same tool, connect the bags together to form a skirt.

The base of the dress can be sewn from fabric, from double newspaper or from a garbage bag. Bags are attached to these materials with a stapler or tape, which soon turn into a fluffy long skirt.

Paper will also help to make a large collar. Lay several newspapers on top of each other and cut a circle out of them. Find its center, cut a round hole inside, slightly larger than the diameter of the neck. Now make a cut from it to the edge of the circle, unfold the workpieces. Attach paper bags between them. Sew one part of the collar to the left and the other to the right cup of the bodice.

In conclusion, you need to make an original flower from paper, nails from newspapers, and the outfit of a charming vampire or other fairy-tale lady is ready.

Modern outfits made from chip packets

This is also easy to do. If you have an unnecessary T-shirt, an old but favorite dress, these things will serve as the basis.

Wash the chip bags and sew them onto the old dress.

If you are using a T-shirt, first cut out the petticoat from the fabric, sew it to it, and then attach the bags to the base.

They can be sewn on by turning them inside out. Then the dress from the bags will turn out to be one-color, shiny. If you like, match the pattern by attaching bags of the same color in rows or in a different order. This is what you will get then.

You can make your skirt fuller by attaching a rustling container that has been pre-inflated and tied with elastic bands.

Another option: cut the bags on the side, sew them to each other on a machine, creating a solid fabric. Now you can create a dress from it using a pattern or drape the bags at your discretion by fastening the fabric on the back with Velcro.

These are the kind of original outfits you can quickly create from materials you always have on hand. Such a robe will cost a penny, but will look extravagant and chic!

Watch a video on how to quickly create an original outfit using improvised materials:

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