Faint line on a pregnancy test. Faint line on a pregnancy test forum

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Questions and answers about: pregnancy test the second line is barely visible

2012-12-13 05:43:40

Larisa asks:

Hello, my period is already 5 days late, I bought tests and ran them. within 3-5 minutes one strip came out, and after 10 minutes the second strip was barely visible. and so 2 tests showed, and the other two tests showed one strip. I don’t feel any symptoms of pregnancy, just a tightening in the lower back, like during menstruation. during the period when menstruation was supposed to be, there were two days of red-brown discharge, but not much.

Answers Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Dear Larisa, to exclude pregnancy, you need to donate blood for hCG; if the result is negative, you can inject 2.5% progesterone and then deal with the hormonal imbalance without the phone.

2012-10-30 17:39:54

Sofia asks:

Hello! I beg for help!!! Help me understand the situation. My last period was on August 29, it started 5 days earlier. Usually, on the contrary, periods are delayed by 2-4 days. On September 27, the test showed a barely pink second stripe, and on September 3 there were already two distinct stripes .I was very happy! This is my first pregnancy, I’m 26 years old, recently married. On October 10, my lower abdomen hurt, I went for an ultrasound. They said there were two fertilized eggs in the uterus. There was a placental abruption. They prescribed suppositories with papaverine and susten suppositories. There was no bleeding. Fetus egg 0.68. The second ultrasound was on October 19, they said one fertilized egg was most likely dead, and the second was 13 ml, the embryo was not visible, there was no heartbeat. The next ultrasound was on October 30. It was done by another doctor, since mine was sick. All ultrasounds were vaginal. I wrote down the size gestational sac 13-9-14, ktr 0.22, heartbeat one plus is questionable, she didn’t say anything about the second ovum. On October 30, I donated blood for hCG, the result was 33,000. They told me to come back on November 8. I’m sitting crying. I don’t understand anything. I can’t even understand the gestational age. Answer, I ask you... what is my gestational age from the moment of conception according to my data, is there a possibility that the fetus is viable, maybe late fertilization? Thanks in advance

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

If you count by monthly periods, then your pregnancy is 9 obstetric weeks. According to the hCG indicator, too, but you should not focus on hCG, because you had 2 fertilized eggs and, accordingly, 2 chorions that produced the hormone. Dynamic ultrasound monitoring is definitely necessary; it is not a fact that the second fetus is not viable. If no heartbeat is observed on November 8, then the pregnancy has stopped. But don't despair yet, it's still early!

2009-05-03 14:48:21

Svetlana asks:

Hello. My last period was on March 30. I am now 7 days late. I took 2 pregnancy tests, one showed a barely noticeable second line (but was done during the day), and the second (done in the morning) showed a second line, not very clear, but it was visible. I’ve been bleeding for two days now (not profusely). I took another test and showed one clear line. The second one wasn’t even close. Please tell me what it could be?


Hello! The phenomenon of the disappearance of the second stripe, despite the fact that it was previously visible, is often associated with spontaneous abortion in the early stages; bleeding can also speak in favor of this. You should visit a doctor and check your condition. All the best!

2008-12-05 12:35:23

Zhenya asks:

I took a pregnancy test, it showed two stripes: one is clearly visible, the second is barely visible. What could this mean?

2016-10-20 11:50:07

Natalya asks:

Hello! I want to ask this question. I had my menstruation on October 20, 2016, until the 26th. They are coming normally +-2 days on time. This time they were supposed to come on November 18...But they didn’t! November 14-started to smear 3 day, my breasts also started to hurt! They increased slightly in volume. I went for an ultrasound on November 18th and the doctor diagnosed endometrial hyperplasia! He prescribed a course of Duphaston, 1 tablet every day.. And today I took a pregnancy test on November 20th (it showed 2 stripes, but the second one is barely visible!) Could the ultrasound specialist be mistaken? Or can hyperplasia give a false result? Here are my ultrasound studies: uterine size - 58 mm. anterior-posterior size 46 mm. Width m. - 57 mm. m-echo: heterogeneous with focal changes - size 20 mm. Type of endometrium - late secretory. size of the cervix length 38, width 20 mm. Right ovary - size 32 * 22 * ​​30+ - corpus luteum. number of antral follicles 10

2015-08-03 08:11:02

Valya asks:

Last month - 8.06- smears.delay.supposed to be 15.06-22.06.but no.pregnancy test -one line is visible well.the second is almost invisible.consultation is necessary. gynecologist.ultrasound.if pregnancy is confirmed, medical.termination.I am 37 years old.I have a 7-year-old son.possible, I have not had an abortion before.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, Valentina! Repeat the pregnancy test after 2-3 days. If there is pregnancy, the second stripe will become more noticeable. Although, the presence of a second, even very pale, stripe is already a positive test result. Take care of your health!

2015-02-13 09:30:44

Veronica asks:

Hello, they live with me, Veronica, my last period was on December 25-27, I don’t remember exactly, it lasted 5-6 days. On January 25, they didn’t come after 5 days, I took a test, it was negative. I waited until there was 10 days of delay, I took a test, one line was red, the second was barely visible. On February 12, I went for an ultrasound, it showed only 3 weeks, and according to the last menstruation there should be weeks, the ultrasound doctor said that it was possible that there was a frozen pregnancy. Is this possible and what should I do? do. help I’m terribly afraid

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Veronica, good afternoon! You need to see a gynecologist. You need to donate blood for hCG twice with an interval of 2-3 days. If nothing worries you, then you need to repeat the ultrasound in 5-7 days.

For almost any loving mother, pregnancy is the most desired gift that can only be expected from fate. And in order to find out as soon as possible whether a woman is pregnant or not, there are special tests. Time, as we know, does not stand still, and today in pharmacies you can find modern means for sale that allow you to establish the very fact of long-awaited motherhood. Only a faint line on a pregnancy test can slightly darken the expectant mother’s mood and even cause a feeling of confusion.

What to do in this case? Or maybe conception never happened at all? Such thoughts immediately rush through the minds of most mothers who discover such a result.

General information about the test

All pregnancy tests are small in size. However, despite their modest size, they can bring a lot of positive emotions to a woman who is looking forward to the birth of a child. In addition, many representatives of the fair sex are not very tolerant, and they want to know everything, and immediately.

Pregnancy is no exception. Of course, you can visit a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound, but this takes a lot of time. Besides, if there are tools like tests, why wait long? Nowadays, there are a lot of them sold (you can’t even count them), and the price varies from 50 to 250 rubles.

Is there a difference? In reality, the work of such products is the same, and it is not so difficult to understand what a weak second line on the test means. The only difference lies in the sensitivity and design of the test strip itself. This can be a simple paper indicator or a beautiful plastic case with a disposable pipette.

In addition, bright packaging and brand popularity also influence the formation of value. Here you can remember one popular advertising phrase: if there is no difference, why pay more?

Types of tests

Let's take a closer look at the types of pregnancy tests:

  • Test strips.
  • Tablets.
  • Jet.
  • Electronic.

Conventional test strips, familiar to many women, are the cheapest means of establishing the fact of pregnancy. Almost everyone knows how to use them: to do this, you need to take a container where a small portion of urine will be collected.

The removed indicator is lowered into this container to the level of the drawn border and held for 5 seconds, no more. Then the strip is placed on any horizontal surface. After 5 minutes you can see the result.

Tablet tests are similar in action, only in this case you don’t need to omit anything. Here everything is a little different: the kit includes a disposable pipette, with which a drop of liquid is applied directly to the test. And after it is completely distributed over its surface, the result can be seen in a small window.

When using jet tests, the strip should be briefly (for a few seconds) placed under the jet. Further, by analogy, the substance is distributed throughout the test, after which the woman’s expectations will either be justified or not.

Electronic tests are the most expensive and at the same time reliable devices that confirm or reject the success of conception. One of these is a faint line will indicate a questionable result, which we will understand later.

As for use, the procedure is performed in the same way as with inkjet indicators. The only significant difference is the speed at which results appear. In addition, there are means to determine not only the fact of pregnancy, but also the expected period.

Now it’s time to get acquainted in more detail with the principle of their operation.

Principle of operation

Whatever test is chosen to determine pregnancy, they are all based on identifying a special hormone in a woman’s urine. The surface of such devices contains a special reagent, which is colored if the concentration of the hormone is appropriate.

But why does a positive pregnancy test have a faint line, and what hormone is it referring to? Actually, we are talking about human chorionic gonadotropin (abbreviated as hCG, hGT, HCG). Its amount is directly dependent on the duration of pregnancy. After successful conception, the concentration of the substance begins to increase every day. Where does this hormone come from? The membrane of the embryo, the chorion, is responsible for its production. A week after conception, the first dose of this hormone can already be detected.

On the test, the presence of hCG is displayed as a second strip, instead of one. But it wouldn’t hurt for every woman to know that some factors can affect the reliability of the results:

  • conditions for transportation and storage of tests;
  • best before date;
  • research methodology;
  • the woman has any diseases.

However, weak two lines on a pregnancy test do not always please the fair sex. Therefore, it is worth understanding the reasons for this result.


When used, pregnancy tests can typically show three results:

  • Negative - one line is displayed (depending on the type of test), indicating that pregnancy has not yet occurred.
  • Positive - there are already two stripes, which means good news for a woman. Moreover, both of them are bright, saturated, with clearly defined boundaries.
  • Atypical - three stripes or their complete absence may be observed at once. In some cases, one of the stripes is bright and the other is blurry.

If the result is atypical, the first step is to repeat the entire procedure after a few days. If no changes have occurred and the strip is still pale, then this result can be explained by several factors.

To exclude the appearance of a weak line on a pregnancy test, one important condition is necessary - the correct execution of the procedure. Manufacturers of pregnancy tests include instructions with their products, where everything is described in detail.

Therefore, in order to avoid erroneous or inaccurate results, women should study it carefully. In particular, the instructions provide information regarding the duration of interaction between urine and the test. It also says how long it will take to expect results.

Why does this happen?

But even if you follow everything correctly, it is possible that a weak line will appear on a pregnancy test. The reason for this may be a defective product, a human factor, or some problems in the female body.

However, if there is a pale stripe, you can be sure of successful conception. If a woman took the test before the delay occurred or during the first two days, then in this case the hCG hormone did not reach the required concentration, which caused the second strip to turn pale. Repeated testing will definitely sort everything out.

A weakly positive test is unlikely to make girls happy, so it’s worth understanding in more detail the possible reasons for this phenomenon. After all, you need to know for sure whether she is pregnant or not. What if it’s time to take care of your health?!

Low quality

The paleness of the strip in the dough may be due to the poor quality of the product itself. Expired tests also suffer from the same problem. Therefore, it is necessary to show special vigilance even in the pharmacy, namely, pay attention to the production time and the possibility of use. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the appearance of a weak first stripe on

It is also advisable to listen to your own intuition. If any doubts creep in, it is better to find a similar remedy or even go to another pharmacy. In addition, a weak line may appear due to low sensitivity of the test reagent. This can be considered a defect and such testimony should not be taken into account.

Taking the test early

Another common reason why the strip turns out pale is that the test is used too early. This also includes incorrectly following the recommendations from the instructions. Most women simply find it difficult to resist curiosity, and they try to get tested as quickly as possible.

However, the instructions clearly state that the procedure should be carried out on the first day after a missed menstrual cycle, not earlier! Otherwise very faint light will be visible

Some products are highly sensitive and allow you to detect pregnancy before the delay occurs. But even their use can lead to false results.

Late ovulation

A stripe that is too light may appear due to late ovulation. Typically, this reason is also not uncommon. In this case, unclear coloration of the reagent is normal.

Sometimes the ovulation process can be delayed, and as a result, the egg is fertilized not in the middle of the menstrual cycle (as it should be), but closer to its end. For this reason, there are no periods, and human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is not yet enough for full testing.

If a weak second line on a pregnancy test causes a woman to have doubts about successful conception, she should donate blood for a hCG test and additionally undergo an ultrasound examination. In this case, the result will be one hundred percent.

Presence of diseases

Some diseases of the female body, such as, for example, can also cause the concentration of the hCG hormone. And not only in the blood, but also in the urine. In this case, a pale stripe also appears on the test, although there is no embryo at all. This result is caused by uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts or

In addition, a distortion of the result can occur if there are inflammatory processes in a woman’s body against the background of any cancer, including malignant tumors.

Case of ectopic pregnancy

If the pregnancy test showed a weak line, then sometimes this may indicate a severe delay - up to 4-5 days or more, which, as a rule, is a characteristic sign of the development of an ectopic pregnancy. More than three weeks usually pass from the day of ovulation, and the strip will still remain barely noticeable.

In this case, the woman experiences unusual and unpleasant sensations. In particular, pain appears in the lower abdomen and only on one side, which intensifies day by day. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound of the organs in the pelvic area.

Other cases

What does a weak second line on the test mean? As sad as it is to admit, the appearance of an inaccurate result may indicate a frozen pregnancy. That is, the hCG hormone, as expected, began to be produced, but for a number of reasons something was disrupted, the development of the fetus stopped, and therefore the level of the hormone was never able to reach its maximum concentration.

The same can be observed in cases where a woman has recently had an abortion. There is still a high concentration of the hCG hormone in her body, which is gradually decreasing. Even after a month after the abortion, the line on the test will be pale, even though there is no pregnancy itself.

To prevent a weak line on a pregnancy test from disturbing a woman too much, it is advisable to follow some useful tips:

  • The procedure itself should be carried out after the delay has occurred; it is better to wait a few days (2 or 3 days). Then, if the result is positive, both stripes will be bright and clear.
  • It is advisable to do the test in the morning, since it is at this time of day that the concentration of the hormone is highest. Of course, you can choose any other time, but the reliability of the result will be in question.
  • Before the procedure itself, you should not drink a lot of fluids, including diuretics.
  • Typically, the interaction between urine and test takes no more than 10-15 seconds.
  • It is imperative to carry out hygiene procedures. Otherwise, the result may also be inaccurate.
  • Don't expect instant results; it usually takes 10 to 15 minutes.

A pregnancy test can sometimes show an unclear result, which can be very difficult to evaluate correctly. A weak test line - what it means and in what cases it appears - this is important for every woman to know.

waiting for what you want pregnancy or in fear of the unwanted, even with a slight delay, it is common to immediately try to find answers to all questions using a pregnancy test.

But sometimes it is quite difficult to verify that conception has occurred or to refute it, because the test can give a result that is definitely not easy to understand. How to interpret the appearance of a fuzzy, blurry or smeared strip on the test - read below.

What does the faint second line on the test look like?

Pregnancy test indications are based on chemical reaction between a specific reagent applied to the strip and human chorionic gonadotropin in the woman’s urine. So-called pregnancy hormone hCG produced by chorionic tissues after implantation occurs.

Human chorionic gonadotropin

In the first hours, days and even weeks, the level of this hormone may be negligibly low and the pregnancy test carried out simply will not react to it.

  • Any standardized test has control zone and indicator. If you have completed the test and a red stripe appears in the control zone, it means that a sufficient amount of the test material has entered the reaction zone and test completed correctly
  • The second strip indicates the result, that is, the presence of hCG in the urine. But the appearance of a second stripe does not always indicate for pregnancy
  • What matters is what color and saturation it has second stripe. If it is bright, red or pink, then this result indicates pregnancy
  • If the color is dull and fuzzy stripe, then you shouldn’t draw clear conclusions - it’s better to repeat the test

It is not always possible to correctly interpret the test result

The appearance of gray second stripe. This result indicates that the reaction did not occur for some reason. Often, the appearance of a gray stripe on the test can be caused by too much its prolonged presence in liquid.

Therefore it should stand the test in urine for the time strictly specified in the instructions.

Why is the second line on the test weak?

One of the signs of the initial stage of pregnancy is when human chorionic gonadotropin level still low, there may be a weak second stripe. But others also distinguish cases in which the test can give the following result:

  • pathological pregnancy
  • the period after a miscarriage or fading pregnancy, when a small amount of hCG remains in the woman’s body
  • presence of a tumor
  • false result due to poor test quality
  • taking medications that contain human chorionic gonadotropin

Weak positive test result

Seeing faint pinkish stripe, you should not make hasty conclusions and assume that there is still a pregnancy. A faint stripe can show not only the initial stages of pregnancy, but also its fading, as well as ectopic pregnancy.

Menstruation and weak second line on the test

If the pregnancy test showed faint stripe and at the same time the woman is experiencing menstruation, then it is imperative to consult a doctor. First of all, this is required in order to exclude dangerous conditions for women, which are characterized by similar symptoms.

Repeated testing in a few days may become clearer

As mentioned above, weak second line does not always indicate pregnancy - the test may be of poor quality or performed incorrectly. Thus, if a repeat test shows negative result, then you shouldn’t be happy or, conversely, upset - no pregnancy and menstruation is only proof of this.

Unfortunately, spotting can also occur during pregnancy. the reason for this may be:

  • ectopic pregnancy
  • miscarriage
  • placental abruption
  • period

Sometimes you may get your period during pregnancy

Traditionally it is believed that menstruation can't go when a woman is pregnant. But in fact there is a number of reasons, according to which menstruation can still be observed in the early stages. Among them are:

  1. Features of hormonal levels - if fertilization occurs in the middle of the cycle, then the body may not have time to adapt to new conditions functioning. Fertilized egg up to two weeks may be “on the way” to the uterus, while all processes in the body occur as before
    2 . Maturation of two eggs at the same time - an extremely rare occurrence when one of the mature eggs fertilized and goes to the uterus, and the other is excreted in the form of menstruation
    3 . Lack of progesterone - if the main pregnancy hormone is produced in reduced quantities, then spotting may occur, which can be observed during menstruation

A very weak second line on the test and a delay in menstruation

The absence of menstruation at the expected time is in itself - one of the signs of fertilization, and if at the same time the test shows even a weak second line, then there is a high probability that You are pregnant.

A weakly positive test result and a delay most likely indicate pregnancy

A faint line may testify that, most likely, there is still a very short period of time and hCG level small in urine.

For more confidence repeat the test After a few days, if the result repeats, then we can say with firm confidence that you are still pregnant. Be sure to visit a doctor who will confirm fact of fertilization and will prescribe an ultrasound- a study that can determine for sure whether there is a fertilized egg in the uterus and approximate gestational age .

Jet test, weak second line

Easy to use and highly accurate jet test may also give an ambiguous response in the form of a weak second stripe. This result is weakly positive test answer, which highly indicates that there is still a pregnancy.

Jet pregnancy test

A faint line appears on the jet test for several reasons:

  • early pregnancy
  • incorrect test execution
  • poor-quality test or one whose expiration date has expired
  • hormonal diseases

At weakly positive The result of the jet test follows do it again in a few days and be sure to check in the morning.

Repeated mild a strip is a good reason to visit an antenatal clinic.

Video: Jet pregnancy test

Why do several tests show a weak second line?

If you used to check several tests from different manufacturers and even types and at the same time the result of all was weakly positive the second strip, then they all indicate a slight presence of human chorionic gonadotropin. This may be a good reason to assume that there is a pregnancy.

Same result on several tests

We should not forget about a number of other factors that can provoke weakly positive test result - tumors, hormonal diseases or taking certain medications. To make sure that the result is not erroneous, repeat it through a few days or a week- if you are pregnant, then by this time the hCG level will become higher and the line on the test will become clearer.

Why is there a weak second line on the test for several days?

Human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced from the first days of pregnancy, but at this time its level is negligible. By 6-7 weeks the volume of hCG increases several thousand times, and if at first a pregnancy test may not detect small doses of the hormone, then over time the result will be clear and unambiguous.

Over the course of several days of tests carried out on early stages after fertilization when the hormone content in the urine is insignificant, the result may be weakly positive stripe In this case it is necessary to carry out retest in a week, then it result will more reliable.

If or later 1 2 weeks result test repeats itself necessary contact To doctor, For Togo to He installed reason low content chorionic gonadotropin. tighten With hiking To specialist Not costs, after all such symptom Maybe be sign development fetus Not V cavities uterus or already frozen pregnancy .

On test appeared weak second strip through hour, causes

At use test on pregnancy necessary clearly stick to recommendations , which indicated V instructions To him, after all from Togo How exactly You spend test directly depends reliability his results. So, one from important prescriptions V instructions is time, V flow whom result test valid.

You can only trust the test result if it was carried out in accordance with all the rules

How rule, majority manufacturers tests indicate, What loyal result Can observe through minute after carrying out test, But Not more how through 5 minutes. Such reservation caused those, What chemical reaction interaction reagent With hCG It has temporary framework, By expiration which appearance second stripesfalse positive result.

So way, If test through hour, two or day showedpositive result accept his How true Not costsmeaning It has only That, What showed testV first 5 minutes after his carrying out.

A line that appears 5 minutes after the test is false

– this is an opportunity to quickly and without outside help find out about conception. Unfortunately, it is not possible to rely on the results obtained in all cases. For various reasons, the test produces a false positive or false negative answer. However, many more questions arise in the presence of an implicit second stripe. This answer cannot be regarded as “yes” or “no”, so it is recommended to retest within 48 hours. If the result remains unclear, you should consult a gynecologist.

Pregnancy detection with strip test

The dipstick test is an inexpensive and popular method of determining pregnancy. It works on the principle of a chemical reaction. 2 reagents are applied to the surface of the test, which can change color when in contact with urine. One of the stripes is a control line and always appears. It is necessary to confirm that the test was carried out correctly. If it does not appear, it means that the test did not contain the required amount of urine or the test was defective. Also, the appearance of the control strip is necessary for comparison with the pregnancy indicator.

The second stripe is an indicator and should only appear in case of conception. Its appearance is due to the fact that the urine contains a certain amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is released not only during pregnancy, so it can also be detected in men, but the strip enters into a chemical reaction only when it reaches 25 mU/ml. The normal level of hCG is only 5 mU/ml.

The level of hCG is not constant; after conception, its amount doubles every day. And from the 11th week of pregnancy the rate begins to fall. Accordingly, you can get a specific result from the strip test only a week after conception.

Causes of a faint second line on a pregnancy test

A positive result is determined by the presence of two equally bright and clear stripes on the test. A paler indicator or blurred boundaries indicate three scenarios:

  • pregnancy;
  • elevated hCG levels associated with problems in the female part;
  • poor test quality or incorrect determination of results.

Weak line during pregnancy

It often shows a faint line, but the instructions for the device say that this result can be regarded as positive. This statement is true in cases where the color of the indicator is several tones lighter, that is, a pink tint is also an indicator of pregnancy. Since the reagent itself has begun a chemical reaction, it means that the amount of hCG approximately reaches the level of sensitivity that is typical for the first week after conception.

The insufficient amount of this hormone in the urine during pregnancy is due to several factors:

  • Test time.
For the strip test, not only the gestational age is important, but also the time of day. Even the most sensitive tests will not give a definite answer until 5 days after conception, so a faint line may simply indicate too early, so a repeat test a few days later will confirm the results. In addition, the test must be done in the morning. During the night, the body processes most of the nutrients, so the content of all hormones, enzymes and substances in the urine in the morning increases. During the day, hCG in the urine is not retained as much, so determining pregnancy can be difficult.
  • A large amount of liquid in the diet.
The body eliminates excess water, so drinking large amounts of water during the day or taking diuretics can dilute the urine and artificially lower hCG levels. A similar effect can sometimes be associated with poor functioning of the excretory system, so if women have kidney problems, tests often show a false negative result, and the strip does not even appear pale.
  • Diseases of the body.
Some diseases associated with hormonal levels prevent the body from producing the required amount of hCG, so even during pregnancy the indicator will be pale. In such cases, there is a high risk of early miscarriage. In such cases, menstruation may occur after conception.

Weak line with negative result

A high level of the hormone, which even allows you to see a pale pink stripe on a pregnancy test, indicates that the condition of the woman’s body is not stable. However, more often than not, representatives of the fair sex already understand the reason for the uncertain result.

An increased level of hCG is observed in women immediately after an abortion, miscarriage, or frozen pregnancy. The body does not yet have time to adapt to a new way, because the natural course of pregnancy is disrupted. After some time, the hormone levels will return to normal, and the tests can be trusted again. Determination of conception in such cases is possible only in a gynecologist's office.

During infertility treatment, as well as a course of hormonal medications, the hCG level is also high enough to show a faint line on the test. Therefore, while taking hormonal contraceptives, it is recommended to periodically check with a gynecologist to detect pregnancy, because a regular test shows an indeterminate or false-positive result.

A pregnancy test shows a faint line if tumors are present. This is one of the reasons why this result needs to be checked by a specialist, who will also be able to see signs of a serious illness.

Do not pay attention to the white or gray stripe. This shade can be noticed approximately 10 minutes after the test. It only says that the reagent is high, and therefore stands out against the background of the surface. A result that appears after more than 10 minutes is invalid. If several tests in a row show results for too long, it is recommended to use a product from another company, since cheap tests are unreliable and are often defective. Also, an indefinite stripe may appear if the device is not stored in accordance with the rules.

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