How to remove fat from a mink coat. How to clean a mink at home

Clothes have the unpleasant property of getting dirty while being worn. If we are talking about T-shirts or trousers, they are easier to clean than, for example, a mink coat. All fur products require careful care and compliance with certain precautions. Mink is not as easy to clean as it might seem at first glance. At the slightest failure to follow the instructions, there is a risk of irreversibly damaging the product.

Cleaning a mink with sawdust

If we talk about production enterprises, mink products are cleaned there using sawdust. The method is effective, so take a closer look at it first.

  1. You will need, respectively, sawdust and medical alcohol. It is better to purchase sawdust from pet stores; it should be made from oak, aspen, maple or linden.
  2. Prepare a container, place sawdust in it and pour alcohol. From some sources you can find out that gasoline is suitable for filling. But after it the unpleasant smell will remain for a long time.
  3. Mix sawdust with alcohol. Lay the fur item on a table or other flat surface. Sprinkle with the prepared mixture.
  4. Gently begin to knead the fur with your hands so that during the manipulation the wood absorbs all the dirt. Then shake out the fur coat and comb it with a special brush for fur products.

Cleaning mink with shampoo

Often stains appear on fur products that need to be eliminated first. In this case, sawdust will not help; a radical approach is required.

  1. Choose a shampoo with maximum moisture so that the product does not dry out the skin of the product. Prepare a bowl of water at room temperature or bring the liquid to a maximum of 30 degrees.
  2. Pour in a capful of shampoo and mix with your hands. It is important to get a dense foam. Take a second container and fill it with clean (soft) water without impurities.
  3. Spread the fur coat on a flat surface, arm yourself with a sponge. Dip it into the solution and walk over the area of ​​the fur that needs cleaning.
  4. Do not wet the fur too much, so that later the fur coat does not become too wet. Try not to touch the leather part at all.
  5. After wiping, wipe with a clean cloth soaked in warm water. Then get rid of the moisture on the fur coat using a paper towel or napkins.
  6. Finally, comb the fur with a thin comb or a special clothes brush. Leave the fur coat to dry on hangers in a well-ventilated area.

Cleaning a mink with sand

The method is environmentally friendly and safe. To clean a mink coat, follow the instructions.

  1. Collect river sand, then rinse it several times under the tap. Additionally, pour boiling water over it and allow excess moisture to drain.
  2. Prepare a frying pan, put all the sand in it and heat it over the fire to a temperature between medium and high.
  3. Spread the mink coat on a flat surface, sprinkle with warm sand. Touch only the dirtiest areas of the product.
  4. Wait until the sand reaches room temperature. Then shake the fur coat and comb it.

At home, you can clean a mink coat using regular powder or talc. The composition is famous for its ability to absorb excess dirt and grease. The method will be especially effective for white mink.

  1. Before you start working, equip yourself with thin medical gloves. Choose a flat surface and spread the fur product on it.
  2. Sift the talc, then sprinkle it over the entire fur coat with contaminated areas. There is no need to spread the powder, as they say, in a heap. Just work the pile thoroughly.
  3. When the powder covers the entire fur coat, begin to slowly rub it into the surface. After this, take the product out into fresh air and shake gently.
  4. You can additionally work on the item with a hairdryer using cold air. This way the powder is blown out of the product cavity faster. Finally, comb your fur coat.
  5. Talcum powder can be purchased at a pharmacy. But if you don't have this option, use regular corn or potato starch. The processing technology is identical. The main thing is to comb your fur coat well at the end.

Cleaning a mink with semolina

Semolina is one of those inexpensive food products that are also widely used in everyday life. Choose a high-quality composition and follow the instructions.

  1. Semolina returns shine to a fur coat and perfectly absorbs dirt. To begin manipulation, select a flat surface and spread the product.
  2. Semolina copes with dirt on pockets, collars, and cuffs. It also removes yellowness, which often appears on white fur products.
  3. Sprinkle dry semolina onto the contaminated areas and rub in gently with your hands without pressing hard. After this, shake out the item of clothing well and comb your fur coat.

How to clean stains from a mink fur coat

All of the above methods, with the exception of cleaning with shampoo, refer to dry processing. To remove stubborn stains from the surface of a fur product, you will have to resort to the wet method.

Soap solution

  1. Pour water at a temperature of 30 degrees into a basin, add a little baby shampoo or liquid soap. Beat until foamy.
  2. Spread the mink product on the table, dip the sponge into the solution and walk over the contaminated areas.
  3. Do not wet the leather part to avoid causing dampness. After cleansing, treat the fur coat with a damp, clean cloth and comb the fur.

Table vinegar

  1. The solution is used to add shine to white and dark fur products. Arm yourself with vinegar with a concentration of no higher than 6%. Soak a cotton sponge in it and squeeze out.
  2. Spread the item on the table and carefully walk over the stained area. If the fur is short, move against its growth. For long movements, they are carried out according to height.
  3. To avoid damaging your favorite product, be sure to squeeze out the cotton pad. Vinegar should not penetrate the skin of the fur coat.

Gasoline for lighters

  1. Gasoline for refilling lighters is considered the purest, and therefore suitable for removing complex contaminants from fur products. This option is only suitable for dark fur coats.
  2. Dampen a clothes brush, then brush the item with it. Do not exert strong mechanical influence, move with a “light hand”.
  3. Finally, leave the fur coat in the fresh air to air. Most importantly, avoid exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, stains will appear on the item.

Cleaning the lining of a mink coat

  1. Often, after a season of wearing a fur coat, the fur remains almost clean, which cannot be said about the lining. To carry out the manipulation with maximum benefit, it is recommended to tear off the fabric. Use a special tool, do not damage the product.
  2. After carefully performing the manipulation, wash the fabric. Determine the type of lining in advance and set the appropriate mode on the washing machine. If the fabric is made of polyester or silk, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. If the lining is made of cotton, the temperature may be higher. After washing, the product must be rinsed thoroughly. This way you can avoid streaks when drying. After the last step, iron the fabric thoroughly and carefully sew it back onto the fur coat.
  4. Not everyone decides to take such a responsible step. If you doubt that you can sew the lining properly, peel it off the fur coat. Please note that in this case the manipulation must be carried out with extreme caution. Under no circumstances should you wet the bottom of your fur coat.
  5. To properly clean the lining, it is recommended to saturate the sponge with foam and distribute the soap mixture over the inside of the fur coat. Next, the fabric must be cleaned with a clothes brush. The soap solution is removed with a damp sponge. After this, blot the lining with a cloth.
  6. Hang the fur coat on a hanger in a suitable place, the temperature should be at room temperature. Please note that there should not be high humidity in the room. It's no secret that in wet weather in winter, a fur coat gets dirty from the bottom most of all, so it is recommended to sew on an additional lining in advance.

Precautionary measures

In order not to spoil an expensive product, it is important to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Remember, a fur coat should not be washed under any circumstances. As a result, the fur becomes irrevocably deformed and deteriorates.
  2. Do not try to dry the product near radiators, open fires or heaters. The fur also deteriorates.
  3. If you find yourself in adverse weather conditions and your fur coat gets wet, hang it on a hanger. Dry the product in a room at natural temperature.
  4. Do not even think about ironing the fur, even at the lowest temperature. In any case, you will not be able to get rid of severe wrinkles without consequences.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to store the product folded. If this has already happened, hang the fur coat on a hanger. After some time it should stretch out.

  1. Clean fur only when necessary. Look at the degree of contamination of the product. Due to frequent dry cleaning, the pile loses its original structure and begins to crumble. Make it a habit to use the services of professionals.
  2. On average, mink coats can withstand up to 5 dry cleanings. It is prohibited to keep fur coats in plastic bags. This material highly electrifies the pile. In addition, the fur deteriorates due to lack of oxygen.
  3. Every time you leave an item for long-term storage in a special room, make sure there are no pests. To prevent the fur coat from being damaged by various insects, it is recommended to treat the room with special products.
  4. In people's councils, a simple newspaper has proven itself well in pest control. Stuff the sleeves with paper; the printed ink repels insects (moths). In addition, the fur coat will maintain good shape. It is prohibited to store other fur items nearby.
  5. Remember that fur products perfectly absorb various odors. Therefore, the room must be thoroughly ventilated before storage. You can put a special bag with pleasant incense in the room.
  6. It is forbidden to spray perfume on a fur coat; the cosmetic product often leaves stains. The latter cannot be removed even with dry cleaning. Do not try to constantly carry a bag on your arm or shoulder. In this place, the fur will soon simply be erased.

If your mink fur coat is not too dirty, resort to dry cleaning methods. In this case, semolina, unscented talc, and hot sand are suitable. To remove complex contaminants, you will need sophisticated artillery in the form of gasoline for refilling lighters, vinegar solution, and shampoo with water. Be sure to follow safety precautions when working with fur products.

Video: cleaning a white mink coat

A beautiful mink fur coat is the dream of many women. This item is valued for its presentable appearance, light weight, and durability. In severe frosts, such a fur coat is very warm and cozy, the durable core is not blown by the wind. The lifespan of a mink coat is twelve years. All of the above qualities make mink fur coats a very popular product. Having a mink fur coat in your wardrobe, you will always look fashionable and stylish. This expensive item will require special care; you need to learn how to take care of its appearance yourself. How to clean a mink coat at home if you have never done this before? There are ladies who prefer to have their favorite fur items dry cleaned. Dry cleaning services are expensive, and their results are not always worth the money spent. There are many cases where expensive outerwear was hopelessly damaged by dry cleaning workers. It will be possible to achieve justice and return money for a damaged item only through the courts. For this reason, many owners of mink coats clean them themselves.

How not to clean a mink coat

If you intend to tidy up a mink coat yourself, you should know some of the features of working with fur. There are several prohibitions when working with fur that should not be ignored:

  1. No matter how dirty a fur product is, washing it in water is prohibited.
  2. To clean your fur coat, purchase a special hard brush; you cannot use a vacuum cleaner.
  3. The wet fur item is dried naturally - by placing it on hangers away from heating radiators.

Fur coats are usually cleaned at the end of the season. When the fur coat is put away for storage, air it once a month, avoiding direct sunlight, which causes dark fur to turn red and white fur to become yellow.

Be sure to purchase a special cotton bag for storing your fur coat, in which it could fit its full length. In the closet, the fur item should hang freely, do not squeeze it with other things.

To prevent valuable fur from being spoiled by the ubiquitous moth, Before storing your fur coat, treat it with Armmol spray. You can also use special lavender plates against moths by placing them in your clothing pockets.

How to clean a dark mink coat at home

The winners are those women who buy dark mink coats; dirt is not so noticeable on them, but they also need systematic cleaning. The most gentle way to clean a mink coat is dry cleaning, which removes dust and dirt from the fur product. If your fur coat has been damaged during wear, for example, it was splashed with mud by a car, or the product simply became dusty, you can put the fur in order using a special brush. This brush with short and frequent metal teeth is a must-have fur care tool. How to clean a mink coat in this case? Do it step by step:

  1. To begin with, you need to hang your outerwear on hangers and dry it at normal room temperature.
  2. When the product becomes dry, take a brush in your hands and comb the pile in the direction of its growth.
  3. The procedure is repeated several times until the dirt completely disappears.
  4. After cleaning, the treated fur coat needs to be shaken; it is better to do this outside or in the bathroom.

Brushing helps remove dirt, this procedure will also benefit the fur, it will sparkle like new.

Cleaning a dark fur coat using gasoline

The recipe below is only suitable for cleaning dark fur coats, since we will be using gasoline. If you use this aggressive substance to clean white fur, it will perfectly clean the fur of dirt, but will leave clearly visible yellow spots on it. Working with flammable products requires compliance with safety precautions: you must open the windows in the apartment and make sure that there is no source of fire nearby. Smoking when working with gasoline is prohibited. Cleaning using gasoline is carried out in two ways:

  • The brush is moistened in gasoline, and the fur is carefully, carefully, and lightly combed without pressing on it.
  • For the second cleaning method, you will need sawdust from deciduous trees (maple, oak, linden). To avoid causing harm to a mink coat by mistake, you need to know for sure that it is not softwood sawdust, which contains resinous substances. Sawdust is soaked in water, pure gasoline is added there. How to clean dirt from a mink coat? It is laid out on the table, sawdust is stirred on it, removing it from the gasoline solution.

You can use it in any way. Both methods should be completed with the same steps: carefully comb the fur with a brush, be sure to hang the fur coat out for airing. The product should be ventilated for several hours in the fresh air - on the balcony, yard, or garden plot.

How to restore shine to fur

Sometimes there is no visible dirt on a dark fur coat, but its fur looks aged and has lost its shine. In this case, ordinary vinegar will help us. An aqueous solution of vinegar will restore the lost shine to precious fur. You need to prepare a 5% vinegar solution, dip a cotton pad in it, and squeeze out excess moisture from it. Use a damp (but not wet) cotton pad to wipe the lint. If the fur is short, it is rubbed against the pile, if it is long, in the direction of hair growth.

If you wear outerwear carefully, a mink coat can be used for up to two decades. During this time, the fur may become shiny and lose its volume. If your fur coat is made from light-colored mink, you can dry clean it. Talc, starch and semolina will serve as consumables.

Why are these bulk products not used to clean dark mink? It's very simple, they leave white stains on dark fur coats. From white mink fur, talc will remove grease, dust, and relieve the fur of an unpleasant odor. Semolina has the same effect - with its help, a light mink can be easily cleaned of greasy stains and the fur can be restored to its natural shine. Starch should only be used as a last resort. This is an excellent consumable for getting rid of stains and returning natural color, but it has one negative quality. Starch is not so easy to remove from thick fur, and just imagine what will happen to your fur coat when it snows, rains, and sleet outside. In problem areas where starch is preserved, it may well form a difficult-to-remove, sticky substance.

How to clean a white mink coat at home using semolina or talc? Spread the fur item on the table; sprinkle talc or semolina on areas of particular contamination. For one minute, absorbents are rubbed into the fur with light movements, almost without expending any physical effort. Bulk substances are shaken off your favorite fur coat, and their remains are removed with a special brush. If you choose talc to remove stains from a fur coat, be sure to wear gloves, otherwise this substance will stick to your hands and you will stain the entire product, right down to its lining.

Semolina for cleaning fur coats can be used in other ways. To do this, cook porridge: take a tablespoon of semolina for one glass of milk. The porridge should turn out homogeneous, without any lumps. How to clean a white mink coat using semolina porridge? When the porridge has cooled, apply a thin layer of it to the fur product, distributing it evenly over all contaminated areas. The fur coat should lie horizontally; it is best to place it on the table. Semolina porridge should remain on the fur product for six hours, during which time it will dry. Carefully remove the crumbs and comb the fur item with a wide-tooth comb.

How to wet clean a mink coat

Sometimes a fur coat is so worn that it is impossible to do without wet cleaning of the fur product. There is a rule that you need to remember: when wet cleaning a mink coat, you need to act carefully, applying the solution specifically to the fur, and not to the base. How to clean grease from a mink coat of any color? To do this, you will need warm, clean water and the regular shampoo that you use to wash your hair. Take a liter jar of water, add a little shampoo, close the lid, shake the contents sharply to get abundant foam.

Using a cotton napkin or sponge, very carefully apply the foam solution to the fur in a circular motion, trying not to get it on the base. After treatment, remove the remaining soap solution with a damp cloth. The fur product should dry well at room temperature. After complete drying, comb the pile with a special brush, you will definitely like the result.

What to do if white fur turns yellow

If your white fur coat has lost its marketable appearance and has noticeably yellowed, do not be upset. This is a common thing; this is how ultraviolet rays or electric lighting affect white color. How to clean a mink coat, you can easily find a video about this procedure on the Internet. To restore the white color you will need 5% hydrogen peroxide. The substance will need to be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting liquid should be carefully poured into a spray bottle. The fur product is placed on hangers and carefully treated with the composition. The active substance should be distributed evenly on the fur coat. When both sides of the fur coat are processed, process the sleeves, not forgetting to raise them, the same should be done with the collar (hood).

If the yellowness is very bright, the solution can be made more concentrated. There is a rule that should not be forgotten - you should avoid getting the solution on the base of the fur. Sometimes the fur looks wrinkled after processing, then go over the wrinkled areas with a damp sponge. The fur will completely restore its properties if you comb it and dry it well. Having learned how to clean a white mink coat from yellowness, proceed; simple procedures will make it possible to completely restore the natural color of the fur.

Now you know how to clean a mink coat from yellowness, remove greasy stains and ordinary dirt from the fur. The most important thing when cleaning precious fur is not to wet or damage the inner core (the base of the fur), and to dry the product properly. If you strictly follow the simple recipes listed in the article, your favorite fur coat will always look as if you just recently purchased it.

Is your mink coat dirty or yellowed? Don't listen to those who say it can't be fixed at home. Restore your fur to its original shine using the simple and safe methods outlined in this article. And also find out what needs to be done to ensure that the light mink always remains that way.

Winter has come to an end, and with it another fur coat season. Looking at your furry wardrobe inhabitant, you realize that she needs a little refreshment. We will talk further about how to clean a mink at home and not spoil it.

How to clean mink fur at home using talcum powder

It is best to clean dirty light fur with talcum powder. This soft mineral in the form of a white powder has absorbent properties and absorbs odors well. It is better to clean with gloves, as the product sticks to your hands. Lay the mink out on a flat surface and rub thoroughly with talcum powder. Gently rub it in with your hands, without being too zealous. After that, all that remains is to shake the fur coat from the remaining powder and comb it. If you sprinkle semolina on your fur coat, the effect will be similar.

Important! This experiment cannot be done with flour or starch. These products, remaining between the fibers, will swell at the first snow or rain, ruining your fur. In addition, they will attract insects.

Wood chips against pollution

If your fur coat is a little dusty, you can refresh it by using sawdust from non-resinous trees. Suitable species include linden, oak, and aspen; you can find them in a regular pet store. Before you sprinkle sawdust on your fur coat, soak it in alcohol. This is done in a regular basin. Pour sawdust into it and fill it with alcohol. You will receive a product that will perfectly absorb all dirt from fur clothing. All that remains is to shake the item and comb it with a brush.

How to return whiteness to a mink coat

A white mink coat has one significant drawback. Her fur may turn yellow. But even at home you can try to cope with this problem. How to clean white mink at home? Slightly yellowed fur can be bleached with ordinary hydrogen peroxide:

  • Pour 1 tsp into a glass of water. 3% hydrogen peroxide and about 5 drops of ammonia. Mix the resulting solution and pour it into a spray bottle.
  • Give the fur coat a vertical position by hanging it on hangers. Spray evenly with the resulting solution, not forgetting the areas under the sleeves.
  • Do not wet the mink coat too much; lightly spray is enough.
  • Leave the fur item to dry and then comb it.

Important! Do not try to bleach your fur coat with gasoline. It may turn yellow even more.

The Arctic fox collar and silver fox are bleached in the same way. You can also remove yellowness by using Lovestin optical brightener. Both Toner FS and Viton-FS will do. Dilute them according to the instructions and spray the fur coat without touching the insides. Smooth the pile with a soft clothes brush, wait until it dries, and comb again.

White mink fur that has lost its appearance greatly can only be restored by dry cleaning, and even then not always. Therefore, take care of white mink items seriously and store them in special cases made of blue fabric. You can wrap your fur coat in blue paper. Also, yellowing can be caused by active sunlight, so do not hang a white or blue mink outside to air. The Arctic fox requires the same careful handling.

How to clean a mink coat with soapy water

It is not always possible to clean a fur coat using a dry method. In this case, there is an option using water and high-quality shampoo. This recipe is also useful if you need to remove a fresh stain.

  • Lather the shampoo in a bowl of warm water.
  • Apply foam to dirt using a cotton pad and rub lightly.
  • Take a foam sponge and, after moistening it with clean water, remove any remaining foam.
  • Dry the fur coat with a paper towel, comb it with a comb, hang it on a hanger and leave to dry naturally. It is better not to use a hairdryer.

You can similarly clean the fur inserts on your jacket and gloves.

How to refresh the lining of a fur coat

If the fur can be cleaned by sprinkling it with absorbents, then the greasy lining of a fur coat cannot be easily renewed. There are two options here:

  • Open the fabric using a special sewing tool, and then wash it as usual. This must be done carefully, without disturbing the temperature, so that the lining does not shrink. Then all that remains is to dry the fabric and sew it back.
  • How to clean the lining of a fur coat directly on it? The main rule in this matter is not to wet the flesh. A soft brush is soaked in soapy water and passed over the fabric. For tough stains, use non-chlorine bleach. Afterwards, all this is washed off with a brush dipped in clean water. The lining is dried well with paper napkins and left to dry on hangers. Some stains from fabric can be removed with ammonia.

It's easy to care for the inside of a fur coat if you know one secret. An additional strip of fabric can be sewn onto the bottom of the lining, which is often soiled by boots or colored jeans. It will certainly be easier to strip and wash than cleaning the factory lining.

Try to wear a fur coat made of natural fur - it doesn’t matter whether it’s from a silver fox, an arctic fox or a rabbit - only in frosty weather, do not dry it near radiators and heaters, and it will serve you for many years.

Comment on the article "How to clean a mink at home"

where to clean a mink coat? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using FUR FUR HIGH CLEANERS. Tell me where and how much it costs, I need to clean my mink coat. receive replies by E-mail. show links to...

where to clean a mink coat? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. Where is a good place to clean a mink coat? I don’t want something in Diana(.

How to clean a mink at home. We will talk further about how to clean a mink coat at home and not spoil it. But even at home you can try to cope with this problem.

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How to clean a mink at home. How to return whiteness to a mink coat. Wet method of cleaning mink with soapy water. How to refresh the lining of a fur coat. White mink fur that has lost its appearance greatly can only be restored by dry cleaning, and even then not always.

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clean the fur. Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. Section: Clothes, shoes (does anyone know how to clean mink fur (without taking it to the dry cleaner)? I heard).

Clean a mink hat. Dear housewives and owners:) Tell me how to clean it at home. Spray yellowed white sheepskin with a solution of pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide (a tablespoon). How to clean a mink at home.

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How to clean a mink at home. Section: Clothes, shoes (address of Glazova where fur coats are dyed). How can I tint a fur coat? How to clean a faux fur coat at home. I took it to a regular dry cleaner, I suspect that it has been there since Soviet times.

We will talk further about how to clean a mink coat at home and not spoil it. But even at home you can try to cope with this problem. It may turn yellow even more. The Arctic fox collar and silver fox are bleached in the same way.

How to clean a mink? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning, buying and using household appliances, repairs How to clean a mink at home. How to refresh the lining of a fur coat. Is your mink coat dirty or yellowed?

where to clean a mink coat? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. How to clean a mink coat using talcum powder. It is best to clean dirty light fur with talcum powder.

clean your fur coat at home. Washing, cleaning. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning Please tell me how to clean a fur coat at home before how to care for and store a mink coat? And you also need to wear a fur coat! Don't stand it in...

how to care for and store a mink coat? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances How to clean a mink at home. Winter has come to an end, and with it another fur coat season.

Clean a mink hat. Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for maintenance Light sheepskin coat, the sleeves are dirty, it says dry clean only, but how do you dry clean it at home?? How to clean a mink at home. How to refresh the lining of a fur coat.

How to refresh the fur of a mink coat without spoiling it? How to clean a mink at home. How to refresh the lining of a fur coat. Is your mink coat dirty or yellowed? Don't listen to those who say it can't be fixed at home.

A simple option is to go to a dry cleaner. However, there are several negative aspects to this method. Firstly, the work of professionals usually hits the wallet, and secondly, there is a chance, albeit small, that the fur coat can be ruined. These two points lead to people looking for ways to independently give their items an original attractive appearance. There are several ways to clean a mink coat at home; we will try to shed light on the most popular and effective ways to deal with dirt and dust on this product.

A mink coat is one of those things that serve its owner for many years. If you organize proper care, you can forget about buying outerwear for the winter for a long time; a mink coat will reliably protect you from the cold for several years.

A mink fur coat can be used for up to 12 years, but beaver and otter fur can keep you warm for 20 years. The fact that the fur coat has worn out can be judged by several points. Wear is indicated by dirt adhering to the fibers, dullness and wrinkled fur, the appearance of plaque and dustiness, and lack of fluffiness of the pile.

Watch the video on how to determine whether your fur coat needs cleaning, as well as some useful tips from experts:

By the way, if you have already begun to put your mink product in order, then you need to remember about your man’s sheepskin coat. And we will tell you our useful tips on our own.

What not to do with a mink coat

  • There are manipulations that cannot be performed with a mink fur coat. You can't do something like this:
    • subject to local washing;
    • wash it in the usual way;
    • Use detergents not intended for processing fur.
  • You should not listen to advice that fur should be dried over an open fire, heater or radiator. Weather conditions are unpredictable, so it is quite difficult to protect yourself from wet snow or rain. You can dry a mink coat after a weather surprise by placing it in a well-ventilated room, but drafts should not be allowed in this room.
  • No matter how obvious it may sound, you must definitely remember that ironing mink coats is strictly contraindicated. It is difficult to imagine a sane person who would decide to introduce his furry beauty to an iron, but such individuals do exist.

Dry cleaning specialists say that sometimes clients bring fur coats that look as if they have been under pressure. At the same time, the owners of fur products are confident that they did everything absolutely correctly. There is only one conclusion from this - a hot iron and a mink coat are not compatible. The fur coat will acquire an attractive, unwrinkled appearance over time.

At the first stage, you will need to wash your fur coat; in this case, accuracy is important, combined with a strong impact. Now you need to arm yourself with a brush lightly dipped in gasoline and start cleaning the fur.

To avoid yellowing, light mink fur must be treated with a special solution consisting of water and hydrogen peroxide. To prepare this product, you will need to dilute a tablespoon of peroxide in a liter of water. If the fur already has yellow stains, then the treatment must be done with a more saturated solution. This solution will relieve you of the problem of removing yellowness from white mink at home and giving it its original appearance.

When cleaning with this product, special care must be taken. Under no circumstances should peroxide get on the base, otherwise damage may occur.

Mink fur often wrinkles when worn; to correct this problem, you need to go over the problem area with a wet, soft sponge. The fur fibers should remain moist. After this, you need to gently comb the fur, moving along the growth of the villi. To dry the fur coat, hang it on a hanger and leave it that way. After complete drying, the fur coat must be thoroughly beaten.

The next method of cleaning mink fur at home involves using a warm soapy solution. Its preparation consists of mixing hair shampoo with ordinary clean water. Instead of shampoo, you can use any other detergent that has a non-aggressive composition. To apply the resulting solution, you can use a soft sponge or arm yourself with a small piece of soft cloth.

You can apply the product to a mink coat in a rather cunning way. You will need an old comb and a piece of cotton wool. You need to soak cotton wool in the solution and then wrap it around the teeth of a comb. With this tool you need to carefully go over the entire fur coat. It is important that the cotton wool is well secured to the teeth and does not fall out during manipulation.

For the third method of cleaning a mink coat, you will need sawdust from hardwood trees. You can purchase such material at any pet supply store.

Purchased sawdust must be soaked in water, and then a little pure gasoline must be added to the solution. The fur product must be thoroughly straightened on a flat surface. Sawdust soaked in a gasoline solution is evenly distributed over the entire product. At the final stage, you need to thoroughly clean the mink fur using a brush.

You can clean a mink coat at home using potato starch. This ingredient fights dirt well and is absolutely safe for lint.

You need to proceed in the same way as in the case of sawdust. Straighten the fur product thoroughly and sprinkle it with starch. Then you need to thoroughly rub the powder with your hands and then shake it off your fur coat. If the starch has darkened, this may indicate that it is worth cleaning again.

You can make not only culinary masterpieces from semolina. It is also perfect for cleaning mink fur. Another advantage of this method is that semolina can be found in almost every kitchen.

To clean the fur of a mink coat, you will need to cook semolina; the recipe is simple. A glass of milk should be brought to a boil and a tablespoon of cereal should be poured into it. Next, spread the porridge in an even layer over the entire surface of the fur coat. The product should be left in this form for six hours. After this time, you need to arm yourself with a wide-toothed comb and thoroughly comb the fur fibers. Finally, it’s worth fluffing the fur coat.

The following recipe will help give a mink coat its original attractive appearance.

To make a “magic” remedy, you will need to mix alcohol, hot water and detergent. You will need one-fifth of a glass of water, a few drops of alcohol and literally a drop of detergent (absolutely any will do). All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.

Before you begin a full cleaning, it is worth checking whether such a detergent is suitable for a particular product. For this purpose, it is worth applying a little of the resulting solution to the area most hidden from attention. Now we need to analyze whether any damage occurs when the fur is stretched. If no defects appear, then you can begin processing the entire product.

Gauze and cotton wool are best suited for the job. A small swab should be moistened in the cleaning solution and application should begin in the direction of the pile.

Preparing mink coats for storage for the summer

Video on how to clean a mink fur coat at home in order to prepare it for storage after the winter season and how to store a mink coat in the summer:

In custody

Using these recipes, you can return your favorite mink coat to its original beauty, shine and grace. However, it is important to strictly follow all instructions; excessive independence in this matter can be disastrous.

Cleaning a mink coat at a dry cleaner

Perhaps, at first glance, the contamination will seem very serious, and then it will be possible to question the quality of all the above methods. In this case, it is better not to take risks, but to entrust your precious fur coat to the hands of dry cleaning professionals. Of course, there is a possibility of running into incompetent employees who are negligent in their work. Such a bad experience can lead to damage to your favorite outerwear attribute. To exclude such a scenario, it is better to contact a dry cleaner with a good reputation and in this case you should not save. You may have to pay a little more, but the risk of ending up with a damaged product will be minimal.

11/08/2016 4 7 499 views

During wear, fur products are susceptible to various contaminations, so it is very important to know how to clean a mink coat at home and not resort to dry cleaning. There are two ways to clean fur at home: wet and dry. The first method copes well with old stains, and the second is effective against fresh and light stains.

Why clean a mink coat?

It is necessary to clean mink fur because over time, dirt worsens its appearance. Unpleasant stains may appear on a light-colored product, the pile may become matted and covered with a layer of dust, or the fur will completely lose its color. Fur must be cared for to prolong its service life and maintain its appearance.


Fur cleaning can be done at home or at a dry cleaner. At home, you can get rid of various contaminants, including old ones. Dry cleaning, on the one hand, is the most effective, but on the other hand, it is significantly more expensive.

But if various cleaning methods have been tried at home and the contamination has not been removed, then you will not be able to do it without the help of professionals.


Wet cleaning is carried out using various liquid substances. Before you start, you need to find out which means are best suited for which purposes, so as not to spoil the product.

Means Action
Ammonia Suitable for whitening products and removing yellow stains. Fights unpleasant odors and greasy stains.
Liquid soap or washing gel Cleanses away impurities
Hydrogen peroxide Whitens the product, removes yellowness
Vinegar Removes unpleasant odors and cleanses impurities
Shampoo Effectively fights fresh stains
Petrol Effectively removes dirt, but is not suitable for cleaning light fur
Ammonia mixed with dry salt Removes yellow spots


Dry cleaning is used when it is not possible to remove dirt from the home.

The product is placed in a special chemical solution that can remove almost any contamination without spoiling the appearance. But, there is one big disadvantage of this cleaning method: the fur loses its strength and, therefore, the service life of the fur coat decreases. According to some experts, mink fur can withstand no more than 6 such cleanings.

Chemical cleaning is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Undoubtedly, there are advantages: you can be sure that your item will not be damaged and will be returned to you in the best possible condition.


Owners of mink coats often face problems such as lipstick stains or stains on their favorite fur item. Such stains can be easily removed with alcohol or regular vodka.

  • a clean cloth or cotton swab is soaked in the liquid;
  • The fur is rubbed in the direction of the pile;
  • as soon as the fabric or swab becomes dirty, it must be rinsed, soaked in liquid again and continue cleaning the fur;
  • repeat the procedure until the fur is completely clean.

If the stain is very ingrained, you can additionally add a spoonful of vinegar and a spoonful of water to a spoonful of alcohol. Wipe the fur with the solution, wait until it dries and brush everything off.


It is best to use talc for white mink fur, because it perfectly absorbs greasy and yellow dirt. With the help of this bulk substance you can fight against unpleasant odors that permeate the fur.

  • for ease of cleaning, the fur product is spread on a flat surface;
  • sprinkle a small amount of talcum powder on top;
  • smooth the fur with your hands so that it gets under the fibers;
  • wait literally 5 minutes so that the talc has time to absorb the dirt;
  • shake off the product and carefully comb to get rid of any excess substance.

Some advise replacing talc with other bulk substances, such as flour or starch, but this is strictly forbidden. The thing is that talc is a mineral, while other proposed products are not, so it is easy to comb out and spill out of the product. Starch or flour can get stuck between the fibers and cause an unpleasant odor, and they can also swell and attract insects. The use of these substances can permanently damage a mink fur product.


Shampoo is used to remove fresh and light stains; since the pile is a little like hair, it can be washed carefully. The only thing that is very important is to use a good moisturizing shampoo so that it does not dry out the skin.

  1. A small amount of shampoo is diluted in a bowl of warm water.
  2. Beat until foam forms.
  3. To clean with shampoo, you will need another bowl, but with clean water and a rag.
  4. Using a sponge, apply the soap solution to the products or only to the contaminated area.
  5. Wipe the necessary areas until any dirt disappears.
  6. Rinse off the shampoo solution with clean water.
  7. Blot the lint with a dry, clean cloth.
  8. The product is hung out to dry.

If you don’t have time to wait for natural drying, you can use a hairdryer. Cold air dries the necessary areas or the entire product. Using a hairdryer, you can carefully arrange the villi and give them a well-groomed appearance. If you are afraid to dry the fur this way, you can use a special comb and comb it out. Before you start cleaning the mink with shampoo, pre-contaminated areas are wiped with alcohol if necessary.


Cleaning with sawdust is quite popular, and it is also used to clean fur in production.

  1. You need to purchase non-resinous sawdust; the easiest way to do this is at a pet store.
  2. Sawdust is mixed with alcohol.
  3. The product is laid out on a clean surface and sprinkled with sawdust soaked in alcohol.
  4. Dirty sawdust is removed from the fur with a brush.

Cleaning in this way allows you to remove even complex stains and rid the product of an unpleasant, persistent odor, for example, the smell of vomit.


To return the whiteness to the product, it is cleaned with semolina. To do this, it is boiled with milk to a thick paste and applied to the fur. Leave it in this form for 12 hours. Over time, the remaining porridge is brushed off. After cleaning with semolina, mink fur becomes white and shiny. With the help of such cleaning, you can return not only the whiteness to the original color of the product, but also remove grease stains from the pile.

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