How long does it take for a tan to appear after a solarium? How often can you visit the solarium? Contraindications to the procedure. Compatibility of visiting a solarium with various diseases

Many women (and men, to be honest) like a tanned body. Unfortunately, in the Russian climate, we don’t see the sun often, and we only have time to sunbathe on vacation at sea, which is a maximum of two weeks a year. Of course, our body lacks sun rays and vitamin D. How to cheer yourself up, get a beautiful and even tan without harming your skin? Visit the solarium!

Many unaware people ask the question: “How often can you go to the solarium?” It is known that excess ultraviolet rays are harmful to our body, but we can protect our skin from exposure to rays by getting our dose of tanning and vitamins. Specialists will help us with this.

As professionals say, if you want to tan, then at first you need to go to the solarium every other day for several weeks. The tan will appear after 3-5 sessions, but to obtain a lasting shade, on average 10 sessions are required. But the most important thing is to learn not how often you can go to the solarium, but how to protect yourself from the negative effects of UV rays.

First of all, before visiting, consult a dermatologist if you suffer from skin diseases. Also, if you have allergic reactions or acne, you should postpone going to the solarium until the exacerbation period is over. You should not go sunbathing even when your blood pressure or temperature is low. During the month, solarium is also contraindicated for people who have had a tattoo. In all other cases, exposure to rays on the skin is less dangerous.

If you are planning to sunbathe and already know how often you can go to the solarium, we advise you to pre-prepare your skin.

1) First of all, carry out a peeling procedure (removal of dry skin) at home or in the salon.

2) Before visiting the solarium, you should not wash in a bathhouse or shower with detergents. This may cause irritation.

3) In a solarium, you should always protect your hair, eyes and intimate parts of the body. Delicate skin and hair suffer from strong exposure to rays.

4) Use protective creams that are sold in tanning studios. The special oil also works well on the skin.

5) Do not forget about which will protect them from drying out.

6) Before going to the solarium, wash off all decorative cosmetics.

7) Remove all jewelry if you do not want to get burns, irritation and unsightly white marks.

These rules will help you sunbathe as safely as possible, and the salon administrator will help and tell you how long to sunbathe in the solarium. As a rule, if the lamps are new (check when the lamps were changed), then the first procedure should not exceed 8 minutes; next time the time can be increased. You should not sunbathe for more than 15 minutes at a time. This can lead not only to sunburn, but also to rapid aging of the skin.

Also decide which solarium you prefer to sunbathe in: vertical or horizontal? The tan lasts longer, the tan appears brighter, but the downside is that legs tan more slowly in an upright position. In a horizontal solarium, the tanning process is slower, the lamps are less powerful, so the session time almost doubles. Sunbathing in you will acquire a bright, but not long-lasting dark shade.

How long do you need to go to the solarium to tan?

As a rule, girls start visiting the solarium before an important event: New Year, Birthday, Prom or wedding. If you want to achieve a lasting dark shade, start the tanning process 1.5 months in advance. We guarantee that after a month of regular sessions you will be a real chocolate bar. Once you have acquired the desired shade, you can maintain it by visiting a tanning studio at least once a week.

So, we hope that we have answered all your questions, and now you know not only how often you can go to the solarium, but also how to protect your skin and achieve the desired shade without harming your health.

To achieve a beautiful bronze skin tone today, you don’t have to spend long hours in the sweltering sun. It is enough to visit a few solarium sessions and you can get a seductive chocolate tan at any time of the year.

What are the benefits of a solarium:

1. The main benefit of a solarium is that ultraviolet rays promote the production of important vitamin D3 in our body.

2. Irradiation with light charges us with vital energy, the body produces the hormone of happiness - endorphin, which lifts our spirits

3. Solarium lamps contain filters that protect us from exposure to gamma radiation, so tanning in a solarium is considered safer than tanning in the sun.

      To get a beautiful seductive shade, you need to know some rules for tanning in a solarium. After all, if you do not properly prepare for a tanning bed, or sunbathe for more time than your skin can withstand, you can get dark spots on your skin after tanning, or even worse, burn like cancer.

      In front of the solarium...

      1. Before sunbathing in a solarium, you should consult your doctor. For some diseases, visiting a solarium can be dangerous to health, for example, dermatitis, hypertension, liver disease, etc. Doctors also do not recommend visiting a solarium during pregnancy, breastfeeding, on menstrual periods and when taking hormonal contraceptives. If there are hormonal imbalances in the body, the tan may become patchy.

          Why is a solarium dangerous?

          Solarium can be harmful when taking certain medications, since many medications provoke allergies to ultraviolet radiation. Risk areas include some antibiotics, medications for diabetes and high blood pressure, and strong antidepressants. Check with your doctor for more details about the possible consequences.

              2. To ensure that your tan in a solarium is even and your skin is not burned, there are cosmetics specifically designed for solariums. Attention: sun protection products are not suitable for use in solariums. Before tanning, apply a protective tanning cream according to your skin type. After sunbathing - a product to moisturize and cool the skin.

              3. Do not shower with soap before tanning, because... Soap dissolves the protective fatty film of the skin, causing you to burn or dry out your skin. For the same reason, you should not do hair removal before tanning.

              4. Before visiting a solarium, you should not apply perfume to your skin.

              How long to sunbathe in a solarium?

              The amount of time you spend in a solarium depends primarily on your skin type. How long do you need to sunbathe?

              1. If your skin is very fair, quickly turns red and burns in the sun, you have a lot of freckles, and your hair color is blond or light red, you have the first (Celtic) skin type. By and large, it is better for such people not to sunbathe at all. Alternatively, use a self-tanner. But if you really want to give your skin a natural golden hue, you can sunbathe for no more than 10 minutes 1-2 times a week. The first tanning session should last about 3 minutes.

                  2. If your skin is light, tanned, but often burns, you have a few freckles, light eyes and brown hair - you are the owner of the second skin type (light-skinned European). Your first session in the solarium is from 3 to 5 minutes, then you can sunbathe 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

                  3. If you have fairly fair skin, but rarely burns, your hair is light brown or brown, your eyes are gray or brown, then your skin type is third (dark-skinned European). The maximum tanning time in a solarium is 20 minutes, no more than 3 times a week. After 5 sessions you will get a seductive chocolate shade.

                  4. The fourth skin type (Mediterranean) includes dark-skinned girls who easily tan, with brown eyes and dark hair. The maximum tanning time is 20 minutes. After a few sessions, you will be guaranteed a beautiful tan in the solarium.

                  How to sunbathe properly in a solarium

                  1. Consult with the solarium administrator how many minutes to sunbathe in the solarium. In each salon, the power and number of lamps in the solarium are different, in addition, the optimal time and intensity of tanning is selected for each skin type. As a rule, the first tanning session can last from 3 to 5 minutes, in subsequent sessions the time is gradually increased to 10-20 minutes.

                  2. Before tanning, make sure that your skin is cleansed of everything unnecessary - remove makeup, remove jewelry. You cannot use cosmetics, deodorants, nourishing creams and aromatic oils in the solarium. When they are heated, unpredictable results may occur.

                  3. When tanning, you should protect your eyes by wearing solarium sunglasses. But contact lenses must be removed in a solarium, otherwise you can harm your eyes.

                  4. If you love and take care of your hair, put a cotton hat on your head while tanning. Ultraviolet rays dry and destroy the hair structure, making it dull and brittle.

                  5. Immediately before tanning, apply tanning cream to your entire body in a solarium.

                  6. Solarium rules do not recommend sunbathing with an open chest, especially for ladies over thirty. It is better to wear a cotton bra in the solarium, or put special breast pads on your chest.

                  What to do after solarium

                  When you sunbathe, your body uses more energy than usual because UV rays increase your metabolism. Therefore, after a solarium, it is best to relax and unwind, drink a vitamin drink or green tea, and limit physical activity.

                  Don't forget that your skin needs hydration after tanning.

                  On a note:

                  If you have a tattoo on your body, then it is better to cover it up in the solarium, because... Some dyes may fade or cause allergies when exposed to irradiation.

                  The skin on the palms and soles tans very poorly compared to other areas of the body, since there are fewer pigment-forming cells here.

Regardless of the time of year, you always want to be the owner of a bronze skin color. But some girls get what they want only with the onset of the summer heat, while others, not wanting to put up with aristocratic pallor, purchase a subscription to the solarium.

But how fast will the results from artificial ultraviolet light be? And are there any rules for visiting a solarium?

How long can you sunbathe in a solarium on your first visit?

Of course, you always want an immediate effect. This also applies to tanning. But in order to avoid problems with the skin and health in general later, it is necessary to limit yourself to a short session on your first visit. How long it will last depends on the type of each girl:

  • Celtic. The distinctive features of girls of this type are pale, freckled skin, red or blond hair, light eyes (blue, gray). Since the skin of such girls contains a little melanin (pigment), it is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. It causes rapid redness and leads to burns. Therefore, in order to get an even, beautiful, and most importantly, safe tan, the first session should last 3 minutes, no more.
  • Girls with dark or black hair and brown eyes can afford a first visit lasting 10 minutes. And to get the desired result, you can limit yourself to just a few sessions.

Follow these simple rules when you first visit the solarium, and you will get the expected result without complications.

What to do on your first visit?

So, if you wanted to become a mulatto in the midst of winter frosts, but had no experience of going to a solarium, then remember the following recommendations, the observance of which will protect you from problems after the first session:

  1. Don't strive for a quick effect. The duration of the first session depends on your skin type.
  2. For the first experiment, the best option would be one that, unlike horizontal, distributes the tan evenly.
  3. An interesting fact is that carrot juice drunk before tanning will favorably promote the appearance of a tan.

How often can you visit the solarium?

Many people believe that the solarium is harmless and the regularity of visiting it depends only on the desire of the girl. But this is far from the case, so you should refuse a daily visit to the solarium.

In qualified salons that provide ultraviolet services, there are certain restrictions on the number of sessions. There should be no more than 50 of them per year, and the interval between visits should be at least two days.

It follows from this that 1-2 visits per week will be enough, while the course should be 10 sessions. After each procedure, use special tanning fixers, be sure to moisturize the skin with creams or body milk, since ultraviolet radiation takes moisture from the skin.

The break between sessions should be 6 months.

Follow the visiting rules

We figured out how often you can visit the solarium. But the visit should be beneficial, and in no case harmful, so you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before purchasing a subscription to the procedure, first consult with your doctor. It will help identify all contraindications (if any) and warn about the consequences if its prohibition is ignored. A doctor may prohibit the use of UV based on the following reasons: heart disease, asthma, liver disease, thyroid dysfunction, skin diseases, the presence of wounds.
  2. Use only skin products that are intended for use in tanning beds. Cosmetics for sun tanning are not suitable.
  3. Before the procedure, you should not shower, much less use detergents. This hygienic procedure can deprive the skin of its protective fatty film, and this will lead to dry dermis.
  4. Avoid any type of hair removal before tanning.
  5. Before being exposed to ultraviolet radiation, remove all makeup from your face with a special lotion or milk. Makeup in a solarium can lead to a bad tan, which will appear in patches.
  6. If you have lenses on your eyes, they need to be removed. You need to sunbathe in special ones that are given out in the salon.
  7. People are not completely naked in the solarium booth. The panties are left on (this is where the health benefits lie), but you can stick a special protection on your chest (in the nipple area) or simply cover it with your palms.
  8. After completing the procedure, you should rest, take a shower after the solarium and moisturize your body with special products.

How long does it take for it to appear?

Ultraviolet light promotes the active production of melanin, which gives color to the skin. This is facilitated by: the power of the lamps in the solarium, the number and duration of the session.

But how long does it take for a tan to appear after a solarium? Everything is individual and depends on the girl’s skin type.

  1. For those with dark skin, the result will be visible after the first procedure, since their skin is rich in color pigment.
  2. Pale-skinned girls will have to wait longer. How long does it take for them to tan after tanning? 5-6 sessions must be carried out before the result becomes visible.

For aristocratic girls, the procedure can be lengthy due to the fact that their skin cells contain a small amount of color pigment. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, melanin will gradually be produced and accumulate, and the regularity of visits will affect the speedy achievement of a tanning effect.

What will help improve the effect?

Special products for solarium are simply necessary during the period of using the service. The thing is that ultraviolet radiation takes a large amount of moisture from skin cells, so after the procedure it must be replenished. By the way, these products affect how long the tan lasts after a solarium.

What is suitable for use?

  1. Tanning oil for solariums. This product is applied before entering the booth. Under the influence of lamp light, it penetrates well into the enlarged pores of the skin and activates the pigment. The oil forms a protective film on the surface. You can find many oils on sale from various manufacturers.
  2. Drops with beta-carotene. This is another effective tanning product that is taken orally. You can use the drops during the entire tanning course, and after it in order to fix the color longer. This product is also suitable for girls with pale skin. You can take the drops in the summer, but the course of treatment should not exceed 90 days. The drops are completely safe and useful. Once in the body they are converted into vitamin A.

Skin care after solarium

After the session of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin is completed, it is necessary to carry out a series of caring procedures.

What to do after solarium?

  1. Do not expose yourself to any energy-consuming activities or work. Rest. First of all, your skin needs it.
  2. Shower. How long before you wash after tanning? As soon as you get home. Take a warm, or maybe cool, shower using gel or gentle soap. Do not rub the skin too much, use light massaging movements with your hands.
  3. After showering, apply moisturizing creams, lotions or milk to your body skin.
  4. Observe the condition of your skin after visiting the solarium. If any changes are observed: redness, burns, rashes, stop the procedure immediately and consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a consequence of individual intolerance (a rare phenomenon).

To be or not to be "chocolate"

Many girls are confused by the question of how long a tan lasts after a solarium. The effect seems to them to be short-lived. Cast aside your doubts. With the right approach and following all the rules and recommendations, the mulatto effect will last for a long time.

But how long it takes for a tan to appear after a solarium depends on your color type, so take this point into account. And don’t chase quick results, neglecting your health.

A tan in winter will undoubtedly make you stand out from the crowd and arouse envy and admiration.

White teeth, well-groomed hair, slender body, magnificent manicure and pedicure. What else is needed to complement the image of a modern successful girl? Of course, the perfect tan. Unfortunately, not many of us can afford to bask in the warm rays of the gentle sun, acquiring an amazing chocolate skin tone. However, today beauty salons offer an excellent solution - visiting a solarium. Modern beauties should say “thank you” to the German scientist Friedrich Wolf, who in the 70s of the 20th century invented and designed the first solarium.

The fashion for these wonderful devices instantly spread throughout the world. The wave of love for solariums has reached Russia. Many residents of megacities cannot imagine their lives without this miracle device, which allows them to have chocolate skin color all year round. However, there are many rules that should be followed so that visiting a solarium does not cause any negative consequences, and only brings a lot of positive feelings and an even, beautiful tan.

Attention! The main rule when visiting a solarium is not to harm your health. Let’s decide who should limit their encounters with this amazing miracle device.

Who should not visit a solarium?

  • People who have many moles and age spots on their bodies should refrain from such procedures. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to the development of skin diseases.
  • It is better to postpone a visit to the solarium for those who suffer from diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, lungs and bronchi. Visiting the solarium is also not recommended for people suffering from infectious diseases.
  • If you are allergic to the sun's rays, avoid artificial tanning.
  • You should not visit the solarium on critical days.
  • Particular attention should be paid to visiting the solarium for pregnant women and nursing mothers. During the wonderful period of waiting for your baby, it is better to refuse to visit the solarium. A nursing mother should hold off on getting her coveted tan and a few minutes of rest from worries. On the one hand, the solarium provides ultraviolet light, which is so necessary for a woman to receive the coveted vitamin D - the most important for the normal development of the baby. On the other hand, after childbirth, active hormonal changes and cell regeneration occur. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause skin tumors.
  • Children under 18 years of age are not recommended to visit the solarium.
We go to the solarium with pleasure - the basic rules for an excellent tan!

It is important! Before you start visiting a solarium, you should consult a therapist or dermatologist. The therapist will assess your general health: the presence of chronic diseases, the risk of their aggravation due to visiting a solarium, etc. If you are over 30 and have a large number of moles, then a consultation with a dermatologist is mandatory for you. The doctor will help you determine your skin phototype and, if this is not contraindicated, help you choose the optimal regimen for visiting the solarium.

  1. Decide on the type of solarium. There are horizontal, vertical, turbo solariums. Horizontal models allow you to relax and unwind while sunbathing. However, due to the structure of the equipment, it is more difficult to get an even tan in a horizontal solarium. A vertical solarium allows you to get an even tan, but you won’t be able to relax in such a device. Turbo solariums have their own ventilation system. Aromatherapy will be a pleasant addition when visiting such a solarium.
  2. Before visiting a solarium in a beauty salon, you should ask which model is used. Also, ask the receptionist how long ago the lamps were replaced. If the service life is more than 500 hours, then visiting such a solarium will be of no use.
  3. Prepare the necessary arsenal for taking “ultraviolet” baths. Typically, in every beauty salon offering solarium services, you can purchase:
    • sun cream in solarium. Apply this cream to your skin every time before tanning.
    • Stikini is a necessary thing to protect the nipples and areola from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
    • hair cap - solarium has a negative effect on the condition of the hair.
    • Sunglasses are a must when visiting a solarium. To protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, use them every time you visit a solarium.
  4. Before visiting the solarium, you should take a bath or shower, without various gels and soaps. No decorative cosmetics, perfumes or creams should be applied to the skin.
  5. You should not combine peeling or depilation procedures with ultraviolet baths. The procedures destroy the protective layer of the skin, which can result in burns.
Solarium visiting mode
The duration of the first session is no more than 3-4 minutes. Next, you should wait a couple of days to evaluate the skin's reaction. If everything is in order, then you can increase the duration of the session to 5 minutes, but no more than 2 times a week. This regime should be followed during the first month of visiting the solarium.

In the second month, the duration of sessions can be increased to 7 minutes, no more than 2 times a week, or the number of sessions can be increased up to 3 times, but no more than 5 minutes. This regime should be followed until the skin acquires the desired shade.

Attention! Make sure that the beauty salon you visit meets all sanitary and hygienic standards. If you have any doubts, it is better to seek services from another salon.

A solarium is an excellent option to relax after a long day of work, as well as get a boost of energy and enrich your body with vitamin D, which is essential for normal functioning.

Compliance with the rules for visiting a solarium (use of special creams, a cap, stickini, sunglasses), as well as monitoring your own well-being, will help you achieve success in achieving a magnificent skin color. A beautiful chocolate tan is guaranteed to you!

Almost every white-skinned woman dreams of a golden tan. And if previously it was considered an attribute of the working class, today, tanned skin is a sign of youth, success and prosperity.

Everyone can get a beautiful tan in the summer. You don’t even have to go to a seaside resort for this – the sun shines for everyone, everywhere. But the beach season ends, and the skin quickly returns to its original color.

In order to please yourself and those around you with a beautiful skin tone all year round, you just need to soak up a few minutes in the solarium. They say it is not only beautiful, but also useful. Is it so?

Ultraviolet radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation, like radio waves, infrared radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays. UV light coming from the sun is invisible to the human eye.

Scientists distinguish three types of natural ultraviolet radiation:

  • UV-A - d line waves not absorbed by the ozone layer;
  • UVB - medium waves, partially absorbed by the ozone layer;
  • UV-C - short-wave radiation, almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer and the atmosphere.

The solar energy that reaches the Earth's surface consists of 90% UV-A rays, the remaining 10% is UV-B. Shortwave radiation is the most destructive of all. It can destroy the protein molecules that make up all living things. Until recently, all UV-C radiation was successfully blocked by the ozone layer.

For a number of reasons, primarily related to human activity, this previously reliable shield will gradually collapse and become thinner. This entails a significant increase in the number of skin diseases of various etymologies, including cancer.

Tanning is the body's protective reaction to prolonged exposure UV-A and UV-B rays. To do this, skin cells produce a special pigment - melanin. This pigment causes the skin to darken. The quality of tanning directly depends on the amount of this pigment in the upper layers of the dermis. Type A radiation can penetrate deeply into the skin and destroy collagen, which is responsible for its youth and elasticity.

With short-term exposure, UV radiation has active immunomodulatory and general strengthening properties. It destroys many types of pathogenic microorganisms found on the surface of the skin, including bacteria, viruses, spores and fungi. It also actively participates in the synthesis of certain hormones and the body’s production of vitamin D.

When exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, a person runs the risk of sunstroke and skin burns, with all the ensuing consequences.

Natural ultraviolet radiation has both positive and negative properties. But then what about the artificial sun in solariums, is its effect on the human body the same or are there differences?

A solarium is a special device for receiving dosed ultraviolet radiation. It is equipped with UV lamps along the entire perimeter. The composition of the glass from which they are made includes special components. They completely neutralize dangerous short-wave radiation and soften the effects of type A and B rays.

These lamps have a limited service life of 600-800 hours, so they require constant replacement. Using devices beyond this time significantly reduces their effectiveness and safety. It should be remembered that new lamps are capable of producing quite strong radiation. The duration of the session during this period should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

There are two main types of solariums: horizontal and vertical. The quality of tanning in them is identical. The first type is more suitable for people who do not want to or for some reason cannot stand for a long time. The vertical one is more spacious, it does not interfere with freedom of movement and will appeal to those visitors who cannot stand closed spaces.

Modern models of solariums can be equipped with a stereo system, built-in air conditioning or a blower system. Cabins with the latter function will have the turbo prefix in their name.

The influence of ultraviolet radiation with a plus sign

Scientists have long proven that for good health and a good mood, a person simply needs ultraviolet radiation.

Long-term statistical studies indicate that in cold and cloudy regions the number of suicides and nervous disorders is quite high. It significantly exceeds the same figure in countries with a warm and clear climate.

This is where the solarium comes to the rescue. It effectively replaces natural sun.

Beneficial effects of UV radiation:

  1. Providing the body with the necessary dose of vitamin D. This vitamin promotes the effective absorption of calcium and phosphorus, the proper formation of the bone skeleton, and gives us strong bones and teeth.
  2. Acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. Some part of the radiation invariably turns into heat, under the influence of which all chemical and biological processes are activated in the body.
  3. Improvement of general psychological state. Ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of hormones of joy and happiness - endorphin and serotonin. It also accelerates the synthesis of melatonin - a biorhythm regulator that protects our body from stress, premature aging, various colds and even, in some cases, cancer.
  4. Positive change in the condition and physical and chemical properties of the skin. Radiant energy effectively fights harmful bacteria, increases its resistance to aggressive factors and strengthens local immunity.
  5. Ultraviolet rays have calming, antispastic and analgesic properties.

In modern medicine, ultraviolet radiation is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as childhood rickets, tuberculosis of bones, diseases of the skin, joints, nervous system, acute respiratory viral infections, inflammation of the ENT organs, etc.

A body evenly covered with a golden tan is undoubtedly attractive. But, despite all the advantages, excessive passion for artificial sunbathing can have quite unpleasant consequences.

Harmful effects of solarium on the human body:

  1. The first, and perhaps most important, is the risk of developing skin cancer. Function of melanin It's not just tanning, its main goal is to minimize the damaging effects of solar radiation. Over time, this protection weakens, and cellular enzymes begin to mutate. The likelihood of developing skin cancer increases. The most common of these are squamous cell carcinoma, basal carcinoma and melanoma.
  2. Premature skin aging. Ultraviolet rays type A are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and destroy elastin and collagen there. As a result, the skin loses its tone, becomes sluggish and flabby, and a feeling of tightness and constant dryness appears.
  3. Tanorexia or tan addiction. Solarium can be addictive on a psychological and physiological level. People become hostage to beautiful skin and good health. They strive to enhance and prolong these effects with longer and regular sessions, completely forgetting about all contraindications and risks.
  4. Burns and risk of skin infection. Both phenomena can occur as a result of unscrupulous work of tanning salon personnel. New lamps emit very strong radiation, so the administrator should recommend a minimum session duration. When calculating the duration of a tanning session, the client's phototype should also be taken into account. Failure to comply with hygiene standards provokes the contact of pathogenic microorganisms on the skin, first of all this applies to horizontal tanning beds, in which there is direct contact between the skin and glass.
  5. Damage to the structure of the eye cornea and lens. Sunbathing in a solarium is necessary only with special sunglasses. They must be put on in advance, before turning on the cabin.

Restrictions and contraindications for visiting a solarium

To prevent possible negative consequences and get only positive emotions from visiting a solarium, the following contraindications must be taken into account.

  • under 16 years of age;
  • with a large number of moles, freckles and melanoma-dangerous pigment spots on the skin;
  • having a hereditary predisposition to any cancer;
  • women with a history of serious gynecological diseases;
  • immediately after traumatic procedures: chemical peeling, mesotherapy, hair removal (especially laser), contouring, tattooing and others;
  • those with a tendency to bleed, as well as women during menstrual bleeding;
  • solarium is contraindicated for pregnant women (especially the first trimester) and breastfeeding women;
  • with increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
  • with diseases of the heart, kidneys and thyroid gland;
  • with diseases accompanied by acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • with diseases such as asthma, diabetes and tuberculosis
  • and others.

People who have recently undergone surgery and are on medication should begin their visit with a consultation with the attending physician.

The quality of tanning and the duration of a solarium session depending on skin type

A beautiful tan is the dream of many, but not every sunbathing lover’s dream. Why do some people achieve the desired chocolate shade easily and quickly, while others, even with a short exposure to ultraviolet radiation, only risk getting a serious skin burn? To tan effectively, and most importantly safely, you need to determine your skin type.

Common skin types:

  1. Celtic.
  2. Nordic.
  3. European
  4. Mediterranean.

The first type is characteristic of the peoples of northern Europe - Ireland, Scotland and northern England. They burn very easily and quickly. Before the procedure, they must apply cosmetics with a high protection factor of SPF 50 to their body. The safe procedure regime is 7-8 visits 2 times a week. The stay in the cabin should be short and not exceed 10 minutes. The tan is quite weak and has a slight yellowish or pale golden tint.

The second type of people is very common in Europe. These are predominantly residents or descendants of peoples living in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the northwestern regions of Russia and Germany. They have a high predisposition to sunburn.

During solar procedures, such people need to use cosmetics with a protection factor of 20-25. Tanning on such skin appears gradually and has a golden hue. The recommended frequency of visits to the solarium is 5-6 sessions. Frequency – 3 times a week. Duration – no more than 10 minutes.

Residents of Germany, France and other countries of central Europe have the third type of appearance. For a beautiful tan, people of this type only need to visit the solarium 5-6 times. Frequency – no more than 3 times a week. The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes.

The tan color of people of the fourth type is deep and rich. Its representatives are the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula and the southwestern part of the European Peninsula. When sunbathing of natural or artificial origin, they can use cosmetics and care products with a minimum level of protection. The number of sessions in the solarium is 3-4 visits. Duration – 20 minutes.

People of the fifth and sixth types are very dark by nature. These are the inhabitants of India and the African continent. They never get burned and do not need the services of a solarium, since they live mainly in countries with a hot and clear climate.

Basic rules for visiting a solarium

Simple rules will make your visit to the solarium safe, enjoyable and most effective.

When visiting a solarium:

  1. If you have any diseases, consult a specialized doctor;
  2. Water procedures should be carried out no later than 2-3 hours before visiting the solarium so that a protective lipid layer is present on the skin;
  3. The duration of the first session is 3-5 minutes;
  4. On subsequent visits, increase the session time gradually;
  5. Before the procedure, remove all jewelry and makeup;
  6. Do not use creams and other cosmetic products that may contain active ingredients, deodorants and perfumes;
  7. Use specialized cosmetic products and protective equipment: chapstick, glasses, hair cap, breast pads;
  8. Do not sunbathe for two days in a row;
  9. After the procedure, drink a glass of pure still water or carrot juice.

Professional cosmetics to enhance or consolidate an artificial tan are used only when necessary. They are designed for every skin type, are safe, hypoallergenic and have a quality certificate. In addition to components that increase the amount of melanin, they include a number of moisturizing and cooling substances, as well as vitamins.

We found out that solarium has both positive and negative effects on our body. If we use artificial solar energy correctly, taking into account all the risks, contraindications and recommendations, it will only benefit us. It will help you not only look beautiful, but also feel great.

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